单词 | double-check |
释义 |
第三人称单数:double-checks 现在分词:double-checking 过去式:double-checked n. second check,reassessment,verification,check 例句释义: 核对,双重校对,复查,双重核算制,双重检查,再次确认,仔细的检查 1. Please double check that your mail address is correct as, if you make an error, we will not be able to respond to you. 请检查电邮地址是否正确,倘若地址不符,我们便无法与您联络。 www.kuenglish.info 2. As he thought about it more, he decided to call her just to double-check. 事后考虑再三,决定打电话给她来核实一下。 www.bing.com 3. Poor research: In an effort to get a business plan together hastily, many business owners do not double-check and substantiate their claims. 缺乏调查研究:为了赶商业计划,许多业主不去核查和证实他们的主张。 www.kuenglish.info 4. Double check the stage of the research and make it clear to your audience how much more needs to be done to make treatments a reality. 反复核查研究所处的阶段,并向你的读者清楚地说明要让疗法成为现实还需要做多少工作。 www.scidev.net 5. Just a minute, madam. I'll change it for you right away. . . here's a new one. Please double-check it. 请稍等,夫人。我立即给你换一个……这是新的,请你再检查一下。 www.linkshop.cn 6. Check, and double check, to see that the right address appears in the "To" line. 检查再检查,保证正确的收件人地址。 www.bing.com 7. Oh, that will be great. Thank you so much. Please help me to double-check the name list. I have to make sure they are all correct. 噢,太好了。飞铲感谢你。请帮我再检查一下名单。我必须保证它们全部都正确。 www.hxen.com 8. And, for a double check, re-capture those webpages with Clixpy to see if the updates really work. 然后再仔细检查,使用Clixpy重新捕获网页,看一看更新是不是能真的起作用。 www.bing.com 9. Double-check at me after he said. 我在仔细检查后对他说。 www.chinavalue.net 10. If you think there's a discrepancy in what someone told you, you can double check it against your archives. 如果认为有人对你讲的前后有出入,你可以打开存档资料核查。 www.showxiu.com 1. If you think you're doing a good job, you don't double-check your work, and so you're less likely to catch mistakes. 如果你认为你做得很好,你就不会再去检查你的工作了,你就很有可能发现不了错误了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "If your instinct tells you that what they're telling you doesn't sound right, double-check it with another mechanic, " she said. “如果你的本能告诉你一个汽车维修工说的话听起来不合理,那么就重复询问另外一个维修工。”她说。 www.bing.com 3. If it didn't compile and link, double-check the stages and ensure that there were no early warnings causing errors later on. 如果它没有编译和链接,请仔细检查这些阶段,并确保早先没有出现会引起稍后出错的警告。 www.ibm.com 4. The bypass assembly consists of a meter registering either gallon or cubic measurements, a double check assembly and required test cocks. 旁路总成包括一个可记录加仑或立方米的水表,一个双止回阀总成和所需的测试旋塞。 olive18.wordpress.com 5. We were unable to double-check the costs of the new products before the price list was printed. 我们要等到价格单打印出来后才能再次核对这批新产品的成本。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. After that, I immediately called Rinpoche to double check if I made the right decision. 之后,我立刻打电话给仁波切,再度确认我是否做了正确的决定。 olive18.wordpress.com 7. Double Check Detector Assembly shall be installed on fire protection systems when connected to a potable water supply. 当消防系统连接到饮用水供应系统时,应该安装一个双止回阀总成。 olive18.wordpress.com 8. Wait for your turn, double check for oncoming traffic or pedestrians and then slowly proceed into the intersection. 等待轮到你,双重检查迎面而来的车辆或行人,然后慢慢开始进入十字路口。 bbs.jysq.net 9. Double-check that your JSP looks exactly like the source above to avoid having to debug later. 请再次检查,确保您的JSP与上面的源代码完全一样以避免以后必须进行调试。 www.ibm.com 10. Something is wrong with the server configuration - double check the server configuration against the PHP installation instructions. 服务器配置在某处有问题,请对照PHP安装说明仔细检查服务器配置。 www.kuenglish.info 1. He had his exec double-check with Jean to make sure the sick bay would be ready for casualties, and got back an answer that rattled him. 他命令副官与吉英联系,确保病员舱一切就绪,可以接纳伤员,而他得到的回答却让他心神不安。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Instead of trying to recall exactly what the sale paper said, pull that ad out and ask the clerk to double check it. 与其努力会议广告单上写的是什么,还不如直接把广告单拿出来让收银员仔细查看。 www.elanso.com 3. The bypass line shall consist of a meter, a small diameter double check assembly with test cocks and isolation valves. 旁路管线应该由一个水表,配置测试旋塞和隔离阀的一个小直径双止回阀总成构成。 olive18.wordpress.com 4. Yes. But it has to be before you made the payment. Therefore please double check your order before you submit. Thanks. 但必需于你付款前来联络我们作变更的动作,所以请于购买前请多加确认您的订单,谢谢。 blog.30inc.com 5. To make sure I am on the right track, let me double check what you want. 为确保无误让我再核对一遍您所希望的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. 13-Use a square and a marking gauge to lay out the mortise. Double-check that the mortise and tenon widths match. 图13。用直角尺和划线器画出榫槽线。再次检查,确保榫头和榫槽的宽度契合。 www.360doc.com 7. We will make sure to keep your information confidential, and if necessary, we will contact with you for double check. 我们承诺,对于您的个人信息我们将严格保密,仅作确认用(必要时我们可能会与您联络)。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To ensure accuracy, reporters must check and double-check all of the information they collect for a news story. 为确保准确,记者必须对收集的所有资讯进行核实、再核实。 www.america.gov 9. I often try to double-check a counter the first time I add it to a report. 我经常尝试仔细检查我第一次添加到报告的计数器。 www.ibm.com 10. PS file check: traditional is can only send RIP rasterization double check. PS文件查抄:古板的是只能发送RIP栅格化再查抄。 www.bing.com 1. We need to review daily with David and double check delivery dates, for material and equipment so we don't slip on any of the mile stones. 我们需要每天和大卫同时评审和检查原材料和设备的交货日期。我们不能在小小的石头上滑倒。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. double check that this is what you intended. 仔细检查这是你想要的结果。 translations.launchpad.net 3. If you're experiencing problems with your import, double-check the libraries included in your project. 如果你在导入时遇到同样的问题,请双击包括在项目中的类库。 www.ibm.com 4. This is a bit tacky because you will have to double check it each time you alter the stub, which will be quite frequently while developing. 这种事情有点麻烦,因为每次改变该部分就需要检查2次,而且开发过程中这些事情都是很频繁的。 bbs.pediy.com 5. Having selected a contractor before someone passes away, double-check prices and services before seeking a particular vendor's assistance. 在某人去世前要确定一个殡仪服务商,确认价格和服务无误后可以寻找一个特殊的提供商的协助。 www.bing.com 6. Double-check that the correct case of the argument was used. 反复检查确保使用参数的正确大小写。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Play the animation, and double check that you now have a nice animation of a camera following the camera target at a constant distance. 播放动画,仔细检查动画,确保摄像机与目标点保持固定的距离。 bbs.cgtime.com.cn 8. Solution: Double-check what type of removal you requested by looking at the "Removal Type" column. 解决方案:通过查看“删除类型”栏,再三确认你请求删除的类型。 www.bing.com 9. Carry out double check on the elevation line based on the basic axial line the general contractor provides. 按总包方提供的基准轴线,标高线进行复核,确定无误后,定出安装基准线。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. A. . . Before use, should double-check whether a complete package of condoms, condoms for breakage and potential hazards (not flat). 使用前,应仔细检查安全套的外包装是否完整,安全套是否有破损(不能漏气)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The coach told the students to double-check their parachute harness before they jumped out of the plane. 教练要学员们在跳出飞机之前再次检查他们降落伞的安全索具。 jdz301.blog.163.com 2. Double-check the implementation of contract management policy and ISO standard procedure for contract review. 双重监督合同管理政策以及ISO合同评审程序的执行。 www.jobui.com 3. The TK-DL can test pressure vacuum breakers, reduced pressure backflow preventers or double check valve assemblies. TK-DL可以检测压力真空断路阀,减压防回流阀或双止回阀总成。 www.h6688.com 4. Therefore, please double check your email address before finalizing your reservation . 所以在最后确定您的预订之前请再次检查您的电子邮箱地址。 www.bing.com 5. He was careful enough to double-check every detail. 他非常仔细,把每一个细节都核对过了。 www.putclub.com 6. Note that the syntax may change from release to release, so double check the version you've downloaded and the API you're browsing. 注意,不同发布的语法可能不同,因此,请仔细检查您已下载的版本和正在浏览的API。 www.ibm.com 7. You can double check with the housekeeping department, but i am pretty sure all of the machines will need new cartridges . 你可以再次去总务部查一下,不过我肯定所有的打印机都需要新墨盒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Double-check the spelling of your name and details of your address so there are no disputes about the proper copyright ownership. 仔细核查你名字的拼写和地址细节,做到对于作品正当的版权拥有者不存在异议。 www.bing.com 9. After installation, turn on water supply and double check for any leaks, finally install decorative panels and put into use. 本阀体安装完毕后,应接通水源反复检查各接处是否渗漏,最后安装装饰板,投入使用。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Fill in the stakeholders, interests, preconditions, and guarantees. Double-check them. 补上使用案例的关系人与其利益、事先条件与事后保证,并重复检查它们。 blog.roodo.com 1. If your breasts are still growing, consider buying fewer bras and measure yourself frequently to double-check your size. 如果你的胸部正在发育,建议你每个尺寸的胸罩都少买些,并经常复查下你当前的尺寸。 www.bing.com 2. Double-check for completeness, readability, and failure conditions. 请重新检查使用案例的完整性、可读性与失败条件。 dict.bioon.com 3. KATE MCKENNA: And can I just double check that I' m booked in here for two nights, starting Wednesday. 凯特.麦凯纳:我能再核实一下吗?我预定了两个晚上,从周三开始,对吗? www.bing.com 4. The password and confirmation password are different. Please double - check these fields and try again. 您两次输入的密码不一样。请检查后重试。 olive18.wordpress.com 5. please remember to double check everything before you bring the homework to class. ie - grammer and structure. 切记将家庭作业带到课堂之前要仔细检查,如语法及结构等 zhidao.baidu.com 6. d better make a double check with your answer . 你最好再核对一下答案。 www.bing.com 7. Responsible for checking SAP GL accounts and cost center , Double check bank payment requisition. 负责SAP系统总帐科目和成本中心的检查,仔细检查所有付款申请。 www.meijob.com 8. Don't forget to double- check your receipt before you click to submit to make sure your coupon code worked correctly! 在你提交之前别忘了再检查一遍你的收据,以确保你的优惠码能够生效! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Please double check stock status and find out if it's time to order. 请再检查一下库存情况,看看是不是该订货了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Why double-check somebody's books if you are selling on the risk in a matter of days (or even hours)? 如果你打算发放一个可能基于天数甚至小时数的风险贷款给他,为什么你要反复检查某人的帐本呢。 www.ecocn.org 1. Powell also recommends that you double-check when the information was last updated. Powell推荐当信息最后修正的时候,你应该仔细检查。 news.dxy.cn 2. If we required developers to double-check their work, maybe reviews could be completed faster without compromising code quality. 如果我们需要开发员双倍地检查他们的工作,那么评审可能更快地完成,而不用再去折中考虑代码质量的问题。 www.ibm.com 3. However, the reader is cautioned to always refine and double-check the validity of the model. 不过,需要提醒读者的是,始终要细化并核实模型的有效性。 www.ibm.com 4. If your queries execute without error but return no data, double-check the path expressions and namespace declarations in your query. 如果查询能够执行,但是没有返回数据,那么请仔细检查查询中的路径表达式和名称空间声明。 www.ibm.com 5. Double-check & reconfirm all reservations, check with outlet manager on duty for any inquiries. 再次检查和确定所有预定,有任何疑问可以找餐厅经理帮忙。 wenku.baidu.com 6. HR will be responsible for the Monthly Attendance Variance Report based on the record of HRMS, and double check of the employees' payroll. 人力资源部将根据人力管理系统的有关记录,检查员工出勤差异报告,并复核酒店员工的工资支付。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. u Press ESC to cancel locking mode and double check that the phase display stands still when the tuning fork is struck. 按ESC退出锁定模式,并且再次确认相位显示中的方块是在音叉持续发声时停止移动的。 my.popiano.org 8. Make double check and ensure the Expense Tracking Report sheets completed properly each week. 检查费用跟踪表必须每周正确完成。 www.linkshop.com.cn 9. You must double check everything to make sure that the documents meet the terms of the Letter of Credit. 你还要复核所有票据,确保文件和信用证的条款一致。 www.jukuu.com 10. The basic trip requirements are the same and this will help you double check that you have everything you need. 最基本的旅行要求是相同的这将帮助你确保你所有需要的东西都准备好了。 olive18.wordpress.com 1. Please, before bet, double check that you understand skadate table structure. 请下注前,请仔细检查您了解skadate表结构。 www.bing.com 2. Most other large investment banks double-check all big trades, even when not forced to by regulation. 即使规则没有强制要求,大多数大型投资银行都要求对大额交易进行复核。 www.ecocn.org 3. On my Windows 7 test machine, this font was already there, but it doesn't hurt to double-check, or just re-install it to make sure. 在我的Windows7测试机上,这个字体已经存在,不过再检查一遍或者重新安装一遍也无妨。 www.bing.com 4. To avoid any inconvenience, please double check the order before you purchase. 请务必确认后再行下订单,必免造成您的麻烦。 blog.30inc.com 5. Also, double-check to make sure that the default route is properly configured. 另外,反复检查,确保默认路由已正确配置。 www.ibm.com 6. Double-check the guest name and room number in the computer and then with the guest. Inform housekeeping. 在计算机系统中和客人一同反复检查客人名字和房号.通知客房部。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Double-check the weather at your destination just before you leave so you can pack appropriate clothing. 在你离开之前反复核对目的地的天气,这样才能准备好要带的衣服。 www.bing.com 8. As for the agreement you mentioned, I need to double check for you. 至于你提到的协定,我还需要再核实一下。 news.xinhuanet.com 9. A double check valve assembly shall be installed at each noted location. 双止回阀总成应该安装在每个指定的位置。 olive18.wordpress.com 10. Double-check the Regional settings, before installing any software. 在安装任何软件之前再次检查Regional设置。 www.ibm.com 1. First, you need to double check to make sure that the condom you are using is in good condition. 首先,需要确认你所使用的安全套保存状况良好,没有明显的裂痕。 www.elanso.com 2. Excuse me. Let me double-check. 让我仔细查一下。 wenku.baidu.com 3. It also points out how easy it is to get things wrong and how important it is to double-check your results. 它还表明出错是多么容易,以及对结果进行反复检查是多么重要。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Socially, you really do have to double check phone numbers, addresses, and other details. 在社会方面,你确实有双重检查电话号码,地址,以及其他细节。 bbs.chinatarot.com 5. Use the following procedure to double-check that the subform or subreport is correctly linked to the main report. 使用以下过程认真检查子窗体或子报表是否正确链接到了主报表。 office.microsoft.com 6. If the cable has only two contacts, double-check that it's not frayed or loosened in any way. 对只有两芯的电缆,务必采用各种办法反复检查电缆是否磨损或者松脱。 www.bing.com 7. Use the double-check pattern for synchronized initialization. 对于同步的初始化应使用双重检查模式。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. DIANE: Yes, that's probably about right. I'll have to double check that with Nick. 黛安:是的,可能就是这样的。我还必须与尼克再核对一下。 olive18.wordpress.com 9. However, please double check the prices with us before placing future orders later on. 但是在将来订单中,希望您能在下单时,重新与我们核对一下。谢谢! bbs.fobshanghai.com 10. DTP proofreaders double check all details according to the project instructions and our internal standards . DTP审核人员根据项目说明书和我们的内部标准检查所有细节。 www.bing.com 1. Watts Series 709 Double Check Valve may be installed in either a vertical or horizontal position. 美国瓦茨系列709双止回阀可以安装在垂直或水平位置上。 olive18.wordpress.com 2. Double check the journals which made by APAR accountant and chief accountant. 负责对应收应付会计及主管会计所做凭证的双重审查。 www.010so.com 3. The fourth is a double-check to publish a newspaper on the Internet Network Edition Web page. 第四是不苛查抄向互联网上颁布的报纸网络版网页。 www.bing.com 4. Double check the wine label and bin number against the POS printed order. 重复检查酒标、酒号,以避免价格出现在酒瓶上 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Because of that, I make sure to always havesomeone else double check my work. 正因为如此,我需要让其他人帮助我来检查我的工作。 www.bing.com 6. Double-check that each of the files has downloaded properly. 检查下载的每个文件是否是正确的。 www.ibm.com 7. Wait a sec, let me double-check. 等等,我来再查一下看看。 www.360doc.com 8. Double check the journals which made by cash accountant and bank accountant. 负责对现金会计和银行会计所做凭证的双重审查。 www.gao8dou.com 9. When something looks really weird, double-check the namespaces and the element names. 当某些内容看起来确实很怪异时,请复查名称空间和元素名称。 www.ibm.com 10. Take the time to sort out your personal papers and double-check your financial investments. 花些时间理清你的私人文件,复查下你的金融投资。 www.hjenglish.com 1. And double-check personally one day before the commence date to ensure everything is ready and works properly. 并在培训前一天亲自做复查,确保所有东西到位并操作正常。 www.haoqiantu.cn 2. Double-check your spare tire . You never know when you'll get a flat tire. 你不会知道什么时候轮胎会瘪掉。 www.bing.com 3. It is very important that you double-check your address before submitting your application. 所以在你提交申请时候仔细确认你填写的邮寄地址是十分重要的。 blizzardcn.com 4. Double check the sales bidding documents or proposal as manager's guidance on time. 在部门经理的指导下及时核对销售人员做出的报价,投标或推广书中的相关内容。 www.01hr.com 5. DTP QA engineers double check the entire DTP product according to client's instructions and our internal quality criteria. DTPQA工程师再次根据客户的要求和我们的内部质量标准检查整个DTP产品。 www.ectranslate.com.cn 6. Punch marks are made on the new cylinders during layout serve as double check to CAD layout. 冲床标志取得新的汽缸在设计服务双重检查在 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We need to double check network connectivity by executing appropriate commands. 我们需要通过执行适当操作命令,再度检查网络的连接性。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Series 719 Double Check Valve Assembly shall be installed at each noted location. 系列719双止回阀总成应该安装在每个标注的位置上。 olive18.wordpress.com 9. Duties & responsibilities: 1. Following marketing strategy and promotion plan, double check the quality of nomination; 2. 主要工作内容:1。依据全国促销策略与计划,检查、控制促销提名质量; www.yibaifen.com 10. Double check the sales commission, find and update the related policy according to the practice situation. 销售人员效益工资的双重审查,根据实际情况变化发现和更新相关政策。 www.boleme.com 1. So double-check your credit-card bills and ask yourself: Where am I directing my energy? 然后看紧自己的信用卡账单:问问自己到底想把精力放在何处。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Double-check to make sure your social self isn't ruling out workable solutions. 再检查一下确保”社交自我“没有在排除那些可行的方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. "It seems good, but we'll double-check in 20 minutes. There's too much dust now, " answers an officer. “初步看起来不错,但20分钟内我们将进行再次确认,现在现场有太多扬起的灰尘,”一位军官回答。 www.bing.com 4. Calculate and double check dealer incentive and subsidy based on variable marketing program and dealer bulletin. 根据公司政策和经销商公告,计算或审核经销商相关奖励、补贴。 www.job700.com 5. Raw material preparation or double check before machine start up. 开机前的原材料的准备和确认; www.job700.com 6. I need to double check the sprue radius, the location of the KO hole, and the thread type of ejector rod. 我得检查一下它的唧嘴大小,顶棍孔位置以及顶杆螺牙类型是否正确。 www.wzwang.com 7. So always double-check your expressions before you evaluate and use them. 因此在计算和使用表达式之前一定要反复检查。 www.ibm.com 8. Double-check that email address before continuing. 继续前请仔细检查邮件地址。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Always remember to double - check your train schedules. 记住要两次检查你的火车时刻表。 dict.veduchina.com 10. The product does not exist. Pls double check! 该产品不存在,请检查! quezi.35sun.com 1. We're nearing the peak of the 11-year solar cycle, so double-check your GPS and watch where you're going. 我们正在接近每11年太阳活动周期的顶峰,所以请重新检查你的GPS,注意你的去向。 www.bing.com 2. Supervise double check, and up date student accounts in daily basis. 对学生帐户进行每日仔细核实监督并做出及时更新。 www.cccv.cn 3. Read your paper for any content errors. Double check the facts and figures. 通读你的论文,看看有没有内容上的错误,再三检查事实和图标。 www.bing.com 4. Welding in the closed area, double check the area when finish welding to prevent the occurrence of burning. 在闷顶、隔墙等隐蔽场所焊接,操纵完毕后应反复检查,以防阴燃发生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Likewise, there are many times when I haven't taken the time to double check or confirm something and I came to regret it later on. 同样地,很多时候,我没有花更多的时间去复查或确认些什么,以至于让我事后诸葛亮追悔莫及。 www.kekenet.com 6. Please double check the FEDEX envelope to make sure you are not missing anything. 请再次检查一下你们的FEDEX信封,是否又遗漏。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Open electric switch, then Press "Start Pump" button (26), then double check the pump is started. 打开电气总开关,按“油泵启动”钮26,双确认启动油泵。 www.yook.cn 8. If not, double check valve cylinder, trachea, . 若未到达,再查抄气缸、气管、气阀。 www.bing.com 9. Double check with guest satisfaction after all action has been taken. 当补救行为完成后,应再次确认客人是否满意。 blog.meadin.com 10. Ask the guest to double-check the amount of local currency. 要求客人两次检查兑换而来的当地货币总数。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Double-check citations to ensure they are accurately recorded. 重覆检查节录的引言确保引据正确无误; www.publishedscholar.com 2. The first thing to do is double check if you've typed in the URL correctly. 出现错误后,最先要做的事情是仔细检查是否正确输入了URL。 it.sohu.com 3. In the rules to determine the location and paste it in the future, how many copies should be pressure test, and double check. 在确定并粘贴定位规矩以后,应先试压几张,并仔细检查。 www.bing.com 4. They didn't keep a detailed record of the pilots, so they had to double check. 他们没有飞行员的一份详细记录,所以他们必须仔细的检查。 sinoam.sina.com.cn 5. This guy needs to double check how he uses technology. . . 故事中的这家伙真该好好检讨下自己怎么在用高科技的。 www.putclub.com 6. If you must use color paper, needed to double check business card printing criteria and prepress. 如果必须使用彩色纸张,需预先仔细检查制卡条件并预印。 www.bing.com 7. Not sure. It was provided by the customer. I will double check it. 不太肯定。这是客户提供的。我会再查确认一下。 www.wzwang.com 8. Take the time to "double check" your facts, figures or production to make sure you are "getting it right the first time" . . . 对你做事需要的理论、数据以及相应的成果要做出仔细的检查,以确保把事情第一遍就能做对。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Do you type many complex commands, double check every spelling, and laugh at the notion of combining pictures with words on the screen? 你是否要敲入很多复杂的命令,仔细检查每个单词的拼写,觉得在文字中加入图片简直是异想天开的想法? file1.jydoc.com 10. so it's good to use a proper header-checking tool to double-check. 因此最好使用合适的页头检查工具再三核查。 www.bing.com 1. You should always read over documents to double check them, and if you can get a friend to read over your resume, go for it. 你需要通读简历,做多次检查,如果你能找到一个朋友帮你阅读简历,这是最好不过的了。 www.bing.com 2. I still double-check your wounds, you should strive to encourage housing close tears. 我还是仔细检查你的伤口,鼓励你要努力收住眼泪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Please double check your name and birthday on the first page. 请仔细检查试卷首页上你的名字和生日。 www.21tb.com 4. Check and double-check all alignments. 检查并仔细检查所有的线路。 www.tech-domain.com 5. Similarly, if you have DB2 ensure that only distinct results are returned, you won't have to double-check for duplicates. 类似地,要让DB2确保只返回独特的结果,您不需要重复检查重复值。 www.ibm.com 6. Be sure to double-check the house on your way out. 出门前一定要多检查下屋子。 ielts.hjenglish.com 7. Be sure to double-check your address for accuracy! 确认填写的地址是否正确! www.save3.net 8. One hundred and forty. Please double check it. 共一百四十元,请点收。 www.tingclass.net 9. Here's the correct change. Would you double check it? 这次找对了,请你再点收。 www.tingroom.com 10. If you have problems, double check the values entered in the dialog and then contact your CVS Server Administrator. 如果您遇到问题,请对该话框中的输入值进行系统检查,然后与CVS服务器管理员联系。 www.ibm.com 1. Be sure to double check your math before cutting. 一定要仔细检查割前你的数学。 www.skszx.com 2. If that is not appropriate, carefully double-check your web. xml file before deployment. 如果那样做不合适,则应该在部署前再次仔细检查您的web.xml文件。 www.ibm.com 3. All units, double-check your systems. 各机,再检查一下系统状况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If that is the case, simply double-check your classpath to ensure that all of the required dependencies are in place. 如果遇到这种情况,只需双击您的类路径,确保所有的必要依赖项已就绪。 www.ibm.com 5. So just double check to make sure that you have the right recipient. 只要再检查一遍,收信人是对的就可以了。 www.ttxyy.com 6. Before you print, be sure to double-check the page settings, such as the margins or page orientation. 打印之前,请确保重新检查页面设置,如页边距或页面方向。 office.microsoft.com 7. I am not sure. I will double check this (issue) and tell you later, ok? 我不太确定,我得检查一下,然后再告诉你,好吗? 8. After receiving our sales figures for last month, we'll double check with our marketing strategy in order to develop a new one. 在收到上个月的销售数据后,我们将重新评估我们的营销策略。 files.hiknow.com 9. Could I double check I got this right? 我可以再确认一下吗?是不是…。 www.tingroom.com 10. Attention to detail: Because there are many things to organize, follow-up and double check for each project. 关注细节:因为每一个项目都有纷繁复杂的事务,因此需要您的组织,跟进和校对。 www.renhe.cn 1. Could you double check the envelope? 你能再核对一下那个信封吗? www.022net.com 2. I am calling to double check my appointment with my lawyer this afternoon. 我打这个电话是再确认一下下午同律师的约见。 community.csdn.net 3. I know. Did your mom double check on the church reservations? 我知道。你妈妈有再去确定预订的教堂吗? edu.qq.com 4. Here's your change. Please double check it. 这是你的零钱,请点收。 www.kekenet.com 5. Double check your smoke alarms. 检查两遍你家里的烟雾报警器。 www.bing.com 6. Helen: Excuse me. I'd like to double check the bill. 劳驾我想仔细核对一下帐单。 lan.for68.com 7. You'd better double check the type of product. 贵公司最好对产品型号进行二次确认。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Double check that the Default backup that is found is the one you want then press enter again. 最后确认一下这个备份文件是你希望恢复使用的,然后按回车。 www.anzhiwo.com 9. Double check the time and location of the interview. Be on time. 弄清楚面试时间及地点,还有当然要准时。 olive18.wordpress.com 10. We all need to double check work before we hand it in. 在上交任务之前。我们都需要多次检查。 www.douban.com 1. You simply need to double-check any input values by revalidating them on the server side. 只需要双击任何输入值,就可以在服务器上重新验证它们。 www.ibm.com 2. s your change, please double check it. 这是找回的钱,请点以下。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Dear friends, we're now on the way to airport. Please double-check your passports. . . 亲爱的团友,我们现在要去机场。请再仔细检查一下你们护照。 www.yayathesis.com 4. You might want to double check that. . . because I know for a fact that. . . 你可能需要再核查一下吧…因为我知道事实是… forum.drawchina.com 5. All right. Here you are. Please double check. 好的。这是您的钱,请点一下。 olive18.wordpress.com 6. Can you double check your compiler settings? 你能否再检查一些编译器的设置? community.csdn.net 7. Double check how others see you. 仔细了解一下你在别人眼中的形象如何。 www.qeto.com 8. Step 3 Check and double-check your information. 第三步检查并且再次检查你的信息。 www.bing.com 9. I have a confirmation on your flight 001 to Shanghai. Would you double-check it for me? 我确定是001班机去上海,你愿意再为我复查吗? www.kekenet.com 10. Here's some things to double check. 以下是一些需要仔细检查的东西。 www.ibm.com 1. I think I should double-check my car. 我得仔细检查一下我的车。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Ken: Maybe we should double check to make sure everyone is aware of the importance of this meeting. 肯:或许我们需要重新确认一下,确保每个人都意识到这次会议的重要性。 www.englishto.com 3. When you return to the New Books wizard, double-check the settings based on Figure 11, then click OK. 当返回到NewBooks向导时,依据图11仔细核对设置,然后单击OK。 www.ibm.com 4. Now it is being asked to double-check that. 现在,人们要求他们对这个问题进行复核。 www.bing.com 5. especially the redeem must steer a double check after coming, in order to prevent like by time Chong. 特别是买回来后一定要进行复检,以免以次充好。 www.bing.com 6. It is closed some holidays, so if you are visiting during that time, be sure to double check for holiday hours. 有些假日卢浮宫也会闭馆。如果你是节假日去那里旅游,要加倍注意是不是闭馆的时间。 www.elanso.com 7. Here is your change of 5 Yuan. Please double check it. See if it's all right. 这是您?五元零钱。请再核实一下。看看是否正确。我希望没出错。请妥善保管。 www.8875.org 8. Double check you have the correct boot path. 仔细检查您的引导路径是否正确。 e-support.hp.com.cn 9. Double-check all doors and lock all windows at night and anytime you go out. 晚上或其余时间外出时,都要仔细检查所有的门和窗户,确保都锁上了。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 10. I was wondering if you can help me double check if the stories are OK because I am really nervous about the presentation tomorrow! 请你帮我看看我准备的两个中文小故事,明天就要演讲了,我很紧张! joe-lyc.blog.163.com 1. Do you double check your work and make corrections without having to be asked to do so? 你仔细检查你的工作,而不必被要求这样做更正? www.bing.com 2. It's always best to double check. 彼得:最好查两次。 www.xietu.com 3. Do you always double check the car door? 你总是双重检查车门呢? www.bing.com 4. Pls. double check if we can supply gold care parts in this week? 请仔细检查,如果我们可以提供在这一周的黄金保健部分吗? translate.google.cn 5. Here is your change of 80 yuan, please double-check it. 找你80元,请点一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Here is your change of 5 Yuan. Please double check it. 这是您的五元零钱。请再核实一下。 olive18.wordpress.com 7. I find that it's a bit inconvenient when you double check things but you can avoid an incredible amount of pain when you do, 我觉得复查确实使你有些不方便,但是当你实际去做的时候,可以避免数量惊人的痛苦。 www.kekenet.com 8. Performance Requirements for Double Check Backflow Prevention Assemblies and Double Check Fire Protection Backflow Prevention Assemblies 双止回装置组件和双防火止回装置组件的性能要求 www.mapeng.net 9. The solution: one is to adjust their handover location, regulation with both hands move machines, double check to give correct; 处置方法:一是调不静它们的移交场所,调量时用双手搬不静机械,澈底查抄赐与更正; www.bing.com 10. However be sure to double check with your supervisor on who should receive your invite; 不过一定要问一问主管谁可以获得你的邀请请; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Compressed air equipment for rail vehicles - Double check valves - Installation and companion dimensions 有轨车辆用压缩空气装置。双止回阀。安装和连接尺寸 baike.machine365.com 2. Words and expressions Bulk orders Business day Standing agreement Billing address Make an order Go through In stock Double check 大订单营业日长期的合同送订单的地点预定生意成交库存仔细检查 wenku.baidu.com 3. and (3) of this item when you want to double check this, rejects the timely removal or repair, empty to immediately adjust and correct; 分本时要仔细检查,有不合格品及时剔出或返修,有错空要立即调整正确; www.bing.com 4. Making them too stringent (a mistake I tend to make; I always have to double-check myself) 设计的模式过于严格(我常犯这样的错误,不得不仔细检查) www.ibm.com 5. In charge of Daily and month supplier payment application and double check related documents and SAP data 负责日常,月度供应商付款申请以及所有相关付款凭证与SAP数据的核对 www.ccfxx.com:8082 6. so when you get a chance could you double check it 所以如果有机会,你能向我确认下她说的是事实吗? wenwen.soso.com 7. Double check the information provided by each dept to ensure consistency and accuracy 对每个部门提供信息予以重验 wenku.baidu.com 8. His secretary had neglected to double-check the correspondence file 他的秘书忘记仔细检查信件档案 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Double check your homework, make sure it is in neat and right format 按规定格式完成作业,书写工整,写完要检查。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Double check that the database on the primary machine has the proper role 仔细检查主要计算机上的数据库是否具有正确的角色 www.ibm.com 1. Doctors Must Double-Check Before Surgery 医生在手术前必须进行复核 www.ilib.cn 2. Double check the report with the computer 仔细确认报表和电脑中的信息 wenku.baidu.com 3. The teacher told her students to double check their answers before handing in the exam, 老师告诉学生们,交卷之前应该反复检查自己的答案。 www.360abc.com 4. Check and double check your work 反复检查你的工作 wenku.baidu.com 5. Double check you have your bomb release information correct 仔细检查你的投弹信息是否正确 www.falcon4.cn 6. Howard, do you want to double-check 霍华德你要不要再检查一下 wenku.baidu.com 7. i do it thoroughly and on time. for example, i always double-check my reports. i like to be organized; 我考虑很周到并且按时完工,比如,我总是对报告进行二度确认。我做事有条理,在我上一份工作中。 www.q930.com |
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