单词 | disc |
释义 |
复数:discs disc 显示所有例句 例句释义: 圆盘,圆片,唱盘,阀盘,阀瓣,唱片,阀板 1. New products do not have to be "out-of-the-blue" new (like the video-cassette recorder or the compact disc). 所谓新产品并不一定非要是那种“前无古人”的产品(比如盒式磁带录像机,或CD光盘)。 www.ecocn.org 2. The owner of the studio where Ricky cut the tracks, Mohammed Ben Salah, said he believed they were for a Michael Jackson tribute disc. 瑞奇剪辑录音的工作室主人是穆罕默德?本?萨拉赫。这位工作室主人说,他相信这张新专辑是向迈克尔?杰克逊致敬的光盘。 www.mjjclub.com 3. It's wonderfully easy to use, and should be able to handle any disc-burning task you can imagine. 它使用起来极其方便,能够完成任何你能想到的光盘烧录任务。 www.bing.com 4. Disc brakes are not immune to any of these processes, but they deal with heat and water more effectively than drums. 盘式制动器并非免疫任何这样的过程,但他们处理的水热更能有效地鼓。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Public input disc technology poor, but he said: "I know how to deal with you, but I do not say. " 公输盘技穷了,但他说:“我知道怎么对付你了,可是我不说。” wenwen.soso.com 6. the box body is provided with an optical fiber connector and a circular disc used for winding the ponderous tail fiber. 在盒体上装有光纤连接器和设有用于盘绕冗长尾纤的圆盘。 ip.com 7. If the disc goes out of the back of the end zone, the other team can walk it up a ways, similar to a touchback in football. 如果飞盘飞到了得分区的后面,另一支队伍要走很长的距离,类似于足球里的持球触地。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. AS for PASsepartout, his face wAS AS red AS the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air. 至于路路通,他的整个脸膛又圆又红,活象傍晚沉浸在薄雾里的太阳。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Since most cars today have disc brakes, at least on the front wheels, they need power brakes. 因为现在大多数汽车采用盘式制动,至少前轮采用盘式制动,那就需要动力制动了。 www.tianyablog.com 10. All Microsoft Office System products come on a holographic disc, commonly referred to as an "edge-to-edge" holographic CD. 所有MicrosoftOffice系统产品都采用全息磁盘,常称作“边到边”全息图像光盘。 www.microsoft.com 1. At this point, the program checks to see if the destination disc is free. 此时,程序将查看目标磁盘是否空闲。 www.okla.seagate.com 2. The front end of the measuring rod is provided with a disc, and the outside of the disc is provided with a sticking layer. 测量杆的前端设置有圆盘,圆盘的外侧设置有粘贴层。 ip.com 3. After dinner, we went to the balcony to see the moon, the moon like a moon disc hanging high up in a sky, ah, the moon is really beautiful! 吃玩饭,我们来到阳台看月亮,圆圆的月亮好像一个小月盘挂在高高的天空上,啊,中秋节的月亮真漂亮! wenwen.soso.com 4. One end of an angle rotation ruler is provided with a circular disc section. The circular disc is provided with an indicator. 一角度旋转尺,其一端有一圆盘部,该圆盘上设置有指标; ip.com 5. But no-one knows how much of the Milky Way's mass lies beyond its glittering disc. 但没有人知道银河系的质量里有多少是在它那闪闪发亮的圆盘之外的。 www.bing.com 6. I actually forgot how much I liked this movie until I sat down with this disc, and I'm glad to have this in my collection. 实际上直到我坐下来再次观看这部电影,我都忘记了我有多么喜欢它,真高兴我收藏了它。 www.ok-chinese.com 7. He's got to be 100 per cent right, because if he comes back too soon and damages the disc he will have to go under the knife again. 他最好等到100%痊愈才复出,因为如果他复出太早,将会伤害到小骨,如果这样他就要再做一次手术。 www.chelsea.net.cn 8. What we are trying to do is trace the entire history of planetary formation from a gaseous disc, into a debris disc, into a planetary disc. 我们正试图追踪行星从气态盘到尘埃盘到行星盘而形成的整个历史。 www.bing.com 9. The results show that the extrusion process with the disc can basically solve the question of aggradation-caboodle. 结果表明,漏盘反挤工艺能基本解决沉积堆的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In the old days we had to wait until the competition was finished before we were allowed to return to the camera and pick up the disc. 过去,我们必须要等到比赛的结束之后才能将相机取回,拿到影像资料。由于在线报道的时效性,这种做法肯定不妥。 www.kle100.cn 1. Said stopper inner disc and stopper outer disc adopts at least two or two more sheets. 所述的制动器内盘及制动器外盘分别至少采用二片或二片以上。 ip.com 2. The motion of gas and stars is often used to estimate how much of the Milky Way's mass is contained within the galaxy's visible disc. 银河系的气体及恒星的运动常常被用作估计银河系中有多少质量是包含在银河系那可见的圆盘里的。 www.bing.com 3. They then found a small object in the disc which may be the cause of the gap. 然后他们在盘上发现了一个小物体,可能是造成裂口的原因。 www.bing.com 4. Once you've created the rescue disc, it's relatively easy to have Kaspersky's app scan the hard drives and clean the system. 一旦救援盘创建完成,你就就可以轻松的使用卡巴斯基的工具来扫描硬盘、清理系统了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But their chest all publish to disc of have the breeze Yi the sign of the alliance, look is all friend of alliance meeting. 而他们的胸口处都印记的有风逸盟的标志,看起来都是一个盟会的朋友。 cpubbs.com 6. Alcohol is a powerful solvent, perfectly capable of dissolving fingerprints and grime on the surface of a disc. 酒精是强力溶剂,对碟片上的指纹和灰尘有绝佳效果。 www.bing.com 7. V- shaped bar bent to a half- circle is attached to the body , close to the front of the disc in full open position . 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。 www.bing.com 8. An air cushion disc is adopted as a walking mechanism of a mobile car lifting unit. 采用气垫盘作为移动架车单元的行走机构。 ip.com 9. The general scholarly opinion, at least in the West, was that the winged disc represented Ahura Mazda. 一般学者主张,至少在西部,有翼的圆盘状是代表阿胡玛兹达。 www.chinaufo.com 10. In order to help you to be better informed of the March 14 incident, here I have for you a booklet and a disc on the truth of the incident. 为了帮助你了解“3.14”事件,我在这里送给你一本书和一张光碟,都是关于“3.14”事件的真相。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The bright horizontal line running across the middle of the image is the galaxy's main disc and where the Sun and Earth are. 横贯图像中央的明亮水平线是银河系的主要光盘,我们太阳系的太阳与地球也身处其中。 www.bing.com 2. When the dough just holds together, wrap it in clingfilm and pat it into a large disc shape and refrigerate to rest for at least 30 minutes. 面团成型后用保鲜膜包起来,拍成大光碟的形状,然后放进冰箱保存至少半个小时。 www.bing.com 3. Now it seems the answer could be connected to a starry disc at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. 现在,这个疑问的答案可能可以与仙女座星系中央满布星星的盘片联系起来。 www.bing.com 4. He also noted that if it was on the finished product as printed on the inside of the disc, the disc will try printing directly scrap. 此外,何师长教师还提到,如果是试印光盘纯在不败品里背,不即不兵试印光盘间接报废。 www.bing.com 5. On the top of the memrip machine was a round clear disc, a petri dish, with just a smidge of gray matter. 移植记忆手术的机器的上面有一个圆形清洁的唱片,还有一个陪替氏培养皿,里面放着一些灰暗的东西。 www.elanso.com 6. The picture above is Kazunori making a disc-stamping motion with his hands as he answered our query on the ever-shifting release date. 上面的图片显示了山内在回答我们对于那个永远不着调的发售日期的问题的时候,用自己的手比划压盘的动作。 www.tgfcer.com 7. After tweaking to make it just right, it was put on a floppy disc and inserted into a computer-controlled mill to cut a template. 经过调整,使之恰到好处,这是把软盘和光盘插入到计算机控制的工厂削减一个模板。 www.cfli.cn 8. You could also insert the disc into the DVD player so that the next time she uses it, your apology plays across the TV. 也可以将光盘插入DVD播放器,这样下次ta用的时候,你的道歉就会在电视上播放啦。 www.bing.com 9. Dip the end of a fork into extra icing sugar and press down lightly on top of each ball to flatten it to a disc. 把叉的一头浸入额外添加的糖霜中,轻压每个球的顶部以至它平铺整个盘子。 www.bing.com 10. Yes it would be nice to have a picture disc, a photo underneath the clear cd tray, a bonus song or two, but look at what you do get. 是的,它会是不错的图片光盘,光盘托盘下的照片清晰,一首歌曲或两奖金,但看看你做了什么得到的。 tiebacommit.baidu.com 1. Throughout the disc, Mack's songs reflect the heart of a humble, devoted servant and worshiper. 在整个光盘,麦晋桁的歌曲反映了心脏的一小步,专门的仆人和崇拜者。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A catheter device includes at least one anchoring member for maintaining a distal portion of the catheter within a disc. 导管装置包括至少一个锚定元件,用于将导管的远端部分保持在盘内。 ip.com 3. The faint band of light that stretches across the sky is the disc of our spiral galaxy. 一条模糊的光带穿越苍穹,这是我们旋涡星系的盘面。 www.bing.com 4. And the lift sensor output signal was as a standard to compare the performance differences of rigid disc and flexible disc. 并以升力传感器的输出信号为标准来对比刚性阀瓣与柔性阀瓣的性能差异。 www.fabiao.net 5. The centre of this wooden disc was hollowed out to a diameter equal to the exterior diameter of the columbia d. 这木盘中间留着一个直径相当于哥伦比亚炮外径的圆洞。 www.bing.com 6. It was hoped to attract many foreign buyers to the Disc exhibit as the company was particularly anxious to boost sales abroad. 他们希望这样可以把众多的外国客户吸引到迪斯克公司展品前,因为公司特别急于开拓国外的销售市 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The sun-symbolism of the disc and the Mazdean concept of divine grace are thus combined. 因此圆盘的太阳标记和玛兹达的神的优雅的概念组合在一起。 chinaufo.com 8. The format stores digital data in the form of pits molded into the top of a plastic disc that has a reflective backing. 这种格式将数字数据以做到有反射背衬的塑料磁盘的顶部的凹坑这种形式来存储。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. The drum is one of the key components of the disc separators , and its structural strength is getting much attention from consumers. 转鼓是碟式分离机的关键部件之一,其结构强度是用户十分关心的问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The user can refer to any detail stored in a disc simply by typing some key words through a home computer. 使用者只须在一台家用计算机中输入几个关键词就可以获得详尽的信息。 www.mirautomation.com 1. A method of recording disc control information in a recordable optical disc including at least one recording layer is provided. 提供了一种在包括至少一个记录层的可记录光盘中记录盘控制信息的方法。 ip.com 2. Burn any data, copy any disc, make backups, make ISO CDs with this very easy to handle software! 烧伤任何数据,复制任何光碟,进行备份,使国际标准化组织的CD,这是很容易处理的软件! xtdownload.com 3. To evaluate the feasibility and safety of lumbar disc discography carried out in an open MR scanner with an optical tracking system. 目的评价开放式MR扫描仪结合光学追踪系统行椎间盘造影术操作方法的可行性及安全性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The plate was loaded in its own plane by a pin passing through the hole in an annular disc fitted in the hole in the plate. 平板的孔里面镶嵌着一个套环,在此圆盘的孔中穿过一个销钉而使平板在其自身平面内受载。 5. The golden cladding of the Visitor Center echoes the "solar bark" , one of the motifs depicted on the Sky Disc. 金熔覆的游客中心相呼应的“太阳能树皮”,其中一个图案描绘的天空光盘。 www.telaijz.com 6. Methods: The included 160 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were allocated into a treatment group and a control group. 方法:符合纳入标准的腰椎间盘突出症患者160例,分为治疗组和对照组。 www.acumoxj.com 7. A manipulator clamping device of disc type tool magazine relates to a clamping component in a manipulator of a disc type tool magazine. 一种圆盘式刀库的机械手夹紧装置,涉及圆盘式刀库的机械手内的夹紧部件。 ip.com 8. Objective: To understand the mental state of patient with chronic prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 前言:目的:了解慢性腰椎间盘突出病人的心理状况。 www.chemyq.com 9. Film Tension Disc Brake is manually adjustable for precisely setting the degree of film tension required, up to the film breaking point. 薄膜张力盘式制动器是手动调节,精确设定薄膜张力程度,达到薄膜破坏点。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 10. Each arc must be clearly presented as a distinct quarter-circuit or more with the disc close to the vertical. 每条弧度必须清晰的展示出四分之一垂直圆盘运动。 bbs.5imx.com 1. Although the disc is a very simple sense of the psychological processes, but it is in our trading has very important significance. 盘感虽然是一种极简单的心理过程,可是它在我们的交易中却具有非常重要的意义。 www.xiami360.com 2. The disc that you are trying to play is not inserted in the CD-ROM drive. Please insert the correct disc and try again. CD-ROM驱动器中没有插入您想放的唱片。请插入正确的唱片后再试。 www.fan6.net 3. No fake, no bullshit, just unfiltered emotion - thats what this disc is all about. 无假货,没有,只是未经过滤的情感废话-多数民众赞成这个光盘是所有关于。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. The Blu-ray disc format allows high-capacity optical-disc storage to be used for such technologies as high-definition televisions. 在蓝光磁盘格式下,高容量光盘存储技术还可以用于高清晰电视等领域。 www.ebigear.com 5. So even though the geometric focus is smaller than the diffraction disc, the star image slows up to the size of the outer circle. 因此,尽管光点比爱里克斑小很多,但是真正的星像仍然应该是外圈的大环。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The result of the inspection was the burnt smell came from continual abrasion of the braking disc. 检查结果发现是煞车碟片持续摩擦而造成烧胶味。 times.hinet.net 7. In a computer 15, a hard disc drive 17is allowed to be inserted into a housing 16or drawn out therefrom. 一种可连接到计算机(15)的外壳(16)并可以从中分离的硬盘驱动器(17)。 ip.com 8. Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc (DVD) is quite commonly used nowadays due to its huge storage advantage. 数字化视频光盘或数字视频光盘(DVD)是很常见的现在由于其巨大的存储优势。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. Thus, FJ pain may occasionally produce a pain referral pattern indistinguishable from disc herniation. 因此,这种偶然产生的疼痛可能与椎间盘突出导致的疼痛相混淆。 www.oaopdoc.com 10. A prism polarizing disc compound glasses of the utility model is an accessional watching apparatus of a stereoscopic television. 棱镜偏振片复合眼镜是一种立体电视附加观看装置。 ip.com 1. PANDORA This Blu-ray Disc Player enables you to enjoy Internet Radio provided by Pandora through a network connection. 疠这蓝光光盘播放机,您可以享受无线互联网提供的潘多拉通过网络连接。 www.umbdf.cn 2. LG Electronics said the new high-definition disc player will be unveiled at next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. LG电子表示,新的高清光碟播放器将在下周举行的拉斯加维斯国际消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上发布。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The tea in the cups shone faintly, in each cup a floating silver disc swaying slightly with the movement of the boat. 玻璃杯里的茶微微发光,每一杯的水面都是一个银色圆片,随着船身的晃动轻轻地摇摆着。 www.zftrans.com 4. Try to put the photos, turn on the disc to below the part with the position of pattern, through the toll-gate! 试著将轮盘上的照片,转到与下方图样中同位置的部分,即可通过此关卡! java.moffy.com 5. Different desiccative effect would be obtained if the parameters and the settle time of material on the desiccative disc were adjusted. 据此可调整各参数,进而调整物料在干燥盘上的停留时间,以达到不同的干燥效果。 www.chemyq.com 6. Structure imposed on a floppy disc by an operating system utility program. After formatting , the disc can then be used to accept data . 软碟被电脑操作系统的应用程序所造成的结构。磁碟被[格式化]之后,就可以作储存数据用。 dict.veduchina.com 7. The disc harbours the Sun and most of the galaxy's other stars, as well as the beautiful spiral arms. 主盘包含着太阳及星系里其他大部分的恒星,当然还有美丽的旋臂。 www.bing.com 8. Honda's CB750 was the seminal superbike, with a front disc brake, a four-cylinder overhead-cam engine, and a $1495 price. 本田CB750是开创性的超级摩托车,与前盘式制动器,四缸间接凸轮引擎,和一个一四九五美元价格。 usa.315che.com 9. Wind up the dandelion upside disc florets, the slightest slightest crack, it seems Yela sound of a broken certain things. 一阵风过来,蒲公英上边的小花盘,一丝一丝开裂,似乎哗啦一声,某些东西就破碎了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Fanciful name given to various unidentified disc-shaped objects reported in the sky. This prevalent modern myth refuses to go away. 据说天空出现过各种唱片形状的不明飞行物,人们就凭想象给这种物体起了这个名字。这个在现代广为流传的神秘东西依然不肯飞走。 blogs.ustcers.com 1. The heat transfer of the disc surface is enhanced with the increase of rotational Reynolds number and non-dimensional mass flow coefficient. 旋转雷诺数和冷气无量纲流量系数的增大都能增强转盘表面的换热效果; www.jasp.com.cn 2. For the crowd: the lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc, rheumatic pain, lumbar spine bone correction, the warm winter, the best of health! 适合人群:腰肌劳损的,腰椎间盘突出,风湿性腰痛,腰椎骨矫正,冬天保暖的保健佳品! china.makepolo.com 3. The disc from turning on the bar after sushi and menu in twelve piece or twelve pieces of the following for six and a half piece of sushi. 撤完碟后回转栏上的寿司和餐牌上十二块或十二块以下的寿司都为六块半。 wenwen.soso.com 4. whether it's at the surface or in the middle of the disc. In fact now, we're gonna actually use the entire volume. 无论是硬盘表面或中间。现在,实际上我们会使用硬盘的整个容积。 www.yappr.cn 5. The tempo gradually slows down and speeds back up, and the end of the first track almost brings the disc to a halt. 拍子渐渐慢下,速度减慢,第一首乐曲的近尾处几乎来了次暂停。 www.bing.com 6. These two floor stands also available with an indicATor so the position of the disc (wedge) can be read AT a glance. 这两种地轴架都可配置指示器,因此只要看一眼就能够知道阀瓣(楔板)的位置。 dict.ebigear.com 7. I write to you, think of Ian teenager, often locked themselves, put the old disc, the room filled with punk rock . 写到这里,想到了伊恩少年时,经常反锁自己,放古老的碟盘,屋子里充斥着摇滚的朋克。 movie.poco.cn 8. Andromeda sports a "double nucleus" - two bright spots at its heart - thought to be a sign of an oval disc of stars and gas. 仙女座运动着一个“双核”(中心处的两个亮点),据认为是恒星和气体椭圆盘的标志。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Of the 20 women she has tested so far, only one was able to instantly and accurately identify the red-green disc each time. 在她目前为止测试过的20位妇女中,只有一位可以每次都即时准确的识别出红绿盘。 www.bing.com 10. She smiles. She clicks the grounds into a disc and slides it into the machine. Andre stands at the counter, watching. 她微笑了一下。她把粉末磕出,放到盘上,然后把盘子滑入机器里。安德烈就站在柜台边看着。 learning.sohu.com 1. The central disc, which as a circle has no end, symbolizes eternity. 中央的圆盘,是一个没有终点的圆圈,象征着永远或不朽。 chinaufo.com 2. Neurologic deficit is the result of direct trauma to the nervous tissue by the bullet, bone, or disc fragments, which compress the cord. 神经缺失是神经组织受到子弹,骨或者间盘碎片直接损伤的主要结果,各种物质压迫脊索。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. When light waves were projected onto the disc, the direction of the electric field within the waves aligned with the gold nanorods. 当光波被投射到光盘上时,光波内电场的方向会与金纳米棒相一致。 www.bing.com 4. Common pressure-relief devices are a pressure-relief valve for primary protection and a rupture disc for secondary protection. 常用的减压装置是一个作为主要保护的减压阀和一个作为二级保护的破裂盘。 www.showxiu.com 5. Due to the writer here to talk about disc bookbinder maintenance during perimeter control circuit fault PLC, want to help. 笔者在这里谈谈圆盘胶订机维修过程中出现的PLC外围控制电路故障问题,希望对大家有所帮助。 www.bing.com 6. The disc's all determined loveliness, but more fidgety listeners might have trouble. 这张碟注定魅力无限,但对于更多浮躁的听者来说却是麻烦。 www.bing.com 7. Wii Fit is the title of the disc that comes with the Wii Balance Board, a sturdy platform on which you perform your routines. 其中的Wii平衡板是个坚固的踏板,你可以在上面做一些常规动作。 gz.xdf.cn 8. It is a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything. 一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物。 wenku.baidu.com 9. the side edge of the hand disc is provided with a flanging, the hand disc is surrounded by air inlet holes. 所述的手拉盘侧边设有翻边,所述的手拉盘周围设置有进气孔。 ip.com 10. Those things are pressed out of a mold, but other than being on a disc, we are building and offering a creative experience. 这些都已成定形,但是除了光盘外,我们正在努力制作并提供一种崭新的经历。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. The audio tracks are going to be written to a disc. This operation may take a long time, depending on data size and write speed. 音频轨道将要写入到一个光盘。这个操作将花费很长时间,取决于数据的大小和写入的速度。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Several mastering processes are able to generate the small structures needed for the Blu-ray Disc format. 有几种母版生产过程都可以形成Blu-ray光盘所需的微小结构。 steve01119.blog.163.com 3. The disc change option is usually in grey until the game asks you to change it. 换碟的选项通常情况下是灰色不可用的,直到游戏提示你换碟。 www.cngba.com 4. Thus, the disc begins its existence with a steep metallicity gradient, like the one in the distant galaxy in Leo. 因此,主盘在形成伊始有一个很大的丰度梯度,就像遥远的狮子座里的那个星系那样。 www.bing.com 5. Apparently at the time of taking the photo , he was completely unaware of the metallic, disc shaped object hovering above . 显然,在以图片时,他全然不知金属、圆盘状物体盘旋。 www.bing.com 6. But throughout the combat disc attitude and measures vary considerably, many cities is still "all thunder and no rain. " 但各地打击捂盘的态度及措施相差甚大,很多城市仍然是“雷声大,雨点小”。 blog.soufun.com 7. Additionally, some Blu-ray movies and new disc-based games may also refuse to run if the system does not have the latest firmware. 另外,如果没有最新固件,一些蓝光电影和新的碟片游戏也可能会拒绝运行。 www.linux-ren.org 8. "It's a significant development, the earliest evidence of a dust disc transitioning to a planetary system, " Carter said. “这是一次重大的发展,是尘埃盘转变为行星系统的最早的证据,”卡特说。 www.bing.com 9. Each disc will be made of a steel truss structure clad in glass-reinforced concrete and the voids between discs will be glazed. 每一个圆盘都将用玻璃-钢筋混凝土复合结构钢桁架构城,圆盘间的空隙用釉面覆盖。 arch.mr926.me 10. Remotely browse documents and download on screen, or to disc for printing. 远程浏览文件,可作屏幕软打印,或下载到本地打印。 www.xerox.com.cn 1. Practically most modern cars have disc brakes on the front wheels, and drum brakes on the rear wheels. 实际上,大多数汽车的前轮采用盘式制动,后轮采用鼓式制动。 www.tianyablog.com 2. Disc : is designed to close on its own weight to stop backflow from gaining sufficient velocity to create damaging shock . 阀瓣:靠自身重量关闭来阻止流体倒流形成足够大的流速,从而产生破坏性冲击。 www.bing.com 3. One of the disc's highlights occurs about five and a half minutes into the first track. 这张盘的一个高潮出现在第一首的5分半之时。 www.bing.com 4. Continuous increases in the outer disc also failed to drive the domestic Gap gap in the early breakthrough, of visible backlash resistance. 外盘的连续上涨也未能带动国内突破前期跳空缺口,可见反弹阻力之大。 texclo.net 5. A write-once optical disc and a method and apparatus for recording management information of the write-once optical disc, are provided. 提供了一种一次写入*,以及用于在该*上记录管理信息的装置和方法。 www.bing.com 6. Next, apply a second coat to both the stiffener and the disc, let them dry for a few minutes, and then press together. 接下来,适用于第二层都加劲和光碟,让他们干为几分钟,然后按下在一起。 www.biketo.com 7. out a boiler, when ceasing to fire. In this case, the disc automatically closes and prevents header pressure from entering the boiler. 其次,有助于切断锅炉,当停火后,阀瓣自动关闭,防止热水器压力进入锅炉。 dict.ebigear.com 8. The excrement disc device has simple structure and is able to reliably distinguish the faeces and the piss. 本实用新型的用于大小便的便盘装置,结构简单,能够可靠地区分大便和小便。 ip.com 9. You can burn the project to disc, or you can save it to a DVD image file, a set of DVD folders, or DVD master files on DLT tape. 您可以刻录光盘的项目,或者您也可以将它保存到DVD的图像文件,这是一套的DVD文件夹,主文件或DVD上DLT磁带。 wenwen.soso.com 10. However, several months ago the company filed patents for a new disc incorporating all three formats, which it could produce in the future. 然而,几个月前该公司为内置了所有三种模式的碟片申报了专利,就是说可能会在将来推出这种产品。 www.ecocn.org 1. Conclusions. Infliximab did not appear to interfere with disc herniation resorption oer a 6-month period. 结论:英夫利昔单抗在6个月的时间内似乎没有影响椎间盘疝出的再吸收。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Made of more than 900 individual parts, it has dual disc brakes, seven gears and the body is made of aluminum. 这辆车由900多个零件打造而成,包括双碟式制动和7档的变速器,全身都是铝制的。 www.elanso.com 3. a disc with continuous grooves; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating as a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves. 带有连续的凹槽;以前的通过在凹槽内旋转唱针再现音乐的装置。 www.jukuu.com 4. So far adopted disc or profile brush and different spirits; most of the material for mechanical dedust are off satisfactorily. 迄今采用盘式或辊形刷子和不同的鬃毛材料进行机械除尘大多都能达到满意的效果。 www.bing.com 5. We considered CT number of the hernia disc as an objective index for prognosis of collagenase chemonucleolysis. 我们提出用CT值量化突出椎间盘的硬度,预测胶原酶溶解术后疗效。 www.dictall.com 6. For $9. 95 a disc, the company will burn a feature or documentary film onto a DVD and ship it to a customer who has ordered it online. 消费者在网上定购,只需$9.95,公司就会为其刻录一部DVD长片或纪录片并投递消费者手中。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. The present invention provides a method and an apparatus for determining the start of user data in a data block on an optical disc. 本发明*一种决定*片*区块中使用者*起始位置的方法及*。 www.jianzhu668.com 8. FOM106A disc- type diatomite filter can be used for filtration of beer, wine, juice, colloid, water and other beverage besides syrup. FOM106A圆盘式硅藻土过滤机除过滤糖浆外,还可用作啤酒、葡萄酒、果汁、胶汁,以及其它饮料等产品及水的过滤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The invention aims to provide a control disc device capable of minimizing danger of a control unit. 本发明的目的是提供一种能够把控制单元停止的危险性最大限度地降低的控制盘装置。 ip.com 10. CONCLUSION: Optical coherence tomography may be an effective method for the investigation and diagnosis of congenital optic disc pits. 结论:光学相干断层扫描是先天性视盘小凹的有效检查方法,有助于该病的诊断。 www.bing.com 1. It clone any of your DVD movies to a single recordable DVD disc with amazing high speed and top quality. 它克隆你的DVD电影的任何一个单一的可录DVD以惊人的高速,高品质的光盘。 www.jisuxz.com 2. Six years later, in 1973, he held a huge block party for his sister's birthday, in which he served as a Disc Jockey (DJ) for the first time. 六年后,即1973年,他为姐姐举办了一场盛大的生日街区舞会,并第一次担当音乐主持人(DJ)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Tilting Disc Check Valves consist of a cylindrical housing, with a pivoted circular disc. 翻转式阀瓣止回阀由圆柱形外壳及转动圆盘阀瓣构成。 www.h6688.com 4. In some cases, you might be dealing with a dirty laser in your CD or DVD deck; more often, however, the culprit is a scratched disc. 在某些情况下,你可能应清理CD盒或DVD盒内的脏光头;然而,大多数情况是,罪魁祸首是划了的碟。 www.bing.com 5. The reliability of the brake disc is one of the main factors of influencing running safety. 制动盘工作的可靠性是影响列车行车安全的主要因素之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. fluorescein angiography showed early hyperfluorescence and late staining of the white dots , and delayed staining around the optic disc. 萤光摄影检查可见白点有早期萤光渗漏及晚期萤光染色,视神经盘亦可见晚期萤光染色。 www.ichacha.net 7. however , the closing moment of disc by weight is very low in fully - opened position , so the valve tends to close late. 但是,在全开位置,阀瓣靠重力进行关闭运动的作用很小。 www.ichacha.net 8. The new disc consists of two stainless steel pieces that articulate against each another with a ball and trough design. 这种新椎间盘由两块不锈钢组成,相互之间有关节通过一种球体和槽体的设计对抗。 news.dxy.cn 9. Thirdly, make up the disc could not be opened, possibly audits computer does not recognize the disc format. 三是交上去的光盘打不开,可能是审核部门的电脑不认该光盘的格式所致。 www.bing.com 10. Balance disc face will be squeezed out of solid K dent, scrape out the groove will be until the solid has been subject to pulverization K. 平衡盘端面会被固体K挤压出凹痕,会被刮削出凹槽,直到固体K被研碎。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. It also packs one terabyte of storage, three USB ports, a built-in two megapixel camera and a Blu-ray disc drive. 电脑内置英特尔酷睿i7处理器、8G内存和1T硬盘,配有三个USB端口、一个内置的百万像素摄像头和一个蓝光光驱。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Finally, it finally from a disc shoots grew into a tree verdant grass, color also than usual grass green so lovely. 最后,它终于从一瓣嫩芽长成了一棵翠绿的青草,颜色也比平常的小草青得可爱。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. And fact that National Broadcasting Company, Associated Press, and others attempting to break story of location of disc today. 国家广播公司、美联社和其它媒体正在试图报道关于今天的飞碟事件的发生地。 www.bing.com 4. Adjust the time machine to clip book crossing the disc has a slight lift up the role as the best location. 机器运行中调整时,以夹书圆盘在过书时有轻微抬起作用为最佳位置。 www.bing.com 5. Through labor, human mistake from the disc-cutting old trees to the land, from the ignorance of the ancient to the modern civilization. 通过劳动,人类从盘错交织的古树走向陆地,从愚昧无知的远古走向现代文明。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The PS4 will have no disc drive, depending entirely on an Internet connection for browsing and accessing games. PS4不会配备光盘驱动器,而会完全依靠网络连接来浏览和访问游戏。 www.bing.com 7. The invention discloses an optical disc driving device capable of performing high-precision skew control on various types of optical discs. 本发明公开了一种*驱动装置,能够对于各种类型的*实现高精度偏斜控制。 www.dianzi518.com 8. You won't be able to stream DVD movies or music CDs via remote disc, but it's fine for getting files and installing apps. 虽然你不能通过远端光驱播放DVD影碟或CD音乐,可是能拷贝文件、安装程序。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The utility model relates to a winding disc turnover device of a casting film machine winding mechanism. 本实用新型涉及一种流延膜机收卷机构的收卷圆盘翻转装置。 ip.com 10. In this case it's recorded on a DVD but it could be recorded onto a flash drive or hard disc as well. 所以,它就可以刻录到DVD上,还可以刻录到闪光驱动器或硬盘上。 www.elanso.com 1. The disc consisted of an incompressible nucleus surrounded by nonlinear annulus fibers embedded in a solid ground substance. 该光盘由一个不可核周围非线性环纤维中嵌入了坚实的地面物质。 www.syyxw.com 2. The disc is actually located on the front part of the spine. 椎间盘位于脊椎的前部。 www.bing.com 3. Two years later, Flip returned to the scene with the more expansive double- disc set U Gotta Feel Me. 二年后,轻碰回到了场面与集合U得到感觉我的更加膨胀的双重圆盘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this investigation, the authors studied ESCderived chondroprogenitors implanted into a degenerated disc in a rabbit. 作者在本研究中将胚胎干细胞衍生的软骨生发层植入兔退变椎间盘中并进行了相关研究。 www.oaopdoc.com 5. A disc brake, which can be applied mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically to stop the rotor in emergencies. 1盘式制动器,可应用于机械,电气,液压或停止转子在紧急情况下。 www.lunwenbang.cn 6. But the closed skirt of the human figure within the disc represents evil choices, divided into three layers: bad thoughts, words, and deeds. 但对环绕在人类外貌轮廓里面的圆盘的选择是代表邪恶的选择,分成三层:坏的思想,坏的言词和坏的行为。 chinaufo.com 7. The surface of each disc is uneven and has a 7 inch hole between the center and outer edge at about 10 o'clock. 每个唱片的表面都不平整,10点时唱片中点到外沿有一个7英寸的孔。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. CONCLUSION: Small dose collagenase injection after radiofrequency ablation is an effective method in treating severe lumbar disc herniation. 结论:等离子射频消融结合盘内外小剂量胶原酶溶核治疗可明显提高重度腰椎间盘突出的疗效。 en.zglckf.com 9. Vented disc brakes have a set of vanes, between the two sides of the disc, that pumps air through the disc to provide cooling. 通风盘式时制动器在两侧有叶片,空气在泵的作用下流动使制动盘冷却。 www.tianyablog.com 10. To activate, flex metal disc. to recharge, place in boiling water for approximately 6 minutes. 激活,屈曲金属圆盘。充电,安置在开水里大约6分钟。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. With a central bulge set inside a disc-like ridge, they bear an uncanny resemblance to your stereotypical flying saucers. 看起来像是圆盘的物体在中央凸起,它们和你平常所见的飞碟惊人的相似。 www.bing.com 2. As long as the disc stays in bounds, the other team must play it where it lands, even if it is in the end zone. 只要飞盘在界内,另一支队伍必须在飞盘着陆的地方扔飞盘,即使它在得分区。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The team whose player is in possession or whose players may pick up the disc is considered the team in possession. 拥有飞盘或允许捡起飞盘的选手的队伍属于有飞盘权的队。 www.douban.com 4. If you can't eject a blank CD, click the Eject Disc (in the bottom-right corner of the iTunes window). 如果您不能推出空白CD,请点按“推出光盘”(在iTunes窗口的右下角)。 docs.info.apple.com 5. I had a disc giving me a lot of trouble, and I had four surgeries. 有一个椎盘给我带来很多麻烦,我做了4次手术。 www.bing.com 6. For centuries, Lumbar Disc Herniation, one of the most frequently occurring diseases, has kept plaguing people's lives. 腰椎间盘突出症作为常见多发性疾病,几个世纪以来,严重困扰着人类的正常生活。 blog.tianya.cn 7. Normally this was merely inconvenient, but twice I'd already begun to remove the disc, which then got crunched. 正常地这是只不便,但是两次我已经开始了除去圆盘,这然后得到嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼。 www.erji.net 8. The astronomers clearly established that, for a given iron content, stars in the bulge possess more oxygen than their disc counterparts. 天文学家确定,对于给定的铁含量,凸出物中的星体会比星空中的相似星体包含更多的氧。 blog.163.com 9. Claudia Chan, a 33-year-old owner of an event-marketing business, partly blames her super high heels for back problems and a herniated disc. 33岁的克劳迪娅·陈(ClaudiaChan)经营一家事件营销公司,她偶尔也抱怨超高鞋会导致自己背部不适,有次还引发了椎间盘突出。 www.bing.com 10. If this happens, check with your antivirus vendor to see if they have a disc you can use to install the latest updates. 如果发生这种情况,请向防病毒供应商进行核实,了解他们是否有可用于安装最新更新的光盘。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 1. With the film and television advertisement, with the special piece, with multimedia, uses the compact disc, makes the brand for you! 用影视广告、用专题片、用多媒体、用光盘,为您打造品牌! gfw.appspot.com 2. The present invention relates to a device for manufacturing a master disc for mastering data on an optical record carrier. 本发明涉及一种制造母盘的设备,所述母盘用于原模化光学记录载体上的数据。 www.hgpf114.com 3. BACKGROUND: The mechanism of epidural injection of collagenase to treat lumbar disc degeneration is still unclear. 背景:采用椎间盘外、硬膜外腔注射胶原酶治疗椎间盘突出症的机制,目前尚不完全清楚。 oa.crter.org 4. He and another source referred to the disc-shaped device that is seen covering the tail rotor in the photographs as a "hubcap. " 他和其他的消息渠道提及了照片中尾翼上覆盖的圆碟形装置,他们认为这是“毂盖”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The flywheel , when coupled with the clutch disc and pressure plate makes and breaks the flow of power the engine to the transmission . 飞轮,再加上离合器碟片和压力板制造和休息流的电力发动机,以传递。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. A listener called the disc jockey on the air at our radio station to ask about the upcoming lunar eclipse. 一个听众给我们电台的DJ打电话咨询即将到来的月蚀的事情。 ienglish.eol.cn 7. The main filtration equipment: stainless steel frame filters, disc filters , porous filters, stainless steel diatomite filtration machines. 主要过滤设备:不锈钢板框式过滤器、圆盘过滤器、微孔过滤器、不锈钢硅藻土过滤机等。 www.showxiu.com 8. Device placement in proximity to the great vessels makes stability of the prosthesis in the disc space paramount to patient safety. 假体位于大血管附近,假体的稳定对患者的安全至关重要。 opoadoc.net 9. This winged sun-disc represents Horus, the hawk-god believed by the ancient Egyptians to be incarnate in Pharaoh, the god-king. 这个有翼的太阳圆盘代表荷露斯,像鹰一样的神,古代埃及人相信他是法老的化身,神王。 chinaufo.com 10. Conclusion It proved to be effective in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation by manipulation and worthy of clinical application widely. 结论推拿手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效显著,值得临床推广使用。 lib.cqvip.com 1. Everything gets darker and darker; then, at last, we cannot see any part of the sun's disc. 万物变得越来越黑,最终,日轮的所有部分从我们的视线消失。 www.toouoo.com 2. All in all, in the copy & paste the disc to the publishing of before, be sure to take a look at " " file menu " " file information. 总之,在拷盘给不收排公司之后,一定给看看“文件”菜单下的“文件新闻”。 www.bing.com 3. In general, I'm highly impressed with this debut album, as it's so filled with raw energy that the disc almost catches on fire. 在一般情况下,我非常深刻的印象,这首张专辑,因为它是如此充满原始能量,光盘几乎渔获物着火。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 4. Good thermal contact between homogenate and the surface of the disc is required. 并在匀浆和碟片的表面之间需要有良好的热接触。 emuch.net 5. ObjectiveTo investigate the factors influencing pelvic traction used for prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc (PLID). 目的探讨影响骨盆牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效的因素。 www.dictall.com 6. If the conditions are windy, attempt to make the disc cut into the opposition from a high angle to bait them into attempting to catch it. 如果有风,努力使飞盘从一个高的角度切入对方队伍来引诱他们试图赶上它。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As a result, it is possible to provide a good technique of recording shipping-time information onto a high-recording-density disc. 结果,有可能提供将运送时间信息记录到高记录密度的盘上的优良技术。 ip.com 8. Cervical disc replacement after anterior neurologic decompression may be an alternative to fusion in selected patients. 在特定的病人中,前路神经减压后也可以选择做颈间盘置换。 web.degree-distance.net 9. cone scales shield-shaped, apically grooved, expanded into a rhomboid disc, occasionally with central mucro. 偶有,珠鳞盾形成,顶部具凹槽,膨大成为一斜方形花盘中心的具。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. This study investigates the design, fabrication and performance test of a thin disc piezoelectric transformer (PT). 本研究探讨薄圆盘型压电变压器之设计、制作与性能测试。 www.etop.org.tw 1. Conclusions. This case report identifies a rare and fatal complication of oxygen-ozone therapy in the treatment of a herniated lumbar disc. 结论:这个病例报告显示一个罕见但致命的臭氧在治疗腰椎间盘突出症中的并发症。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The bearded old man springing out of the central disc symbolizes the human soul . 从圆盘中央突然冒出的有须老人是代表人类的灵魂。 www.bing.com 3. Conclusion. The findings provide additional support for the role of the aggrecan gene NTR polymorphism in intervertebral disc degeneration. 结论:研究结果为聚集蛋白聚糖基因可变数目串联重复序列多态性在椎间盘退变中的作用提供了额外的支持。 terms.shengwuquan.com 4. Drive pins shall be locked in place to provide a strong and rigid disc-to-shaft connection. 驱动器引脚须锁定提供强有力的和僵化的碟到轴连接。(自动翻译,仅供参考) www.fane.cn 5. The computers that compose the server cluster are connected to each other through a network and a shared disc system. 组成服务器群集的计算机通过网络和共享磁盘系统相互连接在一起。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Mr. Young Left Mr. Kaye in the small reception room on the Disc stand for a few moments. 凯先生坐在迪斯克公司摊位的小接待室里。杨格先生离开一会儿。 www.dictall.com 7. One side of the middle part of the outer shell below the milling disc of the layer is provided with a discharge port. 外壳中间在下层碾盘的下方一侧有一个出料口。 ip.com 8. the under side of the claw disc seat is providing with a walking mechanism behind which a limiting mechanism is arranged. 爪盘座下面设有行走机构,行走机构后设有限位机构。 ip.com 9. Conclusions. Combined moments seem to lead to higher stresses in the disc, especially posterolaterally. 结论:联合运动可以增加椎间盘的盘内压,特别在后外侧。 www.med66.com 10. Study Design. A prospective, randomized, multicenter study of surgical treatment of cervical disc disease. 研究设计:对颈间盘疾病手术方法的前瞻性、随机、多中心研究。 web.degree-distance.net 1. The inhomogeneous temperature field has a strong effect on the stress distribution of the disc. 不均匀温度场对轮盘的应力分布有较大的影响。 www.jasp.com.cn 2. But when there is enough space, the Faravahar is shown in all of its glory, with kingly figure, disc, streamers, and many-feathered wings. 但有了足够的地方,法拉瓦哈就展现出它的所有荣耀,君主般的外貌,圆盘,横幅和很多有羽毛的翼。 www.jukuu.com 3. and the seed guide pipe and the fertilizer guide pipe are respectively near the insides of the small disc and the big disc. 导种管和导肥管分别邻近小圆盘和大圆盘的内侧。 ip.com 4. The pivots are located just above the center of the disc, and offset from the plane of the body seat. 枢轴就位于阀瓣中心上,偏离阀体阀座平面。 www.h6688.com 5. The winged disc was from the beginning a symbol of divine kingship, or the divine favor upon a king. 有翼的圆盘一开始就代表着神的王权,或者是位于国王之上的神。 www.chinaufo.com 6. Pertaining to data switching between the devices in a computer, for example, between a memory and a magnetic disc or two discs. 指在计算机中的设备之间数据的交换,例如在存储器与磁盘机之间或两台磁盘机之间。 cb.kingsoft.com 7. Conclusions Open MR scanner with an optical tracking system guidance and monitoring lumbar disc discography is feasible and safety. 结论开放式MR结合光学导引系统用于引导椎间盘造影术是可行的、安全的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Provided are an optical disc having a plurality of recording layers, and a method and apparatus for recording data thereon. 提供一种具有多个记录层的*,以及用于在该*上记录数据的方法和设备。 www.bing.com 9. Conclusion Radiofrequency thermo coagulation and target ablation are the effective methods on thoracic disc herniation. 结论射频热凝靶点消融术是治疗胸椎间盘突出症的有效方法。 www.bing.com 10. In the decade since the Napster file-sharing site launched, compact disc sales have collapsed, wresting power from labels. Napster文件共享网站推出后的10年间,CD销量急剧下滑,唱片公司失去控制权。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Grinding off weld beads, sharp edges etc. by means of a disc g y grinder. 使用砂轮片对焊珠、锐边等进行打磨 wenku.baidu.com 2. Photographs of this quality are rare among UFO photographs, but in this particular shot you can clearly see a disc shaped, metallic object. 这是难得的照片品质之间不明飞行物照片但在这个镜头,可以清楚看到一个圆盘形金属物体。 www.da555.com 3. The rear disc brake shoes have an anti-rattle spring attached to the rear of the outboard shoe and a wear indicator on the inboard shoe. 后碟制动蹄片有一个附着于蹄片外后部的消声器弹簧,和一个在蹄片内部磨损指示器。 www.dictall.com 4. Objective Understanding of patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc outpatient rehabilitation care compliance, proposed nursing. 目的了解门诊腰椎间盘突出症病人对康复护理的依从性,提出护理对策。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Many cars have drum brakes on the rear wheels and disc brakes on the front. 很多车子在后轮采用鼓式制动,前轮采用盘式制动。 www.tianyablog.com 6. The thickness and material composition are factors critical for the performance of the disc during the recording phase. 合成材料的厚度是影响记录时的性能的决定性因素。 steve01119.blog.163.com 7. I looked at the sun and saw it spinning like a disc, rolling on itself. 我看见了太阳,看见它在像碟子一样地旋转,正在做自转运动。 www.chinaufo.com 8. Oily water separator, the first stage to be opened up. The internal separating disc to be. 打开油水分离器的第一级,对内部分离盘进行清洁。 www.bokee.net 9. Disc- Walled living in the county seat of Yunyang County, the original name was Shicheng, also known as Little Rock, born city. 磨盘寨居于云阳县新县城内,原名盘石城,也称小石城、天生城。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. the circular disc is arranged and fixed on a machine body guide rail by a set of slide carriage structure. 圆盘通过一套溜板结构安装并固定在机身导轨上。 ip.com 1. The case for lumbar fusion as a treatment for chronic low back pain due to degenerative disc disease is described as an example. 这里所描述的将腰椎融合作为治疗由于椎间盘退变引起的慢性下腰痛的病例就是一个例子。 www.med66.com 2. Research in biologic methods of treating disc degeneration is still in its infancy. 椎间盘退变被认为是一个主要来源,疼痛患者的慢性腰痛。 www.syyxw.com 3. Whatever the origin of the word, the use of the word faravahar to describe the Winged Disc is modern. 无论是什么样的词源,用“法拉瓦哈”这个词去描绘有翼的圆盘是现代的事。 chinaufo.com 4. It may be used in biological analysis, medicament design and development, solar cell, optical disc photosensitization and other fields. 可用于生物分析、药物设计与开发,太阳能电池、光盘、照相感光等领域。 ip.com 5. What I often see is that the worried English primary sound of growing up is so interesting, the living spoken language disc again, well buy. 我常看的是成长的烦恼英文原声这样有趣,又生活化口语化的碟,很好买到。 www.3dportal.cn 6. The pin test piece was made of carbon, which came from a in-using pantograph strip. The disc was made of pure copper. 销试件的材料为纯碳,取自铁路在用的受电弓滑板。 www.fabiao.net 7. RAM cache: A reserved section of a RAM disc used to improve performance. 即时贮区:在虚拟磁碟内的一个预留区域,用来增强工作能力。 www.tdict.com 8. This disc is hexagonal in shape and was suspended from a ballon by cable, which ballon was approximately twenty feet in diameter. 这个飞碟呈六角形状,通过绳索连接由球囊体悬挂,这个球囊体直径约20英寸(约6米)。 www.bing.com 9. Conclusion The spondylodiscitis model can be established by injecting staphylococcus aureus into the intervertebral disc of rabbits. 结论将一定量的金黄色葡萄球菌注入兔腰椎间隙可制做椎间盘炎模型,炎症反应明显,模型稳定。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. If the problem is disc deterioration, surgery may be necessary, and an adjustment in training is absolutely required. 如果是腰间盘劳损那就需要手术,还要进行恢复调整训练。 www.bing.com 1. The MLSS was the rst large-scale study to compare surgical and nonoperative outcomes for lumbar disc herniation. MLSS是第一个比较腰椎间盘突出症手术与非手术治疗结果的大样本研究。 www.nexoncn.com 2. Note that the ripple on the outer edge of the disc is from the taped edges around the tire. 请注意,纹波对边外缘的光碟是从录音的优势,围绕轮胎。 www.biketo.com 3. An output shaft (4) of the speed shifting mechanism extends downward to be fixedly assembled with a grinding disc (5). 变速机构的输出轴(4)向下伸出与磨盘(5)固定装配在一起。 ip.com 4. So far, sales of the new high-definition disc players have been slow. 到目前为止,新型高清碟片播放器的销售已经减慢。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The previous carriage burning incident that occurred on the Muzha Line was a result of similar brake disc overheating. 先前木栅线曾发生火烧车事件,就是因类似煞车碟片温度过高所引起。 times.hinet.net 6. In DVD focus servo system, the warp of the disc induces periodic disturbance whose frequency is same as the rotation frequency of the disc. 在DVD聚焦伺服系统中,光盘翘曲会导致产生与光盘转动频率相同的周期性扰动。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The activity of rachis depends on of intervertebral disc complete, relevant vertebra is articulatory dash forward the harmony between. 脊柱的活动取决于椎间盘的完整,相关脊椎骨关节突间的和谐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Mommy, why the orange pulp is divided into a small double disc, rather than a full? 妈妈,为什么橘子里的果肉是分成一小瓣一小瓣的,而不是一个完整的呢?。 bbs.51ielts.com 9. Objectives. To assess the influence of the disc level and number of discs replaced following TDR on postoperative outcome. 目的。评价椎间盘节段和椎间盘置换的数目对腰椎人工椎间盘置换术后的临床效果。 www.med66.com 10. As that gas collapsed to a black hole, it pulled in more gas and dust from the disc, bulking up to a billion solar masses. 随着这种气体坍塌变成黑洞,便从涡流盘吸入更多气体和尘埃,逐渐累积成十亿个太阳的质量。 www.ecocn.org 1. Artist's impression of a baby star still surrounded by a protoplanetary disc in which planets are forming. 这是一张在行星形成过程初期,被行星盘围绕的婴儿恒星的艺术幻想图。 www.astronomy.com.cn 2. For horizontal flow applications, the valve must be installed with disc hinge pin in the vertical position to insure proper operation. 对于水平应用场合,阀门必须配置垂直阀瓣铰销,以保证正常工作。 www.h6688.com 3. and at least one piece of grinding wheel is arranged on the grinding wheel disc. 在砂轮盘上至少设有一片砂轮。 ip.com 4. prompt rehabilitation training combined acupuncture treatment can significantly improve patients with lumbar disc herniation pain. 提示康复训练配合电针疗法能明显改善腰椎间盘突出症患者的疼痛症状。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 5. NF3 cylinder valves are equipped with pressure relief devices consisting of a frangible rupture disc backed by a fusible alloy. NF3钢瓶配备有由易碎破裂盘及其后的易熔合金组成的减压装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Grooves on an inner circular edge of the upper plane of the brake disc are uniformly distributed. 在刹车盘上平面内环边沿有凹槽,凹槽均匀分布。 ip.com 7. The parallel seat gate assembly consists of two interchangeable spring loaded discs, a fully guided disc carrier, and retaining pins. 平行阀座闸阀由两个可互换弹簧负载阀瓣,一个全导向阀瓣托架和扣环销钉构成。 www.showxiu.com 8. abstract : for the disc brake system on a drilling rig , reliable performance and good technological characteristic are required. 文摘:石油钻机配置盘式刹车制动系统的基本原则是制动系统工作可靠且具有良好的工艺特性。 www.ichacha.net 9. Lumbar disc herniation by the non-surgical treatment to be invalid after regular treatment. 腰椎间盘突出症经非手术治疗无效后常需手术治疗。 www.chemyq.com 10. MRI Changes Between Pre and Post Operation of Cervical Intervertebral Disc Protrusion and Its Clinical Significance . 颈椎间盘突出症手术前后MRI改变及其临床意义。 www.bing.com |
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