单词 | external | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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复数:externals external -burning 显示所有例句
例句释义: 外部,外观,形式,外部情况,外部的,外面的,外界的,外来的,外在的,表面的,客观的 1. In reality, however, this is often not the case when integrating to multiple external systems. 然而,在实际中,当集成多个外部系统时,情况并非如此。 www.ibm.com 2. The signal on the external interrupt pin must be present for at least three peripheral clock cycles to be detected. 在外部信号中断大头针必须至少三个外围时钟周期检测。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. He did not understand that this ideal world was to be found not by following an external path, but a spiritual path. 他并没有明白到这种理想的世界并不能从外面的道路找到,而是从精神的道路。 www.cnufo.com 4. The main purpose of this study is trying to find the relationship among core competence, external environment and diversification. 试图找出在中小企业既有核心能力、外部环境及多角化经营三者之间彼此的关联与关系。 www.cetd.com.tw 5. Reported that reveal the weakness of the British couple, but has no external signs of that illness. 报道称,这对英国夫妇显露出疲态,但暂时没有发现生病的外部迹象。 www.englishtang.com 6. The flow of events describes one set of interactions between the actors (users or external systems) and the system being mapped out. 这个事件流描述了一系列参与者(用户或外部系统)和被制定的系统之间的交互。 www.ibm.com 7. Electron balance has been used to measure volume of solution put in by pipette of standard series in external standard method. 研究了用电子天平对外标法标准系列配制过程中吸管加入溶液体积进行计量的方法。 www.dictall.com 8. If the external environment remains favourable, some of the rise could be absorbed by an expansion of employment in services. 如果外部经济环境仍然是有利的,那么服务行业就业率增长会吸收一部分失业增长。 www.ecocn.org 9. First, Quantum fidelity describes to what extent the state of the system remains when an external parameter changes. 量子保真度刻画了系统随外部驱动参数的变化其状态的保真程度。 physics.zju.edu.cn 10. The word "legal method" has been used in different sense by internal and external law circle. 国内外学界对“法律方法”之用语的使用并不一致。 www.dffy.com 1. When a security dialog box appears, you have the option to enable the external content or to leave it blocked. 在出现安全对话框时,您可以选择是允许外部内容还是使其保持阻止状态。 office.microsoft.com 2. Combination of fundamentals, continued to fall, driven by the external disk, cannot be immune from the domestic sugar price. 结合基本面,在外盘持续下跌带动下,国内糖价不能独善其身。 www.texclo.net 3. In a real application, you would be likely to put a library of useful JavaScript functions into such an external file. 在实际的应用程序中,很可能要把必要的JavaScript函数库放在这类外部文件中。 www.ibm.com 4. But normal too, have external connections from the health perspective is all too scattered, too random, so naturally. 但正常得、健康得外部连接从各个角度讲是分散得、随机得、自然得。 www.82g.com.cn 5. One will use ladle to have shoveled three days and three nights only the road shoveling out a bar leading to the external world an ant. 蚂蚁一家就用勺子铲了三天三夜才铲出一条通向外界的路。 goabroad.wenda.sogou.com 6. For a hundred years, investors have noticed that events external to the market often seem to have no effect on the market's progress. (答)百多年来,投资者已注意到市场以外的事件似乎对市场行进常常不产生影响。 shunlong.s004.blog.163.com 7. These keys can be stored in an existing data table or in a separately created table referred to as the external key table. 这些键值可以存储在现有的数据表中或者存储在单独创建的称作外键表的表中。 www.ibm.com 8. Recognize the value that the external world represents to you, and interact with it in the style that's natural to you. 认识到外部世界对你的价值,用你最自然的方式与外界交流。 www.douban.com 9. A cable including circuitry for asserting information to a user or external device and a system including such a cable. 一种包括用于向用户或外部装置发出信息的电路的电缆,以及一种包括该电缆的系统。 www.bing.com 10. Information from our stellar cartography department shows that this time there has been some form of external tampering with the lattice! 来自我们恒星绘图局的信息显示,这次栅格的转变是受到了外部影响! hi.baidu.com 1. External airbags have been used in the past to help unmanned space landers, including Mars Pathfinder, touch down. 在过去,外部安全气囊用于帮助无人苍着陆,包括火星探路者的着陆。 my1510.cn 2. Kinetic energy can be destroyed, but momentum cannot be destroyed in the absence of a net external force on the system as a whole. 动能可以被毁,但是动量不能,在整个系统外力,不存在情况下。 open.163.com 3. Costume design masters fan saizhe said: "the dress is one of the external expression of" inner temperament. 服装设计大师范思哲说过:“服装是一个人内在气质的外在体现”。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The way you perceive the external world is filtered through your beliefs and hence what you see is always congruent with your beliefs. 你理解外在世界的方式渗透在你的信仰中,所以,你看到的常和你的信仰一致。 www.bing.com 5. We know, U disk is usually used as an external computer storage device, whether from a computer directly to the U disk read and write files? 我们知道,U盘通常是作为计算机的外部存储设备,能否脱离计算机直接向U盘读写文件呢? www.joys99.com 6. For example, reflection is often used in frameworks that persist objects to databases, XML, or other external formats. 例如,反射经常在持续存储对象为数据库、XML或其它外部格式的框架中使用。 www.ibm.com 7. Metadata for external columns includes such information as the name, data type, and length of the source column. 外部列的元数据包含诸如源列的名称、数据类型和长度等信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The indicator of the total imports and exports at customs can be used to observe the total size of external trade in a country. 进出口总额用以观察一个国家在对外贸易方面的总规模。 www.cqtj.gov.cn 9. Police said the fire was triggered by fireworks that 'accidentally sparked off the external wall of the buildings, ' Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,警方说,火灾系燃放烟花爆竹不慎引起楼面外墙着火引发的。 c.wsj.com 10. This determination is based entirely on response to initial treatment, especially how much the external ear canals have opened. 这个决定完全基于对首次治疗的反应,尤其是外耳道开放了多少。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The counter is completely controlled from an external PC with an easy-to-use, yet sophisticated software program. 该计数器完全受控于一个软件程序复杂但易于操作的外部PC。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 2. Although the external standard method and superposing peak k-value method are applicable, but their accuracy is often not satisfactory. 结果表明,虽然外标法和重叠峰自清洗法对于水泥熟料的物相定量分析是可行的,但其结果的准确性往往不够理想; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Both China and the United States want to see the conflict resolved, he said, creating "a good external environment" for the peace process. 他说,中美两国都希望看到冲突的解决,为和平进程创造“一个良好的外部环境”。 cn.nytimes.com 4. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. 一切物体在任何情况下,在不受外力的作用时,总保持相对静止或匀速直线运动状态 zhidao.baidu.com 5. In torment, is still head held high and strong to withstand the external erosion, she was singing in the rain, dancing in the wind. 在煎熬中,仍旧高昂着头,顽强的抵御着外来的侵蚀,她在雨中歌唱,在风中舞蹈。 enwaimao.cn 6. It was sort of, in a certain sense, in a McLuhan sense, an external stomach. 在某种意义上,从麦克卢汉意义上,它是一个外在的胃。 www.ted.com 7. The country's external competitiveness can be improved by holding real wage growth below that of other trading countries. 通过把实际工资增长控制在低于其他贸易国的涨幅之下,提高国家的对外竞争力。 www.bing.com 8. These artifacts, as stated earlier, do not address the sequence of the interactions between the system and the external entities. 正如前面所述,这些构件并不处理系统和外部系统间的交换序列。 www.ibm.com 9. Allergic constitution of the external environment, climate change, easy to catch a cold, too sensitive causing pharyngitis. 过敏体质的人对外界环境、气候的改变过度敏感,容易感冒,引起咽炎。 www.52chati.com 10. Again, consider this from an internal and external basis: Do other people seem to perceive weaknesses that you do not see? 另外,再从内部和外部来思考上面这些问题:是否其他人看到的一些弱点而您并不认为是弱点? www.bing.com 1. Information that flows between the system and the external systems, users, and channels is an essential part of your system. 在该系统和外部系统、用户和通道间流动的信息是系统最基本的部分。 www.ibm.com 2. I had so long viewed the world with external vision only, and so had been unable to see its universal aspect of joy. 我很长时间只从外在的幻象来观察世界,因此我看不到快乐的全部。 www.bing.com 3. They have no effect on connections to the report server database or to external data sources that provide content to reports. 它们不会对与报表服务器数据库或为报表提供内容的外部数据源之间的连接产生任何影响。 technet.microsoft.com 4. This bill seems like a good idea to me. Of course, I am not Chinese. In fact, I see them as one of our two greatest external enemies. 这个法案似乎对我有利。显然,我不是中国人。事实上,我把他们视作我们的两个最大的外敌之一。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. This provides an easy-to-use alternative to having to maintain all includable information as stand-alone external resources. 这为将所有可包含的外部信息作为独立的外部资源管理提供一种易于使用的代替办法。 www.ibm.com 6. Easy to use, hi-performance pure asp include - multiple files upload script with HTML progress bar indicator, without external components. 这是一个易于使用,具有高度可执行性的纯asp程序,包括了-具有HTML进度条指示器的多文件上传脚本,而不需使用外部的插件。 cosoft.net.cn 7. Credit card information was to be passed to an external system, so we had to ensure we at least had a valid number. 信用卡信息要传递到外部系统,所以我们必须确保至少有一个有效号码。 www.ibm.com 8. Farmland external benefit is often neglected, which leads to the loss of farmland mostly in the process of the rapid urbanization. 快速城镇化进程中耕地损失的深层次动因之一是耕地的外部效益往往被忽视。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Natasha's marriage for a time occupied him on its external side. 他为娜塔莎的婚礼表面上忙了一阵子。 novel.tingroom.com 10. He wants a bit of pampering and love but not finding it in his wife, he turns to external sources. 他想要点纵容和关爱但是却在妻子身上找不到,于是他转向了别处。 www.bing.com 1. Agents maintain state, and use message blocks and message-passing functions to communicate with one another and with external components. 代理维护状态,并使用消息块和消息传递函数与另一个组件和外部组件进行通信。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The main reason for this reluctance to allow external financiers access seems to be control aversion (Cressy, 1995). 此不愿允许访问外部融资的主要原因似乎是控制厌恶(克雷西,1995年)。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Note: the external insulation diameter of the monitoring cores should correspond to that of the dynamic core. 注:监视线芯绝缘外径应与动力线芯绝缘外径相当。 www.huatailine.com 4. It'd be easy to replace these with an external aspect that could be activated at runtime. 用一个可以在运行时激活的外部方面可以容易地替代它们。 www.ibm.com 5. Finding an external function in an import library informs the linker that the code for that function is in a DLL . 在导入库中找到外部函数后,会通知链接器此函数的代码在DLL中。 www.bing.com 6. Black Start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies. 黑启动,是指依靠系统内部的电源,而不借助外部的电力进行的启动。 cid-dd012f28c78892f5.spaces.live.com 7. However , at least once a year the Audit Committee shall meet with the external and internal auditors without executive Directors present . 然而,审核委员会须最少每年一次在执行董事不在场的情况下与外聘及内部核数师举行会议。 www.bing.com 8. You are not allowed to execute arbitrary external applications. If you want to be able to do this, contact your system administrator. 您不允许执行此外部应用程序。如果您想要打破此限制,请联系您的系统管理员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It's ready to deploy and has no external dependencies; Java 5 or higher, PHP 4 or higher. 之后就可以部署且没有任何的外部依赖项;Java5或更高,PHP4或更高。 www.ibm.com 10. Generated from an existing message set (and subsequently exported if it's also required for use by an external application). 从现有消息集生成(如果也需要供外部应用程序使用,则将其导出)。 www.ibm.com 1. In terms of structure, the external walls of the building are made of plastered red brickwork with columns and beams of reinforced concrete. 结构方面,雷生春的外墙为红砖身外加灰泥批荡;梁、柱则以钢筋混凝土制造。 www.amo.gov.hk 2. As the new website began taking shape, all of this work defined the external branding for the new site and for the company. 鉴于新网站已初见端倪,这项工作被界定为针对新网站和公司的外部品牌推广。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It helps you to understand the data formats supported by the external system by analyzing the information elements. 它通过分析信息组成部分来帮助您了解外部系统所支持的数据格式。 www.ibm.com 4. It was a flickering florescent light at the end of the hall by the exit door that led out to the enclosed external stairwell. 那是在大厅尽头的出口处的一盏忽亮忽灭的灯,出口是通往外面的楼梯的。 big5.cri.cn 5. Newton's first law of motion: Every body continues in its state of uniform motion or rest unless acted by an external force. 牛顿第一运动定律:牛顿第一运动定律:一切物体总保持匀速直线运动或静止状态,直到有外力迫使它改变这种状态为止。 zjm990813.myrice.com 6. Subprojects are often contracted to an external enterprise or to another functional unit in the performing organization. 子项目经常发包给外部单元或施行组织内部的其他本能机能单元。 peixun.nntv.com.cn 7. Knowing the state of the rotational motion of a system, determine the external forces or external torques acting on the system. 已知质点系的转动运动,求系统所受的外力或外力矩。 jpkc.qust.edu.cn 8. Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program. 日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。 www.ibm.com 9. Do not deceive yourself into believing that you can relate in peace to God or to your brothers with anything external. 别以为身外之物能帮你与上主及弟兄之间建立和平的关系,勿再如此自欺了。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. Assess external rotation by having him place his hands behind his neck with his elbows out to the sides. 医生让病人将双手置于颈后,肘部向外来判定外部旋转程度。 www.yappr.cn 1. Using this conceptual classification, operations support systems produce a variety of information products for internal and external use. 利用这一概念分类,运营支持系统产生的各种信息产品,供内部和外部使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Without some form of external information, there was no way to know what type of object was linked by an untyped reference. 如果没有某种形式的外部信息,就没有办法知道无类型引用链接到什么类型的对象。 www.ibm.com 3. Morgan Stanley's board had a limited number of internal names, and yet interviewed no external candidates. 摩根士丹利董事会当时的内部人选有限,也没有面试过任何外部人选。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Browsers don't seem to currently support external or parameter entities in the internal subset, probably as a security measure. 浏览器目前似乎不支持内部子集中的外部实体或参数实体,这也许是一个安全措施。 www.ibm.com 5. He said the appointments were also meant to rally North Koreans behind the communist regime to stave off rising external pressure. 他说,这些任命还意在号召朝鲜人民团结在共产党政权周围,顶住不断上升的外来压力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When people reach the point of believing that their inner resources are strong enough to handle the external obstacles, they get moving. 当人们相信他们的内部资源足够强大可以解决外部困难,他们就开始行动了。 www.elanso.com 7. They oppose most external interference with an individual's choices - whether by society, the state, or any other group or institution. 他们反对大多数来自外部对个人选择的干预,不管这种干预是来自社会、国家,或者任何其他团体或机构。 www.bing.com 8. Chavez has also undermined his external relations on a number of fronts - with Brazil, Colombia and Spain to name just a few. 查韦斯也破坏了他与许多外部阵线的关系——在此仅列出巴西、哥伦比亚和西班牙。 www.bing.com 9. The concept of fractals has been used to examine the form of the Hindu temple, both in terms of its planning and external appearance. 不规则碎片形的概念用作棱验印度庙宇的形态,既用在计划编制方面,也用在外观方面。 chinaufo.com 10. Any external cyclic behavior is fair game for a chartist: the length of women's hem lines , the age of presidents, the price of eggs. 对于那些股票行情预测家来说,任何一种外显的周期性行为都是可以猎取的猎物:女装边沿的长度,总统的年龄、鸡蛋的价格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If the governments of the big European countries were to demand external regulation of FIFA's activities, it might have some impact. 如果欧洲各大国政府要求对国际足联的所作所为进行外部监管,那可能会起到一些效果。 www.ecocn.org 2. An out-of-office message that may have been intended for internal recipients may be sent to external recipients as well. 预期发送给内部收件人的外出邮件也可能被发送给外部收件人。 technet.microsoft.com 3. The differences between the internal chemical composition of a cell and that of its external environment represent a degree of order. 细胞内部的化学成分和它的外界环境的化学成分之间差异,表现非常严格的有序性。 4. Then the news of the Greek problems with their high external debt, largely owned by the German and French banks, began to appear. 接着希腊在德法两国银行的高额外债问题开始浮现。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Transformation as a trade policy toward the banks, "when the realization of CDB listing" is always kept dependents of the external market. 作为一家朝贸易化转型的政策性银行,“国开行何时实现上市”始终是市场存眷的外围。 www.99bank.com 6. One of your options is to embed JavaScript within the style sheet, either directly or as an external file. 选择之一是将JavaScript直接或作为外部文件嵌入样式表。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Finally it is possible to manage up to 8 analog inputs, connected to external analog sensors (temperature, pressure, flow etc). 个模拟输入,连接到外部(温度、压力、流量等)模拟传感器。 ask.suiniyi.com 8. Luckily, it only did not boot into X but I could still get a prompt and mount an external disk and backup my home dir. 幸运的是,它不但没有启动到X,但我仍然可以得到及时和挂载一个外部磁盘和备份我的家目录。 905013217.blog.163.com 9. Dive planes Horizontally mounted fins on the U-boat's external hull used to help the boat dive or climb. 水平舵,安装于潜艇外壳水平方向上的舵,用以帮助潜艇下潜或上浮。 bbs.cqzg.cn 10. This provider can be used to serve simple test installs as it doesn't require any other software like databases or external sources. 可以使用这个提供者执行简单的测试安装,因为它不需要数据库或外部源等任何其他软件。 www.ibm.com 1. Finally it is possible to manage up to 8 analog inputs, connected to external analog sensors (temperature, pressure, flow etc). 个模拟输入,连接到外部(温度、压力、流量等)模拟传感器。 ask.suiniyi.com 2. Luckily, it only did not boot into X but I could still get a prompt and mount an external disk and backup my home dir. 幸运的是,它不但没有启动到X,但我仍然可以得到及时和挂载一个外部磁盘和备份我的家目录。 905013217.blog.163.com 3. Dive planes Horizontally mounted fins on the U-boat's external hull used to help the boat dive or climb. 水平舵,安装于潜艇外壳水平方向上的舵,用以帮助潜艇下潜或上浮。 bbs.cqzg.cn 4. This provider can be used to serve simple test installs as it doesn't require any other software like databases or external sources. 可以使用这个提供者执行简单的测试安装,因为它不需要数据库或外部源等任何其他软件。 www.ibm.com 5. Micro performance benchmarks are extremely sensitive to any external factor that consumes CPU time or other important computing resources . 微性能基准测试对于占用CPU时间或者其他重要计算资源的任何外部因素是特别敏感的。 www.bing.com 6. I cannot deal with external authority. Madonna and I are very alike when it comes to that. 应对外部的压抑与影响对我来说不是件容易的事,麦当娜在这方面和我很像。 gb.cri.cn 7. This confirmation is often, but not always, provided by some form of external review, education, or assessment. 这类确定通常但不总是由外部某种形式的审核、教育、或评估实现。 bbs.instrument.com.cn 8. External factors. Including the social environment, family status, contact the social groups, the matter of chance, and many other factors. 外在因素。包括社会环境,家庭状况,接触的社会群体,事情发生的偶然性等诸多因素。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. The utility model relates to a bag used for external counterpulsation treatment, comprising a bag body and a fixing piece. 本实用新型涉及一种体外反搏治疗用囊套。 ip.com 10. Mail contacts are ideal for representing people external to your Exchange organization who do not need access to any internal resources. 邮件联系人是表示Exchange组织外部、不需要访问任何内部资源的人员的理想方式。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The hotel has a tour desk within the lobby that we found to be a lot cheaper than any of the external agencies. 酒店大堂内有一个,我们发现了很多比任何外部机构便宜旅游服务台。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. WS-Policy elements that are defined in an external file can be referred to from within the WSDL by using the element. 通过使用元素,可以从WSDL中引用在外部文件中定义的WS-Policy元素。 www.ibm.com 3. When communicating with an external, public network like this there may be restrictions on your firewall that limit the communication. 当您与这样一个外部公共网络通信时,您的防火墙上可能有一些限制通信的限制。 www.ibm.com 4. He said it was "pointless to think" governments' borrowing costs could be lowered for a protracted period by "external" intervention. 德拉吉表示,那种认为政府借贷成本能靠“外部”干预长期维持较低水平的想法“很不靠谱”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The relationship between the Audit Committee and the External Auditor had not been given due consideration. 审计委员会和外聘审计员之间的关系也未得到适当考虑。 www.wipo.int 6. In general, any method that you expect external applications to call must be defined as a trigger. 一般情况下,您期望外部应用程序调用的任何方法都必须定义为触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Historically, the role of external pressure tends to be paramount in isolating the dictators and causing divisions within their regimes. 从历史上来看,外部压力在孤立独裁者,导致其政权分裂的方面所起的作用极为重要。 sillion.blog.163.com 8. The United Nations agency says they do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substance. 这个联合国机构表示,这些药片不能防止外部辐射,也不能抵御任何其他的放射性物质。 www.voanews.cn 9. A third disaster might be a huge financial crisis perhaps involving a collapsing dollar and a brutal reduction in the US external deficit. 第三个灾难可能是一场巨大的金融危机,也许会涉及到美元的崩溃和美国对外赤字的急剧缩减。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Conclusion The preparation can be used for the quality control and was an ideal external used medicine for tuina treatment. 结论该制剂是较理想的推拿科外用药物,工艺可行,质量可控。 www.chemyq.com 1. Conclusion The preparation can be used for the quality control and was an ideal external used medicine for tuina treatment. 结论该制剂是较理想的推拿科外用药物,工艺可行,质量可控。 www.chemyq.com 2. If so, it risks losing its capitalistic crown, not as a result of any external threat, but through its own fault. 如果美国还是要一意孤行的话,它将丢掉资本主义皇冠-这就不在是外在威胁引起的,而是因为自己本身作出了错误决定。 www.ecocn.org 3. Other people or external forces over which you have no control seem to subtly undermine your efforts - or try to overpower you altogether. 你无法掌控他人或外界压力,他们会在无形中破坏你的努力,或者试图压倒你。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As many as 400 external auditors have been working for the past two years to try and determine the scale of the bank's problems. 过去两年,多达400名外部审计师一直在努力确定农行问题的规模。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So if you wish not to use external mapping file then annotations can be used for your data binding needs. 因此,如果您不想使用外部映射文件,那么可以使用注释来满足您的数据绑定需求。 www.ibm.com 6. We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. 我们发现胚胎在血块阶段的外观和囊袋很像一块凝血。 www.jukuu.com 7. Adam Posen, an external adviser to the Bank of England, said quantitative easing should resume to sustain the British economy's recovery. 亚当.柏森是英格兰银行的外部顾问,宣称应该重新启动一定数量的宽松政策以帮助英国经济复苏。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. The external SMTP server is allowed to submit messages as if they originated from internal senders within your Exchange organization. 允许外部SMTP服务器提交邮件,就像它们来自Exchange组织内的内部发件人一样。 technet.microsoft.com 9. The concept of external economies is essential to understand efficiency advantages which small firms derive from clustering. 外部经济的概念是了解小型企业从机群获得有效优势本质所在。 cne.csu.edu.cn 10. The second part is the logging stored procedures that are used from within the body of SQL-PL or any other external stored procedures. 第二个部分是日志存储过程,可以在SQL-PL或任何其他外部存储过程中使用。 www.ibm.com 1. First, unlike the handful of emerging markets that have recently had problems on the currency front, the HKSARG has no external debt at all. 首先,跟少数新兴市场近期在货币环节上出现问题的情况不同,香港特别行政区政府并没有外债。 www.info.gov.hk 2. Grant the Associated External Account right to the external account (Account B) or to a well-known SID. 授予外部帐户(帐户B)或常用SID“关联外部帐户”权利。 technet.microsoft.com 3. He said an external and internal examination of Winehouse's body had not shown an immediate cause of death. 他说对怀恩豪斯身体的内外检查并没有发现死亡的直接原因。 www.bing.com 4. At this point, the system verifies the name against the external grammar file name. gram. 这时,系统将对照外部语法文件name.gram检验该姓氏。 www.ibm.com 5. External and internal values of life with, and curiosity may soon see whether or not the matter, it can speed up the practice of philosophy. 外在的生活与内在的价值观配合,有好奇心,很快看到事情的可能与否,能够加速对理念的实践。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. It is often more efficient to put CSS in its own external file, rather than in-line it on a page so browsers can cache it. 与将CSS内联到页面中供浏览器缓存相比,将CSS放入其自己的外部文件中会更加有效。 www.ibm.com 7. Except seeds, I did not use any other external input and a remarkable transformation started taking place gradually, " says Mr. Murthy. " 除了种子外,我没有使用任何外部投入,于是我的土地上开始渐渐产生显著的变化。 sites.google.com 8. At the point that the Notes agent invokes the external servlet, it does not matter that the file the servlet looks for is in Notes. Notes代理程序调用外部servlet时,servlet寻找的文件是否在Notes中并不重要。 www.ibm.com 9. Comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors combined to make short - term stock ready to enter the shock stage. 综合分析,内外部因素的综合作用将使得股指短线进入震荡蓄势阶段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. if quick responses have been made to any questions suggested by the internal audit department and the external audit agency. 对内部审计部门和外部审计机构提出问题作出反馈。 www.bokee.net 1. Justice in these countries tends to be a sober affair, insulated as far as possible from external tumult. 司法在这些国家往往是慎审的事务,离外部的骚动越远越好。 www.ecocn.org 2. The level of human capital in its economic growth had been a significant role in the external and higher output flexibility. 人力资本水平在天津经济增长中具有明显的外部性作用且有较高的产出弹性。 www.13191.com 3. In order to be determined ( in the two sense of the word) by an external factor, it is necessary that I should be a thing. 我若是要受外在因素所决定(决定论的双重意涵),我必然会沦为物化的命运。 springhero.wordpress.com 4. It is possible to set the Associated External Account and the msExchMasterAccountSid to any well-known SID or external account. 可以将关联外部帐户和msExchMasterAccountSid设置为任何常见SID或外部帐户。 technet.microsoft.com 5. There are also video and audio ports on it for you to hook up to any external players. 在它上面也有视听端口以便于你联接任何外部播放机。 www.elanso.com 6. An external audit found that community groups appeared to be left out of strategy sessions. 一份外部审计也发现,社区组织根本就不在中国政府的战略考虑中。 www.bing.com 7. They do not protect against external radiation, or against any other radioactive substances besides radioactive iodine. 除了放射性碘,他们不能阻止外部的辐射、或是任何其他辐射性物质。 cet.hjenglish.com 8. It mounts your iPad on your computer as if it were an external drive, and allows you to drag files between your computer and iPad. 它可以将iPad与普通电脑连接起来,就像它是个外置驱动器一样,并允许你在普通电脑和iPad之间拖动档。 chinese.wsj.com 9. While the external causes that have led to this situation should not be neglected, the internal causes seem to be more crucial. 虽然俄共陷入危机有着不容忽视的客观原因,但内部问题更为根本。 epub.cnki.net 10. In today's world, an external hard drive is often used as a backup medium. 现在,经常使用一个外部硬盘驱动器作为备份介质。 www.ibm.com 1. This matters even more if you're trying to build external relationships or if you hope to be visible in the hidden job market. 如果你在努力发展外部关系,或是希望在这个隐形的就业市场中让别人注意到你,那么形象问题就显得尤为重要。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Must not be used on the external surface of any portable electronic product designed to be frequently handled or carried by the user. 镍不可用在用户频繁抓取和携带的手提式电子产品的表层。 www.bitland.com.cn 3. It is also dependent on NASA's desire for a daylight takeoff so it can observe how much debris flies off the shuttle's external fuel tank. 也依赖于美国宇航局想在白天发射的要求,这是为了能观察有多少飞船的外部燃料箱碎片飞脱。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. The expansion-side of the heat-pump is thermally coupled to the heat-source, which is often the external environment. 扩展方面的热泵热耦合的热源,这往往是外部环境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Issuance activities of non-Exchange Fund paper slowed down in the year amid economic downturn and a poor external environment. 由于经济衰退、外围环境欠佳,年内非外汇基金票据及债券的发债活动减少。 www.hotdic.com 6. Thirdly the internal varieties like firm "s R&D management will determine how much TTK can firm absorb from the external. " 企业研发管理等内部因素等决定了外部TTK的吸收能力; www.magsci.net 7. You can now enable Notes client logging of status bar messages to the local log file (Log. nsf) or to an external file that you designate. 您可以将Notes客户机状态条消息设置为记录到本地日志文件(Log.nsf)或者您指定的外部文件。 www.ibm.com 8. FYI: All the external things that you think that are effecting your sales income is not the MAIN PROBLEM. 顺便提醒一下:你所想的所有的影响你的销售业绩的外部因素,未必是主要的症结。 www.bing.com 9. Light and rugged , its easy to carry and no external power adapter is needed . 轻巧而坚固,方便携带而不需要外部变压器。 www.bing.com 10. We used to open up the competition for a position to external candidates, that reduces chances of promotion for existing workers. 我们过去常常吸纳外部候选人来竞争职位,那样提升现有员工的机会就会减少。 club.topsage.com 1. And what I have here marked of wax may be applied to all other things which are external to me [and which are met with outside of me]. 我在此对蜂蜡所作的结论可用于其他外在于我(在我之外所遇到)的事物。 www.jukuu.com 2. At first, you are greatly distracted on earth by an external world that does not seem to be created by your own mind at all. 首先,你被外在的世界很大程度上的分心,那使得你无法明晰通过自己意识创造的一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Some agencies don't seem to mind this intrusion, as it's an external marker of their building's strategic importance. 一些部门看上去并不介意这些干扰,因为这是表明他们大楼具有战略重要性的外部标识。 dongxi.net 4. Cayenne DI container is small (about 35K in size), XML-free, easy to use and has no external dependencies (not even on Cayenne). Cayenne的DI容器规模小(大约是35K)、无XML、易用、而且没有外部依赖(甚至不依赖于Cayenne)。 www.infoq.com 5. Activates an add-in in an external process, in a new application domain, and with a specified trust level. 在外部进程中(且在新应用程序域内)激活具有指定信任级别的外接程序。 6. If its just a couple of hours a day and due to external conditions, how can the spiritual values become deeply embedded? 如果只是一天几个小时,还要视乎外缘如何,那些修持的利益又怎么能够深植于内呢? club.chinaren.com 7. Please note that this illustrates just one approach in integrating Initiate with an external system. 请注意,该示例仅演示了将Initiate与外部系统集成的一种方法。 www.ibm.com 8. Thus, scientists have had to revise the belief that the REM state is an external manifestation of the subjective dream state. 因此,科学家不得不修订他们原有的观念:快速眼部活动(REM)是内心主观睡梦状态的外在客观证明。 www.bing.com 9. But their humanness is very low-key, never external make public, be asked even close friend busy say "do not know " . 从不对外张扬,连亲近友人被问起来都忙说“不知道”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. In the face of such internal and external "troubles" , youths like us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do. 面对着“内忧外患”,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。 www.hotdic.com 1. However , just because China may be less vulnerable to an external financing crisis does not mean that authorities are out of the woods . 然而,仅仅因为中国可能对外部金融危机更具免疫力,并不意味着中国政府就摆脱了危险。 www.bing.com 2. External verification, that this method can be applied to the actual test. 通过外部验证,表明该方法也可以应用于实际检测。 www.0772zd.cn 3. For laying indoor, tunnel, canal and underground. Able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 适用于室内、隧道、电缆沟及地下直埋敷设。电缆能承受机械外力作用,但不能承受大的拉力。 www.showxiu.com 4. Embedding the SQLite engine in an application without need for external dlls, being able to use it in fully managed code with medium trust. 将SQLite引擎嵌入在程序中,而不需要额外的dlls,可以在中等信任级别中使用完全的托管代码。 www.infoq.com 5. In this scenario, the applicant is external to the system and is, therefore, represented by an actor. 在这个方案中,申请人在系统外部,因此用参与者来表示他。 www.ibm.com 6. Set the frequency of simple, easy to operate, only an external potentiometer gently rotating the knob, you can set the frequency. 频率设置简单,操作方便,只需轻轻转动外接电位器的旋钮,就可以进行频率设置。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Governance . The asset pool would be managed by external managers hired by an independent board, which would provide supervision. 治理这个资产池将由独立董事会聘用的外部经理管理,独立董事会负责监督。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Each subject's expectations can be classified into a quadrant: external-stated, external-perceived, internal-stated, or internal-perceived. 每个主题的期望能够划分到一个象限:外部明确、外部领会、内部明确或内部领会。 www.ibm.com 9. With CSS, rules are applied to elements, so it's pretty easy to get all your CSS into an external file. 使用CSS时,规则应用于元素,所以将所有CSS放置到外部文件中相当容易。 www.ibm.com 10. Since the lungs process air, they are the only internal organs that are constantly exposed to the external environment. 因为肺要处理空气,他们就变成了经常暴露在外部环境中的唯一的内脏器官了。 www.bing.com 1. Since the year of 2004, the external social forces are widely participation of the National University, to be an unprecedented development. 自2004年国立大学法人化的实行至今,来自校外的社会力量广泛参与国立大学的办学,国立大学的社会力量得到史无前例的发展。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Partner links identify external parties with which the BPEL process is able to communicate. 伙伴链接(partnerlinks)用来标识那些参与BPEL过程通信的外部团体。 www.infoq.com 3. He was also the first to say that, even with independence, Uganda (and Africa) remained violent as a result of external forces. 他也是第一个说乌干达(和非洲)虽然独立,由于外部干涉仍不稳定的人。 www.bing.com 4. Through a variety of means for the external audit department to maintain the company's tacit approval of false behavior. 通过种种手段使外部审计部门对公司的造假行为保持默许。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It is only recently that Africa is beginning to come up, partly because we are rejecting external meddling. 也是直到最近一段时间非洲才开始有所起色,部分原因正是我们拒绝外部势力搅混水。 dongxi.net 6. Sparrow said, adding that her experiments had led her to conclude that the Internet has become our primary external storage system. 另外,通过实验,她得出这样一个结论:除大脑之外,互联网已经成为我们主要的信息“存储器”。 dongxi.net 7. It is not just external beauty that attracts you to a piece of furniture, it is also the internal values that it embodies. 它不仅有能够吸引你的迷人的外观,而且包含了很高的内在价值。 www.mepla-alfit.com 8. Task commands are similar to controller commands, except that they cannot be invoked by an external request. 任务命令除了不能被外部请求调用外,其他和控制器命令很相似。 www.ibm.com 9. On the question of 'external guidance', he does not rule out extraterrestrial help. 至于“遥控指导”的问题,他没有排除外星人的帮助。 www.bing.com 10. That this emotion was produced by previously existing external conditions, the writer does not deny. 我并不否认,这种激情是以前就存在的外部条件所造成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In tunnel , in cable trench or direct in ground , able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force . 适用于埋地敷设,能承受机械外力作用,但不能承受过大的拉力。 www.bing.com 2. It just depends on how well the external parts of your life are able to align with who you are. 这只跟你生活的外在部分与你是谁之间有多一致有关。 www.bing.com 3. Verified the advantages that compare the wind power generation and conventional power by the external costs that be taken into account. 通过算例验证了计及外部成本的情况下,风力发电与常规能源发电相比的优势。 www.zidir.com 4. The invention relates to a Chinese medicine preparation, in particular to an external drug used for treating zoster. 本发明涉及一种中药制剂,即一种治疗带状疱疹的外用药物。 ip.com 5. If it has only external form but no internal aspects, it is not real Taijiquan; it may be Taiji dance. 如果只能外型像,而没有内部方面的话,这不是真正意义上的太极拳,那只是太极操。 www.zgtaiji.com 6. Is used to locate and open an XML instance document , or to locate and open any external resources referenced by the XML instance document . 用来定位和打开XML实例文档,或者用来定位和打开XML实例文档所引用的任何外部资源。 www.bing.com 7. Max external voltage: Maximum voltage to be continuously given to component in the dark. 最大外加电压在黑暗中可连续施加给元件的最大电压。 www.yitianfuse.com 8. You can combine internal and external RFID Web services into a composite application in an internal SOA to increase operational efficiency. 可以将内部和外部RFIDWeb服务组合为内部SOA中的组合应用程序,以提高操作效率。 www.ibm.com 9. An elevated temperature diffusion process referred to as sintering, sometimes assisted by external pressure, accomplishes this. 提升温度扩散工艺被称为烧结,有时还辅之以外界的压力来达到目的。 www.mapeng.net 10. this person must be detailed oriented , committed to accuracy , and able to effectively communicate with internal and external partners. 该员工必须细致、有责任感并且能够有效地进行内外部沟通。 www.ichacha.net 1. The danger of this approach is that the in-line labels could get out of sync with the values in the external controlled vocabulary document. 这种方法的风险在于行内的标签可能与外部受控词汇表文档中的值不同步。 www.ibm.com 2. There is no one is perfect, so do not complain about his external defects, only the inner beauty is eternal beauty. 世界上没有一个人是十全十美的,所以,不要抱怨自己外在的缺陷,只有内在的美才是永恒的美。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Judged by his external appearances he was a quiet man, but he had a violent temper. 从外表看,他是个文静的人,但实际上他脾气很暴躁。 course.zzu.edu.cn 4. And nuclear is hardly the only energy source that hasn't stood up in the free market once you factor in the external costs. 考虑到外部的成本因素,所以核电到目前为止是唯一还没能在自由市场上自主建设的能源。 www.bing.com 5. An external trim extraction unit supplied by Soma is able to work with a variety of materials at full working speed. 外部装饰抽提装置提供的索玛是能够与不同的材料在全工作速度。 bzxw.512121.com 6. The front tier interfaces to the network(s) of devices and services being managed, the users using the system, and external systems. 前端这一层与管理的设备和服务的网络、使用该系统的用户和外部系统连接在一起。 www.ibm.com 7. Over the weeks, as I found relief internally, I saw that my external world began to change as well, almost miraculously. 几周后,当我感到我终于解脱了,我发现我的外在世界也开始发生变化了,如同奇迹一般。 www.bing.com 8. Thomas Carlyle, in one of his earlier essays, remarks that much which has been taken as external fact must be recognized as inner reality. 卡莱尔在他早期的一篇文章中提到,被认为是外在事实的本质,必须当作内在的实质。 www.bing.com 9. This arch may break due to a similar external force, and material flow resumes until the flow channel is emptied and a rat hole forms again. 这种拱弧由于类似的外力可能垮塌。材料接着流动,直到流动通道被排空,又重新形成鼠洞。 www.plas2006.com 10. The external characteristic of many non-linear systems is only a certain form time series of variable usually. 很多非线性系统的外部特性通常只能是某个单变量的时间序列。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The management options are to offer external cephalic version, to perform planned caesarean section or to aim for vaginal birth. 管理选项提供外部胎头,以执行计划剖腹产或阴道分娩为目标。已有越来越不愿意,在许多中心,让阴道分娩。 www.syyxw.com 2. If the external indebtedness of these countries was to be written off overnight. 如果这些国家的外债能在一夜之间一笔勾销。 dict.veduchina.com 3. External databases make it possible for you to document references to databases. 使用外部数据库可以记录对数据库的引用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. More significantly, many streams depend on external events, and yet should be processed as each element is available. 更重要的是,许多流取决于外部事件,并且当每个元素可用时,才处理这些流。 www.ibm.com 5. It has no external microphone and captures vibrations in the user's jawbone converting them to crisp and clear sound. 它没有外接麦克风和捕捉用户的颚骨震动将它们转换为清晰和清晰的声音。 bbs.bbicn.com 6. Fiberglass can be used for both internal and external doors, but it is with the external doors that the greatest benefit will be felt. 玻璃钢可以用于生产内门和外门,玻璃钢用于生产外门的巨大优势更易被人们感受到。 www.frponline.com.cn 7. In this scenario, an organization has no common strategy for attacking security threats and protecting services from external access. 在此场景中,组织没有用于抵御安全威胁和保护服务避免外部访问的公共策略。 www.ibm.com 8. Indicates whether the report can be rendered if it has external images. 指示是否可以呈现具有外部图像的报表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. "We'd like to see a proper conclusion to this process, " said Bill Plummer, Huawei's U. S. vice president for external affairs. 华为美国公司负责对外事务的副总裁普卢默(BillPlummer)说:“我们希望看到这个过程有一个恰当的结论。” cn.reuters.com 10. It was, perhaps, no great wonder that she should prefer one, so much above her in the external things of life. 这也许并不奇怪,她会折中一个生活上一切外表条件都远比她好的人。 1. With a plethora of external influences pulling at retail, what is going to persuade the consumer to zero in and choose your product? 随着零售拉的外部影响过多,什么是要说服消费者零和选择你的产品? bzxw.512121.com 2. Of course not! You don't have to suffer needlessly. Your destiny depends on you, not on any other external factors. 当然不是这样!你不必委曲求全。你的命运取决于你自己,而不是其他外在的因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Conventional MRI technology uses an exceptionally strong external magnetic field to produce a detectable signal. 传统的磁共振技术使用一个特别强的外部磁场来产生一个可探测的信号。 news.dxy.cn 4. For more information we refer you to external literature about this broad topic. 要得到这些结构的更多信息,建议参考有关此广阔主题的外部著作。 ua2.php.net 5. With one extra external fuel tank available, one more shuttle flight could be flown in 2012, at a cost of $2. 7 billion, she said. 她表示,在另一个外部燃料箱可供使用的情况下,航天飞机还可以在2012年执行一次飞行任务,费用是27亿美元。 www.bing.com 6. The system consists of a miniature adjustable pressure switch connected to a battery operated external alarm. 该系统包括微型可调压力继电器以及与它相连接的外部报警器。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. Communications is the disclosure of information to relevant personnel, including internal and external communications of the company. 所称沟通,系指把资讯告知相关人员,包括公司内、外部沟通。 www.cntranslators.com 8. By comparison, China is up to about its tenth 5 year plan which nobody is going to mess with except external factors beyond their control. 相比之下,中国已经执行了十一个5年计划,没有人能改变除非外部因素超越他们的控制。 ltaaa.com 9. Having money is external, for the money may not serve its function for you, or you may become embroiled in a large family. 有钱归有钱,你可能用不到,不然,就是卷入了一个大家族。 diary.jiayuan.com 10. You can apply these style rules directly to HTML elements or add them either to the current page or to an external style sheet. 您可以将这些样式规则直接套用至HTML项目,或加入至目前页面或外部样式表。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. It also affects how much effect an external force (for example, gravity) has on the object. 在一个物体上多少也受一个外力的影响(如重力)。 www.freegames.com.cn 2. However, in contrast to Buddhists and Taoists, neo-Confucians did not believe in an external world unconnected with the world of matter. 然而,与佛教徒和道教徒,新儒家并不认为在外部的世界与世界无关的事项。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The point of this method is to close all ports and monitor external attempts to make connection. 这种方法的要点在于关闭所有端口并监视外部连接尝试。 www.ibm.com 4. The system context documents how the entire system, represented as a black box, interacts with external entities (systems and end users). 系统上下文对表示为黑盒的整个系统如何与外部实体(系统和最终用户)交互做文档说明。 www.ibm.com 5. The sincerity to the location of Heaven is a realm of Heaven and Man of the pleasure arising from internal and external integration. 把诚提高到天道的位置,便是一种天人合一境界的内外融合而产生的愉悦。 www.cutpic.cn 6. External application methods can be used for those children who don't like to take herbs, and are a good choice of treatment method. 外治敷贴法可应用在临床上不喜服用中药的患儿,一种不错的选择治疗方式。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Experiment results showed that this algorithms could inspect the external defects in steel wire rope rapidly and integrality. 结果表明,该算法能快速、准确完成对钢丝绳表面缺陷的自动检测。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. It seems Oracle is no longer interested in working with an external community to develop new versions of Solaris. 看起来Oracle不想再与外部社区合作来开发新版本的Solaris了。 www.infoq.com 9. Likewise , the diagram does not display changes to the code of the external entity until you rebuild the project for that entity . 同样,直到您为外部实体重新生成项目时,关系图才会显示对外部实体的代码所做的更改。 www.bing.com 10. Earlier this month, the People's Bank of China said the economy was doing "better than expected" but warned of continued external risks. 本月早些时候,中国央行表示,中国经济表现“好于预期”,但警告外部风险依然存在。 www.ftchinese.com 1. People do not know what "Formal-External" means in reference to a review. 人们并不了解评审参数中“正式-外部”的含义。 www.ibm.com 2. Contracts define the external interface, also known as the public interface, of a class. 契约定义了一个类的外部接口(也称公共接口)。 www.ibm.com 3. The challenge now ought to be to make it all work. And that points to two internal tasks and two external ones. 而如今欧盟面临的挑战则是如何落实上述内容----由此也引出了四项任务,两内两外。 ecocn.org 4. with external PWM mechanism to work with video display cases, also to be able to adjust backlight brightness. 外部PWM机制与视频显示案件,也可以调整背光亮度。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Google China said the data for its local Google Maps service was acquired from external data providers in accordance with Chinese law. 谷歌中国(GoogleChina)表示,遵照中国法律,其本地谷歌地图服务的数据来自外部数据提供商。 www.ftchinese.com 6. For laying in doors, in tunnels and in cable trench, able to berar external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 室内、隧道、电缆沟等能承受机械外力的场所,但不能承受大的压力。 www.chinapower.com.cn 7. This is often needed for routers giving their internal rather then their external IP address in a PASV reply. 在PASV回覆的情况下,这是时常需要路由器给予它们内部的IP位址多过外在的IP位址。 translations.launchpad.net 8. commonly , ultrasound elastography can only obtain the axial strain distribution of tissues with an external compression. 超声弹性成像通常只能得到组织在外部压缩作用下的纵向应变分布。 www.ichacha.net 9. A test harness is an external program that works by applying a fixed input to selected classes and methods to see how they behave. 测试工具是一个外部程序,通过应用选定的类和方法,看他们的行为方式输入固定的工作。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. They're actively and deliberately navigating within some sort of external reference frame. 它们积极地并且有意识的在一些外部参考框架进行了导航。 www.bing.com 1. Regardless of the report server mode , references to an external image file in a report must be a fully qualified URL . 无论采用何种报表服务器模式,在报表中对外部图像文件的引用必须为完全限定的URL。 www.bing.com 2. Keep off fame and wealth; crave not external attractions. Always see life as a candle flickering in the wind. 勿涉足名利,勿贪恋外境,时刻视生命如风中之烛。 www.zenheart.hk 3. What happens if the new US administration is not farsighted enough to agree to a separate standard for external dollars? 如果美国下届政府目光不够长远,不同意为外部美元另立标准,那会怎么样呢? www.ftchinese.com 4. But Cengmou remained unmoved , so easy to use pine reinforced, continued external recruitment elderly. 但曾某却不为所动,自行用杉木做简易加固后,继续对外招收老人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Our future is entirely within our own control. It is not at the mercy of any capricious or uncertain external power. 我们的未来全然掌握在我们自己手中,而无须听凭反覆无常的外部力量所摆布。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Absolute, true, and mathematical time, of itself, and from its own nature, flows equably without relation to anything external. 绝对、真正而数学的时间,就其本身而言,从其本身具有之性质,稳定地流动,与任何外物无干。 wenku.baidu.com 7. A metal ball can be absorbed by the magnet when the ball falls down. Its external diameter is larger than the diameter of the control mouth. 及一金属圆球,可脱落地受该磁铁磁性吸附,其外径系大于管制口的口径。 ip.com 8. WHO will add these numbers to its cumulative total following further verification by an external H5 reference laboratory. 世卫组织将在一个外部H5参考实验室进一步核实之后将这些数字添加到其累计总数中。 www.who.int 9. He first waved his hands to an external camera and later held a small Chinese flag, waving it in space. 他首先向一架外挂摄影机挥动他的手并后来举起一面小国旗,在太空里挥动它。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Plain XQuery does not allow you to call SQL user defined functions (UDFs) or external UDFs written in C or Java. 普通XQuery不允许您调用SQL用户定义的函数(UDF)或者用C语言或Java编写的外部UDF。 www.ibm.com |
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