单词 | eunuch |
释义 |
复数:eunuchs 例句释义: 宦官,太监,阉人,无权力的人,阉宦,内侍,宦官的俗称 1. Mr. ZHU: (Through Translator) His great-grandfather told him he'd see a eunuch coming out of the Empress Dowager's room carrying a bowl. 朱诚如先生:启光的曾祖父告诉他,他看见一个太监拿着一个碗从慈禧太后的房间中走出。 www.ecocn.org 2. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. 从水里上来,主的灵把腓利提了去,太监也不再见他了,就欢欢喜喜地走路。 www.bing.com 3. He seeth with his eyes, and groaned, as an eunuch embracing a virgin, and sighing. 他用眼一看,就喟然长叹,正如一个阉人,拥抱著处女,而喟然长叹一样。 www.ccreadbible.org 4. He stood in our place. He was a eunuch for you so that you'll never have to be a eunuch anymore in His sight. 祂为了你成为一名实质上的太监,从而你在祂的眼中不再看为太监。 www.bing.com 5. And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 于是吩咐车站住,腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施洗。 www.ebigear.com 6. KAG SHUNZI--- The fifteen year-year-old daughter of Sixth-Born Kang, sold to Eunuch Pang to be his wife. 康顺子——女。在第一幕中十五岁。康六的女儿。被卖给庞太监为妻。 www.51nb.org 7. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 二人正往前走,到了有水的地方,太监说,看哪,这里有水,我受洗有什么妨碍呢。 www.ebigear.com 8. Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing. 桓帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。 www.yizitong.com 9. In Jesus Christ God has come as a leper for the lepers, as a eunuch for the eunuchs, he became unclean so that you could be eternally clean. 在耶稣基督里,上帝本质上为了麻风病人而成为麻风病人;为了太监而成为太监。祂被污秽,为的是要我们可以被永远的洁净了。 www.bing.com 10. THESEUS 'The battle with the Centaurs , to be sung By an Athenian eunuch to the harp. 忒修斯:“与马人作战,由一个雅典太监和竖琴而唱”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I believe there are two ways to make a man think with his mind only, make him a eunuch or give him enough women. 只有两种办法能让男人用脑袋思考,要么阉了他,要么给他足够的女人。 gb.cri.cn 2. Then Cao Cao's father was a eunuch's adopted son, Cao Cao would be tantamount to eunuch's adopted son's son. 那么曹操的父亲是太监的养子,曹操就等于是太监的养子的儿子。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. "You hear many things about him, but you never know what to believe, " an antique dealer told me. "He was a eunuch, they say. " 一名古董商告诉我说:“你听说过很多他的事情,但你永远不知道哪些是真的,有人说他是个太监。” dongxi.net 4. Ming documents allude to a eunuch aide at the side of Zhu Di on a succession of battlefields. 明朝文献中提及了一名朱棣在多次战斗中都带在身边的太监副官。 dongxi.net 5. When the eunuch Varys told us that you were with child, Robert wanted you killed, but Lord Stark spoke against it. 当太监瓦利斯告诉我们你怀孕的消息,劳伯想杀了你,而史塔克大人坚决反对。 www.cndkc.net 6. A conspiracy against Saladin by these elites formed in 1169 centered around the black eunuch who served as majordomo of the Caliph's palace. 1169年出现了一起由这些人策划的反萨拉丁的阴谋,主谋是哈里发宫殿的总管,一名黑人宦官。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Don't get like a eunuch, even as the ideal are going to forget, so you really happy? 别把自己弄得像个太监一样,连自己的理想都要去遗忘,这样你真的会开心? www.tiantianbt.com 8. Cao Song had been born to the Xiahou family, but he had been brought up by Eunuch Cao Teng and had taken this family name. 曹歌曲所生的家庭,但他而言已经引起了滕国、太监曹操这个家族的姓氏。 sdmz.5d6d.com 9. Notice, they both "went down into" and "came up from" the water. The eunuch was a mature person who. 请注意他们俩都“下水里去”和“从水里上来”。太监是个成年人,他相信腓力关于耶稣基督的传教。 www.bing.com 10. Eunuch ethnic origin of the cold hao jiang landlord representative Cao also joined the ranks of seeking to punish eunuch. 出身宦官的寒族地主豪强代表人物曹操也加入了谋诛宦官的行列。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Lao command you are old, you thought you were the emperor ah, small eunuch! 你老命令老子,你以为你是皇上啊,小太监! blog.163.com 2. The treasure ship, as all of the boats of China's first blue-water navy were known, was commanded by a eunuch admiral named Zheng He. 这艘宝船是闻名天下第一支中国远洋船队,由一名叫郑和的太监作为船长进行指挥。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Sun promptly lost control of the newfangled thing, running over and killing an unfortunate palace eunuch. 孙福龄酒后就没控制住这个新奇玩意儿,当场撞死了一个倒霉的宫廷太监。 www.bing.com 4. Sees 14 elder brother the affirmative ape is in virtuous imperial concubine's brisket and say the joke of contiguous small eunuch in jaws. 只见十四阿哥正猴在德妃怀里,嘴里说着身边小太监的笑话。 www.swty.net 5. In Pentos his accent marked him, and once he was known for a eunuch he was despised and beaten. 在潘托斯他被他的口音烙印,而当众所周知他是个太监时,他被鄙视和挫败。 www.bing.com 6. Diplomaticly, the Ming Dynasty eunuch actively serve as messengers, who Visited neighboring countries, Involved in foreign affairs. 在外交上,明代宦官积极充当使者,出访周边国家,参与外交事务。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. 8: 38 He commanded the chariot to stop, and both of them, Philip and the eunuch, went down into the water, and Philip baptized him. 38于是吩咐车站住,腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施洗。 www.bing.com 8. He's a muscled, tattooed eunuch who's looking for a hidden Masonic pyramid. 他是一个肌肉发达,身上布满纹身的阉人,正苦寻一座神秘的共济会金字塔。 www.beatenglish.com 9. And he ordered the chariot to stand still , and they both went down into the water , Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him . 于是吩咐车停住,腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施浸。 www.bing.com 10. Xia Cao Cao father Hou Song (Tai Yu office) for the eunuch Cao Teng child, with Cao Cao Shen Han to Tang after. 曹操父亲夏侯嵩(官职太尉)为宦官曹腾养子,曹腾为汉相曹参之后。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. A distant cousin from my aunt's nephew twice removed . Lovely singing voice , though, eunuch . 他是我姑妈的外甥的远房表弟。声音不错,不过是个太监。 www.bing.com 2. The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch. 修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. However, the history entrusted the opportunity to let Ding Baozhen kill Eunuch An Dehai. 晚清宦祸死灰复燃,历史赋予机遇,丁宝桢诛杀宦官安德。 www.dictall.com 4. Just picked a eunuch, suddenly to quote: "queen sick, please return the emperor sharply. " 刚采了一把,忽然太监来报:“太后有病,请皇上急速回京。” wenda.tianya.cn 5. And he's black, and he's a eunuch. He's been sexually altered, sexually mutilated. 他是个黑人,而且被阉割,是个太监。 www.bing.com 6. A speech that describes a unique responsibility is very different from a speech that describes a eunuch responsibility! 一篇描述一项特别责任的演讲与一篇介绍太监职责的演讲有着天壤之别。 www.tingclass.net 7. Chen Quan requested eunuch to put him. 陈全请求宦官放了他。 qyweb.org 8. In the struggle of the family of eunuch HOU lan, he was bold and decisive in action, righteously indignant. 在对宦官侯览及其家族的斗争中,他敢作敢为,大义凛然。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. At that time, only so-called'eunuch singer', use that kind of a special breathing control but send out of'falsetto'. 当时,只有所谓’阉人歌手‘,用那种特殊的气息控制而发出的’假声‘。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. LITTLE OX--- In his teens. Eunuch Pang's attendant. 小牛儿——男。十多岁。庞太监的书童。 www.51nb.org 1. Eunuch is eunuch, how could a castrated person achieve great things? 太监毕竟是太监,一个阉过的人干出什么大事也呢? xuanfashangshiblog.com 2. His travels were later remembered outside China as "Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean. " 他在中国范围外的航海旅行后来被记录为“三保太监下西洋”。 www.focustt.com 3. Why - Because the Old Testament ceremony or Law forbids any eunuch from going to the presence of God. 为什么?——因为无论旧约还是律法,都禁止太监来到上帝的面前。 www.bing.com 4. Cai Lun: A Chinese eunuch and prominent court official of the East Han Dynesty who invented papermaking in AD 105. 蔡伦:东汉朝代的宦官。他在公元105年的时候发明造纸术。 www.dictall.com 5. First of all, He says let no eunuch say "I'm only a dry tree. " 首先,耶和华说“太监也不要说:‘我是枯树’。” www.bing.com 6. It's used to castrate eunuch! 这是阉割宦官的地道家伙! www.bing.com 7. I guess a eunuch has tender meat. Maybe that's why they castrate pigs. 可能是太监的肉嫩吧,要不怎么要劁猪的。 gb.cri.cn 8. The role of eunuch is mostly negative, but we should also admit eunuch have positive role in certain aspects on some time. 宦官所起的作用大部分是消极的,但我们也应看到宦官在某些时候、某些方面所起到的积极作用。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. For instance, Tong Guan is a eunuch, so he is a little gay. 比如,童贯是太监,因此他会有一点同性恋情结。 www.i21st.cn 10. That said, there HongZhi years, LiAn eunuch in the first ever buy too. 有说法称、明弘治年间、大太监李广也曾经置第于此。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. As to who administered the poison, there are five main suspects, including her favorite eunuch servant. 至于是谁暗中下药,现主要有5中猜测,包括慈禧的宦官亲信。 www.ecocn.org 2. Not only does he steal other men's wives and daughters, he is even playing around with his eunuch. 他和其他人的妻女偷欢,还和那些太监们纠缠不清。 gb.cri.cn 3. Just in the Ming dynasty, SanBao eunuch zheng he's voyage through myanmar to heat, water and the people who are better heat illness. 正好明代的三保太监郑和下西洋,途经缅甸,向中暑的人们洒水,中暑的人病都好了。 www.wenda9.com 4. And let not any eunuch complain 'I am only a dry tree. ' 太监也不要说:‘我是枯树。’ www.bing.com 5. 'How long have you been a eunuch? ' Tertius asked him. 祁彪清问道:“你做太监做了多久?” dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Cai Lun was a Chinese eunuch, who is conventionally regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process. 蔡伦是中国的宦官,他常被人们称为是造纸及纸张制造的发明者,虽然在他以前中国就已经有了纸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I am going to kick your eunuch butt. 要不是你救过我,把你屁股踢成八瓣。 gb.cri.cn 8. I am a proactive eunuch, I castrate myself even before the surgeon raises his scalpel. 我是一个积极的太监。在别人的手术刀举起之前我就自我阉割了。 www.bing.com 9. There is also a long tradition of eunuch culture. 宦官文化也有很长的传统。 www.bing.com 10. "No, Khaleesi, " Irri murmured, "it is your eunuch Grey Worm and the bald men. Will you see them? " “不是的,卡丽熙,”伊丽喃喃,“是你的太监灰虫子和秃子。你要见见他们么?” www.che147.com 1. The eunuch bureaucracy began to grow in Chenghua's reign and reached 'seventy thousand' by the end of the Ming. 12 成化年间宦官机构开始急速膨胀,至明朝末年竟达到七万人之多。 www.bing.com 2. Study of Histological Mechanism of Lost Bone of Male Rats Eunuch Prevented and Treated by Chinese Herb Tonifying Kidney 补肾中药防治去睾大鼠骨丢失的组织学机理研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Militarily, Eunuch penetrate military forces to a high degree, Unwarranted interference in the military; 在军事上,宦官对军队势力渗透程度很高,对军事横加干涉; paper.pet2008.cn 4. Penetrating into the Communication Between "Han, Yuan" and Eunuch 透视“韩、元”与宦官之交往 service.ilib.cn 5. The eunuch was punished the system review in Qing Dynasty 清代太监惩罚制度述论 www.ilib.cn 6. The eunuch's power strengthening and Prime Minister's power weaking in Tang Dynasty 论唐代宦官权势与相权的削长 ilib.cn 7. First, from ancient book, inspected Zhang zhan comes from an eunuch family; 首先,稽之典籍,考察了张湛出身于官宦世家; www.fabiao.net 8. A Discussion of the Eunuch Wasin Power in the Late Ming Dynasty 略论明代中后期的宦官擅权 ilib.cn 9. The characteristics and functions of China's eunuchs and eunuch system 略谈中国宦官的特点及作用 www.ilib.cn 10. On Zhu Yuanzhang's Eunuch Policy and the Cause of Mistake 论朱元璋的驭阉政策及其失误原因 ilib.cn 1. The eunuch's adopted children and the eunuch's family in the Han and Tang Dynasties 汉唐时期的宦官养子与宦官世家 ilib.cn 2. The Evolution of the Eunuch's Power in Middle and Late Period of Tang Dynasty 唐中后期宦官权势演进考析 www.ilib.cn 3. Eunuch in Ming Dynasty and Tibetan Buddhism 明代宦官与藏传佛教 service.ilib.cn 4. Eunuch most disgusting play: Cut a plum; 太监最讨厌的剧本:一剪梅; www.google-web.org 5. Eunuch and Buddhism in the Ming Dynasty 明代宦官与佛教 service.ilib.cn 6. Long Long ago, there has an eunuch under is gone 从前有个太监,下面没了 zhidao.baidu.com 7. let a eunuch come to possess a harem; 一个太监乱了宫闱。 bbs.ycwb.com |
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