单词 | crystal-like |
释义 | crystal-like例句释义: 全部 1. Discovered in their underwear hiding in a packet of sanitary napkins in white crystal-like object, suspected methamphetamine. 在内裤里查获藏匿在卫生巾里一包白色晶体状物品,疑似冰毒。 jipiaowang.net.cn 2. Every burning of firework break her crystal like heart and later all her body breaks into hundreds and thousands pieces. 每一次烟花的爆炸也炸裂她好像水晶的心,然后全身都碎裂至成千上万片。 hi.baidu.com 3. Pond in those warm round leaves, those crystal-like dews, those people see Lotus, like a " summer clear load chart" . 池塘中的那些温馨圆润的荷叶,那些晶莹剔透的露珠,那些绰绰约约的荷花,活脱脱一幅“夏季清荷图”。 www.bing.com 4. A series of tops embellished with crystal-like baubles glimmered as the models showed off the collection. 带有闪闪发光的水晶装饰的系列上装,如模特在走秀时展示的这一件。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 5. Although a variety of Crystal-like furnishing different, they share the same manufacturing process. 尽管各种仿水晶胶料配比不同,但制作工艺是一致的。 www.bing.com 6. WA 8506 is added in Top coat to help to obtain high shining, crystal-like leather. 在顶层涂饰中加入WA8506,将有助于使革获得水晶般的高光泽。 tanoa-lhg.com 7. MSG also known as MSG by flavor agent, a white crystal-like. 味精也称为味精增味剂,呈白色晶体状。 china.makepolo.com 8. There was resin crack. 5. 3% acid iron solution could product crystal-like structures in the dentin tubules. 提示,5.3%草酸铁溶液能够在牙本质小管内形成结晶,使牙本质小管口封闭良好。 www.bing.com 9. In my heart is a green city, as the crystal-like emerald spotlessly clean. 在我心中的城市是一片绿色,正如那晶莹剔透的绿宝石,一尘不染。 www.heimei8.com 10. Crystal-like ideals, are dotted with shining stars and moons, but never be simpler. 水晶一样的梦想,缀满星光月华,却又再简单不过。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Bang! The drug bottle and the telephone dropped on the floor at the same time. The girl's crystal-like tears rolled down her face slowly. 啪!药瓶子和电话同时的摔在了地上,女孩子晶莹的泪水顺着脸庞缓缓地落了下来。 maths007.blog.163.com 2. The acid attacks the crystal-like substance in the tooth's outer surface. 酸可以攻击牙齿表面晶体样的物质(牙釉质)。 www.bing.com 3. I always go to the countryside, watching the crystal-like sky, listening to the whispers of birds, smelling the fragrance by the flowers. 我总会去郊外农村,看看透亮的天空,聆听鸟儿的耳语,闻一闻花的芳香。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Love is a subtle and sensitive crystal-like feeling which is easily broken when clutched firmly. 爱情就像是脆弱的水晶,攥得越紧碎得越快。 post.baidu.com 5. Love is a subtle, crystal-like feeling which is easily broken when clutched too firmly. 爱情是一种微妙的像水晶的感觉,抓的太紧就很容易破碎。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Enamel is the hard outer crystal-like layer. 牙釉质(enamel)是牙齿外面晶体一样的硬硬的一层。 www.bing.com 7. Crystal like all the forces of nature. 水晶像所有的自然力量。 g5.baidu.com |
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