单词 | daily wage |
释义 | 例句释义: 计日工资,日薪 1. A second worker replies listlessly . "We are trying to earn a 200-dollar daily wage. " 另一位工人无精打采地回答:「我们正在赚取每天二佰元的工资。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. He travailed hard for his daily wage. 他为每天的工资而辛劳。 www.mosesenglish.com 3. Provided by state statutory holiday overtime pay three times the daily wage calculated level of only 10 yuan. 按国度规定法定假日加班三倍工资计算公式日工资程度只有10元。 www.99bank.com 4. To realize the value of One Day , Ask a daily wage laborer who has six kids to feed . 想知道一天的价值,去问一个有六个孩子要养的按天计酬的劳动者 bbs.ebigear.com 5. In Sri Lanka, tea workers are demanding a 75% increase in their daily wage, to 500 Sri Lankan rupees ($4). 在斯里兰卡,茶叶工要求工资上涨75%,也就是上升到每天500斯里兰卡卢比(相当于4美元)。 www.ecocn.org 6. Trappers started work at 2am and usually stayed in the pitfor 18 hours, for a daily wage of five pence. 他们一般从凌晨2点开始工作,在矿井会一直工作18个小时,每天的报酬却只有五个便士。 www.bing.com 7. To Realize The Value Of One Day, Ask A Daily Wage Laborer Who Has Ten Kids To Feed. 想知道“一天”的价值,就去问有十个孩子待哺的领日薪工人。 www.24en.com 8. To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with kids to feed. 想知道一天的价值,问一下拖家带口的劳工。 www.netacup.net 9. The average daily wage was 327 US 42 for craftsmen and operatives in the manufacturing sector. 制造业技工及操作工人的平均日薪为327元42美元。 www.info.gov.hk 10. Ask a daily wage labor who has six kids to feed. 去问问有六个孩子嗷嗷待哺的日薪工人吧; blog.sina.com.cn 1. The overall average daily wage was $340, or $8, 560 per month, for these craftsmen and operatives. 这些技工及操作工人的整体平均日薪为340元,月薪则为8,560元。 www.ayste.com 2. the overall average daily wage was $ 339 or $ 8 , 508 per month , for these craftsmen and operatives. 这些技工及操作工人的整体平均日薪为339元,即每月工资为8,508元。 www.ichacha.net 3. In 1914, Henry Ford introduced a daily wage of $5 so that his workers could afford to buy the cars they built. 亨利?福特(HenryFord)在1914年引入了日工资5美元的机制,以便他手下的工人有能力购买自己制造的汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 4. a clear principle of full implementation of the employing unit and vacation pay the standard daily wage; 明确用人单位的全面履行原则及休假日工资支付标准; www.zidir.com |
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