单词 | do my best | ||||||||||||
释义 | do my best
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 尽力而为,全力以赴,安泰物流和全力 1. He said: "I am enjoying my football and I am really happy here. When I am given a chance, I try to do my best. " 他说道:“我非常享受我的足球,我非场高兴在这里效力,当我拿到机会,我会做到最好。” www.jczqw.com 2. I'll do my best and I'm sure the jury will as well. But most of all, I hope it is all a very happy event. 我会好好干活,我也保证评审团跟我一样,然后,最重要的,我希望这是一个充满欢乐的盛会。 docs.google.com 3. To carry out my duties, I think I'll do my best. If it's in an emergency, I won't hesitate to work all night or on holidays. 为了执行我的职责,我会全力以赴。假如情况紧急,即使熬夜或假日加班我都不会迟疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I'm not sure I can be there tonight, but I will do my best. It will depend on how much work I finish this afternoon. 我不能确定今晚我到那儿,可是我将尽力。那得看今天下午我能干完多少活。 kiko926.blog.163.com 5. I'm only trying to do my best for her. Why can't she see that? 我仅仅是尽全力为她着想,为什么她不明白?。 www.engxue.com 6. I started to explain that I could not do my best since my spectacles had been taken away from me, but she wouldn't let me finish. 我开始解释,我不可能干得很好,因为我的眼镜已给拿走了,但她不准我讲完。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Noise, neighbors, that sort of thing. I'll do my best to answer them, But I can't give out a client's personal information. 吵闹声,邻居,类似这些问题。我会尽最大努力回答他们的,但我不能公布顾客的个人信息。 www.bing.com 8. If I could be enrolled in your company, I'll do my best at any task. I'm fully confident to become one of your excellent staff. 如果我能进入贵公司,我将尽我所能去完成每一份工作,并自相信我能成为贵公司一位优秀的职工。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. I felt great compassion for her and I promised to do my best to help her discover a healthy and effective way to drop the unwanted weight. 我感到十分同情她,我答应尽我所能来帮助她发现一个健康和有效的途径,以降低有害的重量。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. What I can do is trying to get good results, try to do my best. 我唯一能做的就是尽力夺得一个好名次,做到最好。 ferrari-china.com 1. That is all I am prepared to do. Take one training session at a time and do my best and give my all every time. 那就是我现在要做的一切。参加训练,竭尽全力,付出我全部的时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I'm not looking to influence fashion, any more than the next guy. But, I try to do my best when I'm out representing my movies. 我并不希望通过我的衣装来影响整个时尚,但是我会想在宣传我的电影时表现得稍微好看点。 tieba.baidu.com 3. I fully understand of the situation that you mentioned, I'll surely do my best to fulfill the tasks that the company expect me to do. 你说的一切情况我非常了解,我会尽我最大的努力完成公司给我的目标。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. "I am going to do my best to get out of the auto industry, " he said. 他说“我正在尽力从汽车行业中转行”。 www.bing.com 5. Hope you can let me be come one of the member, I will do my best to meet the company skills, and contribute for the company. 如果能成为贵公司的一员,我会尽自己所能达到公司的要求,为公司作出自己的贡献。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I am grateful and lucky to have spent so much time at this Club and I will try to do my best in the next game. 我对于在这家俱乐部这么长的时间深表荣幸,我将在未来尽力做到自己的最好。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 7. 'I wasn't told that this was rushed, but I'll do my best to get it to you before the deadline. ' 我之前没被告知这事须得尽快,但我会尽力在期限内完成,交给你的。 www.englishtown.cn 8. James: I am not trying to fill his shoes or anything, I am just. . . I am just going to do my best. 詹姆斯:我不想做个完美的接班人,我只想…只想尽力而为! blog.163.com 9. I also hope that the audience will find my new film refreshing and that will add to the difficulty. I guess I can only do my best. 而且,我希望自己的新作为观众带来新鲜感,这又是难上加难,我只能尽力而为吧。 www.jackiechan.com 10. It's an honor to have Beth ask me to guest post so I will do my best to live up to the quality readers are used to. 很荣幸,Beth邀请我撰写客座博客,因此我将尽我所能,写出高质量的读者群们所习惯阅读的高水平文章。 dongxi.net 1. But I knew that he wanted me to do my best--even if that meant my winning. 可我也知道,他想让我竭尽全力--哪怕那会意味着我取胜。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. Maybe I'm not the best student in her class, but I'll do my best. 或许我不是班上成绩最好的学生,但我会尽力做好。 wenwen.wen63.com 3. I knew that the only thing I could do was try to win this race and do my best. 我知道我能做的唯一一件事情就是赢得比赛,做到最好。 bbs.hellof1.com 4. I called XX, today will be able to guide you, it is an honor, I will do my best for you, through the common good Xiangxi Phoenix trip! 我叫XX,今天能为大家导游,感到十分荣幸,我将竭力为大家服务,共同度过美好的湘西凤凰之旅! zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you encounter some difficulties whether in study or life in the future, ask me for aid please, and I'll do my best to help you. 以后遇到什么困难,不论是学习上还是生活上的,请来找我,我会尽我最大的努力帮助你! bbs.wwenglish.org 6. I'm trying to do my best in every training session and every game. 我希望在每堂训练课和比赛都做到最好。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 7. Next week I'll let you know some of the top cities, and I'll do my best to play a show in your town soon. 下一个星期我将让你知道一些巡演的热点城市,而且我也即将在你们的城市尽力做一场好的演出。 evan-taubenfeld.5d6d.com 8. EDWARD GREEN: I can' t promise to do that, but I shall do my best. 爱德华.格林:我不能保证做到,不过我会尽力。 www.kekenet.com 9. my lovely girl! although i do not know where you are now, i will seek you all the time and do my best for you. 我心爱的女孩,虽然现在我不知道你在那里,但是我会一直寻找你的踪迹,为你而不断努力 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Speaking of the semi-finals, she added: "I really want to do my best, get out there and do my best, and anything can happen. " 她在谈到半决赛时还说:“我真想尽力做好,拿出我的最高水平去参赛,一切皆有可能。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Me? I'm just trying to do my job. When Stan isn't here, I do my best to fill in. But I'm not saying anything against Stan. 我?我只是在做我分内的工作。斯坦不在这里的时候,我尽最大的努力填补空缺。但我不会说任何对他不利的话。 www.hxen.com 2. So please ask me the questions, I will do my best to show that I will love you and take care of you for the rest of your life. 所以,请问我的问题,我将尽我所能去证明我爱你,照顾你的照顾你一辈子。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. If you want to get more help from me, I would be glad to do my best for you. 如果你希望从我这儿获得更多的帮助,我将愿意帮忙。 hk.netsh.com 4. Please feel free to ask questions in the comments section below, and I'll do my best to answer them. 请随便在以下的评论框中问问题,我会尽我所能来回答。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As you will soon realize, this latter expectation is a challenge for me. I promise to do my best. 你们很快会发现,「聆听」对我来说是个挑战,但我会尽力而为。 www.myoops.org 6. Emotionally Zhang Jingjing that the thought of that moment is do my best to help dry a bunch of people here. 张晶晶深有感触地说,那一刻想到的是,尽自己最大努力帮一帮这里缺水的老百姓。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I know I need a little bit of time to adapt, but I am sure I will adapt quite well and quite fast and do my best for the team. 我知道我需要时间适应,但是我确信这花不了我太长时间,我将会为球队奉献出全部。 www.chelsea.net.cn 8. I'll do my best. I'll try to remember everything. I know you love to hear the news. 我会尽力。我会试着想起每一件事。我知道你喜欢听新闻。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. no matter what , i am going to do my best job and i am the controller to control everything. 无论如何我要尽力地去作,我是指挥,我要控制一切。 www.ichacha.net 10. For a coach the important thing is to have players ready and I will do my best. 对教练来说,重要的就是让所有的球员都有所准备,我会尽力的。 www.milanchina.com 1. "I needed to acknowledge that I would do my best to educate my distributors and that was it, " he said. “我当时必须这么想,我要尽力去教导我的分销商,事情就是这样。” www.ftchinese.com 2. That's why for me it's absolutely normal to give back with my foundation, and wherever I can help. I try to do my best. 我知道我很幸运,这也就是为什么对我来说回报我的基金会,帮助我能帮助的对我来说非常寻常,我会尽力做到最好。 tieba.baidu.com 3. When I looked around at the fear and uncertainty on the young faces in that room, I know exactly what I had to do: my best. 于是我环顾四周,看到那些年轻稚气的脸庞上写满了不安、未知和恐惧,而我清楚了自己该怎么做:做最好的自己。 q.sohu.com 4. i always tried to do my best at studying because i did not want to waste time. what i really wanted to do was playing football. 我总是尽力地学习,因为我不想浪费时间。我真正想做的是踢球。 www.acmilan.net.cn 5. As a freshman, i won't let you down and i believe that i will do my best to cooperate with this team well very soon. 做为新人,本人不会孤负大师的希冀,本人置信本人会尽快融入到这个团队中。 www.sxms5.com 6. I still face fears, negative beliefs, and negative thoughts, but I take it one step at a time and do my best. 我仍然面对恐惧,以及负面的想法,但我一步一个脚印的做,并且尽我最大的努力。 www.bing.com 7. "It's not as thick as thatch, but I do my best. " She said smiling again. “它没有茅草那么粗,但是我尽了全力。”她又笑了一下说。 www.bing.com 8. I'm honored to have this opportunity to show myself, and I'll definitely do my best in the interview. 今天很荣幸有这样一个难得的机会展示自己,参加这次面试我会竭尽全力的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Be very excited and lost, and I will do my best in future dramas to repay the support given. 极度兴奋、不知所措,接下来的戏剧我会全力以赴,以回报大家的支持。 baike.baidu.com 10. The quail replied, "I thank you for your respect, and I promise to always do my best to deserve it. " 鹌鹑回答:“感谢你俩尊敬我,我承诺尽力而为,不辜负信任。” www.zftrans.com 1. A: Believe me. I'll do my best to help you, and I won't let you down. 相信我,我会尽力帮助你的,而且不会让你失望。 www.ebigear.com 2. She was very angry and said that also do not want to do my best friend. 她非常生气然后说一点也不想在做我最好的朋友。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Today, as I do my best to raise two bold, beautiful, and rebellious little girls, I thank God that I am able to do it in the United States. 今天,我在尽一切努力培养两个大胆、美丽、调皮的女儿,并感谢上帝让我在美国尽这一做母亲的职责。 www.america.gov 4. I turn and do my best to smile and look calm and ask what's the matter. 我回过头努力力地微笑,并故作镇静地问有什么问题。 www.bing.com 5. As for myself, I will start from now, from the little things at my side, and do my best! 至于我自己,要从现在做起,从身边的小事做起,努力做的更好! www.kuaiyilin.com 6. I will also do my best in anyway possible to help bring him to you. 不管以什么样的方式我也会尽我的努力尽可能把他带给你们。 wenwen.soso.com 7. You are the all to me. So i have to do my best to be with you, and make you feel happy. 我也不知道自己能不能令到她开心。只有努力拉。 spaces.msn.com 8. I try to do my best each day, In my work and in my play. And if I always do my best, I needn't worry about a test. 每天我都尽我最大的努力,无论是学习还是娱乐。如果我经常尽最大的努力,我就无须为考试着急。 xingzhi.eicbs.com 9. Michael: I'll do my best, sir. I'm looking forward to putting into practice what I studied in college. 迈可:我会全力以赴的,先生。我正期待能把大学的所学应用到工作上。 tw.biz.yahoo.com 10. "Thank you, thank you, aunt! " I cried. "I'll do my best to make you proud of me! " and I kissed her many times. “谢谢您,谢谢您,姨婆!”我叫道,“我会尽力让您为我自豪!”我亲了她好几下。 www.kekenet.com 1. Everyone's standard of happiness is different, but I try to do my best. 每个人对幸福的标准是不同的,但我试著尽我所能。 tieba.baidu.com 2. How nicer Then, give me a couple of dates, I can't promise anything , but I'll do my best. 太棒了,告诉我一下你的休假日期吧,我不能保证什么,但我会尽力。 www.52zikao.com 3. 'You can't call me a hero at present, but I will do my best in return for fans' support. ' 现在我还不能被称为英雄,但我会尽全力回报球迷的支持。 www.ebigear.com 4. I've tried to be patient and wait for my chance and have always tried to do my best when I've been given it. 我试着耐心些,等待机会,有机会的话我总是竭尽全力的。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. I shall be only too pleased to do my best in that line of work. 我很高兴尽力去做那方面的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Where there is a will, there is a way. I will do my best to pursue my own dream and the prospects must be very wonderful! 有志者,事竟成。伤感日志我会尽自己所能来追逐梦想,未来的一切都将十分美好! www.mp3dj8.com 7. And I never say yes I'll come and solve the case. I say, I'll do my best. 而且我从来没有说过会来解决这个案件。我只说,我会尽全力的。 www.yappr.cn 8. I'm sorry I cannot guarantee, but I'll do my best . 对不起我不能保证,但我会尽力去做。 kaoshi.alai.net 9. m sorry I cannot guarantee, but I'll do my best. 对不起,我不能保证,但我一定会尽我全力去做。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. However, all I should do now is well-prepared to embrace this scarce opportunities and do my best to dedicate myself in this group. 然而,现在我能做的就是把自己准备好来迎接这个珍贵、得来不易的机会,把自己做到会好并奉献给这个团体。 blog.yam.com 1. I'm very sorry that I had to show myself in a situation like this, but I will do my best to show a better image of myself. 对不起,我在这样的情况下展示自己,但我会做到最好,去展示我一个更好的形像。 tieba.baidu.com 2. With regards to the rumours about me, my response is that of going on the pitch and do my best. 面对流言,我所做的就是在场上发挥自己的最佳状态。 www.bing.com 3. Thank you all again and I shall do my best to fulfill my commitment! 再次诚挚感谢大家,本人将戮力以赴以达成所作的承诺! toastmasters.org.tw 4. I always try to do my best, especially in training when I show my effort and my desire to play. 我一直在尽力去做得最好,尤其是训练中我一直在表现出我对打比赛的努力和渴望。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I explained that I was not very fat but I would do my best to play a police officer. "Can you come at six? " she said. 我说我不很胖,会尽量演好警察的,然后她问:“你(早上)六点能过来吗?” www.bing.com 6. Force me to choose between my mobile phone and my car, and I'll do my best to hang onto the phone. 如果你非要让我在汽车和手机之间做一个选择,我肯定会坚持选手机。 www.bing.com 7. I hope you had the privilege to join the unity ahead of the collective, as well as the development of the company to do my best to! 我希望有幸加入你们这个团结、奋进的集体,并为公司的发展尽我最大的努力! wenda.tianya.cn 8. When I know I'm not able to do my best I'll hang up the boots. 当我知道我不能做到最好的时候我会挂靴。 www.douban.com 9. They often encourage me to do my best in my lessons at school and they expect me to become a top student in my class or in my school. 他们常常鼓励我在学校做我的教训我最好的,他们希望我成为班上最好的学生,或在我的学校。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. And if I do my best, if the audience supports me, I feel good, but if not, I understand. 而且如果我尽了力了,如果观众支持我,我感觉会很好;但如果不然,我也明白。 hi.baidu.com 1. I try to do my best to get results and I feel sorry for the boy, but that's life sometimes. 我只是想尽力赢下比赛,对博拉,我很报歉,但有时,生活就是这样,你必须学会去面对。 www.qieerxi.com 2. She feels very happy to have lunch with me and I do my best to wait and eat with her. 她很高兴能够和我一起吃午餐,而我也总是尽量等她回来一起吃。 sm2000.org 3. My goal is to do my best and deserve what I should get. 我的目标是做到我最好,拿到我该拿的。 www.itpub.net 4. but after seeing everyone's faces I got all my energy back and could do my best. 但当我看到大家的脸孔,我就充满的力量,并能好好地完成。 hi.baidu.com 5. On the contrary, I will do my best to support you to realize your goal if we get married. Don't you think so? 结婚以后,我会全身心地帮你去实现远大理想,对不? blog.163.com 6. If I have chance to be the representative of English, I'll work hark and do my best to help other classmatates to make progress together. 如果我有机会成为英语课代表,我将会努力工作并会尽我全力帮助同学共同进步。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. In this four-part series, I'll do my best to dispel all three myths in the most practical way possible: by teaching you to work around them. 在这个4部分的系列文章中,我将尽量以最实际的方式消除所有这三个谣传,这种方式就是教您利用JSF进行开发。 www.ibm.com 8. Nevertheless, if I get the chance to work for you, I will do my best to help you in accomplishing your project, I think. 如果我能去你那里工作,我会努里帮你完成你的项目? emuch.net 9. I promise I will do my best on my study and exercise. Thank you for your consideration. 我保证我会在学习和锻炼上尽我的全力,谢谢您的理解。 wenwen.soso.com 10. You watched me grow and learn And caught me when I fell. Encouraged me to do my best Proud, even when I didn't do well. 您关注着我的成长与学习当我跌倒时扶着我鼓励我做得更好即使做得不好也为我自豪。 hangzhou2006.blog.bokee.net 1. If I am qualified to be a helper, I'll do my best. 如果可以帮助你,我一定尽我的全力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. It's the one place where I can work for prolonged periods of time without interruption. I usually do my best thinking in the air. 这是我可以长时间工作而不被打扰的一个地方,我常在飞行中产生最好的想法。 www.bing.com 3. I am really trying to do my best to negotiate for better prices with both the yard and the transporter. 我想要尽我最大的努力来洽谈和院子里更好的价格和转运。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Third, it is the most important, I can be in love, though there is no girlfriend, but I'll do my best. 第三,这是最重要的,我可以恋爱了,虽然到现在还没有女友,不过我会努力的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Very early on, I planned my career development, starting from zero and strive to do my best from the very beginning. 很早以前我就已经为自己制定了职业生涯规划,走出校园开始给自己零定位,一切从拼搏开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Thank you for your trust. I will do my best not to disappoint you. 谢谢你的信任。我会尽力不让你失望的。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 7. If I ever have the opportunity to speak to a young person today, I do my best to convey this message. 现在,我一有机会和年轻人说话就会尽力传达这个意思。 www.ebigear.com 8. If you find bugs, just let me know and I'll do my best to squash them. 如果您发现错误,只是让我知道,我会尽我所能,以压制他们。 g5.baidu.com 9. "I'm a role model for a lot of men, " he says. "I do my best. " “我是许多男性的榜样,”他说,“我尽我所能把影片拍好。” www.bing.com 10. As you guys probably know from reading this site, I already do my best to live clutter-free. 如同你们可能从这篇文章中所知道的一样,我已经努力着去过没有杂乱的生活了。 www.bing.com 1. I must find it at all cost. It will not be easy but I will do my best. 我会不惜一切代价找到他的,但是我将尽我全力。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 2. Nick, replies with a heavy heart, "I'll do my best. " Nick心情沉重地回答,“我尽力而为。” www.bing.com 3. I will seriously consider your advice and I will do my best to provide the best resources for you. 你提的建议我会认真考虑的,我会尽我所能为大家提供最好的资源。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I'm going to take the college entrance examination in one month and I'll do my best to obtain good marks. 一个月后,我将参加高考,我会尽最大的努力考出优异的成绩。 www.docin.com 5. I shall do my best to help you in every way. 我将尽最大努力用一切方法帮助你。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Thanks a lot. I'm worried about it. But I'll try to do my best. 太感谢了!我很担心。但是我会尽量做到最好的。 microstudy.cn 7. I really must buy a second pair of shoes; and the next year shall do my best to buy a third. 我确实必须再买一双鞋子;明年我会尽最大努力再买一双。 8. We play many games in many championships. I simply try to do my best in any position. 我们在多线作战,无论我踢哪个位置,我只想努力做到最好。 www.zqgod.com 9. I will do my best to finish and win as many races as possible and we will see at the end of the year where we end up in the championship. 我会用我最大的努力去尽可能多地完赛并取胜,然后在年末大家就会看到我们是以怎样的结果来结束这个赛季的。 www.tiyuxiu.com 10. I do hope to have the chance to work for your company, then I will do my best to strive for the company's interests. Thank you all! 希望有机会能到贵公司工作,我会尽我的全能来为贵公司服务,谢谢大家。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'd like to do my best to revive the company into the one that will put customers first. ' 我会尽最大努力让公司重拾以顾客为先的宗旨。 c.wsj.com 2. Whenever I'm negative, I sit with it, breathe, and do my best to be present. 无论何时我不开心了,我会静坐,深呼吸,尽量的让自己着眼当下。 www.bing.com 3. Moving forward, I think all I can do is put my instincts to work and do my best and hope that I'm on the same page as everyone else. 而且,我觉得我所能做的就是把全身心投入工作,做最好的我,希望我和别的人能保持一致。 bbs.guitarchina.com 4. I don't know, I just try to do my best on the court. 我不知道,我只是尽力在球场上发挥到最好。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Always striving to do my best, I managed to squeeze out some pretty good grades. 我总是尽自己最大努力去拼搏,成绩也算不俗。 www.hjenglish.com 6. I said I would do my best. 我表示过要尽最大努力。 wenku.baidu.com 7. And if I always do my best, I need not care about the test. 如果我总是尽力,我就不需要担心考试。 www.cn910.net 8. I can't promise. But I'll do my best. In addition, The toll fee is not included in the fare. 这个我不能保证,但是我会尽力的。另外,车费里不包含高速过路费哦。 my.chinese.cn 9. gonna knock ' em dead this year , ivan ? i ' ll do my best for you. 准备今年把他们打的屁滚尿流吧,伊安?我会努力的。 www.ichacha.net 10. The competition pushes me to do my best. 竞争意识敦促我做到最好。 www.elanso.com 1. "I try to do my best every game and whatever decision that they make I will work my hardest, " Sun said. 他说:“我会尽我全力去打好每场比赛,无论什么样的决定我都会尽我最大努力。” www.kobechina.com.cn 2. But now I am feeling confident for the new season and I hope to do my best and help the team win trophies. 前两次那是教练的决定,我觉得要尊重他的选择。不过现在我对新赛季充满了信心,我希望可以发挥最佳状态帮助球队赢得冠军。 news.goalhi.com 3. I do my best to finish every task you require, trying to release your pressure. 我尽力去按你的要求完成你交代的每个任务,想要帮助你减轻压力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To be playing made me happy so I was determined to do my best. 能够比赛让我很高兴,所以我决定要做到最好。 www.lfcfans.com 5. "As an Iraqi, I carry the pain of my people, and I want to do my best to give something back to this country, " she says. “作为一个伊拉克人,我理解人民的痛苦,我想尽力为这个国家做些事情,”她说。 www.bing.com 6. If your school could give me such a opportunity, of course I'll study hard and do my best, to reward the education I've been given. 如果贵校能给我一个机会,我会努力的去好好学习,不辜负贵校的栽培。 wenwen.soso.com 7. I'm going to do my best to give this to my partner in a succinct way so that you will understand the physics. 我打算尽力以简练的方式告诉我的同样,那么你们可以理解物理。 lumking.spaces.live.com 8. For tomorrow I expect a great night of Champions League for the entire team and I want to do my best for this team. 对于明天我期待着所有球队都能有一场精彩的欧冠之夜,而我希望能够为这支球队做到最好。 www.bing.com 9. but I still participated in it do my best. 但是我还是全力以赴的参加 home.hjenglish.com 10. Hopefully I'll get more games in pre-season, I'll try to do my best. 希望我能打更多季前赛,我会尽全力的。 bbs.sports.sina.com.cn 1. I always remember my goals which I had written down in the night of the new years. then I do my best to accomplish them. 我一直记得过年那晚上我写下的目标。从那后,我就一直全力以赴实现它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I can do my best to explain to my coworkers that there is no "culture of gratuity" for China's service industry. 我可以尽力向我的同事解释,中国的服务行业没有“小费文化”。 dongxi.net 3. for my part , i must do my best to save this fellows trebly worthless life ; and jim , you get me a basin. 至于我这方面,一定会尽力挽救这个家伙毫无价值的生命。吉姆,给我拿个盆来。 www.ichacha.net 4. Many smart people tell themselves pathetic lies like, "I do my best work at the last minute. " 很多聪明的人常用“我已经在最后关头竭尽全力了”这类可怜的谎话来自我安慰。 www.bing.com 5. I will do my best to gather our council and its chambers shall be filled with your voice. 我会尽我所能招集议会,而你的声音将会回荡在会场里。 www.mynit.net 6. Therefore. I try to push myself to work hard and do my best . 因此。我尝试把自己努力工作。尽我所能。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Eg. In return for your assistance, I'll do my best. 作为对你的回报,我会加倍努力的! blog.sina.com.cn 8. I will seize the chance and do my best and I am going to impress everybody with my performance. 我一定会好好把握这次比赛的机会,表现自我,绽放自己的光彩。 news.koolearn.com 9. Today I will not imagine what I would if things were different. They are not different. I will do my best with what material I have. 今天,我不会去想象,如果境况不同我该怎么办,但境况就是如此,我会尽我所能,充分利用已有的素材。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And if I always do my best, I needn't worry about my test. 如果我总是尽我最大的能力,我就不须担心考试的事情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. My English is a little bit poor, but I will do my best in future. 因为我的英语很不好,不过我也会努力的! zhidao.baidu.com 2. My company has trust and confidence in me; in return, I should do my best. 我只有尽自己的全力做到最好才能使公司对我充满信心。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I'll do my best for the power, to catch up with the upgrade exam achievement! 我会尽自己最大的力,争取升级考试把成绩赶上去! zhidao.baidu.com 4. I am very happy to be one of the team and I will do my best to get into the working situation as soon as possible. 能够成为团队的一员,是我的荣幸,我会尽快让自己投身到工作当中。 www.kekenet.com 5. For sure I'm going to do my best tomorrow to gain some positions. 当然明天我将表现出我最好的一面去提升我的位置。 ferrari-china.com 6. "It also calms me and helps me to try and do my best on the field. " “这还能让我在比赛中保持冷静,发挥出自己的最佳水平。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Nothing special. I'll just do my best faithfully and set a good example to other soldiers. 没什麽特别的。只是衷心地想做到最好,给其他士兵做个好榜样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. You can suggest your topics of interest and I'll do my best to accommodate your needs. 你可以提出你想学的东西,然后我设法满足你的要求。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. And I have to do my best to squeeze into the pants and close them. So that's the journey and the struggle that I have every week. 我得使出吃奶的劲才能穿上这裤子并扣上。这是我每周都得经历的旅程和斗争。 www.hjenglish.com 10. I would not want to kill a colleague for obvious reasons, but I certainly will do my best to out-compete him. 基于显而易见的理由,我不会想要杀掉一个同事,但是我肯定想要尽力做的更好来超越他。 bbs.ruian.com 1. It's not my biggest quality, but I'll do my best. '' 我还不在最佳状态之下,但我会尽我所能。 www.bing.com 2. I'm not getting any younger now and every game I do play I just try to enjoy and do my best for the team in. 我已经不再年轻,我试着享受每一场自己参加的比赛,为球队贡献力量。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. I knew I would do my best, that I would run my heart out and finish the race. 我知道自己会全力以赴,拼尽全力跑完全程。 blog.renren.com 4. Where work is concerned, I always try to do my best. 至于工作,我总是竭尽全力地干。 www.kekenet.com 5. Seeing the earth being hurt, I must do my best to protect her, at least one song. 我看见地球正被伤害,我必须用我的力量保护它,哪怕是一首歌的力量 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I will not make effort at the last moment, i will do my best . 我下次不要再临时抱佛脚了,我会在加把劲的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I am very glad to make more foreign friends, and I will do my best to help everyone who need help. 我非常高兴能认识更多的外国朋友,我会尽我所能帮助每一个人。 www.publicchinese.com 8. I can't promise anything , but I'll do my best. 不敢保证,不过我尽力而为。 www.hxen.com 9. good a man. kind, Warm heart, Honesty, Homely, True love You will only love. You will do my best. 好一个人。一种温暖的心,诚实,家常的,真正爱你的只有爱。您会尽我所能。 www.chineselovelinks.com 10. I'll do my best. As soon as I get a reply from our factory, I'll send you a telex. 我会尽力的。一旦我得到工厂的回复,我就给你发电传。 mysearch.100e.com 1. I'll do my best. As soon as I get a reply from our factory, I'll send you a telex. 我会尽力的。一旦我得到工厂的回复,我就给你发电传。 mysearch.100e.com 2. B: I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best. 我现在无法答应你,不过我会尽力而为的。 www.hxen.com 3. If I was your leader I would do my best to keep that residue off my chest I would gather my congress. 如果我是你的领袖,我会尽我所能,保持了我的胸前,残留物,我会收集我的国会。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. 'I just think I should do my best at this test and get admitted, ' she adds. 我只是想我应该在这次考试中全力以赴,顺利进入大学。 www.bing.com 5. I shall do my best to meet the difficulty. 我将尽最大的努力应对困难。 bbs.xueasy.com 6. In a word, I will keep in mind the theme of the Expo 2010 "Better City, Better Life" and do my best for the great festival. 总而言之,本人会服膺2010年世博会“城市,让糊口更美妙”这个主题,为这个巨大的节日尽本人最年夜的尽力。 www.laikg.com 7. Sometimes I ask myself, I tell you my true thought, I couldn't give a clear answer to myself, although I will do my best. 有时我也问我自己,我告诉你我真实的想法。尽管我不能给自己一个清晰的答案,但我会尽自己最大的可能去做。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Once you cannot afford the tickets and gifts needed, please contact me and I will do my best to help you. 倘若你无力在选举日支付所需的飞机票价或补充体力所需的礼物,请与我联系,我一定尽力支持。 www.erepublik.com 9. In the new year, I will do my best efforts, exert ourselves to work, overcoming difficulties of poverty, strive to do a better job. 在新的一年里,我将尽自己最大的努力,发奋工作,克难攻坚,力求把工作做得更好。 www.1x1y.com.cn 10. Feng Bo: Now I have chosen Chinese Medical Association as my future job. I think I'm very confident now to do my best in my future job. 冯博:现在我已选择了去中华医学会工作。我现在对自己的前途很有信心。 www.zftrans.com 1. Feng Bo: Now I have chosen Chinese Medical Association as my future job. I think I'm very confident now to do my best in my future job. 冯博:现在我已选择了去中华医学会工作。我现在对自己的前途很有信心。 www.zftrans.com 2. I would do my best in my life, not to disappoint you. 我会尽己所能地做到最好,不让你们失望。 post.baidu.com 3. I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best. 我无法做出任何承诺,但我会尽我所能使我们达成合作。 www.bing.com 4. I have promised my students that I will do my best to help them pass my course with a good final result. 我曾经向我的学生承诺过我会尽我之最大努力来帮助他们以好的结局通过我的课程。 www.ourznbbs.com 5. How about this? How about I do my best to keep giving material for Tina Fey to keep her in business? 这个怎么样?我会尽力为蒂娜?菲提供笑料以让她不失去工作? www.yappr.cn 6. But I definitely try: I'm happy, and I do my best every day to be a good father, husband, writer and compassionate person. 但是我肯定尝试了:我快乐,而且我每天尽最大努力做一个好的父亲、丈夫、作家和有同情心的人。 www.bing.com 7. "There is lots of discussion about nationalisation, but I will do my best to ensure Tepco remains as a private company, " said Mr Katsumata. “目前有关国有化的讨论很多,但我将尽全力确保东京电力仍是一家私营公司,”胜俣恒久表示。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I still do my best work in the mornings (though not usually that early), so I try to keep those hours for my writing. 我现在仍然在早上工作得最好(虽然不总是那么早),所以我尽量把这几个小时保留作为我的写作时间。 www.bing.com 9. I'll do my best at college this term because the teachers are too good to say here! 我要在这个学期努力读书,因为那些老师我都没办法在这里用言辞来形容他们的好了! blog.sina.com.cn 10. I will do my best for my career, but I will never give yo. . . 我将在工作上做到最好,但我也不会放弃你~就是说爱情事业两手抓吧~~… www.0412i.com 1. I do not say a word to her I would do my best. 我就不说了,总之我要对她尽我最大的努力。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. With respect to salary, I shall expect HK$5, 000 a month. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction. 至于薪金一事,我希望月薪伍千元起,如获贵公司录用,本人可向贵公司保证,将尽力而为,令阁下满意。 www.tdict.com 3. Jacky: Mmm. . . Well, I just do my best, but it's not good enough. 嗯…啊,我只是尽力而为,但它还不够好看啦。 blog.roodo.com 4. I do my best when I get a chance and try to convince him. 当我有机会时我就会尽我最大努力获取教练的信任。 www.zqgod.com 5. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. 作为单身母亲,我试着做到最好和他谈谈。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I sincerely hope everyone donates generously to these unfortunate people. I will do my best too. 由衷地希望大家都能够对这些不幸的人们慷慨解囊,我也会尽我最大的力量去帮助他们。 www.hicoo.net 7. I just want to score and do my best for the team, and I know I have the qualities to do these things. 我只需要为球队进球,做到我最好就行,我知道我有实力做这样的事。 www.jczqw.com 8. I will do my best and I hope I can do something for Brunei. . . Support me guys! ! ! 我会努力做到最好而且我希望自己能为汶莱做些事情。请大家支持我吧!!! post.baidu.com 9. Since I have been working with Japanese companies, I need to further improve my English proficiency. I'll do my best. 由于一直在日本企业工作英文水平不是很好,但我一定会努力的。 www.ziyuangongxiang5.com 10. Until next year, I will do my best to savor the sentiment whether or not the tree is standing there. 不管那棵圣诞树还在不在那里,我都会尽全力去体会这份心情,直到明年的这个时候。 www.joyen.net 1. Betty: Yes. but I really want to do my best. 贝蒂:是的,但是我真的想做得最好。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 2. I will accept management of my superior, modestly and do my best. 我虚心接受上司的管理,全力以赴; blog.sina.com.cn 3. I knew I would do my best to get through the day, bills, phone calls, chores and all. 我知道我会以最佳状态来度过这一天,应对账单、电话、日常琐事等等。 www.readerstimes.cn 4. So I will be patient, I will be consistent, and I will do my best. 所以,我会耐心,会坚强,我会做的最好。 www.elanso.com 5. I can't promise. But I'll do my best. 这个我不能保证。但我会尽力吧。 m.nciku.com 6. I would do my best to make up the time I lost. 我打算尽全力来弥补我失去的时光。 wenwen.soso.com 7. I always do my best without forgetting your love and help her. 再你们爱的前提下,我定尽最大努力帮助她。 post.baidu.com 8. OK, I'll do my best to cooperate with you. 好的,我一定配合。 njds.nj.gov.cn 9. Yes, I'll do my best to take care of Rick for you while you are busy with your career. 是的,在你忙于你的事业时,我会尽力替你照顾好瑞克。 club.pchome.net 10. Any ideas on how I can do my best writing all the time? 怎样才能一直写出最好的文章? www.publishedscholar.com 1. But as the old saying goes "Where there is a will, the is a way. I'll do my best to improve my spoken English. " 但正如一句老话所说:“有志者事竞成”,我将尽力提高我的英语口语。 www.englishok.com.cn 2. So I try to do my best each day in my every thing. 每一天都尽力做好每件事。 www.inedu.cn 3. I do my best, but no sense of accomplishment. 最卖力的工作,却没有成就感。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I will do my best to help the company. 我会尽最大的努力来为贵司效力 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But I won't know until Wednesday whether I am playing, so I will do my best until the final. 但周三之前我都不知道能不能踢,所以我会做到最好。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 6. When I made a mistake, I will do my best to correct, but I need your advice and encouragement, not criticism. 当我犯错时,我会尽力去改正,但是我需要的是你的指点与鼓励,而不是指责。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Maybe I can't do the best, but I'll do my best. 或许我做不到最好,但是我会尽力而为。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I try to do my best and the window becomes cleaner than before. 我尽量清洁窗户,使其变得比之前干净很多。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 9. I'm not sure, but I'll do my best. 这个我不能保证,但我会尽力的。 www.19lou.com 10. This year I am going to carry out all my New Year resolutions. I will do my best! 今年,我将把我的新年决心付诸于行动。我会尽我最大的努力! stu.bdchina.com 1. I try to do my best in all positions. 我试着在任何位置都尽力做到最好。 www.ept-team.com 2. My English is poor, but I will do my best, I hope your favour! Thanks. 我的英语很差,但我一定要能力学习,希望大家多帮助我! zhidao.baidu.com 3. I am not going to worry about what my opponent will do. I'll do my best! 我不会去想对手会怎么做,我只管尽情发挥。 www.joyen.net 4. My position is very delicate, but I will do my best to help Juve regain Serie A. 我的处境是非常微妙的,但我还是会竭尽全力帮助尤文回归甲级。 dict.bioon.com 5. It's very important to me, though, and I do my best. 这对我很重要,我尽力。 www.bing.com 6. If I get the opportunity to work, I will do my best to practice spoken. 如果我可以得到这个工作机会,我会尽我所能去练习口语。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. l told you l'd do my best never to hurt you again, and l meant it. 我说过我会尽全力不去伤害你我是说真的 www.tingclass.net 8. I hope to develop my career in your company. If I am offered the opportunity, I will always do my best. 希望能在贵公司寻求发展,如果能给我这个机会,我一定会坚持做到最好! zhidao.baidu.com 9. That's the basic bargain. I'll do my best to honor in the United States Senate. 这是最起码的,作为一名参议员,我将尽自己最大的努力来实现它。 www.putclub.com 10. Taxi driver: I'll do my best ma'am. Fasten you seatbelt. 我会尽力的,女士。系好您的安全带了! blog.sina.com.cn 1. Andrew: I'll do my best! Should I bring something? 我尽力吧!我要带点什么过来? bbs.enfamily.cn 2. I have always wanted to study in your school. If I have the privilege of entering your school, I shall do my best and put in all my effort. 我一直希望能进入贵校学习,如果我有机会进入贵校学习,我将尽我最大的努力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A: I never assume our customers are satisfied with our product, so I do my best to follow up with every customer. 答:我从来都不假定我的顾客满意我们的产品,所以我总是尽力跟踪每一位顾客。 www.bing.com 4. I'm going to do my best this year. 今年我将尽自己的最大努力。 5. I'll do my best. Wait a moment please. 我将会尽我最大努力请稍等一下以上内容仅供参考。 wenku.baidu.com 6. As regard the lessons to be missed during my absence, I will do my best to make them up as soon as I get back from leave. 至于请假期间落下的课程,我回一来就尽力将其补上。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. T: OK. I'll do my best. I'll phone you again tomorrow, bye. 好的,我会尽力的,明天再给你打电话,再见。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. DO MY BEST! Always keep trying and never give up. 努力做到最好,不断尝试,永不放弃 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I'm also glad that he has taught me bravery, don't admit loss, and do my best. 也感谢他在这个夏天教会了我勇敢。坚强。做自己…。不服输。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. All I could do was do my best on the exam . 所有我能做的只有尽全力准备考试。 www.jukuu.com 1. Not directly because I would like to win but for sure it is to do my best to be proud about myself. 并不是因为我不想赢得比赛,而是我想尽可能做到最好,让自己骄傲。 www.bing.com 2. try to do my best each day. 每天我都尽力做到最好。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When I play, I try to do my best, but I also love to see my friends score goals and play well, it makes me happy and proud. 当我比赛时,我竭尽全力,但我也很高兴看到队友表现出色并进球,那让我感到高兴和骄傲。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Don't worry. And I will do my best to help you. 别担心,我会全力以赴帮你的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. A: I'll do my best for you. 我会为你尽力的。 cmonline.org.cn 6. I'll train had to make sure I do my best in the next game, it's great to play. 我会努力训练,确保在下一场比赛能够有精彩的表现,比赛真令人兴奋。 www.bing.com 7. The best one is that I can still do my best in any adverse circumstances. 最重要的是,在任何逆境中我仍能努力工作 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I would do my best to broaden my horizons as well. 我也会竭尽所能拓展自己的视野。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. Rest assured that I'll do my best. 不必担心,我会尽全力的。 www.88u8.com 10. I promise that I'll always do my best to make you happy! And you can bet that I'll treat you right. 我发誓会尽我所能来让妳快乐!且我保证会对妳很好很好。 www.yuhuayuan.net 1. I will do my best to the fight, and I believe that: there is passion, drive, what do Wanbu Cheng? 我会尽力的去争取,我相信:有热情,有冲劲,还有什么完不成呢? hi.baidu.com 2. I solicit the favor of an interview, and assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give you satisfaction. 恳请惠予面试之荣。如蒙录用,本人必竭尽所能,为贵公司服务,以符厚望。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Do my best for you ! 为您做得最好! www.efu.com.cn 4. i do my best to help people if I can. 我尽我所能帮助他人。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The words I say might make one or both of us uncomfortable, but I'll do my best to soften them without diluting their truth. 我说的话也许让我们其中一个或双方都感到不舒服,但是我会尽力不减掉话语中真实的份量地同时软化它们。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. No matter what I will do my best to gain much knowledge and master new methods . 不管是什么,我会尽我所能获得多少知识,掌握新方法。 08translation.cn 7. More high-quality housing please dial 15011462602, I will do my best to help you find your desired housing. 更多优质房源请拨打15011462602,我会尽我所能帮助您找到您期望的房屋。恭候您的来电,随时看房。 bj.58.com 8. Well, I'm very sorry if that is the case. My home office has instructed me to do my best to remedy it. 恩,若是如此,我们深表遗憾,我公司指示我要尽力予以补救。 blog.tom.com 9. Not all the time, but I do my best. 尽管不是一直能做到,但我已经尽了自己最大努力去做。 www.bing.com 10. I, who am your teacher, will do my best to help you. 我是你的老师,我会全力帮助你的。 en.ruiwen.com |
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