单词 | blind | ||||||||
释义 | blinds是blind的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:blinds 现在分词:blinding 过去式:blinded
例句释义: 百叶窗,遮目物,屏风,〈美〉眼罩,蒙蔽,使昏聩,弄瞎,把…的眼睛弄花,瞎,供盲人用的,鲁莽的,胡来的,厉害地,窗帘,盲注,遮帘过渡 1. This "falling" is often infatuation, and the sheer emotion of "falling in love" often blinds a person to the imperfections of the loved one. “坠入爱河”通常就是迷恋,这种纯粹的情感常常使自己对所爱人的缺点视而不见。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. She figured Blinds. com would be eligible for tax credits for 8 or 10 of the 35 employees it had brought in since the beginning of the year. 她算出Blinds.com将能够在今年年初所招的35个员工中,为8至10人取得税收抵免。 www.bing.com 3. Separating the slats of the horizontal blinds of the one window in his room, peering out, he said to his son, "Did you see the Pilgrims? " 他把房间里的水平百叶窗拉开,凝视外面,对他儿子说:“你看见那些朝圣者了吗?” www.bing.com 4. My worst nightmare re occurs regularly, it is a gang of witches riding up and down my Venetian blinds. It's not easy to explain, i guess. 最可怕的梦境总是重复出现,一群巫婆在我的百叶窗前上上下下,我估计这不太好解释。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Here the air warms up, taking most heat from the sun blinds and is then drawn off by means of mechanical ventilation. 空气在隔层内升温,通过机械通风排走,带走了遮阳叶片上大量的太阳热量。 house.focus.cn 6. Innocence is such a light, light that really blinds you to all that is filthy. 纯真就是这么一束光,这光真正让你对所有污秽之物失去理解力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Electrostatic flocking blinds (shading fabric) is not easy to dirty without frequent cleaning. 静电植绒布窗帘(遮光面料)不太容易脏,无需经常清洗。 www.texclo.net 8. Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, having let down the blinds, was about to leave the room, Natasha called her to her. 娜塔莎躺着,但是当玛丽亚公爵小姐放下窗帘要出去时,娜塔莎把她叫到身边。 novel.tingroom.com 9. The computer will also close the blinds when it get dark or to stop too much sun entering a room. 当天暗下来或者为了减少进入房间的阳光的时候,计算机也会拉下百叶窗。 my.nuaa.edu.cn 10. the routine of ordinary life lulls us into complacency, blinds us to the great mystery of our place in Christ's kingdom. 日常生活令我们陷入充满自得的状态,使我们看不见自己在基督的国度里那奇妙的位置。 www.chinesetodays.org 1. Close the blinds on a hot day if the sun is shining in. Dress lightly instead of turning up the air conditioning. Or use a fan. 天热的时候,如果阳光照进屋子里,就关上百叶窗。穿少点或是使用扇子代替开空调。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We used white blinds instead of curtains to give it a more modern and light feel. 为了制造现代和清爽的感觉,我们用了白色的百叶窗而不是窗帘。 www.bing.com 3. As I spoke, I watched the vertical blinds that closed us off from the daylit world, their color that of fingers on a flashlight lens. 说话的时候,我在看着那个把我们与室外阳光分隔开来的百叶窗。它的颜色就像蒙在手电筒灯泡前的手指头。 www.bing.com 4. The heat transfer coefficients of the glass window with a Venetian blinds are investigated experimentally. 对单双层玻璃窗室内配百叶窗后的传热系数进行了测定。 www.dictall.com 5. There was nothing unusual about this affair of the blinds, for Ruston and Misery robbed everybody. 像百叶窗之类的事件是经常发生的,因为拉什顿和瘟神对所有人都要掠夺。 6. The lamp had been lit, but the blinds had not been drawn. 灯都点燃了,可是窗帘没有拉上。 dict.wenguo.com 7. On another occasion, I noted casually to one staff member that there was some light-spill around the Venetian blinds in my bedroom. 还有一次,我偶然和某位服务员提到,我卧室里的威尼斯窗帘少稍些漏光。 www.ftchinese.com 8. At last the sun is shining, the clouds of blue roll by, With flames from the dragon of darkness The sunlight blinds his eyes. 在最后一个艳阳高照,蓝色卷云层,日光百叶窗他的眼睛从黑暗龙的火焰。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 9. You can draw your blinds and grunt at me on the stairs all you want, No. 7, but I can see your network just fine. 七号房间的你可以在楼梯上对我视而不见或者嘟嘟囔囔,但我却可以查看你的无线网络。 www.bing.com 10. The objective of a predominantly passive system has been realized , the only moving elements being the blinds operated by room occupants. 一个突出的被动式系统的目标已经实现了,仅有的变动因素是人为控制的百叶窗。 bbs.topenergy.org 1. Make sure that your blinds can block out any light that might come in, and that your room stays at a comfortable temperature. 确保你的窗帘能阻隔任何光线进入,室内温度适宜。 www.bing.com 2. Shutters and blinds - Additional thermal resistance - Allocation of a class of air permeability to a product. 百叶窗和防护板.抗温升性.产品的空气渗透性分级 www.mapeng.net 3. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. 因为贿赂能叫智慧人的眼变瞎了,又能颠倒义人的话。 www.ebigear.com 4. Other things being equal , when you're in one of the blinds your preflop raises should generally be a little larger than normal . 如果其他条件差不多,当你在盲注位置时,你翻牌前的加注应比正常稍大。 www.bing.com 5. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous. 不可受贿赂;因为贿赂能叫明眼人变瞎了,又能颠倒义人的话。 www.ebigear.com 6. I dislike him and he always blinds me with science in math. 我不喜欢他,他总是用数学术语蒙我。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I love pairing vaguely aqua walls with worn leather furniture, white linen curtains layered over bamboo blinds, and a burlap-y seagrass rug. 我喜欢将这种模糊不清的水绿色墙壁和旧皮革家具相搭配,白色的亚麻布窗帘轻轻抚在竹叶百叶窗上,以及一套亚麻布地毯。 www.bing.com 8. In their view, apart from obscuring views out, such blinds make naturally-ventilated spaces feel like parts of air-conditioned buildings. 在他们看来,除了遮挡对外的视线外,这些室内百叶窗使得自然通风空间感觉像在空调建筑里一样。 www.topenergy.org 9. But, as she sits down, Park directs the waiter to pull the blinds to shut out the light. 不过,当朴槿惠坐下时,她要求侍者拉下百叶窗,挡住光线。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This time when I wake up, rays of yellow morning are leaking in through the holes in the door and the torn blinds. 这一次当我醒来的时候,早晨的光线在通过黄河漏水的孔的门,破损的窗帘。 zirj37310.zicool.com 1. I have no blinds so I got a poster from my wall and stuck it to the wood on my window with nails. 我的窗户上面没有窗帘,所以我决定钉张海报放上面挡档太阳。 www.xici.net 2. It blinds him to the treasure he freely enjoys through constant relationship with the father. 它百叶窗他去珍惜他自由地通过不断与父亲的关系享受。 www.douban.com 3. At the funeral of the master Gu, Gu's Mother blinds Brother Quan for vengeance, and the blood instantly spatters on his body and instrument. 葬礼之上,古母为追悼恶少亡魂刺瞎泉哥双眼,鲜血顷刻染红了人与琴。 english.chinese.cn 4. She cranks up the Venetian blinds . I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If the kitchen artistry must leave more crack in the door, do some shutter blinds, ventilation panels, in order to continue to add air. 如厨房的门下必须留些门缝、门板上做些百叶窗、通风板,以便源源不断地补充空气。 www.brar.cn 6. But he did but then he started tearing up everything and he started drawing in the blinds from the. . . ah the drapes into it. 它会这么做但一会便开始把所有东西扯个粉碎,它把百叶窗硬是给拽进笼子。 www.hjenglish.com 7. They do not use blinds in their houses and the curtains do not fully protect from the sunlight. 他们在房间中不使用百叶窗。窗帘不能充分的遮蔽阳光。 www.bing.com 8. DO NOT place crib near window where cords from blinds or drapes may strangle a child. 不要将婴儿床放置在靠近窗户的位置,窗帘绳可能勒住幼儿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Europe is the main export market of blinds and shutters, and to enter the European market must be certified by CE. 欧洲市场是国内遮阳企业出口的主要市场,而进入欧洲市场必须通过欧盟的强制性认证。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 10. But the character volume is actually distinct, and detailed characterization Rattan furniture rattan textures, blinds or clothing patterns. 而人物却体积分明,并细致刻画藤制家具的藤质感、百叶窗或是衣物上的花纹。 www.fabiao.net 1. Shutters, external blinds, internal blinds - Terminology, glossary and definitions. 遮板、内百叶窗、外百叶页窗.术语、词汇和定义 www.mapeng.net 2. Use blinds and get a glare screen. Position the computer screen to reduce reflections from windows or overhead lights. 调节显示器位置减少室外光及头顶灯光的反射。 dongxi.net 3. Windows and curtain walling, doors, blinds and shutters. Determination of the resistance to soft and heavy body impact for doors. 窗户和窗帘墙壁,门,百叶窗和活动遮板.柔软和重的物体撞击门的抗性测定 www.mapeng.net 4. Windows, doors, shutters and blinds. Bullet resistance. Requirements and classification. 窗、门、百叶窗。防弹性。要求和分类。 www.tdict.com 5. Objective Glaucoma is a eye disease of the blinds which causes glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy and visual field defect. 目的:青光眼是一组以特征性视神经萎缩和视野缺损为特征的不可逆性致盲眼病之一,其致盲率已上升为第二位。 www.fabiao.net 6. During summers, residents close the window's external blinds to block the sun and prevent overheating. 在夏天的时候,居民们可以关闭窗户外边的挡板,阻挡阳光,防止被灼伤。 dongxi.net 7. Close blinds or shades on south-and west-facing windows during the day, or fix shading equipment to avoid heat build-up. 在白天关闭南向和西向窗户的百叶窗或窗帘,或固定的遮阳设备,防止热量聚集。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Use the Venetian blinds style if you want high levels of reuse as well as to maximize the potential for namespace hiding. 如果您想要高度的重用,还想最大可能地隐藏名称空间,那么请使用Venetianblinds风格。 www.ibm.com 9. Sue was upstairs measuring for blinds when I heard a rap at the door. 苏在楼上丈量尺寸,好装窗帘,我听到叩门声。 www.bing.com 10. Linna through icy land, her husband watched from the blinds, she was looking after, the film's voice-over came. 宝琳娜走过冰冷的大地,她的丈夫从窗帘被后看着她的背影,影片的画外音传来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The mould design of Persian blinds was introduced. By technology analysis, the mould design and manufacturing were predigested. 介绍了进风口百叶窗的模具设计,通过工艺分析,简化模具设计及制造。 www.chemyq.com 2. She cranks up the Vanetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. 她拉起了威尼斯百叶窗,我盯着朦胧的白色窗帘,期盼着它飘动。 www.523333.com 3. Energy-saving techniques need not all be as exotic as installing coated glass, computer-controlled blinds or photovoltaic cells. 节省能源的技术并非一定包括如安装涂釉玻璃、由电脑控制的百叶窗或光生伏打电池等一些奇特的方式。 hi.baidu.com 4. Ms. Kolotnytska spent most of Monday in her ground-floor apartment with blinds drawn and not answering the doorbell. 克洛特尼特斯卡周一大部分时间都呆在自己位于大楼一层的公寓里,紧闭窗帘,也不理会门铃。 c.wsj.com 5. Removing direct light sources, moving your computer station, or installing blinds, screens, or shades can reduce glare. 去除直接光源,移动您的电脑,或安装窗帘,屏风,或深浅可减少眩光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The ice of Antarctica glows with a light so dazzling, it blinds the unprotected eye. 南极洲的冰块在阳光的照耀下非常刺眼,它甚至可让你失明。 www.ted.com 7. I will have to live with a light that blinds me, until at last I have used up all the lives of Lyonnesse that lie within my gut. 我将不得不生活在会让我失明的光线中,直到最终用尽了所有被我吃掉的Lyonnesse居民的生命。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So often, love and hope blinds to what's obvious, when seen from a distance. 所以,爱情和希望经常蒙蔽我们的双眼,让我们看不清显而易见的事实,旁观者清,当局者迷。 www.bing.com 9. Shutters and blinds power operated - Safety in use - Measurement of the transmitted force. 电力操作的百叶窗和遮蔽物.使用中的安全性.传输力的测量 www.mapeng.net 10. Electrically-operated blinds are installed in the space between the TIM and the external glazing. (见图示3.8)电力操纵的帘子安装在TIM和外面的玻璃之间的空隙里。 www.topenergy.org 1. Outside, the mid-morning sun is now very bright, and, though the blinds are still drawn, I can see my parents' clothes clearly now. 太阳的距离首府外,现在很亮,虽然百叶窗仍然吸引,我能看到我的父母的衣服清楚了。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light, the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it. 活动百叶窗歪歪斜斜地挂着,一角白光从中漏进来,工头乔.安奎尔的手移到了白光中。 www.waiyulm.com 3. Skylight, clearstory, dormant window, louver, venetian blinds. 天窗,通风窗,老虎窗,百叶窗,软百叶窗。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It' s cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria , or spending a pleasant hour organizing your closet. 它是听着咏叹调清洗百叶窗,或是花一段快乐的时间整理衣橱。 www.docin.com 5. Yet the complexity that you crave blinds you with facts that you call proof to the contrary. 然而你所渴望的复杂性伴随着你所谓的证据蒙蔽了你,将你引向反面。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Decoration, Jacquard, Furniture Fabrics, Venetian Blinds, Awnings , Roller Blinds, Pannels. 采购产品装饰,提花机,家具织物,威尼斯百叶帘,遮阳篷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The coming of night is like the drawing down of blinds. 夜晚的到来就像是取用百叶窗。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Introduce vertical blinds, roller screen, pleated blinds, venetian blinds. 利来帘制造公司-介绍捲帘,百摺帘,垂直帘,百叶帘。 tinpok.com 9. It's cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasure hour organizing your closet. 一边听咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗帘是一种幸福;花点时间愉快地整理一下壁橱是一种幸福; hi.baidu.com 10. Presumption first blinds a man, then sets him a running. 自以为是的人,犹如蒙眼跑步。 www.bing.com 1. Interlacing is a technique that displays a file in horizontal chunks, something like venetian blinds. 交错是一项以水平色块显示文件的技术(有点像百叶窗)。 office.microsoft.com 2. If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home. If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home. 如果明亮的光蒙蔽您的眼睛,我的爱将带你回家。如果回家的路上遇上什么困难。我的爱会带你回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. She raises the Venetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. 她把百叶窗卷了起来,我便盯着那薄薄的白窗帘,盼着它飘起来。 www.24en.com 4. Love blinds you. And when you're in love, you can't think reasonably. 爱情蒙住了你的眼睛,当你坠入爱河的时候,你就无法理智的思考。 en.chinabroadcast.cn 5. When you are starting out the blinds are going to be the trickiest spot to play from. 当你开始在盲注位置玩牌时,你将变得非常狡猾。 www.91winpoker.com 6. Bras don't have annoying transition effects like "window blinds" , "newsflash" , and "fade out" . 胸罩没有烦人的转场效果,如百叶窗、淡出等--一般都直接去除! www.haokanbu.com 7. Curtains of blinds look crisp and clean, are simply installed and dismantled and are free to adjust the indoor light. 百页窗帘外观整洁明快,安装及拆卸简单,可随意调整室内光线。 www.13191.com 8. In addition to wall coverings and panels, her textiles can be crafted into cushions, throws, table runners or blinds. 除了墙面和面板,她的纺织品,可制作成垫子,投掷,桌布或百叶窗。 www.mt-bbs.com 9. The Venetian blinds style uses global type definitions to increase reuse capabilities. Venetianblinds风格使用全局类型定义来增加重用能力。 www.ibm.com 10. Window Shades and Blinds, and Drapery Hardware in the U. S. 美国遮阳棚、百叶窗、窗帘市场。 www.giichinese.com.cn 1. The sun sets. Neon light blinds the night. 夕阳西下。霓虹灯点亮了夜幕。 laiba.tianya.cn 2. but last time I called, I observed the blinds were let down immediately. 不过我上次去看她时,注意到她马上放下了窗帘。 www.exams.cn 3. In Winnipeg, it is against the law to go naked in your own home if you leave the blinds up. 在加拿大温尼伯市,法律规定,如果未拉窗帘,禁止在家中赤身裸体。 select.yeeyan.org 4. Shutters, external and internal blinds - Misuse - Test methods. 百叶窗,内部和外部遮蔽物.错用.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 5. If you haven't already, you should close the blinds, drapes or shades on your windows to minimize any issues caused by the sunlight outside. 如果还没准备好,你应该拉下百叶窗或窗帘,尽量减少室外阳光照射下所造成的任何问题。 www.bing.com 6. Shutters and blinds - Measurement of operating force - Test methods. 百页窗和屏风.操作力的测定.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. Windows, doors, shutters and blinds. Bullet resistance. Test method. 窗、门、百叶窗。防弹性。试验方法。 www.tdict.com 8. When it comes to window blinds, vertical blinds are terrific, but so are horizontal blinds. 当说到窗帘,立式的百叶窗太棒了,但水平的百叶窗也一样。 www.hxen.com 9. All windows of the house have curtains or window blinds. The sliding glass doors have vertical blinds. 房子里的所有窗户都有窗帘或遮光帘,滑动玻璃门有垂直遮光帘。 www.e-say.com.cn 10. No. Darkness blinds you so you miss more often, but will not make you target your party members or anybody else you don't want to. 黑暗状态使角色失明,攻击经常会出现miss,但是不会使角色攻击队友或者你不想。 c.wapok.com 1. Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in. 她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Changed 'Hit Blinds Target' to a level-based formula. 改变一击使目标看不见一基于水平的公式。 www.blizzardcn.com 3. Yes, there are risks and potential dangers, but worry magnifies these disproportionately and blinds us to the wonders of our age. 不错,是有风险与潜在危险,但是忧虑过度地放大了这些东西,遮蔽了我们这个时代中的美好。 www.elanso.com 4. The boyfriend's moony face peered out between the blinds. 那个男朋友呆呆的脸,透过百叶帘往外看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Superstition often blinds people from the scientific world. 迷信经常阻碍人们认识科学世界。 video.2u4u.com.cn 6. External blinds and shutters - Resistance to wind loads - Method of testing. 外遮帘和遮板.对风负载的耐性.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. In addition to general lighting, the box has built-in LED reading lamps while windows are equipped with electric-drive blinds for privacy. 除一般照明外,盒子还有内置LED阅读台灯,而窗户也配备电动百叶窗来保护隐私。 www.kekenet.com 8. CLIFFORD: Shelves, bedroom, dirty blinds. 架子,卧室,脏窗帘。 www.kekenet.com 9. Boy, my love will get you home. If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home. 孩子,我的爱会带你回家。如果明亮的光蒙蔽你的眼睛,我的爱将带你回家。 club.yninfo.com 10. of morning sunlight off the snow nearly blinds me when I'm driving. 当我早晨开车的时候,雪地上反射的强烈光线几乎把我给弄瞎了。 shanbay.com 1. The 'shrooms made their debut this fall cradling shipments of window blinds. 今年秋天,在窗帘的销售装运也随之增长的季节,这些“蘑菇”材料已经登场亮相。 www.bing.com 2. However, there's a saying which goes, "Love blinds all men, both the reasonable and the foolish. " 不过俗云:“不管是理智或是愚蠢的人都会被爱情所蒙蔽。” www.ivyenglish.com.cn 3. Closed curtains and blinds will help stop broken window glass from falling on beds. 拉好的窗帘能帮助防止碎玻璃掉到床上。 item.feedsky.com 4. The architects wished to avoid the use of solid internal blinds for glare control. 建筑师们期望避免使用室内百叶窗控制炫光。 www.topenergy.org 5. Military families will keep the blinds closed on the windows facing the driveway. 军人的家属们,依旧会将那面向车道的窗户上的百叶窗,不变地关上。 www.bing.com 6. A006B the right increases the ratio of Brad shutters and horizontal blinds, to strengthen the role opening. A006B适当增大角钉帘与水平帘的速比,以加强开松作用。 www.texclo.net 7. we traveled through germany in the special train with the blinds down . . 我们坐在放下百叶窗的专列里穿越德国。。 www.ichacha.net 8. The roll-up blinds have plastic oval-shaped slats that measure about ? inch tall. 卷轴式百叶窗带有尺寸大约?英寸高的塑料椭圆形板条。 db.21food.cn 9. The lake and river waters are as opaque as rainforest leaves; they are veils, blinds, painted screens. 湖水与河水都如热带雨林中的树叶那样乳浊;那水是面纱,是窗帘,是画屏。 www.kekenet.com 10. Rubbing alcohol does a terrific job of cleaning the slats of venetian blinds. 外用酒精用来清洁软百叶窗的条板,效果奇佳。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 1. It is also asking late workers to drawn blinds or use desk lamps rather than using ceiling-mounted lighting. 同时,它也呼吁夜间工作的人们拉上百叶窗或者用台灯,而不要使用天花板上的照明灯。 www.suiniyi.com 2. re blinds, we will make sure you dont get stuck with all the same, but of course the more you order the clustering of color ways will occur. 我们会争取让你们不会收到一样的版本,但当然,你订的越多,抽到不同版本的机会就越大。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. We awake in the light feeling hollow and selfishly warm Close the blinds and retreat, until what is burning is gone, And it's light is away. 我们在光线中醒来,在空洞而自私的温热中伸展关上窗户退回房间直到太阳和它的光线一起消失不见。 bulaoge.com 4. More fine-tuned light control and more use and servicing of blinds could easily ameliorate these issues. 可微调的光照控制加上窗帘的使用和维修将轻而易举地改善这些问题。 www.ebigear.com 5. Light filtered through the blinds. 光线透过百叶窗。 break.livid.cn 6. she hands him a pastel stuffed bear and closes the blinds . she is uncomfortable. 她递给他一个茸毛填充玩具熊,拉上百叶窗。她有点不安。 www.ichacha.net 7. Venetian and vertical blinds are our most popular styles. 活动式百叶窗和垂直百叶窗是我们最热门的款式。 epaper.pchome.com.tw 8. the presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains. 有卷帘百叶窗就不需要窗帘了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The second accusation is that imperial nostalgia blinds Britain to the limits of its sovereign power today. 第二种指控是帝国怀旧观念使英国盲目自大,无视自身统治权的有限性。 www.ecocn.org 10. Dozens or even blinds online job search information. 网上多达几十甚至上百叶的求职信息。 dict.wanyuwang.com 1. many had bamboo sails that folded neatly like window blinds. 而是可以像窗帘一样折叠得整整齐齐的竹帆。 www.jukuu.com 2. It'scleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or apending a pleasant hour organizing you closet. 它是在倾听卷起百叶窗帘的声音时方佛在听一首咏叹调,或是把整理衣橱定义为快乐的时光。 www.tianya.cn 3. If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home . 如果光亮迷了你的眼睛,我的爱会带你回家; blog.sina.com.cn 4. But the tendency to simplify blinds them to other alternatives. 但是这种简化倾向会他们对于其他的可选项视而不见。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The window blinds on all six storeys are drawn and no one answers the bell. 所有六层楼的百叶窗都被拉起,没有人应门铃。 www.ecocn.org 6. This is the area I struggle with the most and when you're starting out I recommend playing a very tight range in the blinds. 这个区域的斗争最多,在你刚开始大牌时,我建议你在这个位置要打得非常紧。 www.91winpoker.com 7. Would you please pull down the blinds? 请你把窗帘放下好吗? 8. Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧? oral.ebigear.com 9. When anger blinds the mind, truth disappears. 当愤怒掩蔽心智时,即不见真理。 10. If the bright light blinds your eyes, my love will get you home. 如果太阳的光亮刺疼你的眼,让我的爱带你找到回家的路。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Close the blinds and turn off extra lights to reduce glare. 关闭百叶窗,熄灭多余的灯盏,减少强光。 www.kekenet.com 2. This blinds or distracts the predator. 这会让捕食者失明或者受到干扰。 www.ted.com 3. Those blinds soften the sunlight. 那些窗帘减弱了阳光的强度。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Please let down the blinds. 请把百叶窗放下。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. It is your fixed idea that you must be something or other, that blinds you. 是你那要成为某些或其他东西这种固执的想法将自己蒙蔽。 blog.hangzhou.com.cn 6. His resentment blinds his good sense. 愤怒使他失去理智。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. While the award lollipops were still in our mouths, the second game began. It was "Blinds haul the ropes" . 当第一轮可爱的奖品——棒棒糖还含在嘴里时,主持人宣布第二个游戏开始了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. She hides handsome and richly drest aft the blinds of the window. 她美貌,衣着华丽,躲在窗帘背后。 www.yourblog.org 9. If the bright lights blinds your eyes. 如果亮点百叶窗您的眼睛是雪亮的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Shall I pull down the blinds? 我可以放下百叶窗吗? www.jxenglish.com 1. Clean windows and dust blinds . 擦净窗户玻璃并给百叶窗除尘。 www.bing.com 2. When most companies use the term "culture" , you may as well pull down the blinds and go to sleep. 在大多数公司谈论自己的“文化”时,你即使睡上一觉醒来也知道它们说了些什么。 www.letou.cn 3. It's much much better to reraise these hands in the blinds that many SSNL players normally just call with. 这些牌足够好到去再加注了,而往往很多无限玩家只是跟注。 www.91winpoker.com 4. "Wow, what knockouts! " the man said with surprise. "Now, where do you want these blinds? " “哇,多动人的人儿呀!”那男子惊奇地说,“现在你们想把窗帘挂在哪儿?” www.putclub.com 5. And each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds. 每个缓慢的黄昏为盲者垂下帘窗。 www.douban.com 6. When anger blinds the mind, truth disapears. 烧瞎心眼,真理在前看不见。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The windows are closed, the blinds half-pulled, and she is not late. 窗户关的严严的,窗帘半卷,她没有迟到。 never.1sthotwomen.com 8. Avarice blinds our eyes. 贪婪蒙蔽了我们的眼睛。 bbs.putclub.com 9. I close both blinds and turn away. 关上两扇百叶窗我转过脸去 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But when I try to pull back the window blinds, he stops me. 但是当我尝试把窗户窗帘,他阻止我。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Because the windows where covered by blinds that never kept out the light from the street lights the room was pretty well lit. 因为窗户上的窗帘根本挡不住外面路灯射进来的光,所以房间里还是很亮。 rrting.com 2. But just because you are playing tight in the blinds doesn't mean you are a big sissy either. 虽然你在盲注位置打得很紧,但并不意味着你是胆小鬼。 www.91winpoker.com 3. It can reduce the burden of keeping the fabrics for sunscreen or roll blinds in stock. 能够减少厂里的阳光卷帘面料的库存。 www.d3show.com 4. My biggest peeve was with the blinds they didn't close completely because they weren't long enough, cheap bamboo blinds. 我最想抱怨的就是,那些用竹子做的廉价百叶窗因为不够长而没办法关严实一些。 www.taskcn.com 5. We want to buy Decoration, Jacquard, Furniture Fabrics, Venetian Blinds, Awnings , Roller Blinds, Pannels. 我们要采购装饰,提花机,家具织物,威尼斯百叶帘,遮阳篷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We want to buy Wooden Venetian Blinds, Vertical Components, Roller Components. 我们要采购木制的威尼斯百叶窗,垂直分量,滚子组件。 easytrade.com 7. W: Come on, you don't even know that blinds following is a sign of immaturity. 得了吧,你不知道盲从是不成熟的表现吗? www.hxen.com 8. i will steal away out through your blinds, for soon you will be waking. 但我会从你的百叶窗溜走,因为你很快会醒来 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Let the blinds down, so we can watch the video. 放下百叶帘,我们才能看影片。 www3.upweb.net 10. Go to sleep with your blinds or curtains halfway open. 睡觉时让您的百叶窗或者窗帘半开。 www.bing.com 1. The amount of the small and big blinds and antes and who is posting them. 小,大盲注和底注,谁是它们张贴金额。 www.bing.com 2. The Venetian were blind. They named blinds after them, remember? I like this one. 威尼斯人都瞎眼了,后来的瞎子也都是因威尼斯人得名,记得吗?我喜欢这一张。 www.ebigear.com 3. The accountant draws the blinds, leans over the desk and whispers: "What would you like it to be? " 会计拉下窗帘,俯身在桌前低声问道:“你想得到几?” www.ecocn.org 4. The Speech and Natural Language Processing Technique Used in a Software System for the Blinds 盲人用计算机软件系统中的语音和自然语言处理技术 www.ilib.cn 5. Curtains opening and closing or down, the blinds down and angle adjustment; 窗帘开合或升降,百叶窗的升降和调角; baike.baidu.com 6. Design of rolling blinds machine of single axis traction type used in sunlight green house 日光温室单轴牵引型卷帘机设计 service.ilib.cn 7. With flames from the Dragon of Darkness the sunlight blinds his eyes 黑暗巨龙喷出火焰之时,阳光刺得他看不见一切。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Vertical blinds consisting of slats of stiffened fabric, plastic, or metal hanging by one end from a track; 垂直帘采用坚硬的布料或金属直条叶片,由末端从轨道上悬垂而成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Then the Negro opened the blinds of one window, they could see that the leather was cracked; 黑人打开了一扇百叶窗,这时,便更可看出皮套子已经坼裂; www.putclub.com 10. Curtains & interior blinds; valances of synthetic fibres, crocheted 合纤制钩编的窗帘等 www.china-customs.com 1. Exterior blinds - Resistance to load due to water accumulation - Test method 外遮帘.由于水积累的负载抗性.试验方法 www.mapeng.net 2. Control panel for lighting, blinds and music with individual temperature control settings 控制板可以调节灯光、百叶窗、音乐,还带有独立的温度控制装置 www.ritzcarlton.com 3. Curtains & interior blinds; valances of other textiles, crocheted 其他纺织材料制钩编的窗帘等 china-customs.com 4. Curtains & interior blinds; valances of synthetic fibres, knitted 合纤制针织的窗帘等 www.china-customs.com 5. Curtains & interior blinds; valances of cotton, knitted 棉制针织的窗帘等 china-customs.com 6. Support various display style of picture and text(window-blinds, rolling, etc. ) 图片和文字支持多种显示方式(百叶窗,滚动等)。 code.google.com 7. Slip blinds at pressures causing permanent deformation 受压滑动盲板的永久性变形 www.lpmri.com 8. External blinds and shutters - Suitability for use of tubular and square motorization - Requirements and test method 百叶窗和外层帘用管形和方形电动装置牵引的适用性试验方法和要求 www.mapeng.net 9. a radiance that blinds the sun 使太阳黯然失色的强光。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. let's open up the blinds 'cause we really don't mind 我们把窗帘打开因为我们真的不在乎 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Design and Manufacture of Stamping Die for the Blinds of Wind Inlet 进风口百叶窗冲模设计与制造 www.ilib.cn 2. Precision Die Design And Manufacture of Persian Blinds on CNC Punch CNC冲床上的百叶窗精密模具设计与制造 ilib.cn 3. I wish I could hide behind the blinds 我希望我能躲藏在盲人身后 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Design And Manufacturing of Persian Blinds Mould 进风口百叶窗模的设计及制造 www.ilib.cn 5. The dazzled eyes with pride, which great ambition blinds, 野心蒙蔽双目,骄矜令人目眩。 www.bing.com 6. Blinds on the window and a pain behind the eyes 掩上的窗帘和眼中藏匿的伤痛 www.freewings.com.cn 7. Curtains & interior blinds; valances of oth textiles, not knit or crochtd 其他纺织材料制非针织非钩编窗帘等 www.china-customs.com 8. And there's dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight 还有的尘埃在我的眼里,这百叶窗我的视线 zhidao.baidu.com 9. What blinds us is the desire to achieve an end, a result; 蒙蔽我们的是要达到一个终点、得到一个结果的欲望; blog.sina.com.cn 10. It's reason now that blinds us, please believe, 相信我,正是理智迷惑了我们, salina0456.bokee.com 1. Venetian blinds slice up the moon; 百叶帘把月亮切成了片; dict.kekenet.com 2. use of wooden window frames instead of plastic ones, of window shutters instead of roller blinds; 采用木制窗框胜于塑胶框,以百叶窗取代捲轴式窗帘; tw.anfang.dyndns.org 3. Pulleys of plastics for blinds 窗帘用塑料滑轮 www.21etm.com 4. Blinds [outdoor], not of metal and not of textile 非金属和非纺织品制遮帘(室外) www.86tm.com 5. Lock the doors and close the blinds 锁上门,关上窗帘 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Design of rolling blinds machine of WPJL 60 - type 60-型卷帘机设计 www.ilib.cn 7. so put the blinds down low 把帘子放低一些吧 oral.ebigear.com 8. To have a light so bright it blinds 那样明亮的光让我失明 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The closed blinds in my home, 家中闭合的百叶窗 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Each room has a panel that controls the room's electronics and blinds; 每个房间都有面板,能控制室内的电子设备和百叶窗; www.tianya.cn 1. Where do you want these blinds 窗帘挂于何处 en.chinaradio.cn 2. Somebody had tried by themselves to open the blinds 有人试着把窗帘打开 zhidao.baidu.com |
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