单词 | discourse |
释义 | discourses是discourse的复数
复数:discourses 现在分词:discoursing 过去式:discoursed n. dissertation,treatise,homily,sermon,address 例句释义: 演说,讲稿,论说,谈话,谈,讲演,写讲稿,论述,谈论,对话 1. The official discourses of our relations with one another do not have much to say about the afternoon my friend spent with me. 那些人与人之间关系的权威论述,表达不了朋友陪我度过的那个下午。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. and I am indebted to him for being acquainted with the discourses of Epictetus , which he communicated to me out of his own collection. 我感激他让我熟读爱比克泰德的演讲论文,使我在他的文集之外与他沟通交流。 hsutze.blog.tianya.cn 3. In the terms of discourse, the dispute is a clash of different discourses and a competition for a dominant voice and more cultural capital. 从“话语”角度看,论争是不同话语的冲突和关于话语权及文化资本的竞争。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Urban development discourses , environmental management and public participation : the case of the Mae Kha canal in Chiang Mai, Thailand . 泰国清迈案例:公众参与、环境管理和都市发展的论述。 www.bing.com 5. The Master would go into trances or open his heart in religious discourses and in the narration of his own spiritual experiences. 师父会进入出神状态,或者会在谈论宗教问题上吐露心中的隐秘,又或者会叙述自己的灵性经历。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Behind the various discourses about subaltern, there lies the structural change of social topography ever since the foundation of PRC. 在这一话语浮现的背后,折射的是建国六十年来的中国社会的结构化变迁图景。 www.13191.com 7. I next consider the contradictory discourses that have emerged in Canada around the economic situation of immigrants. 接下来我将会考虑由关于移民经济状况而在加拿大出现的互相矛盾的论述。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. He would take up some broad subject and talk away upon it, and it was the attraction of these discourses which drew me there. 他总提出一些大的话题,滔滔不绝地谈着,就是他那种讲话的魅力把我吸引到他那里去。 www.bing.com 9. Teachers may use conceptual metaphor theory to help students improve their reading comprehension in economics discourses. 教师可以使用概念隐喻理论来指导学生的经济话语阅读并提高他们的阅读能力。 10. Their works , written with an intention of imitating or copying Wu Sheng Xi Qu in its themes , discourses , styles and intonations . 他们所拟作品,在题意语词、篇制结构、口吻声调等方面都有意袭用或模仿吴声西曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The two books -- weighty discourses on international relations and parliamentary debates -- were checked out on October 5, 1789. 这两本书——关于国际关系和议会辩论的重要著述——在1789年10月5日被借走。 www.bing.com 2. Is there the possibility of a dialogue on communication and cultural policy discourses between China and the rest of the world? 国际与国内传播理论和政策话语有没有全面对话的可能性? www.918lunwen.com 3. Not improbably he wished me to edit and publish a selection from a chest full of manuscript discourses that stood in the garret. 阁楼里有只大箱子,里面满是文稿,也许是他希望我替他编订一本文集出版吧? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The main analyzing objectives of CDA are public discourses from television, advertisements, newspapers, official documents, laws, etc. 批评性话语浅析浅析的研究对象主要是大众语篇,例如:电视、广告、报刊、官方文件和法律法规等。 www.zidir.com 5. By comparison, this paper overall discourses the subject, object and content of the deposit insurance law relations. 通过比较,全面论述了存款保险法律关系的主体、客体和内容。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. What might other discourses, media, and art forms offer in such a project of collective memory? 其他言论、媒体和艺术形式能为该集体记忆项目提供什麽方法? www.myoops.org 7. We can consider narrative grammar as a form of the organization of the human imagination that underpins all forms of discourses. 从这一角度来看,叙事语法实际上就是统领一切话语的基础。 www.fabiao.net 8. Oe's experiment with the style and narration is a challenge for the dominating power of discourses in the literary circle. 大江的文体和叙事的实验是对文坛上占统治地位的话语权力秩序的挑战。 inezha.com 9. The dissertation aspires to analyze the external and internal causes for the transformation of contemporary American curriculum discourses. 本文分析当代美国课程话语转向的外源性和内源性动因、理论基础。 www.dictall.com 10. As a matter of fact, the differences between English and Chinese discourses reflect the differences in thought patterns. 英汉语篇的差异实质上反映的是思维方式的差异。 www.13191.com 1. The first chapter explores the emergence, evolution, construction and inherent contradictions of the postmodern discourses. 第一章探讨后现代话语的生成、演变、构成及内在矛盾。 www.lw23.com 2. But Zhuangzhi himself used lots of imaginary discourses to designate his idea of transformation of value and of meaning. 但庄子自己使用许多想像修辞來表述价值与意义的转换。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Business discourses have many forms, for instance, correspondence, advertising, presentation, marketing etc. 商务语篇的表现形式很多,如信函、广告、推介、营销等。 www.fabiao.net 4. Of course, when faced with all manner of controlling discourses, simple and brash resistance is almost always terribly ineffective. 当然,面对各种操控性话语时,简单粗暴的对抗往往仅有姿态而实效堪忧。 www.artnews.cn 5. Lu Xun's essay marked by the discourses characteristic of "criticism and deconstruction" has its internal and integrated meaning system. 以“批判-解构”为显在话语特征的鲁迅杂文具有内在的、富于整体性的意义建构体系。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. No theory of suicide, no philosophical discourses on the subject are quite so revelatory as these words. 没有哪种有关自杀的理论或理性的分析能够如这些话一样富有启发性。 www.bing.com 7. These changes must be reflected in discourses and must influence our language and language practice. 这些变化必然在语篇中有所体现,同时也影响着我们的语言和语言实践。 8. But the function of reflecting and manipulating ideology is the characteristic feature of metaphor in political discourses. 能够体现和操控政治意识形态是政治语篇中隐喻的一大特征。 www.fabiao.net 9. Martin Buber claims three ways of discourses, namely, discourse proper, technical discourse, and monologue in disguise of discourse. 马丁·布伯提出了三种对话方式:真正的对话、技术性的对话和装扮成对话的独白。 epub.cnki.net 10. Each book roots its cathedral in the political, economic and philosophical discourses of its period. 两本书都把教堂的根源深系于其所在时期的政治,经济,和哲学的对话中。 www.ecocn.org 1. Therefore, the hidden structure of the source text should be discovered through the use of various discourses strategies by the translator. 因此,翻译者需要透过不同的陈述方式的使用,去发现源文本潜在的价值体系。 home.netat.net 2. Multimodal discourses refer to the discourses in which language and other semiotic resources coexist to construct meanings. 多模态话语是指语言与其他符号资源共存,共同构建意义。 www.fabiao.net 3. But the proletariat writers had to adjust the contradictions between the national discourses and class one for the first time. 而年轻的普罗文学家则开始面临如何调整民族话语和阶级话语间矛盾的难题。 www.chinadegrees.cn 4. Firstly, it discourses the base of realization of fetus'interest that fetus must be born alive. 本部分首先论述了胎儿利益实现的基础—胎儿必须活着出生。 www.fabiao.net 5. Meanwhile, parody is also a powerful weapon for the new social forces to de-authorize cultural hegemony and authoritative social discourses. 戏仿也是新生力量借以对文化霸权或社会话语权威进行消解的有力武器。 www.fabiao.net 6. Critical discourse analysis is a very effective model in analyzing public discourses. 批评性话语分析是公众语篇分析常用且行之有效的分析模式。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Along with the continual rising-up of the material desire, the discourses of enlightenment have met a type of predicament. 伴随着社会物质欲望的升腾,启蒙话语遭受困境。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. What are the links between these discourses, these effects of power, and the pleasures that were invested by them? 这些论述,权力的影响,以及这些论述所投注期望的欢乐,他们之间的关联是什麽? springhero.wordpress.com 9. Legal texts or discourses in both English and Chinese inevitably have their general and individual characteristics. 英汉法律语言中的人称指示语有其明显的共性和个性特点。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. From the perspective of theory genetics, Carnival Theory can' t be directly used as effective discourses for the study of popular culture. 从理论发生学角度看,狂欢化理论并不能直接挪用为大众文化研究的理论话语资源。 lib.cqvip.com 1. The formation of an empire always requires the active support of cultural discourses. 帝国的建立往往得靠著文化论述的支撑与呼应。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. I grew up with labour at the opposition. I was listening to their discourses about school and minimum salaries and thinking they were right. 我成长在工人阶级还是在野党的年代,我听著他们阐述有关学校和最低工资的事情,而那时我想他们是对的。 zimsam.wordpress.com 3. The thesis discourses on the basis of the background, significance, means and framework. 论文在对研究的背景、意义、方法和框架进行论述的基础上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Both, inevitably, are constructed in a variety of discourses. 两者都不可避免的在种种的演说中被构造。 www.bing.com 5. I was so charmed with the gracefulness of his figure and delivery, as well as the discourses he pronounced. 他的优美姿态和伶俐口齿以及他发表的演说是那样的使我着迷。 6. These discourses co-compose main expression contents of public opinions of new media. 这些话语共同构成了新媒体舆情的主要表达内容。 lib.cqvip.com 7. In different power networks, the narrator has different control of discourses of characters. 置身不同的权力网中,叙述者对人物话语的控制权各有不同。 www.fabiao.net 8. Structure has already become one of the most basic discourses widely applied in the field of anthropology in 20th century. 贯穿于20世纪人类学理论所有领域的结构概念在人类学学科领域中已经成为主流话语之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. This paper mainly discourses application rang and investment analysis of Fieldbus in E-power plant. 主要论述了现场总线在数字化电厂中的应用范围及投资分析。 10. The first part mainly discourses the basic theory of action of trademark infringement. 第一部分主要论述了商标侵权行为的基础理论。 www.fabiao.net 1. Apart from the suspicion towards discourses, I've got a bad habit, which is, eating pencils. 除了怀疑话语,我还有一个恶习,就是吃铅笔。 www.bing.com 2. Coreference is a common phenomenon in the news report about paroxysmal event, it appears a lot in the discourses or the dialogues. 在突发事件新闻报道中,共指是一种常见现象,并大量地出现在篇章或对话中。 www.fabiao.net 3. Like literature works, EST discourses carry a large amount of cultural information. 与文学作品一样,科技语篇同样负载着大量的文化信息。 www.dictall.com 4. The narrative discourses of both the author and the mother in Everyday Use may misguide the reader. 《日用家当》中作者和母亲的双重叙事话语对读者均有误导。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. The three types of idioms are cooperative in social discourse and organize discourses as harmonious semantic unit. 这三种习语搭配在话语中分工合作,将每一个语篇组织成一个和谐的语义单位。 www.hicoo.net 6. The fourth chapter mainly discourses upon civil liability borne by CA to relying party. 第四章论述了电子认证机构队信赖人承担的民事责任。 www.fabiao.net 7. However, he later also spoke of Savonarola with great respect in his discussion of politics and religion in the Discourses on Livy (1. 2 ). 然而,他在以后的《论李维》(1.2)里讨论政治和宗教这一章中在谈到萨沃纳罗拉的时候是极为尊敬的。 www.bing.com 8. Chapter One discourses the base of investment trade between China and Russia. 第一章论述中俄两国投资贸易的基础。 www.fabiao.net 9. This thesis explores the translation of time and space concepts of narrative discourses by employing mental space theory. 本文运用心理空间理论对叙述语篇中时间和空间概念的翻译问题进行探讨。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. As the central concern of CDA, power plays a vital part in the critical study of both written texts and spoken discourses. 权力是批评性话语分析的核心,不管在书面篇章还是口头话语中都起着非常重要的作用。 www.lw23.com 1. This chapter discourses the current situation of the system of witness privilege in China mainland and the reasons are treated. 论述拒证制度在中国大陆地区的现状,并探讨造成这一现状的原因。 www.fabiao.net 2. While we promote the use of Putonghua, space should be allowed for dialect discourses, so that Putonghua and dialects can both develop. 在推广普通话的同时,也要给予方言一定的话语空间,实现方言与普通话协调的共存与发展。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In the third part, the author discourses upon the effect of the policy on town employment since reform and opening up. 第三部分,对改革开放以来城镇就业政策的基本取向及效应进行系统分析。 www.13191.com 4. In a word, in general most discourses are translatable, but at the same time, there always exists partial untranslatability . 总之,绝大多数语篇在总体上是可译的,但同时又总是存在着局部的不可译性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As two major representatives of "the minority discourses" , they are associative and even complimentary to each other. 作为少数派话语的代表理论,它们互为联系,相互补充。 www.juhe8.com 6. We hope that through our discourses we can gain at least part of your confidence in order to begin to reveal what we are here to offer. 我们希望通过这个讲述来赢得你们的理解,揭示出我们想为你们带来的真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. These are the sorts of questions, the politicized questions, which these discourses raise in common. 这些就是,和政治相关的问题,他们研究的共同点就是这些。 open.163.com 8. Aelius Aristides' Sacred Discourses, written in the second century, records his dreams and explains how to interpret them. 阿瑞提底思的「神圣话语」写于第二世纪,记录他的梦,并解释如何诠释。 springhero.wordpress.com 9. Anaphora is a common phenomenon in the discourses or the dialogues. 指代是自然语言中常见的语言现象,大量出现在篇章或对话中。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. His book authoritatively discourses upon war and peace. 他的书对战争与和平作了权威性的论述。 1. Thirdly, it discourses upon how his saga novels, Tenpyounoiraka and Tonkou, are composed. 再次,具体论述了井上靖的长篇小说《天平之甍》与《敦煌》是如何创作出来的。 www.juhe8.com 2. Eg. It is said that his discourses were very soul-moving. 据说他的讲道词是很能动人心灵的。 www.kekenet.com 3. "Then why does he give discourses" ? 那他为什么要讲学? www.bing.com 4. With this work, we are at the crossing point of two kinds of discourses. 以这部作品,我们处于两种论述的交会点。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. More and more people have realized that different cultural discourses are structurally varied. 越来越多的人认识到,不同文化的语篇在结构上存在一定的差异。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. I would like to explore not only these discourses but also the will that sustains them and the strategic intention that supports them. 我想要探讨的不仅是这些论述,而且是怎样的意志维持他们,以及什麽策略的意图支持他们。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. This paper concentrates on demonstratives as cohesive devices in English discourses. 本文主要是对指示词在英文写作中作为衔接手段进行研究。 www.fabiao.net 8. Discourses on Livy. Book 2. Introduction, and chapters 1-2. 马基维里,《李维罗马史疏义》第二卷引言,1-2章。 www.myoops.org 9. Pay attention to words, idioms, sentences and discourses, among which the most important is sentences. 阅读时关注字词、习语、句子和语段,其中尤以研究句子为重要。 www.dictall.com 10. Discourses on Livy. Book 1. Introduction and chapters 1-5. 马基维里,《李维罗马史疏义》第一卷引言,1-5章。 www.myoops.org 1. Another Effective Way of the Reconstruction of Chinese Discourses for Literary Criticism: Sinicization of Western Literary Theories 重建中国文论的又一有效途径:西方文论的中国化 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Lexical Metaphor, Grammatical Metaphor and their Complementarity in Technical Discourses 科技语篇中的词汇隐喻、语法隐喻及其互补性 www.ilib.cn 3. Competing discourses: orthodoxy, authenticity, and engendered meanings in late imperial Chinese 竞争的话语:明清小说中的正统性、本真性及所生成之意义 qk.lib.cug.edu.cn 4. Affordable Housing, Housing Strategies and Growth Management in Flanders (Belgium): Facts, Policy and Discourses 佛兰德斯(比利时)的低价位房屋、住房政策和发展管理:现实、政策和论述 www.bjmys.org.cn 5. Application of Different Rhetoric Patterns between English and Chinese Discourses for Chemical English Teaching 在化学英语教学中英汉语篇修辞模式的差异及其应用 www.ilib.cn 6. The Modernistic Discourses in the Context of the Printing Culture--Why Does Adorno Criticize the Culture Industry 印刷文化语境中的现代性话语--为什么阿多诺要批判文化工业 www.ilib.cn 7. Achieving legitimacy: visual discourses in engineering design and green building code development 取得合法性:工程设计与绿色建筑规范编制中的视觉语言 8. Redundant Information in Discourses and its pragmatic Analysis 话语中的冗余信息及其语用分析 www.ilib.cn 9. The second chapter depends on studies of plot creating and accepting. It discourses at great length on how authors pay regards to plot; 第二章,从情节的创作、接受着手,论述作者对于情节的重视; 10. The Structural Differences in Chinese and English Discourses: Minor Facts Pre-heaping and Minor Facts Post-complementing 事先铺垫型和事后补充型:汉英语篇结构差异 www.ilib.cn 1. Translating the Female Discourses out of History 将女性话语译出历史地表 www.ilib.cn 2. Characteristics of Post- colonial Literature Discourses 后殖民文学话语特征 www.ilib.cn 3. The dual discourses in the construction of identity--African American women writers'creation and the themes of their works 身份建构中的双重话语--谈美国黑人女作家的创作思想和作品主题 www.ilib.cn 4. Contrastive analysis of phonological cohesion in Chinese and English discourses 英汉语篇语音衔接对比分析 ilib.cn 5. Downs and Renaissance of Political Ideological Critical Discourses 政治意识形态批评话语的沉潜与复归 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Stylistic Analogues and Different Discourses for the Different Modes of Love 不同爱情模式的体裁异同之处 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Artistic Characteristics of Poetry Discourses 论诗歌话语的艺术特性 www.ilib.cn 8. An Analysis of the Discourses Used in Classroom 课堂教学中的话语现象探析 www.ilib.cn 9. On Nietzsche's Appropriation of the Discourses of Enlightenment 论尼采对启蒙话语的挪用 10. Ideological Tendency of Verbs in Two News Discourses 从两篇新闻看动词的意识倾向 service.ilib.cn 1. Striving for Cultural Identity--Discourses in the Works of African American Writers 文化身份寻踪:美国黑人作家笔下的话语 www.ilib.cn 2. The Newly Emergent Social Groups in Contemporary China and Their Discourses 当代中国的新兴社会群体及其话语 foreign.jlu.edu.cn 3. The Thesis of Justice: Present Chinese Political Discourses on Marx's Philosophy 公正论题:马克思中国化的当下政治话语 www.ilib.cn 4. A Cognitive Psychological Analysis on the Knowledge in Discourses 知识的认知心理学分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Ironical Discourses and Receptor Consciousness of Wang Shuo 王朔的反讽话语及其受众意识 www.ilib.cn 6. The Choice of Language in Contest of Situation and Advertising Discourses 情景语境与广告语篇的语言选择 www.ilib.cn 7. Questioning on the Philosophical Legitimacy in the Post-philosophical Discourses: An Example on Deleuze 后哲学话语中的哲学合法性质疑——以德勒兹为例 www.ilib.cn 8. An Analysis of Scientific and Technical English Discourses 科技英语语篇简析 www.ilib.cn 9. Balanced Discourses - A Bilingual Edition 和谐演说——两种语言混合版 book.cepiec.com.cn 10. Some Discourses on Judicial Civilization 司法文明四辨 service.ilib.cn 1. Lexical cohesion in Chinese and English discourses 英汉篇章中的词语衔接 ilib.cn 2. A Study on Nominalization in Popular Science Discourses 通俗科技语篇中的名物化研究 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Influence of Tenor on the Mood System of English Advertisement Discourses 语旨对英语广告语篇语气系统的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. A Mosaic of Contemporary Experimental Architecture in China: Theoretic Discourses and Practicing Strategies 中国当代实验性建筑的拼图——从理论话语到实践策略 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Hearing discourses on the doctrine of religion 倾听宗教教义论 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Cohesive Devices in Discourses and Texts 话语和篇章中的关联手段 www.ilib.cn 7. Discourses Of Slavery And Abolition 奴隶制及其废除论著 bibf.cnpbook.com 8. An Investigation on the Use of "Ba" Sentences in Discourses “把”字句在篇章中的使用情况考察 www.ilib.cn 9. In opposition to all these pious discourses, we must again praise the sex object; 反对所有的这种虔诚的论说,我们必须再赞扬性对象; culchina.net 10. Theory of Power Discourses and Modern Foreign Poetry Translation in China 权力话语理论和晚清外国诗歌翻译 www.ilib.cn 1. The Study on Moral Boundaries of Private Discourses in Mass Media 浅议大众传媒私密话语的道德底线 www.ilib.cn |
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