单词 | dml. |
释义 | 例句释义: 全部 1. Query Designer allows you to design SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE DML statements, while views can only contain SELECT statements. 查询设计器允许设计SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETEDML语句,而视图只能包含SELECT语句。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The partitions are overlapping, and DML updates made at the Subscriber cannot change the partition to which a row belongs. 分区是重叠的,订阅服务器上执行的DML更新无法更改行所属的分区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Sometimes , the data modification statements are collectively known as the data modification language (DML) part of SQL . 有时,这些数据修改语句被一并称为SQL的数据修改语言(DML)部分。 www.bing.com 4. SQL is also commonly known as a DML, but it cannot be directly used from an application program. SQL通常也被称为数据修改语言,但它不能由应用程序直接使用。 www.educity.cn 5. As mentioned previously in the section "Creating a Database, " the manipulative component of SQL is called Data Manipulation Language (DML). 像前面“创建数据库”部分所讲的,SQL的控制部分叫做数据控制语言,简称“DML”。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. DML triggers are frequently used for enforcing business rules and data integrity. DML触发器经常用于强制执行业务规则和数据完整性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A DML trigger cannot be created on a temporary or system table, although DML triggers can reference temporary tables. 虽然DML触发器可以引用临时表,但不能对临时表或系统表创建DML触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. DML has also recently been awarded a separate contract for a number of MEP (Military Enhancement Programme) vehicles. 近期,DML公司还获得了一个独立的军事增强计划(MEP)车辆合同。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. To disable a DML trigger, at a minimum, a user must have ALTER permission on the table or view on which the trigger was created. 若要禁用DML触发器,用户必须至少对为其创建触发器的表或视图具有ALTER权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Describes the type of DML statement (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on which the threads have permissions. 说明线程对其具有权限的DML语句的类型(SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE或DELETE)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. A DML trigger is an action programmed to execute when a data manipulation language (DML) event occurs in the database server. DML触发器是当数据库服务器中发生数据操作语言(DML)事件时要执行的操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The first version of the DML trigger works well for a single-row insert when a row of data is loaded into the PurchaseOrderDetail table. 第一种DML触发器在一行数据加载到PurchaseOrderDetail表中时适合于单行插入。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The database classes use a portion of SQL known as the Data Manipulation Language (DML). 数据库类使用SQL中称作数据操作语言(DataManipulationLanguage,DML)的那部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Process DML log records generated due to an alter operation while moving the rows from the old partition to the new table partition. 处理在将旧分区中的行转移到新表分区时因alter操作而生成的DML日志记录。 www.ibm.com 5. SQL has two main components: a Data Definition Language (DDL) and a Data Manipulation Language (DML). SQL有两个主要部分:数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操纵语言(DML)。 www.ibm.com 6. Modifies the definition of a DML, DDL, or logon trigger that was previously created by the CREATE TRIGGER statement. 修改CREATETRIGGER语句以前创建的DML、DDL或登录触发器的定义。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. An INSERT statement fires the DML trigger, and the new row is loaded into the inserted table for the duration of the trigger execution. INSERT语句激发DML触发器,新行在触发器执行期间加载到插入的表中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Subsequently, we describe a few concepts that you should keep in mind for spatial queries and spatial DML statements. 因此,我们描述一些您应该记住的用于空间查询和空间DML语句的概念。 www.ibm.com 9. The isolation level can be overridden for individual query or DML statements, if necessary, by specifying a table-level hint. 必要时,可以通过指定表级提示来替代各个查询语句或DML语句的隔离级别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. However, concurrent DDL operations, and concurrent DML operations that acquire Sch-M locks, cannot be performed on the table. 但是,无法针对表执行获取Sch-M锁的并发DDL操作和并发DML操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The Performance Event Category includes event classes that are produced when SQL data manipulation language (DML) operators execute. Performance事件类别包括在执行SQL数据操作语言(DML)运算符时生成的事件类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Modifies the definition of a DML or DDL trigger that was previously created by the CREATE TRIGGER statement. 修改以前使用CREATETRIGGER语句创建的DML或DDL触发器的定义。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In this procedure, you find differences in data, display them in a grid, and generate a DML script that expresses them. 在此过程中,您将找出数据中的差异,将其显示在网格中,然后生成表示这些差异的DML脚本。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Computed constructors for text nodes are also supported, but are primarily used in XML DML to construct text nodes. 同时还支持文本节点的计算构造函数,但主要在XMLDML中使用,用于构造文本节点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. DMX is composed of data definition language (DDL) statements , data manipulation language (DML) statements, and functions and operators . DMX由数据定义语言(DDL)语句、数据操作语言(DML)语句以及函数和运算符组成。 www.bing.com 6. Schema_name is optional only if the DML trigger and its corresponding table or view belong to the default schema. schema_name仅在DML触发器及其对应的表或视图属于默认架构时可选。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. DML triggers defined on tables can be also be disabled or enabled by using ALTER TABLE. 还可以通过使用ALTERTABLE来禁用或启用为表所定义的DML触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. These counters are incremented by the respective DML operation occurring on the partition, both table and index partitions. 这些计数器由表和索引分区中发生的各个DML操作实现值累加。 www.ibm.com 9. DDL triggers and DML triggers are used for different purposes. DDL触发器和DML触发器的用处不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The XML Data Modification Language (XML DML) is an extension of the XQuery language. XML数据修改语言(XMLDML)是XQuery语言的扩展。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Compilation errors are returned from syntactically incorrect Xquery expressions and XML DML statements. 语法不正确的Xquery表达式和XMLDML语句会返回编译错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. DML statements that reference local partitioned views, distributed partitioned views, or remote tables. 引用本地分区视图、分布式分区视图或远程表的DML语句。 technet.microsoft.com 3. DML statements can have up to two children. DML语句最多可以有两个子级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To create a DML trigger requires ALTER permission on the table or view on which the trigger is being created. 若要创建DML触发器,则需要对要创建触发器的表或视图具有ALTER权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Replicate DML operations performed on the detached fragment after a detach fragment operation on a replicated table. 在对一个复制表执行detachfragment操作后,复制在被分离分段上执行的DML操作。 www.ibm.com 6. DML triggers cannot be defined on local or global temporary tables. 不能对局部或全局临时表定义DML触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Like DML triggers, more than one DDL trigger can be created on the same Transact-SQL statement. 与DML触发器相同,可以为同一个Transact-SQL语句创建多个DDL触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. If your application performs many DML operations, you should be conservative with the number of indexes you create. 而如果您的应用程序需要执行许多DML操作,就有必要控制创建的索引数了。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Both DML and DDL triggers are nested when a trigger performs an action that initiates another trigger. 当触发器执行启动其他触发器的操作时,DML和DDL触发器都是嵌套触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Each step in the execution of a query or DML statement involves a physical operator. 查询执行或DML语句中的每个步骤都包括一个物理运算符。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Note: Transactions containing DML statements with subqueries should use serializable isolation to guarantee consistent read. 如果事务中存在使用了子查询的DML语句,应该使用串行化隔离来保证一致性的读取。 www.zw1840.com 2. To alter a DML trigger requires ALTER permission on the table or view on which the trigger is defined. 若要更改DML触发器,需要对于定义该触发器所在的表或视图具有ALTER权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A command consists of one Transact-SQL data manipulation language (DML) statement or one data definition language (DDL) statement. 命令由一条Transact-SQL数据操作语言(DML)语句或一条数据定义语言(DDL)语句组成。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Availability of database definition language (DDL) and database manipulation language (DML) in DAO and ODBC. DAO和ODBC中的数据库定义语言(DDL)和数据库操作语言(DML)的可用性。 technet.microsoft.com 5. To drop a DML trigger requires ALTER permission on the table or view on which the trigger is defined. 若要删除DML触发器,要求对要定义触发器的表或视图具有ALTER权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. They execute asynchronously and can offer a programming alternative to DML triggers, DDL triggers, and SQL Trace. 事件通知异步执行,并可为DML触发器、DDL触发器和SQL跟踪提供备选的编程方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. A richer data access model, with support for Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML). 更丰富的数据访问模型,并且支持数据定义语言(DDL)和数据操作语言(DML)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. DML triggers and DDL triggers are created, modified, and dropped by using similar Transact-SQL syntax, and share other similar behavior. 可以使用相似的Transact-SQL语法创建、修改和删除DML触发器和DDL触发器,它们还具有其他相似的行为。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Specifies the data modification statements, when tried against this table or view, activate the DML trigger. 指定数据修改语句在试图修改表或视图时,激活DML触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. To view examples of DML AFTER triggers that update multiple rows, see Multirow Considerations for DML Triggers. 若要查看可更新多个行的DMLAFTER触发器示例,请参阅DML触发器的多行注意事项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. DML commands are used to add, modify, delete, or select data from a table in the database. DML命令用来在数据库表中添加、修改、删除或选择数据。 www.ibm.com 2. Specifies the data modification statements that activate the DML trigger when it is tried against this table or view. 指定数据修改语句,这些语句可在DML触发器对此表或视图进行尝试时激活该触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This section deals with specific issues that come up during conversion of DML statements like SELECT. 本节讨论SELECT等DML语句的转换会遇到的问题。 www.ibm.com 4. It also supports the XQuery language, including the XML Data Manipulation Language (XML DML). 它还支持XQuery语言,包括XML数据操作语言(XMLDML)。 technet.microsoft.com 5. For static DML statements in packages, the global variables are resolved during a bind operation. 对于包中的静态DML语句,将在进行绑定时解析全局变量。 www.ibm.com 6. The OUTPUT clause is not supported in any DML statements targeting views or remote tables. OUTPUT子句在针对视图或远程表的任何DML语句中都不受支持。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. DML triggers are database objects, and their names must follow the rules for identifiers. DML触发器为数据库对象,其名称必须遵循标识符的命名规则。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The OUTPUT clause is not supported in any DML statements that target remote tables or views. 针对远程表或视图的任何DML语句都不支持OUTPUT子句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Solution: Wait for the table to be altered and then issue the DML operation. 解决办法:等这个表被修改,然后发出DML操作。 www.ibm.com 10. Use ULPreparedStatement and Dynamic SQL when you want relatively fast DML over multiple rows. 如果在处理多行时希望获得相对较快的DML,可使用ULPreparedStatement和DynamicSQL。 www.ianywhere.com 1. Unlike CHECK constraints, DML triggers can reference columns in other tables. 与CHECK约束不同的是,DML触发器可以引用其他表中的列。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Database object references are validated only in SQL DML statements. 数据库对象引用只会在SQLDML语句中验证。 www.ibm.com 3. DML triggers are scoped to the schema of the table or view on which they are created. DML触发器的作用域是为其创建该触发器的表或视图的架构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. DML events include UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements issued against a table or view. DML事件包括对表或视图发出的UPDATE、INSERT或DELETE语句。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Combining a DML fence piece with a smooth side base. 结合一个平稳的基础DML侧围栏一块。 bbs.bbicn.com 6. The following DML trigger prints a message to the client when anyone tries to add or change data in the Customer table. 表中添加或更改数据,下列DML触发器将向客户端显示一条消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The trigger actions specified in the Transact-SQL statements go into effect when the DML or DDL operation is tried. 尝试DML或DDL操作时,将执行Transact-SQL语句中指定的触发器操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Part of the data manipulation language (DML). 数据操作语言(DML)的一部分。 technet.microsoft.com 9. DML trigger statements use two special tables: the deleted table and the inserted tables. DML触发器语句使用两种特殊的表:删除的表和插入的表。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Both DML and DDL triggers are open to this kind of security threat. 对于此类安全隐患,DML和DDL触发器都处于打开状态。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Provides specific guidelines, rules, and restrictions you should consider when designing a DML trigger. 提供在设计DML触发器时应该考虑的特定指导原则、规则和限制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. It is strongly recommended that DML-style operations be used along with a stateless session. 强烈建议结合使用DML风格操作和无状态会话。 www.infoq.com 3. By default, both DML and DDL triggers execute under the context of the user that calls the trigger. 默认情况下,在调用触发器的用户的上下文中执行DML和DDL触发器。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Like DML triggers, DDL triggers can be nested. 与DML触发器相同,可以嵌套DDL触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. DML operations cannot be performed while the table is in alter mode. 当表处于alger模式时,不能执行DML操作。 www.ibm.com 6. Performance when you use XML Data Modification Language (XML DML) to update XML. 使用XML数据修改语言(XMLDML)更新XML时的性能。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Is the table or view on which the DML trigger is executed. 对其执行DML触发器的表或视图。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. XML DML is an extension for data modification. XMLDML是针对数据修改的扩展。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Remember that ownership chaining applies only to DML statements. 请记住,所有权链接仅适用于DML语句。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The script files may contain any supported DDL, DML, and DCL SQL statements. 脚本文件可以包含任何所支持的DDL、DML和DCLSQL语句。 www.ibm.com 1. Describes the procedures to create, modify, or delete a DML trigger. 说明创建、修改或删除DML触发器的过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The synonym is specified instead of the base object in DDL and DML statements. 在DDL和DML语句中,指定的是同义词而不是基对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A DML is a language through which a user can access or manipulate data programmatically. 数据修改语言是一种用户通过它可以用编程方法访问或处理数据的语言。 www.educity.cn 4. DML operations are not allowed on a table in alter mode. 对于alter模式下的表,DML操作是不允许的。 www.ibm.com 5. As defined by W3C, the XQuery language lacks the Data Manipulation (DML) part. 根据W3C的定义,XQuery语言缺少数据操作(DML)部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Because the FOR keyword has the same effect as AFTER, DML triggers with the FOR keyword are also classified as AFTER triggers. 因为FOR关键字与AFTER效果相同,所以带有FOR关键字的DML触发器也归类为AFTER触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. DML operations such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT on tables across databases having built-in opaque data type columns. 对于包含内置opaque数据类型列的数据库中的表执行DML操作,如SELECT、UPDATE、DELETE和INSERT。 www.ibm.com 8. Unlike DML triggers, DDL triggers are not scoped to schemas. 与DML触发器不同,DDL触发器的作用域不是架构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. However, SQL Server does not guarantee the order in which rows are processed and returned by DML statements using the OUTPUT clause. 但是,SQLServer并不保证由使用OUTPUT子句的DML语句处理和返回行的顺序。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Attempting a DML operation on a table that is in alter mode results in SQL error code -19992. 如果尝试对alter模式下的表执行DML操作,则会产生SQL错误码-19992。 www.ibm.com 1. DML operations such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT on tables across databases having built-in opaque data type columns. 对于包含内置opaque数据类型列的数据库中的表执行DML操作,如SELECT、UPDATE、DELETE和INSERT。 www.ibm.com 2. Unlike DML triggers, DDL triggers are not scoped to schemas. 与DML触发器不同,DDL触发器的作用域不是架构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. However, SQL Server does not guarantee the order in which rows are processed and returned by DML statements using the OUTPUT clause. 但是,SQLServer并不保证由使用OUTPUT子句的DML语句处理和返回行的顺序。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Attempting a DML operation on a table that is in alter mode results in SQL error code -19992. 如果尝试对alter模式下的表执行DML操作,则会产生SQL错误码-19992。 www.ibm.com 5. SQL Server allows for multiple triggers to be created for each DML or DDL event. SQLServer允许为每个DML或DDL事件创建多个触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Apart from the DB2 Control Center, you can also use the DB2 command line processor to issue DDL and DML statements. 除了DB2ControlCenter外,还可以使用DB2命令行处理器来发出DDL和DML语句。 www.ibm.com 7. User DML to the table are not affected. 对表执行的用户DML不受影响。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It shows which sessions are holding DML locks (that is, TM -type enqueues) on what objects and in what mode. 它列出了那些以具体哪些模式对具体哪些对象持有TM锁的会话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Operators describe how Microsoft SQL Server executes a query or a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement. 运算符描述了MicrosoftSQLServer如何执行查询或数据操作语言(DML)语句。 technet.microsoft.com 10. SQL Server 2005 introduces the following DML statements for working with Service Broker objects. SQLServer2005引入了以下与ServiceBroker对象一起使用的DML语句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Operators describe how Microsoft SQL Server executes a query or a Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement. 运算符描述了MicrosoftSQLServer如何执行查询或数据操作语言(DML)语句。 technet.microsoft.com 2. SQL Server 2005 introduces the following DML statements for working with Service Broker objects. SQLServer2005引入了以下与ServiceBroker对象一起使用的DML语句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Oracle DML Trigger and Its Application in Database Programming 触发器在数据库编程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Organic silicon luminous dose of DML gains deep effect research to the Polyester fabric 有机硅光亮剂DML对涤纶织物增深效果的研究 www.168lw.com 5. (for database) data manipulation language (DML) 数据操作语言(DML) www.mfyyw.com 6. Using DML Triggers That Include COMMIT or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 使用包含COMMIT或ROLLBACKTRANSACTION的DML触发器 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The following Transact-SQL statements are not allowed in a DML trigger 在DML触发器中不允许使用下列Transact-SQL语句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Study on The Vibration Characteristics of Sandwich Panels of DML 散布式扬声器音板材料振动特性的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Roles of Oracle DML Trigger on Observing Important Tables 触发器在监视重要表中的作用 www.ilib.cn 10. Specifying When a DML Trigger Fires 指定DML触发器何时激发 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Roles of Oracle DML Trigger on Observing Important Tables 触发器在监视重要表中的作用 www.ilib.cn 2. Specifying When a DML Trigger Fires 指定DML触发器何时激发 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Effect of DML Operations on an Index DML 对索引的操作的影响 www.cublog.cn 4. Specifies that the DML trigger is executed 指定执行DML触发器而不是触发 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The Reason of Oracle DML Locks Waiting Analysis And The Solving Way 封锁等待原因分析和应用中的处理方法 service.ilib.cn 6. When you are designing DDL triggers, consider how they differ from DML triggers in the following ways 设计DDL触发器时,请从下列几个方面考虑它们与DML触发器的不同 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Before you create a DML trigger, consider that 创建DML触发器前应考虑下列问题 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When you create a DML trigger, specify 创建DML触发器时需指定 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Application of hint based on sentences in DML 基于语句级的提示在DML中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides two options when designing DML triggers MicrosoftSQLServer2005提供了两个用于设计DML触发器的选项 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides two options when designing DML triggers MicrosoftSQLServer2005提供了两个用于设计DML触发器的选项 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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