单词 | essentially | ||||||||||||
释义 |
adv. fundamentally,basically,in essence,in effect,really essentially 显示所有例句
例句释义: 基本上,本质上,根本上,本来,实质上,基本地 1. She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world. 她从未被这个本质上属于男人的世界所接受。 2. Plus, although they fought all the time, Caroline loves her mother and can't un-hear the fact that her ma essentially disowned her. 另外,虽然她们一直在开战,但卡罗琳爱她妈妈,却无法不听到的她妈妈不要她的事实。 www.bing.com 3. Yet more essentially, can we ask such a subject to want what she desires, to consent to what the thing in her wants. 然而更为基本的是,我们是否能够要求这样一个主体去渴望她所欲望的东西呢,去认可在她渴望中的那个东西。 www.easemind.com 4. And I said that it was on the side of this living being, called to subjectivity, that the drive is essentially manifested. 我说,欲望驱力基本上就是展现就在这个活动领域,被称为是主观性的领域。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. And then essentially he was in debt to the gang, and was sort of an indentured servant for a while. 然后就是,他欠了黑帮的债,同时好像成了契约仆人。 www.ted.com 6. Why would you want to leave an established career at an employment agency for an essentially entry level position in marketing? 为什么你要放弃职业介绍所里一份已经稳定下来的工作,而去追求一个实质上你只是入门者的市场推广职位呢? www.paperedu.cn 7. Now, essentially we're in the same position we were in with the knife trick. (Laughter) Sort of. 现在,我们在跟刀子把戏同样的位置上(笑声),多少有点像啦! www.myoops.org 8. The "small property" is essentially the problem of collective construction land use right transfer the question of whether to legalize. “小产权房”的问题实质上是集体建设用地使用权流转能否合法化的问题。 www.solw.cn 9. Essentially, data binding is an automatic way of setting any run-time accessible property of any control on a form. 基本上,资料系结是一种可自动在表单上的任何控制项上,设定任何可在执行阶段存取的属性的方式。 technet.microsoft.com 10. (of an insect) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis in which the nymph is essentially like the adult and there is no pupal stage. (关于昆虫)经历幼虫在本质上类似成虫的不完全蜕变时期的,并且此阶段没有蛹期。 www.jukuu.com 1. But I was very lucky to have been brought up in Kenya, essentially accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana in search of human remains. 我很幸运在肯尼亚长大,能陪伴父母亲去Turkana湖去寻找祖先的足迹。 www.ted.com 2. Able to perform in a very limited capacity within the most immediate, predictable areas of need, using essentially formulaic language. 能在非常有限的领域、日常生活中机械式的使用习惯用语。 21972.study-ss.cn 3. He never traveled to any place 200 km away from the city. Essentially, everything he used was the cheapest possible. 他没有去过城外200公里以外的任何地方,而且他生活上的任何东西都是不能再便宜的了。 www.xytown.cn 4. This process essentially creates a reference to the original item and uses the reference as if it were a copy. 实质上,此过程创建一个对原始项的引用,并将该引用当作副本一样使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. It has its foibles and faults but essentially it is a creation into which you stepped and to which you gave the love of your heart. 家庭结构有其弱点与缺陷,但是它本质上是一种创造,你进入它,给予它你发自内心的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In the USA and Canada, the term "French Salad Dressing" is often used to describe what is essentially a mixture of oil, vinegar and ketchup. 在美国和加拿大,“法国沙拉酱”这个名词通常是用来表示一种混合油、醋和番茄酱的。 wenwen.soso.com 7. While that did not happen, what did was that the G20 nations agreed on essentially creating more money to help countries that need more aid. 尽管这未能实现,不过G20成员国已经达成一致,必须拿出更多的钱来帮助那些需要更多经济援助的国家。 www.bing.com 8. Essentially, they were trying to create a project starting with a clean slate. 基本上,他们是从一张白板开始尝试创建项目的。 www.ibm.com 9. Margaret Thatcher did exaggerate a bit, but she was essentially right when she said that "Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. " 玛格丽特.撒切尔说得有些夸张,但她说的那句“里根不费一枪一弹赢得了冷战”是切中要害的。 www.bing.com 10. Essentially, that's what you're doing here as well, writing a plug-in to turn a simple table into a sorting and summation table. 最重要的是,这也是您在这里需要完成的任务,即编写一个插件来将一个简单的表转变成排序和汇总表。 www.ibm.com 1. Essentially, you can start and stop requests all day long and you are only billed for your usage, billed at the end of the quarter. 实际上,客户随时可以开始和停止请求,只需在每季度末根据使用量付费。 www.ibm.com 2. sections of it were essentially unimplementable or, if they were implementable, did not provide portability. 部分根本不可实现,即使实现,也无法提供可移植性。 blog.csdn.net 3. These modifications will essentially trick the HTTP server plug-in into treating the WSGW servers as if they were in a cluster. 这些改动将从根本上欺骗HTTP服务器插件,以为WSGW服务器与他们是在一个集群中。 www.ibm.com 4. Prior to that, HP notebooks were essentially "technology in kind of a nondescript container, " he said. 他表示,在此之前,惠普笔记本基本上只是“装在毫无特点盒子里的科技产品”。 cn.reuters.com 5. Essentially, the United States was a great sea power, he said, linking the two world oceans. 他说,美国实质上是一个连接两个世界大洋的海上强国。 www.kuenglish.info 6. "It seems to me that love, if fine, is essentially a discipline. " -William Butler Yeats. 对我来说,爱情,美好的爱情本质上是一种自律。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Essentially, if you allow an attacker to run code on such a machine through any means, the attacker can completely take over the machine. 从本质上说,如果您允许攻击者在这样的机器上以任何方式运行代码,则攻击者完全可以接管该机器。 www-128.ibm.com 8. She said that this 'reward'center is essentially the system that gives us a sense of well-being. 她说,该“奖赏中心”其实就是让我们产生幸福感的系统。 big5.cri.cn 9. It was essentially an attempt to explain change in history during the period of revolutionary upheaval around the French revolution. 它本质上是一种解释法国大革命中剧烈变革期间的历史变化的尝试。 www.bing.com 10. Instead of coming out to punch the ball, de Gea stayed rooted to his spot like a potted plant, essentially giving the Potters the equalizer. 德赫亚此时并没有出击击球,反而脚下生根般站在原地,像一盆植物,给了斯托克城得分的机会。 www.bing.com 1. So you see that the numbers will move about a bit, but essentially remain unchanged. 因此你得明白数量会发生一点变化,但基本上是没什么改变的。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. That essentially means that the only way to replace the water that people take from the Dead Sea would be to manually put water back in. 这正说明了补充人类从死海中取走的水的唯一办法是人为的补充水源。 www.bing.com 3. My mind, which had been essentially empty to that point, filled with baseball statistics. 我的头脑那时候象张白纸,写满了棒球比赛数据。 www.bing.com 4. Essentially just a large hill, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is yet to be excavated due to fears it may be destroyed by the outside atmosphere. 说白了,就是一座大山,因为害怕外界的空气会破坏其中的文物,秦陵至今没有进行发掘。 www.bing.com 5. Essentially any tool that could be used for detecting such a rootkit is susceptible to false results due to syscall hijacking. 基本上任何可能被这样的rootkit检测工具易于使用,由于系统调用劫持错误的结果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Such a choice depends in large part on the personality of the translator and that it is essentially an aesthetic choice cannot be denied. 这样一个选择很大程度上取决于翻译的个性,它本质上是一种审美的选择是不容否认的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The camera and flash essentially work together to decide how much light the flash emits in order to properly expose the subject. 相机与闪光灯在测量正确的曝光后,共同决定闪光灯的输出。 www.bing.com 8. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what i s conceived to be reality. 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Taking the crash into account, the oil fund's performance was essentially indistinguishable from that of a passively managed index fund. 把危机的原因考虑在内,石油基金的表现从本质上来看与被动的指数基金并无差别。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. The energy of a supernova explosion is essentially equal to all of the energy that the sun will put out in its 10-billion-year lifetime. 超新星爆炸的能量基本上相当于太阳在其一百亿年的生命中释放出的所有能量。 www.yappr.cn 1. The piston is essentially a cylindrical plug that moves up and down in the engine cylinder. 实质上活塞是一个在气缸中上下移动的圆筒状的塞子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But they should not be treated as if they experience such essentially human emotions as embarrassment and a desire for self-expression. 但是,不能认为他们具备人的基本感受,以及具有自我表达的愿望。 www.ecocn.org 3. What made it possible for such a large share of GNP to be invested in an essentially free-market economy? 是什么促使国民生产总值如此大的份额投资于本质上是自由市场的经济中? pop.pcpop.com 4. "This is essentially giving the customer a way to leave a search for your site, " he said. “这本质上是为消费者抛弃对你网站的搜索开路。”他说。 www.bing.com 5. Essentially, CPI is a measure of how much time an instruction takes to run. 实际上,CPI是对运行一条指令需要多少时间的度量。 www.ibm.com 6. Like the prebuilt Tapestry examples, the tutorial examples come essentially ready to run. 像预先构建的Tapestry示例一样,教程示例基本上也做好了运行的准备。 www.ibm.com 7. Namely, a polar radical classes is nothing but the essentially closed classes. 利用本质子群与本质扩张的概念,证明了极根类恰是本质闭类。 www.dictall.com 8. Many lost so much money on toxic subprime mortgage-related derivatives that they have been essentially insolvent for more than a year. 许多银行在有毒次级抵押贷款相关衍生品领域损失惨重,一年多来,它们实质上一直资不抵债。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There's even some crap in Peace Walker that essentially could be explained but seems to be setting itself up for a sequel. . . 甚至《和平行者》有些烂事儿本来能够被解释然而看起来却可能会把自己弄到系列之外去。 mgcn.com 10. If you were to tie the assets that you acquired from the first two steps to this step, you would essentially be acting as a proxy. 如果您本来打算将您从先前两个步骤和这个步骤中获得的资产捆绑在一起,那么事实上正在扮演一个代理服务器的角色。 www.ibm.com 1. You may not want to be a pro-star athlete, but essentially in order for you to achieve your best, your body needs to be at it's best. 你也许并不想成为一个职业运动明星,但实际上你要想做到最好,首先你的身体要达到它的最佳状态。 www.bing.com 2. it was, essentially, assuming that there was no more economic cycle. 它是,基本上,假设有没有更多的经济周期。 source.yeeyan.org 3. When the general contractor was essentially in complete control of a project, quality control was an inherent duty. 过去,总承包人实质上承担一项工程的全部管理责任。这时,质量管理是一项责无旁贷的义务。 www.tdict.com 4. But, as he admits, the dominant sense of Chinese identity is essentially racial, and most Chinese look down on Tibetans with loathing. 但是,他承认中国人的身份认同的主流意识是以民族为核心的,大部分中国人都对藏人带有厌恶的鄙视。 www.bing.com 5. Essentially a highly customizable content management system, many companies are finding it a perfect fit for their internal websites. 本质上来说,它是一个高可定制的内容管理系统,许多企业发现它可以很完美的适用于他们的内部站点。 www.infoq.com 6. Essentially, the best guesses of divisional leaders, who are trying to anticipate future demand and future performance. 基本上都是试图预期未来需求和业绩的部门领导的最佳猜测。 www.ftchinese.com 7. One spin-off will be an increase in production flexibility for companies essentially making the same product in two or more locations. 一个附带影响将是提升一些公司的生产灵活性,这些公司实际上是在两个或更多地点制造同一种产品。 www.logclub.com 8. Many of the firms you'd recognize, but a few you might not and a couple we pitched are essentially out of the VC business today. 我们洽谈过的公司很多你可能都知道,但有些你可能并不知道,有几家如今已不在这个行业里了。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The move essentially reduces the amount of money available for loans, and is an attempt to cool down the economy. 此举实际上削减了可用来贷款的资金数额,目的在于给经济降温。 www.bing.com 10. He said the true figure might be higher, adding that local governments had "essentially lost control" over such activity. 而他认为,由于地方政府对于此类活动“已经基本上失去了控制”,实际涉案人数可能会更高。 www.bing.com 1. Gone with the wind captured me at the age of 13, and my parents still talk about how I essentially missed a family trip to the beach. 乱世佳人抓获我13岁时,和我的父母仍在谈论我基本上错过了一个家庭旅游的海滩。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The robot - rather androgynously called Core - is essentially just a pair of legs which are able to bend and move around. 从本质上来说,这种机器人——所谓雌雄同体的核心——只有两条腿,它们可以弯曲和四处移动。 www.bing.com 3. The only problem was that this alternative "audit" bill would essentially have prevented an audit. 唯一的问题是这个可供选择的审计议案本质上是阻止审计的。 www.bing.com 4. As her subtitle suggests, she regards it as an essentially reactionary movement unable to break with its past. 就象她在书中的副题所表明的,她认为穆斯林兄弟会本质上是无法同其过去决裂的反对改革的运动组织。 www.ecocn.org 5. For those unfamiliar with the concept of a blocking queue, it is essentially a FIFO data structure, with a twist. 假如不熟悉阻塞队列概念,它实质上就是一种带有一点扭曲的FIFO数据结构。 www.ibm.com 6. Essentially it had done something very simple. We had put too much carbon in the soil in the form of compost. 十分简单,我们以堆肥的模式在土壤里存储了太多碳。 www.ted.com 7. Most financial institutions that have come close to failure have done so as a result of losses in essentially peripheral activities. 而大多数濒临倒闭的金融机构之所以会陷入此番境地,都是由本质上属于边缘业务的损失造成的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I wake up in the morning to the sound of an alarm clock, and as I reach over to turn it off, I essentially press play to start my day. 清晨被闹钟声吵醒,我伸出手去把它关掉,也就是按下了今天的“播放”键。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Essentially, therefore, in tolerance terms the top surface will mirror that of the blinded preparation. 本质上,因此,在公差计算顶面,将面镜子的利欲熏心的准备。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Domestic, of course, is often just the national face of an essentially global system. 当然,国内问题往往只是全球体系问题在国家层面上的体现。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This had a very minimal impact, since the model used in 330 is essentially identical to what 299 had already defined. 这种影响是微乎其微的,因为330所使用的模型基本上与299大同小异。 www.infoq.com 2. Of course, the remoulding of the exploiters is essentially different from that of the working people, and the two must not be confused. 当然,剥削者的改造和劳动者的改造是两种不同性质的改造,不能混为一谈。 cn.bab.la 3. Moreover, the bankers actively sold them to investors; they did not essentially accommodate investor needs, as they might with IBM shares. 此外,银行家们将担保债务凭证积极地销售给投资人;本质上他们并没有像销售IBM的股票那样满足投资者人的需求。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Essentially, this means that the expenditure you are paying for the original machine is all that you should have to pay. 基本上这意味着你所付出的开支原机,你应该付出一切。 dq.tag100.cn 5. Like a lizard's detachable tail, it was more or less designed to be lost to predators while leaving the animal essentially unharmed. 这就像蜥蜴可以自断尾巴一样,其作用或多或少是在遇见天敌时断掉,从而实质上保全自己。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Essentially, the leading edge of the chasing pulse sucks it in, acting like the event horizon of a black hole. 从本质上来讲,后来追逐的脉冲的主导边缘将慢脉冲吞噬了,就像一个黑洞的视界那样。 www.ecocn.org 7. The creative process of a director, unlike that of an actor, is essentially collaborative. 一个导演的创造性的艺术加工不像一个演员,其本质是合作。 www.bing.com 8. Regulators want banks to be better capitalised. But how much better is essentially arbitrary. 监管机构希望银行有更充足的资本金,但充足到什么程度本质上可以是任意数。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The rest comes from pigs slaughtered in backyards, villages or markets and is essentially untested, he said. 其余的肉来自在后院,村庄或市场屠宰的猪,基本上是未经过检测的,他说。 dongxi.net 10. But the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the oath would make clear the essentially Jewish nature of Israel. 但是总理内塔尼亚胡表示,该誓言可以进一步表明以色列是犹太国家的本质。 www.tingclass.com 1. is a dish consisting essentially of meat, onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat. 兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。 forum.china.org.cn 2. The two have known each for a decade, essentially growing up together and forming something of a sibling relationship. 这俩孩子认识已经有十年之久,真的是青梅竹马一起长大,已经情同兄妹般友爱。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But they would take place in private, and the process essentially involved rich people taking money out of one another's pockets. 不过这些都是在私下进行的,基本上就是一个有钱人从另一个有钱人的口袋里掏钱出来。 www.bing.com 4. No doubt, it possesses a great value of social perceive, and is essentially rational, even on a historical critical scale. 它无疑具有很大的社会认知价值,即便是在历史评判的尺度上,也是具有实质理性的。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The essence of the speeches he gave was not essentially different from those of the other two presidents who have visited China. 他的讲话其基本精神与另外两位曾经访华的总统的讲话并没有本质的区别。 6. The gross and microscopic appearance of an ovarian dysgerminoma is essentially the same as a seminoma of the testis in a male. 卵巢的无性细胞瘤肉眼和显微镜下表现基本上与男性睾丸的精原细胞瘤一致。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It's not enough to be sorry, we've also got to do something new, because repentance is essentially recreative and restorative. 为罪难过还不够,还要有新的行为,因为悔改在本质上是有建设性的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. That we did, however, illustrated something of the dishonesty at the heart of what are essentially political and commercial relationships. 然而我们做的说明了不诚实的东西本质上是政治与商业的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Essentially, this process that you may be saving yourself a decent amount of money, in the long run. 基本上,这个过程你可能挽救自己一份象样的金额,从长远来看。 dq.tag100.cn 10. Essentially, it requires a degree in mechanical engineering to understand, but suffice it to say it has everything but the kitchen sink. 更要命的是,它需要一个机械工程学位才能理解其原理,不过只要说“除了厨房水槽没有,它什么都有”就够吓人了。 www.bing.com 1. Essentially, it requires a degree in mechanical engineering to understand, but suffice it to say it has everything but the kitchen sink. 更要命的是,它需要一个机械工程学位才能理解其原理,不过只要说“除了厨房水槽没有,它什么都有”就够吓人了。 www.bing.com 2. Essentially, assertiveness involves standing up for your rights when someone else is about to infringe on them. 就其本质而言,果断自信指当别人要侵害自己的权利时敢于站出来维护它。 space.exue.com 3. The transformation took place in 1966-1967. Up to that time, the blues had been an essentially black medium. 这种变化发生于1966-1967年间,这之前布鲁斯一直是黑人音乐的基本表现形式。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. Lastly, this is essentially a book about children. It was written out of my commitment to see justice done unto them. Enjoy. 最后,要指出的是,这是一部关于儿童的小说。发表此书旨在完成自己对他们的许诺,解读他们所渴望的公正。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Participants and bankers are calling this, informally, the 'if in doubt, take it out' approach, essentially easing the impact of the rules. 参与者与银行家们私下里称之为“放弃争议”的方式,此举降低了新规定的影响力。 chinese.wsj.com 6. However, the offer they are using as a baseline was essentially a management wish list, which had no chance of being accepted. 但是,他们用来加以比较的底线提议实际上是一份球会管理层的愿望清单,是根本不可能会被球员接受的。 www.ecocn.org 7. Essentially, all the threads within the process can be bound to run on the specified processor. 从本质上讲,进程中的所有线程都可以绑定到指定的处理器上运行。 www.ibm.com 8. A spermatophylax, which can weigh up to 30 percent of a male's body weight, is essentially like a really good snack attached to their sperm. 精护的本质就像是附在精液上的点心一样,它可以增加雄性体重的30%。 kk.dongxi.net 9. Despite their generality, however, these subjects seem to us essentially empirical, and our arguments against theory will not apply to them. 然而,抛开它们的普遍性,这些主题在我们看来本质上非常经验主义,我们反对理论的论点不适用于它们。 open.163.com 10. Technically, rogue AV is often hard to detect because the software is essentially a confidence trick. 从技术上来讲,流氓反病毒软件之所以常常很难被发现,是由于这种软件实际上是一个骗局。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. There were more sympathetic voices than I expected, but essentially, people were divided in two parties. 赞同的声浪超过我所预期,不过,大家的立场主要还是分成两派。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. It is essentially made of standard components and a few important configuration settings. 服务网关实际上是由标准组件和一些重要的配置设置组成。 www.ibm.com 3. During this time, all that does not serve, disintegrates and flies off into space essentially. 就在那段时间里,所有不服务的都会分解掉,回到太空。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Rather, he was a good listener who enjoyed female company, yet essentially an insecure child who had not grown up. 相反,他是一个很好的倾听者,喜欢有女性作伴,但他基本上是个尚未长大的、缺乏自信的孩子。 www.hxen.com 5. Essentially, it stores all the data in the chip and reverts back in case of a prior error. 它把所有数据存储在芯片中,可以在发生错误时恢复以前的状态。 www.ibm.com 6. Despite occasional misinterpretations, people in most situations manage to understand utterances essentially as they were intended. 尽管有误解,人们在大多数的情况下能按他们的意愿理解话语。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It was essentially the kind of thing the professor was describing to me only it was open to the public. 这基本上就是那种只有公诸于众了之后教授才会给你讲的东西。 www.bing.com 8. But today something quite similar can be found all over the web in many different forms. Blogs are essentially electronic diaries. 如今网络上出现了形形色色的类似软件,如:博客本质上就是电子日志; www.24en.com 9. As you understand that when an atom is split it creates essentially two parts and these two parts carry off a certain amount of energy. 当你们理解了,当一个原子被分离时,它,创造出了2个部分,而这2个部分,获得一定数量的能量。 open.163.com 10. "Even though you are experimenting, you'e essentially doing it in a way that you protect one another, " Flanagan says. 「即使他们在做尝试时,他们也不会忘记保护彼此,」佛纳根说。 mailftp.lihpao.com 1. And yet, for the four million years humans have been walking upright, the act is essentially unchanged. 然而,在四百万年里,人类一直是直立行走,这项活动没有本质上的变化。 www.ted.com 2. Essentially, the goal is that when a user follows a link, she can be confident that she is not modifying the resource from her standpoint. 从根本上讲,其目标是当用户打开一个链接时,她可以确信从自身的角度来看没有改变资源。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The swap chain might include multiple back buffers and is essentially a circular queue that includes the front buffer. 交换链可能包括多个后台缓冲区,它本质上是一个包括前台缓冲区的循环队列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. With the news reporting environment essentially one big gray area , hyperlink -based news aggregation creates a sort of common denominator . 与新闻采访环境基本上是一个很大的灰色地带,超链型新闻聚集造成某种共同点。 www.bing.com 5. I realized that by identifying this desire for change and focusing on it we were essentially asking the universe to help make it happen. 我意识到,通过确定变化这一愿望并把精力放在它上面,我们实质上在要求整个宇宙促使它们发生。 www.elanso.com 6. Of course, as The Deal's Matthew Wurtzel points out, that means GM would essentially be making a competitor out of its cast away parts. 当然,作为交易的马修Wurtzel指出,这意味着通用汽车将主要是使一个竞争者走出抛弃部分。 usa.315che.com 7. In the meantime, since the war was essentially between the North and the South, the North resented Britain's connection with the South. 在此期间,由于这实际上是一场南北方之间的战争,北方当然不满英国与南方之间的这种传统关系。 chifeng.foreign.studyez.com 8. You will see that this file essentially represents a container for scl: contractRef elements that point to WSDL files. 您将看到这个文件实际上代表指向WSDL文件的scl:contractRef元素的容器。 www.ibm.com 9. CNN is making it a campaign issue because CNN is essentially a left-wing media outlet. CNN是使其成为一个竞选议题,因为CNN本质上是一个左翼媒体。 www.arms-cool.net 10. The original enthusiasm remained essentially unchanged, even though people did not watch the launches and follow the shuttle flights. 即使人们没有看到发射并跟随航天飞机航行,其原有的热情在本质上也并未改变。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The Little Green Data Book 2007 shows that deforestation has essentially been a feature of the poorer countries. 2007年版《手册》显示,森林砍伐实际上已成为较贫困国家的一大特点。 web.worldbank.org 2. An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light. 耳镜,检耳镜检查耳内部(尤其是中耳)的仪器,主要包括一个放大镜和光源。 dict.ebigear.com 3. Multistage separation processes are essentially the heart and soul of the petroleum, petrochemical, and chemical industries. 多级的分离过程基本上是石油的全身心,石化,以及化学工业。 www.tzhealth.com 4. In FPS -style games that do not require persistence , but require service provisioning of a game server for essentially private use . 在这种游戏中游戏服务器不需要是永久性的,但需要基本上专用的服务保障。 www.bing.com 5. Each has stressed the essentially pragmatic nature of the American labor movement . 他们都强调美国劳工运动的实用性。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words. 除了可能会说借个互不关联的单词外,实际上无法运用语言。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Essentially, it's just a shift of revenue from local businesses (restaurants, clothing, entertainment, etc) to the casino. 其实,根本是把地方业者的收入(如当地餐厅、服饰店、娱乐产业等)转去给赌场赚而已。 www.hongshi.org.tw 8. Following this, a tear-soaked Dumbo visits his mother in a depressing circus cage and essentially says goodbye to her. 接下来的一幕就是眼含泪水的Dumbo来到锁着母亲的马戏团铁笼来探望她,事实上也是来向他的妈妈道别的。 www.bing.com 9. They suggest that true objectivity essentially has no moral compass and treats all facts and all viewpoints as equally deserving of respect. 他们提出,真正的客观性实际上不受道德指挥,而是对所有事实和所有观点一视同仁地给予尊重。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. Yesterday, my son essentially intended to have his supper in school, but he come home to see his two uncles off. 昨天,儿子本来打算在学校吃晚饭的,但后来还是回到家中来给两个舅舅送行,这让我觉得很感动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Gas generating and releasing articles consisting essentially of a polymer and a gas generating solid dispersed therein are described. 本发明揭示了一种气体发生和释放制品,该制品主要由一种聚合物和一种分散在该聚合物中的气体发生固体组成。 ip.com 2. Though Tareen said the investigation is essentially complete, several questions remain. 虽然塔林称调查已经基本结束,但是仍有遗留问题。 www.bing.com 3. Another pair of questions essentially asked if the state of reading and writing would improve. 另一对问题是关于阅读和写作能力是否会得到提高。 www.bing.com 4. Essentially, he said, happy couples behave in certain ways that, rather than making them happy, may simply reflect their glee. 他说,本质上幸福的夫妇是按特定的方式行为,这种方式与其说是让让他们幸福,不如说是反映他们的欢乐。 www.bing.com 5. That system was essentially a phonograph hooked up to a projector and piped into movie theaters' loudspeakers. 这套系统就是一个与放映机相连的留声机,另一头连在电影院的扬声器上。 www.bing.com 6. Justice is essentially the common sense of the common good or public goods of a certain community. 正义根本而言就是对社群的共同善或公共利益的共识。 www.boshuo.net 7. Essentially, I'm reusing the same instance of a class by creating a sort of toggle switch, which conserves system resources. 通常,我通过创建一种切换开关来重用某个类的相同实例,这节省了系统资源。 www.ibm.com 8. It is equally nonsensical to see saving as an intrinsically virtuous activity and borrowing as an essentially dubious one. 同样,如果认为储蓄生而道德,借贷却从本质上让人怀疑,同样荒谬。 www.ecocn.org 9. Through a comprehensive comparison, I find that the reorganization has not essentially improved the performance and boosted profitability. 通过综合比较发现,上市公司的资产重组并没有从实质上提高公司业绩,增强公司盈利能力。 www.lw23.com 10. Such a machine would be able to continually improve itself, becoming more and more intelligent, essentially without limit. 这种机器将能持续自我改进,变得越来越智能,实质上没有限制。 www.bing.com 1. Second, wartime economies were essentially closed, so there was no leakage of fiscal stimulus. 其次,战时各国经济基本上是封闭的,因此不存在财政刺激的外泄。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That's important because an air conditioner works by essentially removing heat from the air. 这一点很重要,因为空调的核心工作就是去除空气中的热量。 www.bing.com 3. can be used for design applications in the geotechnical engineering area to simulate material response under essentially monotonic loading. 可以用于地质工程中的设计,用来模拟材料在常量荷载下的相应 wenku.baidu.com 4. Branding is essentially how you are perceived and is something that you can try to actively influence with an array of marketing strategies. 品牌战略最根本的是,你如何推广自己?你可以尝试通过一系列营销策略来实现这一点。 kk.dongxi.net 5. On the surface, Fudge would seem to be a kindly, blustering , somewhat pompous fellow who is essentially good-natured. 表面上看,福吉似乎是个和蔼,易怒的人,有点儿夸大其词,本质是不坏的人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The cause of the productiveness of these operations is not merely that division, but essentially this union. 这类活动之所以具有生产性,不单单是由于“划分”,主要还是由于“联合”。 www.hotdic.com 7. To this point, the KEI has been essentially an experiment in rocketry , and has done little except make work for Northrop Grumman. 就这一点来说,KEI本质上已经变成了一个火箭技术试验,而且除了给诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司工作以外很少取得什么成果。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This argument is essentially that the police have been neutered by the political correctness forced on them over the years. 这一派人的主要观点是,多年来警察已经被强加于他们身上的政治正确所驯化。 www.ecocn.org 9. The things that I've written about are people doing the kind of "break new ground" with machines that are essentially tools. 我以前的书里所描写的主要都是人们利用机械工具所实现的新突破。 www.bing.com 10. The firm essentially shut down in September, despite having a heavy backlog of orders. 尽管有很多积压的订单,工厂在9月份还是倒闭了。 yixiao5211.spaces.live.com 1. The fact that there is a serious defect essentially means that the trunk was broken at the time of the release. 发现了严重的缺陷,实质上意味着主干在发布时就已经有问题了。 www.infoq.com 2. The Cleveland Clinic says a woman who had suffered severe facial trauma got essentially a whole new face in a first-of-its-kind operation. 克利夫兰门诊部表示一位有脸部外伤的妇女在经历了行业内首例此类修复手术后拥有了一张崭新的脸。 bbs.putclub.com 3. You know, for 200 years, the world was essentially governed by a fragment of the human population. 200年来,世界基本上是被人类的一部分人所管辖。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Our social lives have essentially turned inside out, with the focus now being on cyber-space rather than on reality. 我们的社交生活实质上已经完全变了样,人们现在只关注于网络空间而不是现实生活。 www.bing.com 5. 'It's a Plan D, ' he said. 'It's essentially an insurance policy for the situation where we hit a tipping point in climate change quickly. ' 他说:“这是一个D计划(后备方案),它实质上是在气候变化太快时所采用的一种解决方案。” www.bing.com 6. RSS stands for really Simple Syndication? and is essentially a syndicated feed that you identify as useful and choose to have delivered. RSS是以简单实用的企业联合站点出现在人们的面前,为你的需求和选择提供必要的帮助。 biositemap.com 7. Theirs was essentially a Stone Age civilisation, and yet one that developed the most advanced astronomy and mathematics. 他们的文明本质上属于石器时代的文明。他们发明出了最为先进的天文学和数学知识。 www.bing.com 8. The DLL loading behavior made some amount of sense back then (or at least, it was essentially harmless). 而DLL的加载在当时来说还是有一定的意义的(至少,它基本是无害的)。 www.bing.com 9. It's mucking around with the heart and lungs of the planet - that's essentially what the oceans are, a huge respiratory system. 这是在搞糟地球的心脏和肺-本质上海洋就是一个巨大的呼吸系统。 www.bing.com 10. But to say that death causes wings to be formed, or eyeballs to work, is essentially wrong. 但如果说是死亡导致翅膀的形成、眼球的运作,那就犯了根本性的错误。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Essentially, American households continued to lose ground even though growth had resumed. 基本而言,虽然经济恢复增长,美国家庭收入仍在减少。 cn.reuters.com 2. Essentially, people are able to download messaging units and trade or transfer them as part of what has become a lucrative barter system. 它的本质就是人们可以下载信息单位,然后交易或者转让,这其实也是当前盈利性的实物交易系统中的一种形式。 50x15.com 3. "Essentially, we're subsidising the construction of solar-powered roofs. . . So we end up paying double, " he said. Hoffmann说:“问题是,我们还在补贴建设太阳能屋顶·····我们付了双份的钱。” www.bing.com 4. Periodontal pockets are essentially food and plaque traps that irritate and decay teeth to the point the tooth will eventually fall out. 牙周袋是由食物和菌斑引起的,会使人感觉不适,破坏牙齿,最终导致牙齿的根尖松动。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. The utility model discloses a peeling machine which consists essentially of a box body, bent peeling blades, a driving disk and a gear. 本实用新型公开了一种削皮机,它主要包括箱体、削皮弯片、传动盘和传动装置。 ip.com 6. Another component is a Cloudscape database, which is essentially a small footprint of the relational database used for the local data store. 另一个组件是Cloudscape数据库,其实质上是用于本地数据存储的最小关系数据库。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Under international law, force is authorized in essentially two or, at most, three circumstances. 根据国际法,武力被授权使用的情况本质上只有两种、或者至多三种情况。 www.51trans.net 8. The paradox is essentially derived from institutional and policy factors rather than the general law of market economy. 这一悖异结果的形成原因是政策、体制性因素,而并非一般市场经济规律使然。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Since the voltage drop across the ammeter is negligible, essentially all the test voltage appears across R. 由于安培计上的电压降可以忽略,所以所有的测试电压都出现在电阻R上。 www.eefocus.com 10. But essentially their argument is a simple one. The great continent to the south is still largely unknown. 但是,他们最根本的论据很简单:南方的这块大陆在很大程度上仍是个迷。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere, wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation. 从根本上讲,幸福就是全心全意、坚定不移、无怨无悔、义无反顾地向前走。 hhbird.com 2. Lastly, I need a way to return essentially the same information, just a lot more of it. 最后,我需要一种方式来返回基本相同但更加丰富的信息。 www.ibm.com 3. Essentially, it means acting in a polite, business-like manner through the entire hiring process, whether or not you actually hire us. 从本质上来说,就是在面试的过程中保持一种礼貌的、商务式的态度,而不是根据最终是否会雇用我们来区别对待。 www.51ielts.com 4. Essentially, SCA signals are multiplexed onto an FM broadcast by means of frequency modulation of a sub carrier. 基本上,政制事务局局长信号多路复用到一个调频广播方式,频率调制的一个小组的载体。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. He relapsed a little bit, they gave him a series of treatments, and he was essentially cured. 他偶尔复发,专家继续进行一系列的治疗,他基本上被治愈了。 www.ted.com 6. He famously used thought experiments, which are essentially elaborate analogies, to come up with some of his greatest discoveries. 他在其有名的思想实验中,实质上就是复杂的类比中,成就了一些最伟大的科学发现。 www.ted.com 7. Essentially, the whole world lives at the very heart of suffering. So it is futile to insult or to mistreat others. 基本上,整个世间都不离苦,因此,侮辱人、轻视人都很不应该。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 8. The dynamic interior essentially transforms into a light box that absorbs and filters the light from the small moat and the skylight. 室内好像一个动态的灯箱,吸收和过滤从天窗下来的光线。 www.archgo.com 9. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America. 各盟国的政治制度在这一方面与美洲的政治制度根本不同。 www.worklish.com 10. The antagonism between labor and capital is essentially different from the dispute between them. 劳资对立与劳动争议有本质区别。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Shih's solution was the "fast-food? business model, which essentially moves supplies as close to the market as possible. " 施先生采取“快餐”经营模式,也就是从根本上让货尽量靠近市场。 www.tingroom.com 2. Networks are essentially a set of connections where control is distributed to many points in the system that it supports. 网络基本上是一套联系网,而其控制钮则分布在支持这一网络系统的许多点上。 web.worldbank.org 3. The rear slope of the roof appeared to be essentially undamaged. 似乎屋顶后坡大部分没有受到损坏。 www.dictall.com 4. Essentially, you would have had to implement your own record structure within a comment to represent an ID, a posting user, etc. 实际上,您必须在评论内实现自己的记录结构来表示ID、一个发贴用户,等等。 www.ibm.com 5. Democracy is essentially the rule by majority, but it is not the arbitrary rule by many, rather, it has basic norms and empirical features. 民主的本来意义是多数人的统治,但不是多数人随心所欲的专横统治,而具有基本的规范和经验特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. He had risen to leadership of a party still essentially upper - class in its orientation if no longer in its composition. 他领导的党从方针上(如果不再从成分上)说的是以上等阶层为主的。 dict.veduchina.com 7. While that may be a simplification of the system, it's essentially how it works, bet when you spot overlays, hold back when you don't. 那可能一系统的简化在的时候,基本上是它工作怎样,打赌你弄脏什么时候涂上,退缩你不。 bbs.okooo.com 8. But then to turn around, and say I'm going to disrupt essentially the nomination of two key members of the present's cabinet. 但反过来讲,他的意思是我要去破坏实质上目前的内阁两位核心成员的提名。 www.bing.com 9. So, essentially, Kate is wearing the ring of a troubled princess who had a very bad marriage, not to mention a tragic end. 实际上,她带着一枚来自一个命运多舛的王妃的戒指,更不要说她最后的悲惨结局了。 www.galaxy7.com 10. Officials are wrestling with possible permutations, essentially turning the institution's governance into a giant game of sudoku. IMF官员正全力斟酌各种可能的排列,基本上将该机构的治理工作变成了一盘大型的数独游戏。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Other pollutants, after all, are essentially impurities, which can be washed from the coal or filtered out of the flue gas. 毕竟那些可以从煤炭中或烟道气体中滤除的其他污染物质本身就是杂质。 club.topsage.com 2. Everyone is familiar with the practice of completing someone else's sentence-essentially predicting what the other person is about to say. 每个人都很熟悉从别人带有强调语气的句式中猜出他们下面将要说的话。 www.bing.com 3. Therefore, from essentially said that, the hot system of forces tends to the balance is the natural process direction. 因此,从本质上说,热力系趋于平衡就是自然过程的方向。 www.bing.com 4. Essentially, thanks to Sony, anything beginning with "$sys$" would be invisible to a user and his anti-virus software. 本质上,还得感谢索尼,所有以“$sys$”打头的东西对用户和他的防病毒软件都该是不可见的。 blog.163.com 5. It was found that the first order soliton's band magnitude and pulse width were both essentially unchanged in the long propagation process. 结果表明,在长距离传输过程中基阶孤子的幅度和脉宽基本不变,是进行光孤子通信的理想载体。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Keep in mind that the example here was a deliberately mis-scoped one, essentially a case of unintentional object retention. 请记住这是个有意弄错作用域的例子,其实质是一个无意识的对象保留的例子。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Other schools of thought have portrayed autism as essentially an autoimmune response, or the result of a nutritional deficiency. 而另外一些研究者认为,自闭症的本质是自身免疫反应,或者是营养缺乏的结果。 www.bing.com 8. The wagon will essentially be a stretched version of the five-door hatch so expect to see a body stretching more than 4. 4m. 该车将基本上是一个延伸版本的五门舱口,以便期望看到一个身体伸展超过四点四米。 usa.315che.com 9. Using implementations directly limits many of your options, as you've essentially turned your classes to stone. 直接使用实现将限制您的选择,因为您已经在本质上把类变成了“石头”。 www.ibm.com 10. And yet, you must not doubt for a moment that a school, after all, is essentially an Athenian idea. 然而,你决不可怀疑,学校的本质毕竟体现了一种雅典人的观念。 anada2009.blog.163.com 1. What does that mean in a particular case? That means she does not hold to it as essentially as man does as regards the nature of jouissance. 在特别的情境里,那是什麽意思?那意味著,她不像男人一样根本地紧附著大它者,关于欢爽的这个特性。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. Prosecutors began to reassemble the case, and realised that without the false statement, there essentially was none. 检察官重新审查这一案件,并意识到如果不是因为错误的指证,当时也不会判处安东尼有罪。 www.ecocn.org 3. Having such a close similarity or resemblance as to be essentially equal or interchangeable . 可互换的十分类似或相象以至于本质上相等的或能互换的。 www.bing.com 4. I'm essentially a selfish creature. I crave your company too much to do what I should. 从本质上讲,我是一个自私的动物,我太渴望你做伴了,该做的事情我也不会做的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Alexander the Great's conquest of the world with a huge fleet is not essentially different from a pirate's robbery made with a single ship. 亚历山大大帝以一队舰队征服世界与海盗以一条船实施抢劫没有本质上的区别。 book.douban.com 6. Essentially, the paper should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, which usually are referred to as introduction, body, and conclusion. 文章基本上可切分成三个区块,即起头、中间与结尾,也就是现今所通称的前言、正文与结论三个部分。 www.publishedscholar.com 7. SAX -- like the parser modules it provides an API for -- is essentially a sequential processor of an XML document. SAX--如同它提供的语法分析器模块的API--基本上是一个XML文档的顺序处理器。 www.ibm.com 8. Using this dish - essentially a giant mirror - he concentrated the light of a thousand suns onto the new panel. The result was staggering . 用这个盘子–基本上是一面巨大的镜子–他将千束阳光会聚到新面板上。结果令人震惊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When the diffraction process is completed the overpressure loading on the front and back faces are essentially equal . 当绕射过程完成时,作用于正面和背面的超压荷载基本上相等。 www.bing.com 10. If you can't rely on your API to properly preserve data while it passes through the memory of your VM, you're essentially dead in the water. 如果把数据传入VM内存时不能依靠API正确地保持数据,您基本上就陷入了绝境。 www.ibm.com 1. Essentially, an active behavior may receive a boost in priority, preventing interruption during specific parts of its execution. 实际上,一个激活的行为可以优先接受一个优先级提高这样就可以避免该任务在执行的时候被打断了。 blog.csdn.net 2. "[We were] kind of a ragtag group of engineers and physicists who were essentially amateurs in molecular biology, " Collins says. “我们只是一群混杂的工程师和物理学家,在分子生物学领域都很业务。”Collins说。 www.bing.com 3. And, the direction is essentially that of a vector. 方向基本和这里的单位切向量一致。 open.163.com 4. First, only a minority of Americans (essentially, those without employer-provided coverage) would be eligible. 首先,该计划只对少数美国人(主要是没有雇主提供的保险计划的人群)适用。 www.ecocn.org 5. Due to the way in which they were raised and bred they are essentially one-master horses and bonding with a human owner is in their blood. 由于他们提出和孕育它们基本上是与人类拥有一个主马和粘接的方式是在他们的血液。 www.hc263.net 6. A blade, essentially made of composite material, for a rotorcraft rotor, comprising. 刀片,基本上制成的复合材料,为旋翼机转子,其中包括。 www.tech-domain.com 7. Jupiter says, essentially, that the demand for paid-for content and services delivered online in Europe is weak and is likely to remain so. 木星研究表示,从根本上说,欧洲对网上付费内容和服务的需求很少,而且可能会一直这样下去。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Those hash algorithms are essentially serialized, so the longer the length of the source file is, the longer the hash operation takes. 并且这些体系所使用散列算法在实质上都是串行的,因而待加密数据越长,加密运算时光越长。 www.qk114.net 9. Each of these is essentially a wrapper around the data-access code we developed earlier. 这三个方法实质上都是先前开发的数据访问代码的包装器。 www.ibm.com 10. All in all, this will be like a Texts From Last Night site where people are essentially voting between two answers per post. 总之,这将是像昨晚的网站上,人们基本上是文本间平均每个职位的答案投票。 www.bing.com 1. He acknowledges Hyundai has been a 'fast follower, ' essentially mimicking Toyota's strategy. 他承认现代汽车一直是一个“迅速的效仿者”,实际上是在模仿丰田的战略。 www.bing.com 2. Although this year's rules are to now remain essentially in place in 2010, the proposed ban on in-race refuelling will still be introduced. 虽然今年的规则,到现在仍然基本上是发生在2010年,拟议禁止在比赛加油仍会介绍。 usa.315che.com 3. Essentially, the manager should be asking 'Is the company meeting the subordinate's expectations? ' 从根本上说,作为经理应提出这样的问:“公司是否实现了下属的期望?” chinese.wsj.com 4. From robot welders to robot vacuum cleaners, the robotics industry at this point is essentially siloed. 从焊接机器人到吸尘器机器人,机器人制造业在这一方面几乎都是如此。 www.bing.com 5. In order to set * to essentially turn off the filter, simply change the condition from "All" to "Any" on the condition statement. 为了设置*以真正关闭这个过滤器,只需在条件语句上将条件从“All”改为“Any”。 www.ibm.com 6. Boosting this, while essentially meaningless, would at least attract some attention. 提高派息的做法尽管本质上毫无意义,但至少会吸引某些注意力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Essentially, the investor gives up some of his potential return for the peace of mind that his principal investment is safe. 从本质上讲,投资者放弃了一部分潜在收益,换取一份安心,即本金总是安全的。 c.wsj.com 8. Mr. McCain essentially proposes continuing the policies of a president whose approval rating on economics is only 20 percent. 麦凯恩实质上是提议继续布什总统的经济政策,他可是一位在经济方面的支持度只有20%的总统啊! www.bing.com 9. Essentially, when people are intrinsically motivated to perform tasks, they do not need to be given a reward for doing so. 从本质上讲,只要人们拥有一种内在的动力去完成某些工作任务,那么他们根本不需要什么奖励就能够把工作做好。 www.bing.com 10. But it essentially has to Kennedy Lawrence, and its high grade content of the rich, can be seen around the world. 但它本质上却至坚至刚,其品位之高,内涵之富,堪称举世罕见。 www.bing.com 1. Risk to the artifacts essentially drops to zero, because previous versions are always recoverable in the event of a serious process error. 工件所面临的风险降低至零,因为前面的版本,在严重进程错误发生时都是可以恢复的。 www.ibm.com 2. The story of official flows is essentially about the global imbalances that are at the heart of the financial crisis. 从根本上讲,官方资本流动与造成金融危机的核心问题——全球失衡——有关。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Essentially, local variables (though not always the objects they point to) are free from both memory and time concerns. 实际上,本地变量(并非始终是它们指向的对象)并不影响内存和时间问题。 www.ibm.com 4. The Bank of England essentially printed money when it bought swaths of government bonds. 英国央行购买各类政府债券,实质上就等于是发行货币。 c.wsj.com 5. A plasma lamp including a waveguide body consisting essentially of at least one solid dielectric material. 一种包括波导本体的等离子灯,该波导本体基本由至少一种固态介电材料构成。 www.dianzi518.com 6. It is always there, though we like to think our deep emotions are essentially different. 它总在那儿,尽管我们总是愿意相信我们深刻的情感在本质上是不同的。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 7. We essentially phoned counter- clockwise around the LSO in order to keep him in sight! 我们绕着LSO逆时针方向飞,就是为了一直保持他在视线以内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Prof Sornette, author of Why Stock Markets Crash (2004), is essentially trying to better understand the dynamics of bubbles. 作为2004年出版的《股市为什么会崩盘》(WhyStockMarketsCrash)一书的作者,索尔内特教授实质上是希望更深刻地理解泡沫的形成和发展。 www.ftchinese.com 9. That essentially means the only assistance the Federal Government is likely to provide is temporary shelter and food. 这明显意味着,政府将给予的唯一援助就是避难所和食物。 www.suiniyi.com 10. The other thing we have to notice is that the assessment of the intelligence of any subject is essentially a comparative affair. 我们要注意的另一件事是,对任何测试对象的智力评估基本上是比较而言的事。 www.535008.com 1. It takes no more than a few feet to spool up the turbo , meaning lag is essentially nonexistent. 它不会超过几英尺,以缓冲了涡轮增压器,这意味着落后基本上是不存在的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And with essentially no effort on their part, our colleagues can be running molecular electronic simulations. 而且,我们的同事基本上不需要付出任何努力,就可以运行分子的电子模拟。 www.ibm.com 3. Whilst my trip to China was essentially a business trip, I always take off a few days and follow my hobby of steam trains. 一会儿我的到~旅行中国本质上是一个商务旅行,我总是花远的几天而且跟随我的蒸气火车的嗜好。 pop.pcpop.com 4. Essentially, Google provides the API to you for free as long as your application is free as well. 实际上,只要您的应用程序是免费的,Google也将免费为您提供API。 www.ibm.com 5. Computer programs are essentially trees, and when you make art with a computer program, there's kind of a problem. 计算机程序基本上来讲就是一些树,当你用计算机程序制作艺术品的时候,就遇到问题了。 www.ted.com 6. The cursor-based parser is essentially a state machine transitioning from one well-defined state to another as a result of an event. 基于指针的解析器实质上是一个状态机,在事件的驱动下从一个良好定义的状态转移到另一个状态。 www.ibm.com 7. They were a very important part of the Egyptian economy. It became essentially a symbol for life. 它们是古埃及经济相当重要的一部分,牛在本质上已经成为一种生命的象征。 www.bing.com 8. It, as most Old English words, came from Germanic and like the modern German word for squirrel essentially means "oak horn. " 正如大部分古英语词,它来自于日耳曼语,跟现代德语中松鼠这个词一样,实际上是“橡树喇叭”的意思。 www.bing.com 9. Essentially, its job is to write out the contents (especially the attachment) of its input data object to the system output. 基本上,它的工作就是将其输入数据对象的内容(特别是附件)写出到系统输出上。 www.ibm.com 10. Firewall vendors offer VPNs that are essentially firewalls in combination with a variety of security measures and management tools. 有些防火墙供应商也提供vpn,它们基本上是防火墙与各种安全措施与管理工具的结合。 www.hotdic.com |
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