单词 | extraterrestrial |
释义 | extraterrestrials是extraterrestrial的复数
复数:extraterrestrials n. alien,creature,Martian,little green man adj. celestial,interplanetary,interstellar,otherworldly 例句释义: 外星人,地球外的,外星生物,地外生命,外星碟影 1. We're never going to have visitors from space. No extraterrestrials will ever land on Earth -- at least, any more. 我们不会再有太空游客前来了。外星人将不会登陆地球――至少是再也不会了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. We believe that disclosure is a factor in bringing out the truth about us, and those extraterrestrials that have acted out of self-interest. 我们相信【大揭露】作为一个因素将带来与我们相关的真相,以及那些怀着自我利益而做出过行动的外星人。 bbs.awaker.net 3. in a script session transcribed in liu s essay , tsui is heard trying to incorporate extraterrestrials into the story of. 刘在其文章中整理出蜀山编剧会议的一段录音,从中可见徐克设法把外星人的意念结合到故事里。 www.ichacha.net 4. The space saga follows the Terran story line as the Terrans fight off attacks from the extraterrestrials trying to take over. 这部太空史诗遵循人族的故事线索,第一部中人族击退了外星人发起的试图控制人类的进攻。 www.bing.com 5. Out of the other billions of galaxies that consist of billions of stars and planets, is there a chance that Extraterrestrials are real? 在由数十亿恒星和行星构成的数十亿个星系里,真的会有外星人吗?。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. One popular theory is that they are created by extraterrestrials who are trying to give us signs, warnings, or other information. 一较为普遍的意见是它们由想要传达给我们信号、警告或其他信息的外星人创造。 www.bing.com 7. Self-Disclose the truth about our government engaging with extraterrestrials from our President to her Citizens. 请欧巴马总统向他的人民自我揭露关于我们政府参与外星活动的所有真相! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Why are they doing this? I've given my two theories: Theory one, we have friendly extraterrestrials that have opened it for a reason. 他们为什么这么做?我已经给了我的两种理论:理论一、我们有友好的外星朋友由于某个原因打开了它。 xytss.net 9. The contact with extraterrestrials is just a call of alert, but the true keys are within ourselves. 连络由于外星的仅仅是注意的一个呼叫,但是真实的钥匙是在我们自己里面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He wanted to talk about frozen extraterrestrials languishing in an AirForce base near San Antonio. 他想要谈谈正在圣安东尼奥附近一个空军基地中奄奄一息的冷冻外星人。 it.sohu.com 1. When they see what a mess we've made of our planet, extraterrestrials may be forced to take drastic action. 当我们看到自己的星球是多么脏乱的时候,外星人就会不得不采取极端的行动 www.bing.com 2. We felt that "translation" might be easier for extraterrestrials if we offered more than one work by a given composer. 我们感到,当我们放送出去的某个作曲家的音乐不止一首的话,地球以外的人要“理解”它或许会容易些。 www.kuenglish.info 3. The U. N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has called an emergency meeting for September 22nd to deal with the problem of the UFO base. 联合国外星人小组称将在9月22日召开紧急会议,处理飞碟基地的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Yet they ignore the biggest imbalance of all: the current-account surplus that planet Earth appears to run with extraterrestrials. 但是他们忽略了最大的不平衡:地球看上去像在和星球之外的地方贸易得到了国际收支账目的盈余。 www.ecocn.org 5. slimy extraterrestrials have run out of popcorn and now they're en route to earth to fry some more corn! 泥泞的外星人已用完的爆米花,现在他们正在前往地球炒一些玉米! twinsv.com 6. At Dulce, Schneider maintained, "gray" humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. 施耐德主张,在杜尔塞,“灰色”类人外星人(“小灰人”)在与美国的技术人员并肩工作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Of course the vast majority of "evidence" of extraterrestrials have simple (albeit WAY less exciting) explanations. 当然,绝大多数有关“地外生命”的证据都有简单(而远没那么令人兴奋)的解释。 www.bing.com 8. Space aliens and extraterrestrials have long been popular subjects of Hollywood movies and science fiction literature. 外星人和天外来客长期以来一直是好莱坞电影和科幻小说的题材。 www.24en.com 9. The culprits for the unexplained have evolved from gods and demons, to ghosts and spirits, to extraterrestrials. 无法解释现象的始作俑者从最初的神魔,到后来的鬼怪,最后发展到了外星人。 www.kekenet.com 10. Now, extraterrestrials appear to be taking notice, too. 而今,外星人似乎也将目光投向了亚洲。 chinese.wsj.com 1. They demanded Congress hold hearings on what they say is longstanding secret U. S. involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials. 他们要求国会就他们所说的美国政府长期以来卷入的关于不明飞行物和外星人的秘密举行听证会。 www.bing.com 2. We wish to add more to our recent message regarding the fear that some people hold regarding extraterrestrials. 我希望在最近的信息中谈谈更多关于一些人类对外星人的恐惧心。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Recently, the physicist warned against sending signals to extraterrestrials in case they aren't friendly. 近来,科学家警告不要向外太空发射信号,以防他们是不友善的。 www.bing.com 4. The majority of the extraterrestrials are here for your upliftment , though there are also those who are here for other reasons. 多数的宇宙生命在这里为你们的提升,虽然也有那些为其它原因来这里的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A Summary of Drake's Latest Update 'Arrests, Extraterrestrials, Sea Levels & Prosperity Funds' 德雷克最近更新的概述‘逮捕、外星人、海平面和繁荣基金’ blog.sina.com.cn 6. Motto: Contacts with peaceful extraterrestrials in Czech republic are at full pace . . . 训言:在捷克,与和平的外星人的接触正在全面展开…… blog.sina.com.cn 7. Now we have compelling evidence that extraterrestrials acted in the past to influence human history – and may continue to do so! 但现在我们有令人信服的证据,证明外星人在过去的行动足以影响人类历史-并可能继续这样做! bbs.mier123.com 8. Hook: Nineteenth-century settlers in Arizona get gob-smacked by extraterrestrials. 看点:面对外星人,19世纪亚利桑那的开拓者们震精了。 www.bing.com 9. Extraterrestrials are critical of the people's amoral behavior referring to the humans' interference in nature's processes. 天外来客对人类干预自然进程的超道德行为表示谴责。 www.bing.com 10. The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident. 如果外星人对人类使坏,即便是偶然地,最不理想的结果可能会出现。 www.bing.com 1. Dialogs with extraterrestrials and those they came to awaken contain many keys that unlock the calendars and heal the planet. 与宇宙对话和觉醒者包括很多钥匙,用来解开历法和治愈行星。 www.qtts.cn 2. Did human extraterrestrials visit Earth -- and predict a Golden Age will culminate in the year 2012, freeing us from evil, fear and doom? 人类的外星人访问地球-和预测黄金时代,最终将在2012年,我们摆脱邪恶,恐惧和厄运呢? www.cfjkshbdw.com 3. S. government repeatedly denied having any information about extraterrestrials , but many theorists dismissed the government's responses. 美国政府反复地否认知道任何关于外星人的信息,但是很多理论无视政府的这些反应。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A sci-fi horror film released in 1979, Alien featured a band of aggressive extraterrestrials that killed humans on a spaceship. “异形”是1979年的科幻恐怖片,外侵异形,残杀了飞船上的人类。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. A potential holographic insert in this portal is the arrival of extraterrestrials from space. 在这个入口一个潜在的全息嵌入是自空间而来的地外到来者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. So, what is the motivation behind the invading hoards of gun-toting extraterrestrials in "Battle: Los Angeles" ? 那么,《洛杉矶之战》中一大群持枪入侵的外星人的动机是什么? www.bing.com 7. Non-Biological Extraterrestrials. Try and keep up with the acronyms. 非生物外星人,试着记得这个缩写 www.tingroom.com 8. The extraterrestrials may be too different from us to communicate with usefully. 也许是外星人与我们太不一样了而不能较好的沟通。 www.bing.com 9. If or when intelligent extraterrestrials discover us, it's anybody's guess what they'll do. 如果或者当智能外星人发现了我们,谁也猜不准他们会做什么。 www.bing.com 10. There is the possibility of contact with intelligent extraterrestrials. 存在着与具有智慧的外星人接触的可能性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I want to see Disclosure move way beyond the simple idea that extraterrestrials are real. 我想要看到大揭露的行进路线,超出那个简单的目的,那就是外星人是真实存在的。 blog.163.com 2. The extraterrestrials would probably be far in advance of us. 外星生命将很可能比我们先进许多。 9.yeezhe.com 3. And some claim that they have caught sight of extraterrestrials and can even describe their appearance in detail. 而有的则宣称已经看到了外星人,并能详细描绘他们的模样。 wenku.baidu.com 4. In no way will I believe there exist extraterrestrials. 我决不会相信有外星人。 www.zzdnyy.com 5. Hook: Found footage unspools mysterious events. Extraterrestrials and Area 51 are involved. 看点:旧胶片风格、神秘事件、外星人、51区。 www.bing.com 6. Some background on the second query, the one about extraterrestrials. 在此先就有关外星人的第二个问题提供一些背景知识。 dongxi.net 7. Many people believe that aliens, or extraterrestrials, crash-landed near Roswell in July 1947. 许多人相信1947年7日时,罗斯韦尔附近有异形或外星人坠毁。 www.24en.com 8. Is it time for a new approach to finding extraterrestrials? 该是用新方法去搜寻外星生命的时候了吧? club.topsage.com 9. Then we also have another context which is that you are apparently directly aware of extraterrestrials who are not strictly negative. 于是,我们也有另一个语境,即您显然直接知道有不是完全负面的天外来客(=外星人)存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Extraterrestrials may have a better way to communicate across space than radio waves or optical beams. 外星人穿越太空(与外界)进行交流时,可能使用比无线电波或光束更好的方式。 www.bing.com 1. pressing problems on our planet i wish to discuss with extraterrestrials 意思就是我想跟外星人讨论的关于我们地球的重要问题 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Contact With Alien Civilizations: Our Hopes And Fears About Encountering Extraterrestrials 接触外星文明:我们对遭遇地外生命的希望与恐惧 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 3. a replay of my encounter flashed into my now as every cell in my body suddenly knee extraterrestrials were real 一个关于我的遭遇的地外的真实的重放突然进入现在的身体中的每个细胞。 www.ichacha.net 4. The Message from the Extraterrestrials 外星人的讯息 blog.sina.com.cn |
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