单词 | End-users | ||||||||||||
释义 | End-users
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 最终用户,终端用户,最终使用者,终端使用者 1. Collecting data from end users, especially when primarily paper-based methods are used, is often time-consuming and error-prone. 从终端用户收集数据,尤其是当最初使用基于纸张的方法时,通常是费时且易错的。 www.ibm.com 2. Make it a practice to always confirm such assumptions with the host programmers or with experienced end users. 您必须与主机程序员或经验丰富的最终用户确认此类前提,并将确认作为一项操作规范。 www.ibm.com 3. As flawed as it is, the user interface to the file system is at least familiar to most end-users. 尽管有缺陷,但文件系统的用户界面至少是多数最终用户所熟悉的。 www-128.ibm.com 4. On the front end, users can navigate through a list of polls, vote on which answer they like best, and see a graph of the results. 在前端,用户可以浏览调查清单,对于他们最喜欢的答案进行投票,并查看结果图表。 www.ibm.com 5. Customer satisfaction among end users seems to improve when priority features become available in a shorter timeframe. 当优先级特性在一个更短的时间段变得可用的时候,终端用户中的客户满意度似乎得到了提高。 www.ibm.com 6. Description - End users need some sort of explanation and guidance that describes the purpose and usage of the form. 描述——终端用户需要描述表单用途和用法的解释和指导。 www.ibm.com 7. End users of the database might be business users who would not touch SQL with a ten foot pole. 数据库的终端用户可能是企业用户,他们对SQL连碰都不想碰。 www.ibm.com 8. The existing wireless spectrum usage rules did not promote competition and failed to deliver benefits to end-users. 现行的无线频谱使用方法并没有提高竞争,也没有把利益传达给终端用户。 www.bing.com 9. The traditional way of collecting data from end users, especially the primarily paper-based method, is often time-consuming and error-prone. 传统的从终端用户收集数据的方式,尤其是最初的借助于纸制表单进行数据采集的方式,通常是费时且易出错的。 www.fabiao.net 10. The team are clear about the growing trend or end users to reduce their oot print and that this requires creativity and a shared vocabulary. 团队清晰了解发展趋势可让最终用户少走弯路,同时还需要创造性和知识共享。 www.docin.com 1. The Japanese company needs to be able to adapt to a variety of end users and meet diverse customer needs. 这家日本公司需要能够适应不同的最终用户,满足不同客户的需求。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. High availability for your end users, enabling you to realize a return on your company's IT investment. 为您的最终用户提供高可用性的服务,使您公司的IT投资得到回报。 www5.ncr.com 3. The concept of a portal is to act as an information aggregator for its end users. 门户的概念将作为最终用户的信息汇总工具。 www.ibm.com 4. Two or more versions of the same process can be deployed and leveraged by end users. 最终用户可以部署、利用同一流程的两个或更多版本。 www.infoq.com 5. The portal administrator can delegate access permission to customize a page to other portal administrators or to portal end users. 门户管理员可以向其他门户管理员或门户最终用户委托自定义页面的访问权限。 www.ibm.com 6. The arrangement of items on this designer is not important, as the interface you see will never be displayed to the application's end users. 此设计器上项的排列并不重要,因为您所看到的该界面从不向应用程序的最终用户显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. At any given instant, you do not know which workload is being directed at your DPARs by your end users. 在任何给定时刻,您不知道哪些工作量是您的最终用户正在DPAR上处理的。 www.ibm.com 8. We trust that our product is attractive enough to your end users in terms of both quality and price. 我们相信,我方产品在品质和价格方面对贵方用户都有足够的吸引力。 jpkc.uibe.edu.cn 9. The system context documents how the entire system, represented as a black box, interacts with external entities (systems and end users). 系统上下文对表示为黑盒的整个系统如何与外部实体(系统和最终用户)交互做文档说明。 www.ibm.com 10. That is going to be something of real value to end-users. 这才是对最终用户真正有价值的东西。 www.infoq.com 1. But I don't think our end users will accept your goods at such a high price. We hope you can appreciate the position of us middle men. 但是我觉得我们的最终用户是不会花这么多钱买你的皮包的,希望你能体谅一下我们中间商的处境。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Personalization and customization are similar and many end users cannot distinguish between them. 个性化和自定义相似,许多最终用户无法区分。 www.ibm.com 3. The point is not that end users are gullible or can be distracted with shiny decorations. 关键并不在于最终用户容易受骗或者可以被光鲜的“装饰”转移注意力。 www.ibm.com 4. I'm just as surprised by the poor computer security education offered to end-users at most companies. 我只是对大多数公司为终端用户提供的糟糕的计算机安全教育感到吃惊。 www.suiniyi.com 5. This goes back to one of Lecinski's larger points, "respect for end users, " but is a principle to follow in any form of business. 这可以追溯回莱森斯基所所的一个比较大的一点,“尊重最终用户”,但是却是一个任何形式的生意都要遵循的原则。 www.bing.com 6. Our end-users consider the Voltmeter to be unfit from application and claim that the instrument to be replaced by you with a sound one. 我方用户认为该电量计不适于使用,要求你方用一只好的替换。 www.fane.cn 7. In our experience, end-users take a "common denominator" approach when trying to figure out what a term means. 以我们的体验,当最终用户试图断定一个术语的意思时,通常采取的是一种“公分母”方法。 www.infoq.com 8. Communicate with end users to understand the workflow. Then provide advise about business process reengineering to end users' department. 通过与最终用户的沟通了解其业务流程,并根据实际情况提出业务流程重组的建议。 www.job700.com 9. These new informational pages should help end users determine whether or not the add-on is worth supporting via a financial contribution. 这一新的页面将可以帮助终端用户判断这款扩展是否值得获得资金支持。 www.bing.com 10. End Users can require to deactivate or to reactivate the Software if change or modify computer hardware or the Software of end users . 如最终用户的软件或者硬件发生改变,用户可根据需要反激活或再次激活本软件。 www.bing.com 1. The purpose of this paper is to provide a sort of IP routing architecture and algorithms based on end_users control to resolve this problem. 针对该问题,提出一种端用户可控的IP网络路由体系结构和具体的路由算法。 www.dictall.com 2. For a regular hierarchy, use the use the HideMemberIf property of a level in a hierarchy to hide missing members from end users. 对于规则层次结构,使用层次结构中某个级别的HideMemberIf属性可对最终用户隐藏缺少的成员。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The company strives to provide outstanding performance and value to leading computer manufacturers, resellers and end users. 公司致力于为世界一流的计算机制造商以及分销商、终端用户提供高附加值的音频产品。 www.jukuu.com 4. When BlackBerry first launched, it created a device that corporations loved and end-users did not. 黑莓上市之初,它受到企业用户的喜爱,但是终端用户却并不感冒。 dongxi.net 5. While Mr. Law said he wanted to create an everyday product, he is targeting high-end users who can afford the hefty price tag. 虽然罗发礼说他想创造出一种日常用品,但他却把这款镜子的目标客户锁定在那些能出得起大价钱的高端用户身上。 chinese.wsj.com 6. This can ease the operational burden by reducing the number of failures that bubble up to end users. 通过减少传播到最终用户失败的数量,可以减轻运营负担。 www.infoq.com 7. End users should be able to customize screens, alerts, notifications, and messaging services easily. 最终用户应该能够方便地定制屏幕、警告、通知和消息传递服务。 www.ibm.com 8. Serving our end users is at the heart of what we do and remains our number one priority. 为我们的最终用户服务始终在我们心里的最深处而且永远是我们第一重要的事。 hi.baidu.com 9. RoR frequently reminds me that the objective is to get real work done, real quick, for real end users. RoR经常提醒我,目标是为最终用户快速完成实际工作。 www.ibm.com 10. Instead, administrators (and ideally end users) should examine the fingerprint information and determine if it is the correct fingerprint. 相反,管理员应该检查指纹信息,判断它是否是正确的指纹(理想情况下最终用户也应该这么做)。 www.ibm.com 1. When end users and employees are making technology choices and bringing things into the office, it signals a sea change in IT. 当终端用户和员工在技术上做出选择把东西带进办公室的时候,它标志着IT界翻天覆地的变化。 dongxi.net 2. Tell your colleagues to do the same, and make sure that you all consider that just as you do, so do all of your customers, the end users. 告诉您的同事执行相同,并确保您所有考虑就像,因此执行所有您的客户最终用户。 technet.microsoft.com 3. In a Web application scenario, you could offer a complete solution for end users to manage and personalize the application. 在Web应用程序方案中,可以为最终用户提供一个完整的解决方案来管理和个性化设置应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The more your end users know about the internal state of your application, the less they'll require of you. 您的最终用户对应用程序的内部状态越了解,他们对您的要求就越少。 www.ibm.com 5. End users thus do not have to be granted access on all the objects in the application schema. 因此,不必授予最终用户访问应用程序架构中所有对象的权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Several changes have been made to the in-game interface to make it more intuitive for end users. 游戏中的界面作了不少改进以使其对最终用户更加直观的。 post.baidu.com 7. The exception system your favorite language gives you is not fit for end users to see. 由您喜欢的语言提供的异常系统是不适合于最终用户查看的。 www.ibm.com 8. Our next move is going to be the development of a BPM Studio for end users (covering both non-technical and technical profiles). 我们的下一步动作是成为针对最终用户的BPM开发Studio(同时涵盖非技术用户配置和技术用户配置)。 www.infoq.com 9. End users are not interested in recording data in the warehouse; they want to get information out of it. 终端用户对在仓库中记录数据不感兴趣,但他们需要从中获得信息。 www.ibm.com 10. End users must be involved in the data mart modeling process, as they obviously are the ones who will use the data mart. 终端用户必须参与数据集市的建模过程,因为他们显然是要使用该数据集市的人。 www.ibm.com 1. With the advanced technology, our product quality is among the best in Korea and have been approved by the end-users world wide. 凭借先进的技术,我们的产品质量是韩国最好的地区之一,并一直由最终用户的认可世界各地。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Creates a special control that is inserted into a page and displayed for end users, when an attempt to load or create a dynamic. 控件的尝试因某种原因失败时,创建插入页中并向最终用户显示的特殊控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It allows end users and applications to gain secure access to any information source, regardless of where it resides. 它使最终用户和应用程序可以获得对任何信息源的安全访问,不管它在什么地方。 www-128.ibm.com 4. See the online help for more documentation of this dialog, and the reconcile errors and actions that are available for your end users. 关于该对话框,以及终端用户可获得的协调错误和动作的更多文档,请参阅在线帮助。 www.ibm.com 5. Take this perspective: your end users might occupy a plurality of their "contact hours" with your program viewing its error messages. 想象一下:最终客户可能会把同程序“接触时间”的大部分都消耗在查看程序所显示的错误消息上。 www.ibm.com 6. For this, some sort of language is needed for the end users to convey what it is they wish to search for. 因此,终端用户会需要某种语言来表达他们所希望搜索的内容。 www.ibm.com 7. This testing attempts to simulate an actual workload, but no simulation can fully account for the complex behaviors of a team of end-users. 这些测试会试着模拟一种实际的工作负荷,但是没有模拟可以完全代替末端用户团队的实际复杂操作行为。 www.ibm.com 8. End users deal almost directly with the data, and there are no fixed workflows (with a few exceptions here and there). 终端用户几乎直接处理数据,而且没有固定的工作流(除了这里和那里的少数例外)。 www.ibm.com 9. As end users sign up with a WSP (Wireless Service Provider), they may quickly realize the limitations of the packages offered. 当最终用户与WSP(无线服务供应商)签约时,他们也许马上会意识到所提供的一揽子服务的局限性。 www.ibm.com 10. The result of integration usually generates new data entities or attributes, which are easy for end users to access and understand. 集成结果通常生成新的数据实体或属性,易于终端用户进行访问和理解。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Do not provide a conversion operator if such conversion is not clearly expected by the end users. 如果最终用户未明确要求此类转换,则不要提供相应的转换运算符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The cost of ISOS resources to end users will converge to a fraction of the cost of owning the hardware. 对终端使用者来说,ISOS资源上的花费将只是硬体成本的一小部份。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 3. End users can login to the system, from existing products, or upload your own business card printing and membership card making. 终端用户可以登陆到该系统中,从已有的产品中选择,或者上传自己需要制卡和会员卡制作的内容。 www.bing.com 4. JJDOC can make it easy for you to provide your end users with a description of the language they are using. JJDOC可以使您易于向终端用户提供他们所使用语言的描述。 www.ibm.com 5. The Japanese company must be very flexible in working with end users. 这家日本公司必须非常灵活,与最终用户的工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The first actions pane control contains three text boxes and a button to allow end users to enter data and add it to the document. 第一个操作窗格控件包含三个文本框和一个按钮,用于允许最终用户输入数据并将输入的数据添加到文档中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. End-users already expect at a minimum that products will have been through existing OPC Foundation self-certification testing. 终端用户已经最低限度预计产品将通过现有的OPC基金会的自我认证测试。 blog.gkong.com 8. Then, in a real application, a multilingual business description can be provided based on end-users preferences. 然后,在实际的应用程序中,就可以根据最终用户的首选项提供多语言企业描述。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Experience has shown that customers and end users are most critical of a migration of an existing system. 有经验表明,客户和最终用户对于迁移现有系统是最重要的。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Licenses do not need to be purchased until an application is deployed to end users. 为终端用户配置应用程序之前不需要购买许可证。 www.realsoftware.com 1. Through an SDK, in-app purchases will enable developer to charge end users for content or other items directly within their application. 借助于SDK,开发者可以凭借应用中购买这种方式直接在应用中向最终用户收取费用。 www.infoq.com 2. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. 所有上游仓库都被集成到了一个当中,使之更加适宜于最终用户使用。 my.oschina.net 3. creating or maintaining borders between manufacturers and end - users or manufacturers and traders respectively , does not make any sense. 将参加展会的群体仅局限为生产商和终端用户,或者是生产商和贸易商,没有任何意义。 www.ichacha.net 4. Connection pooling is the maintenance of a group of database connections for reuse by applications across multiple end users. 连接池是一组供跨越多个最终用户的应用程序重用的数据库连接的维护机制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. End users with properly installed copies of Acrobat 8 for Windows do not need to have their software reinstalled or adjusted in any way. 已正确安装Acrobat8forWindows副本的最终用户无需重新安装软件或进行任何形式的调整。 www.adobe.com 6. Apart from the impracticality of the proposed cargo inspection, the higher costs would be passed on to the end-users. 除提出的货物检查的不切实际之外,更高的费用会传递到终端用户。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A new out-of-the-box Web-style look and feel and new usability features make RAP applications more attractive to end users. 新的Web感观(开箱即用式)和新的实用特性使RAP应用程序对终端用户更具吸引力。 www.ibm.com 8. EGL's latest enhancements provide the ability to create applications that interact with end users through a graphical user interface. EGL最后的增强提供了创建与最终用户通过图形用户界面交互的应用程序的能力。 www.ibm.com 9. The vendor should follow up with your end users after about a month or so of tools usage to get feedback on performance. 大约一个月之后,厂商应该追踪使用工具的最终用户,了解对执行的反馈。 www.ibm.com 10. Controls used to provide catalogs of Web server controls that end users can add to a Web page. 控件的集合,这些控件用于向最终用户提供可添加到网页的Web服务器控件的目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. and you should treat end users as if they were better humans than yourself. 他们还认为你可以去威胁用户,好像他们的人品都比你好。 www.bing.com 2. Providing technical supports and dealing with the feedback or other issues from end-users and distributors. 给予客户技术支持并负责客户反馈意见的处理。 www.boxhr.com 3. Passing on more of the cost of crude oil to end users could hurt industry and agriculture, which are heavily reliant on diesel fuel. 如果快速推进成品油价格与国际接轨﹐必将对工业、农业等严重依赖柴油的产业产生巨大冲击。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. For end users, they have rolled out a popup-style interface for simpler logins with fewer redirects and less confusion. 对于终端用户而言,谷歌已经推出了一个弹出式的界面以简化登录过程,减少转跳和用户的困惑。 www.bing.com 5. If you are using HotSync synchronization, each of your end users must also install the synchronization conduit onto their desktop machine. 如果您使用HotSync同步,则每个终端用户也必须将同步管道安装到他们的台式计算机上。 www.ianywhere.com 6. This year's rise is likely to add $40-60 to the price of producing a tonne of steel, just as prices for end users are falling. 今年的上涨幅度可能会让生产一吨钢的成本增加40到60美元,而此时,最终用户的价格却在下跌。 7. Programmatic support can be combined with presentation transformation to further improve the end users experience with the host application. 可编程式支持可以结合呈现转换,从而进一步增强终端用户的主机应用程序使用经验。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The technology solution itself is less important to end-users and matters more in terms of the local infrastructure. 技术解决方案本身对于最终用户并不重要,他们更为关心的是当地基础结构方面。 50x15.com 9. Note that demonstrations to end users will require legal clearance for your intellectual property. 注意在向终端用户进行演示时需要知识产权的法律许可。 www.ibm.com 10. It is possible for end users to delete or copy the Runtime Storage Control. 最终用户删除或复制运行时存储控件是可能的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Finally, for the best performance for end-users, locate the heavily accessed servers in close proximity (network wise) to the users. 最后,为了让终端用户获得最佳的性能,可以查找用户周边访问频率比较高的服务器。 www.ibm.com 2. In a real-world scenario, end users would create accounts for the Magnus service. 在真实世界中,终端用户将为Mangus创建帐户。 www.ibm.com 3. Implement trade promotion plans to meet product and sales objectives, deal with trade executions on end users promotion in sales channels. 实施渠道推广计划以实现销售目标,跟进终端用户推广计划在各销售渠道的执行。 www.haoqiantu.cn 4. As the web shifts to a rich media experience, bloggers, media and end users are becoming more accustomed to video. 因为网页转为一种多媒体的体验,博主、媒体和最终用户变得更习惯视频了。 www.bing.com 5. Projects that are best suited for test assertions as requirements are those where the end users of the application are themselves technical. 最适合将测试断言作为需求的项目是应用程序的最终用户自己掌握技术的项目。 www.ibm.com 6. End users can select or enter a standard to determine what makes cards and membership cards making which version of the product. 终端用户可以选择或输入标准,以确定自己到底要制卡和会员卡制作哪一个版本的产品。 www.bing.com 7. All of these attributes reduce the training, technical expertise, and time commitments required of the end users in the SMB. 所有这些特性减少了SMB中最终用户所需要的培训、专业技术和时间要求。 www.ibm.com 8. CNOOC said that some of the downstream aspects of the project, including signing agreements with end- users, had still to be resolved. 中海油表示,该项目的一些下游事宜还有待解决,包括与最终用户签订协议。 www.ftchinese.com 9. GridSphere provides a sophisticated portal offering a highly customizable environment for a wide range of end users. 下开发的,提供了一个非常复杂的门户,该门户为各种终端用户提供高度定制的环境。 www-128.ibm.com 10. The report should aim to help end-users move away from gut-feeling to fact-based decisions. 该报告旨在帮助最终用户远离肠道感觉基于事实的决策。 www.pharmst.cn 1. Give your end-users as much time as needed with the new solution before going live--it makes the transition that much easier. 让您的最终用户的时间需要新的解决方案之前,生活-这使得转型期容易得多。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. In order to reduce the maintenance effort, the business analyst will not give end-users the configuration access to any page. 为了减少维护工作量,业务分析员不会让终端用户有任何页面的配置权限。 www.ibm.com 3. Help existing distributors to develop local business, build up the sales network retailers and end-users. 协助现有经销商开发当地市场,发展及建立销售网络、分销商以及终端客户。 www.boleme.cn 4. I can unequivocally state that we will not use any of this information to enforce rights against end users. 我可以明确表示我们不会利用这些信息来强化我们针对终端用户的权力。 www.bing.com 5. With accurate information on that score, end users can be happy scheduling other tasks around the computer's delay. 得知精确的时间信息后,最终用户可以在计算机延迟期间快乐地安排其它任务。 www.ibm.com 6. End users will be able to click on this area or the Information Bar to install the ActiveX control. 最终用户将能够单击该区域或“信息栏”,以安装ActiveX控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. It then relies on end users (called peers) who request the file and receive different pieces of it. 然后,BitTorrent要依靠终端用户(称为节点),这些用户请求下载文件,再接收该文件的不同块。 www.ecocn.org 8. Ordinary users and low-end users are as the secondary target market of Tianjin CTT, take the pricing strategy and promotional strategy. 将普通用户和低端用户这两个细分市场,做为次要的目标市场,采取价格战略和促销战略。 www.fabiao.net 9. The Business View is the part of the business model that applications will operate against, and end- users will see. 业务视图是业务模型的一部分,应用程序将对它操作,终端用户也将看见它。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In a deployed environment, the user ID and password of the backend database are generally hidden from end users. 在一个开发环境中,备份数据库的用户ID和密码通常隐瞒最后一个用户。 www.ibm.com 1. A multimedia system allows end users to share, transfer and process a variety of forms of information in a unified manner. 多媒体系统允许终端用户以统一的形式共享、传输并处理各种形式的信息。 www.itemh.com 2. Technical support for distributors and end users, including technical training, technical consulting and trouble shooting. 为经销商和终端用户提供技术支持,包括技术培训,技术咨询以及故障排除。 www.yjbys.com 3. Second, we find it impossible to ask our end-users to accept the delayed delivery. 第二,我们认为不可能说服客户接受延误的出货。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Categories are designed to be subject area folders that help end users find information easily. 类别旨在成为帮助用户轻松查找信息的主题文件夹。 www.ibm.com 5. Communicate with end users; present service solution and offer the quotation to end users. Process the management of the quotation. 和最终用户沟通,用户提交服务方案及报价,对报价进行管理。 www.sinohr.com 6. Since it requires both domain knowledge and database skills, both database administrators and end users should be involved in this task. 因为处理这类问题需要域知识和数据库技能,所以数据库管理员和终端用户都应该参与该工作。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The paper also discusses build an authority control via end users access to make sure of the safety of the distributed database system. 本文还提出利用基于角色的权限控制来保证分布式数据库的安全性。 www.juhe8.com 8. Those who are against this practice cite that codes have no intuitive meaning to the end-users and add complexity to processing data. 那些反对的观点是,代码对终端用户没有直接的感觉,使处理数据变的复杂。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. End users open documents with managed code extensions as they would normally open any document, or they use Outlook as usual. 最终用户可以像通常打开任何文档那样打开具有托管代码扩展的文档,或照常使用Outlook。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. When the old server is suddenly taken out of service and end users cannot access the files on the old server. 当旧服务器突然停止服务,最终用户无法访问旧服务器上的文件时。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Wireless vendors should take effective steps to spread awareness about wireless technology to end-users, thus promoting market expansion. 无线技术供应商应该采取有效措施,向终端用户宣传无线技术,从而促进市场的扩大。 www.gkong.com 2. Visiting local customers regularly , and recommending our client brand and goods to local distributors, system integrators and end users. 定期拜访地区的客户,并且向分销商,系统集成商和最终用户介绍客户的品牌和产品。 www.gao8dou.com 3. The sluggish demands from the end users, especially the logistic and transport sections, pinned down the desires to replenish the inventory. 最终消费者需求疲软,特别是物流与运输行业,抑制了存货补充需求。 www.bing.com 4. In contrast, external customers, in the supply chain, range widely from wholesalers, retailers, end-users to other downstream enterprises. 相反而言,外部客户分布于供应链各个部位,从批发商、零售商到最终用户或其他下游企业。 wenku.baidu.com 5. And for end-users of electricity, ABB provides more efficient motors and drives to power and operate machinery. 对于电的终端用户,ABB提供更有效的发动机和驱动器为机器提供动力和运转。 www.chuandong.com 6. The design goal for Microsoft Access is to meet the need for simple, effective information tracking by end-users. 给微软通路的设计目标将符合使用者的对简单又有效数据追踪的需要。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Various types of files are made up of end users in an enterprise using a high-speed device faxes. 各种类型的文件都由终端用户在企业内部使用高速的复印设备完成了。 www.bing.com 8. It is also unique in that it is the only association in the world that represents both software publishers and end users. 该组织的一个独特之处在于它是世界上唯一一个代表了软件出版商和终端用户的组织。 9. Applets are often a good technology for construction of applications destined for end-users. 对于构造针对最终用户的应用程序,applet通常是一种好技术。 www.ibm.com 10. We find it impossible to ask our end? users to accept the delayed delivery. 我们感到要让我方用户接受延期交货是不可能的。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 1. Data access: The data warehouse is created for a decision support vehicle; the end users should only dig out information from it. 数据访问:数据仓库是为了决策支持的传递而创建的;终端用户只是从中挖掘信息。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Channel destination provides the subscriber's end users with an entry point to the platform. 通道目的地向订阅者的最终用户提供平台入口点。 www.ibm.com 3. And end-users as to achieve all-optical network connections, which will deploy between the circuit and switching more simple and convenient. 并且由于实现用户端对端的全光网络连接,这将使电路间的调配和转接变得更加简单方便。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Unless a member of the sysadmin role grants the necessary permissions, end users cannot create or run these stored procedures. 除非sysadmin角色的成员授予了必要的权限,否则最终用户将无法创建或运行这些存储过程。 support.microsoft.com 5. End users mainly refers to the purchase of clothing consumption, including individual customers and corporate clients. 终端用户主要指购买服装的消费方,这其中包括个人客户和企业客户。 www.texclo.net 6. We believe in Free Software as a safe choice for developers, partners and end users alike. We use other licenses as needed. 我们相信免费软件对于开发人员,合作者和最终用户来说是一个安全的选择。我们使用其他需要的认证机制。 blog.csdn.net 7. Distributing device applications to end users requires the creation of a CAB file. 需要创建CAB文件才能将设备应用程序分发给最终用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When you show your prototype to marketers and end users, they won't think they're looking at a finished product. 在向销售人员和最终用户介绍原型时,他们不会认为自己正在看的是完成的产品。 www.ibm.com 9. It provides a set of widgets for business designers, analysts, IT specialists, and end users. 它提供了一组小部件供业务设计人员、分析师、IT专家和最终用户使用。 www.ibm.com 10. SOF T2 will focus on facilitating increased communication between the technology developers and end users, Alion officials said. SOFT2将有助于减少技术开发者和最终用户之间不断增加的沟通困难。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. Designed for end users, the data is presented for scientific RF tag performance as well as high speed conveyor testing. 为最终用户设计的数据提出了科学的射频标签性能以及高速传送测试。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 2. As is true in the relational world, indexing makes searching easier for the underlying datastore, and therefore faster for end users. 在关系世界中也是如此,对于底层数据存储来说,索引使搜索更加容易,因此对于最终用户来说就更快。 www.ibm.com 3. First, unlike oil, natural gas relies overwhelmingly on pipelines to deliver it to end-users, limiting scope for trading. 首先,与石油不同,天然气主要是通过管道交付终端用户,这限制了它的交易空间。 www.ftchinese.com 4. How can we, as product designers, look past the obvious and truly understand what global trends will really mean to us as end-users? 作为产品设计师,作为直接用户,我们怎么能真正懂得全球潮流对我们究竟意味着什么? www.elanso.com 5. Transition: The focus of the Transition phase is to ensure that software is available for its end users. 产品化:产品化阶段的重点是确保软件对最终用户是可用的。 www.ibm.com 6. Portals have become the place where both end-users and business-users alike come to use applications and access information. 门户已经变成了最终用户和企业用户都过来使用应用程序、访问信息的地方。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The introduction of the solution into the production environment , and trial by installers , systems support staff, and end users . 将解决方案引入生产环境,并由安装人员、系统支持人员以及最终用户试用。 www.bing.com 8. RESULTS: We introduce a software suite for programmers and end-users that facilitates research analysis and data management using BAM files. 结果:我们为程序员和终端用户介绍了一个软件包,它便利了使用BAM文件进行研究分析和数据管理。 chinapubmed.net 9. After receiving the document, end users can interact with it online. 在接受到文档之后,最终用户可以与它在线交互。 www.ibm.com 10. Various cosmetic effects may be provided to end-users in a portable application. 可以以便携的施用方式为最终用户提供各种美容效果。 ip.com 1. In the above definition, the stakeholders may include Principals, Insiders, Partners and End-users, as applicable to the project. 在上面的定义中,根据项目情况,涉众可能包括负责人、内部人员、合作伙伴和最终用户。 www.ibm.com 2. The second part analyses if the computer software end-users use unauthorized software whether or nor ir is an infringement. 第二部分主要对计算机软件最终用户使用未经授权软件是否构成侵权进行分析。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Dealers as manufacturers connect end users, Epson has always attached great importance to channels and reseller management. 经销商作为厂商连接终端用户的纽带,爱普生始终非常重视渠道建设和经销商管理。 www.bing.com 4. End users never see what a pain in the ass it actually is to certify a product as compatible to a given EE API. 终端用户无法看到为了让某个产品和特定的JAVAEEAPI兼容要做多少麻烦的验证工作。 www.infoq.com 5. Therefore, we recommend that administrators use RIES after they communicate with all affected end-users. 因此,我们建议管理员在与所有受影响的最终用户沟通之后再使用RIES。 support.microsoft.com 6. A platform with zero defects can be depended on, both by end users in the community and by consuming products. 无论是对于社区中的终端用户,还是对于消费产品,一个零缺陷的平台是值得依靠的。 www.ibm.com 7. Electronic spreadsheet packages can be used by end users as a tool to develop ways to analyze information. 电子试算表套件,可用于最终用户作为一种工具来制定方法,分析资料。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. End-users communicate via one single user interface (UI) and end-users are thereby completely shielded regarding network selection. 最终用户的通信通过一个单一的用户界面(UI)和最终用户是完全屏蔽从而对网络的选择。 sebbs.it168.com 9. Actions provide to client applications context-sensitive information, commands, and reports that end users can access. 操作可以向客户端应用程序提供最终用户可以访问的序上下文相关信息、命令和报告。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Suppose you want end-users to monitor information from a legacy, "non-graphical" platform. 假设您想要终端用户从一个遗留的“非图形的”平台来监视信息。 www.ibm.com 1. The SLES system is configured as a NFS client to the AIX system from where the end users access their files. SLES系统配置为AIX系统的NFS客户机,最终用户从这里访问他们的文件。 www.ibm.com 2. We also provide semiconductor equipment information to end users for future purchase and expansion consultation. 我们也提供半导体设备资讯给客户,做为客户在未来采购及扩充时之参考。 www.showxiu.com 3. These preferences may be locked down by the administrator, so end users cannot modify them. 这些首选项可以由管理员“向下锁定”,从而使终端用户无法对其进行修改。 www.ibm.com 4. When the old server is still available and accessible to all end users. 当旧服务器仍可用,所有最终用户仍可访问该服务器时。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Until the connection is re-established, the end users receives error codes indicating that authentication requests failed. 在连接重新建立之前,最终用户会收到表示身份验证请求失败的错误码。 www.ibm.com 6. IMPORTANT: The resale discount is applicable for reseller sale to end-users & other resellers, NOT for reseller usage themselves. 重要信息:为经销商转售折扣出售给最终用户和其他经销商不使用自己的经销商,适用。 www.hostloc.com 7. Every problem you find on these test machines is one less problem that you will hear about from your end-users. 你每在测试机上多发现一个问题,以后你就会从你的终端用户那里少听到一个问题。 shi-wei.net 8. The end users might not be the decision makers, but they provide valuable information about the usability of the data warehouse. 终端用户可能不是决策人,但他们提供关于数据仓库可用性的宝贵信息。 www.ibm.com 9. As cloud computing gains traction with enterprises and end users, many conventional applications are moving to the cloud. 由于云计算得到企业和终端用户的支持,很多传统应用程序正逐步转向云环境。 www.ibm.com 10. Commercial distributors of software may accept certain responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the like. 软件商业发布者可能要接受某些关于最终用户、商业伙伴等等的责任。 www.bing.com 1. Consequently, end users are unable to modify the installation in any way. 因此,终端用户不能用任何方法修改这个安装。 www.ibm.com 2. End-users will use the online product catalog as a tool to make intelligent purchasing decisions. 终端用户将使用在线产品目录作为工具,以作出明智的购买决定。 www.gkong.com 3. End users interact with the wireless Hosted Network feature in Windows using third party applications or netsh commands. 最终用户可以使用第三方应用程序或netsh命令与无线承载网络交互。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Goal of Vivid: Driven by the Maximum Value of End-users, Creating the First Brand and Leading Enterprise of Chinese Energy Service Industry. 唯度企业目标:以用户价值最大化为驱动力,打造中国能源服务产业的第一品牌和旗舰企业。 www.hunanrc.cn 5. As marketplace competition grows keener, IT projects are under constant pressure to deliver capability faster to end users. 随着市场竞争越来越强烈,IT项目处于向最终用户更快地交付能力的不断压力下。 www.ibm.com 6. His end users are very happy with the availability of their mail and Domino applications. 他的终端用户对邮件和Domino应用程序的可用性很满意。 www.ibm.com 7. IT department can proactively monitor the system availability and response time, and find the problem before end users report. IT部门可以主动监视系统可用性和响应时间,并在用户报告之前发现问题。 www.ibm.com 8. All search queries must originate from individual human end users inputting data directly into the Search Box. 所有搜索查询都应当来自直接在搜索框中输入数据的个人最终用户。 www.google.com 9. Finally, we have developed a freely available software tool kit (MAGE-STK) that eases the integration of MAGE-ML into end users' systems. 最后,我们开发了一个免费可用的软件工具箱(MAGE-STK),它使得MAGE-ML到终端用户系统的整合变得容易。 chinapubmed.net 10. As we've already discussed, the Linux kernel itself isn't terribly useful for end users on its own. 在我们上面的讨论中,我们知道这个Linux内核本身对终端用户是很难有用的。 www.bing.com 1. This panel brings broad experience from exchanges, regulators, brokers and end users to bear on these and related questions. 交易所、监管者、经纪商和最终用户将就以上议题和相关问题展开广泛的讨论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The next version product will enhance the interaction with the end-users. 下一版本的产品会加强与最终用户的互动。 www.kuenglish.info 3. through fluent language work with domestic and overseas expert to finish related projects, or provide the support to end users. (团队合作)通过流利语言与国内外专家合作完成相关项目,或提供最终用户支持。 job.dajie.com 4. The Web tier is generally driven by end users performing business tasks, so it's better equipped to handle business-level exceptions. Web层通常是由执行业务任务的最终用户驱动的,所以最好用它处理业务级异常。 www.ibm.com 5. Anti-subterrene ink absorption of white to manufacturers and end users that has brought about tremendous challenges. 抗汲取的不黑色冷熔油墨为制造商和末端用户都带来了极不小的挑衅。 www.bing.com 6. The distribution network construction is safe and reliable electricity transmission to end users. 配电网络的建设是将电力安全可靠的输送到最终用户的重要保障。 www.zidir.com 7. This is not the kind of message you want to show your end users. 这可不是能展示给最终用户的消息。 www.ibm.com 8. Delays also result if end users must manually supply basic, repetitive information when filling out multiple forms. 如果终端用户在填写表单时必须手动提供基础的重复的信息,那么会出现延迟。 www.ibm.com 9. The end users rely on surveyors for sound judgement to arrive at an opinion about a ship and its equipment. 最终用户正是依赖于检查员的合理判断来得出对船只及其设备的意见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Typically, storyboarding is used to simulate how the end users navigate through the GUI. 一般来说,事例板用于模拟末端用户是怎样通过GUI来进行导航的。 www.ibm.com 1. These include standard operating procedures, training and retraining of the end users to maintain a high degree of compliance. 这些问题包括标准作业程序,培训和再培训的最终用户能够保持高度的遵守情况。 www.tech-domain.com 2. WebSphere XD alerts end users to actions initiated by the autonomic controllers via "tasks" . WebSphereXD通过“任务”向最终用户警告由自动控制器启动的操作。 www.ibm.com 3. We will discuss how eXtreme Scale can potentially reduce the impact of a full or partial site restart for end users. 我们将讨论eXtremeScale如何减少重启全部或部分网站对终端用户的影响。 www.ibm.com 4. The database of compatible codes is continually being evolved by end users who can test and rate all the codes. 该数据库的兼容码,是在不断演变,由最终用户使他们能测试及利率全部代码。 bbs.cnmo.com 5. Provide reliable and responsive IT helpdesk support service to end users including software and hardware. 提供可靠和反应迅速的信息技术helpdesk给终端提供包括软件和硬件的服务。 qinfenzixin.blog.com.cn 6. In BIS 4. 0, a new method of communication will be introduced to help improve the effectiveness of the messages BIS sends to end users. 在BIS4.0中,一个新的通信方法将被引入,以帮助改善BIS消息发送到最终用户的有效性。 www.bing.com 7. But Ms Yap counters such concerns, saying management recognises this risk and has started targeting higher-end users. 雅普对此类担忧并不认同,她表示,腾讯管理层意识到了这种风险,已开始将目标瞄准更高端用户。 q.sohu.com 8. Sizes and purities of bars are matched to the special requirements of regional markets, fabricators or end users. 大小和纯度的金条配的特殊需要的区域市场,制造者或最终用户。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In part 2, this article clearly defines the conception of the computer software end-users and there responsibility. 在第二部分,本文明确了计算机软件最终用户及其法律责任的概念。 www.13191.com 10. Coordinate with internal CP, dealers, retailers to deal with end users complaints. 与内部供应商、经销商、零售商协同解决终端客户投诉。 www.job592.com 1. These files generally help end users quickly get up and running with the application. 对最终用户来说,这些通常是快速安装并运行应用程序的一个好方法。 www.ibm.com 2. It is intended to provide Web end-users the ability to develop Web applications without their having to master complex programming skills. 此款工具旨在向Web最终用户提供开发Web应用程序的能力,他们不必掌握复杂的编程技能就能进行开发。 www.ibm.com 3. Retailers are middlemen who sell goods or services to consumers and represent the final link between producers and end-users. 零售商是`把商品与服务出售给消费者的中间商,代表着联系生产商与最终用户之间的最终纽带。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 4. The ability to combine this information with easy access elevates the productivity and effectiveness of the end users. 有了使信息容易访问的能力,终端用户的生产力和工作效率就会得到提高。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The InvariantCulture is useful for storing data that will not be displayed directly to end users. InvariantCulture对于存储不直接显示给最终用户的数据非常有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. But you don't want your end users to ever deploy the reference image task sequences, just the ones that deploy the reference images. 但你不想让你的终端用户使用你用来制作参考镜像的TS,而只想让他们使用部署镜像的TS。 www.diybl.com 7. And that doesn't even cover the resources required to retrain the IT staff and end users of the applications. 而这甚至还没包括对应用程序的IT人员和最终用户的再培训所需的资源。 www.ibm.com 8. Log messages are also normally translated in the local language and intended for end users and administrators. 日志消息一般会被翻译成本地语言,供最终用户和管理员参考。 www.ibm.com 9. In other words, end users will not realize where the document is sitting, either DASDs, external disk, or tape. 换句话说,终端用户不会意识到文档究竟位于何处——DASD、外部磁盘或者是磁带。 www.ibm.com 10. Provide Mobile Media services to end users in partnership with progressive media corporations. 我们与领先的媒体公司合作,为终端用户提供移动娱乐服务。 www.haoqiantu.cn 1. The certification process helps ensure that communications networks provide a high-quality experience for end-users. 认证过程,可确保通信网络提供高质量的经验,为最终用户。 www.siqianlianhou.cn 2. Two other producers' ease-of-use tactic was to develop adaptive software that learns what end-users want in order to provide simple answers. 其他两家生产商的易用策略是开发自适应软件,能明白终端用户想要什么,以提供简单答案。 www.gongkong.com 3. The service name identifies your profile to end users; the file name identifies your profile to administrators. 服务名是您的配置文件给最终用户的标识;文件名是您的配置文件给系统管理员标识。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 4. Luckily for Twitter end users, the default URL-shortening service, Bit. ly, began warning users of malware last month. Twitter的终端用户还算走运,Twitter默认的网址压缩服务Bit.ly上个月就开始向用户提示恶意软件的警告信息。 www.bing.com 5. As a result, the end users will have no idea there is an applet on the page at all. 因此,最终用户根本不知道页面中有一个Applet。 www.ibm.com 6. Tokens are assigned to particular end users or groups and to the records that the particular user is allow to access. 标志被指定给特定的终端用户或组,同时也被指定给特定用户可以访问的记录。 www.ibm.com 7. These widgets enable end users to create their own personalized Web applications without needing involvement from IT. 这些小部件使最终用户无需IT的介入即可创建他们自己的个性化Web应用程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Before end users can use your solution, the administrator must explicitly grant full trust to the assembly. 在最终用户可以使用解决方案之前,管理员必须向程序集显式授予完全信任。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If permitted, end users can customize their own pages by selecting and placing portlets, and by changing portlet settings. 如果允许,最终用户可以通过选择和放置Portlet及更改Portlet设置来自定义自己的页面。 www.ibm.com 10. This will attract actual traffic (and improved rankings), and also create natural back links from other end-users. 它会吸引真正的流量(并且提高等级),而且会从其他终端用户产生自然反向链接。 hi.baidu.com 1. It gives end users and stakeholders visibility into the real progress, not the perceived and subjective view of progress. 它给最终用户和干系人以可见的项目实际进展情况,而不是感觉和主观的进展情况。 www.ibm.com 2. The equipment is determined by the thermal equipment Ltd. in certain domestic sales to end-users. 这些设备是由我们某某热工设备有限公司负责在国内销售给最终用户的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Support to the distributors and the end users, including technical training, technical consulting and trouble shooting. 对代理商和用户进行产品支持,包括对代理商和用户的技术培训、技术咨询、故障排除。 jobs.renhe.cn 4. This is crucial both to understand how nanoHUB benefits end users and also for accounting. 对于了解nanoHUB如何使最终用户受益并为记帐提供帮助,这是非常重要的。 www.ibm.com 5. End users configure their SideShow devices with the Windows SideShow Control Panel applet. 最终用户使用WindowsSideShow控制面板小程序来配置其SideShow设备。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. Mr. Azuma emphasized such "new enjoyment to end-users with these new features on DVD Recorders" to end his introduction. 据此,东先生以“DVD刻录机的新特点,带给用户的新享受”结束了他的介绍。 rwppi.com 7. These derived CatalogPart controls provide catalogs of Web server controls that end users can add to a Web page. 这些派生CatalogPart控件向最终用户提供可添加到网页的Web服务器控件的目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. At any rate, Apache often has overlapping projects with similar goals and this adds to the choice for end-users. Apache的一些项目往往是重叠的、有着类似的目标,不管怎样,最终用户的选择变多了。 www.infoq.com 9. Demonstrates a way to provide automatic notification to end users that their current Word or Excel solution document is outdated. 演示如何自动向最终用户提供通知,告知他们当前Word或Excel解决方案文档已过期。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Having studied your quotation and the specifications, our end users find both suitable but the payment asked for is unacceptable. 我们的用户在研究了你的报价和产品规格之后,认为这两者均适宜,只是你方所要求的付款方式无法接受。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 1. Previously, end-users requiring a pump for the 5 litre Fairy Expert pack had to request one free of charge from P&G Professional. 此前,最终用户需要为5升的仙女专家包泵不得不请一位来自宝洁公司的专业免费的。 www.512121.com 2. With TS and Sales build work with end users and customer's customers to identify and quantify new opportunities for SECCO. 和技术服务及销售人员一道构建与最终用户及客户的客户的工作关系,识别并量化SECCO新的机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Object that enables end users to cancel editing changes to a control in edit mode. 对象的引用,该对象使最终用户能够取消在编辑模式下对控件所做的编辑更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The middle-tier establishes a trusted connection and has the ability to switch end-users through the trusted context. 中间层只需建立一个受信任连接,就可以获得通过受信任上下文切换终端用户的能力。 www.ibm.com 5. Real end users availability and response time experience is monitored in real time by Web Response Time (WRT) agent. WebResponseTime(WRT)代理实时监视真实的最终用户可用性和响应时间体验。 www.ibm.com 6. Computers and users to 1 ratio close to 1, and a few end users have a few computers. 计算机与用户的比率接近1比1了,有几个终端用户就有几台计算机。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Microsoft does not supply upgrades for specific devices to end users. Microsoft不为最终用户提供特定设备的升级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The model describes the underlying database in familiar business terms that end-users can understand. 模型以最终用户所熟悉的可以理解的业务术语说明基础数据库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Feedback loop allows system administrators and end users to monitor and manage print activity and usage . 系统管理员和最终用户可监督并管理打印工作和使用。 www.bing.com 10. A single instance of the software runs on the cloud and services multiple end users or client organizations. 软件的一个实例在云中运行并为多个终端用户或客户组织提供服务。 www.ibm.com 1. Directly approach to Design Institutes, end users and contractors for project tracking. 建立和维护公司与设计院、最终用户以及承包商的合作关係。 big5.51job.com 2. Displays catalog UI elements and enables end users to add and remove page controls. Allows dragging of controls. 显示特殊的目录用户界面元素,并允许最终用户添加和移除页控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Object that enables end users to add controls from a catalog to a Web Parts page. 对象的引用,最终用户使用该对象可以将控件从目录添加到Web部件页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. That should culminate in longer-term mandates and better behaviours on behalf of the end users and the ultimate shareholders. 反思的结果应该是,他们会为了最终用户和终极股东的利益延长委托期限,并改进自身行为。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Object that enables end users to apply editing changes to a control in edit mode. 对象的引用,该对象使最终用户能够在编辑模式下应用对控件所做的编辑更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. del. icio. us tools and add-ons: Tap into the vast ecosystem available for developers and end users alike. us工具和附加项:接入开发人员和最终用户可用的最大的生态系统。 www.ibm.com 7. End users can only access the data mart granted to them, not all data warehouse data. 终端用户只能访问授权给他们的数据集市,而非所有的数据仓库数据。 www.ibm.com 8. We involved the end users as early as possible with questionnaires, design alternatives, and prototypes of varying fidelity. 我们利用调查表、备选设计和不同精度的原型让最终用户尽早参与进来。 www.ibm.com 9. Business monitoring is also included, along with a process portal for end users. 业务监控也包括在内,附带还有一个终端用户的流程门户(processportal)。 www.ibm.com 10. Represents the display mode in which end users can edit and modify server controls. 表示最终用户可在其中编辑和修改服务器控件的显示模式。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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