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例句释义: 欧洲,欧盟,欧罗巴,在欧洲,欧洲地区 1. It was a great strategy. But there was one big flaw in it. Europe cannot afford its comfortable retirement. 这是一种伟大的战略。但其中存在一个巨大缺陷——欧洲负担不了如此舒适的退休生活。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Our strongest allies have always been the Nordic states, the UK, the rest of western Europe and, for a while, America. 我们最紧密的朋友,总是北欧国家、英国、欧洲其他地区,还有一度同盟的美国。 www.bing.com 3. Sounds good on paper, but even Europe is struggling a bit with its renewable ambitions at the moment. 在纸上听起来不错,然而即便是欧洲现在也在为可再生能源的雄心有所挣扎。 cn.nytimes.com 4. The show ran for over a year, before traveling around the United States and Europe. It earned her a Tony Award and two Grammy Awards. 该节目跑了一年多,以前在美国和欧洲旅行。这为她赢得托尼奖和两项格莱美奖。 bbs.5i5i.cn 5. He hoped the space for such a social-democratic outlook existed in regions he knew best, beyond Europe and the United States. 他希望这一社会民主主义的愿景能够存在于欧洲和美国之外他最了解的地区。 www.ecocn.org 6. They were trick to Europe, where the big money of the hope that the end is all abnormal sexual abuse and torture. 她们被哄骗到欧洲,本希望能到那里赚大钱,到头来却是性虐待和种种变态的折磨。 www.englishtang.com 7. He ended up in Guinea-Bissau, where, one night two years later, he got word that a boat for Europe would leave in a few hours. 他骑车来到Guinea-Bissau,在这里,两年前他在这里滞留了一个夜晚,有人告知他,有船将要起航到欧洲。 www.bing.com 8. The Romantic Movement was already underfoot in Europe, as men began to look for a warmer, more involved "God. " (注:这是自然神论的观念)浪漫主义运动在欧洲已经式微,人们开始寻找一个较有感情,较参与人类事务的「神」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Overall, a strong euro and a 27 per cent increase in Guangdong's exports to Europe have compensated for a weak dollar and soft US market. 总体而言,欧元走强及广东对欧出口增长27%的事实,弥补了美元疲软和美国市场走软的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Throughout the previous decade, one of the main rhetorics in Turkish diplomacy was to become the fourth energy artery for Europe. 过去10年,土耳其外交主旋律之一就是成为欧洲第四大能源主要供应国。 www.bing.com 1. Some believe Europe will be able to weather the financial storm better than the United States but many say it is just too early to say. 有些人认为,欧洲能比美国更好地渡过这场金融风暴。但也有许多人认为现在这样说还言之尚早。 www.ebigear.com 2. In medieval Europe, it was the worst punishment possible, because people's identities were defined by their role and place in society. 在中世纪的欧洲,放逐是最严厉的刑罚,因为人们的身份是以在社会的角色和地位界定的。 www.bing.com 3. Britain is more optimistic than most of Europe and is the only country in which confidence is higher than a year ago. 英国比多数欧洲国家乐观,同时也是市场信心较一年前有所提升的唯一国家。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The bank has decided to cut investments in Europe, Japan and Australia and increase U. S. holdings-but which U. S. holdings? 该行已经决定削减在欧洲、日本和澳大利亚的投资,增加在美国的持股,不过要增持哪些美国股票? chinese.wsj.com 5. The incident comes less than a year after a similar outage brought a halt to communications between Europe, Africa and Asia. 此次事件距上次欧亚非通讯中断时隔不到一年。 www.bing.com 6. However, such a move away from the continent can only go on for so long before Europe's own industrial base is harmed deeply. 但这种转移的前提是,欧洲自己的工业基地不会受到明显的伤害。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Such a trend can also be seen other parts of the world that have rigid labor markets, especially in Europe. 这种趋势在世界其他地区,特别是欧洲,也有发生。 www.bing.com 8. Although glasses spread quickly throughout Europe and Asia, there was one major problem: keeping them on the wearer's face. 虽然眼镜在欧亚迅速传开,但是仍然有一个大难题:怎么把它们戴人们的脸上。 bbs.putclub.com 9. People will continue to wrangle over relations between the state and religion in the Arab world, just as they did for centuries in Europe. 正如几个世纪以来的欧洲人一样,人们将会继续就阿拉伯世界中有关政权和宗教之间的关系争论不休。 www.ecocn.org 10. Shanghai itself appears to be an extremely wealthy city, comparable to most capital cities in europe in terms of the buildings. 上海自身看起来是个极度富有的城市,那里的高楼就可以和欧洲的绝大少数首都城市相媲美。 shzt.org 1. The stimulus plans that the United States is pushing Europe to adopt can also distort trade, depending on how much they rely on subsidies. 美国敦促欧洲采纳的经济刺激计划也会扭曲贸易,这要取决于这些刺激计划依赖补贴的程度。 www.tianya.cn 2. It seems to me that food all over Europe is becoming the same. 对我来说整个欧洲的食物都是一样的。 www.bing.com 3. To improve the biochip, the company is working with medical researchers in the U. S. , Europe and Asia, he said. 他说,为了改进生物芯片,该公司正在和美国、欧洲和亚洲的医学研究人员展开合作。 www.qeto.com 4. never got to see Europe; finally got to work at home. 从未能去看看欧洲;最终只能在家工作 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Somehow, just a century after his grandfather's deposition, the Habsburg Empire had reconstituted itself as the United States of Europe. 就在他的祖父被废黜一百年后,哈布斯堡帝国居然改头换面成为欧罗巴合众国了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. In Europe they seem to be whining, moaning, and protesting about their free, free government cheese. 在欧洲,他们看起来似乎在抱怨,哭啼,抗议他们的自由。 www.xilu.com 7. NBA games were not televised in Europe, so Bryant depended on the boxes from his grandfather to be able to imitate U. S. professionals. 即使那个时候NBA还不能在欧洲直播,但是科比已经可以通过录像带来模仿NBA中专业的篮球动作。 www.kobechina.com.cn 8. Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting. He had traveled in much of Europe before. 罗伯特.富尔顿说,他的最初旅行没有什么意思,因为此前他曾经到过欧洲的许多地方,唯一新鲜的是他的这辆新摩托车。 www.bing.com 9. Yet, it seems, the edges of Karl Marx's lips are beginning to twitch again in Europe as fresh attempts are made to reanimate his ideas. 不过在欧洲,卡尔?马克思(KarlMarx)的嘴角似乎又咧开了,因为这里出现令思想恢复活力的新尝试。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But Europe, with its tight regulations and a carbon-trading program in place, may not be achieving all that it intends. 但是,监管严格、碳交易计划实施到位的欧洲,也许并没有实现其所有意图。 cn.nytimes.com 1. Meanwhile, the expected meeting of minds between America's newly invigorated trustbusters and Europe's also seems to have been put on hold. 与此同时,刚刚受到鼓舞的美国反垄断官员们与欧洲同行的预期会晤似乎也已经被搁置了。 www.ecocn.org 2. With markets in Europe and the U. S likely to grow slowly over the next few years, China will be hard-pressed to sustain that pace. 在未来几年欧美市场很可能放缓的情况下,中国将难以保持这样的增速。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Other countries, including some in Europe and some in the developing world, have traditionally found a rapid recovery to be more difficult. 对于其它国家来说,包括欧洲一些国家和某些发展中国家,其经济实现迅速复苏的难度历来更大。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Europe's economy is now sufficiently damaged that China alone can never do enough to help it recover. 欧洲经济如今已是千疮百孔,仅凭中国一己之力,绝不可能帮助欧洲复苏。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Although the merchants and the nobles at court did not care about this discovery, the fishermen of Europe became very interested. 虽然商人和宫廷贵族们对这一发现并不在意,欧洲的渔夫们却很感兴趣。 www.24en.com 6. Some of these units are available in Europe, and we expect to have clinical trials with similar devices here within two years. 在欧洲可以获得一部分元件,我们期望在两年内用类似的设备进行临床试验。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Turkey has by far the most powerful and effective military in Europe and is going to be a major Mediterranean power. 目前为止,土耳其是欧洲最强大有力的军事实体,它将成为地中海地区一个主要的势力。 www.bing.com 8. I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary; there would be but one people in Europe. 我想建立一个整合的欧洲体系,包含了法律,法庭,与人种。 www.ebigear.com 9. Although these kind of degrees are popular in Europe, Fuqua is one of the few business schools in the US to launch such a programme. 虽然此类项目在欧洲很流行,但福库商学院是仅有的几家在美国推出此类教学项目的商学院之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Be prepared to pay a pretty penny if you take a trip to Europe. The dollar fell to another record low against the euro. 如果你要到欧洲旅行,准备好付出一大笔钱。美元对欧元的汇率又创新低。 www.bing.com 1. It's been a long time since passengers have been allowed to smoke on an airliner in the United States. It's the same story in Europe. 很久以前,美国航班就已禁止乘客在客机上吸烟,欧洲航班也曾这样做。 www.bing.com 2. How much the weaker trend across Europe owes to the credit squeeze is not clear. 信贷紧缩在欧洲各国房价下跌趋势中扮演的角色尚不得而知。 www.ecocn.org 3. What about the wars that took place in Europe between the different Christian sects, including the Catholics and the Protestants? 如何看待发生在欧洲的基督教不同派别之间,天主教和新教派之间的战争? www.2muslim.com 4. That said, I reserve the right to resubmit my examination paper if Europe's leaders are foolish enough to let the euro zone sink. 尽管如此,我仍保留重新提交考卷的权利,以防欧洲领导人愚蠢到听任欧元区解体的地步。 www.bing.com 5. Clearly they are a team who are doing well and are not easy to score against, so it will be a tough game like always in Europe. 很明显他们是一支一直都非常出色的球队,并且不容易得分,所以这跟冠军杯一样是一场苦战。 www.jczqw.com 6. In Europe, too, executive aircraft are being used more often, but in Asia, and especially in China, they remain something of a rarity. 在欧洲,商务飞机也越来越普遍,但在亚洲,特别在中国,商务机还是个稀罕物儿。 www.ecocn.org 7. In many of our hotels, particularly in Europe, it is something of a family business. 在我们的很多酒店,尤其是在欧洲的酒店,这就像一个家族业务。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Altan suggests that the utilization of these materials is at higher levels in both Europe and Asia than in the U. S. Altan认为欧洲和亚洲在这些材料的应用水平上高于美国。 www.bing.com 9. Looking back, one begins to see that Europe has spent the best part of 10 years failing to get its act together. 回溯历史,你就会发现欧洲浪费了10年最好的时间使各成员国行动一致。 www.bing.com 10. In the US the noise about bankers' salaries is as loud as, if not louder than, it is in Europe. 在美国有关银行家薪水的声音比欧洲还要大,至少也是一样的。 www.bing.com 1. We go all over Europe playing top teams and we play against the best sides in this country, but that was one of the hardest games we've had. 我们已经跟欧洲列强和本国豪门交手过多次,但这是我踢过的最困难的比赛之一。 engbbs.fans1.com 2. Being knocked out of Europe affected them, but I cannot understand these stories [that Ancelotti will be fired even if he wins the league]. 欧冠被淘汰影响了他,但我不理解这些故事[赛季结束安切洛蒂就会被炒]。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. Russia is building pipelines to Europe but much of its own country has no gas or even plumbing. 俄罗斯在修建通向欧洲的石油管道,但是它自己国家的许多地区却没有汽油甚至石油管道。 www.bing.com 4. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. 乒乓球曾经一度销声匿迹,在十九世界二十年代早期,它又在英格兰和威尔士获得新生。 big5.cri.cn 5. Europe's banks aren't saying how much in vulnerable debt they hold overall, but it adds up. 欧洲的银行没有说他们总共持有多少不稳定的债务,但加起来应与总数相符。 www.elanso.com 6. This seems to be a great disease in Europe during the doctor costume. . . Half an hour later, another man bent down in a trash can above. 这仿佛是大瘟疫期间欧洲大夫的打扮服装……半个小时之后,另一小我俯身倒在一个渣滓桶上面。 www.cntingshu.com 7. China is now one of the company's three key markets along with Europe and the U. S. 中国现在是包括欧洲和美国在内的三大关键市场之一。 www.bing.com 8. In Europe, Greeks, Irish and Spaniards began partying through the night to help put a year of economic woe behind them. 在欧洲,希腊,爱尔兰和西班牙开始彻夜狂欢,以帮助他们把后面的经济荣辱与共的一年。 www.englishtang.com 9. In his time, the reform carried out in Europe was being copied, but in many respects this copy was merely superficially reformative. 森鸥外所处的时代正在进行着效仿欧洲的改革,但是在很多方面又只是粗浅的表面的维新。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. If the Tories win the impending general election, he said, there will not be a plebiscite of any kind on Europe. 他表示,在本次大选中,如果保守党能当选,则该党不再就任何欧洲问题进行公投。 www.ecocn.org 1. "What we're beginning to see here in Asia is no different from what is going on in Europe and what has already happened in the US. " “我们在亚洲开始经历的,与正在欧洲上演和已经在美国发生的事情没有什么不同。” www.ftchinese.com 2. This was one reason so much of Europe opposed the U. S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. 这也是为什么会有如此多的欧洲国家对美国进行2003年的伊拉克侵略战争持反对意见的一个理由。 www.bing.com 3. "If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said. 他说,“如果西欧的政治和军事领导人不把情况讲明,则将使人民产生一种虚假的安全感。” www.jukuu.com 4. Conversely, if peripheral Europe had not been tethered to the euro, its currencies would have fallen over the same period. 与德国的情形相反,要不是加入了欧元区,欧元区那些外围国家的货币在同一时期将会贬值。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But that might't be much help when consumer confidence is being hit as hard as it is at the moment in the U. S. and Europe. 但在消费者信心受到与欧美同样严重的打击之时,海外资金也可能于事无补。 www.enfamily.cn 6. None of Europe's leaders likes this option but it would be money well spent if it put Greece's debt on a sustainable path. 没有那个欧洲国家希望采取此措施,但如果此措施实施得当,希腊债务将得到根本解决。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. It looks as if the only way Europe's proud aerospace champion can survive is by matching Boeing's increasingly global game. 这似乎表明,欧洲引以为豪的航空巨头得以生存的唯一出路便是同波音日渐增强的全球战略一争高下。 www.ecocn.org 8. As she noted dismissively, a man of that background would never have been able to rise so high in Europe. 即使是如此轻蔑的形容,对这种背景的男士来说已经算得上是欧洲最高评价了。 www.bing.com 9. Europe, in other words, is turning out to be structurally weak in a time of crisis. 换句话说,欧洲在危机来临的时期显得尤其弱。 www.bing.com 10. The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet army. And yet retreat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe. 美国的军队规模远远比不上更为强大的苏联红军,然而撤退只会让共产主义横扫欧洲。 gb.cri.cn 1. I have spent the past three days trying to discover, from legal experts all over Europe, where the crime of aggression can be prosecuted. 在过去的三天中,我一直在通过全欧洲的法律专家,试图找到在哪国可以起诉侵略罪。 www.bing.com 2. I cannot see this as a real obstacle to a second front in Europe now, as Mr. Hopkins states. 我不明白霍普金斯先生所说的,这就是现在在欧洲开辟第二战场的真正障碍。 3. There is, of course, no historical connection between the culture of Europe in the thirteenth century and that of present-day savages. 诚然,在13世纪的欧洲文化与现代野蛮人文化之间,绝不存在某种历史的关联。 4. Culture fomented from Europe's tip to its top. Wagner was master of music and people did not forget their own artists. France had. 文化在欧洲不断上升。瓦格纳是音乐大师,人民没有忘记他们自己的艺术家。法国产生了契柯夫。 raymondzhou.yculblog.com 5. Can they tell me in an easy practical way what I can do in my daily life that probably will be stressful again when back in Europe? 她们告诉我的简单实用的方法,我在日常生活中可以做些什么,当回到欧洲后会再次的陷于压力之中吗? www.fanyispa.com 6. The euro remained around a two-month high against the US dollar, while Europe's bond and equity markets did not budge on the news. 欧元兑美元汇率仍维持在两个月高点附近,欧洲的债券与股票市场也没有因为这些消息而有所波动。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Arcane discussions about treaty change and rows about Britain's place in Europe have been the stuff of EU summits for literally generations. 围绕条约修订的秘密讨论,以及关于英国在欧洲地位的吵闹,在几代人的时间里,一直存在于欧盟峰会上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone. 二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。 www.bing.com 9. This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving). 他们认为这是拯救福特北美业务转型计划的唯一希望(至少欧洲已经有所起色)。 www.ecocn.org 10. The U. S. actions will radiate out in the global economy, Rogoff said. "Europe might be forced to do similar measures. " 美国的行动还将对全球经济产生辐射影响,Rogoff说,“欧洲或许将被迫采取类似举动。” cn.reuters.com 1. But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。 www.bing.com 2. ANNOUNCER: Thousands of would be migrants are taking advantage of summer weather and calm seas to try to cross from Africa to Europe. 播音员:成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 4. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 5. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 6. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 7. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 8. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 10. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 1. Arcane discussions about treaty change and rows about Britain's place in Europe have been the stuff of EU summits for literally generations. 围绕条约修订的秘密讨论,以及关于英国在欧洲地位的吵闹,在几代人的时间里,一直存在于欧盟峰会上。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The angst of a decade ago, when it seemed that Germany might be the new sick man of Europe, has largely gone. 二十年前,人们很担心德国会成为新的欧洲病人,但是今天,这个疑云已经大部分散去。 www.bing.com 3. This they saw as the only hope of financing a turnaround in Ford's core North American business (Europe, at least, was already improving). 他们认为这是拯救福特北美业务转型计划的唯一希望(至少欧洲已经有所起色)。 www.ecocn.org 4. The U. S. actions will radiate out in the global economy, Rogoff said. "Europe might be forced to do similar measures. " 美国的行动还将对全球经济产生辐射影响,Rogoff说,“欧洲或许将被迫采取类似举动。” cn.reuters.com 5. If only Hitler and Mussolini could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is. 我觉得,要是希特勒和墨索里尼能每周在日内瓦好好打一场保龄球,欧洲的局面就不会如此糟糕。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. If I was Fernando Torres, I would expect every top club in Europe to be chasing me. That's good as it means he's doing his job. 如果我是费尔南多,我会希望所有的顶级俱乐部都在关注着我的表现,那说明我在球场上做得很好。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。 www.bing.com 8. ANNOUNCER: Thousands of would be migrants are taking advantage of summer weather and calm seas to try to cross from Africa to Europe. 播音员:成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 10. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 1. The U. S. actions will radiate out in the global economy, Rogoff said. "Europe might be forced to do similar measures. " 美国的行动还将对全球经济产生辐射影响,Rogoff说,“欧洲或许将被迫采取类似举动。” cn.reuters.com 2. If only Hitler and Mussolini could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is. 我觉得,要是希特勒和墨索里尼能每周在日内瓦好好打一场保龄球,欧洲的局面就不会如此糟糕。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If I was Fernando Torres, I would expect every top club in Europe to be chasing me. That's good as it means he's doing his job. 如果我是费尔南多,我会希望所有的顶级俱乐部都在关注着我的表现,那说明我在球场上做得很好。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Since the beginning of the year, Beijing has sent government and corporate officials on "buying missions" to the US and Europe. 自今年初以来,北京已派出政府及企业官员前往美国和欧洲进行“采购之旅”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。 www.bing.com 6. ANNOUNCER: Thousands of would be migrants are taking advantage of summer weather and calm seas to try to cross from Africa to Europe. 播音员:成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 8. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 9. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 10. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 1. Since the beginning of the year, Beijing has sent government and corporate officials on "buying missions" to the US and Europe. 自今年初以来,北京已派出政府及企业官员前往美国和欧洲进行“采购之旅”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. And on top of all that, the Mavericks have the draft rights to Nick Calathes, who has blossomed into a very strong player in Europe. 除此之外,小牛还有对尼克-卡拉希斯的征召权,这个家伙已经在欧洲赛场成长为一个重要人物了。 www.kle100.cn 3. But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。 www.bing.com 4. ANNOUNCER: Thousands of would be migrants are taking advantage of summer weather and calm seas to try to cross from Africa to Europe. 播音员:成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 6. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 7. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 8. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 9. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 10. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 1. But Lagarde added that the pick-up in financial conditions in the US, Europe and Japan has yet to translate into a sustainable recovery. 但拉加德说,美国、欧洲和日本财政状况的好转尚未转化为可持续的复苏。 www.bing.com 2. ANNOUNCER: Thousands of would be migrants are taking advantage of summer weather and calm seas to try to cross from Africa to Europe. 播音员:成千上万的难民正利用夏季暖和的气候和平静的海面,奋力的从非洲转移到欧洲去。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 4. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 5. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 6. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 7. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 8. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 10. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 1. Europe began to see America "as part of what has gone wrong" , overlooking its sacrifices for "freedom around the globe" . 欧洲开始认为美国“某些部分走错了”,忽略了其为“全球自由”所做的牺牲。 www.ecocn.org 2. The goal was not to develop trade and expertise where none had existed, but to help restore Europe to its former wealth. 这项计划的目标并非是在毫无基础的条件下建立新贸易和能力,而是帮助欧洲恢复原有的繁荣。 www.america.gov 3. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 4. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 5. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 6. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 7. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 8. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 9. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 10. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 1. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 2. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 3. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 4. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 6. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 7. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 8. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 9. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 1. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 2. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 4. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 5. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 6. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 7. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 9. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 10. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 1. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 2. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 3. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 5. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 7. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 8. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 9. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 10. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 1. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 2. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 3. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 5. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 6. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 7. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 8. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 9. The Azores is the best place in Europe to see a large range of whales and dolphins up close. 亚速尔群岛是欧洲最好的地方,看到一个近距离大范围的鲸鱼和海豚。 ptyly.com 10. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 1. I did not go on vacation to Miami or Europe, but I still got good grades and met the best friends I could ever imagine. 我没有去迈阿密或者欧洲度假,但我仍然得到了好成绩,结识了我能想象到的最好的朋友。 newztf.blog.163.com 2. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。 www.bing.com 3. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 4. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 6. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 7. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 8. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 9. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 1. Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joplin City suffered a tornado hit. 美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。 www.englishtang.com 2. He's got the chance with one of the top two or three teams in Europe and the world. 他总是想来欧洲踢球,现在他得到了机会为世界上前三位的球队踢球。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 4. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 5. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 6. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 7. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 9. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 10. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 1. How much inventory should they be carrying to achieve desired service levels in Europe? 他们应该储备多少存货以满足欧洲的理想服务水平。 www.myoops.org 2. Until the end of the Middle Ages kale was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. 直至中世纪末期,羽衣甘蓝一直都是欧洲大陆上最流行的绿色蔬菜之一。 dongxi.net 3. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 4. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 5. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 7. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 8. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 9. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 10. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 1. Its total GDP already exceeds that of Germany. In terms of fiscal management, it has outperformed both the US and Europe. 现在其GDP总量已经超过德国;在财政管理方面,它的表现优于美国和欧洲。 www.bing.com 2. I would not be surprised, and probably expect, some of those tools to be used in Europe as well. 当这些工具有朝一日也在欧洲启用时我将不会感到惊讶,或者说我正期望事情会这样发生。 www.suiniyi.com 3. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 5. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 6. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 7. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 8. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 9. The Azores is the best place in Europe to see a large range of whales and dolphins up close. 亚速尔群岛是欧洲最好的地方,看到一个近距离大范围的鲸鱼和海豚。 ptyly.com 10. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 1. But an investment banking tie-up with Rothschild in Europe came to little; nor is China the El Dorado it is often made out to be. 不过,野村与罗斯切尔德公司(Rothschild)的欧洲合资投行业务获益寥寥,而中国也并不是人们心目中通常认为的黄金天堂。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 3. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 4. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 5. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 6. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 7. The Azores is the best place in Europe to see a large range of whales and dolphins up close. 亚速尔群岛是欧洲最好的地方,看到一个近距离大范围的鲸鱼和海豚。 ptyly.com 8. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 9. "We have to stop the bush fires turning into a Europe-wide forest fire, " declares Olli Rehn, the European Union's economics commissioner. “我们必须阻止这场灌木丛的野火变为整个欧洲范围内的森林大火,”欧盟经济专员奥利雷恩OlliRehn宣称。 www.ecocn.org 10. It was a lonely place, so much so that word of the outbreak of war in Europe had not yet reached it. 这个小珊瑚岛位在印度洋,十分孤寂,还未听到欧洲爆发战争的消息。 forum.bomoo.com 1. I wasn't able to understand him. He was able to leave Europe before the war began. 在战争爆发之前,他离开了欧洲。 asp3.6to23.com 2. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented. 埃里克·特林考斯说,已经有几十份尼安德特人的墓葬被记录在案。这些墓葬都遍及西欧、东欧甚至西南亚。 www.bing.com 3. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 4. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 5. The Azores is the best place in Europe to see a large range of whales and dolphins up close. 亚速尔群岛是欧洲最好的地方,看到一个近距离大范围的鲸鱼和海豚。 ptyly.com 6. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 7. "We have to stop the bush fires turning into a Europe-wide forest fire, " declares Olli Rehn, the European Union's economics commissioner. “我们必须阻止这场灌木丛的野火变为整个欧洲范围内的森林大火,”欧盟经济专员奥利雷恩OlliRehn宣称。 www.ecocn.org 8. It was a lonely place, so much so that word of the outbreak of war in Europe had not yet reached it. 这个小珊瑚岛位在印度洋,十分孤寂,还未听到欧洲爆发战争的消息。 forum.bomoo.com 9. Grudging co-operation has been sustained by fear that if Greece runs out of money, it will drag the rest of Europe down with it. 由于担心财政枯竭的希腊将把整个欧洲都拖下水,各国进行着不情不愿的合作。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe. 一群大火烈鸟飞过普罗旺斯的卡玛格地区自然公园天空,这里是欧洲最初的鸟类庇护所之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. HRN: That's a good point. Inflation is a concern in Europe and the Euro seems to be in trouble. Can the Euro survive? 这是一个很好的点。通货膨胀是一个在欧洲的关注和欧洲似乎遇到了麻烦。欧元能否生存下去? bbs.dyhjw.com 2. Coffee pot is one of Europe's earliest inventions, in about 1685 in France come out in the Louis XV period in various parts of widespread. 咖啡壶是欧洲最早的发明之一,约在1685年于法国问世,在路易十五时期在各地广为流传。 www.mercicoffee.com 3. The Azores is the best place in Europe to see a large range of whales and dolphins up close. 亚速尔群岛是欧洲最好的地方,看到一个近距离大范围的鲸鱼和海豚。 ptyly.com 4. Conceding defeat would be a profound step to take in a country more reverent of its military history than perhaps any other in Europe. 对于一个比欧洲任何其他国家都要对其军事历史引以为豪的国家而言,承认失败将意味深刻。 www.ecocn.org 5. "We have to stop the bush fires turning into a Europe-wide forest fire, " declares Olli Rehn, the European Union's economics commissioner. “我们必须阻止这场灌木丛的野火变为整个欧洲范围内的森林大火,”欧盟经济专员奥利雷恩OlliRehn宣称。 www.ecocn.org 6. It was a lonely place, so much so that word of the outbreak of war in Europe had not yet reached it. 这个小珊瑚岛位在印度洋,十分孤寂,还未听到欧洲爆发战争的消息。 forum.bomoo.com 7. Grudging co-operation has been sustained by fear that if Greece runs out of money, it will drag the rest of Europe down with it. 由于担心财政枯竭的希腊将把整个欧洲都拖下水,各国进行着不情不愿的合作。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Greater flamingos fill the sky over Provence's Camargue Regional Nature Park, one of the first bird sanctuaries in Europe. 一群大火烈鸟飞过普罗旺斯的卡玛格地区自然公园天空,这里是欧洲最初的鸟类庇护所之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Meanwhile, Europe and the rest of the world wait in a state of perplexity for the movie theater to go out of business. 与此同时,欧洲和世界各国仍然在困惑地等待着这出大戏落幕。 cn.nytimes.com 10. "In Europe, I expect to see a double-digit growth in sales for the next decade or so, " says Mr Mogi. 茂木友三郎表示:“在欧洲,我预计今后10年左右销量将出现两位数的增幅。” www.ftchinese.com |
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