单词 | demotion |
释义 |
复数:demotions 例句释义: 降级,降职,降级为叶节点级别,但降职 1. He was actually laid off from his job because he wouldn't accept a small demotion in title because he felt it was a blow to his dignity. 实际上他离开这个工作是由于接受不了被小小地降职,因为他觉得对于自己的自尊心来说是一个打击。 www.bing.com 2. The promotion, demotion and declassification are transacted every half a year. The archiving should be checked and cleared up yearly. 公司每半年办理一次升、降、解密手续,每年归档时进行核对、清理。 www.enlrc.com 3. The routine was that Alice made dinner because she got home first ever since her demotion from accountant to glorified messenger. 他们家的惯例是艾丽丝做晚饭,因为自打她从会计降成了名字很好听的信使后,都是她先到家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Since then, many scholars have wondered what this economic demotion means for the bank's global poverty counts. 自那时开始,许多学者一直在考虑经济水平的缩水对于实际银行的全球贫困人口的统计。 www.ecocn.org 5. Of this incident the primary leadership responsibilities, subject to administrative demotion within the party a serious warning. 这一事件的主要领导责任,受到行政降级,党内严重警告处分。 www.qiyeku.com 6. Of this incident bears an important leadership responsibility, subject to administrative demotion within the party a serious warning. 这一事件负有重要领导责任,党内严重警告,受到行政降级。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The only other known example of such an oddly angled orbit was Pluto, until its demotion to dwarf planet status. 唯一的另一个已知的以如此奇怪的角度运行的例子是冥王星,直到它降级为矮行星。 www.bing.com 8. The vice chancellor of UEA, Professor Edward Acton, said this was "not a demotion but a shift in emphasis of role" for Phil Jones. 东英吉利大学副校长爱德华·艾克顿教授说,这项任命对菲尔·琼斯而言“不是降级,而仅仅是职责重心的改变”。 www.bing.com 9. The demotion means the club will miss out on millions of pounds of lucrative television rights and sponsorship money. 降级意味着该俱乐部将失去数以百万英镑计的电视转播权和赞助收入。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Tyson was one of the first to push for Pluto's demotion. Tyson是率先提议将冥王星降级的科学家之一。 www.bing.com 1. However, the removal of such punishment as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a resumption of the original rank or post. 但是,解除降级、撤职处分的,不视为恢复原级别、原职务。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Administrative sanctions include a warning, record of demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, removal from office, discharge, etc. 行政处分分为警告、记过、记大过、降级、撤职、开除。 www.dffy.com 3. To be responsible for the awarding, promotion, demotion and cancellation of the customs ranks. 负责海关关衔的授予、晋级、降级、取消等工作。 www.kekenet.com 4. Each tier has its own admission requirements and rules and promotion and demotion between tiers depends on performance. 每级都有本身的上市要求及规则,升降级视乎公司表现。 www.charltonslaw.com 5. Palladino had been on loan to Livorno last season, but upon their demotion in the Calciopoli scandal, Juve recalled the young talent. 帕拉蒂诺去年被租借到利沃诺,但受到丑闻影响尔降级的尤文将这位年轻的天才球员招回。 bbs.juvezone.com 6. The player has been in stunning form for the Tuscan outfit and his goals may be enough to help Empoli escape a possible demotion to Serie B. 这位球员在托斯卡纳球队的状态让人吃惊,他的进球或许能够帮助恩波利逃脱降级的厄运。 www.jczqw.com 7. He had quit a larger, more prestigious airline, rather than accept demotion for a hard landing in January, investigators said. 调查人员说,今年1月,费奥多罗夫因迫降面临降级处分,他于是决定从一家规模更大、声望更高的航空公司辞职。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move. 发现厄里斯的科学家——加州理工学院的天文学家MikeBrown认为,冥王星的降级是正确的。 www.bing.com 9. As part of the demotion process, the wizard removes the configuration data for the domain controller from Active Directory. 作为降级过程的一部分,此向导会将该域控制器的配置数据从ActiveDirectory中删除。 blog.163.com 10. I propose this as a convention for the protection of scientific method , not as a demotion or devaluation of social science . 我建议以此作为研究框架是在保护科学方法,对社会科学也不意味着贬值。 www.bing.com 1. The appointment, dismissal, promotion and demotion of civil servants in the recruitment system shall be provided for separately. 聘任制公务员的职务任免与职务升降,另行规定。 tjlx.chinalawinfo.com 2. The demotion in rank for reserve officers shall not be applicable to reserve officers with the rank of reserve Second Lieutenant. 预备役军官军衔降级不适用于预备役少尉军官。 www.cndict.com.cn 3. "I would have never left Juventus, not even after their demotion to Serie B, " said Tacchinardi in an interview to newspaper Libero. “我从没想过要里开尤文图斯,即使她降到意已,我也会追随她到底。”塔塔在接受自由报的采访时这样说。 www.juvezone.com 4. Demotion is the final movement that must be considered in organizations. 降级是最后一个乐章,必须在组织考虑。 www.535356.cn 5. Mr. Wang worked very hard, but all he got for his pains was a demotion for some reason(s). 王先生工作很努力,结果为了某些原因反而被降级。 www.chinaedunet.com 6. Concrete manifestation of this configuration there are basically three types: promotion, demotion and transfer. 这种配置的具体表现形式大致有三种:晋升、降职和调动。 www.xiami360.com 7. Article 21 The people's police who violate the police discipline may be punished with a demotion in the police ranks. 第二十一条人民警察违犯警纪的,可以给予警衔降级的处分。 www.lawinfochina.com 8. Gorman wanted to slow down to preserve service quality, but he was moved to a new job in 2005 that many colleagues considered a demotion. 戈尔曼希望放慢速度,以保持服务质量,但他在2005年被调到一个新的岗位上,许多同事认为这相当于是降职。 word.hcbus.com 9. At each end of the season, the demotion of the club need to transfer his shares in the upgrade from the League club. 在每个赛季结束时,降级的俱乐部需要把自己的股份转让给从甲级联赛中升级的俱乐部。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Demotion of customs title shall not be applied to Grade Two Customs Officer. 关衔降级不适用于二级关务员。 eng.chinalawinfo.com 1. The Toyota demotion means world champion Lewis Hamilton will start the race from eighteenth on the grid, rather than last. 丰田降级意味着世界冠军汉密尔顿的比赛将开始从第十八上网格,而不是过去。 usa.315che.com 2. From operation demotion, exam-driver's education and only seek the proportion of students entering higher school. 从操作层面上看,应试教育片面追求升学率。偏重智育,忽视学生的全面发展; www.fabiao.net 3. Do not accept a demotion to work part-time. 不要接受让你做兼职的建议,这是对你降级。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This data is required for the domain controller to operate in the environment, but is retired upon demotion. 该数据是域控制器在环境中运行所必需的,但域控制器降级后就不再使用该数据了。 blog.163.com 5. What of his demotion to third-string point guard status? 他已经降级为湖人的第三控卫? tieba.baidu.com 6. Demotion in rank shall not be applied to second lieutenants. 军官军衔降级不适用于少尉军官。 jxlawyer.chinalawinfo.com 7. Arrange reasonable shift and distribution and give suggestion on staff promotion or demotion. 合理安排员工班次,分配工作,对员工升降、奖罚提出意见。 so.jobems.com 8. Though Pluto has officially lost its lofty title of "planet" , a rebellion against its demotion is brewing. 尽管冥王星正式失去了它行星的高级头衔,但是反对这一降级的行动正在酝酿之中。 www.ecocn.org 9. In his old age, He thirsted for returning hometown because of demotion, absolve, sorrowful, dreariness and sentiment. 晚年时期,被贬,获赦,处境悲苦凄凉,易于感伤,渴望回归故乡。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. But Japan is taking the demotion with a shrug. 不过,日本对地位的下滑却并不在意。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The Demotion operation remove this server from the enterprise. 降级操作将这个服务器从企业删除。 www.fan6.net 2. If job stress is wearing you down, there's an alternative to consider - a voluntary demotion. Here's how to do it. 如果工作压力实在令你不堪重负,还有一个选择可以考虑:主动降职。不妨参考以下几点建议。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. But there's an alternative to consider: a voluntary demotion. 不过还有一个选择可以考虑:主动降职。 chinese.wsj.com 4. CAREFUL - Links can and do go bad, resulting in site demotion. 小心链接,可以做坏掉,导致网站被降级。 www.seo.org.cn 5. Demotion would cut their value, driving even the most complacent owner to do what it takes to get competitive. 降级会削减其价值,从而使哪怕是最自鸣得意的业主也要付出代价才能获得竞争力。 www.bing.com 6. The 2005 and 2006 titles were stripped from the Old Lady after the Calciopoli scandal, leading to their demotion. 在电话门丑闻之后,老夫人失去了2005和2006年意甲冠军,他们也由此降级。 x.tqpub.com 7. The directly responsible person in charge and other directly liable persons of the unit shall be given a sanction of demotion; 对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予降级处分; blog.sina.com.cn 8. Employee Demotion and Promotion and its California Practices 人员奖惩制度及其在加州的实践 abroad.gogocn.com 9. Discussion of the unusual demotion of the #Gaza trend also ensued on Twitter itself 对于#Gaza不寻常降级的讨论随后也延伸到推特本身 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. demotion or removal from office if the circumstances are relatively serious; 情节较重的,给予降级或者撤职处分; eng.chinalawinfo.com 1. Making recommendations to the school board on the appointment, promotion, demotion and dismissal of teachers; 向校董会推荐教师的聘任、晋升和解雇等事宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. On Zhang Shuo's Mentalities Towards Demotion and His Poems 试论张说的贬谪心态与贬谪诗 www.redlib.cn 3. On Liu Yuxi's Literary Creative Thoughts after His Demotion to Langzhou 略论刘禹锡谪居朗州以后的文学创作思想 www.ilib.cn 4. Pluto's demotion voted top story by HK kids 冥王星降级与香港孩子投票 www.51295678.com |
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