单词 | egress |
释义 |
复数:egresses 过去分词:egressed 现在分词:egressing 例句释义: 外出,离开,出口,出去,出路 1. So if you fly below that radar, then that would be a way in which you could conceal your ingress and egress. 飞得比雷达低,就是一个隐藏自己进出踪迹的好方法。 www.bing.com 2. Our ability to climb fast provided much more flexibility in our egress routes and made our actions much less predictable to the enemy. 我们的快速爬升能力使得我们的离场路线可以更为复杂,令敌人更加无法预测我们的活动路线。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The exit device can also be integrated into a facility's alarm system to enable immediate egress in the event of a fire or other emergency. 出口设备还可以集成到一个报警设施中,以便在发生火灾或其他紧急情况时有即刻出口。 www.21csp.com.cn 4. I am like the cat plying on the egress, trying to seizing this cunning mouse even though out of reach now. 我就象一只守在洞口爪子又够不到老鼠的那只猫! www.54tsinghua.cn 5. I guessed, by his preparations, that egress was allowed, and, leaving my hard couch , made a movement to follow him. 看他作的准备,我猜他允许我走了,我离开我的硬座,打算跟他走。 www.jukuu.com 6. Fire escape: Means of rapid egress from a Building, primarily intended for use in case of fire . 太平梯:主要用于大楼发生火灾时将人员迅速撤离险境的安全出口设施。 www.jukuu.com 7. Transport plays a role in access, and egress from a city, on which businesses rely to attract and serve customers. 交通在人们进出城市方面起着很重要的作用,而城市的各行各业要靠交通来吸引和服务顾客。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The element supports various different configurations of ingress and egress holes for an efficient dissolution of cleaning composition. 该元件支持形成各种不同结构的入孔和出孔,以有效溶解清洁组合物。 ip.com 9. The gridding may be made on the whole dam body, with only the refining for the area near the egress points required. 网格划分可对整个坝体进行,只是在渗流逸出点附近要细化网格尺寸; www.jsks.net.cn 10. Site ingress and egress at all permanent perimeter gates will be tracked with a badging system. 在所有永久性外围大门的现场进出都将用登记系统跟踪。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But his parents egress frequently remain him in the family. 他父母经常外出而把他一个人留在家里。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Rhinos have two side hatches, as well as a wide rear door and upper hatch, making for easy combat egress. 犀牛装甲运兵车拥有两侧的舱门以及一个宽大的后车门和一个顶部舱门,用作便于进出的作战出口。 www.anetcity.com 3. Output queues associated with egress ports of the switch correspond to different priorities associated with received priority packets. 与交换机的流出端口相关联的输出队列相应于与所接收的优先级数据包相关联的不同优先级。 www.bing.com 4. Any enclosure required must be sealed against air egress everywhere except at the specified air outlet point. 对任何所需的封闭设施均必须进行密封以防止空气从任何地方逸出(规定的空气出口点除外)。 www.ok06.com 5. Next, barricade the machine room, and be sure that no occupants are left in the building that are reliant on elevators for egress. 第二,封锁机房,确保建筑里没有人在等着乘电梯外出。 www.xindianti.com 6. Hence, those are the two times when a sudden emergency egress could become necessary. 因此,这两个时间段飞机上会要求给紧急通道留出位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The major is to egress in turning, which synthesizes tactical requirement to shoot the target with the laser bundle and motive to egress. 其关键点在于攻击机采用转弯退出战术把激光束连续地照射目标的战术要求和退出意图二者融合。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. These fields are used to manage the ingress and egress packet queues and access to the device from different CPUs. 这些字段用于管理进入和出去的包队列,以及不同的CPU来访问这些设备。 www.cnblogs.com 9. They also provide direct egress from the building at multiple levels, allowing SOM to forgo fire doors and stairs. 建筑师同时提供了很多可以直接从建筑通向各层的出入口,这也使建筑师省去了一些防火门和楼梯。 www.archiant.com 10. The two-pound SEBD, or supplemental-egress breathing device, provides up to 3 minutes of air. 这种两磅重的呼吸装置,能提供至多三分钟的氧气。 dongxi.net 1. Installed near building exits or along egress routes, the compact speaker produces broadband noise to lead people toward exits. 安装在大楼出口附近或出口通道,这款小型扬声器能发出宽带噪声引导人们走向出口。 www.21csp.com.cn 2. The required safety egress time of people is generally determined by setting up evacuation model. 人员必需安全疏散时间一般是通过建立人员疏散模型来确定。 www.boshuo.net 3. If hang, then mean queen at, if do not hang, mean queen egress. 如果挂着,则表示女王在,如果没挂,就表示女王外出。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. All motorized vehicles are restricted to designated areas only and must use ordinary traffic lanes of ingress and egress. 所有机动车辆必须停放在指定位置,使用进出口的普通车道。 www.kancaimi.cn 5. Commonly firewalls are installed at egress points, where your local network connects to the internet. 常见的防火墙是安装在出口点,在您的本地网络连接到互联网。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Prevents egress of the latter through the unsealed portion. 阻止后者通过未接合部分出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Delayed egress hardware may be used in secured courtyards to prevent patients from wandering away. 延迟进出设备可以使用于安全的庭院,用来预防病人逃跑。 www.21csp.com.cn 8. 1Q, the mechanism of realizing the VLAN from ingress process, forward process, egress process, and gives explanations by example. 1Q的帧标记格式,VLAN的实现机制从入口过程、转发过程、出口过程进行了深入的分析研究,并结合实例给予了说明。 www.dictall.com 9. These frequently egress the work professional public figure's best choice. 那些经常外出办公的职业人士的最佳选择。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Some rooms may require large windows, called "egress" windows, for fire safety. 一些房间可能会需要大窗户,也就是“出路窗”,方便发生火灾时出逃。 www.bing.com 1. Monitor and control access and egress of project personnel and visitors. 检查、监控项目人员和来访人员的通道和出口。 www.kuenglish.info 2. Aisles and common areas marked, clear, clean, egress plan posted at major exits. 在走廊和公共区的主要进出口有相应的标识张贴,且必须保持干净,整洁。 www.myvsp.cn 3. Additional areas of refuge and egress required from upper storeys ? 上层要求设置额外的避难平台和出口 wenku.baidu.com 4. The secured area should meet all life safety code egress requirements. 受保护区域要满足所有的生命安全法规对出口的要求。 www.airproducts.com.hk 5. This gave me not only Egress and Regress, as it were a back Way to my Tent and to my Storehouse, but gave me room to stow my Goods. 这样,我不但有了一个出入口,成了我帐篷和贮藏室的后门,而且有了更多的地方贮藏我的财富。 www.kuenglish.info 6. In those contexts, the terms ingress and input will be used interchangeably . The same applies to egress and output. 联系上下文,术语进口和输入将会可交换地被用,同样的对应出口和输出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Drains achieve a ready egress of the liquid blood. 引流能为血液提供一个容易的出口。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Shall not be stored in exits or egress routes. 不应存放在出口或出口通道上? wenku.baidu.com 9. For many kinds of limitations, most rural egress labors' children have to stay in countryside. 由于种种原因,父母外出打工给农村留下了许多留守儿童。 www.fabiao.net 10. depressing push bar for more than 3 seconds initiates irreversible alarm and 15-second delay for egress. 压下推杆超过3秒,会启动不可逆转的警报,以及15秒的出口延迟。 gigabase.org 1. Egress stair shall be designed according to code. 疏散楼梯应符合规范,满足疏散要求。 www.zhaobiao.gov.cn 2. Refugees who were denied egress. 被拒绝了外出权的难民。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Speed Ring: Increases speed by 4 when equipped. Use to cast Egress spell. 速度之戒:装备后增加4点速度。在战场上使用可以发出脱离魔法。 tieba.baidu.com 4. The attempt to gain available safe egress time of some certain airport navigation station building with calculation method 计算法获取某机场航站楼可用疏散时间 www.ilib.cn 5. I go by car egress, he always all sent to a car to walk well far, I can calculate him when will once carry on the back a body to go; 我乘车外出,他从来都是送到车走了好远,我只能推测他什么时候会背过身去; www.tiantianbt.com 6. Calculation method of the number of safe egress occupants in commercial building 商店建筑中消防安全疏散人数的计算方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Venue overview People Involved Operating Routes Ingress PA Order Egress Plan Plan Protocol Procedures 场馆概述仪式规模运行流线入场方案入场顺序疏散方案仪式流程 wenku.baidu.com 8. Smokeproof Design for the Safe Vertical Egress of the Basement in High-rise Buildings 高层民用建筑地下室垂直疏散通道防烟设计 ilib.com.cn 9. The Organization and Management of Fine arts Study Specialty Egress Sketch Teaching in Normal University 高师美术学专业外出写生教学的组织与管理 ilib.cn 10. Study of Campus Network Routing with Multiple Egress 多出口校园网路由设计与优化分析设计 www.ilib.cn 1. Several issues regarding the building egress design 建筑安全疏散消防设计几个问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Demonstration on People's Safe Egress in Performance-based Fire Protection Design 性能化防火设计中人员安全疏散的论证 www.ilib.cn 3. Corroboration of safe egress in the performance-based fire protection design 性能化消防设计中人员安全疏散的确证 www.ilib.cn 4. thief resistant lock assemblies - keyless egress 防盗锁部件.无钥匙出口 www.ichacha.net 5. Evaluation of people's safe egress in a market first floor's performance-based design 某商场首层性能化设计中人员安全疏散的评价 www.ilib.cn 6. thief resistant lock assemblies - key egress 防盗锁组件.钥匙孔 www.ichacha.net 7. Egress design for commercial buildings 商业建筑安全疏散设计的探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the Computation of Egress Process in High-rise Buildings 高层建筑疏散时间计算研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Multiple egress routing solution on GLBP and IP SLAs protocol 协议的多出口路由方法 www.ilib.cn 10. Egress channel from a harbor 出港水道 www.mfyyw.com 1. Teaching Theory in China in 2005: Reflect, Dialogue and Egress 2005年中国教学论研究:反思、对话与回归 www.ilib.cn |
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