单词 | dam |
释义 | damming是dam的现在分词
复数:dams 现在分词:damming 过去式:dammed damming 例句释义: 水坝,拦河坝,母兽,骒马,母亲,水闸,橡皮障,抑制,筑水闸堵住,遮断,筑坝,修筑隔墙,堰塞,堰塞成因 1. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. 一场大规模洪水能够由倾泻这些大规模水蒸汽之河中的一个来产生,导致巨量的雨倾盆而下。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The product has also been used extensively for coffer damming in civil engineering work. 他们的产品在全球也被广泛用于围堰、截流等土木工程工作中。 www.job-998.com 3. ravage wreck Damming rivers for hydropower plants has devastated river systems , submerged farmland and displaced thousands of people . 拦河筑坝,建立水力发电厂,破坏了河川生态体系,淹没农田,并使数千人被迫迁居他乡。 www.bing.com 4. An Objective Climatology, Classification Scheme, and Assessment of Sensible Weather Impacts for Appalachian Cold-Air Damming. 阿巴拉契亚的冷空气屏障的客观气候分类方案和敏感天气的作用估计。 edu.cma.gov.cn 5. When I first read Damming the Delaware, I read with interest Stewart Udall's Foreword co the original publication of the book. Mr. 当我第一次读到《筑坝特拉华河》这本书时,我饶有兴趣地阅读斯图尔特尤德尔这本书的原版前言。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. My dissertation "Damming China's Grand Canyon: Pluralization without Democratization in the Nu River Valley" goes more into this. 我的博士论文“中国筑坝的大峡谷:怒江流域非民主化中的多元化”在这点上有更多的讨论。 www.chinadialogue.net 7. The natural course of rivers, streams, and lakes has been compromised by centuries of damming, diversion , sprawl, and industrial pollution. 数百年来,河流和湖泊的自然水道因筑坝、改道引水、拓展和工业污染等原因遭到了破坏。 www.jukuu.com 8. the measures of furrow damming, the combination of film mulching and furrow damming can deepen the soil layer of soil water storage. 垄向区田和覆膜 垄向区田措施具有增加土壤储水深度的作用。 www.sswcc.org 9. Damming the Delaware is a poignant story about the demise of a bad idea. 筑坝特拉华河是一个令人动容的故事,坏主意逐渐被打消掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. These countries blame Beijing for damming up water to benefit Chinese citizens while people downstream are starving. 这些国家指责北京筑坝拦水,中国人获益,而使下游人民挨饿。 career.51youcai.com 1. The quake lake is naturally formed by complete damming of a river. 堰塞湖是由于天然坝的完全堵江蓄水而形成。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. a pond formed by damming a stream to provide a head of water to turn a mill wheel. 通过筑堤坝蓄水成池并提供水力来转动水车。 www.jukuu.com 3. I was well aware that draining and damming were making a mess of many rivers and wetlands. 我很清楚,挖沟排水和筑坝拦水正把许多河流和沼泽地搞得乱七八糟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. With this meeting they celebrated successful river damming. 这次大会庆祝了大坝的顺利填筑。 www.bing.com 5. The damming and weiring of British rivers for watermills was small-scale, renewable, picturesque and devastating. 在英国境内,为水磨运行而进行的拦河筑坝是小规模的,可再生的,风景如画的,但是也是破坏性的。 dongxi.net 6. China's leaders long dreamed of damming the Yangtze, in part to harness its power, but primarily to prevent catastrophic flooding. 建设长江大坝是中国领导人长期以来的梦想,一方面是想利用其水利资源,但更主要的是为了防止洪灾。 www.jukuu.com 7. Its damming of the Mekong has sparked anger downstream in Indochina. 中国在湄公河修建大坝已然引起中南半岛下游地区的不满。 www.bing.com 8. The major technical constraints on damming the Yarlung Tsampo have been overcome. 在雅鲁藏布江上修建水坝的技术难题已经被攻克。 www.bing.com 9. The paper introduces the test and its results on press parameters of Zhangjashan Ash Dump, and some experience in ash damming . 介绍了巨化集团公司热电厂张家山灰场工程中灰体辗压参数的实验及实践结果,总结了以灰筑坝过程中的一些经验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. By damming the stream, the engineers impounded its waters for irrigation. 以建水坝的方式,这些工程师蓄积这条河流的水以供灌溉。 lividict.org 1. This iconic photograph by Peter Dombrovskis played an instrumental role in the campaign to prevent the damming of the Franklin river. 彼得多姆波罗斯基的这幅标志性照片在阻止富兰克林河筑坝运动中起到了积极的作用。 www.bing.com 2. The concentrator damming problems are studied. 研究了选矿厂尾矿坝筑坝问题; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. They are damming up rivers and building coal power plant after coal power plant, it's just incredible the thoughtlessness. 他们截流后修建燃煤发电厂,这是简直令人难以置信的轻率。 www.bing.com 4. In a small community, I think it's more damming than sending someone off to prison. 而在一个小的社区内,这样做比送他们进监狱更能起到控制此类罪行的作用。 www.bing.com 5. I'll raise both hands in favour of damming the river. 我举双手赞成拦河筑坝。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The most important part of the work consisting in river damming started in 1955. 筑坝最重要的工作开始于1955年。 www.bing.com 7. It took just 19 hours and 35 minutes to realize the river damming. 仅用了19小时35分钟就完成了坝体的填筑。 www.bing.com 8. Construction Surveying for Damming up the Yangtze on Three Gorge Water Conservancy Key Project and Second-phase Cofferdam Project 长江三峡水利枢纽大江截流及二期围堰工程施工测量 www.ilib.cn 9. Feasibility Demonstration for Reinforced Microscopic Damming Technology in Flood Control Projects of Liaohe River 加筋粉细砂筑坝技术在辽河防洪工程中可行性论证 www.ilib.cn 10. Electromagnetic Damming Simulative Experiment for the Melt Puddle in Twin Roll Steel Strip Continuous Casting 双辊薄带钢铸轧熔池电磁侧封模拟试验 www.ilib.cn 1. Application Study of Damming Innovation Technology in Cold Areas 寒冷地区筑坝创新技术应用研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Characteristic of Fly Ash Solidified by Soil Stabilizer Used in Damming 利用土壤固化剂固化粉煤灰筑坝特性研究 3. Error Analysis of Measurement of Earthwork and Stonework Quantities in Dredging and Damming Works of Channel 航道疏浚筑坝土石方计量的误差分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Damming technique by sand-earth exchange with filtering fabrics and cushion with long tubular sackcloth 抽沙充填土工织物反滤布长管袋褥垫筑坝技术 ilib.cn 5. Application of damming up with curtain grouting technology in New Guangzhou Cement quarry project 注浆帷幕截流技术在新广州水泥厂矿山项目中的运用 www.ilib.cn 6. Calculation of Backwater by Ice Damming and its Affecting Factors 万家寨水库开河期冰坝壅水计算及影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Safety Monitoring Technique in Soft Groundsill Damming 安全监测技术在软基筑坝工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Application and Development fo Quick Damming Technique by Using Concrete Mixed with MgO in Guangdong Province 外掺MgO混凝土快速筑坝技术在广东省的应用与发展 service.ilib.cn 9. New technology research for damming technology with modification fine sand 改性粉细砂筑坝新技术研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of Roller Compacted Concrete to Damming Technology 我国碾压混凝土筑坝技术的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. China begins damming Brahmaputra river for hydropower project 中国开始在雅鲁藏布江上筑坝以修建水电站 www.bing.com 2. Studies on front damming technology for NPS pollution control of river network in plain areas 平原河网地区面源污染控制的前置库技术研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of Slip Casting Method in Water Damming Project of Opencast Iron Mine 注浆法在露天铁矿疏干巷道截水工程中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. Technical regulation for design on ash slag damming of fossil fuel power plants 火力发电厂灰渣筑坝设计技术规定 www.cecs.org.cn 5. Construction technology of flyash damming in Shang'an power plant 上安电厂粉煤灰筑坝施工技术 service.ilib.cn 6. Second Time Damming in Three Gorge Project will be in Progress Next Year 三峡工程将在明年进行第二次截流 ilib.cn 7. Research on Centre Line Damming in Concentrator Tailings Dam 选矿厂尾矿坝中线法筑坝的研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Effects of Damming on Water Quality Factors in Yantan Reservoir 建坝对岩滩水库水质因子的影响评估 www.ilib.cn 9. Study on Landslide Damming of River in Upper of Minjiang River 岷江上游多级多期崩滑堵江事件初步研究 ilib.cn 10. Study on ash damming material test at Baihe Power Plant 白鹤电厂灰渣筑坝坝料试验研究 service.ilib.cn 1. Variations in spawning stock structure of Acipenser sinensis within 24 years since damming of Gezhouba Dam 葛洲坝截流24年来中华鲟产卵群体结构的变化 service.ilib.cn 2. Forest killed by damming a river 攔河造湖毀森林 zh.wikipedia.org 3. Inside damming steel plate with thickness 3mm and front damming steel plate with thickness 1. 5~2mm; 厚度约为3毫米的内挡板和厚度约为1.5~2毫米的外挡板若干; wenku.baidu.com |
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