单词 | die off |
释义 | died off是die off的过去式 例句释义: 一个一个死去,顺次枯死 1. It (an asteroid) dust up into the atmosphere, and the dust stayed there for so long that the vegetation died off and the dinosaurs with it. 它(小行星)使尘埃冲上大气层,久久地笼罩着天空,植物死去了,恐龙也都灭绝了。 www.scientrans.com 2. But, like he used to say, "you never really died off , as long as you got good story and someone to tell to. " 但是,就像他曾经说过,“只要你有好故事,并且有人倾听,你就不会真正完蛋。” zhidao.baidu.com 3. As other major portals like Lycos and Excite died off or were consumed by bigger fish, Yahoo continued to expand. 当其他主要门户网站如Lycos和Excite倒闭或者被收购时,雅虎却在不断地扩张。 www.bing.com 4. She said that scientists still aren't sure why animals of the ice age died off, or why the world's climate might suddenly warm and cool. 吉尔表示,目前科学家还无法确定冰河时期动物灭绝的原因、以及为什么全球气候会发生骤变。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Their habitat has steadily shrunk, and the various species of deer that are their favored prey have died off or been hunted by humans. 他们的栖息地不断缩小,他们喜爱的猎物鹿类相继死绝或被人类猎尽。 www.bing.com 6. As she got older and older, her relatives all died off. 随着她越来越老,她的亲属都相继去世了。 sdh5320621.blog.163.com 7. Those that lost died off in a pruning process scientists call "neural Darwinism. " 那些在修剪过程中失去的细胞科学家称之为“神经达尔文主义”。 www.bing.com 8. Yes, the Crusades died off, but it was regaining popularity. 士兵们虽然相继死去,但是十字军的阴魂一直未散。 www.xilu.com 9. The proof came when the tumor-derived islets died off and the mice remained healthy. They must have grown beta cells of their own. 当这些源自肿瘤的胰岛都死掉后,小鼠依然健康,验证这些小鼠一定长出了自己的β细胞。 10. As he grew older, his relatives all died off. 随着他年龄的增长,他的亲人都一个一个地死去了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It survived even during the time that the dinosaurs died off. 恐龙灭绝了,它们却存活了下来。 www.ted.com 2. Before then, 100, 000 eggs were reportedly transported to Lake Saiko but the species was still thought to have died off. 在那之前,据报道曾有10万颗鱼卵被转移到湖西湖,但是这个物种还是被认为已经灭绝。 www.bing.com 3. And another swimmer died off the coast of Florida. 另一名游泳者死于佛罗里达州的海岸。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This lessens the perception that the conversation has died off to a minimum if you have slow typists. 这样如果有人打字慢可以将谈话结束的感觉减到最低。 www.ibm.com 5. They had to watch their young children died off through lack of food. 他们不得不眼睁睁地看着孩子们因为没有东西吃而一个个地死掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. dinosaurs-- found in the very area where they supposedly died off? 这些恐龙在一个特别的地方发现时已经相继死去 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In some places, like Burkina Faso's Central Plateau, the rootstocks of native trees died off long ago. 在诸如布基纳法索中部高原这样的地区,本土树种的根基在多年以前就已经逐渐消亡。 www.bing.com 8. As the window was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off. 这个寡妇还在中年时,她的亲属就先后离开了人世。 edu.askuu.com 9. The bamboo forest burst into flower and then died off. 竹林突然开花,然后一株一株死掉了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. One by one, four ministers died off. 一个接一个,4名大臣相继死去。 www.tingroom.com 1. The poor children died off because of lack of food. 由于缺乏食品孩子们一个个死去。 www.19gei.com 2. [28] Many societies, however, simply died off. [注28]而其他许多会社,则只能默默消失。 www.bing.com 3. The flowers died off one by one. 花儿开过就凋谢了。 tr.bab.la 4. Because of the pollution, the fish in the river has died off. 由于污染河里的与已经成批地成批地死去。 doc.dangzhi.com 5. and she died . . . . . off her bicycle 她是骑自行车摔死的 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Dinosaur Died Off in the Jurassic Period 恐龙侏罗纪的神秘死亡 www.ichacha.net 7. dinosaurs died off millions of years ago 恐龙数百万年前相继死亡。 www.ichacha.net |
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