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比较级:blander 最高级:blandest bland 显示所有例句
例句释义: 平淡的,乏味的,清淡的,无滋味的,温和的,无味的,无刺激性的 1. told him that I thought they were rather bland and unimaginative. Functional, like a penis. No, I didn't say that. 我告诉他,我觉得它们没什么意思,很无趣。跟支笔没什么两样。不,我没有那么说。 www.bing.com 2. His looks are bland, his voice is soft and he would be the first to admit that he is not much of a public speaker. 他相貌平平、语调温和,也是承认自己并非演讲能手的第一人了。 www.bing.com 3. The next time you step up to the deli counter, remember this: Bland white bread can't compete with hearty whole wheat in taste or nutrition. 下次当您朝熟食柜台走去时,要记住这一点:清淡的白色面包无论在味道上还是在营养价值上是不能与全麦面包相比的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The result has been a profusion of bland slogans that have come to stand for sustainable development and a greener approach to growth. 其结果是,中国政府推出了大量空泛的口号,支持可持续发展和更环保的增长模式。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So this seems to be nothing more than to add a little foreign glamour to a bland shoe-sale sign. 因此,这似乎只是为了给枯燥乏味的卖鞋招牌增添些许的域外情调而已。 www.ecocn.org 6. But all the emperor's statements have to be approved by the prime minister's office. Not surprisingly, most of what he says is bland. 不过,所有天皇的声明都不得不经过首相办公室的批准,因此毫不奇怪,这位皇帝的所有言论都枯燥无味。 www.bing.com 7. Shirley: At least, it is better than my boxed lunch at work. I'm so fed up with the bland food. Thank you for having lunch with me! 雪莉:至少,它比我们公司吃的盒饭好吃。我受够了那些乏味的食物了。谢谢你陪我吃午饭。 yy006.com 8. But all that clatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland. 除此以外,这些乱七八糟的声音还会将食物的味道淹没,令它们变得淡而无味。 www.bing.com 9. Perhaps another reason for the decline is the soup itself, which is often described as bland, at least for Western palates. 或许食用次数减少的另一个原因是鱼翅汤本身。人们一般都说鱼翅汤是淡而无味,至少按西方人的口味来说是这样。 cn.wsj.com 10. All that was left was the bland suggestion that China seek instead to be one member of an international community of great nations. 剩下的只是泛泛而谈,即中国应该寻求成为国际大国俱乐部中的一员。 www.ftchinese.com 1. ON A Tuesday at 6pm, children begin arriving at a bland commercial building just as the office workers are leaving. 某个星期二下午6:00,孩子们开始来到一个不起眼的商业楼宇,此时,办公室人员正下班离开。 www.bing.com 2. As a bland new culture, network culture has a profound impact on undergraduates in the information and globalization age of our day. 在当今的信息化、全球化时代,网络文化已成为一种全新的文化表达形态,对大学生产生了深远的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. How it leisurely past, how bland unknown, perhaps, only occasionally to hear a few fuzzy fault acoustic ticking. 它如何悠闲地过往,又该如何平淡未知,或许,模糊得只偶尔错听几声滴答滴答。 www.bing.com 4. Pictures of the building said to be the former CIA jail show a bland-looking two-storey house surrounded by a fence and CCTV cameras. 一些据说是前中情局监狱的照片显示了一栋看起来平淡无奇的两层楼建筑,周围有一道栅栏和一些监控摄像头。 www.bing.com 5. Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre. 对碘造影剂过敏、隐匿性甲状腺亢进和轻微甲状腺肿的病例,应慎重。 www.7en.cn 6. The only downside to Bland's fully integrated SSO environment is that he'll miss hearing the sound of his own name spoken at every turn. 这个完全集成的SSO环境的惟一“缺点”是,在每一次通过身份验证时,他不会再听到他的名字被读出来。 www.ibm.com 7. We've all seen bland small-business brochure websites with nothing but endless descriptive paragraphs. 我们都见过那种平淡无奇的小企业小册样式的网站,上面除了无穷无尽的描述段落一无所是。 www.oulan.com 8. The Obama administration put out a bland statement confirming that its "reset" with the Kremlin will go on. 奥巴马政府发表了一则平淡的声明,表示它和克里姆林宫的“重启”还会继续。 www.bing.com 9. The reports are always good in a bland sort of way. 成绩单总是在“报喜”,语气也都是温和平淡的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mike: Vanilla has got to be the most boring flavor ever-it's so bland ! 香草味是最没劲的口味了——它太平淡了! bbs.putclub.com 1. But he tends to be paid rather bland and even inappropriate compliments. 但他得到的大多数是极其不着边际、甚至是不合时宜的恭维。 dongxi.net 2. For these patients, usual food flavors taste bland or different, with a few patients losing the sensation of taste altogether. 对于这些患者,通常食物的味道尝起来变淡或与众不同,其中少数患者完全丧失味觉。 news.dxy.cn 3. And if you were worried that your food would be bland in the post-apocalyptic future, fret no more. 如果你担心末日后的未来食物变得淡而无味,不必烦恼。 dongxi.net 4. BUS pulls up, the doors are flung open and suddenly a quiet bland warehouse in a Sydney industrial suburb is temporarily open for business. 一辆公共汽车停下来,车门猛地被打开,悉尼工业市郊一个寂静的仓库突然变成了临时商业区。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Although we found the steamed greens' shoots with soup rather bland, we were told it was to cool the palate. 虽然我们觉得上汤芦笋口味有些寡淡,但服务员告诉我们:这是为了清一清口。 www.haiguinet.com 6. The fruit is extremely starchy, hence, bland. It can have a mealy texture and tends to spoil quickly, turning into a gooey mush. 这种果实淀粉含量很多,因此口感乏味,粉状质地很容易煮烂,变成一坨浆糊。 www.qeto.com 7. He said this with his face expanding in a bland smile. 他这样说着,脸上绽开了温和的笑容。 www3.060s.com 8. Furthermore, the tone quality tends to become rather bland and dull. 此外,那音质也趋于太缓和太柔和。 www.pianoweb.cn 9. B1 Use another form of the word in bold in the first sentence to fill in the bland in the second sentence. 用第一个句子中黑体字的另一种形式填在第二个句子的空格处。 wx.jtyjy.com 10. Despite the scale of the meetings, little detail of the discussions is revealed to the public beyond a bland description of the main points. 尽管进行了大规模的会议,但并没有向公众提及一些广为人知的要点以外的细节阐述。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, Bland's boss VM is happy to see SSO giving Bland a much-needed productivity boost. 同时,Bland的老板VM也很高兴地看到SSO使Bland的工作效率大幅度提高。 www.ibm.com 2. What ! That bland and rather timid and decidedly gentleman , youth, as he saw him, charged with murder ? 怎么!他心目中这个温文尔雅的,毋宁说有点胆小的、显然有绅士风度的年轻人,被控告犯了杀人罪?。 www.bing.com 3. The company resides in a bland corporate park that is home to a number of other Chinese businesses. 公司位于淡而不奇的企业园中,这也是许多中国企业所在之地。 www.bing.com 4. Hannah loves it, but to me it's always been suspiciously bland, grossly creamy. 汉娜喜欢吃豆腐花,但是我呢,总对它寡淡无味及犹如奶油般异乎寻常滑腻的状态耿耿于怀。 kk.dongxi.net 5. The right words of praise can be so encouraging, but bland, empty praise is meaningless. 合适的赞美语言可是十分具有鼓舞性的但是乏味空洞的表扬则是毫无意义。 www.bing.com 6. The flowers gave of pleasant scent of bland, and the long bright green stems and beautiful white buds showed grace and purity. 花了愉快地气味地乏味,还长期明亮地绿色和美丽地白色茎芽表明宽限期和纯洁性。 www.xiaotieba.com 7. Nothing to fear, just the bland patterns of her furniture to welcome her. 没什么可怕的,只有那些款式平平的家具在迎接她。 www.bing.com 8. Fire Signs want their food to be hot and spicy. The Ram hates bland things and likes to spice up their meals with basil, cinnamon and curry. 白羊座讨厌味道寡淡的东西,喜欢辛辣食物,习惯加入罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉等各种调味品。 www.bing.com 9. Palmer was underwhelming and a little bland in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice. " 帕莫勒在《魔法师的学徒》中表现的不尽人意,有些平淡。 www.bing.com 10. Every single day of our life is like a bland page in our diary. Every person we meet, every event we participate in, is a lively essay. 《谈做人》每天都是生命中的一张白纸,每一个人、每一件事都是一篇生动的文章。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He came forward with such a bland , engaging smile . 他带着一副殷勤的、动人的笑容,走向前来。 www.bing.com 2. If bland colors, you can join for hue of solid color, black or grey, but you do not use black or grey to dark colour. 颜色若太淡,可加入适合色相之纯色、黑或灰色,但黑或灰色使用不当也会使颜色变浊。 www.bing.com 3. Secondly, as far as human feelings go, reality is too bland. Man likes excitement, even if it's contrived . 其次,对人的感受而言,真实太平淡了,人喜欢刺激,即使是虚假的也好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Business Concept uses flowing lines, which makes for a unique look in the typically bland MPV segment. 的经营理念利用流动线,使一个独特的外观在一般MPV的部分乏味。 usa.315che.com 5. Preparation procedure of this reaction is simple , conditions are bland, the products are easily purified. 该反应制备步骤简单,条件温和,产物易纯化。 www.13191.com 6. For some time, Europeans, caught in the debt crisis, had found bland expressions of support for the euro by Chinese leaders reassuring. 一段时间以来,中国人爱发表些不痛不痒的话以对深陷债务危机的欧洲表示支持。 www.bing.com 7. While the whole hotel feels a bit bland, lacking athmosphere of any kind, everything here is just fine. 除了由于缺氧,这个酒店感觉略有点沉闷,这里一切都很好。 www.taskcn.com 8. The bland food help the children realize how lucky they are. 吃著淡而无味的食物,孩子能够了解他们有多幸福。 www.newdaai.tv 9. This coffee tastes bland. I need to put some sweetener in it to give it some flavor. 这咖啡太淡了。我需用点甜味添加剂来增加味道。 home.cdut.net 10. firstly, the size of sample of sound model is very large, making it impossible to put the sample into bland card. 首先,语音模组的样品体积非常大,导致不能直接装入空白卡片。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 1. He prescribed a bland and boring diet; the Graham cracker, in fact, is a sweetened version of his invention. 他开出了一个单调的食谱:格拉汉饼干,事实上,这是他发明的一种甜食。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The dust removal of the autumn, is the name of the bland vegetarian woman. 而这份脱尘的秋光,便是那名寡淡的素衣女子。 www.bing.com 3. When preparing Asian fondue, a general rule of thumb is to have bland broth and spicy dips. 准备亚洲火锅时,一般的经验法则,是有刺激性的肉汤,辛辣逢低。 baike.baidu.com 4. At the sight of that placid and bland physiognomy. 看到那平静、温柔的面容 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Your bland smile of face haunts my dream like the firework in darkness. 你面庞上温润如玉的微笑宛若黑暗间的烟火,萦绕在我的梦里。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Still, Bland and others say the Marshall Plan can serve as an example of a well-run government program. 然而,布兰德及其他学者仍然认为马歇尔计划能够成为妥善管理政府项目的典范。 www.america.gov 7. But the text itself, although grammatically correct, was disappointingly bland, flat, characterless . 然而这本书尽管语法正确,内容却令人失望,乏味,沉闷,毫无特色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Pete Dye led the profession out of a bleak period of bland courses following his trip to Scotland in the 1963. 他就是皮特戴。皮特戴在1963年去了苏格兰一趟之后,引领高尔夫一行摆脱了惨淡。 www.igolfyou.cn 9. Mr Ban is said to be bland, given to platitudes, lacking charisma. 据说潘基文态度温和,用陈词滥调来说,即缺乏领袖魅力。 www.ecocn.org 10. They have hinted at strange survivals in terms which would freeze the blood if not masked by a bland optimism. 他们同时暗示道,某些特殊的残存者——如果不是被盲目的乐观主义所掩藏的话——据说可以冷却自身血液。 www.bing.com 1. The Cinderella danced by Brianne Bland was not only lovely in her careful movements. 灰姑娘的扮演者布里安那·布兰德的可爱之处不仅仅在她细致的舞蹈动作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Rice cakes can come plain -- which are kind of bland --or in caramel, apple-cinnamon, cheese-flavored, and various other varieties. 米糕可以做成原味的--一种无味的--或焦糖味、苹果派肉桂味、奶酪味,以及其他各种口味。 www.bing.com 3. The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage. 当艾米丽最近一次见到她的猩猩伙伴时,他们都在粗糙的台阶上坐着。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 4. Dance bands, many influenced by classical harmonies and instrumentation, already existed, but most were elegant and bland. 在当时,已成型的舞蹈伴奏乐队受传统交响乐和乐器表演影响,多呈现典雅温和的姿态。 www.bing.com 5. Uniform ads across territories are often criticised for being bland and soulless. 各地使用统一的广告片经常被批评为乏味、没有灵魂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A world deprived of diversity would be a bland and boring place. 失去了多样性的世界是个冷漠、乏味的地方。 www.24en.com 7. Most of these new foods were pretty bland, but the pestle and mortar can also play a key part here in making them more interesting. 这种新型食品大部分嚼之无味,但是这研钵与舂杵却很关键使一切变得更加丰富有趣。 www.bing.com 8. Consistent complaints: Cloud Drive isn't compatible with Apple devices; the interface is bland; and files don't sync automatically. 一些一致的抱怨是:云硬盘无法兼容Apple的设备;界面平淡无奇;文件无法自动同步。 www.bing.com 9. Unlike the sacrifices at a family's home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. 不像牺牲在婆家坛,上市的古墓时通常分为干的、温和的食物。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Petals can be bitter, sweet, savory, hot, or bland, you name it. The taste varies from flower to flower. 花瓣可以是苦的,甜,咸,热,或平淡,应有尽有。 www.jin14.com 1. If you get a bland answer, like "Nothing much" or "I don't know. . . " , then you have to take control of the conversation. 如果你得到的是一个不明确的答案,比如:“没什么”或者“我也不知道”,此时,就需要你来控制整个交流过程了。 www.faya8.com 2. The grand architecture and cobblestone streets remain, but bland cafes and restaurants surround Marco Polo Square. 宏伟的建筑和鹅卵石街道依旧,但马可波罗广场周围的咖啡馆和餐厅却是索然寡味。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Some of its tools of repression were bland and bureaucratic. 一些用来镇压的工具其实平淡无奇且官僚主义的。 dongxi.net 4. The town itself is another bland collection of modern buildings strung along a wide central street. 这个镇有一条宽阔的中心街,这条街是又一处现代建筑物的品牌收集点。 boboan79.blog.163.com 5. But that decision helped create a situation that could make even seemingly bland Fed actions spark violent market reactions. 但这一决定可能造成的局面是,让美联储看似温和的行动引发激烈的市场反应。 www.bing.com 6. The animations for flight are all right, but the botched lip syncing, shadows, and bland environments screw everything up. 飞行时的画面是还不赖,但画面对比,阴影和环境构成搞砸了这一切。 bbs.duowan.com 7. Conventional treatment will often include prescription diets that are frequently bland and not very palatable. 常规治疗通常包括处方饮食,经常平淡,不是很可口。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. How enduring, our bland fatal assurance that reflection is righteousness being accomplished. 如何持久,我们的乏味致命的保证这种思考是义正在完成。 www.ted.com 9. Within a mere half-hour, rooms go from bland and forgettable to bright and perfectly accessorized. 在仅仅半小时以内,房间便从平淡无奇变得明亮而且配置齐整。 www.bing.com 10. Folk-blues existed with Delta blues [which] existed with field hollers [which] existed with [blues singer] Bobby Bland. 民俗与三角洲布鲁斯蓝调存在[这]与外地霍勒斯[这]与[蓝调歌手]鲍比布兰德。 www.englishtang.com 1. I love great icons and cute icons can really add depth and sparkle to a otherwise bland design. 我喜欢好的图标,可爱的图标的确能为一个平淡的设计带来层次和亮点。 www.bing.com 2. Policemen with fearsome reps need punchy nicknames, especially if their real names are as bland as Dave Brown and Joe Cooper. So the L. 可怕的代表的警察需要强而有力的昵称,尤其是如果他们的真实姓名,如大卫布朗和乔库珀平淡。 www.englishtang.com 3. The author of 'A Fondness for Food' even wrote about "the bland , standard UK diet" . 《狂爱美食》一书作者甚至还写道“英国菜的标准就是淡而无味”。 www.hjenglish.com 4. They hated the merger by a Liberal government of the three forces, which gave them all green uniforms as bland as their names. 这些老兵痛恨自由党对三支部队的合并,让他们穿上绿色制服,就像他们的名字一样,那么的平淡无奇,没有特色。 www.ecocn.org 5. It is a finely ground mixture of pork and beef with a comparatively bland seasoning. 这是一种猪肉和牛肉与一种相对清淡的调味剂研磨而成的混合物。 www.nciku.com 6. My idea is not to knock traditional foods, but some do go bland over time. 我不想批评传统的食物,但是一些确实会随着时间而变得索然无味。 www.bing.com 7. The doctor says that the sick woman must have only bland food. 这位医生说这位病妇一定只能吃清淡食。 department.gxtc.edu.cn 8. Description: Clear yellow pale oily liquid, with odour and characteristic bland taste. 外观:清澈浅黄色油状液体,特有柔和清香气味。 www.blms.com.cn 9. Contact forms have evolved a lot since the days of simple bland html forms. 自从简单而乏味的html表单出现以来,联系表单已经有了长足的发展。 www.bing.com 10. The importance goes well beyond the need to protect their reputations by not breaching bland promises of privacy . 其严重性决不仅仅局限于这些公司必须通过坚守保护隐私的温和承诺来维护自身声誉。 www.bing.com 1. Some firms remove salt furtively, since their customers equate "low-sodium" with "bland" . 一些公司因为客户要求“低糖”和“温和”,就在产品包装上偷偷去掉“盐”这一项。 www.ecocn.org 2. Rosehips, for instance, are loaded with Vitamin C. In general, pollen is full of protein and tastes bland. 例如,玫瑰,一般情况下富含维生素C,花粉是蛋白质充分,口味平淡。 www.jin14.com 3. No longer will Bland face multiple identity challenges while he goes about getting his work done. 在Bland进行工作的时候,他无需再面对多次身份质询了。 www.ibm.com 4. The headline is bland: 'Announcement of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba. 这个头条是枯燥乏味的:“古巴中央总工会宣布”。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. The ambient lights were low and soothing, the music bland, the employees, like Enzo, treading water. 周围的灯光柔和宁静,音乐舒缓,店员们像恩佐一样在瞎忙活。 www.bing.com 6. However, if this recommendation is adopted, food will become almost insufferably bland for most Americans and Europeans. 但是,如果这个建议被接受了,对大多数欧美人来说,食物将会变得淡而无味。 www.gdyjs.com 7. Foods that contain too little or too much sugar, fat or salt are either bland or overwhelming. 含有太多或太少糖、脂肪或者盐的食物要么太乏味,要么味道太强。 www.bing.com 8. If you walk through Knightsbridge on any bland day of the week you won't hear an English accent. 随便挑一天,你到伦敦的骑士桥上走走,你连英国口音都听不到。 career.51youcai.com 9. Most vegetables in the U. S. are rather bland in taste . 美国的大部分蔬菜味道很淡。 www.bing.com 10. The conversation, the Asahi beer and warm sake in the bar compensated for the bland food on board. 一路呆在暖和的酒吧里聊天和畅饮朝日啤酒,可以算作对船上乏味伙食的补偿。 www.bing.com 1. Don't let the bland exterior of Saint Roch Church deter you from a visit. 不要让乏味的外部圣罗克瓦教会阻止你访问。 ptyly.com 2. Partners are the sweet springs, though bland, talks about the more sweet products. 伴侣是甘甜的清泉,虽淡而无味,却越品越甜。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Jim Bland dreams of exciting assignments filled with intrigue and danger. JimBland梦想着充满刺激和危险的激动人心的任务。 www.ibm.com 4. moon rises, and the glass lamp, with a bland smile, calls her. 玻璃灯因瓦灯叫它表兄而责备瓦灯时,月亮出来了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The unit was a clean, bland, modern, calmingly pine-coloured fortress. 整个单元干净也很现代,但没什么装饰,像个木头颜色的堡垒。 www.bing.com 6. His attitude was bland and his expression was unreadable. 他的态度平静,脸上的表情不可解读。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The magazine ceased printing in 2003, and its web presence is depressingly bland. 但是这本杂志在2003年停止出版实体书,它的网页也显得沉闷无味。 www.bing.com 8. As you can see from some other reviews there is a lot of gold in the bathrooms, but not Vegas or bland it's tasteful. 像你在其他评论上看到的一样,那里的浴室大多是金制的,但是并不想维纳斯或平淡,它很雅致。 weike.taskcn.com 9. "Pineapples are very bland here, " says Kagame. “这儿的菠萝味很淡,”卡加梅说。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I managed to make my mind a bland, even nodding off for a moment at one point. 我设法使脑子休息一会,甚至小睡了一会儿。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 1. For all its bland, moon-like appearance, Mercury is a very quirky place. 所有平淡无奇,月亮一样的外观,汞是一种非常古怪的地方。 www.englishtang.com 2. Which is not to say that he is bland. 这并不是说他是平淡乏味的。 www.bing.com 3. Jones is a 32-year-old single woman from morning till night doing television company researchers that copy of bland work. 琼斯是一位32岁的单身女子,从早到晚做着电视公司研究员那份平淡无奇的工作。 www.yc55.cn 4. If you eat Sichuan cuisine and find it too bland, then you are probably not eating authentic Sichuan cuisine. 如果你吃四川菜,发现它过于柔和,那么你可能吃的不是正宗的四川菜。 www.bing.com 5. After the meeting, a bland statement was issued. 会后发布了一条乏味的声明。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Unfortunately, this leads only to bland design that neither appeals to nor excites anyone. 不幸的是,这只能导致乏味的设计,既没有满足诉求,也没有让任何人兴奋。 www.bing.com 7. Movies are so weak without the soundtracks, life without sound is bland. 电影没有配音是这样的软弱无力,没有声音的生活是多么平淡无奇。 www.hxen.com 8. A lemon sauce might need less lemon and more seasoning. Tomato sauce holds up well, while delicate cream sauces just seem bland. 柠檬酱可能需要更少的柠檬和更多的调味料,蕃茄酱的味道保持得不错,而鲜奶油酱尝起来则淡而无味。 c.wsj.com 9. Because pretzels are basically bland, seasoned varieties pump up the flavor, but also the calories, sodium and fat content. 卷饼本身是无任何味道的,主要依靠各种添加佐料才有了人们喜欢的好味道,但同时也加入了卡路里,钠盐和脂肪。 www.bing.com 10. The Seoul G20 conference will presumably draw a veil of bland platitudes over the world's ugly tensions. G20首尔峰会想必会用平淡的陈词滥调掩盖世界上一些丑陋的紧张。 www.ftchinese.com 1. When you asked what made Apple Apple, the answers came back implausibly bland: focus, simplicity, great design, vision, Steve. 你要是问:苹果何以成为苹果?得到的答案会苍白得令人难以置信:专注,简约,伟大的设计,远见,乔布斯。 www.ftchinese.com 2. There is no bland truth-teller to lead the reader by the hand. 这部小说里没有令人乏味的说教者来引导读者的思路。 club.topsage.com 3. Tubal metaplasia. You look for cilia and stratified but bland nuclei. 输卵管上皮化生:寻找纤毛、复层化但核温和。 www.ipathology.cn 4. Tyrone Harvey, 43, of Washington, left, talks with his doctor Gail Nunlee-Bland, M. D. , about his diabetes. 来自华盛顿的43岁的泰伦?哈维(左侧)和他的医生盖尔?娜丽班德博士(右边)讨论它的糖尿病。 www.bing.com 5. I prefer staying at boutique hotels to bland chains, and using a family-owned printer when I can. 比起乏味的连锁店,我更喜欢住在小酒店,在可能的情况下使用家庭打印机。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Its bland taste makes it suitable for use in everything from main courses to desserts, and even in beverages. 其温和的味道使它适用于一切从主要课程,餐后甜点,甚至在饮料。 www.3us.com 7. Because of the strong absorption, the solar bland ultraviolet detecting system has simple work background. 日盲型紫外探测系统因此具有简单的工作背景。 www.jgjs.net.cn 8. Icons as bullets: Instead of using bland circles, use industry-related symbols as bullets. 用图标代替普通符号:使用行业相关的标志作插入符号,而不是用小圆圈。 www.jianlimuban.com 9. The fields lift bland , however , will match anything. 然而剩下的空白字段将可匹配任何内容。 www.ltesting.net 10. The goal is consensus: better bland accord than public discord. 目标是一致的:平淡乏味的和谐总比公开的不和要好些。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Vegetarian dishes are sometimes bland but the food here has lots of flavour. 素食美食有时很淡,但是这里的食物味道浓郁。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That creates a rather bland list of recommendations. 这样产生的推荐列表有些乏味。 wangyuanzju.blog.163.com 3. Even drink together is the bland white water, but also feel that the sky is the mannose. 就算一起喝的是平淡无味的白开水,但也会觉得是天上的甘露。 maotianxia.anyp.com 4. In winning acceptance from straight s, he says, gays have become bland, sanitised and shallow. 在赢得直人们的接受后,他说,同性恋者越来越乏味,无奇和肤浅。 bbs.yeeu.org 5. The institute was given its bland name to confuse foreigners. 该研究所采用这一不起眼的名字目的是为了迷惑外国人。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn 6. I am bad at giving bland answers to unwelcome or stupid questions, or listening to the repetitive beatings of lobbyists. 我不擅长笑对那些来者不善或愚蠢的问题,也不乐意听那些游说者反复唠叨。 www.ftchinese.com 7. We want a tastier, spicier variation on the bland, standard UK diet. 我们希望温和的常规英国饮食更加可口、更加辛辣。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. They didn't have much appetite and wanted something bland, - so each ordered a serving of rice noodles. 她们都说胃口不好,要吃清淡些,便一人叫了个米线。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The colors are too bland and the style shows no personality whatsoever. 这颜色太黯淡无彩了,且这个款式一点都没有个性。 www.ef.com.cn 10. 'The first time I ate it, I didn't really like it, ' she says. 'It was really bland. ' 她说,“我第一次吃面包果的时候,其实并不喜欢吃,它淡而无味。” cn.wsj.com 1. The narrator here is a bit too bland and corporate-sounding, but this is a solid overview. 解说员在这里有点太平淡和企业冠冕堂皇,但这是一个坚实的概述。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This tip alone can transform bland food in to masterful food. 这一个技巧就能把乏味的食物变得美味。 www.elanso.com 3. When used again, now quiet, now accustomed to bland, I do not know, is my strong years bald? 当再次习惯于现在的安静,习惯于现在的平淡,我不知道,是岁月磨平了我的刚强? enwaimao.cn 4. Landing field? Did he bland? Hold me so closed, and he should feel it. 敢说我是飞机场,他瞎了眼啊,明明抱的那么紧,应该会有感觉的啊。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. There's just one problem: It tastes remarkably bland. 只有一个问题:面包果吃起来没啥味道。 www.qeto.com 6. Typically, these are opposed by bland, bromide-mouthing mobs who evoke nothing so much as Hannah Arendt's phrase "the banality of evil. " 典型的,这些品质是那些乏味平庸的暴徒所反对的,而他们不啻为汉娜·阿伦特描绘的词组“平庸的恶”。 www.bing.com 7. About 200, 000 people, almost all Uighurs, are being relocated to bland, modern apartment buildings in the suburbs. 大约20万人,几乎全是维吾尔人,正被迁移到郊区平淡没有特征的现代化公寓大楼。 www.bing.com 8. He say those bland, and adult children came from the mouth of a laugh, but also people like small new language. 他的那些大人说来平淡无奇,而从儿童口里说出来令人捧腹大笑的语言,也是人们喜爱小新的重要原因。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Bland looking windows - many original windows are not decorative because the builder wanted to keep costs down. 布兰德外观的Windows-许多原窗口不会装饰,因为建筑商要降低成本。 column.iresearch.cn 10. She forgot to add spices to the soup, so it tasted very bland. 她忘了往汤里加调料,所以味道很清淡。 www.chinatranslation.org 1. "China in the 21st Century" provides a good background on China, though it is rather bland reading. “21世纪中的中国”很好得展现出了中国的背景,虽然读起来还是有点平淡。 www.bing.com 2. The statement was more pro-growth than last year's, but most observers just ignored Beijing's bland words. 声明中把增长看的比去年更重,但大多数观察员对北京的空洞用词不买账。 www.bing.com 3. Panel to fill in gap between two stands, or disguise bland spaces. 填充两个展台之间空隙的嵌板,或装饰多余空隙的镶板。 blog.163.com 4. Beds were made in a hurry and the whole room experience quite cramped and characterless, bland. 床看的出来是匆忙中整体好的,整个房间的感觉局促,平庸和缺乏特色。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. I'm bland for you for long time. 我很久对你没感觉了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. My love affair with Facebook was brief and bland. 我与Facebook的热恋简短而乏味。 www.ftchinese.com 7. His life is as reassuringly bland as his daily turkey-wrap lunch. 他的人生就像他每日的火鸡卷午餐一样,安适自然却又索然无味。 www.24en.com 8. Extending the EV's range means minimizing drag, which can lead to bland shapes. 扩大电动汽车的宽度就意味着让长度最小化,这样外形就会变得古板。 www.bing.com 9. Plus I love spicy foods, so my diet is anything but bland. 而且我喜欢吃辣,所以我的食物总是口感强烈。 www.bing.com 10. Yet, it didn't do it for me: too cold, too bland. 然而,这对我来说并不适合:太冷清,太乏味。 img9.vikecn.com 1. The food tasted too bland to me. 麦当劳这类的食品是如此的淡而无味。 www.bing.com 2. Bland foods such as a boneless, skinless chicken breast can give you a quick burst of protein. 清淡的食物,如无骨、去皮的鸡胸肉可以给你迅速补充蛋白质。 www.bing.com 3. the moon rises, and the glass lamp, with a bland smile. 但月亮出来时,玻璃灯却温柔一笑。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Most of us end up living bland and troubled lives. 我们大部分人都会度过平淡而且艰难的一生。 www.bing.com 5. It's as bland as a sugar-free cookie. 这真是跟无糖的曲奇饼干一样,索然无味啊。 www.bing.com 6. Molly's voice had gone bland, empty even of condemnation. 莫莉的声音变得茫然、空虚、甚至有点谴责的味道。 www.jukuu.com 7. Hatred hidden behind a bland smile. 和蔼的微笑后隐藏着仇恨。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. the service was horrible, the food was bland, and the decor left something to be desired. 服务奇差无比,食物味同嚼蜡,店里的装潢也不咋地。 news.koolearn.com 9. So you might say 'That singer is very bland. ' 意思是,说这个歌手很乏味,没有什么有意思的。 www.kekenet.com 10. The doctor said you should try to avoid greasy food and have a bland diet these two days. 医生说这两天你最好不要吃油腻的东西,吃一些清淡的食物。 www.tingroom.com 1. I think the shrimp is a little bland. 我觉得虾球有点淡耶。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. He EATS only bland food because of his ulcer. 他患溃疡,只能吃无刺激性的食物。 dict.ebigear.com 3. For occasional vomiting, a short fast, bland diet and some slippery elm bark (readily available at health food stores) can do the trick. 偶有呕吐,很短的快速,清淡饮食和一些滑榆树皮(随时在健康食品商店),可以做的伎俩。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In faith, I have gain many girls love in KFC, imaging the following scene: with slow and bland music, at slap-up KFC. 在信仰,我已获得许多女孩爱肯德基,成像以下场景:缓慢而温和的音乐,在高档的KFC。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 5. Meet the Chinese tilapia, a bland food product that grows fast and sells cheap. 来认识一下中国罗非鱼,一种生长迅速、售价便宜,但没什么味道的食品。 www.bing.com 6. Isn't vegan food just bland and gross? 素食食物是不是很平淡而且只是吃草呢? www.vegtomato.org 7. These are highly emotional and gripping experiences that are so compelling for them that ordinary reality seems bland. 这些都是非常动人的感情经历,并迫使他们一般都是这么现实,近乎平淡。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The wine tastes as bland as water. 这种白酒味道淡得像水。 www3.060s.com 9. 10 my life machine-made, bland. 我的生活千篇一律,平淡无奇。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I'm so fed up with the bland food. 我受够了那些乏味的食物了。 www.kekenet.com 1. He has a bland appearance. 他外表平庸。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Told a series of bland lies. 泰然自若地说了一大串谎话 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Why give ourselves to the bland and the mediocre when we can have the exquisite vintage of truth in Christ? 这就是,为什么当我们自己变得更平凡、更温和的时候,我们就能在基督里尝饮真理的佳酿? blog.sina.com.cn 4. 'Mrs Chick, ' said a very bland female voice outside, 'how are you now, my dear friend? “奇克夫人,”门外一个很温柔的女性的声音说道,“您好吗,我亲爱的朋友?” www.hxen.com 5. I couldn't help it. He asked me piont-bland. 我没办法。他直截了当地问我。 www.hxen.com 6. For example, when paying compliments, the men tended to rely on bland and therefore more predictable words, such as'nice' and 'good'. 例如说在表示对对方的恭维时,男性倾向于实力一些乏味的意料之中的次,如“好”和“棒”。 www.hjenglish.com 7. When we see healthy diets as boring and bland, we can't stick with them for more than a short while. 当我们发现健康食谱是非常乏味和平淡的时候,我们只能坚持一小会儿。 www.bing.com 8. Is it bland? - Not anymore. 味道淡吗?-很淡 www.tingroom.com 9. While tasting the tea water, people can taste all kinds of bland tea diets, such as girdlecakes, fruits, etc. 在品茗的同时,可品尝各式糕饼、水果等清淡茶食用以佐茶。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The tour of Selma is led by Joanne Bland, who at 11 years old marched on Bloody Sunday and witnessed the brutality of the police. 赴塞尔马的旅行由乔安妮·布兰德(JoanneBland)带队,她在11岁那年参加了“血腥星期天”的游行,亲眼目睹警察的残暴行为。 www.america.gov 1. It is best for stir-frying because the flavor is bland and it can withstand high heat. 因为它味道较淡且耐高温,所以最好用旺火炒。 www.bing.com 2. It can make bland foods tasty and can make the dentist rich. 它可以平淡,可以使食物鲜美牙医丰富。 actuafreearticles.com 3. ' The third person bought spring water, saying, 'I like things bland and flavorless'. 第三个人选择了矿泉水,他说:“我喜欢平淡无味的。” q.sohu.com 4. Who is this bland, timid guy who doesn't seem to stand for anything in particular? 那位平淡而怕事,尤其是什么也代表不了的人究竟是谁? www.bing.com 5. Random and double bland clinical study of treating vaginal bleeding with taking table norethisterone compositae after drug abortion 随机双盲口服复方炔诺酮片防治药物流产后阴道出血的临床研究 service.ilib.cn 6. I don't like bland food. I like my food spicy! 我不喜欢吃清淡的食物。我喜欢吃口味重一点的! www.wwenglish.com 7. either way , try and keep the diet fairly bland and low fat for a while when starting out 不论怎么样,当开始的时候,要尽量保持食物平衡不含刺激性,和低脂肪。 www.ichacha.net 8. only a taste of the ordinary, will discard the original collection of well-being. no pain, life, feast on the bland flavor; 只有领略了平凡,才会收藏当初丢弃的幸福。没有痛苦,生活的盛宴就淡了原味; www.nahuo8.com 9. Renovation of the Centralized Grease Lubricating System of a Continuous Square Bland Casting Machine 方坯连铸机干油集中润滑系统改造 ilib.cn 10. The 'Bland, Standard UK Diet': Myth or Reality? A Look at Five Favourite Traditional British Dishes 英国菜都是淡而无味的:真的假的?五种传统英式菜肴赏鉴 www.oxford.com.cn 1. If you think water is too bland, then add some salt, or have drinks 觉得水没有味道时,可以加一些盐 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Nice colour, but strangely bland design for a usually reliably out-there design team 颜色很美,但是对这么一个通常以新奇闻名的设计团队来说,这是一个奇怪的有些平淡乏味的设计。 www.bing.com 3. Bland control area--an urgent problem waiting to be solved 控制盲区:社会控制转型中一个亟须关注的问题 www.ilib.cn 4. Theoretical Basis and Main Application Points of Li Zhongzi's Treatment for Diarrhea with Bland Drugs 李中梓淡渗治泻法的理论依据和运用要点 www.ilib.cn 5. Negotiable clean bill (s) of lading to order bland endorsed or naming Buyer's consignee; 空白抬头、空白背书、可转让的清结提单,或指定买方为收货人的记名提单; www.lawtime.cn 6. Discussion on the Bland Strategy of Higher Vocational Colleges 试述高职院校品牌战略 scholar.ilib.cn 7. A typically bland woman lacking any attractive traits 没有什么想法和个性的女人 www.talkdatalk.cn 8. Maintenance procedure of NC machine tool CRT bland screen 数控机床CRT黑屏故障的维修办法 www.ilib.cn 9. The contents of the specified in the three items: first, the food provided by the princiole, in muscle and qianyanzhou represents the bland; 所注明的内容主要有三项:一是食品所提供的热量,用千卡路里和千焦耳表示; www.bing.com 10. I replied with bland comments about the beautiful landscape; 我只以一些淡而无味的评论回覆他,像是美丽的景色; tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. appointed course, his nature was bland and genial; but, 他的气质是平淡而温和的;但是, wenku.baidu.com 2. bland, rigidly linear level design; 枯燥乏味一条直线的关卡设计; bbs.a9vg.com 3. Dull a few bland comments 一些平淡的评价 kaocn.com 4. and still they say that love makes bland 以至于旁人说爱使人盲目 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Application of PLC in Automatic Cut to Length System of Casting Bland PLC在铸坯切割自动定尺系统中的应用 ilib.cn 6. When things that once were beautiful Are bland 把事情当作美丽是温和的 baike.soso.com 7. Individual life is opposite at the world it is very brief, mediocre and unambitious perhaps, bland; 个体的生命相对于世界是十分短暂的,或者庸庸碌碌、平淡无奇; dictsearch.appspot.com 8. bland stories with little plot 缺乏情节而枯燥乏味的故事 wenku.baidu.com 9. Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10 follow Jim Bland's request as it progresses through the SSO environment using this new feature. In figure 7 图7、8、9和10展示JimBland使用这一新特性通过SSO环境过程中发出的请求。 www.ibm.com 10. The Tale of Pigling Bland; 温吞小猪的故事 blog.sina.com.cn |
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