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复数:Cypriots 例句释义: 塞浦路斯岛的,塞浦路斯人[语]的,塞浦路斯人[语] 1. The largely unseen presence of that huge Turkish garrison is enough to dampen the optimism of many Greek-Cypriots. 土耳其为数众多的驻军虽鲜为人知,但其力量足以浇灭许多希腊族人的统一热情。 www.ecocn.org 2. Younger Cypriots have no memory of a united island and the "green line" is coming to look like permanent partition. 年轻一代的塞浦路斯人没有统一岛屿的记忆,“绿线”看起来更像是永久的分割线。 www.ecocn.org 3. Turkish- Cypriots said the decision would harden opposition to plans to reunite the island. 土耳其裔塞浦路斯人称此项决定将使统一岛屿计划的反对方受益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The first idea, a tax on bank deposits did not go overwhelm, Cypriots started pulling their money into banks. 第一个想法,银行存款的税务并不是如此高涨,塞浦路斯人开始把资金存入银行。 www.bing.com 5. By 1964 Turkish-Cypriots withdrew into enclaves and barbed wire went up in Nicosia (now "Europe's last divided capital" ). 1964年,土族塞人退入在尼科西亚(现在欧洲最后的分裂首都)由铁丝网围成的飞地。 www.ecocn.org 6. Badaling Great Wall Shicheng 9 Cypriots one of the world, is the essence of the Great Wall and an outstanding representative. 八达岭长城史称天下九塞之一,是万里长城的精华和杰出代表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. That promise was made to reward Turkish Cypriots for voting in favour of a UN-sponsored plan for reunification in April 2004. 2004年4月,土耳其塞浦路斯人投票支持联合国发起的重新统一计划,欧盟给出了承诺来报答他们。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Greek Cypriots had been headed for a religious service in a church in the Morphu area. 希族塞人是前往参加迈索尔地区一座教堂的宗教仪式的。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. Throughout the weekend many Cypriots were withdrawing as much as they could from bank cash machines before the special tax could be imposed. 周末,许多塞浦路斯人抢在特殊税施行之前从银行取款机中尽可能地取出自己的钱。 cn.nytimes.com 10. However the biggest problem is not on the Turkish-Cypriot side, but the lack of pressure on the Greek-Cypriots to make concessions. 然而最大的问题不在土赛方面,而是没有足够的压力让希赛做出让步。 www.ecocn.org 1. After a brief campaign the Turks captured over a third of the island, driving out or killing the Greek-Cypriots. 一场小战役之后,土耳其就占领了塞浦路斯岛的三分之一。 www.ecocn.org 2. Experience suggests that the Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots will not solve their conflict alone. 经验表明希赛和土赛不能独自解决他们的冲突。 www.ecocn.org 3. The move to push ahead with drilling has irked breakaway Turkish Cypriots in the northern sector of this divided island. The移动推与超前钻探苦恼在北部部门分离的土耳其裔塞浦路斯人这是分裂的岛屿。 www.englishtang.com 4. Nigerians, Ghanaians, Cypriots and many others came for tea, coffee, lunch or just for a chat. 有尼日利亚人、加纳人、塞浦路斯人以及其他国家的朋友过来品茶喝咖啡吃午饭甚至只是纯粹地聊聊天。 www.bing.com 5. He has ousted Mehmet Ali Talat, the most pro-settlement leader the Turkish-Cypriots have had. 他驱逐了塔拉特,其是土耳其-塞浦路斯史上最赞成和解的领袖。 www.ecocn.org 6. During the 1940s and 1950s, some Cypriots began to demand union with Greece. 在20世纪40-50年代,一些塞浦路斯人要求和希腊建立联盟。 www.ebigear.com 7. Turkish-Cypriots have staged protests against Turkey, their sponsor, but these have mostly fizzled. 土属塞浦路斯人举行抗议活动反对他们的支持者土耳其,但是这些大部分都失败了。 www.ecocn.org 8. Cypriots were braced yesterday for the introduction of strict controls on withdrawing and transferring money from their bank accounts. 塞浦路斯储户昨日准备迎接一系列严格控制银行账户提款和转账的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But the effort was doomed by the unconditional promise to the Greek-Cypriots of EU membership. 但是无条件接爱希塞浦路斯为欧盟成员的承诺早就注定了所有努力必将失败。 www.ecocn.org 10. Second, the Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, must find a way of talking directly to the Greek-Cypriots. 第二,土耳其总理,埃尔多安,必须找到和希赛直接对话的途径。 www.ecocn.org 1. That could upset talks between Greek- and Turkish-Cypriots aimed at unifying the island. 这将打断希腊裔和土耳其裔塞浦路斯人的和谈,和谈旨在统一塞浦路斯岛。 www.ecocn.org 2. Cypriots in the wardrobe master -- what people think. 塞得满满的衣柜总让人觉得不知所措。 www.showxiu.com 3. The main ethnic groups are Greek Cypriots (77%) and Turkish Cypriots (18%), with other minority (5%). 主要的民族群体有希腊塞浦路斯(77%),土耳其塞浦路斯(18%)和其他群体5%。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. A travesty of democracy, some Greek-Cypriots said. 一些塞浦路斯希腊族人说,这是对民主的恶搞。 www.ecocn.org 5. Cypriots pay the highest interest rates on loans in the euro area, with the gap widening further this year. 在欧元区,塞浦路斯贷款的利率最高,今年以来与别国的差距愈拉愈大。 www.ecocn.org 6. They added that more Cypriots who work in Libya expect to be evacuated. 他们还说,谁更塞在利比亚工作期望得到疏散。 www.sdsky.com 7. Many Greek-Cypriots shrug their shoulders: they are now in the EU and the euro. 许多希腊塞浦路斯人耸耸肩膀:他们现在加入了欧盟,使用欧元。 www.ecocn.org 8. It's a vision which is totally unacceptable to the majority of Greek Cypriots. 而对于希腊塞浦路斯多数派来说,这是完全不能接受的。 show.24en.com 9. But the Greek Cypriots voted against it. 但是希腊族塞浦路斯人投票反对该计划。 www.ecocn.org 10. We're advising the Northern Cypriots on how to reunify their island. 我们给予北塞关于如何统一它的岛屿的建议。 www.ted.com 1. Also put the bag of space, not into small packets also Cypriots. 放包里又占空间,小包也塞不进去。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Reportedly, becoming only exit is to be a vehicle out, not to abuse the car caught Cypriots remain Fenger; 据介绍,变窄是让出口处只容一辆车出去,不给夹塞儿的车留缝儿; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The major parts of Greek Cypriots are Christian Orthodox, whereas Turkish Cypriots are Muslims 大部分希腊塞浦路斯人信仰基督东正教,土耳其塞浦路斯信仰穆斯林教。 www.ebigear.com 4. Then eastward to the urn in the county, then Juyan Cypriots , along Ejin River Yi that the north; 再向东到金塔县境内,接居延塞,沿额济纳河迤题北上; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. bad for the Greek-Cypriots, who face a large Turkish army in the north and have lost territory and property; 对希赛人也不好,其北部面对大批土耳其军队,并且丧失了领土和财产; www.ecocn.org 6. seventy per cent of irish people suffering emotional problems seek help from their doctor compared to just 38 per cent of cypriots 遭遇情感问题的爱尔兰人向他们的医生求助,而塞浦路斯人仅有38%。 www.ichacha.net 7. Cypriots Cast Blame As Banks Open 塞浦路斯银行恢复营业场面平静 www.bing.com |
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