单词 | bela | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | bela
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 贝拉,比拉,美国贝拉领袖教育协会 1. "Hold it a moment, Jack, " Bela interrupted. "Perhaps they crave a lungful of Garuda's fresh air. . . " “等一下,杰克,”贝拉阻止了他,“也许他们渴望畅享一下嘎鲁达的新鲜空气……” bbs.rtucn.net 2. Bela indicated Rem and Cabell with an angry gesture of her chin, fingering her bow as if she were ready to fire. 贝拉怒气冲冲的用下巴点着雷和卡贝尔,指拈弓弦,好象已经准备要拉弓开箭。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Rick didn't even consider trying to stop them-not that Bela or Miriya would have listened to him in any case. 瑞克甚至没有考虑要去阻止她们——倒不是说贝拉和米莉娅有可能会听他的。 bbs.rtucn.com 4. Bela held her hand out to the horse again. "I shall call you 'Halidarre, ' girl-after the free sky-spirit of our great heroine. " 她再次向马伸出了手。“我称你为哈丽达尔,以我们伟大天空女神的女儿为你命名。” dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Bela Lugosi, another tortured, moody, drunken Hungarian, as well as a heroin sinkhole, turns up in the book. 贝拉·路高西(BelaLugosi),另一个痛苦,情绪化,酗酒,也吸毒的匈牙利人,出现在这本书中。 www.bing.com 6. Bela's mother tells him that this will cause him to become a werewolf at each full moon. 比拉的母亲告诉他,这将使他每满一个月成为一个狼人。 www.wangchao.net.cn 7. The towering Bela's brows knit ominously as she glared down at him. 贝拉死死的盯住了他,高吊的眉毛皱在了一起,让人害怕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bela was with him on the firing range, showing him how to use the Praxian crossbow. 贝拉正在射击训练区指导杰克如何使用普拉西斯十字弓。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Bela was as good as her word, holding Halidarre in a dead hover, laughing that wild laugh again, brandishing her sword. 贝拉信守诺言,哈丽达尔在她手下冷静地盘旋,而她则狂放地大笑,张扬地挥动刀剑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Bela clapped Jack on the shoulder in comradely fashion and gave him a sisterly hug. She towered over him, a full head taller. 贝拉比杰克高了一个头,她象老大姐一样轻轻拍了拍杰克的肩膀,给了他一个同志式的拥抱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "Get him up! " Jack yelled, scrambling to his feet and motioning to Tesla. "Gnea, Bela, check that corridor! " “把他弄起来!”杰克叫喊着,趔趄地站起来,指着泰斯拉说。“妮雅、贝拉,检查一下那个走廊!” bbs.rtucn.net 2. Bela held on to the thing for a moment, then donned it, and raced with Miriya for one of the Skull's red VTs. 贝拉拿着头盔想了片刻,戴上了它。她同米莉娅你追我赶,向骷髅中队的一架红色变形机跑去。 bbs.rtucn.com 3. When he got through the hatch he found Bela crouching by the emergency ejection hatch. 当他通过舱口时,杰克发现贝拉正蹲在紧急弹射舱口旁边。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Bela looked to Rem and Cabell again. "Be warned, " she said. 贝拉再次看着雷和卡贝尔。“小心点,”她说道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Masked again, Jack, Gnea, and Bela directed Max and his wing men in, and got Rick and the others into the VTs as fast as they could. 重新戴上面具后杰克、妮雅和贝拉直接奔向麦克斯和他的僚机,尽他们所能地快速把瑞克和其他人带上变形战机。 bbs.rtucn.net 6. Bela's gull-wing brows furrowed, and when Janice had left, she scrutinized Lang with a certain distant attention. 贝拉皱了皱上挑的双眉,贾妮斯离去后,她用一种疏远的目光将朗博士专注地上下打量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Bela stood there, with a large Terran book in her sinewy right hand. 贝拉站在那里,肌腱分明的右手握着一部人类的大书。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Gnea and Bela were off to the right, along a section of curved, featureless wall just short of a second corridor terminus. 妮雅和贝拉滚到了右边,挨着一块弯曲的毫无特点的墙面,正好离第二个走廊的尽头不远。 bbs.rtucn.net 9. Bela 's brows knit as she puzzled over the symbols. 在贝拉苦苦思索这些符号的含义时,她一直眉头紧锁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The cry woke Lron at once, and Bela leapt up, throwing back her cloak. The Humans were a little slower, but not much. 勒荣立刻被叫喊声惊醒,贝拉也一跃而起,把斗篷扔在身后。几个人类的反应稍慢,但相差不多。 ltlt198018.blog.163.com 1. Bela gave him an indignant look. "Hagane does not get lost. " 贝拉愤怒地瞪了他一眼,说:“哈格尼不会迷路。” dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Follow the example of the composer Bela Bartok in this "small universe, " the creative forms of expression of nostalgia Bartok. 作曲家在此仿效了巴托克《小宇宙》的创作形式,表达了对巴托克的怀念之情。 www.cutpic.cn 3. In 1961, Bela Guttman, the club's great Hungarian coach, struck up a conversation in his local barbershop. 1961年,贝拉-格特曼(BelaGuttman),当时俱乐部伟大的匈牙利教练,在当地一个理发店里与人聊天。 dongxi.net 4. Bela: What can be said of those things that need to be done now that I can do? 贝拉:对于现在我所能做的、需要被做的那些事,你有什么要说吗? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Bela describe test sneario of these Test cases that are organized according to Components and Categories. 依照组件和分类,Bela描述组织起来的测试用例的测试说明。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Bela Lugosi was buried dressed in the same black cape that he had worn in so many films in his role as Count Dracula. 在许多部影片中饰演吸血鬼德古拉伯爵的贝拉·卢戈西,下葬时穿着与其电影中相同的黑色披肩。 www.elanso.com 7. "It lives? " Bela said, catching up and spinning her around by the arm. "And you would knowingly abandon it? " “他还活着?”贝拉说,追上她,一把抓住她的手臂,拉她转回身。“你明知这样还抛弃了他?” bbs.rtucn.com 8. Under influence of the First World War and Soviet Russia, Bela Kun Regime also was established in Hungary. 在一战和苏俄的影响下,匈牙利成立了库恩?贝拉政权。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Bela nodded in agreement, and Karen, standing to one side, studied Jack anew. 贝拉点头同意,而凯伦站在一旁,对杰克刮目相看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Bela suddenly grinned , throwing her head back. 贝拉突然一笑,仰起头来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Gnea and Bela were crouched behind her, masked and vigilant, looking more than ever like barbaric gladiators lifted from some Roman arena. 妮雅和贝拉蹲伏在莱亚娜身后,隐蔽并警戒着,看起来更像是粗野的角斗士从某个罗马竞技场中升起一般。 bbs.rtucn.com 2. Gnea slid to the deck, then Bela did, taking Halidarre's bridle and leading her toward the shuttle's open freight hatch. 她牵着哈丽达尔的缰绳,领着她穿过穿梭机打开的货舱门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Bela kissed the lambent -eyed Hagane's feathers and Hagane nuzzled her. 贝拉亲吻着哈格尼的羽毛,哈格尼眼神温暖明亮,用鼻子蹭了蹭她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "Foolish for placing such importance on a mere male, " Bela said, and closed her predatory eyes, turning away to sleep. “对区区雄性看的太重,就是愚蠢。”贝拉说完,便闭上了那双猎鹰之眼,转身睡去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Bela: What would you say this morning to those who wish to know you better, Maitreya? 贝拉:弥勒佛,对于那些希望更好了解你的人,今天早上你想说些什么? blog.163.com 6. This time, Bela 's pet wore a capsule on each leg. 这一回,贝拉宠物鸟儿的两条腿上都系有一个小储物囊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Bela Ban completed his PhD at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. BelaBan在瑞士的苏黎世大学完成了他的哲学博士学位。 www.infoq.com 8. Bela and Miriya were suited up by the time Rick came over to wish them luck; 贝拉和米莉娅整理着飞行服,瑞克过来祝她们好运。 bbs.rtucn.com 9. Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Related Topics The Bela Szokefalvi-Nagy Memorial Volume 算子理论及相关课题的最新进展 www.library.fudan.edu.cn 10. Inside Bluebeard's Castle: Music And Drama In Bela Bartok's Opera 蓝胡子城堡内幕:巴托克歌剧中的音乐与戏剧 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 1. Adam and Bela execute and record the testing with result: 5 passed, 1 failed and 4 are blocked. Adam and Bela 执行并记录测试结果:5个通过,1个未通过,4个锁定。 wenku.baidu.com |
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