单词 | ESE |
释义 | 例句释义: 东东南,可延伸储存引擎,可扩展存储引擎内的数据 1. Property promotion determines where data is stored in an ESE database and is therefore an important concept to understand. 属性升级确定在ESE数据库中将数据存储在哪里,因此它是一个要了解的重要概念。 technet.microsoft.com 2. If ESE fails before a transaction is committed, the entire transaction is rolled back, and it is as if the transaction never occurred. 如果ESE在提交事务之前停止响应,将回滚整个事务,就好像从未执行过该事务一样。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Check the Application log and the System log for related events to determine the exact sequence of events that lead up to ESE event 101. 在应用程序日志和系统日志中查看相关事件,以确定导致ESE事件101的事件的准确顺序。 www.kuenglish.info 4. When a page is read , ESE examines a flag on the page to see whether the page has the current checksum format . 读取页时,ESE将检查页上的标志,以确定该页是否有当前的校验和格式。 www.bing.com 5. ESE makes sure that none of the operations are permanently applied until the transaction is committed to the database file . ESE确保在将事务提交到数据库文件之前,不会永久应用任何操作。 www.bing.com 6. ESE event 100 is usually followed by a series of other ESE events that describe an online restore or mounting of Exchange store databases. ESE事件100后面通常跟随一系列其他ESE事件,这些事件描述Exchange存储数据库的联机还原或装入。 www.microsoft.com 7. Following the steps below, you could potentially migrate the database from a single partition (DB2 ESE) to up to 1000 partitions (DB2 DPF). 按照下面的步骤,您可以将数据库从单个分区(DB2ESE)迁移到1000个分区(DB2DPF)。 www.ibm.com 8. In other words , the version store keeps track of what version of a transaction that ESE is actively using . 也就是说,版本存储用于跟踪ESE当前正在使用事务的哪个版本。 www.bing.com 9. Replication takes advantage of the change history produced by the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE). 复制利用了可扩展存储引擎(ESE)所产生的更改历史。 technet.microsoft.com 10. To obtain to a leaf ( data ) , ESE starts at the root node and follows the page pointers until it gets to the desired leaf node . 若要到达叶(数据),ESE会从根节点开始追溯页指针,直到到达所需的叶节点。 www.bing.com 1. The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service relies on Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) to work with the actual database structures. MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服务依靠可扩展存储引擎(ESE)处理实际的数据库结构。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The cause depends on the ESE error code in the Description section of the event. 原因取决于事件“描述”部分中的ESE错误代码。 www.microsoft.com 3. Checkpoint files are updated when ESE writes a particular transaction to a database file on a disk. 当ESE将特定事务写入磁盘上的数据库文件时,将更新检查点文件。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Eseutil offline defragmentation should not be run when ESE -1018 errors affect the data portion of a database file. 如果ESE-1018错误影响了数据库文件的数据部分,则不应运行Eseutil脱机碎片整理。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Each storage group is represented by an ESE instance. 每个存储组均以一个ESE实例表示。 technet.microsoft.com 6. ESE event 700 indicates that online defragmentation of a specific database has begun full defragmentation. ESE事件700表示特定数据库的联机碎片整理已开始进行全面碎片整理。 www.microsoft.com 7. Therefore, ESE can pass the Isolated and Consistent parts of the ACID test. 因此,ESE可以通过ACID测试的“隔离”和“一致”部分。 technet.microsoft.com 8. ESE also stores a key of the current tree, which enables ESE to quickly search down the current tree. ESE还存储了当前树的键,使ESE能够沿当前树快速展开搜索。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Selecting this option causes Backup to use the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) to back up your database and transaction log files correctly. 选中此选项可使“备份”使用可扩展存储引擎(ESE)来正确地备份数据库和事务日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com 10. To resolve this warning, review the Application log for other ESE events for more information about the root cause of this error. 要解决此警告,请查看应用程序日志中的其他ESE事件以了解有关此错误根本原因的详细信息。 www.microsoft.com 1. LLR is an internal ESE component that works with cluster continuous replication (CCR). LLR是一个内部ESE组件,它可以与群集连续复制(CCR)协同工作。 technet.microsoft.com 2. ESE automatically adjusts this parameter correctly to avoid malfunction. ESE自动将此参数调整正确以避免发生故障。 www.microsoft.com 3. ESE stores new transactions, such as the delivery of a message, in a memory cache and in the transaction log concurrently. ESE将新的事务(例如,邮件传递)同时存储在内存缓存中和事务日志中。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The related ESE events will give you the specific reasons and detailed error information to help you resolve this problem. 相关ESE事件将提供特定原因和详细错误信息来帮助您解决此问题。 www.microsoft.com 5. If additional ESE Warning events and MSExchangeIS events are logged, review the descriptions of those events. 如果记录了其他ESE警告事件和MSExchangeIS事件,请查看那些事件的描述。 www.microsoft.com 6. ESE defines columns that occur rarely or have multiple occurrences in a single record as tagged columns. ESE将很少出现或在单个记录中多次重复出现的列定义为标记列。 technet.microsoft.com 7. The development of Traditional Chin ese Medicine(TCM) s industrialization has got significant achievements through a very long pro cess. 现代中医药产业化发展在经历过一个漫长的过程之后,取得了可喜的成就。 www.chemyq.com 8. The db2_install script can be used to install all DB2 ESE packages on your Linux system using the RPM installation utility. 可以使用db2_install脚本通过RPM安装实用程序在Linux系统上安装所有的DB2ESE包。 www.ibm.com 9. When a table is created in an ESE database, the table is defined by using an array of FIELD structures. 在ESE数据库中创建表时,将使用一个FIELD结构的数组来定义表。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Circular logging causes ESE to discard transactions when the committed changes are transmitted to the database file on disk. 当被提交的更改传输到磁盘上的数据库文件时,循环日志记录会导致ESE放弃事务。 technet.microsoft.com 1. If ESE stops responding after the transaction is committed, the entire transaction is persisted, and the changes are visible to clients. 如果ESE在提交事务之后停止响应,将永久保存整个事务,并且客户端可以看到更改。 technet.microsoft.com 2. DB2 ESE is a proven large-scale, data-serving platform capable of supporting terabytes of data. DB2ESE是一种可靠的大规模数据服务平台,能够支持TB级数据量。 www.ibm.com 3. This Error event indicates that an Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) callback function returned an error. 此错误事件指示,可扩展存储引擎(ESE)回调函数返回了一个错误。 www.microsoft.com 4. You may choose ESE for the full Enterprise Server Edition or choose the client or runtime client edition. 对于完整的EnterpriseServerEdition,选择ESE;也可以选择客户机或运行时客户机版本。 www.ibm.com 5. At the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) level, Exchange databases are portable. 在可扩展存储引擎(ESE)级别,Exchange数据库是可移植的。 technet.microsoft.com 6. This parameter specifies the number of ESE database connections that can be open. 此参数指定可以打开的ESE数据库连接数。 technet.microsoft.com 7. We demonstrate how to partition tables and migrate the database from ESE to a DPF logical node (scaling up) environment, offline. 我们将演示如何在脱机情况下划分数据库,以及如何将数据库从ESE迁移到DPF逻辑节点(纵向扩展)环境。 www.ibm.com 8. Reseeding a passive copy occurs using the ESE backup application programming interface (API) , which is an unencrypted communication . 使用ESE备份API重新设定被动副本的种子,这种通信未进行加密。 www.bing.com 9. Note: This indicates the database is in single node in ESE environment. 注意:这表明数据库是在ESE环境的单个节点中。 www.ibm.com 10. Therefore, ESE keeps two identical copies of this B-tree in each database. 因此,ESE在每个数据库中保留了此B树的两个相同副本。 technet.microsoft.com 1. ESE allows applications to store records and create indexes to access those records in different ways. 通过ESE,应用程序可以存储记录并创建索引,以便通过不同的方式访问这些记录。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Time-based assignments entail no ESE for resources with fine expiration granularity. 基于时间的分配产生任何的ESE的资源粒度细到期。 www.ziyuangongxiang5.com 3. Transaction log files give ESE the ability to manage data storage with high speed efficiency. 事务日志文件使ESE能够以高速度的效率来管理数据存储。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Verifies the page level and ESE level logical integrity of the database. 验证页级别和ESE级别的数据库逻辑完整性。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Later versions of ESE enable Internet messaging clients to store raw data in native format. ESE的更高版本使Internet邮件客户端能够以本机格式存储原始数据。 technet.microsoft.com 6. ESE event 477 indicates damage that cannot be repaired. ESE事件477表示无法修复损坏。 www.microsoft.com 7. The Mailbox server stores all mail in an ESE database. 邮箱服务器将所有邮件均存储在ESE数据库中。 technet.microsoft.com 8. If a server stops responding , ESE also handles automatic recovery when you restart the server and rolls back any uncommitted transactions . 如果服务器停止响应,ESE还会在重新启动服务器时处理自动恢复,并回滚任何未提交的事务。 www.bing.com 9. ESE uses reserved transaction log files only to complete a current transaction process. ESE使用保留事务日志文件只是为了完成当前事务过程。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The ESE tried to write to a log file when this event was encountered. 发生此事件时,ESE尝试写入日志文件。 www.microsoft.com 1. The version store enables ESE to track and manage current transactions. 通过版本存储,ESE可以跟踪和管理当前事务。 technet.microsoft.com 2. ESE must track which pages in the streaming database are reserved and committed. ESE必须跟踪流式数据库中哪些页保留,哪些页提交。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The process of soft recovery requires that the ESE play back all of the transaction log files. 软恢复过程要求ESE回放所有事务日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com 4. For information about how to enable extended ESE performance counters, see How to Enable Extended ESE Performance Counters. 有关如何启用扩展的ESE性能计数器的信息,请参阅HowtoEnableExtendedESEPerformanceCounters(如何启用扩展的ESE性能计数器)。 technet.microsoft.com 5. To accomplish this, ESE keeps track of all databases in the log files for the storage group. 为实现此目的,ESE将在存储组的日志文件中记录所有数据库的跟踪信息。 www.microsoft.com 6. We therefore decided to have a mutual takeover scenario, with DB2 UDB ESE V8. 1, and two instances per server. 我们决定用DB2UDBESEV8.1获得相互接管场景,每个服务器有两个实例。 www.ibm.com 7. ESE will automatically adjust the parameter to prevent malfunction. ESE将自动对此参数进行调整,以防止出现故障。 www.microsoft.com 8. If you try to mount the store again and it does not mount, you may receive ESE event 100. 如果您再次尝试装入存储,而它并没有装入,您可能会收到ESE事件100。 www.microsoft.com 9. Exchange cannot repair damage to log files because of factors other than torn writes, which will be fixed automatically by the ESE engine. 由于除数据写入被破坏以外的其他因素的影响,Exchange将无法修复日志文件的损坏,该损坏将被ESE引擎自动修复。 www.microsoft.com 10. ESE has the ability to process transaction log files directly and to determine for itself which transactions have not yet been transferred. ESE能够直接处理事务日志文件,并自行确定尚未传输哪个事务。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Look for events in the application event log with the category ESE. 在应用程序事件日志中查找ESE类别的事件。 www.microsoft.com 2. The page size in ESE is defined by the application that uses it. ESE中的页大小由使用它的应用程序定义。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Like any ESE database, the queue database uses log files to accept, track, and maintain data. 与任何ESE数据库类似,队列数据库使用日志文件来接受、跟踪和维护数据。 technet.microsoft.com 4. The thoughts transfer in Chin-ese Urban planning and Design. 中国城市规划设计的思维转型。 aup.hust.edu.cn 5. For comparison, ESE Event ID 482 refers to a failed write operation to a log file or a database. 与之相比,ESE事件ID482指写入日志文件或数据库操作失败。 www.microsoft.com 6. Exchange may also log ESE event 101 when an Exchange store disconnects for any reason. 当Exchange存储由于任何原因断开连接时,Exchange也可能记录ESE事件101。 www.microsoft.com 7. ESE Event ID 481 refers to a failed read attempt from the database. ESE事件ID481指数据库读取尝试失败。 www.microsoft.com 8. Specifically, look for events with source of ESE (and related) and MSExchangeIS (and related). 具体地说,查找由ESE(及相关)源和MSExchangeIS(及相关)源导致的事件。 www.microsoft.com 9. You makin'up the rules now, ese? 啥时候轮到你说了算了? sfile.ydy.com 10. From an ESE perspective, a database table is a collection of B-trees. 从ESE角度看,数据库表是B树的集合。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Enter DB2. ESE when db2_install prompts you for the product keyword. 当db2_install提示输入产品关键字时,输入DB2.ESE。 www.ibm.com 2. Rotopak4000-2 ESe axis gravure press xiaoche with a fully automated system to locate and lock. ES电子轴凹印机具有全自动的小车定位和锁定系统。 www.bing.com 3. Look for related ESE events in the Application log. 在应用程序日志中查找相关ESE事件。 www.microsoft.com 4. ESE supports the data types described in the following table. 下表说明了ESE所支持的数据类型。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Formerly known as JET, ESE is a method that defines a low-level API to the underlying database structures in Exchange Server. ESE以前称为JET,是将低级API定义为ExchangeServer中的基础数据库结构的一种方法。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Snapshot Isolation is implemented by ESE by using repeatable reads. ESE使用可重复读取实现快照隔离。 technet.microsoft.com 7. This is followed by ESE event 701, which indicates that online defragmentation has finished full defragmentation. 紧接着的是ESE事件701,表示联机碎片整理已完成全面碎片整理。 www.microsoft.com 8. This is followed by ESE event 701 which indicates that online defragmentation has finished a full pass of defragmentation. 之后是ESE事件701,它表明联机碎片整理已完成一轮完整的碎片整理过程。 www.microsoft.com 9. If the object limit is reached , ESE event 621 occurs . 如果达到对象限制,则会出现ESE事件621。 www.bing.com 10. The ESE database is randomly accessed and uses an 8-KB page size. 随机访问ESE数据库,并使用8KB的页面大小。 technet.microsoft.com 1. If you receive ESE event 700 but never receive ESE event 701, this indicates a problem. 如果收到ESE事件700,但没有收到ESE事件701,则表明出现了问题。 www.microsoft.com 2. This can be caused by several reasons, which include corruption at the Exchange store level, or ESE database level. 这可能由多种原因引起的,包括Exchange存储级别或ESE数据库级别出现损坏。 www.microsoft.com 3. It is ESE error -1808, which means that the disk is full. 即ESE错误-1808,表示磁盘已满。 www.microsoft.com 4. The Exchange Information Store uses the ESE cache as a buffer when writing store data to disk. 将存储数据写入磁盘时,Exchange信息存储使用ESE缓存作为缓冲区。 technet.microsoft.com 5. ese! You need a new paint job, man! 嘿,放松点你需要新的烤漆,伙计 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Exchange Information Store service calls the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE). Exchange信息存储服务调用可扩展存储引擎(ESE)。 www.microsoft.com 7. During this POC we tested DB2 UDB V8. 1 ESE with high availability and replication. 在该POC中,我们测试了DB2UDBV8.1ESE的高可用性和复制。 www.ibm.com 8. International Conference on Education and sports Education (ESE 2010) will be held on July 17~18, 2010 in Wuhan, China. 2010年教育和体育教育国际学术会议将于7月17-18日在中国江城武汉召开。 bbs.matwav.com 9. In addition, to enable DPF in DB2 UDB ESE, you will need a valid DPF license. 此外,为了能够使用DB2UDBESE中的DPF,需要一个有效的DPF许可。 www.ibm.com 10. Another cause for ESE error -1808 is that the file system may be FAT32, which has a limit of 4 GB. ESE错误-1808的另一个原因是文件系统可能是FAT32,有4GB的限制。 www.microsoft.com 1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 uses an Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) database for queue message storage. MicrosoftExchangeServer2007使用可扩展存储引擎(ESE)数据库存储队列邮件。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Another error that is found in the Description section of event 482 is ESE error -1022. 可在事件482“描述”部分找到的另一个错误是ESE错误-1022。 www.microsoft.com 3. In order to support our growing industrial materials sales in China, a converting plant was established in Zhuhai in 1995. 为着支援我们在中国大陆日益增长的工业材料销售量,ESE在1995年於珠海设立了一个新的加工工场(convertingplant)。 www.smt.schmidtelectronics.com 4. A column or a record in ESE cannot span pages in the data B-tree. 在数据B树中,ESE中的列或记录无法跨越页。 technet.microsoft.com 5. She does look cute (yay~ hong kong-ese~~~~) hope they all do well in their exams. 她看起来确实挺可爱。万岁~香港人~希望她能在考试中取得好成绩。 tieba.baidu.com 6. To enable the extended ESE performance counters, the account you use must be delegated the following 若要启用扩展的ESE性能计数器,必须为您使用的帐户委派以下权限 technet.microsoft.com 7. To use the extended ESE performance counters to monitor online defragmentation 使用扩展的ESE性能计数器监视联机碎片整理 technet.microsoft.com 8. An Analysis on the Approach Velocity of Chin ese Elite Female Javelin Throwers 我国优秀女子标枪运动员助跑速度的测试与分析 www.ilib.cn 9. For information about ESE error codes other than the ones explained in this topic, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 有关本主题解释的ESE错误代码之外的其他ESE错误代码的信息,请参阅下列Microsoft知识库文章 www.microsoft.com 10. Exchange Server uses ESE as an embedded database engine that determines the structure of the databases and manages memory. ExchangeServer使用ESE作为嵌入数据库引擎,该引擎确定数据库结构并管理内存。 technet.microsoft.com 1. ESE-3 mouse homology gene expression in asthmatic mouse ESE-3小鼠同源基因在哮喘小鼠的表达及意义 service.ilib.cn 2. Application of ESE in the Blog Website ESE在博客站点中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. The following are some of the possible causes of ESE event 101 以下是ESE事件101的某些可能原因 www.microsoft.com 4. DB2 UDB V8. 1 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) (64-bit) DB2UDBV8.1企业服务器版(ESE)(64位) www.ibm.com |
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