单词 | dictatorial |
释义 |
例句释义: 独裁的,专政的,发号施令的,专横的,独断,专断的,独裁者的 1. Blahnik wanted to be a set designer but he never considered saying no to the legendary (and dictatorial) fashion-ista. 伯拉尼克想当舞台布景师,但他从未想过要对传奇式(并且独裁)的时尚界女王说不。 www.ftchinese.com 2. His rule resembled that of other African "strongmen" of the time and is criticized for its dictatorial tendencies and widespread corruption. 他的统治和当时非洲其他“铁腕人物”相似,遭到了实行独裁和普遍腐败的批评。 www.24en.com 3. Mr. Mason was quite alive now, interrogative, dynamic and a bit dictatorial in his manner, even to his old friend. 梅森先生精神抖擞,象在盘问似的,精力很充沛,那神情,仿佛对他的老朋友也有些专断。 4. Her comments seemed one attempt to reposition the United States, which backed Tunisia's dictatorial leader as a partner against terrorism. 希拉里的讲话似乎预示了美国正试图重新定位,而正是美国在背后支持突尼斯的独裁统治并将它作为反对恐怖主义的盟友。 www.bing.com 5. If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I would dictate that she be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious. 我如果拥有独裁政治的专断权,我会命令把她关起来,罪名是外表炫耀做作。 www.for68.com 6. Long gone are the days when parents were much more dictatorial and children were to be seen, not heard. 父母们过去独断,小孩要乖乖的听大人讲话的年月已经早就一去不复返了。 english.oooooa.com 7. The hostess indicated wheRe the guests were to sit in heR usual dictatorial manner. 女主人用她平时的专横傲慢的态度指示宾客坐的地方。 dict.ebigear.com 8. The revolt in Libya is part of a widespread uprising against dictatorial government across the Middle East. 利比亚的反抗只是席卷中东的反独裁政府斗争的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He spoke in a subdued and troubled voice, very different from his usual dictatorial manner. 他说话的声音又低又不安,跟他平时那种独断独行的样子完全不同。 dict.veduchina.com 10. It is far from perfect, but that it is held together by the goodwill of its people, and not by dictatorial forces, is remarkable. 这个国家远不完美,但值得注意的是,它通过人民彼此的善意结合在一起,而不是依靠独裁的力量。 www.bing.com 1. The German Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act, which effectively granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial legislative powers. 年,德国国会大厦采用授权法案,这有效地授予了阿道夫·希特勒独裁立法权。 www.kekenet.com 2. Forced out by the April Revolution, President of South Korea Syngman Rhee resigned after twelve years of dictatorial rule. 年这一天,韩国总统李承晚由于四月革命下台,结束了12年的专制统治。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. So if our government was more dictatorial, and stopped any offshoring, you'd be happier? 所以假如我们的政府更民主点,阻止任何外包活动,你会觉得更开心?。 www.yp51888.com 4. No one in the U. S. would argue that it should adopt China's dictatorial style of government. 他们有一个观点:在美国没有人认为应该采用中国的政府独裁风格。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Anallegedly dictatorial management style did not help. 表面上独裁的管理方式并无帮助。 www.ecocn.org 6. Their deaths ended 24 years of dictatorial rule and marked the end of Communist control of the country. 他们的死结束了24年的独裁统治,标志着该国共产党统治的终结。 www.bing.com 7. Country is governed by a dictatorial leader or single-party hierarchy that does not allow for effective popular opposition. 国家由一个独裁领导人或者单一政党治理,不允许存在有效的民众反对。 www.bing.com 8. The Italian has never really been an ideologue, no matter how dictatorial his body language might be. 卡佩罗从来都不是真正的理想主义者,不管他的身体语言看起来有多么的像独裁者。 www.bing.com 9. Given his own dictatorial tendencies, the Belarusian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, may require similar favours in years to come. (考虑到他自己的独裁倾向,白俄罗斯领导人亚历山大?卢卡申科(AlyaksandrLukashenka)或者在接下的几年里要求类似的待遇。) www.ecocn.org 10. Employees at the grassroots level need to be given true executive empowerment, rather than dictatorial directives. 基层的雇员需要给予实实在在的执行权限,而不是独裁者的指令。 www.bing.com 1. But many of her colleagues accuse America of having pandered to Mr Bakiyev's corrupt and dictatorial whims in exchange for access to Manas. 但她的许多同事在指责她想获取巴基耶夫独裁和他在玛纳斯的腐败交易。 www.ecocn.org 2. The closeness of their connection with the church made them adopt a slightly dictatorial attitude to the rest of mankind. 他们同教会的密切关系,使她们对其他人采取一种有些高人一等的气势。 dict.veduchina.com 3. After all, it could be the transformation from a dictatorial constitution to a democracy. 毕竟,它可能是从一种独裁的宪政到民主宪政的转型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The KMT was a dictatorial regime that had risen to power partly through exploiting its links with Shanghai gangsters. 国民党是一个专横的政权,他们部分通过与上海流氓的关系而攫取了权力。 www.bing.com 5. THE corrupt, dictatorial and long-ailing president of Guinea, Lansana Conte, was once asked about plans for his succession. 腐化、独裁、长期疾病缠身的几内亚总统朗桑纳?孔戴曾被问及关于他继任人选的计划。 www.ecocn.org 6. oppose the bureaucratic doctrine , dictatorial doctrine , adventurous doctrine and tail doctrine. 反对官僚主义、命令主义、冒险主义和尾巴主义。 www.edu-hb.com 7. Condorcet's theory describes consensus decisions, outlining how democratic decisions tend to outperform dictatorial ones. Condorcet的理论描述了协商决定,指出为什么民主决定往往比独裁者的决定要优越。 www.bing.com 8. A freed opposition politician is accusing Russian authorities of using dictatorial tactics against opposition figures. 被释放的反对派政治家指责俄罗斯当局的反对派人士反对使用专政手段。 www.englishtang.com 9. As a result of Yuan's increasingly dictatorial methods, Sun established an independent republic in southern China based in Canton in 1921. 由于袁越来越独裁的方法,在1921年孙成立了一个设在中国广东的独立共和国南部的总部。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mandatory education is a coercive education that suppresses freedom. To impose specific teaching materials is a dictatorial act. 义务教育是一种强制教育。个人自由在此面前也要屈服。但是,强加具体的教材是一种独裁行为。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They are right now lining their pockets with a quick profit they are right now making their dictatorial dreams come true . 问题是,现在,他们的口袋里,将会快速获利,现在他们的独裁梦想成真。 www.zahuiwang.com 2. For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime. 多年来这个国家一直在独裁政权的铁蹄下。 www.hxen.com 3. Actually, its simply a very authoritarian, dictatorial political regime. 现实上它是一种非常的体制。 www.votepugh.com 4. Russia, after all, had just connived in the unconstitutional overthrow of Kurmanbek Bakiyev, a dictatorial president. 毕竟俄罗斯纵容了先前推翻独裁总统巴基耶夫的违宪举动。 www.bing.com 5. Not just in dictatorial China, but also in democratic South Korea and Japan, history still has far to go if it is to serve that aim. 然而历史若想实现前一种目的,则它不单在专政的中国,也在奉行民主制度的韩国和日本,都还有很长的一段路要走。 www.24en.com 6. Four, the sincerity accept a wife affection up of dictatorial , "don't with stranger talk" , particularly can't talk with unfamiliar woman. 第四,诚心接受老婆感情上的独裁,“不要和陌生人说话”,尤其不能跟陌生女人说话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But that would leave Mr Bashir sitting pretty in the north, free to persist in his dictatorial ways. 但是,这样就会使巴希尔继续呆在北方,毫无顾虑地坚持着他的独裁统治。 www.ecocn.org 8. Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity. 同时,由于爱发号施令的倾向,处女也会变成一个怨言不断令人厌烦的人。 www.kekenet.com 9. But Kyrgyzstanis have twice overthrown presidents seen as corrupt, nepotistic and dictatorial. 但吉尔吉斯斯坦由于独裁和裙带关系出现的腐败而两次推翻总统。 www.ecocn.org 10. Why isn't there ever a bloodthirsty sociopath with dictatorial powers and no regard for legal niceties around when you need one? 怎么在你需要的时候,就不会出现一个嗜杀成性,独裁专制,目无法纪的精神病呢? yinghanhuyi.com 1. Their political stand was to overthrow the dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang and realize independence, democracy and peace in China. 他们的政治立场是推翻专制统治的国民党,实现独立,民主与和平的中国。 q.sohu.com 2. Actually, it's simply a very authoritarian, dictatorial political regime. 事实上它是一种非常独裁专朕的朕治体制。 bbs.ziling.com 3. Among three relations, one side is imperial arbitrary and dictatorial power; another side is adapted to modern society. 上述三种关系中,既有皇权专断、专制的一面,又有适应现代社会的一面。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. two planes on a collision course; dissidents on a collision course with the dictatorial regime. 碰撞过程中的两架飞机;持不同政见者与独裁统治的冲突 dict.ebigear.com 5. The issue before them was whether Clinton should go ahead with the summit if Yeltsin took steps that looked dictatorial. 在他们面前的问题是是否要先克林顿对峰会的如果叶利钦采取措施看起来独裁。 www.bing.com 6. The dictatorial government put an end to organized opposition in the country by making it illegal to form a political party. 此一独裁政府透过禁止组织政党来终止国内的反对抗争。 7. Germany's Parliament, the Reichstag effectively gives dictatorial powers to Adolf Hitler. 德意志帝国国会迅速作出决定,将独裁权授予阿道夫·希特勒。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Therefore the young man, slightly too dictatorial, directed the guests to their places. 所以只好由这小伙子指引客人们入席了,他做这件事时显得有点太专横。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I have not seen her for many years, but I very well remember that I never liked her, and that her manners were dictatorial and insolent. 我有多少年没见过她了,可是我刻我自己一向讨厌她,因为她为人处世既专横又无礼。 www.cco8.net 10. Kim was inspired to take up politics by the dictatorial government of Syngman Rhee, South Korea's first president, reared by the US. 金大中投身政治,是因韩国首届总统李承晚(SyngmanRhee)的独裁统治而起,后者受到美国的扶植。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A socialist system implies unlimited dictatorial powers of the chief. 而社会主义体制则意味着领袖人物拥有无限制的专制权力。 www.bing.com 2. It is not just Murdoch who exercises semi-dictatorial rule in seeking to shape public opinion in Britain. 这不仅是默多克这个半独裁者在英国试图塑造的舆论观点。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Kim Jong Il's dictatorial regime, under intense financial pressure, is threatening to test a nuclear bomb. 在巨大的财政压力之下,金正日的独裁政权要挟要进行核弹试验。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Another is that China supports dams and is a generous benefactor to the elected but dictatorial government of Hun Sen, the prime minister. 二是中国支持建大坝,并且它是赢得选举却专政的洪森首相政权慷慨的捐助国。 www.ecocn.org 5. After servant system reform in 1861, Russian dictatorial system transformed into capitalist monarchy system fast. 1861年农奴制改革以后,俄国专制制度迅速向资产阶级君主制演变。 www.dictall.com 6. The dictatorial Batista rules the island with an iron fist. 巴蒂斯塔独裁规则,以铁腕的岛屿。 www.opda.net.cn 7. His detractors, however, say his rule is increasingly dictatorial. 然而,卡加梅总统的诽谤者们说道,他的统治正变得越来越独裁。 www.ecocn.org 8. The most overwhelming experience for me was living under the dictatorial regime in Romania. 对我来说,最难以忘怀的经历是我在罗马尼亚独裁政权统治下的那段生活。 www.bing.com 9. Why this dictatorial approach to learning, anyway? 为什么是这个独裁的学习方式,怎么回事? www.bing.com 10. The solution, he insists, is clear: the people must get rid of Ayatollah Khamenei as Supreme Guide with dictatorial powers. 他强调说,这件事的解决方案是明确的。那就是人民必须摆脱哈梅内伊作为掌有独裁权力的最高领导人。 www.24en.com 1. They resent being ruled OVER by a dictatorial boss. 他们憎恨受一个专横傲慢老板的管制。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The directors also reckoned he was dictatorial. 董事们认为他独断独行。 www.ecocn.org 3. Iranians are protesting not just election fraud but also the growing abuses of the Iranian people by a dictatorial regime. 伊朗人民不仅为贿选而抗议,而且为独裁政权日益严重的侵犯人权而抗议。 www.ecocn.org 4. I have become disillusioned with the dictatorial behavior of the present government. 现在的政府的独裁行为使我大失所望。 www.websaru.com 5. A reactionary OR dictatORial person. 一个反动的或独裁的人 dict.ebigear.com 6. From Berlin's view, monism is a crude, dictatorial and unhumanlised theory. 依伯林看来,一元论是漠视人性的,是粗暴的、独裁的。 www.fabiao.net 7. Lots of power. Naked, ugly dictatorial power. 这么大的权力,简直是丑陋的,赤裸裸的专制。 www.bing.com 8. She is careful not to overly criticize the dictatorial regime of North Korea. 她很小心地不去过份批评朝鲜独裁政权。 www.ecocn.org 9. Now ailing, the 87-year-old patriarch has run the church in dictatorial style since 1971. 现在身体状况不佳的这位87岁主教从1971年起就用独裁的方式管理这个教堂。 www.ecocn.org 10. A dictatorial ruler eg. Her father is very dictatorial. 她的父亲很专横。 1. The emphasis was helped by the speaker's voice, which was inflexible, dry, and dictatorial . 讲话者那无转变余地的、枯燥的、专横的声音,也在帮助他加强语气。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Its dictatorial leader, Kim Jong Il, who is believed to turn 69 in February, may be slowly dying of multiple illnesses. 作为该国的独裁者,明年二月即将年满69岁的XXX,或许会由于多种疾病而慢慢地死去。 www.ecocn.org 3. communication so motivating Still quite a dictatorial Workers feel their social or autocratic style of needs are being met management 更多的双向沟通,激励??减慢决策?工人觉得他们的社会需求?仍有不少独裁或专得到满足制的管理风格 wenku.baidu.com 4. the decisions are made by a single dictatorial manager who rationally pursues some goal 决策是由理性地追求某些目标的单个独裁管理者做出的? wenku.baidu.com 5. Dictatorial cultural system in ancient China--Monopoly dictatorial cultural system of pre-Qin ear 简论先秦时期垄断型文化专制制度 www.ilib.cn 6. Convened to camouflage Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorial regime, the Fourth People's Political Council opened in Chungking on July 7 以粉饰蒋介石独裁统治为目的而召集的四届国民参政会,七月七日在重庆开会。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Formation of Dictatorial Systems in the Chin and Han Dynastiesand Their Sociopsychological Basis 秦汉治道的形成及其社会心理依据 service.ilib.cn |
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