单词 | elk |
释义 |
复数:elks 例句释义: 驼鹿,厄尔克思慈善互助会会员,麋鹿,大角鹿,马鹿 1. Elk, deer and of course bear are known to bulk up in the summer, building a layer of fat to keep them alive throughout winter. 我们都知道麋鹿,驯鹿,还有熊类都要在夏天在体内囤积食物,形成一层脂肪以保证它们能顺利度过冬天。 www.24en.com 2. That's when he heard something rustling behind him in the bushes: another elk, a small bull that had smelled him and run away. 就在这时,他听到身后的灌木丛有沙沙的声音,一只小公鹿闻到他的气味就跑开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Most modern Scottish bagpipes are made up of three wooden pipes, which come out of the top of a bag made of sheep or elk skin. 现代苏格兰风笛大多有三根木质音管,从一个羊皮或鹿皮风袋的上方伸出来。 www.wmmenglish.com 4. I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing and its occasional quivers and shakes. 我离那头麋鹿非常近,能听见它吃力的呼吸声,感觉到它时不时的就颤动一下。 www.bing.com 5. I ran to the elk on the ground. I didn't stop to think that this huge animal might wake up and injure me in a struggle to get up and away. 我朝地上的那头麋鹿跑去,完全没想到这只大块头的动物是不是会醒过来弄伤我然后挣扎着逃走。 www.bing.com 6. The refuge contains the largest wintering population of elk in the world. It had an estimated seven thousand elk this season. 在这个保护区里有世界上数量最多的麋鹿在此越冬,据估计,在冬天,这里有七千多只麋鹿。 www.bing.com 7. All I wanted was to be home in bed, not alone in the wilderness with a dead elk that I was responsible for killing. 我只是想回家睡觉,现在却一个人待在荒野里还撞死了一头麋鹿。 9.yeezhe.com 8. Now, the wolves can fan out over the herd, waiting for an old or sick or just unlucky elk to make a wrong move. 现在,狼群呈扇形展开追踪驼鹿群,等待年老或生病或者只是不走运的驼鹿做出错误举动。 www.yappr.cn 9. I covered the elk with a tarp and sat down near it, wrapping myself in blankets. 我用一块防水布盖住了麋鹿,然后用毯子把自己裹起来,坐在它旁边。 www.bing.com 10. I knew I had to stay alert in case the elk woke up and leaped into a standing position. 我知道自己必须保持警惕,以防麋鹿醒来然后跳着站起来。 www.bing.com 1. Unfortunately, elk absolutely love aspen trees, which meant that soon enough they were all gone. 不幸的是,驼鹿显然酷爱白杨树,很快,白杨树绝迹了。 www.bing.com 2. "This was a great opportunity for our family to give back to the Elk River community, " says David. “这是对我们的家庭退给麋鹿河社区的大好机遇,说:”大卫。 www.scdjlm.cn 3. Consider the vast antlers of the north American bull elk: they're the result of sexual selection balanced by other selective pressures. 想一想北美麋鹿的例子。麋鹿有一对巨大的鹿角,这是择偶和其他选择性压力互相平衡的结果。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The refuge has ten thousand hectares of land. It was started in nineteen twelve to help protect the local elk population. 这个保护区占地一万平方公顷,它成立于1912年,旨在保护当地的麋鹿的数量。 www.bing.com 5. We have seen hundreds of the elk and bighorn sheep that attract visitors, yet they still arouse a sense of wonder. 我们已经看到麋鹿和大角羊,吸引数百名游客,但他们仍然引起一种奇怪的感觉。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Imagine hunting elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. 想象下,在洛克菲勒中心遗迹四周的溪谷森林中猎鹿。 www.bing.com 7. The modern marketplace is rife with individual-versus-group conflicts like the one that spawned outsized antlers in bull elk. 现代市场中充斥着个人利益与集体利益的矛盾冲突,这跟造成公麋鹿鹿角过大的情况类似。 kk.dongxi.net 8. They use calls that imitate prey to attract hungry wolves, including the bugling of elk and a sound resembling a rabbit in distress. 他们会模仿被猎食动物的叫声以吸引饥肠辘辘的狼,包括麋鹿的鸣叫和绝望的兔子。 www.bing.com 9. I found a pulse! The elk was not dead. 我感觉到了一丝脉搏!这头麋鹿还没有死。 9.yeezhe.com 10. McDonald around the lake evergreen red cedar and hemlock, and many bighorn sheep, mountain goats, black bear and elk. 麦克唐纳湖边围绕著常绿的红雪松和铁杉,也有很多大角羊,山野山羊,黑熊和麋鹿。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 1. When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious. 当“醉鬼”获救后,它在地上躺了一会,昏迷不醒。 www.hxen.com 2. Protected here are bison, elk, bears, moose, mountain lions, eagles, trumpeter swans and a host of other animals. 保护这里的野牛,麋鹿,熊,驼鹿,美洲狮,鹰,号手天鹅和其他动物。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 3. These animals, and also horses, can BE infected. Susceptible wildlife are reindeer, elk, caribou, deer, otter, coyotes and bison. 这些动物以及马匹可以被传染。敏感的野生动物有驯鹿、麋鹿、北美驯鹿、鹿、水獭、草原狼和野牛。 dict.ebigear.com 4. I stared at the elk, shocked and horrified. 我瞪着这头麋鹿,又惊又怕。 www.bing.com 5. Scattered elk graze the same slope, and two coyotes are picking over the remains of an elk calf on the river's shore. 散落的麋鹿在一个山坡上吃草,河岸边两只郊狼在一头麋鹿幼犊的残骸上进食。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Elk calves have only one defense against the hunting grizzly. They play a game of hide-and-seek. But for the calf, it's life or death. 麋鹿幼畜对捕猎的灰熊只有一种防卫措施。它们玩藏猫猫的游戏。但对幼畜来说,这是生死关头。 qac.yappr.cn 7. An elk grazing on the side of the road giving conclusion and blessings to our continued journeys! 一只麋鹿注视着路边,告别我们并给予我们继续旅程的祝福! flamboyance.siteem.com 8. Not far from the elk, Miller opens an inconspicuous security door into the museum's private world. 离麋鹿不远处,Miller开启了一扇通向博物馆秘密世界的不起眼的安全门。 www.bing.com 9. The unfortunate elk was desperately entangled in the tree's branches and was kicking ferociously as Johansson approached. 这只倒霉的麋鹿绝望地缠绕在树枝里,当约翰逊靠近时正在乱踢乱撞。 ibetter.cc 10. moose: a large deer that lives in N America. In Europe and Asia it is called an elk. 驼鹿(产于北美;在欧洲和亚洲称为麋鹿) www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Humans then may develop living communities where the deer, buffalo, elk and bear, or elephant, giraffe and hippo freely roam again. 或许有一天,人类会组织生活社区,在那里鹿、野牛、麋鹿、熊、大象、长颈鹿和河马会再一次自由倘佯。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. An elk can't take on a full-grown grizz but the bear runs a terrible risk of her own. 麋鹿不能打败成年灰熊,但熊自己也处于可怕的危险之中。 qac.yappr.cn 3. Large mammals are learning and changing their behavior all the time: deer, elk, bears, wolves, and yes, humans too. 大型哺乳动物也一直在学习并改变着自己的行为,这些动物包括鹿、麋鹿、熊和狼——对了,也包括人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The same destiny happened to the elk species living along the coastline in the north and Yellow River Basin. 与它有着同样命运的,还有来自北方沿海和黄河流域两地的麋鹿种群。 english.voc.com.cn 5. The above mentioned shows that the elk are of great potential influence on Chinese culture. 说明麋鹿对于中国文化有潜在的不可低估的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The main complaints he hears these days are about wolves overrunning the place and wiping out elk and deer. 而如今他听到抱怨最多的,是该地区狼的泛滥,说是狼把鹿和麋鹿都吃光了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The haunting sounds of elk bugles in the distance make the basin one of the most perfect places to photograph. 远处不时传来的麋鹿叫声使这个盆地成为最完美的摄影地。 www.bing.com 8. Deer and Elk were eating all that was left. 鹿和麋鹿吃所有剩下的那些。 www.freeenglishnow.com 9. I sang, grew tired, pinched myself to stay awake, briefly looked at the elk with the flashlight, and sang some more. 我唱着歌,渐渐累了,为了保持清醒我甚至掐自己的身体。我打开手电对麋鹿瞅上一眼,又接着唱歌。 www.bing.com 10. Moreover, seeking for elk was likened to contend for the throne, for the big and tall male elk symbolized the emperor. 雄麋魁伟高大,古代人以雄麋象征帝王,以“逐鹿中原”譬喻争夺王位。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 1. Related diseases include kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, scrapie in sheep, and chronic wasting disease in deer and elk. 有关的疾病包括库鲁和克雅氏人类疾病,羊痒病,和鹿,麋鹿慢性消耗性疾病。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The only tracks were those made by bears, wolves, elk and moose. 其间的小径上行走的是熊,狼,驼鹿和麋鹿等动物。 www.bing.com 3. With less competition from elk for grasses, bison may be doing better than ever. 另外随着麋鹿对草竞争的缓和,美洲野牛的日子也比以前任何时候都要好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Now they anticipate where elk will calve and search in a pattern for the faintest scent. 现在,他们预期麋鹿将要产仔的地方并循着最微弱的气味搜寻。 www.yappr.cn 5. By the end of June, the tables have turned. Elk calves are now too fast and strong for bears to catch. 到了六月底,局面发生了变化。麋鹿幼畜现在对于熊来说跑的太快和太强壮了。 qac.yappr.cn 6. They've found the numbers to be high. . . bears, cougars, moose, elk etc. 他们发现的数量很大,有熊,大雁等等。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. What are the words used by indigenous peoples in the Arctic for hornet, robin, elk , or salmon If you don t know, you re not alone. 冰雪消融北极人发现词汇贫乏北极的土著人用什么词语表达大黄蜂、知更鸟、麋鹿或者鲑鱼?如果你不知道,你不是唯一的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. At mile thirty I came around a sharp curve and found myself facing a herd of elk about to cross the road. 30英里处我刚驶过一个急转弯就遇见一群横穿马路的麋鹿。 www.bing.com 9. Other visitors drive around the park to experience its natural beauty. They often see black tailed deer, elk, and mountain goats. 其他游客可以在公园四周驾车欣赏自然风光,他们经常能够看到黑尾鹿、麋鹿和野生白山羊。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Those states have done a superb job of managing their deer, elk and bear. 这些州在管理野鹿、麋鹿和野熊方面做的很好。 www.bing.com 1. And if you want a different deer, not a white-tailed deer , you change the packing, and you can do an elk . 如果你们想要一只不同种的鹿,而不是白尾鹿,你们可以改变圆形的排列,然后得到一只麋鹿。 www.bing.com 2. Now that all was well, I was glad to have spent those few hours of wildness with the elk. 既然一切都安然无恙,我也很高兴能和一头麋鹿在野外共同渡过了几个小时。 www.bing.com 3. Elk and bears regularly walk underneath, and the visitor book is filled with stories of feeding squirrels and birds by hand. 树林里常有麋鹿和熊出没,旅客留言簿里记满了亲手为松树和鸟儿喂食的故事。 www.bing.com 4. Fire fighter elk skin gloves provide superior dexterity even after repeated periods of wetting and drying . 消防人员鹿皮在能重复弄湿的,手套甚至提供优良的灵巧并且快干。 www.bing.com 5. You will control the elk modified by the MechWarrior Enemy enemy destroyed the headquarters. All carefully! 这次你将控制由麋鹿改装的机甲战士深入敌后捣毁敌人总部。一切小心! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Rarely do grizzly bears or cougars attack full-grown elk, although they eat calves or feed on the winter-killed carcasses. 北美灰熊与美洲狮虽然会以幼鹿或冻死的尸体果腹,但牠们很少攻击成熟的麋鹿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Already, herds of elk, deer, and pronghorn antelope roam the grasslands, where visitors can camp, hike, and bike. 现在,驼鹿、鹿和叉角羚们已在草原上漫步,游客们可以在草原上野营、远足和骑车。 www.bing.com 8. "This species barely survived the intensive grazing of cattle, elk and deer on Santa Rosa Island, " Knudsen said. SantaRosa岛上,牛、麋鹿,还有鹿的放牧,使得C.奥巴马这个物种很难幸存。 www.bing.com 9. yesterday, committed to the protection of Smith Professor elk to us to do a report. 昨天,致力于麋鹿保护的史密斯教授给我们做了一项报告。 wenwen.soso.com 10. But when they looked only to their footing, they did not see the elk . 然而当他们只顾注意自己的脚步时,却看不到麋了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Custom Robotic Wildlife's menagerie includes coyotes, deer, elk, antelope, and bears. 机器野生动物定制公司的动物园里包括土狼、鹿、驼鹿、羚羊和熊。 dongxi.net 2. Impacts of Climate Changes on Elk Population Dynamics in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U. S. A. 气候变化对在美国科罗拉多州落基山国家公园内Elk人口流动的影响。 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. What of the ox who lovers his yoke and deems the elk and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things? 我们该怎么看热爱自己的桎梏并认为森林中的麋鹿们是流浪者和放逐者的公牛? blog.sina.com.cn 4. There may be competition between wolves and grizzly bears for elk calves. 狼和灰熊之间对于麋鹿幼仔可能存在着竞争。 www.yappr.cn 5. As far as Eisenberg can tell, the recent aspen growth is almost all due to wolf-inspired changes in elk behavior. 就爱因森堡所知,白杨小树苗得以生长,几乎完全由于狼的出现而促使麋鹿改变了行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The alpha male leads the hunt. He bides his time, directing his troops. And eventually, one elk stumbles. 雄头狼率领着捕猎行动。他等待着时机,指挥自己的部队。最终一只驼鹿绊倒了。 www.yappr.cn 7. I can also relate well to my general manager. We both have common interests, which include sailing and elk hunting in winter. 我与总经理的关系也很好,我俩有共同的兴趣,包括航海和在冬天猎鹿。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The bad Santa Claus to fly in the sky on the car radio off elk! 这个坏圣诞老人要将飞在天空上的麋鹿车给射掉! www.fishjava.com 9. Buffalo Bill also had lots of wild animals in the show, including buffalo, elk, deer, bear, and moose. 野牛比尔的秀也包括了许许多多的野生动物,如:水牛、麋、鹿、熊及北美麋; www.24en.com 10. A special program called Hunters for the Hungry lets hunters donate deer, elk, moose and other game they kill. 一个称为“猎人赈饥”(HuntersfortheHungry)的特别计划接受猎人捐赠鹿、驼鹿、麋鹿和其他猎物。 www.america.gov 1. The massive antlers of bull elk are often four feet across and weigh more than 40 pounds. 公麋鹿的巨大的鹿角通常有4英尺那么宽,且重达40多磅。 kk.dongxi.net 2. Much as experience with wolves can transform cattle into not-so-domestic animals, pack-hunted elk turn into less vulnerable quarry. 与狼接触过的牛群会变得不那么驯服。同样,被狼群追赶的麋鹿也会变得不那么脆弱。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Grinnell documented the poaching of buffalo, deer, elk and antelope for hides. 格林尼尔记录了人们为了兽皮而偷捕美洲野牛、鹿、麋鹿和羚羊。 www.bing.com 4. A wide variety of animals inhabit the park, including beaver, elk, and bighorn sheep, as well as many bird species. 这个国家公园里栖息着包括海狸、麋鹿、加拿大盘羊以及各种鸟类等动物。 www.kekenet.com 5. The elk was wounded when it was hit by a speeding car. 麋鹿被超速行驶的车撞到受伤了。 wordnet.sparke.cn 6. During a blinding snowstorm, they silently took down an elk a stone's throw from Eisenberg. 在一次令人眼花缭乱的大雪中,一群狼居然在离她一箭之地悄无声息地放倒了一只麋鹿。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In this case the birds are merely scavenging elk guts left by a human hunter. 这一次,一群乌鸦只是在吃人类猎手留下的麋鹿内脏而已。 resource.stupc.org 8. An animal park provides a close-up look at wolves, reindeer and elk, as well as typical farm animals. 还有动物园可以让人近距离好好地看看狼、驯鹿、麋鹿,和典型的牧场动物。 www.ttxyy.com 9. First, some of Elk Grove's routine tasks were sent overseas. 首先,麋鹿林市的一些日常工作被外包到海外。 www.bing.com 10. According to Johansson, it looked very much like the elk was severely drunk after eating too many fermenting apples. 根据约翰逊的说法,这只鹿似乎是吃了太多腐烂发酵的苹果才这样醉醺醺的。 www.hjenglish.com 1. And many Chinese characters were coined on the basis of the elk. 中国的汉字,许多是以麋鹿为基础演变创造出来的。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. By contrast with Yellowstone, elk numbers haven't changed much here. 与黄石公园相比,这里的麋鹿数量并没有太大变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But one need not invoke elk antlers to justify progressive taxation. 但要为实施累进税的合理性做辩护,没必要用上麋鹿角的例子。 www.ftchinese.com 4. they would watch nature and follow the buffalo and wapiti ( elk ) herds. 他们会观察大自然并跟随野牛和麋鹿群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Santa Claus suddenly remembered the elk hung bells around his neck. 突然想起圣诞老公公的麋鹿脖子上挂着的铃铛。 gotofob.cn 6. A vivid case in point is the prodigious antlers of the bull elk. 一个鲜明的例子就是公麋鹿的角的进化。 www.bing.com 7. In the Low Country, they knew they also needed to consider Bear, Deer, and Elk. 在低国,他们知道他们也需要留意熊,鹿和麋鹿。 www.freeenglishnow.com 8. In the animal world, similar diseases occur in mink, mule deer, and elk. 在动物世界,类似的疾病在水貂、骡鹿和麋鹿中也发生过。 shxy.wzu.edu.cn 9. Terns fly along a shoreline at Elk Island National Park in Alberta. 燕鸥在阿尔伯塔省的麋鹿岛国家公园沿着海岸线飞翔。 www.bing.com 10. Elk are the most abundant large mammals in Yellowstone National Park, numbering some 30, 000 in the summer. 麋鹿是黄石国家公园里数量最多的哺乳动物,夏天约有三万只。 www.bing.com 1. Get the ultimate protection with top quality Elk Skin Leather. 有最高质量驼鹿皮革保护。 www.rescue.com.hk 2. The area in question is home to 1, 600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead. 受争议的区域是1,600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。 www.bing.com 3. McDonald moved to Elk Grove four years ago, attracted by suburban life. 四年前,麦克唐纳被郊区的生活所吸引而搬到了鹿林市。 www.suiniyi.com 4. The refuge contains the largest wintering population of elk in the world. 这座庇护所有着世界上数量最大的冬季麋鹿群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Elk in Colorado move from high country to nearby valleys. 科罗拉多州的马鹿从高原国家转移到附近的山谷里; blog.sina.com.cn 6. After Bear left, Deer and Elk also filled their bellies. 熊离开之后,鹿和麋鹿也来填饱他们的肚子。 www.freeenglishnow.com 7. Darwin's explanation began with the observation that bull elk, like males in most vertebrate species, take more than one mate if they can. 达尔文的解释以观察开始,即公麋鹿,像大部分的雄性脊椎动物一样,如果可能的话,会寻找不止一个伴侣。 kk.dongxi.net 8. But wolves are still wolves, killing cattle and elk. 但狼毕竟是狼——它们会吃掉麋鹿,也会吃掉家畜。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Santa Claus has twelve elk, altogether six. 圣诞老人总共拥有十二只麋鹿,一边六只。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. A pack of wolves typically kills an elk every two to three days. 一群狼通常两到三天内就要杀死一只麋鹿。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When the elk got up, the tarp slid off. 麋鹿站起来的时候,防水布从它身上滑落。 www.bing.com 2. These settings are the perfect homes for many kinds of wildlife, such as elk and bighorn sheep, like the rams in the photo. 对许多不同种类的野生动物来说,这些环境是完美的居住地,如:美洲赤鹿及大角羊,还有照片中的公羊。 www.24en.com 3. A soft, thick, undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo, elk, or oxen. 一种主要由水牛皮,驼鹿皮或公牛皮制成的柔软的,坚韧的未染色的皮革。 www.chinabaike.com 4. Add in the rabbit elk of starch, 4%4 percent of soybean protein isolated and 50 % of the meat mud compound fruit quality. 在兔肉糜中添加4%的淀粉、4%的大豆分离蛋白和50%的复合果蔬泥肉粉的质量最好。 wenwen.soso.com 5. "At one point along the ride, we heard a bugling elk, " Ron Jr. says. 骑马途中,我们听到了麋鹿的叫声。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The people in New York City would just love to go see a coyote or a deer or an elk or an antelope. 纽约市民会很希望有地方能够看到土狼,或鹿,或驯鹿,或羚羊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. There is an elk protection area in Dafeng. 在大丰有一个麋鹿保护区 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But that shot never came. The bull elk ran. 可是,箭没射出,麋鹿就跑开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Was very interested to watch an elk there. 对那里的麋鹿很感兴趣。 big5.cctv.com 10. There are still close to 10, 000 elk wintering in Yellowstone and perhaps double that number summering in the park. 现在在黄石公园过冬的麋鹿还有将近1万只,夏季时数量可能加倍。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Elk early morning in fall 2010. 2010年秋天一个清晨的麋鹿。 www.bing.com 2. They are powerful hunters that travel many miles to find prey, such as elk and wild boar, on nocturnal hunts. 老虎是出色的猎手,可以在夜间迂回数英里捕食诸如驼鹿、野山羊这样的猎物。 www.bing.com 3. The park is also home to elk, bighorn sheep, grizzly bears, and other Rocky Mountain fauna. 黄石公园还是麋鹿、大角羊、灰熊和其他一些落基山脉动物生存的家园。 yousoon.net 4. Lighten up, Jack. We can hunt in November, kill a nice elk. 听着,杰克,咱们可以十一月去打猎,逮它一头大麋鹿。 www.ebigear.com 5. I see an elegant elk. 我看到优雅的大角鹿。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Snow general store houses a considerable number of daily food, such as flour, tea, elk meat, sea Shourou and so on. 雪屋里一般储藏有相当数量的日常食物,比如面粉、茶叶、麋鹿肉、海兽肉之类。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park. 灰熊,狼,自由放养的美洲野牛和麋鹿群都在公园里生活着。 www.bing.com 8. "My father and I do a bow-hunting trip for elk just about every year, " says Ron Jr. “父亲和我大概每年都来这里进行一次使用弓箭猎鹿的旅行,”小让说。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Previous research claimed the wolves were helping to stop elk from eating aspen trees but a new study suggests this may not be the case 以前有研究声称,狼可以阻止驼鹿吃白杨树,而一项最近的研究表明事情可能并非如此。 www.bing.com 10. Science and Arts Center, third (following the "Carnival of the Animals" , "elk Wang" after) theater-length cartoon film "golden heroes" ; 科学艺术中心第三部(继《动物狂欢节》、《麋鹿王》之后)院线长片卡通电影《金丝大侠》; zhidao.baidu.com 1. Relations of Elk with Primitive Rice and Chinese Culture 麋鹿和原始稻作及中华文化 www.ilib.cn 2. Culture Names for Recent ELK Versions 最新ELK版本的区域性名称 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Feast on elk and ostrich when buying a rifle 买来复枪,享受麋鹿和鸵鸟 www.ecocn.org 4. Elk Grazing by the Road 路边吃草的麋鹿 flamboyance.siteem.com 5. A close encounter with elk 麋鹿近在身边 yannan.us |
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