单词 | dishonor |
释义 |
第三人称单数:dishonors 现在分词:dishonoring 过去式:dishonored 例句释义: 耻辱,导致耻辱的原因,拒绝付款,使丢脸,不尊重,不履行,拒付,不名誉,不名誉事物,拒绝承兑 1. Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor? 窑匠难道没有权柄,从同一团泥里,拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么? edu.china.com 2. With all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not simply dishonor. 当所有可能的抵抗手段都耗尽,而死亡是唯一的结局时,被俘不是耻辱。 www.nowqd.com 3. During such a shift, the biology went from a state of ageless unity and honor to one of dishonor or aging, disease and deformity. 在这样一个改变期间,生物体从不老的统一尊重的状态进入了一个无尊重或老化死亡及残疾的状态。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgraced and it is dishonor. 就像你知道的,海鸥们从不在空中乱颤甚至是失控坠落。在空中失控是使人丢脸和觉得羞耻的。 post.baidu.com 5. For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne. Remember your covenant with us and do not break it. 求你为你名的缘故,不厌恶我们,不辱没你荣耀的宝座。求你追念,不要背了与我们所立的约。 new.fuyinchina.com 6. If he can get you to live by his signals, he can damage and disarm you every time and dishonor the name of Christ in the process. 只要你在生活中听从撒但的指示,牠会利用每一个机会,消除你的防备、毁坏你,并让你在整个事件中羞辱主的名。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 7. Today the topic that I make a speech is " our honor versus dishonor in the heart view" . 今天我演讲的题目是“我们心中的荣辱观”。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. The universities is duty-bound to raise and set up the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor for university students. 社会主义荣辱观在大学生中的培养与树立,高校责无旁贷。 www.magsci.net 9. Do not dishonor your father by having sexual relations with your mother. 不可露你母亲的下体,羞辱了你父亲。 www.ebigear.com 10. Alexander : You defend the man that called my mother a whore and me a bastard? And I dishonor you? 亚历山大:你保护地人将我地母亲叫作婊子,说我是私生子。而我玷污了你? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The bank may assume the loss in the event of dishonor by the buyer and the exporter is insolvent. 银行可能承担的耻辱事件的损失由买方和出口商是资不抵债。 www.aiwen5.com 2. I gave my daughter her freedom and yet taught her never to dishonor her family. 我给了我女儿她的自由,而且还教她永不玷辱她的家庭。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is also forbidden to speak Lashon Hara to avoid a financial loss or to avoid personal dishonor. 即使为了财产不受损失或者维护个人名誉也不能说谤渎的话。 www.douban.com 4. To make someone lose face (even unknowingly) is a huge dishonor and could mean the end of a relationship. 为了使某人丢脸(甚至在不知情的)是一个巨大的耻辱,可能意味着关系结束。 www.360doc.com 5. To make someone lose face or even unknowingly is a huge dishonor and could mean the end of a relationship. 即使无意中让别人没面子,也是极其严重的冒犯,可能意味着断绝关系 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A man is not to marry his father's wife; he must not dishonor his father's bed. 人不可娶继母为妻。不可掀开他父亲的衣襟。 www.ebigear.com 7. And if you thought I spoke a lie, it would be a dishonor to my master. 而如果你们认为我在说谎,这将玷辱了我的师傅。 www.zftrans.com 8. Before the ink was dry on the Paris Agreement they began to dishonor their solemn obligations. 巴黎协定墨迹未干,他们就已经开始背弃他们的庄严义务。 9. The examination of documents had also changed in the time and standard as well as the ways deal with the documents after dishonor. UCP600下的银行审单,在审单时间、审单标准和拒付后对单据的处理问题上也发生了重要改变。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The classmates, " a country is strong" , for set up the honor versus dishonor view, we want the deep thought plenty more. 同学们,“少年强则国强”,对于树立荣辱观,我们要深思的还有很多。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. There is stronger sense of responsibility, with society honor versus dishonor view. 有较强的责任感,和社会荣辱观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The worry is that they will become victims again -- this time, of the dishonor that may be placed on them by their communities. 令人担心的是他们会再次成为受害者,这次,身边的人可能会羞辱他们。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I dare not quit my post, though an unfaithful sentinel, whose sure reward is death and dishonor, when his dreary watch shall come to an end! 虽说我是个不忠于职守的哨兵,等到这种沉闷的守望终了的时候,我所能得到的报酬只能是不光彩的死亡,但我仍不敢擅离岗位 www.jukuu.com 4. But to stay would be prideful , and such pride brings dishonor. 留下来或许看上去更有尊严些,但是这样的尊严最终会让我们蒙羞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Note that dishonor does not apply to killing players, regardless of their level. 注意不荣誉击杀不适用于杀死玩家,不论是什么等级。 bbs.ngacn.com 6. We would also demonstrate that we cannot lie trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. 我们也显现了自己不可信的一面,因为我们向家人和朋友宣扬了我们的不荣誉行为。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. And to try to add to the punishment that Jesus received for him will be to do double jeopardy, and it will be to dishonor the Savior. 如果试图将惩罚加在耶稣身上,这将会是双重负罪,对救世主来说将是一种屈辱。 www.bing.com 8. 'In Greece, complying with the rules is a matter of dishonor. They call you stupid if you follow the rules. ' 在希腊,遵规守纪是一种耻辱,会被称作傻瓜。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Lyrics: Running in a cage like freak beasts on a stage to acquire the honor of dishonor. 歌词:在这样的怪胎兽笼运行在舞台上获得的荣誉拒付。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 10. ' 'What a dishonor for the Olympics, ' says one commentator. 'In the old time they cut the head off. 有人评论说,奥林匹克因此蒙羞,在过去他们可以被砍头。 www.neworiental.org 1. His opponent branded him with dishonor. 他的敌手破坏他的名誉 dict.hjenglish.com 2. The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor. 毫无疑问,这对具有极强荣誉感的圣堂武士来说是一种极大的侮辱。 dict.veduchina.com 3. The 3~(rd) part illustrates the education content and conception of university students' socialism outlook for honor and dishonor education. 首先,论述了网络文化背景下大学生荣辱观教育的内容。 www.594wm.com 4. Since no one can achieve anything worthwhile apart from God's help, we dishonor him by praising someone for their accomplishment. 因为没有人能达到什么值得上帝的帮助外,我们耻辱的赞扬他们的成绩为他的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. her drunkenly stumbling, falling, sprawling, skirt hiked, eyes veined red, swollen with tears, her shame, her dishonor. 她忘情地舞蹈,坠落裙摆摇荡,眼里布满着血丝骄傲的眼泪,她的羞耻她的耻辱。 www.ted.com 6. You dishonor yourself, Leon. How do you think Sara feels. 你在自欺欺人,利昂。想想萨拉的感受是什么样的。 blog.ynstudent.com 7. Educating the university students with honor versus dishonor view has the important meaning. 对青年大学生进行荣辱观教育,具有重大的意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. The outlook for honor and dishonor took the important moral category, occupies the important status in the Chinese tradition ethics thought. 荣辱观作为重要的道德范畴,在中国传统伦理思想中占据重要地位。 lib.cqvip.com 9. I forgive my ancestry for the dance of dishonor of earth or any kingdom therein . 我宽恕我的祖先对地球或任何其内王国不尊重的舞蹈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. HAD become a dishonor to the club. 已成为这个俱乐部的耻辱 dict.ebigear.com 1. Crary tallest state is a honor versus dishonor not surprised! 疯狂的最高境界就是荣辱不惊! blog.sina.com.cn 2. A condition of disgrace or dishonor ; ignominy . 丑行不名誉或不光彩的状态;耻辱。 www.bing.com 3. He h advertising to choose craps between death and dishonor. 他不得不在亡故和羞辱之间选择。 www.yixihei.org 4. For myself, I would rather die than dishonor myself for money. 对于我自己,因为我宁可死,玷辱自己的钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The fact that he is a thief brings dishonor to his family. 他是一个小偷,这使他的家庭蒙羞。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. To dishonor and curse one's parents was equal to blasphemy . 不孝顺父母和咒诅父母就等于是亵渎上帝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. We will continue to pursue my constitutional rights and it's no dishonor to this court and anyone else in this court. 我们将继续争取宪法赋予我的权利。站在今天的法庭上,我,任何一个人都不意味着耻辱。 www.24en.com 8. The choice lies between death and dishonor. 必须在死和羞辱之间作一抉择。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He h publishing to choose between deby visitingh and dishonor. 他不得不在升天和羞辱之间选取。 www.callun.com 10. Death before dishonor. (玷辱)宁死不屈。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 1. Mastering the silver ray will bring up all the patterns of dishonor that one has yet to transcend as an ascending human. 掌握银色光线,将会把你作为一名提升人类还尚需超越的所有不尊重模式都浮现出来。 cqly186.blog.163.com 2. Many natural dualities such as dark and light, female and male, honor and dishonor are given as examples of Yin and Yang. 如深色和浅色,女性和男性,荣誉和耻辱的许多自然的二元给出阴阳的例子。 www.360doc.com 3. she ' s obviously much higher level than he is , and isn ' t fighting back for fear of getting dishonor points. 她明显比他的级别高多了,没有回击是怕得到不名誉点数。 www.ichacha.net 4. You have to choose between death and dishonor. 你须在死与失节间做一选择。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. His action reflected dishonor on his family. 他的行为使其家人蒙羞。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Cor. 11: 14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him. 林前十一14你们的本性岂不也教导你们,男人若有长头发,便是他的羞辱。 edu.china.com 7. You who boast in the law, do you by transgression of the law dishonor God? 你指著律法夸口,自己却犯律法玷辱神么? edu.china.com 8. His behaviors have brought dishonor onto his family. 他的举动给他的家庭带来了羞耻。 www.dqba.com 9. To the dishonor of. 对…说来丢脸的是。 dict.hjenglish.com 10. No! l wouldn't do your sister the dishonor! 我绝没有把你姐姐说成那样 wenwen.soso.com 1. To bring dishonor or disgrace on. 使丢脸把不光彩的或不名誉带给… zhidao.baidu.com 2. He has to choose between death and dishonor. 他必须在死亡和不受尊重之间做出选择。 bbs.tingclass.com 3. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor. 在空气停顿是给他们,耻辱和它是不名誉。 www.hnebp.com 4. You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? 你指着律法夸口,自己倒犯律法,玷辱神吗? www.bbintl.org 5. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 在大户人家,不但有金器银器,也有木器瓦器;有作为贵重的,有作为卑贱的。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 6. I had rather die than live in dishonor. 我宁可死也不愿苟且偷生。 www.lvzhigui.com 7. I'd rather be fired than work in dishonor. 我宁愿被解雇了,也不愿屈辱的工作。 www.kekenet.com 8. All the day long is my dishonor before me, And the shame of my face hath covered me. 我的凌辱终日在我面前,我脸上的羞愧将我遮蔽。 www.spring4life.org 9. Jesus answered, I do not have a demon, but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me. 耶稣回答说,我没有鬼附著,我尊敬我的父,你们倒侮辱我。 edu.china.com 10. How is it possible but that we should dishonor the bill? 我们怎么能拒付汇票呢? www.lygcx.net 1. In our country's traditional culture, the theory and practice of outlook on honor and dishonor has rich thoughts resources. 在我国传统文化中,关于荣辱观的理论和实践,有着丰富的思想资源。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Analysis on the Concept of Honor and Dishonor of Lao-tzu and Its Learning Function to Ideological and Political Education in Universities 析老子荣辱观及其对高校思想政治教育的借鉴作用 www.ilib.cn 3. please notify us telegraphically in case of dishonor giving reasons and hold full set of documents pending further instructions from us 如被拒绝承兑,请将原因电传通知我们,并请保留全套单据,等候我们的指示。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Cultivating Socialist Sense of Honor and Dishonor Grasping New Chance for College Ideological and Political Education 树立社会主义荣辱观把握高校思想政治教育新契机 ilib.cn 5. Develop A Correct Concept of Glory and Dishonor and Strengthen the Morality Construction of Police 培养公安民警正确的荣辱观加强公安队伍道德建设 www.ilib.cn 6. Socialist Concept of Honor and Dishonor Is a Value Ruler in The Cultural Building in New Countryside 社会主义荣辱观是新农村乡风文明建设的价值标尺 ilib.cn 7. 4 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to uncleanness, so that they dishonor their bodies among themselves, 4所以神任凭他们逞著心里的情欲,陷入污秽中,以致彼此玷辱自己的身体。 edu.china.com 8. In the settlement of karma, circumstances that dishonor are dissolved into new circumstances that honor and a new era may blossom; 在处理业力中,不尊重的环境消失而进入新的尊重的环境,一个新时代就可得以出现; www.tisheng.org 9. Citizens Society: Logic Source of the Concept of Socialist Honor and Dishonor 市民社会:社会主义荣辱观形成的逻辑起点 service.ilib.cn 10. On the Relations Between the Socialist Concepts of Honor and Dishonor and Socialist Ideological and Moral Construction 浅析社会主义荣辱观与社会主义思想道德建设的关系 www.ilib.cn 1. Group Cadres Ought to be the Model of Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor 组织工作干部要做树立社会主义荣辱观的模范 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Carries on the way choice of education for the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor to the university students by the universities 高校大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的路径选择 ilib.cn 3. On Humanism of the Sense of Glory and Dishonor in Socialism 社会主义荣辱观的人文精神 www.ilib.cn 4. Preliminary View on Path Choice and System Arrangement of Carrying out the Education on Socialistic Honor and Dishonor View 浅谈实现社会主义荣辱观教育的路径选择和制度安排 www.ilib.cn 5. Region culture of Fujian: to construct an effective platform for the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor education 福建地域文化:构建社会主义荣辱观教育的有效平台 www.ilib.cn 6. On the Role of Socialist Outlook on Honor and Dishonor in Preventing and Curing Divergent Interest Community Contradictions 论社会主义荣辱观在防治不同利益群体矛盾中的作用 www.ilib.cn 7. A brief talk on the dialectical relations between socialism outlook for honor and dishonor and Chinese traditional virtues 略论社会主义荣辱观与中华民族传统美德的辩证关系 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Brief Analysis Xunzi's Outlook for Honor and Dishonor and Its Practical Significance 浅析荀子的荣辱观及其现实意义 www.ilib.cn 9. The Cultural Path And Its Mode conversions The Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View 社会主义荣辱观的文化路径及其模式转换 www.ilib.cn 10. The Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor is Essential Condition of Establishing Harmonious Society 树立社会主义荣辱观是构建和谐社会的必要条件 ilib.cn 1. The Cultural Path And Its Mode conversions The Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View 社会主义荣辱观的文化路径及其模式转换 www.ilib.cn 2. The Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor is Essential Condition of Establishing Harmonious Society 树立社会主义荣辱观是构建和谐社会的必要条件 ilib.cn 3. On the function of socialism outlook for honor and dishonor in constructing the harmonious society 论社会主义荣辱观在构建和谐社会中的作用 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Socialist Viewpoint For Honor and Dishonor And The Constructing of New Socialist Countryside 社会主义荣辱观与建设社会主义新农村 ilib.cn 5. Initiative socialism outlook for honor and dishonor setting up socialism new prevailing custom 倡导社会主义荣辱观树立社会主义新风尚 www.ilib.cn 6. Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor and Contemporary Society Good Faith Construction 社会主义荣辱观与当代社会诚信建设 service.ilib.cn 7. Pondering about socialist honor and dishonor education for university students 关于大学生社会主义荣辱观教育的思考 www.ilib.cn 8. Guiding the Quality-Oriented Education by the Socialist Outlook on Honor-Dishonor 以社会主义荣辱观指导素质教育 service.ilib.cn 9. Profound Understanding Connotation of Honor and Dishonor Outlook of Socialism 社会主义荣辱观的科学内涵和现实意义 www.ilib.cn 10. People's moral quality lifting of socialism honor and dishonor conception and harmonious society 社会主义荣辱观与和谐社会人的道德素质提升 ilib.cn 1. People's moral quality lifting of socialism honor and dishonor conception and harmonious society 社会主义荣辱观与和谐社会人的道德素质提升 ilib.cn 2. Socialist Outlook for Honor and Dishonor: University Student Moral Criterion 社会主义荣辱观:大学生道德修养的标尺 www.ilib.cn 3. On Significance and Ways of the Outlook for Honor and Dishonor Education in Sport Schools 体校实施荣辱观教育的意义和途径 www.ilib.cn 4. Enhancing the Socialistic Viewpoint of Honor and Dishonor in Vocational College 加强高职院校社会主义荣辱观教育初探 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on Current situation of Young People's Outlook for Honor and Dishonor and the Education Countermeasures 青少年荣辱观现状及教育对策 ilib.cn 6. Reflections on a case of dishonor or of payment 对一起拒付案的几点思考 scholar.ilib.cn 7. University Student the Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View Educates with Mold 大学生社会主义荣辱观的培养与塑造 www.ilib.cn 8. On Education for Medical College Students'Socialist Honor Versus Dishonor View 医学生社会主义荣辱观教育刍议 www.ilib.cn 9. Build up the Socialism View of Honor and Dishonor, Mold the Good Image of Modern Undergraduates 树立社会主义荣辱观塑造当代大学生良好形象 service.ilib.cn 10. The Influence on Youth's Values and Countermeasures Caused by the Traditional Outlook towards Honor and Dishonor 论传统荣辱观对青年价值观的影响及对策 ilib.cn 1. To Hay Discusses the Time Value of the Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor 社会主义荣辱观的时代价值刍议 www.ilib.cn 2. The Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor and the Personal Character Development 社会主义荣辱观与品德开发 www.ilib.cn 3. Take "Eight Do's and Eight Don'ts" as range pole raise TV University fresh outlook for honor and dishonor 以“八荣八耻”为标杆树立电大生荣辱观 service.ilib.cn 4. Socialist Honor Versus Dishonor View and Work for University Students 社会主义荣辱观与高校学生工作研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Traditional Culture and Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor 传统文化与社会主义荣辱观 ilib.cn 6. Deserving of, indicating, or incurring censure or dishonor 不名誉的:应得,表明或招致谴责或丢脸的 baike.baidu.com 7. The effective way researchof university student outlook for honor and dishonor education 大学生荣辱观教育的有效途径研究 ilib.cn 8. Persist Correct Value Orientation Set up Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor 坚持正确价值取向树立社会主义荣辱观 www.ilib.cn 9. On Education for College Students'Honor Versus Dishonor View 浅谈大学生荣辱观教育 ilib.cn 10. Faith and Honesty Makes the Basis of Socialist Outlook on Honor and Dishonor 诚信是树立社会主义荣辱观的基础 www.ichacha.net 1. Era Concept Demands of Socialist Outlook for Honor and Dishonor 论社会主义荣辱观的时代诉求 www.ichacha.net 2. View of College Teachers Practising Socialism Concept about Honor and Dishonor 高校教师践行社会主义荣辱观的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Analyses of Traditional Outlook on Honor-Dishonor 传统荣辱观述析 scholar.ilib.cn 4. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; 在羞辱中所种的,在荣耀中复活;在软弱中所种的,在能力中复活。 edu.china.com 5. Notice of Dishonor Excused or Protest Waived 免作退票通知或放弃拒绝证书 www.tvu.sh.xj.cninfo.net 6. How to Strengthen the Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View in the Journalism Moral Education 新闻职业道德教育如何凸显社会主义荣辱观 ilib.cn 7. dishonor; lose power and influence 失掉权柄和势力 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Marxism Essence View about Person and the Honor Versus Dishonor View of Socialism 马克思主义人的本质观与社会主义荣辱观 ilib.cn 9. Dishonor means loss of esteem, respect, or good reputation previously enjoyed: Dishonor意为失去重视、尊敬或以前所拥有的好名声: zhidao.baidu.com 10. On Socialist Views of Honor and Dishonor 浅议社会主义荣辱观 www.ilib.cn 1. On the Value Of Socialist Honor and Dishonor Idea 论社会主义荣辱观的价值 www.ilib.cn 2. The setting up outlook for honor and dishonor, is born again the library professional spirit 树立荣辱观,再造图书馆职业精神 www.ilib.cn 3. stigma n. a feeling of shame or dishonor 耻辱,羞辱,见不得人的感觉 wenku.baidu.com 4. A Century of Dishonor 百年耻辱 www.lsfyw.net 5. Makes two platforms, Let the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor integrate the family, the society; 打造两个平台,让社会主义荣辱观融入家庭、社会; www.ceps.com.tw |
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