单词 | external forces | ||||||||||||||
释义 | external forces
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 外部力量,外部势力,外部因素 1. Knowing the state of the rotational motion of a system, determine the external forces or external torques acting on the system. 已知质点系的转动运动,求系统所受的外力或外力矩。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 2. Other people or external forces over which you have no control seem to subtly undermine your efforts - or try to overpower you altogether. 你无法掌控他人或外界压力,他们会在无形中破坏你的努力,或者试图压倒你。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He was also the first to say that, even with independence, Uganda (and Africa) remained violent as a result of external forces. 他也是第一个说乌干达(和非洲)虽然独立,由于外部干涉仍不稳定的人。 www.bing.com 4. But why dead people always follow the example of the total caught in a variety of external forces to make life into? 但是为什么人世总要人们效仿,总要使生命受困于各种外力之中? hi.baidu.com 5. My experience changed many times over the course of a few minutes as external forces determined my mood. 我的感受在短暂的几分钟内因为外界干扰改变了多次。 www.bing.com 6. There is no denying the fact that these countries are subject to a modern society in transition, the impact of external forces. 无可讳言,这些国家向现代社会转型都受到外来力量的冲击。 www.cutpic.cn 7. Unless restricted by external forces, at the same speed, the movement is always an object moving along a straight line. 除非受到外力,在同一速度下,运动的物体总是沿直线移动。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Internal conflicts can only be solved by external forces, because internality requires conventions and inward-looking. 内部矛盾的解决需要依靠外部力量,因为内部永远是守旧的、自我封闭的。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Autogenous deformation: the bulk deformation of a closed, isothermal cementitious material system not subjected to external forces. 自生变形:没有受到外力的,封闭的、等温的水泥胶结材料系统的总体变形。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It should not be for external forces to arrogate themselves that role; often, they do not have enough knowledge to decide rightly. 外部势力绝不能老越俎代庖;通常情况是他们掌握不了充分信息来作出正确决策。 dongxi.net 1. The momentum before must be the same as the momentum afterwards because there are no external forces on the system. 之前的动量一定,与之后动量相等,因为并没有外力,作用于系统。 open.163.com 2. Despite the fact that external forces are constantly changing our life goals, happiness for most people is a relatively constant state. 尽管外部力量不断地改变着我们的生活,但是幸福对大多数人来说是一个相对稳定的状态。 bbs.xlzx.com 3. system is equal to the geometric sum of all external forces acting on the system, the principal vector of the external force system. 质点系的质量与加速度的乘积,等于作用于质点系上所有外力的矢量和(外力系的主矢)。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 4. The weight of the components supported by the bearing, together with external forces, generally exceeds the requisite minimum load. 轴承支撑的部件自重加上外部作用力一般超过必要的最小载荷。 www.skf.com 5. Political conflict regulation is the result of internal forces and external forces. 政治冲突的调控是内力和外力共同作用的结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. He asserts his dignity as an individual and dares to oppose the inexorable external forces of the universe. 他追求个人尊严,敢于与天地间无情的外力进行抗争。 www.america.gov 7. Characteristic of the External Forces: The acting line of the resultant of external forces is coincided with the axis of the rod. 受力特点:外力合力的作用线与杆轴线重合 wenku.baidu.com 8. Not naturally formed and restricted by external forces, it coordinates the conflicts in a certain society. 和谐社会,不仅包含矛盾与冲突,而且也不会天然地形成。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. structure was put into use with all the unpredictable external forces, structural damage is inevitable. 加上结构投入使用后一切不可预计的外力,结构破损是在所难免的。 www.fabiao.net 10. This effect is due to the high radial compression produced by the external forces acting at the supports. 此种效应是由于作用在支点的外力所产生的高度径向压缩而引起的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. When a crisis occurs or external forces make hostile intrusions, the public nationalism will be aroused. 在危机发生时,或当有外部力量非友好入侵时,公众的民族主义情绪就会被唤醒。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. If LED designs are the future of the industry and the future of the company, they are too important to fully leave to external forces. LED设计代表着产业发展的未来和公司的未来,因此不能完全依靠外部设计力量。 bbs.21ic.com 3. Stress and strain Stress is defined as the resistance offered by a material to external forces or loads. 压力是用来定义抵抗材料面对外力和外载荷时的性能指标。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Consider raising change notification events when the value of a property changes through external forces. 当属性值由于外部因素发生更改时,应考虑引发更改通知事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Future changes may be needed to respond to internal and external forces and change in leadership. 虽然现行模式正在运行中,为了对内部和外部的力量与领导改革作出响应,未来的改革也许是需要的。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 6. Carefully constructing triangular relationship of Chin-India-Pakistan, China-Pakistan-US to deal with the challenges of external forces. 精心构筑中印巴、中美巴三角关系,应对好外部力量的挑战。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. It revealed that today's equity valuations are more a product of larger external forces than of their own fundamentals. 它揭示了如今的股权价值更象是一个有巨大外部力量的产品,而不仅仅只表明自己的价值。 www.bing.com 8. With problems of market failure, government-led systems can often more easily solve problems that arise through external forces. 市场失灵的问题在政府为主导的情况下往往更容易解决外部化的问题。 dialogue.iflove.com 9. This paper aims to explore the reactive motions which simultaneously respond to the external forces on the basis of motion data. 本文的工作是在动作捕获数据的基础上生成响应外力的反应跟随性动作。 www.zidir.com 10. With elastic material parts in pressures deformation, remove the external forces and reinstatement. 用弹性材料制成的零件在外力作用下发生形变,除去外力后又恢复原状。 www.chinese.cn 1. After all a big merger looks good on a CV and a failed merger can always be blamed on external forces or events. 在所有一个大合并在CV上看起来很好,而且一个失败的合并总是能被归咎于外部的军队或事件之后。 tieba.baidu.com 2. free from external forces , the gyroscopes axis should continue pointing at the star - forever. 在没有外力的影响下,回转仪理论上应会永远不变地指向同一星体。 www.ichacha.net 3. Compared to the external forces, we humans are so pitifully minute, so infinitesimally small. 比起外界的力量,我们人是多幺小,多幺小! bbs.wwenglish.org 4. Context: What are the external forces that will impact the design? 环境:那些会影响设计的外界因素是什么? blog.sina.com.cn 5. In sum, in people society there is no complete free will, and person should behavior under the restriction of external forces. 总之,在人类社会没有完全的自由意愿,人们在外部环境的约束下行为。 bbs.gter.net 6. Before using the scrub will get wet nose, and then scrub lightly in the nose part of the circle of black with external forces. 使用磨砂膏前先将鼻子搞湿,然后用磨砂膏在鼻子部位轻轻打圈,让黑头随外力排出。 www.xuejiewang.com 7. what are the key external forces transforming our industry? 导致我们行业转型的五个主要外部因素是什么? www.dusystem.com 8. Its currency, the won, has swung wildly due to external forces over the past few years. 韩圆在过去几年因外力作用出现大幅动荡。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Sure, there are external forces at work: an uncontrollable job, the stress of kids and chores and interruptions and digital distractions. 当然,有外部因素在起作用,比如无法掌控的工作,又比如孩子、烦心事、干扰和让人分心的东西。 www.bing.com 10. The external forces include reactions (R)as well as applied loads(P). 外力包括反力R和施加力荷载P。 1. How well did the team respond to challenges and external forces? The danger with experience is that it often leads to disillusionment. 团队对于挑战和外力的反应如何?与经验有关的危险通常导致期望的破灭。 www.bing.com 2. External forces may now prove far more powerful in binding Europe's nation states. 如尽,外部力量也许会成为更强大的力量,促使欧洲各国凝聚在一起。 www.ftchinese.com 3. However, Russia is also opposed to external forces military strike against Libya. 不过,俄罗斯也反对外部势力对利比亚进行军事打击。 www.englishtang.com 4. External forces and trends can rise quickly and have unforeseen ramifications. 外部力量和趋势可能迅速地崛起,从而导致无法预料的后果。 www.bing.com 5. Most people react to external forces. To lead effectively, you have to overcome that natural tendency. 大多数人面对外界影响只是被动应对,若想有效地领导部下,你必须得战胜这种被动。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes external forces spark the change. 有时,外部因素也会激发变革。 www.360doc.com 7. Few external forces are going to persuade you to learn. 很少有外部力量能说服你去学习。 www.bing.com 8. This softness means that tiny external forces can deform the cells and influence their development (Nature Materials, vol 9, p 82). 如此柔软的硬度意味着很微小的外力就能使其变形并影响它们的发育(《自然材料》,第9卷,第82页)。 www.bing.com 9. How well did the team respond to challenges and external forces? 团队面对挑战和外界的压力的反应又是如何呢? www.bing.com 10. And companies usually fail because of management shortcomings, rather than external forces. 而且,公司破产通常是因为管理不善,而不是因为外部力量。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Systems attacks by external forces. 外部力量发动的系统攻击。 www.ibm.com 2. Second, negative liberty, that is not subject to the constraints of external forces. 二是消极自由,即不受外来力量的束缚。 www.cutpic.cn 3. Only by understanding the importance of the external forces and considering overall about it, can the managers make a correct decision. 只有了解外部力量的重要性并充分考虑综合后,管理者才能做出正确的决定。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We have very little control over external forces such as tornadoes, earthquakes , floods, disasters, illness and pain. 我们不能控制像龙卷风、地震、洪水、灾难、疾病和痛苦这些外部力量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Vesselin harbour will, if not moored, drift away due to the external forces of wind, current and wave impact and so forth. 如果没有停泊在港口的船只将渐行渐远,由于风的外部力量,当前和浪潮的冲击等等。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The AU firmly adheres to the one-China policy and opposes external forces interfering in China's internal affairs, Jean Ping said. 非盟坚定奉行一个中国政策,反对外部势力干涉中国内政。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. We have a tendency to get disorganized and we simply react to external forces instead of planning our actions to increase our efficiency. 我们趋向于变得紊乱还有简单地对外力反应,而不是计划提高效率的行动。 www.bing.com 8. The easiest way to rid a system of external torque is to rid it of all external forces. 要去掉系统的外转矩,最简易的办法是去掉一切外力。 9. The damage was caused by external forces. 损害是由外力引起。 varyan.blog.hexun.com 10. But it's how our mind handles those external forces that is the problem. 但是我们的脑子里如何来处理这些外部因素是真正的问题所在。 www.bing.com 1. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce mechanisms and external forces, such as the Government. 因此,必须从外部引入机制和力量,比如由政府制定规范,强制成立该机构。 www.fabiao.net 2. Ability of a structure to keep its first equilibrium form during acted by external forces is called stability of the structure. F 构件在外力作用下保持原有平衡形态的能力称为构件的稳定性 wenku.baidu.com 3. Allows you to dictate the future instead of the external forces deciding it for you 能够使得你自己描绘好未来而不是外部的力量替你决定。 www.bing.com 4. Ability of materials aginst deformations caused by external forces is called stiffness of materials. F 材料抵抗外力变形的能力称为材料的刚度 wenku.baidu.com 5. Progress in Microstructure of Superfine Particles and Their Clusters Under External Forces 外力场下超微细颗粒及簇团微观结构的研究进展 hxgyygc.nextage.cn 6. External Forces of the Choice of Cultural Subject in the Cultural Change of Contemporary Ethnics 当代民族文化变迁中文化选择的外部动因 www.ilib.cn 7. The External Forces of Image Segmentation Using Deformable Model 形变模型图像分割中的外力研究 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Calculation Method of External Forces Acting on Awkward And Lengthy Cargo Unit 重大件货物刚性系固中的外力计算 www.ilib.cn |
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