单词 | blank page |
释义 | 例句释义: 空白页,空白页面,空页,空白画面 1. I realize that that blank page is a magic box. You know? It needs to be filled with something fantastic. 技术的进步鼓舞着我,我意识到神秘盒子就像一页的空白,需要一些奇特的东西来填充它。 www.ted.com 2. It is enough for you to manipulate these proportions a little on a blank page, for you to be able to verify it yourself. 你们可以在一张空白纸上执行这些演算,你们自己就能够证明。 springhero.wordpress.com 3. But, I also know it's not easy to do, the blank page can be rather scary. 但是,我也知道,那并不容易去做,一空二白的纸张可能会引起相当恐慌。 www.elanso.com 4. Well, your fact sheet is a half a page long. There are two samples of your work, and there are no testimonials, just a blank page. 嗯,你的情况说明只有半张纸。而且有两项工作案例没有客户评价,只有白纸一张。 edu.qq.com 5. The blank page on our University logo reminds all of you to open and develop you mind. 浸大标志上面空白的书页代表给你们空间开放头脑,发展思想。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 6. After clicking through on a link, victims don't get to see the promised content, but rather a blank page reading "click here to continue. " 点击上面的链接之后,受害者不会看到预期的内容,相反会看到一个空白页,上面写着“点击继续”。 www.bing.com 7. Notice the other point he makes, that you might very well write something awful, but it is still better than a blank page. 请大家注意另一个他说的内容,即:你很有可能写出一些糟糕的东西,但总比留下一张白纸强。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Or you can change a blank page into a virtual tour around your business to complement your About Us page. 还可以将空白页更改为关于业务的虚拟漫游,以便补充“关于我们”页面。 office.microsoft.com 9. Since the problem has been described at a high level as a blank page, she names this session "Blank Page" . 因为该问题可以大致描述为空白页面,所以她将该会话命名为“BlankPage”。 www.ibm.com 10. Kathy looks at the expandable details of the possible action choices and notices that "blank page" is a common symptom for the first choice. Kathy查看了可能的操作选项的可扩展细节,并注意到“空白页面”是第一个选项的常见症状。 www.ibm.com 1. Pansy was really a blank page, a pure white surface, successfully kept so; she had neither art, nor guile, nor temper. 帕茜实在是一张白纸,毫无瑕庇。她不会装模作样,弄虚作假,也没有脾气。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. To delete a blank page in your document, put your cursor at the start of the page that you want to delete, and then press BACKSPACE. 要删除文档中的空白页面,请将光标放在要删除的页面的开始处,然后按Backspace。 office.microsoft.com 3. To better isolate and see what each visual aid does, it might help to create a blank page and insert a few elements. 为了更好地确定和了解每个视觉帮助的用途,创建一个空白网页然后插入一些元素可能比较有帮助。 office.microsoft.com 4. Writing proved more difficult, primarily because one had to have something to say before confronting the blank page. 更难的是写作,这主要难在面对一张白纸,总得想出话来说。 www.enbar.net 5. We approached the implementation of the User Stories with a blank page. 我们用从零开始实现用户情景。 www.ibm.com 6. As TorrentFreak reports, fear. themusicbay. com currently displays a blank page with a "Comming Soon" (sic) title. 正如TorrentFreak所报道的,目前,fear.themusicbay.com上出现了一个打着“即将推出”标题的空白页面(原文)。 www.bing.com 7. only see a left-hand side navigation menu with a blank page on the right-hand side. 举个例子来说,看左边的导航菜单来观看右边的空白页面。 luohailiaihj.blog.163.com 8. She turned to a blank page in her notebook. 她翻开笔记本的一张空白页。 9. What Does It Do? Replaces your chrome default new tab with a totally blank page. 它可以做什么:用一个空白的页面替换您的Chrome默新标签页。 www.bing.com 10. By the time I sit down and face the blank page I am raring to go. 等到我坐下来面对一张白纸,我已经迫不及待地想要动笔了。 www.bing.com 1. Frederick Jackson Turner, admiring historian of Manifest Destiny, called them "a fair, blank page" . 令人钦佩的天命论历史学家弗雷德里克.杰克逊.特纳将它们称作“公平、清白的一页”。 www.ecocn.org 2. Of course that doesn't help you much when you're staring at a blank page and a deadline. 当然,如果你只是盯着一张白纸和标题发呆,那栅格也帮不了你。 www.bing.com 3. See how to start with a blank page and design catalog entries using information stored in a Microsoft Office Excel 2003 worksheet. 我们来了解一下如何从一个空白页面开始,使用存储在MicrosoftOfficeExcel2003工作表中的信息来设计目录项。 office.microsoft.com 4. If you open Teletext for a channel that does not have Teletext, a blank page will display. 如果为不具有Teletext的频道打开Teletext,则会显示空白页。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. Start in the middle of a blank page, writing or drawing the idea you intend to develop. 首先在一个空白纸的中间地方把你要发散的概念写出来或者画出来。 www.bing.com 6. Staring at the blank page before you open up the dirty window. 你打开那蒙尘的窗户,我还凝视着那空白的页菲。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In Publisher, I start with a blank page the same size as my final catalog. 在Publisher中,我从空白页开始,其大小与最终目录的大小相同。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can also create a content page by starting with a blank page and adding the appropriate directive. 此外,还可以从空白页开始并添加适当的指令来创建内容页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The new year is full of opportunities this leap year there are 366 blank page to wait for all of us to fill it out. 新的一年充满了机遇——这个闰年有366张空白页等待大家去填写。 www.bing.com 10. Set the IFrame's Name property to a blank page on the host application's domain. 将IFrame的Name属性设置为主机程序域上的空白页面。 www.ibm.com 1. Life is like a blank page, enjoy the beef, the strife, the rage. 生命就像是张空白页,享受牛肉,竞争和愤怒。 2. You set off on a blank page to explore the mountains and canyons and rapids of ideas. 开始时,你在一页白纸上追踪思绪的高山、峡谷和激流。 www.america.gov 3. You can create a Web site by starting with a blank page. 还可以从一张空白页开始创建Web站点。 office.microsoft.com 4. Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. 明天是你这本365页新书空白着的首页,好好写下第一句。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Open a new blank page, copy the script below and insert it into the new page. 打开一个新的空白页,请复制以下脚本,并插入新的页面中。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. They are, in effect, a blank page onto which we doodle our dreams, fears and obsessions. 但是它们实际上我们自己是涂抹在一页白纸上的梦想,恐惧和迷恋。 dongxi.net 7. To delete a blank page at the end of the document, go to the end of the document and delete any extra paragraph marks. 要删除文档末尾的空白页面,请转到文档的末尾,并删除所有多余的段落标记。 office.microsoft.com 8. Access will create a blank page and open it in Design view. Access将创建一个空白页,并在“设计”视图中打开它。 office.microsoft.com 9. "My printer prints a blank page after every document. " “我的打印机在每个文件打印完毕后都会出一张白纸。” www.ted.com 10. Finally, when you first open FrontPage, you'll notice that a blank page called new_page_1. Htm has been created for you. 最后,当您刚刚打开FrontPage时,您将注意到FrontPage已为您创建了一个名为new_page_1.htm的空白网页。 office.microsoft.com 1. After you have a blank page, you will need to set it up so that it's the size and orientation you want. 在出现空白页面之后,您需要设置该页面以使其符合您所需的大小和方向。 office.microsoft.com 2. The job description is a blank page. 有关此项职务的具体描述还是空白。 www.bing.com 3. When you open WordPad, for example, it starts with a blank page. 例如,打开写字板时,它使用空白页启动。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 4. Every single day is like a blank page of our life . Every person we meet, every event we participate in is a lively essay 每天都是生命中的一张白纸,所遇到的每个人,每件事,都是一篇文章。 wenku.baidu.com 5. If you prefer to design and lay out pages yourself, you can start with a blank page, and then do one or more of the following 如果想自己设计并布置网页,可以从一个空白的网页开始,然后进行以下一项或多项操作 office.microsoft.com 6. Automatic batch and document separation input from patch, bar codes, OCR zones, and blank page 自动分批和从成批文档的文档分隔输入、条码、OCR区域以及空白页 wwwcn.kodak.com 7. Every single day is like a blank page of our 每天都是生命的一张白纸 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Auto Blank Page Deletion (during scanning or post-processing) reduces the need to presort “自动删除空白页”(在扫描或后处理过程中)可减少预先分类的需要 wwwcn.kodak.com 9. The account sheet is complete, remove the blank page and in this folder, and add a back cover; 将账页填写齐全,去除空白页和账夹,并加具封底封面; www.xiami360.com 10. "The Blank Page" and the Issues of Female Creativity “空白”之页与女性创造力问题 news.blcu.edu.cn 1. Staring at the blank page before you, 凝视着这篇空白页,在你 www.kekenet.com 2. Drink for beauty and fill my blank page 为美丽而饮,填满我的空白 wenwen.soso.com |
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