单词 | dainty |
释义 |
比较级:daintier 最高级:daintiest 例句释义: 美味,娇小的,娇美的,精致的,小巧的,丹堤,优美的,讲究的 1. A simple strand of pearls, a sari in pastel chiffon and dainty silk slippers were all that was required. 只需要一串珍珠,一套有着淡淡花边的莎莉服,一双精巧的丝质拖鞋就足够了。 www.ecocn.org 2. A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of rare wine to a toper. 对他来说,一个女人风骚巧妙地摆动臀部的姿势就像美酒的色泽对酒徒那样具有吸引力。 www.jiaokedu.com 3. A dainty eater, he found that his mates, finishing first, robbed him of his unfinished ration. There was no defending it. 它发现那些早用完餐的同伴总会过来掠食自己的那一份。 www.bing.com 4. A singular thing it was to see the dainty and fastidious Lepidus, whom in a banquet a ray of daylight seemed to blind. 勒庇多斯是一个爱讲究好挑剔的人,宴会上的一缕阳光似乎可以使他眼花缭乱。 5. Small Nanjing steamer guarantees that fabrication therefore especially easy to be because of it of flavour will be, very dainty. 南京的小笼包味道之所以特别好,是因为它的制作非常讲究。 2fwww.zjlxx.net 6. Keira Knightley was being called a poppet though, because another old meaning of the word is a dainty, pretty girl. 至于凯拉·奈特利被叫做poppet,还存在一个原因:这个词的古意也有“文雅娴静的女孩”的意思。 www.bing.com 7. She lifted the frog with two dainty fingers , carried him upstairs , and put him down in a corner . 她用两个纤巧的手指把青蛙捏起来,带到楼上去,放在一个角落里。 www.bing.com 8. The photo above shows that the cutie is a mix of Wills' blond hair, blue eyes and Kate's dainty nose and perfect teeth. 如图所示,这个可爱的小傢夥遗传了威廉王子的金发碧眼和凯特漂亮的鼻子和牙齿。 big5.cri.cn 9. Yes, answered the cat, you will enjoy it as abundance as you will enjoy sticking those dainty tongue of yours out of the window. “是的,”猫回答,“那准会把你美得就像把你那尖尖的舌头伸到窗外去喝西北风相同。” yinghanhuyi.com 10. In the plant kingdom, I do not like dainty peony and do not like the fragrance of the rose, I only like ordinary fairy mountain. 在植物的王国里,我不喜欢娇艳的牡丹,不喜欢芬芳的月季,我只喜欢平凡的仙人山。 www.tradeask.com 1. Letterpress kit is not dainty, and Ms Durrie has built custom cabinetry to hold and balance a few tonnes of type and presses. 凸版印刷的工具并不娇贵,所以达里女士自制了箱具来收纳和固定几吨重的字模及印刷机。 www.ecocn.org 2. CATS go up; candlesticks come down. The first dainty swipe of a paw resulted in a satisfying crash. So did the second, third and fourth. 猫跳上去,烛台就掉了下来。第一次用小巧的爪子一拍,带来令它满意的哗啦声,随之第二拍、第三拍、第四拍。 dict.ebigear.com 3. A real traditional artistic short film integrated with posing and painting. Has strong colors, dainty lighting and complete structure. 一部很地道的传统艺术短片,采取摆插与绘画结合的手法,色彩艳丽,用光讲究,结构完整。 www.arting365.com 4. Billed as Teas, Plain, the first afternoon tea menu consisted of dainty pieces of cake, sweets, bread and butter and of course, tea. 以茶点为主的第一份下午茶菜单囊括了精致的蛋糕,甜点,奶油和面包,当然,还有茶。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 5. She was a blonde young lady, small, dainty, well gloved, and dressed in the most perfect taste. 她是位年轻的金发女郎,娇小、俊俏,端庄地戴看手套,衣着品味高雅。 www.voiceofgb.com 6. e. g. She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet. 她是个娇小的孩子,不像她的姐姐那么高大,还有一双大脚。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And If I was too lazy or too dainty or too busy, and left it for someone else, somebody else soon taught me different. 如果我太懒、太挑剔或是太忙,把这些事留给其他人做,有人很快就会教我不要这样。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She is a dainty, chic woman with wide-set eyes and the neck of a ballerina. 她是一个秀丽时髦的女人,有一对大眼睛,同样有着芭蕾舞女演员一样的脖子。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. " Undreamed of! " cried Mercedes, throwing up her hands in dainty dismay. "However in the world could I manage without a tent? " “别做梦!”美茜子文雅而惊讶地举起手,叫道:“没有帐篷,我可怎么办?” dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "To-morrow you shall have some dainty little green silk boots! " said the father. “明天你们就有闪缎靴子穿!”那父亲说。 www.ebigear.com 1. There are four smaller domes around the central dome which duplicate it in design, as do the domes on top of the four dainty minarets. 在中央圆形穹顶的周围有四个较小的设计相同的原型穹顶,四个精致的光塔顶端也有设计相同的圆形穹顶。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Benefit: These dainty leaves are highly concentrated with luteolin, a powerful flavonoid with anti-inflammatory properties. 好处:这些精致的叶子富含木犀草素(强大的类黄酮具有抗发炎的特性)。 www.tianya.cn 3. Flowers on the roadside We had walked out this part of the trough road finally! Flowers on the roadside were beautiful and dainty! 《路边的野花》总算走出这段阴暗的风雨之路!路边的鲜花靓丽娇艳! blog.sina.com.cn 4. The shape dainty and cute: Suit white yarn that win high waist, yarn surface and loins' sell at a discount to polish a shape proportion. 身材娇小玲珑者:适合中高腰、纱面、腰部打折的白纱,以修饰身材比例。 www.0734.coolline.cn 5. Like a little and dainty gold, in this season to meet the. 犹如一片片小巧玲珑的金箔,在此季迎接暮色的莅临。 www.bing.com 6. Earlier, research held down. Now, we established database. Eventually, youngers seemed dainty! 以前,科研被镇压下来,现在,我们建立新的数据系统。结果,年轻人看起来有品位多了! zhidao.baidu.com 7. After the landslide has gone by, in its tracks little dainty flowers are still standing. Blades of grass are unbent . 滑坡过后,它肆虐过的地面上还有少许鲜艳的小花盛开,小草的枝叶依然挺直。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. a dainty South American annual having deeply pinnatifid leaves and racemes of fringed almond-scented purple-white flowers. 南美一种非常考究的一年生植物,开紫白色花,略带杏香的花序,羽状叶片。 ezitong.com 9. The first a delicate, almost dainty flick, and the second another defiant dribble through a terrified backline. 第一个进球是一个轻巧的弹射,第二个又是挑衅般地盘过了整条惊恐的后卫线。 www.bing.com 10. Or you might nick a quote from somewhere: 'my super dainty Kate' for instance, is nabbed from The Taming of The Shrew. 你也可以引经据典——比如“我那超级高雅的凯特”这个称呼就引自《驯悍记》。 www.bing.com 1. When the doctor suggested some dainty to tempt her appetite, Edward was delighted to ride over to Tercanbury to fetch it. 当医生建议弄点精致美味的食品以引起她的食欲时,爱德华高兴地骑马到特坎伯利去为她买来。 www.bing.com 2. And small dainty porcelain objects as well. 小型瓷器玲珑剔透。 news.cctv.com 3. A dainty women's jacket, fitted at the waist with a classic lapel. 一种精制女外衣,腰部合体,设计有经典的翻驳领。 wenku.baidu.com 4. ah , ' tis but a dainty flower i bring to you . 啊,请让我送你一束花朵 www.ichacha.net 5. The red wine can has pale red color, has intense apple and wine flavor, and has dainty sour and sweet and rich nutrition. 本发明红酒罐头色泽呈淡红色,具有浓郁的苹果和葡萄酒香味,且甜酸适口、营养丰富。 ip.com 6. Limpid wine in golden goblets worth ten thousand coppers a bushel; Dainty food on jade plates cost a myriad coins. 金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍馐值万钱。 www.bing.com 7. It was easier to settle into the dainty apricot-colored room alone. 独自一人,更容易在宜人的杏色房间里安顿下来。 25488170.qzone.qq.com 8. Penetrate li of the most dainty being, annual red standard department girdle. 穿里最讲究的是,年龄为本位年的系红腰带。 hi.baidu.com 9. The ancients have used "matched peach blossom face red" to praise girls dainty appearance. 古人曾用“人面桃花相映红”来赞美少女娇艳的姿容。 www.baike.com 10. Itsstoresin London 's wealthiest parts, meanwhile, arestockedwithripe organic avocados, dainty packs of tout and steaks infancy sauces. 同时,在伦敦的富人区,它储备成熟的有机鳄梨,巧包装的美食和撒满美味调料的牛排。 www.bing.com 1. Tiny, dainty sandwiches, scones and pastries were served with afternoon tea. 美味的小块三明治、烤饼和酥皮糕点通常都是享用下午茶时的小吃。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. It tastes delicate, exquisite, and dainty; looks white and immaculacy . 入口有细微丝感,洁白细腻,质爽而无暇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The violet and the dandelion are dainty spring flowers, which could be seen in early March. 紫罗兰和蒲公英是在三月初可见的娇嫩的春花。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 4. After a dainty egg and fish dinner, Tom said he wanted to learn to smoke, now. 他们吃完一顿美味的龟蛋和鲜鱼之后,汤姆说他要学抽烟。 chinaorb.com 5. Brit's tour promoter Paul Dainty said that the singer is aware of the bad press and has is "extremely upset about it. " 英式的旅游子保罗说,讲究歌手意识到负面报道,并已“非常不高兴。” tieba.baidu.com 6. And tasted some dainty food on an ancient street. 在古街上品尝了特色美食。 big5.cctv.com 7. The spirit of romance is gross and tawdry in vulgar minds, but dainty and refined in the more cultivated. 粗俗的人脑子里是世俗平庸的虚幻臆想,而有教养的人思想则高雅优美。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. At summer dusk, how agreeable and pleasant it will be with the iced wine drunk with dainty delicacies! 夏日傍晚,冰镇葡萄酒佐以美味佳肴将是一件多么惬意的事啊。 q.sohu.com 9. Dainty tulips and cute stitching adorn these adorable shoes. 小巧玲珑的郁金香和可爱的拼接装饰这些可爱的鞋子。 www.freemerce.com 10. She took a dainty little bite of the apple. 她文雅地咬了一小口苹果。 jpkc.hnfnu.edu.cn 1. One thing, however, is clear: the dainty sponge of British tradition has been usurped. 但有一点是清楚地:英国的传统美味已被替代。 www.bing.com 2. In fact, the Beijing citizens are very dainty about their dress. 其实,北京人穿衣服很讲究。 www.hotdic.com 3. Panyue's 'Sagittarius " portrays an absurd stage play with dainty and detailed images; " 潘钺的“人马座”以精巧玩味的画面演绎了一出荒诞的舞台剧; exhibit.99ys.com 4. Marmosets are dainty animals with luxurious fur, which is sometimes strikingly colored. 狨猴是精致与奢华的毛皮动物,有时是惊人的颜色。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A small dainty foot or one down at the pastern are not functional. 小而秀气的脚恐怕屈曲过大的踝部是没有用力的。 www.showxiu.com 6. Before the curtain is a 10 meter long buffet table bearing dainty and exquisite edibles and scattered with peach blossoms. 幕布前是一溜10米长的自助餐台,食物清淡精致,撒满桃花,要求杯盏洁净餐具明快。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The furniture and decorations were sparse and dainty. 事实上,屋中的家具装饰却是少而精致。 www.elanso.com 8. French is famous as the dainty eaters. In France, the lunch and dinner is very rich. 法国人讲究饮食是世界闻名的,就连平日的午餐和晚餐也非常丰盛。 www.elanso.com 9. Among dainty ladies, small watches are popular. 小手表在俏丽的妇女当中流行。 paper.sznews.com 10. She collected some dainty porcelain. 她收集一些轻巧精致的瓷器。 dict.bitunion.org 1. dainty knows no boundaries, neither. The most international food city is on "High Life" . 美食无界限,美味无国界,最国际化的餐饮名城尽在日坛上街。 en.yapolo.com 2. And all them frocks and jewels! ' said Dainty. 'Oh, Sue! Shouldn't you look handsome, in them! ' “还有全部的衣物跟珠宝!”丹娣嚷嚷。“哦,苏!穿上戴上,你一定很漂亮!” dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Let garlands of sad yew Adorn your dainty golden tresses. 让那紫杉木花环,装饰你秀美的卷发 www.kekenet.com 4. his cap was a dainty thing , his closebuttoned blue cloth roundabout was new and natty , and so were his pantaloons. 他的帽子很精致,蓝色的上衣扣得紧紧的,又新又整洁,他的裤子也是一样。 www.ichacha.net 5. She's dainty about her food. 她对于饮食甚为讲究。 www.jukuu.com 6. Too much plenty makes Mouth dainty. 吃得太多,嘴巴挑剔。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The baby's Bonnet had dainty embroidery. 那婴儿的帽子饰有精美的刺绣。 dict.ebigear.com 8. A dainty dish to set before the King. 一道精致的大菜向君王侍奉。 jinxianshu123.blog.163.com 9. That German makes Christmas Day cake with regard to is very dainty. 德国人对于制圣诞节饼是很讲究的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She's a very dainty little lady. 她是一位非常秀气的娇小女士。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. How thin it is, and how dainty and frail ; and how it rattles. 你看它够多么薄,多么精致,多么不结实;还老那么哗楞哗楞地响。 dict.veduchina.com 2. Instead of picking dainty pastel florals, try a larger print in darker colors. 舍弃碎花,试试深底色上面大一些的印花。 www.bing.com 3. A choice or dainty food; a delicacy. 美食精选的或精致食物;佳肴 www.jukuu.com 4. We can hear the grievous elegy, spiritual catharsis, surging waves and dainty lyrics in this opus. 在这首作品中我们能听到痛苦的悲歌、心灵的倾诉、汹涌澎湃的波浪以及优美的抒情诗。 lib.cqvip.com 5. M. V Dainty River planned to inward at 0810 hours. What is the traffic information? 机动船“雅河”计划在0810时进港,通航状况如何? blog.sina.com.cn 6. Configuration: Intel Core 2 Duo processor, memory 1G, 120G hard disk 12 inch screen, integrated graphics, little and dainty portability. 配置:酷睿2双核处理器,1G内存,120G硬盘12寸屏,集成显卡,小巧玲珑方便携带。 yantai.qite8.com 7. dainty sauces are the life , the nobility of famous dishes. 美味的调料给上等佳肴以生命和华贵。 www.ichacha.net 8. He is dainty about his food. 他对食物很讲究。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Here are some tips on moon-cakes which can enable you to enjoy the dainty while at the same time keep fit. 而中秋月饼的吃法上,也有许多讲究,使你既能品尝到月饼的美味,又能保证身体 www.ecocn.org 10. Wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king? 这不是国王面前美味的大餐吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. THE CRY OF BABY IS "DAINTY" 宝宝哭声有“讲究” service.ilib.cn 2. And as bodies continue to clatter, dainty Alfonso is felled just outside the area in minute 21. 第21分钟,随着被侵犯,阿方所倒在了禁区外。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. and so is the other dweeb! -Yeah, and they liked us even before they knew we had this cool place and dainty finger sandwiches! 这也是另外一群讨厌的蠢人!-对的,他们很想我们即使他们知道我们已经拥有了这个地方和精美的手指三文治。 qac.yappr.cn 4. This beautiful, dainty, daisy, chrysanthemum makes fantasy, you say I can not like it? 这样美丽、娇艳的菊,使人幻想的菊,你说我能不喜欢它吗? www.baihuoyw.com 5. Was not that a dainty dish. 这是多麽美味的菜肴。 hi.baidu.com 6. And she coy lookes: so dainty they say maketh derth. 她显得羞怯:他们优雅地交流。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Dainty River: VTS Centre. This is Chinese M. V Dainty River. What is your instruction? Over. 雅河船:VTS中心,这是中国船“雅河”号,你有何指令,请讲? blog.sina.com.cn 8. I dare say the boy isn't too dainty to eat 'em--are you, boy? 我敢说这孩子不会这也不吃,那也不吃――小孩,你挑不挑嘴啊? novel.tingroom.com 9. Dainty abandon, sometimes as if Nature laughing on a hillside in the sunshine; 奔放然而不失优雅(elegant),有时恍如造化在阳光照耀下的山腰傲笑; www.waiyulm.com 10. the construction is dainty , hardness and easy to install 小巧坚固易于安装的结构 www.ichacha.net 1. the construction is dainty , hardness and easy to install 小巧坚固易于安装的结构 www.ichacha.net 2. His appetite was not of that squeamish kind which cannot feed on a dainty 他不是那种无法咽食美味佳肴的人 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you, terrible year" (Walt Whitman) “没有优雅的韵律和多愁善感的诗句可给你,真是难以忍受的一年”(沃尔特·惠特曼) www.fane.cn 4. A girlond for her dainty forehead fit, 戴在姑娘清秀的前额很适宜, blog.sina.com.cn 5. Take 50ml pure juice before or after each meal, drink after adding proper quantity of honey or sugar to be dainty; 每餐前(或餐后)取50毫升原汁,加入适量蜂蜜或糖类调至适口即可饮用; www.1x1y.com.cn 6. Singing in the sun, dainty abandon, 在阳关下歌唱,奔放而不失优雅, space.englishcn.com 7. Dainty high-speed optoelectronic sensor switch 纤巧型高速光电开关传感器 www.yj-kj.com 8. The Love of a King by Peter Dainty 购买《一个国王的爱情故事》 www.bing.com 9. Delicious dainty tuna fish salad 美味金枪鱼沙拉 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He that never ate flesh thinks a pudding a dainty 从未吃过肉的人只认布丁作美味 news.dic123.com |
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