单词 | donor | ||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:donors n. giver,contributor,benefactor,patron,supporter donor 显示所有例句
例句释义: 捐赠者,献血者,捐赠机构,器官捐献者,供体,捐赠人,施主 1. This time she was told that if a suitable donor could be found, a kidney transplant was the best option. 这次她被告知,如果能找到适当的捐献者,肾移植是最佳的方案。 www.who.int 2. It was the summer of 1998 when Barrows, an executive for IBM, and his wife first learned that Tim had decided to become an org-an donor. 早在1998年的夏天,巴罗斯,这位IBM公司的高级职员和他的妻子就知道蒂姆决定成为器官捐献者。 www.dic123.com 3. Learning that you were donor conceived by a woman who sold her eggs to the highest bidder is surely not a tale that any child would relish. 得知自己是出价最高者与卵子售卖者的结晶,一定是任何一个孩子都不乐意听到的故事。 www.bing.com 4. Talking with a trained counselor who understands donor issues can be very helpful in the decision-making process. 做要不要接受捐赠的决定,与理解捐赠事务的专业顾问谈话非常有帮助。 www.ivf.cn 5. Zhang's Soho might have been the first, but it was neither the only nor the largest corporate donor to the relief effort. 张欣所在的Soho公司可能是第一家提供赈灾捐款的公司,但既不是最后一家,也不是捐款最多的一家。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At least some of the substantially asphaltene-free, and metal-free distillate fraction is converted to a hydrogen donor diluent. 至少部分基本上不含沥青质且不含金属的馏出馏分被转化成供氢体稀释剂。 www.bing.com 7. The programme approached 20 charities but found only two willing to disclose how much they paid their chuggers for each new donor. 节目组联系了20多家慈善机构结果只有两家愿意透露每拉到一个新捐赠者他们付给“慈善劫客”的报酬。 www.ecocn.org 8. Barbecue restaurants are often run by zainichi, and Mr Nishida combed the minister's political-funds report to see if she was a donor. 西田先生梳理了前原的政治基金报告,看看她是否是捐赠者。 www.ecocn.org 9. Nwanze says, the United States -- one of the main donor countries -- is already beginning to shift its focus to rural development. 那万泽说,主要援助国美国已经开始将关注的重点转向农业开发。 www.voanews.cn 10. Alternative splicing at donor or acceptor sites located just a few nucleotides apart is widespread in many species. 选择性剪接在捐助或承兑人位于短短核苷酸除了普遍在许多物种。 www.syyxw.com 1. The main antioxidant behavior of Ht was that in antioxidant system, Ht was as a strong electron donor or a free radical scavenger. 因此仙草在抗氧化体系中既是良好的电子供体,又是良好的自由基终止剂。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 2. If selected, a donor must undergo hormone injections until her eggs are ready to be retrieved. 卵子捐赠者必须接受激素注射,直到卵子成熟可被取出为止。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. He has been married to his wife for five years and the couple bought sperm from a donor when they decided to start a family. 他与他的妻子已结婚5年,夫妇买精子时,他们决定开始一个家庭。 en.v.wenguo.com 4. She said Irish law does identify the sperm donor as the father, and he therefore had a right to have a relationship with his son. 她说,爱尔兰法律没有确定精子捐赠者就是父亲,因此他有权保持自己同孩子之间的父子关系。 dongxi.net 5. However, protection from mountain river flash floods has not received any funding support so far from the international donor community. 但是,国际捐资机构至今尚未对防范山洪爆发提供过任何资金支持。 2004.chinawater.com.cn 6. Furthermore, donor age seems to be a more important predictor of graft loss than donor sex. 此外,供者年龄较供者性别似乎能更好地预测移植物的丢失。 news.dxy.cn 7. The boy protested; he said he knew his sperm donor, who had a daughter of his own. 那个男孩反对说,他知道他的捐精者,他还有一个他自己的女儿。 www.bing.com 8. He and his wife bought donor vials from a cryogenic sperm bank and he was inseminated at home. 比提与妻子从一个冷冻精子银行买回精子,并在家接受了“人工受精”。 www.kekenet.com 9. He said he expects the combined response from the United States and other major donor states to ultimately be in the billions of dollars. 鲍威尔说,美国和其他主要捐助国的援助加在一起可望达到数十亿美元。 www.24en.com 10. As it is, the public has continued to be exposed to the potential, though extremely rare, hazard of HIV in donor blood. 由此,人们还要继续面对在供体血液中尽管极其稀少,但仍然存在潜在HIV病毒的危机。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. World Blood Donor Day 2005 celebrations are planned in most countries with the global event this year taking place in London. 已计划在很多国家举行2005年世界献血日庆祝活动,今年的全球活动将在伦敦举行。 www.who.int 2. Doctors have said the recipient will not look like the donor because his bone structure is different. 医生们说,受赠者将不会像捐赠者因为他们的骨骼结构是不同的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When he came upon a picture annotated by his wife, showing bricks engraved with donor names, he nodded and said, "I remember that. " 当他看到一张经他妻子注解过、上面显示刻有捐助者名字的砖墙的照片时,他点了点头,说:“我记得这张。” www.bing.com 4. Individuals would be allowed to "opt out" , or decide not to be an organ donor, if that's what they prefer. 当然,该机制会允许人们根据自己的意愿“选择退出”,或选择不成为器官捐献者。 www.ell.com.cn 5. Xinhua says the regulations make it a crime to harvest organs without the donor's permission. 新华社说,新的有关条例将未经捐赠人同意而摘取器官的行为定为犯罪。 www.taiyang888.com 6. Having actually been a sperm donor, I can say that you had better be prepared for a long haul. 作为一名曾经的捐精者,我得说你最好做打持久战的准备。 www.bing.com 7. China is not a conventional aid donor, but nor is it a colonialist interested only in looting the land. 中国不是传统的援助国,但也不是只对掠夺土地感兴趣的殖民主义者。 www.bing.com 8. "Charitable giving" usually means that the donor decides how much to give, for what and to whom. “慈善捐赠”通常意味着由捐赠者决定给多少、给什么项目和给谁。 www.who.int 9. We'd trawled every hospital record we could lay our hands on and there was no sign of a donor that matched her blood group. 之前我们搜寻了所有能找到的医院记录还是没能找到任何血型匹配的捐献者。 alvinyan.ycool.com 10. I was told that it would be very rare for a donor to have more than 10 children. 有人告诉我,一名捐助者有超过10名的后代是非常罕见的。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Then there is the absurdly vexed question of what sort of benefits a donor can receive after making a gift. 除此以外,还有一个问题已经争论到了荒唐的地步,那就是捐款人能够得到什么样的好处。 www.ecocn.org 2. should the amount of donation be trivial and if the donor has no need for a receipt, the donation shall be registered and put on file. 捐赠数额较小,捐赠人提出不需要收据的,应当登记造册入账。 www.gzlo.gov.cn 3. Most gay men opt for an IVF procedure using an egg from a donor placed in the body of a different woman, who carries the embryo to term. 大多数男同志选择走试管婴儿的程序——从捐助者那儿得到卵子,再把受精卵植入另一名妇女的体内,而后者则怀胎至足月,分娩婴儿。 www.bing.com 4. Ring angry like to tell the donor had, in fact it has always been there, hidden in a corner. 戒嗔想告诉施主们,实际上它一直都在,藏在某个角落里。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Here in the United States, matching a patient with a deceased donor means finding that donor through a labyrinth of state organizations. 在美国,替某个患者寻找到一例匹配的已故捐献者意味着在整个国家宛如迷宫的各机构中去找到这个人。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Secondly, the donor must be at least 18 years of age with full civil capacity. 其次,供体必须为年满18岁的具有完全民事行为能力的人。 www.bing.com 7. The funding for this project through the Foundation Fighting Blindness is thanks to a generous donation from Scotiabank and a private donor. 此战,通过盲基金会项目资金是由加拿大丰业银行的慷慨捐赠和私人捐助者表示感谢。 www.rp-china.org 8. The company has also been a prominent charitable donor. 阿特拉斯公司还对慈善事业进行了大量捐赠。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I hope that by finding a suitable donor myself, and coming to a private arrangement, I may be able to speed up the process. 我希望自己找到一个合适的捐赠者,来一个私人安排,这也许能够加快这一进程。 www.bing.com 10. Wanting to make sure the gift wasn't mistake, he called the donor and was unhappy to hear that he worked for a drug manufacturer. 为了保证这份馈赠没有问题,他给捐赠者打电话,并且在知道捐赠者为一家制药公司工作感觉到不快。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. To determine whether or not the donor age influences osteogenic differentiation capability of adipose-derived stem cells. 观测年龄因素对脂肪来源干细胞体外向成骨细胞分化能力的影响。 word.hcbus.com 2. Mark drove his wife to Los Angeles "like a maniac, " and saw the helicopter with the donor heart arrive on the hospital roof. 马克听闻后就像个疯子一样开车带着妻子驶向洛杉矶,看着装有捐献者心脏的直升机缓缓落在医院楼顶上。 www.bing.com 3. To confirm the association, the Utah team also examined several donor eyes and measured the expression of the gene and the encoded protein. 为了确认这种联系,犹他的医疗团队也检测了一些供体眼,并且测量了这种基因以及编码蛋白的表达。 news.dxy.cn 4. The fund "takes [recipients'] national plans, has an independent review process, and obviously pools donor resources" , he said. 他指出,该基金“掌握(受援助国)的国家计划,拥有独立的审核程序,且明显聚集了众多捐助国的资源。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Burma's biggest aid donor until 1988, it has continued to provide small-scale help, apparently hoping to retain a smidgen of influence. 直到1988年都还是缅甸最大的外援国的日本,东京继续向缅甸提供小规模援助,很明显是希望这样能保留一点点的影响力。 www.ecocn.org 6. A gift of any amount can be contributed to the Permanent Fund and can come from the donor's current assets or be designated by bequest. 任何金额的一项捐款都可捐给永久基金,不论从捐献人目前的存款或经由遗赠指定。 www.jukuu.com 7. a section of aorta from a tissue donor with its valve intact is used to replace the aortic valve and a section of the ascending aorta. 主动脉同种移植物:来自于组织供体的带有完整瓣膜的一段主动脉用来置换主动脉瓣和这一段升主动脉。 01xyz.com 8. Even if Wolovitz found a matching bone-marrow donor, he knew that a marrow transplant would make him feel sicker , or even kill him. 即使沃洛维兹找到配对的骨髓捐赠者,他知道骨髓移植会让他更不舒服,甚至送命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I've signed up to do more triathlons this year, and I'll be thinking about my donor each time. 在这一年我又报名参加了更多的三项全能比赛,每次比赛中我都会想到我的心脏的捐献者。 www.bing.com 10. Twinkling lanterns hung in order around the temple walls, each with the name of its donor. 百姓所捐之灯,依序挂在庙缘上,夜里众灯闪烁,另有气氛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. One donor is described by the clinic as 'softly spoken, introspective , deep thinking' and with a 'neat, relaxed style'. 一位捐献者被门诊医生描述为“讲话温柔、性格内敛、善于思考”,给人“整洁、无拘无束的感觉”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Now China is one of the bank's top borrowers, and in December it became a donor, on a small scale. 今天,中国是从世界银行贷款最多的国家之一,而且从去年12月开始成为一个小额的捐赠国。 www.bing.com 3. The donor shall exercise his revocation right within one year after he knew or ought to have known the cause for revocation. 赠与人的撤销权,自知道或者应当知道撤销原因之日起一年内行使。 www.falvtrans.com 4. In administering special grants, the Bank has expertise in donor coordination, fund raising, and fund management. 在出格津贴金的项目办理上,银行已设立了特地的辅佐捐赠,集资,和基金的计划。 www.sxms5.com 5. Donor lymphocytes from a blood transfusion have the potential to produce a similar reaction in the recipient. 输血带来的供者淋巴细胞也可能在受者体内引起类似的反应。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. He printed the names of every donor, including schoolchildren who donated pennies. 他刊登每一位捐赠者的名字,包括捐赠了几分钱的学童。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. Dialysis and kidney transplants are two common treatments. Transplants can sometimes take years as you have to wait for a suitable donor. 透析和肾脏移植是二个常见的治疗,然而为了等待合适的供者肾脏移植有时需要等待数年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Breslin plays a daughter conceived as a donor for her older sister, who has leukemia. 布莱斯林饰演女儿角色,想为她得白血病的姐姐作捐赠者的故事。 www.bing.com 9. Expanding Afghan forces will cost donor countries several billion dollars a year indefinitely. 扩充阿富汗军队会无限期地每年消耗捐助国几十亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 10. On the Web site, parents can register the birth of a child and find half siblings by looking up a number assigned to a sperm donor. 有关孩子的家长可以登录该网站,注册孩子的出生情况,并且通过核实分配给捐精者的数字代码寻找自己的同父异母兄弟姐妹。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Because he had type O blood, he happily said he was a " universal donor " . 因为他是O型血,所以他愉快地称自己是“万能输血者”。 www.shuren100.com 2. Many feel that a mere donor has no meaningful connection with the child who results. 很多人觉得一个纯粹的捐献人和利用其精子或卵子出生的孩子没有什么实际关系。 www.ecocn.org 3. He also has no established donor base, and any campaign would start months behind those of rivals. 他还没有获得任何的赞助基础,而且他的竞选活动将会落后于其竞争对手数月。 www.bing.com 4. The institute has interpreted the initiative as prohibiting both payment for a donor's time and payment for her eggs. 该研究所倡议禁止支付的捐助者的时间及支付她的卵细胞。 www.bio.hbnu.edu.cn 5. The donor is only anonymous until the children turn 18. 这个捐献者只是在孩子18岁之前保持匿名。 www.bing.com 6. It's not easy to be a sperm donor. 成为精子捐赠者并不容易。 www.justing.com.cn 7. Couples unable to have children might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the intrusion of genes from a donor. 不能生育的夫妇可能选择克隆他们自己而不接受基因捐赠。 www.ebigear.com 8. THE United States, the richest and most powerful nation on earth, is also the most generous donor to one of the poorest, Ethiopia. 埃塞俄比亚是世界上最贫困的国家之一,在非洲其人口位居第二,同时也是非洲联盟的总部所在地。 www.ecocn.org 9. The FAO also called for a poultry vaccination campaign involving thousands of veterinarians and international donor support. 粮农组织还敦促为家禽注射疫苗,这需要数千名兽医工作者的参与以及国际捐助方的支持。 www.america.gov 10. Often held up as one of the best examples of post-conflict recovery in Africa, it has become a donor darling. 作为非洲冲突后复苏最佳典范之一,莫桑比克已经成为了一个捐款亲睐的宝贝。 www.ecocn.org 1. It would be opened to any and all donor agencies, and it thought that would be a fairly broad picture. 这项办法是向所有捐助国的机构开放的,涉及面相当广泛。 www.wipo.int 2. From today, applicants must state if they want to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register or not, or defer a decision. 从今天起,申请者必须声明他们是否愿意填写英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)的器官捐赠登记卡,抑或推迟这一决定。 dongxi.net 3. Since the two children had the same rare blood type, Johnny would be the ideal donor. 因为这两个孩子有同样罕见的血型,约翰尼势必就是理想的输血者了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. At the moment, a patient may wait months, sometimes years, for an organ from a suitable donor. 而现在,病人可能要为得到合适的捐献器官等上几个月,甚至几年。 www.ecocn.org 5. The couple made a $10, 000 down payment and decided to try for a child using a college-educated American egg donor and their own sperm. 这对伴侣付了10,000美元的定金,决定用一位有大学学历的美国捐献者的卵子和他们自己的精子试着要一个孩子。 c.wsj.com 6. After much effort, the money needed for the operation was raised and a liver donor was found. 多方努力之后,手术的钱筹到了,肝脏捐献者也找到了。 www.bing.com 7. Voters in the donor country would be outraged if the rewards of their thrift were used to rescue the profligate. 出资国选民若得知其节俭成果被用于援救那些奢侈浪费者,必将愤怒不已。 www.ecocn.org 8. The main cause of these problems may be attributed to the epigenetic reprogramming of somatic donor genome. 有研究认为,克隆胚胎发育障碍的一个重要的原因是供体细胞的遗传重编程不完全。 www.chemyq.com 9. When he was well again he asked: 'Isn't there any way I can discover the name of the donor and thank him? 康复以后他问:“有没有办法知道那位献血者的名字,向他表示感谢?”他被告知献血者的名字是从来不公开的。 bbs.poco.cn 10. "You don't have to be 30 to be an organ donor, " he said. 他说:“作为一个器官捐献者,不必担心自己的年龄不是30岁。” www.dxy.cn 1. He chose his words carefully. "I want to try to be his donor, " he said. "I feel I'm supposed to do this. " 他小心翼翼地措辞,“我想捐献给他。”他继续讲。“我觉得我想这样做。” www.bing.com 2. Buffett is, of course, one of Mr. Nelson's constituents and a donor. 当然,巴菲特是尼尔森先生的选民之一,也是他的捐款人。 www.bing.com 3. Under the program's second stage, the Bank would help mobilize resources and coordinate donor support, among other activities. 在该项目的第二阶段,除开展其他工作外,世行还将帮助动员资源,协调捐赠机构提供的支持。 web.worldbank.org 4. IFC's role is to help microfinance institutions become long-lasting, viable enterprises that don't require donor funding, says Laude. 国际金融公司的作用在于帮助小额融资机构成为长期的可行的不需要捐赠资金的企业,Laude说。 web.worldbank.org 5. And this sum was calculated before donor countries were hit by an economic crisis that has shifted priorities dramatically. 然而这个0.45%还只是在援助国在受到经济危机冲击导致其优先项目已经剧烈转移之前的计算数据。 www.ecocn.org 6. They write your race number on your arm with a marker, and I had them add the words Thank you, donor family. 他们用彩笔在选手的手臂上涂上比赛号码,我让他们加上“Thankyou,donorfamily(感谢捐献者及其家属)”这句话。 www.bing.com 7. A blood donor centre or medical institution may not sell donated blood to any blood plasma stations or blood products manufacturers. 血站、医疗机构不得将无偿献血的血液出售给单采血浆站或者血液制品生产单位。 szlawyers.chinalawinfo.com 8. When a couple is unable to get pregnant on their own, sometimes they use a donor's egg or sperm. This is called "gamete donation" . 若夫妇自己不能生育时,有时候他们用捐赠的卵子或精子,称为“配子捐赠”。 www.ivf.cn 9. By them are regulated the measurement of the whole building and its parts; the life of the donor, and the age of the temple too. 通过这些星体来控制和调节整座建筑和它的组成部分的尺寸,捐献人的生命,寺庙的寿命也同样就被控制和调节了。 love7happy9.blog.163.com 10. More than 5 years after transplantation male donor gender was the only additional risk factor for graft loss. 而五年后男性供者性别是移植失败的另一原因。 news.dxy.cn 1. Surprisingly, the blood group (A, B, O, AB) of an individual is of no importance in matching a donor to a patient. 令人奇怪的是,一个人的血型(A,B,O,AB)对于捐献者和病人之间的配对并不重要。 yingrid.wordpress.com 2. Backcross breeding is a useful method to transfer favorable alleles from a donor parent into a recipient parent. 回交育种是把有利基因从供体亲本向受体亲本转移的一种有效方法,标记辅助选择可加速其进程。 www.ebiotrade.com 3. And from 1985 to 2005, spending as a percentage of government budgets decreased in donor countries, he said, including the US. 他说,自1985年至2005年,捐助国减少了一定比例的政府预算经费,其中包括美国。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. "It's easy to sign up and say you are an organ donor, " Whitman said. “这很容易注册并说你是器官捐赠者,”惠特曼说。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "That's a sector of the donor pool that may be feeling the impact of a negative economy more than others, " says Mr Burton. “这部分捐赠者或许比其他人更能感受到经济消极的影响,”伯顿表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Some disagree with the idea on ethical grounds, arguing that the long-term social and emotional effects on the donor sibling are unknown. 有人从道德角度对其进行批判,认为捐献器官的孩子长期受到的社会和情感影响是外人无从得知的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The IMF's insistence has sharply slowed the flow of donor funds on which the Afghan government relies. 国际货币基金组织坚持极度放缓捐赠资金的流动,而这正是阿富汗政府一直倚赖的。 www.ecocn.org 8. Nitroform is such a strong proton donor . 三硝基甲烷是一个极强的质子给予体。 www.jukuu.com 9. Thank you to all of the donor families, recipient families, and volunteers who attended this gathering. 感谢所有来和我们一起聚餐的慈心家庭,受助家庭和志愿者们。 www.bing.com 10. The donor's mother wanted to do some good, but the result turned out to be a tragedy for many. 捐赠者的母亲想做一些好事,但是结果对许多人而言却是一个悲剧。 www.hxen.com 1. RESULT: By sequence amplification of microsatellite DNA, the cloned goat is proved to be a clone of the donor. 结论:通过微卫星DNA序列的扩增,证明克隆个体为供核波尔山羊的克隆。 www.chemyq.com 2. Then after years of waiting, Culp was matched with a donor. A face donor. 经过几年的等待,卡尔普等到了脸部捐赠者。 www.tingclass.com 3. The money should be spent in such a way as to satisfy the donor. 这笔钱就以捐献者满意的方式来使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Of course, donor countries might balk at combating absolute poverty in countries rich enough to handle the problem themselves. 当然,对于一些足够富裕有能力消除其内部绝对贫困问题的国家,捐助国可能会回避。 dongxi.net 5. Number of donor which had unfertilized eggs. 具有未受精卵之供胚头数。 www.showxiu.com 6. The researchers believe their work could also help identify which women might be better off using donor eggs for IVF instead. 研究人员相信,他们的工作反而还能够帮助他们区分哪些妇女可能更加不适合使用那些捐赠的卵子。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. The team went on to transplant a layer of stem cells between the degenerating mice retinas and healthy donor tissue (whole retina). 研究小组继续在变性的小鼠视网膜和健康供体组织(整个视网膜)之间移植一层干细胞。 www.med66.com 8. The name of each donor will be listed in our website subsequent to the holding of the commemorative activities. 捐款者名字将于活动后在本会网上的捐款名单中公布。 www.lesliecheung.cc 9. The number of embryos transferred is largely based on the age of the woman or oocyte donor undergoing an IVF retrieval. 移植胚胎数目主要依女性年龄或捐卵人体外受精取的卵而定。 www.ivf.cn 10. Without identification of these factors, Blood transfusion from an incompatible donor may result in destruction of red cells or coagulation. 供体输血,就会导致红血球被破坏或凝血的现象。 de.bab.la 1. But people that are more engaged with nonprofits are most likely to become a donor or support them in another way. 但是那些在非营利性活动中更加活跃的用户很可能会变成捐助者,或者以其他方式提供支持。 www.bing.com 2. It was the one source of hope for Rhys, who did not have a brother or sister to act as a tissue matched donor. 里斯没有兄弟姐妹作为组织类型相配的供体,他治愈的希望就在于找到合适的骨髓捐献者。 videos.chinaedu.com 3. She opted for two characteristics in her donor that she didn't have: good math skills and skinny legs. 对于精子提供者她提出了两个自己没有的特点:数学好和腿细。 www.ryedu.net 4. The biggest challenge to INGO integrity is their ability to say 'no' to a donor, government or head office. 国际非营利组织整合面临的最大挑战是他们对捐赠者,政府和总部说“不”的能力。 www.ngocn.org 5. You may be reading this message now as a donor, a volunteer, a supporter of our campaigns, or as a reader of O. N. E e-magazine. 您现在读到这篇文章,可能因为您是乐施会的捐款者、义工、我们倡议项目的支持者,又或是《乐施电子报》的读者。 www.oxfam.org.hk 6. Doctors cut his skin away and replaced it with the face of an unnamed donor, painstakingly connecting arteries, veins and nerves. 医生切离了他的皮肤,取代之以一个无名捐赠者的脸,并精心地连接好动脉,静脉和神经。 news.dxy.cn 7. For the buy-up proposal to work, NGOs would have to collaborate with large conservation donor groups to fund the initial investments. 为了让购买种植园的提议起作用,非政府组织需要与大型的物种保护捐助组织合作,提供最初的投资。 www.scidev.net 8. When a donor or an acceptor impurity is added to a semiconductor, we say that the material has been "doped" . 当半导体中加入了施主感受主杂质,我们就说该物质“掺杂”了。 dict.wenguo.com 9. CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration. 结论:我们的研究揭示脑死亡供者复苏参数中几个有限因素对DGF持续时间的影响。 news.dxy.cn 10. In an advance summary, Dr Kerkis describes how she first extracted dental pulp from the tooth of a male donor. 在一篇早先的摘要中,Kerkis博士描述了她第一次怎样从一个男性捐赠者的牙齿中提取了牙髓。 news.dxy.cn 1. And if it cannot, should not a responsible donor put its money elsewhere? 而如果它没有,一个负责任的捐助国难道不该把钱投到别处? www.ecocn.org 2. A transfusion was imperative, and a donor with a matching blood type was required. 必须立即为她输血,而且要求找到一个血型同她相匹配的献血者。 www.ebigear.com 3. With an allogeneic stem cell transplant, stem cells are taken from a donor and transfused into the patient's blood after chemotherapy ends. 通过同种异基因干细胞移植,在化疗结束后干细胞从供者体内取出并转移入患者的血液中。 pro.yeeyan.com 4. The amount of money being made available by foundations, funding agencies, and donor governments is unprecedented. 各基金会、资助机构和捐助政府提供的资金额是空前的。 www.who.int 5. Despite everything, foreign donor governments are nonetheless determined that the coalition should not collapse entirely. 尽管如此,乐善好施的外国政府还是仍然坚信,联合政府不应完全崩溃。 www.elanso.com 6. Thanks to a large gift from a donor, we were able to continue our work. 多亏一位捐献者的大笔捐款,我们的工作才得以继续。 chaya.blogchina.com 7. The intimacy of the donor has been violated, something as sacred as that. This benefits no one, " Cavadas said. " 卡瓦达斯说:“这位捐赠者的隐私已经被侵犯,捐赠是神圣的事情。这对谁都没有好处。” dict.kekenet.com 8. Allogeneic cells come from the body of a donor of the same species. 同种异体细胞来自同一物种的捐助者。 www.bio.hbnu.edu.cn 9. An organ donor's organs are responsible for the deaths of several patients, and the team work to save the last two recipients. 一个人捐献的器官引起了多个病人死亡,豪斯小组的任务是拯救最后两名患者。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The newspaper blasted donor nations for falling short of the $201 million target set by the United Nations in a flash appeal this week. 这份报纸谴责捐赠国没有达到联合国这个星期在紧急呼吁中定下的向缅甸提供两亿零100万美元的目标。 www.hxen.com 1. Throughout the semester-long course, her goal is to demystify philanthropy and help students understand the mindset of the donor. 她的目标是要在一个学期内揭开慈善事业的神秘面纱,并帮助学生了解捐赠者的想法。 www.bing.com 2. Every voluntary donor signs a card of organ donation for the wish to help people. 每位接受器官捐赠者需签署一张器官捐赠咭以示证明。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 3. Billis had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer when he heard about the search for a body donor. 得知有人在寻找遗体捐献者的消息时,比利斯已被确诊为肺癌晚期。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Being admitted to California Cryobank as a sperm donor is a bit like getting into Harvard. 要成为加利福尼亚精子银行的捐献者,难度堪比申请哈佛大学。 www.bing.com 5. This allows a much larger amount of a blood component to be harvested from a single donor. 这样就能从单个献血者身上采集到更多数量的血液成分。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. In some cases, when both the man and woman are infertile, both donor sperm and eggs have been used. 有些情况下,男人和女人都不孕不育,捐精和捐卵都要使用。 www.ivf.cn 7. The donor was the mother of the recipient, and her preoperative evaluation revealed no abnormalities. 供体是受体的母亲,而她的术前评估显示无异常。 news.dxy.cn 8. Prior to becoming a blood donor you are supposed to make an appointment with a doctor, fill up a form and go through some tests. 献血前,你应该预约一个医生、填好表格并进行一些测试。 www.bing.com 9. Allogeneic donor stem cell transplantation can offer a unique anti-leukemia effect and a potential for extended survival. 异基因供者造血干细胞移植可以提供一个独特的抗白血病效应及可能延长生存。 www.syyxw.com 10. Then a reconstructed embryo was completed by the direct injection of the donor nucleus or cell without pulling out the injection pipette. 最后在不拔出注射针的情况下直接注射细胞核或完整细胞进而完成重构胚的构建。 www.juyy.net 1. This instrument relies on donor resources to lower the cost of an IBRD loan targeted at priority health activities. 这个方法利用捐助机构的资源来降低IBRD的一笔以卫生活动为重点的贷款的成本。 web.worldbank.org 2. All outcomes did not vary by expanded donor criteria status. 通过扩大供体标准状况也没有改变所有的结果。 news.dxy.cn 3. "My ex-husband's Japanese, " she explains. "He's just a sperm donor. " “这是我的前夫,他是日本人,”她说。“他是精子捐献者。” www.kle100.cn 4. Geography and ABO blood type contribute to the discrepancy in waiting time among the deceased donor (DD) candidates. 地理因素和ABO血型导致在等待尸体供者时等待时间的差异。 dict.ebigear.com 5. People can request information by typing in the name of a donor or project. 人们可以通过输入捐赠者名字或项目名称来查询信息。 hxen.com 6. We were unable to compare pain at the bone-graft donor site between the studies because of methodological reasons. 由于方法学方面的原因,我们不能比较骨移植供区的疼痛。 adoop.cn 7. World Blood Donor Day 2005 is a time to thank the world's regular, voluntary blood donors as well as a day for personal reflection. 2005年世界献血日是向全球经常和自愿的献血者表示感谢的时刻,也是个人审思的一天。 www.who.int 8. Here, the robots draw out a sample of spit, and chemically process it to extract the donor's DNA. 在这里,机器自动取出唾液样本,进行化学处理提取捐献者的DNA。 www.bing.com 9. Conclusion: The method is able to accelerate the wound healing and to reduce scar formation in thick split skin donor sites. 结论:刃厚皮回植中厚供皮区手术方法,能促进供皮区创面愈合,减少瘢痕增生及色素改变。 www.chemyq.com 10. Doctors sought out a donor with this rare genetic mutation, called CCR5, which stops the HIV virus from attaching to infected cells. 医生们找到了一名具有这种罕见基因突变的人。这种基因突变叫做CCR5,能够阻止HIV病毒附着在感染细胞上。 www.i21st.cn 1. The donor countries will also be directly involved in the monitoring and evaluation of the projects concerned. 捐助国还将直接参与有关项目的监测和评价。 www.fao.org 2. A transplant of healthy bone marrow from a donor has been the only treatment and potential cure for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. 从捐赠者的健康骨髓移植是唯一的治疗和慢性淋巴细胞白血病的潜在治愈。 www.maynet.cn 3. The money was left by an anonymous donor. 这笔钱是一位匿名捐赠者留下的。 www.hxen.com 4. Funding that had been conditional on buying goods from donor countries could make a comeback. 以受助国必须向援助国购买商品为条件的救助方式可能会再度兴起。 club.topsage.com 5. One way in which to induce DST is to establish a chimeric state that allows donor-derived cells to exist within a recipient. 诱导DST的途径之一是要建立一种嵌合状态,其允许供体派生细胞在受体内生存。 news.dxy.cn 6. In a surgical first, Houston doctors transplanted nerves from a living donor to her infant son. 休斯敦外科医生首先从一位活体供者身上将神经移植给男婴——供者的儿子身上。 www.jukuu.com 7. This will require greater coordination within our own government and with the donor community. 这将要求我们在自己政府内部以及政府与捐赠方之间进行更多协调。 www.kouyi.org 8. Thanks to Carolina Donor Services, a local organ-procurement organization, many others had been located and invited. 多亏了这家当地器官征购组织——卜罗来纳捐献机构,其他许多人也已被找到并受到邀请。 www.dic123.com 9. According to the index, the United States is the top donor in absolute amounts and the seventh of 22 in terms of GNI percentage. 按照这份指数,美国按绝对数字排列是最大的捐助国,如按国民总收入百分比计算,则在22个列名捐助国中居第七。 www.america.gov 10. The process in which the marrow is extracted is an in-and-out procedure with very little risk to the donor. 骨髓的抽取过程非常简单,对捐献者来说危险微乎其微。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Gracilis muscle flap is widely used in various reconstruction in regarding to the donor site deformity and bacterial resistance. 股薄肌皮瓣因其并发症少且感染率低,被广泛地运用在各种重建手术。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. It provides some useful data for selection donor explosive used to synthesize diamond by detonation product method. 它能为爆轰产物法合成金刚石选用主炸药提供有参考价值的数据。 www.opticsjournal.net 3. Donor sperm may be used for insemination or in an ART cycle. 捐精可能用于人工授精周期或辅助生殖技术周期。 www.ivf.cn 4. Klein also denied media reports that he was the sperm donor of Jackson's two children with his ex-wife Debbie Rowe. 克莱恩也否认了一些媒体报道。报道称,他是杰克逊与他前妻黛比·罗的两个孩子的精子捐赠者。 www.bing.com 5. I don't think this is gonna help us force people to sign donor cards. We have never seen a positive thing from trying to force the issue. 我不认为这对我们有帮助,只是强迫人们签下捐赠卡。从实施强迫中,我们看不到任何积极的东西。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. And as the donor moves around the center of mass, these absorption lines move back and forth. 旋转,这些吸收线就会,来回移动,这恒星的多普勒顿移。 open.163.com 7. You don't have to be the biggest donor in every country to make a difference. 你不必成为每个国家最大的捐助机构来产生变化。 web.worldbank.org 8. Methods In two cases of liver transplantation, recipient splenic arteries were anastomosed with donor hepatic arteries in end to end way. 方法在二例肝移植病人中,选用受体脾动脉与供体肝动脉端端吻合以重建肝动脉。 www.chemyq.com 9. If eradication fails because of a lack of generosity on the part of donor countries it would be tragic. 如果由于缺乏资助而导致根除小儿麻痹症失败,那将是一个悲剧。 www.bing.com 10. The recipient was not shown a photograph of the donor and will not look like her, said Eric Kodish, a Cleveland Clinic bioethicist. 克利夫兰诊所的生物伦理学家埃里克.柯蒂斯称“病人没有见到捐赠者的照片,整形后的面容也不会像捐赠者”。 www.bing.com 1. Rigorous aseptic management and correct preservation of organs are the keys for assistance for living donor kidney transplantation. 严格无菌管理及正确脏器保存是活体肾移植手术配合的关键; en.zglckf.com 2. Ms. Kramer, who had her son, Ryan, through a sperm donor, started the registry in 2000 to help connect so-called donor families. 克莱默女士自己的儿子瑞安就是通过精子捐献者的帮助而降生的,她于2000年创建了这家登记网站,旨在帮助联络所谓的受赠者家庭。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Conclusion Imaging techniques are widely used in the evaluation of liver volume, vasculature and biliary system in the living donor liver. 结论影像学检查在活体供肝评估中的多个环节都得到广泛应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. It has been proved that egg donation will have no harm to the donor and the procedure is simple. 科学证明捐献卵子对捐献者无任何损害(您可咨询您的医生或试管婴儿医院)。其过程也很简单。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Appellant, the alleged donee in this case, had a long relationship with a decedent, the alleged donor. 上诉人,宣称为本案的受赠人,和死者(赠与人)一直有关系。 www.bilingualawyer.com 6. It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you'd like to become an organ donor. 它会要求DMV(机动车辆管理部)询问你是否愿意成为器官捐献者。 www.cnbeta.com 7. When there is no related donor, the donor can be an unrelated person with stem cells that "match" the patient's. 若找不到有亲缘关系的供体,(造血)干细胞与患者“相匹配”的非亲缘关系供体也可。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. The method would help reduce the risk of the transplanted organ being rejected. It would also provide a plentiful supply of donor organs. 此方法将有助于降低器官移植中的排斥风险,同时也保证了捐赠器官的充足供应。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, appealed to donor countries for $300m in aid over the next two months. 联合国秘书长潘基文向国际社会呼吁,希望在未来两个月内为索马里筹集到3亿美元的援助。 www.ecocn.org 10. Conslusion Living donor liver transplantation is one of effect ways for the treatment of severe hepatitis. 结论活体肝移植术是治疗重型肝炎的有效方法之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Bob Zoellick said donor countries had promised almost half of the money, but that was not enough. 鲍勃佐利克说,捐赠国承诺,几乎一半的钱,但这是不足够的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The aid system encourages poor-country governments to pick up the phone and ask the donor agencies for next capital infusion. 援助系统助长了贫穷国家的政府向捐助机构拨打求救电话,要求下一年的资本输注。 www.bing.com 3. Assume the ? ? and ? ? are the frequency of a in the donor and recipient populations. 假定??和??分别是输出和输入群体中基因a的频率。 www.jukuu.com 4. The donor can be an unrelated person with stem cells that "match" the patient's if there is no related donor. 如果没有有亲缘关系的供者,那么供者也可以是一个与患者没有亲缘关系的人但是有着相配的干细胞。 pro.yeeyan.com 5. Japan, as the world's largest net food importer and a major donor in agricultural development, believes it has a role to play. 作为全球最大的粮食净进口国和农业发展的主要捐赠者,日本相信自己将会在其中发挥一定的作用。 www.ftchinese.com 6. During the second of three medical leaves, he received a donor's liver in a transplant operation two years ago. 在自己三次病休当中,两年前,也就是他与自己的第二次住院期间,接受了肾脏移植。 www.bing.com 7. But rising food prices may put millions more into Ms. Finiba's sandals, just as donor countries' budgets are under pressure. 但是,飞涨的物价把几百万人逼入了费妮巴的绝境,捐赠国的预算也愈加吃紧。 www.bing.com 8. The antibodies were discovered in a man, known as Donor 45, whose body produced them naturally. 这些抗体在一名代号为45号捐赠者的男子体内发现,这是他的身体自然产生的。 www.bing.com 9. Japan, the world's second-largest aid donor, has continued to lend. 而作为全球第二大援助捐赠国,日本仍在继续发放这种贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Donor agencies, beforehand, identify what they are prepared to fund. 捐助机构预先制定了它们准备资助的项目。 www.scidev.net 1. The size-dependent effect of energy and binding energy of hydrogen-like donor impurity quantum ring are calculated with B-spline technique. 利用B样条技术计算类氢施主杂质量子环能级和束缚能的量子尺寸效应。 www.dictall.com 2. The donor herself may not even be aware that such a distinction exists. 捐卵者本人也许甚至都没有意识到存在这样一种区别。 www.hjenglish.com 3. This year, international World Blood Donor Day events are taking place in Barcelona, Spain and at Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China. 今年,在西班牙巴塞罗那以及中国上海2010年世博会上将开展世界献血者日国际活动。 www.who.int 4. Donor support for reconstruction should be in the form of grants. 捐款方应以赠款形式支持重建。 web.worldbank.org 5. That led to a donor's conference Sunday in Rangoon , at which countries pledged $100 million in relief and recovery aid. 这次东盟会议又促成星期天在仰光召开的一次捐赠国大会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A system of "presumed consent" would automatically make everyone over the age of 16 an organ donor. 一种“默许”机制将使所有16岁以上的人都自动成为器官捐献者。 www.ell.com.cn 7. Domestic resources and donor funds are making a real difference to the lives of millions. 国内资源和捐助资金正在对数百万人的生活带来实实在在的影响。 www.who.int 8. Many clinics have their own donor egg programmes, where women are happy to help for purely altruistic reasons. 许多诊所有自己的捐助者计划,那里的妇女出于纯粹的利他主义,高兴地给予帮助。 www.bing.com 9. With long-term social good campaigns, companies can aggregate all those small donors and treat them like a larger donor. 对于长期的社会化公益活动,公司可以集合所有的小型捐款人来把它当做一个大型的捐助人。 dongxi.net 10. 'I'm worried that we'll scare off the donor, ' says Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the academy of sciences. “我很担心人们会把赞助者吓跑。”宗座科学院秘书长马塞洛·桑切斯·索隆多主教(BishopMarceloSanchezSorondo)说道。 www.bing.com 1. The results indicate that predicting donor sites by means of ANN is feasible and the means has high accuracy. 结果表明,采用人工神经网络对供体位点进行预测是切实可行的,并且有比较高的精确度。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. Treatment Of Obstructive Airway Disease With A Cysteine Donor Protein Supplement: A Case Report. 以半胱胺酸供体蛋白质补充剂治疗梗阻性气道疾病的个案研究。 www.kuenglish.info 3. The aim of this study was to compare CS and MP for preservation of the steatotic donor rat liver. 本研究的目的是比较脂肪变性的供体鼠肝在CS和MP中的保存效果。 www.med66.com 4. Since 2007, with the Bank's multi-donor Health Results Innovation Trust Fund, the Bank has been working with 20 governments. 2007年以来,世行通过其有多个捐赠方资助的卫生成果创新信托基金,一直同20个国家政府开展合作。 web.worldbank.org 5. Personally, I am an organ donor and I certainly would not mind giving my body away to science once I'm dead! 我个人来说,我是一个器官捐赠者,我当然不会介意让我的身体离开,以科学的,一旦我死了! was.christianlovedating.com 6. That Federal Civil Defense take over all control of the Blood Donor Program when existing contracts held by the Armed Services ran out. 当武装力量持有的存在的合同期满时,联邦公民防御部接管对血液捐助计划的所有控制。 cbs.ausbio.com 7. Energy is transferred from the electron donor to the organism for synthesis and maintenance by a complex series of enzymatic reactions. 为了细胞合成和维持生命,能量从电子给予体通过一系列复杂的酶反应转移到生物体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A lunch followed, and Doerr expressed shock that she was Khan's biggest donor. 随后,多尔邀请他共进午餐,并对她就是汗的最大捐助者表示震惊。 dongxi.net 9. For donor sites that were not closed directly, iodoform gauzes were used to cover the defects and the wounds healed secondarily. 不能直接拉拢关闭者,创面减张缝合后,覆以碘仿纱条,任其二期愈合。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 10. Kaster was the 10th donor to have the procedure done at the Cleveland Clinic by Dr. Inderbir S. Gill and colleagues. 布拉特是第10位接受肚脐切口手术的人,这一手术是由克利夫兰门诊医院的因德博·吉尔博士和同事共同完成的。 www.bing.com 1. ExxonMobil is the largest private sector donor, outside of the pharmaceutical industry, to malaria research activities. 埃克森美孚公司是制药行业以外针对疟疾研究活动的最大的私人部门捐赠企业。 www.businesswire.com 2. A further type of artificial heart works as a "bridge" until a suitable donor organ can be found. 更进一步的人工心脏类型则是在获得合适的捐赠器官之前起到一个“桥梁”的作用。 www.dxy.cn 3. 'She has risked and sacrificed everything - whereas the egg recipient can simply move on to the next donor. 她冒了险并牺牲掉了一切——而卵子受助者只需去找下一个捐助者。 www.bing.com 4. The skin changes are presumably due to soluble substances in the plasma of the donor that cause an allergic reaction in the patient. 皮肤的变化可能是由献血者血浆中的可溶性物质导致的,它们会在患者体内引起过敏反应。 pro.yeeyan.com 5. This modified flap provides a simple and reliable method for covering large chest wall defect and keeps the donor site morbidity at minimum. 此改良皮瓣提供一个简单而可信赖的方法,来覆盖大面积胸壁缺损,并且使供皮区的罹病率减到最少。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Nang said donor countries send the money directly to the printers, so they are responsible for checking quality. 朗说,赞助国家将资金直接寄给印刷商,因此质量检查是他们的责任。 home.ebigear.com 7. The starting point for MsCastillo's transplant, therefore, was a piece of trachea removed from a dead donor. 因此,Castillo的移植手术的出发点是在从一个死去的捐赠者上取出的一片气管上开始的。 www.ecocn.org 8. This sum is sizable to be sure, though fully compatible with the donor countries' past pledges to Africa. 这笔金额确实十分庞大,不过完全合乎捐助国过去对非洲的承诺。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. The secretary-general's report identifies an additional $72 billion a year of donor financing needed to get the job done. 潘基文的报告指出,想要达成目标,每年还需要额外的720亿美元的金钱捐助。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. Dr Sachs and Dr Cosimi tricked the body by transplanting a part of the donor's bone marrow along with the organ. Sachs医生和Cosimi医生通过在移植器官的同时移植捐献者的一部分骨髓骗过了病人的免疫系统。 www.ecocn.org 1. Its application remains limited by donor availability and by the potential for treatment-related morbidity and mortality. 它的应用仍然有限的捐助者提供治疗,由有关的发病率和死亡率的潜力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Other schemes involve a donor accepting the responsibility of upgrading a slum in return for a sovereign debt. 其他方案涉及捐款人以承担消除城市贫困责任以换取对外债务。 www.ecocn.org 3. The global celebration of World Blood Donor Day 2006 on June 14 will take place in Bangkok, Thailand. 6月14日全球庆祝2006年世界献血者日将在泰国曼谷举行。 www.who.int 4. If you are interested in donating your baby's cord blood to a public bank, check out National Marrow Donor Program: Donate Cord Blood. 如果你有兴趣把你宝宝的脐带血捐赠给一个公立血库,参看全民骨髓捐赠计划:捐赠脐带血。 www.elanso.com 5. Hachinohe City, Japan plans in consultation with the county to follow the wishes of the donor's relevant procedures. 日本八户市计划与各县商议后遵循捐赠人的意愿办理相关手续。 www.englishtang.com 6. In the west, where cadaver organ donation rates can be high, particularly in Spain, they don't do living donor transplantation. 但是在西方,尸肝供肝仍占很大比例,尤其是在西班牙,几乎没有活体供肝肝移植。 bbs.519liver.com 7. She burst into tears as she knew her son got a heart donor. 当她得知有心脏捐赠者捐心给儿子时,立刻泪如雨下。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 8. The costs of international and local transport, warehousing, port clearance and storage should be met by the donor. 捐助者应负担国际和地方运输、入仓、离港证和储存费用。 www.who.int 9. It's believed that the ring may have simply fallen off as a donor was dropping money into the boot. 这枚戒指很可能是在捐赠者往靴中丢钱时脱落的。 www.tingclass.net 10. For the individual small donor, it's empowering and satisfying to give to personally-selected projects at home or abroad. 对于个人小额捐赠者,能够个人自行选择国内外的项目进行捐赠无疑是让人鼓舞的。 dongxi.net 1. Email receipts and notifications to be sent to donor and fundraiser for each transaction - 2 email addresses for donor and fundraiser. 电邮收据和通知被发送到捐助者和筹款为每笔交易-2捐助国和募捐活动的电子邮件地址。 www.bing.com 2. Whatever their merits, however, a tax that targets beneficiaries, rather than the estate of the donor, would be more effective. 尽管如此,不管它是如何进行度量,作为针对接受行为而不是捐赠的不动产的税收,都应当更有效率。 ecocn.blogbus.com 3. Key donor partners include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 主要捐助伙伴包括澳大利亚、加拿大、丹麦、德国、冰岛、挪威、西班牙、瑞典和英国。 web.worldbank.org 4. Women with ovulatory dysfunction secondary to ovarian failure or poor ovarian reserve should consider obtaining oocytes from a donor source. 继发于卵巢衰竭或卵巢储备不足引起的排卵障碍的患者可以考虑供卵。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. China also last month joined the Inter-American Development Bank as a donor member, with $350m investment in financial development projects. 10月,中国还以捐赠国身份加入美洲开发银行(Inter-AmericanDevelopmentBank),并在金融开发项目上投资了3.5亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I'd like to be a bone marrow donor so that I could save somebody's life someday . 我想做一名骨髓捐献者这样有一天我可能会挽救一个生命。 www.bing.com 7. Hepatology Digest: Do you think HCC is a major indication for living donor transplantation? Why or why not? 《国际肝病》:您认为HCC可以作为活体供肝肝移植的一个主要适应证吗?为什么? bbs.519liver.com 8. She met Ward briefly through their midwife and later learned about her quest for donor milk on Facebook. 她曾通过她们的助产忽视认识过瓦尔德,后来又知道了她在Facebook上寻找贡献母乳的妈妈。 www.bing.com 9. abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of the donor age on isolation and culture of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs). 目的:探讨年龄对骨髓间充质干细胞分离培养的影响以及在临床治疗中的意义。 www.bing.com 10. This provides another possible source of matched, unrelated stem cells for patients without a matched, related stem cell donor. 对无法在有血缘关系的供者中找到匹配干细胞的病人来说,它可以提供了一种非血缘供者匹配的干细胞来源。 pro.yeeyan.com 1. India is already the biggest donor of helicopters to the UN, while Pakistan is busy fighting militants in its tribal areas. 印度已经是联合国最大的直升机捐助国,而巴基斯坦则忙于同国内部落地区的激进分子战斗。 www.ecocn.org 2. Total cost for a base Z700 will start at $207, 150, which includes the cost of a donor ZR1 but is essentially double the price. 总成本为基础Z700将开始在二十零点七一五万美元,其中包括费用的捐助ZR1但基本上是双重价格。 usa.315che.com 3. To achieve insulin independence after islet transplants multiple donor infusions may be required. 为了在胰岛移植后实现胰岛素自主分泌,可能需要多供体胰岛的输入。 news.dxy.cn 4. Infrequently, a donor may attempt to donate more often than is allowed. 可能极少的献血者会尝试超过标准的次数。 cbs.ausbio.com 5. The centers who do living donor transplantation have different criteria but generally donors are not over 55 or 60 years of age. 进行活体移植的医疗中心其标准往往不同,但一般要求供者年龄不超过55岁或60岁。 ilca2009.ihepa.com 6. Objective: To investigate the reasons for ineffective transfusion of single-donor platelet and improve the efficiency of transfusion. 目的:探讨输注单采血小板无效的原因及提高输注的有效率。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 7. Answer: Our assistance to China is decreasing, as China transitions from a recipient to a donor nation. 答:随着中国从受援国过渡到捐助国,我们对中国的援助在逐步减少。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. One single organ donor can save the lives of up to eight people. 一位器官捐献者可以拯救八条生命。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Deaths related to transplants were higher if the donor blood cells were mismatched in two sets of genetic fingerprints on their surfaces. 如果供者的血细胞表面的两组遗传酶解图谱不匹配,移植的死亡率就会升高。 medicine.cadjy.com 10. The gift must be made with a view to the donor's present illness or peril. 赠与的做出必须考虑到赠与人目前的疾病和危险状况。 www.putclub.com |
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