单词 | default options | ||||||||||||||
释义 | default options
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 预设选项,使用选项文件,选择是默认安装 1. Allows you to set default options for developing and building your projects and solutions in the integrated development environment . 所遵循的过程假设您知道如何访问宏开发环境并创建宏项目。 www.bing.com 2. The simple patch in the previous example did not require any changes to the default options on the Review Patch step. 前一个示例中的简单补丁不需要在ReviewPatch步骤中对默认选项作任何更改。 www.ibm.com 3. But it also offers the ability to flip those steps by adding to cart with a set of default options, then customizing later. 但是也允许用户跳过这些步骤,使用一组默认选项添加到购物车,在稍后进行定制。 www.ibm.com 4. The zope. testing module is, in Zope packages, often called by a buildout recipe that specifies default options. 在Zope包中,指定默认选项的buildout常常调用zope.testing模块。 www.ibm.com 5. On the next screen of the wizard (Figure 4), all the default options are sufficient to create a domain. 在下一个向导屏幕(见图4)中,所有默认选项已足够创建一个域。 www.ibm.com 6. The default options (i. e. , no parameters) will cause all of the configuration to be dumped into the WTPResources. xml file. 缺省选项(即,没有参数)将导致所有的配置都被转储到WTPResources.xml文件中。 www.ibm.com 7. Basic mode uses many default options, reducing complexity, while Advanced includes the flexibility required in production installs. 基本模式使用许多缺省选项,从而减少了复杂性,而高级模式可满足在产品安装中所要求的灵活性。 www.ibm.com 8. Accept the default options as shown in Figure 1, then select Next to enter Connection information. 接受如图1所示的缺省项,然后选择Next输入连接信息。 www.ibm.com 9. Opens the Query Options dialog box, to configure the default options for query execution and for query results. 打开“查询选项”对话框,配置查询执行和查询结果的默认选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The binary was executed with the default options found in benchmark. ini (included in the povray package): # povray benchmark. ini. 使用benchmark.ini(包含于povray软件包之中)中的默认选项执行那个二进制程序:#povraybenchmark.ini。 www.ibm.com 1. Create the user options file with the default options and then continue to the end of the setup. 使用默认选项来创建用户选项文件,一直到创建过程的结尾。 www.ibm.com 2. The default options in this dialog box should be exactly what you need. 此对话框中的默认选项将是您需要的准确选项。 office.microsoft.com 3. Default options in social software have consequences for human behavior and social interaction. 社交软件的默认设置对于人们的行为和社交互动产生影响。 www.bing.com 4. Enter to boot the installer with default options or enter a specific boot method and, optionally, boot parameters. 键使用默认的选项引导,或者输入一个可选的引导参数来指定引导的方式。 debian.fr 5. INFO: Incorrect command line options presented. Using default options. 信息:出现了不正确的命令行选项。使用默认选项。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 6. Please press the Configure button to set default options for the 16-bit Fax Driver. 要设置16位传真驱动程序的默认选项,请按“配置”按钮。 tr.bab.la 7. The default options available might not apply to all types of results. 可用的默认选项可能不会应用于所有类型的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The easiest way to start using IDS out of the box is running the installer using the default options. 要开箱即用地使用IDS,最简单的方法是使用默认选项运行安装程序。 www.ibm.com 9. Install Systems Director server with default options. 使用默认选项安装SystemsDirector服务器。 www.ibm.com 10. Complete the wizard by accepting all the default options. 接受所有默认选项,以完成该向导。 support.microsoft.com 1. Once the installer starts running, you can leave the default options as they are. 安装开始运行,选择默认悬想。点击浏览该文件。 www.em120.com 2. When the New Dynamic Web Project Wizard appears, you can, for the most part, leave the default options. 当新动态web项目向导出现时,你在大多数情况下可以使用默认选项,无需做出更改。 www.ibm.com 3. Use Object Explore to quickly create scripts of an entire database, or a single database object using the default options. 使用对象资源管理器可以快速创建整个数据库的脚本,也可以使用默认选项创建单个数据库对象的脚本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This page sets default options for all development languages. 此页设置所有开发语言的默认选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. defaults-file=# Only read default options from the given file #. 只读默认选项指定文件#。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Accept all the default options in the following pages and click Finish. 在接下来的页面中,接受所有的缺省选项并单击Finish。 www.ibm.com 7. In the first screen of this wizard, accept the default options as listed in Figure 23. 在该向导的第一个界面中,接受默认的选项,如图23所示。 www.ibm.com 8. This set up default options as shown in Figure 8. 这设置了如图8所示的缺省选项。 www.ibm.com 9. no-defaults Don't read default options from any option file. 默认选项不读任何选择的文件。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Install it using the default options . At the end make sure it will update and run a scan . If you are unsure , update manually . 安装并应用系统设置选项,最后确保更新,在做个整体扫描。如果不是很懂就自动升级吧。 club.eset.com.cn 1. This means you should also go ahead and define some default options so the user doesn't have to pass in the options if they don't want to. 这意味着您应该继续定义一些默认的选项,使用户在不想传入选项时不需要这样做。 www.ibm.com 2. You have three default options: Category, Function, and Theme, and you can add, delete, or edit them. 您有三个默认的选择:Category、Function,和Theme,并且您可以添加、删除,或编辑它们。 www.ibm.com 3. Finally, you looked at the basic way to set up default options and how to allow users to supply their own options. 最后,查看设置默认选项的基本方式以及如何让用户提供自己的选项。 www.ibm.com 4. You can override the default options by editing the build type file that is written in. 格式编写的生成类型文件,可以重写默认选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Choose all the default options to the questions to create a self-signed certificate, and choose no to the last step, 对这些问题都选择缺省选项,创建一个自签名的证书,然后执行最后一步操作, www-128.ibm.com 6. For most installations some of the default options in your bootloader configuration file, like 大多数安装过程,在引导配置文件中一些默认的选项,比如 debian.fr 7. Also, when specifying additional kernel parameters, you must repeat certain default options that are needed by the 另外,如有指定额外的内核参数,也必须给 debian.fr 8. Click Next, and then continue choosing all the default options 单击Next,然后继续选择所有默认选项。 www.ibm.com 9. In the Project Facets window that displays, the following settings are selected as default options 在显示的ProjectFacets窗口中,选择以下选项作为默认设置 www.ibm.com 10. Set default options for new organization charts 设置新组织结构图的默认选项 office.microsoft.com 1. Accept all the other default options 接受其他所有默认选项 www.ibm.com 2. To install DB2 9, follow these steps (default options should be used unless otherwise specified) 要安装DB29,可遵循以下步骤(如果没有特别说明,则使用默认选项) www.ibm.com |
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