单词 | did work |
释义 | did work例句释义: 全部 1. It did work, but like similar mobile programs for controlling PCs, I found it a bit awkward to use. 但我对这款产品不是那么满意,它确实能够运行,但和其他类似的控制个人电脑的手机程序一样,用起来有点别扭。 cn.wsj.com 2. Her novels are not miniatures, but she did work on a surface not so much bigger than those two imagined inches of ivory. 她写的不是微型小说,但下笔之处却并不比这块想像中的两英寸象牙大多少。 www.bing.com 3. That did work. You don't have that opportunity, but I still think you must protest, even if it costs you your job. 虽然你没有那种机会,但我仍认为你必须要提出抗议,即使代价是丢掉工作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. When a girl did work up the courage to tell her parents what had allegedly happened, sometimes her own family didn't believe her. 也有女孩鼓足勇气,告诉父母所发生的事,但有时她的家人并不相信。 www.jukuu.com 5. He pursued various theories for several days until someone suggested they take the toy apart to see how it did work. 他连续几天试着用各种理论来加以解释,后来有人建议把玩具拆开看看它到底是怎样运转的。 www.bing.com 6. He also did work for a magazine that was different from any other of the time. 他还为一家很特别的杂志社工作过。 www.remword.cn 7. Some of them, like the camera, were lost by astronauts while they did work outside their spacecraft. 其中一些,像相机,失去了宇航员,而他们没有超出他们的航天器的工作。 www.englishtang.com 8. The Republican did work there, but it was in the 1980s, before he set up a restaurant business and served three terms in Congress. 那时共和党人图米并不在那里工作,但那是20世纪80年代的时候,在他开始经营一家餐馆的生意并且在国会连任了三届之前。 www.ecocn.org 9. Things did work when I decided to use my own custom painter instead. 而当我决定使用自己的定制painter时,事情就解决了。 www.ibm.com 10. "Yes, it did work, " he said. "In multiple ways. " 他说,“那些技术是可行的,并且在许多方面可行。” www.bing.com 1. Still, the mechanic did work in that powerhouse and his gesture was true enough to his labor. 还有,这位技工确实在发电厂工作,他的姿势足以说明他的工作。 www.bing.com 2. How did work outside your studies prepare you for your career? 课外的工作如何让你为职业做好准备? blog.sina.com.cn 3. I suggested we take the toy apart to see how it did work . 我建议把玩具拆开看看它是怎么运转的。 www.bing.com 4. Then one day, the monitor didn't work at all on this configuration, but did work under proper configuration. 随后的一天,这台显示器在这种设置下完全不工作了,但是的确还是可以在合适的设置下工作的。 cn.opensuse.org 5. But he did "work hard" and was under "stresses and strains" . 不过他工作的确很努力,而且承受着很大压力。 www.ebigear.com 6. These events make George Kennan's containment theory look a bit dated though it did work acceptably at the time, some 55 to 60 years ago. 这些事件使得乔治凯南的遏制理论有点月虽然没有工作,在可以接受的时间,大约55至60年前。 7. In preparation of WikiLeaks publication of a video of a fatal U. S. helicopter attack, you did work in a "bunker" in Greenland. 《时代》周刊:上一次,维基解密准备发布一段美军直升机血腥攻击的视频录像时,你说你是在格陵兰的某处“掩体”中完成了工作。 www.bing.com 8. And I certainly think he did work his goal the way he intended. 并且我当然认为他按照他的设想去完成他的目标。 www.elanso.com 9. The man did work that was thought to be manlier . He was a logger. 老先生做的是一般认为较适合男性的工作-当一名樵夫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If our brains really did work that way, we ought to do a better job of estimating long periods of time than short ones. 如果说我们的大脑果真是按照上述的模式计时的,那么人类就应该更善长于估测较长的时间。 www.debuluo.com 1. I got my experience at tech startups, and eventually did work for both Microsoft and Google. 我在一些新成立的小技术公司工作积累经验,最终同时为微软和Google工作。 dongxi.net 2. I suggested that we should take the toy apart to see how it did work. 我建议我们把这个玩具拆开,看看它是怎样工作的。 jukuu.com 3. I did work at kitchen cooking food for the homeless. The shelter provides food, beds and shower for homeless people and poor people. 我在厨房给他们做饭。居留所为无家可归的人和穷人提供食物、床和淋浴。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Treatment under these circumstances really did work. 上述情况下的针刺治疗十分奏效。 blog.163.com 5. My main objection to it though was although it did work in these conditions, this model gave off a weak light. 主要缺点它虽然可以在这些情况下工作,这个小玩意发的光很弱。 bbs.24en.com 6. The results showed that two yogurts per day did work for improving bad breath. 结果显示每天两杯酸奶确实改善了口气。 gzmp.dayoo.com 7. He has very poor eyesight, because he did work too much. 他的视力很差,因为他做了太多的工作。 www.xdrl.net 8. But it did work, and was fun to use. 但是,它一旦开始工作,使用起来就充满了乐趣。 wiki.fcctt.org 9. The second and more radical of the two theories is that long ago seals did work their way into the interior, but somehow became trapped. 第二,这两个理论的更为激进的是,不久前密封工作,他们的方式进入室内,但不知何故,成为被困。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The blasted pen never did work properly. 这枝该死的笔总是出毛病。 1. JAIRAM RAMESH: Well, it did work. I think certainly it did work. 它确实发挥作用了,我确信它当然发挥作用了。 www.dzxsw.com 2. When Airplay did work, which was about 95 percent of the time, it sounded great and was incredibly convenient. 无线播放(Airplay)在95%的时间里都能够工作。这听上去确实非常的方便。 dongxi.net 3. They did work very hard yesterday. 他们昨天确实工作得很辛苦。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. So I felt I wouldn't watch more about them, and it did work for about a couple of years. 事实上我的确也有几年没再关注过她们。打破这个局面的是30minutes。 edu.51ielts.com 5. Very, very sorry about the lies. Louisa, I never did work in Saville Row, did I? 路易莎,我从没在萨维尔街上工作过。 baike.baidu.com 6. You did work very hard yesterday. 你们昨天工作得确实很苦。 blog.163.com 7. I had met a group of children in the Caribbean island of Saint Kitts, and I did work and play with them. 我在加勒比海的圣基斯岛(SaintKitts)上遇到一群孩子,我和他们边工作边玩。 www.ted.com 8. Lastly, summaries did work already, and statements improvment idea in the future. 最后,总结了设计过程中所做的工作,并提出了进一步改进的设想。 www.fabiao.net 9. For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. 因为我们属肉体的时候,那因律法而生的恶欲,就在我们肢体中发动,以致结成死亡的果子。 www.ebigear.com 10. But I did work with Adam Bay. 但我和AdamBay一起工作过 home.ebigear.com 1. It's because they are lazy? They did work hard or not? 是因为他们懒惰吗?他们是否努力地工作? tieba.baidu.com 2. What did work was, "How'd you like to visit a secret government facility? " 奏效的是这招:你想不想参观一处秘密政府设施? www.kekenet.com 3. My father did work very hard yesterday. 我父亲昨天确实工作得很辛苦。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. He did work here last year. 他去年确实在这里工作。 www.diyifanwen.com 5. If the steps did work correctly you will see confirmation of the DB1 Data source name existing of type IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER. 如果这些步骤都正确工作,您就会看到确实存在IBMDB2ODBCDRIVER类型的数据源名称DB1。 www.ibm.com 6. If the steps did work correctly you will see confirmation of the 如果上述步骤有效,那么您将看到 www-128.ibm.com |
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