释义 |
eddied是eddy的过去式 - n.涡;埃迪〔姓氏〕;涟漪
- v.(使)起漩涡;(使)旋转;波涛起伏;产生旋流
- adj.旋涡的;螺旋的
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复数:eddies 现在分词:eddying 过去式:eddied n. current,maelstrom,swirl,vortex,whirl 1. | (空气、灰尘或水的)漩涡,涡流a movement of air, dust or water in a circle |
1. | [i] 起漩涡;旋转to move around in a circle |
| The waves swirled and eddied around the rocks. 波浪翻滚着在岩石周围打旋。 |
n. | | v. | | adj. | | na. | 1. 爱迪(Mary Morse,1821-1910,本姓Baker,美国宗教领袖,为Christian Science Church的创始人) |
n. | 1. a movement in a flowing stream of liquid or gas in which the current doubles back to form a small whirl 2. a relatively unimportant divergence from or movement contrary to the mainstream of something 3. a current of water or air that moves against the main current in a circular pattern | v. | 1. to flow contrary to the main current, or make something flow in this way 2. if a current of water or air eddies, it moves against the main current in a circular pattern |
1. | 打转 英文名:Edd... ... eddies 漩涡;涡流 eddied,eddying 打转,旋转 The crowd eddied about in the market-place. 人群在市场中 … ename.uname.cn |
释义: 涡,埃迪〔姓氏〕,涟漪,起漩涡,旋转,波涛起伏,产生旋流,旋涡的,螺旋的,打转