单词 | blade |
释义 | blades是blade的复数
复数:blades n. razor blade 例句释义: 刀片,叶,刃,桨叶,锦衣卫,刀刃,刀锋 1. Because the blades are more than 200 feet long, he said, the tip of the blade would spin much faster than the hub. 因为这些扇叶有200多英尺长,他说,扇叶的尖部要比底部转的快很多很多。 www.bing.com 2. Delicious fragrance came to them, as if little invisible creatures were running and treading scent out of the blades of grass. 时而闻到一股幽香,就象有许多目不能见的小人在草地上奔跑,把青草的香气踩了出来似的。 www.jukuu.com 3. All blades on the fan impeller of the fan impeller device are made into a sectional structure in the axial direction of the fan impeller. 其风扇叶轮上的各个叶片、沿风扇轮的轴向方向制成分段的结构。 ip.com 4. Huge amounts of ice particles from his skate blades fly high into the air and float back down on the entire rink, resembling a snow fall. 冰靴上的刀片划出许多雪白的冰屑,高高地飞溅到空中,然后像雪花一样飘落在整个溜冰场上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It is possible to produce electricity by using the forces of tides to turn the blades of a turbine. 可以通过海潮的力量来带动涡轮机发电。 www.zftrans.com 6. In his design, moisture-laden air enters the system and is cooled by a drop in pressure behind the wind turbine blades, says Whisson. 在他的设计,水分-拉登的空气进入系统,并正在冷却下降,在压力背后的风力涡轮机叶片,说whisson。 www.tech-domain.com 7. As a wind turbine's blades cut through the air, they lower air pressure, especially around the tips of the blades, Baerwald explains. 贝尔沃德解释说,当风力涡轮机的叶片划过空气的时候,会使气压降低,特别是在叶片的顶端周围,气压更低。 q.163.com 8. As you continue lifting the heels and thighs higher, press your shoulder blades firmly against your back to open your heart. 当你继续抬高脚跟和大腿的时候,压肩胛骨进入背部以打开胸腔。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. One benefit, he said, is to eliminate the tangle of cables that would normally connect the blades to the aggregation switch. 他表示另一个好处就是可以消除连接刀片服务器和聚合交换机间的混乱不堪的电缆。 www.cnw.com.cn 10. Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. 即使是草也不绿,因为太阳烤炙着它们的顶部长叶,使得它们不论从何处看起来,同样的都是灰色的。 www.sdau.edu.cn 1. The wind passing over the blades forces them to turn which in turn converts the rotational energy through a gearbox into electricity. 风越过叶片,迫使它们把这反过来又转换为旋转能量通过变速箱转化为电能。 uzmart.com 2. He said his lowest points had included breaking both legs after being run over by a car while crossing the United States on roller blades. 他说(旅行当中)遇到过的最低谷包括在滑着旱冰鞋穿越美国的时候有一次被汽车压过折断了双腿。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. The energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. 风力推动固定在转轴上两三个像推进器一样的叶片。 www.bing.com 4. The technology described herein is better used in practice, and then can be applied to the other machining of the turbine blades as well. 在实际中应用效果很好,可以在其他机组叶片加工中推广应用。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. I ventured to call the attention of the two dashing young blades, for such they seem, to the desolate condition of their fellow-traveller. 我不揣冒昧,请两位正在匆匆向前走的纨绔子弟注意他们的旅伴的孤独情况。 6. Most turbines have three huge blades that are aerodynamically designed to turn easily as possible when the wind blow on them. 大多数涡轮机具有三个巨大的叶片,叶片按照空气动力学原理设计,有风时极易转动。 www.slideshare.net 7. GATHERING energy from the wind may seem a straightforward process. Air whips past the blades of a turbine, forcing it to spin. 收集风能似乎是一个很简单的过程:1。空气擦过涡轮机的叶片,使其旋转。 hi.baidu.com 8. Get on the oor and prop4 yourself up with your toes ered underneath you and your elbows under your shoulders, shoulder blades back and down. 趴在地上,脚趾向上翘,手肘放在肩膀下面,以脚底和肘撑地,肩胛骨向后、向下伸展。 www.youtheme.cn 9. Firm the shoulder blades against your back and lift them toward the tailbone so the front torso stays as long as possible. 固定肩胛骨在背部并向尾骨的方向提起它们,这样躯干前侧尽可能保持长。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Every minute or so, he had to clean the hair out of the blades with an old toothbrush. 每一分钟摆布的时间里,他不得不清洁头发的叶片有老旧牙刷。 wenjiaoyu.com 1. Ticks prefer to attach on the head and neck, in the ears, around the anus, near the shoulder blades, and between the toes. 蜱喜欢附在头和脖子上,进入耳朵,在肛门(菊花)旁边,接近肩胛,或者在脚趾中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. You seem to be an alright lad, but me times busy with keeping the Blades schooled. If. www.bn13.com 3. The method is characterized in that the method for surface shot blasting achieves the show of the surface defects of the blades. 采用表面喷丸的方法实现对叶片表面缺陷的显现。 ip.com 4. Saim-hann The wind whipping across your face as your blades whip across the throats of the foe. It makes the blood sing. 疾风吹过脸颊,刀刃掠过敌项,鲜血欢然歌唱。 www.ncogi.com 5. The wind spins the blades, which turn a shaft connected to a generator that produces electricity. 风吹动叶片旋转,叶片带动连接发电机的轴转动产生电流。 www.bing.com 6. MMM testing technique can be used for the rapid and accurate detection of the cracks and stress concentration in turbine blades. 用磁记忆诊断技术可快速、准确检测出汽轮机叶片的裂纹和应力集中区。 www.chemyq.com 7. Amazingly, the Prisoner, even blinded by the hood, and with both hands bound in front, is able to deflect their blades. 令人惊讶地,战俘,甚至用风帽掩饰,和两只被束手在前的手,能偏转他们的刀片。 post.tiant.com.cn 8. With these words the wheel of blades spun off the former victim's neck and began spinning around the head of Mittavinda. 话毕那带着刀刃的轮子便旋转着离开前受罚者的脖子,开始转到弥达维德的头上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Manufacturers can supply blades with undercut protection positioned around the core to help slow the steel core wear . 可供应厂商削价叶片围绕核心位置,以帮助保护钢铁核心磨损缓慢。 www.bing.com 10. Made of a metal akin to adamantium, the blades could cut through even the bony, scaled heads of the behemoths. 用一种类似于合金的坚硬金属所铸造的锋刃,甚至可以切开那只巨兽厚实的鳞甲。 word.hcbus.com 1. Shoulders should be well sloped; blades well back and not too much width between them. 肩胛倾斜,肩胛骨向后,彼此间没有很宽的距离。 www.3316.cn 2. As they do so, they pass through another set of static blades which direct and accelerate the hot gases to turn a turbine. 气浪被喷出的时候,会经过另一组静叶。这些静叶会对气浪进行加速并把它们引向涡轮机使之转动。 www.ecocn.org 3. WIPERS : Are the rubber edges of the wiper blades still sharp enough to remove water and snow in even strokes? 刮水器:刮水器的橡皮叶片变得是否锐利,每次动作是否均匀刮掉雨雪?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The rotor blades work like the wings of an aeroplane, with an aerofoil shape providing lift. 螺旋桨起的作用如同飞机的机翼,机翼的形状提供升力。 www.ecocn.org 5. Used for condenser tubes, propellers, pump fittings, turbine blades, and for chemical plant. 它用来制造冷凝管、推进器、泵配件、透平叶片,并用于化工设备等。 www.infopetro.com.cn 6. These two harrows include a seven blade and a three blade model. The blades are made of iron, but others were made of bamboo. 这二件刈耙,一是七刀另一是三刀,刀是铁打的也有用竹子削成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Automatic blending of rotating blades ensures equal distribution of colorant and has no deposition. 旋转叶自动搅拌,使色浆分布均匀不会造成沉淀。 www.cvmachine.com 8. The utility model discloses a peeling machine which consists essentially of a box body, bent peeling blades, a driving disk and a gear. 本实用新型公开了一种削皮机,它主要包括箱体、削皮弯片、传动盘和传动装置。 ip.com 9. The upper trapezius spanning the back draws the shoulder blades toward the midline and down the back. It also aids in lifting the arms. 处于背部的上斜方肌将肩胛骨向中心线的方向同时向下拉。同时帮助手臂上提。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The machine is made of a mixing barrel, stirring blades and a transmission mechanism etc. 整机由混合筒、搅拌叶片、传动机构等部分组成。 detail.china.alibaba.com 1. The game is called Blades & Magic and as you may expect you can perform sword or magic attacks. 因为游戏名为Blades&Magic,可能大家都会期待在游戏中挥舞刀剑和发动魔法。 forum.minisoyo.com 2. Robust cast iron valve body with a fabricated rotor, polyurethane adjustable replaceable blades and a direct drive. 铸铁阀体配合支架式转子,聚酯易拆除叶片和直驱方式。 shcompass.b2b.hc360.com 3. The middle trapezius and rhomboids draw the shoulder blades toward the spine, opening the front of the chest. 中斜方肌和菱形肌将肩胛骨向脊柱的方向拉,使胸廓前侧打开。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The chassis has slots in which blade servers (the actual blades) can be placed to take advantage of the surrounding infrastructure. 这种机壳拥有一些插槽,其中可以放置一些刀片服务器(实际刀片服务器)来利用周围的基础架构。 www.ibm.com 5. In his last years, he liked to compare himself with a tiller, saying: "Because of me, two blades of grass grow where one grew before. " 晚年的他,喜欢以耕耘者自喻:“因为有了我,原先这里只生一片草叶,现在长了两片。” www.szedu.com.cn 6. The hub then serves to force more air through the blades, thus extracting more energy from the wind. 因而毂起着迫使更多气体从叶片越过的作用,这样可以从风中获取更多的能量。 www.pat365.com 7. The unsteady surface pressure on stator blade of an axial compressor was measured by means of mounting micro-sensors on blades surface. 本文对一台单级轴流压气机静子叶片非定常表面压力进行了测量。 www.jasp.com.cn 8. Inside, among the debris of its decaying attic, lives a young man whose fingers are scissor blades. 城堡腐朽顶部的破瓦残砾中,住着一位手指是剪刀的年轻人。 www.bing.com 9. Hot-rolled bar of GH4049 alloy is an important materials of turbine blades and mainly used for manufacturing turbine blades of aeroengine. GH4049合金热轧棒材主要用于制造航空发动机的涡轮叶片,是重要的涡轮工作叶片的材料之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. He already has a crucifix on the back of his neck, a guardian angel between his shoulder blades and an angel on his right shoulder. 他在他颈后纹上了十字、肩胛纹了守护天使、右肩上也有天使。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Michael was up by this time also, looking as sharp as a knife with six blades and a saw, but Peter suddenly signed silence. 迈克尔这时候也起来了,他精神抖擞得像一把带六刃一锯的刀,可是彼得打了个手势,叫他们别出声。 snow-lovesroom.spaces.live.com 2. When activated, driven by the axis high-speed rotating impeller, between the blades with the liquid must also be turning. 启动后,叶轮由轴带动高速转动,叶片间的液体也必须随着转动。 www.metalnews.cn 3. Ophthalmic surgical blades (734) are manufactured from either a crystalline or polycrystalline material, preferably in the form of a wafer. 眼科手术刀片(734)是用优选为晶片形式的结晶或多晶材料制造的。 ip.com 4. Lakotas aerospace grade unidirectional carbon fiber blades are not to be confused with carbon matrix or carbon reinforced plastic blades. 请不要把LAKOTA的航空级单向碳纤维叶片与碳距阵化合物或碳填充塑料叶片混淆。 www.qianyan.biz 5. The men squint toward the horizon, and periodically everyone goes silent to listen for the sounds of blades beating the air. 人们眯着眼睛望向地平线,时不时大家安静下来,听着螺旋桨撞击空气的声音。 www.bing.com 6. Blades of rosette leaves narrowly spatulate to oblong-oblanceolate, gradually narrowed into a petiole; corolla rose. 倒披针形莲座丛叶狭匙形到长圆形,逐渐狭窄成叶柄的叶片;花冠玫瑰色。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. The Air Multiplier technology replaces blades and grilles with loop amplifiers and draws air in at the base through a mixed flow impeller. 空气倍增器技术用循环放大器,来替换扇叶和栅格,并且通过一个混流式叶轮把空气吸入底座。 www.bing.com 8. Kayaks are closed boats, and the paddles have blades at both ends. Competitors use their feet to control a rudder that steers the boat. 皮艇是封闭的,桨的两端都有桨叶,运动员用脚控制舵,控制船的方向。 www.hotdic.com 9. Design of precision die forgings which used for steam turbine blades is the key technology to blade forged die and process design. 汽轮机叶片精密模锻件的设计,是叶片锻造模具和工艺设计的技术关键。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "See, Chrysler had come out with parallel blades in 1955, and people liked them, " Daykin says. 瞧,克莱斯勒在1955年就做出来平行雨刮,并广受欢迎。 www.bing.com 1. A cleaning head to which cleaning blades are attached is disposed in the housing and removes the trapped filtrate. 清洗叶片所附接的清洗头被设置在所述壳体中且去除所述捕获的滤液。 ip.com 2. Such mechanisms may turn, or furl, all or part of the blades so as to reduce energy capture from the wind. 这种机构可以转动或者卷收全部或部分叶片以便减少对风能的捕获。 www.pat365.com 3. starts, starts, the impeller shaft driven by the high-speed rolling, the liquid between the blades is also necessary to follow the scroll. 启动后,启动后,叶轮由轴带动高速滚动,叶片间的液体也必需跟着滚动。 www.docin.com 4. Kratos slowly makes his way toward the Blade of Olympus, so weak that he can't even so much as swing his blades. 奎托斯缓慢的接近奥林匹斯之剑,他是如此的虚弱甚至不能挥动双刃。眼前的一切让斯巴达战士们惊呆了。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Mortality is nothing new in other industries, nor indeed for the birds who blunder into whirling windmill blades. 正如鸟儿会因误入旋转的风机叶片而死亡一样,企业消亡对其他行业而言并不是什么新闻。 www.ecocn.org 6. When the blade-like strength wire online squeegee, coarse sand the surface has a similar blade or blades of the nature of tear over. 当刮刀用辛在丝网上刮印时,粗劣的暗不天具有近似砂纸的本质,刮刀刀刃的磨损在所不免。 www.bing.com 7. Including blades, blades of the wind turbine, the rotor and stator. 该风力发电机包括风叶、风叶座、转子和定子。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The utility model relates to a shutter apparatus, comprising shutter blades, a shutter casing and a casing cover. 本实用新型涉及一种快门装置,它具有快门叶片; ip.com 9. The blade is very easy to locate, all blades are locked fast and continuously by compressed air. 刀片非常容易定位,通过压缩空气快速、连续同时锁紧所有大片。 www.pack.cn 10. The spare saw blades can be taken out of the L-shaped lumen by screwing the nuts down from a handle sleeve barrel. 从手柄套筒上拧下螺帽就能从L形管腔内取送备用锯条。 ip.com 1. The blades of a 20-story wind turbine slicing and chopping through the air are the only noise out here in China's western Gansu province. 在这里,在中国西部的甘肃省,20层楼高的风机的叶片在空气中切削、旋转所发出的声音是这里唯一的躁动。 www.bing.com 2. Dry tile blades are continuous-rim blades used for chip-free cutting on tile saws, right-angle grinders and circular saws. 干瓦刀片连续环叶片芯片采用无削减瓷砖锯,直角研磨机和圆锯。 www.cfli.cn 3. The compressor is a type of centrifugal pump -- it draws air in at the center of its blades and flings it outward as it spins. 压缩机是一种离心泵——它在叶片的中心位置吸入空气,并在旋转时把空气从四周甩出去。 hcj4584.spaces.live.com 4. He had a collar around his neck that spun like a wheel, with five sharp blades cutting into his face, head, chest and back. 他的脖子上戴着一个项圈象轮子一样飞转,里面的五把尖刀刺到脸上、头上、前胸和后背。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If questioned, he could plausibly say that he was trying to buy razor blades. 如果有人问他,他满可以回答他想买刮胡子的刀片。 dict.wenguo.com 6. Dr Mikkelsen is working on a way for individual generators to scan the air upwind and adjust the position of their blades in anticipation. Mikkelsen博士的工作将能使单个的风机组扫描风向,并且调整风轮的叶片姿态到最佳位置。 www.my1510.cn 7. It was revealed that the ram air turbine performance could be improved by optimizing the blades near the hub region. 数值模拟结果显示在冲压空气涡轮桨叶近轮毂区域需要进一步优化。 www.jasp.com.cn 8. The path before Kratos was clear, but still, the memories came rushing back, as familiar and permanent as the blades chained to his wrists. 克瑞托斯前面的道路是清晰的,但是,那些回忆还是不断的闪回,就像那锁着他手腕的刀刃和誓言一样熟悉。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This species is recognized by the combination of broad leaf blades with hirsute sheaths and a glandular panicle of small spikelets. 本种是通过宽的叶片具具粗毛鞘和一种小的小穗的具腺的圆锥花序的结合的承认。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Each fan has two independent counter-rotating blades and is individually monitored and controlled by over a dozen temperature sensors. 每个风扇拥有两个独立的对旋式叶片,并透过许多温度感应器分别监控和控制。 mymemory.translated.net 1. The abrasive erosion pattern of the impeller blades of a used slurry pump is investigated by macro observation, and analyzed by SEM method. 对一个实际清淤中磨损失效的泥浆泵轮叶片表面进行宏观观察,并利用扫描电镜作了微观形貌分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. the swing fan part comprises a fan handle provided with a buffer and a turning device, and fan blades. 摇扇部分是具有缓冲装置和回转装置的扇柄和扇叶。 ip.com 3. I was looking at the face of the pilot and just hanging there, not fully aware that the blades were actually just feet from my head. 我看着驾驶员的脸好一会儿,都没有注意到螺旋桨离我的头只有1英尺远。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Got the power of chain blades from Ares, he was able to behead the Barbarian King in the final battle. 得到来自阿瑞斯的链刃神力之后,奎托斯在最后的决战中斩下了蛮族首领的头颅! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. That flexibility, coupled with the force from very high winds, can bend blades so much that they burden the machine or even smack the tower. 这些缺点,再加上风势的强大推力,会导致风叶扭曲,机器会不堪负担,甚至会伤及塔身。 www.bing.com 6. For example, someone with rounded shoulders would do Warrior but draw the shoulder blades down and then stretch the front of the body. 例如,肩部不展的人士可以做战士式,但是要放松双肩,然后伸展身体前侧。 www.bing.com 7. He stood knee deep amongst the whispering undulations of the green blades with the lost air of a man just born into the world. 他挺直身子站在齐膝深、起伏不停、窸窣作响的青草中,神色茫然,好像刚出世似的。 www.tianya.cn 8. When they reached the stern, the lad tied up their blades and slammed a shoulder into Duck, and the big man went into the river. 当他们退到船尾时,男孩绞起他们的刀刃用肩膀猛撞了鸭子一下,于是大块头就掉进了河里。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Marshall argued that cost of production and utility are the two scissor blades which together determine value. 马歇尔认为,生产成本和效用是两个剪片的共同决定价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Arrangement of parallel, horizontal Blades or slats of glass, wood, or other material designed to regulate airflow or light penetration. 由一些平行的水平叶片或者玻璃板条、木板条或其它板条组合起来的一种装置,用于调节气流或透过的光线。 www.jukuu.com 1. Though the switch hadn't touched her, her shoulder blades had been tangled with curving red lines like a bramble spreading its thorns. 尽管鞭子没有碰到她,可她的肩胛骨上却满是弯弯曲曲的红色鞭痕,就好像一枝树莓在播散它的荆棘。 www.bing.com 2. The broad, twisted leaf blades with slanting veins and transverse veinlets provide an easy means of identification. 宽阔的部分,缠绕倾斜脉的叶片具,横裂的细脉提供鉴定的容易的方法。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. WK: In fact , a design of the windmill that it was in the book , it have got four -- ah -- three blades, and mine have got four blades . 实际上,风车的设计在书里已经有了,它有四个-嗯-三个扇片,而我的有四个扇片。 www.bing.com 4. If, however, the blades are not tilted, the helicopter can be made to hover motionless in the air. 然而,如果桨叶不倾斜,就能使直升飞机在空中悬停不动。 www.jukuu.com 5. turbine blades with new , more sophisticated designs have to be finished via machining and preferably by hsm. 新型、形状复杂的涡轮叶片必须通过切削来完成加工,最好是用高速切削完成。 www.ichacha.net 6. Generally, but not always, blades with soft bond segments will break down faster if used with high-horsepower equipment. 一般而言,但并不总是,软刀片将打破快捷键环节,如果用高马力设备。 www.cc-bi.com 7. The crucial differences between FHI's new turbine and a traditional one are in the location and setting of the blades. 富士重工的新型涡轮机与传统的一个关键的差异就是叶片的位置和设置。 www.ecolion.cn 8. GenTech just makes the equipment -- equivalent to selling only razors when most of the the money is in razor blades. 上海正帆只是生产设备,相当于在大多数利润都在刮胡刀片上时,他们只是销售刀架。 www.bing.com 9. A typical VCL installation will have one or more blade chassis, usually one of the blades being designated as the management node. 一个典型的VCL安装含有一个或多个刀片机箱(chassis),其中一个刀片服务器被指定为管理节点。 www.ibm.com 10. The blades have an aerofoil shape and provide lift when passing through air, like the wings of an aeroplane. 这些叶片拥有机翼的剖面形状,它们就像普通飞机的机翼那样,通过划过空气来产生升力。 www.ecocn.org 1. Just before the gases enter the engine nozzle, they pass through a fan-like set of turbine blades which rotates the engine shaft. 就在气体进入发动机喷嘴,他们通过一个风扇,这样的一套涡轮叶片转动轴发动机。 www.tech-domain.com 2. He saw a party of roaring young blades from Oxbridge in the coffee-room of his hotel, and slunk away from them, and paced the streets. 他在旅馆的餐厅里,看到牛桥来的一伙年轻人在那里大喊大叫,便赶紧溜走,跑到街上。 3. They circled and hovered around the top of the Ladder of Blades , roaring . 飕飕轰轰地盘旋绕着那刀梯刃顶。 www.bing.com 4. They would attach wooden or metal blades to overhead rotating shafts that were used to drive the machinery they used to work on . 他们将木制或金属刀片高度架空,采用旋转轴传动机械用工作。 www.bing.com 5. In this case, one of the two remaining spare blades can replace the failed blade while it's either repaired or replaced. 在这种情况下,余下备用叶片的两次之一可以替换出现故障的刀片,虽然它已修复或更换。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Stand evenly on both feet, clasp hands behind your back and squeeze shoulder blades together to open your chest. 双脚着地平稳站立,双手紧扣在后背并将肩胛骨向后推挤做扩胸运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Dr Mikkelsen is working on a way for individual turbines to scan the air upwind and adjust their blades in anticipation. 米凯尔森博士正在研究一种办法,可以让单个涡轮机把握迎面来风的风势,然后预先调整叶片角度。 www.ecocn.org 8. But unlike an aircraft, when a helicopter is flying forwards the air passing over its rotor blades does so at different speeds. 但与飞机不同的是,直升机向前飞行时通过其螺旋桨上的空气速度不同。 www.ecocn.org 9. This method has important research value to check whether internal cooling channels of turbine blades are blocked or not. 该方法对发动机叶片内部冷却通道的堵塞情况检测有重要研究价值。 www.showxiu.com 10. Current year branchlets, terminal buds, petioles, and abaxial surface of leaf blades pubescent or at least terminal buds pubescent. 当年小枝,顶芽,叶柄和叶背面短柔毛或至少顶芽短柔毛。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. The double shear creep specimens and modeling turbine blades have been experimented for the validation of the model. 用双剪切试样和模拟叶片等系列试验对模型和有限元进行考核。 www.jasp.com.cn 2. All of them were huddled together, close enough to feel hot air slide off flying blades. 他们全部都一起被推挤,关充足感觉热气离开飞的刀锋滑动。 nfba06.com 3. And then fire shot down from the sky in bolts like shining blades of a knife. 然后火焰在闪电中从天空降下,就像刀锋一样闪耀。 www.uctube.cn 4. Each OS will be clustered across three server blades, reserving two of the blades to be left offline and labeled as "spares. " 每个操作系统将聚集在三个服务器刀片,保留两个叶片中处于离线状态,标记为“盘”。 technet.microsoft.com 5. To be clear, blades are a fine idea if you have sized your applications and have shown they will fit. 说得清楚些,如果您确定了应用程序的大小,并证明了它们将非常适合,那么刀片是个很好的主意。 www.ibm.com 6. The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world. 神武坎制造了精美的刀剑,每一把都拥有特殊的无法阻挡的力量,并且能在未曾猜想到的世界里释放它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The surfaces of integral impeller blades are usually complicate free form surfaces that have good fluid performance. 整体叶轮叶片的工作表面是复杂的空间自由曲面,以具备良好的流动性能为目标进行设计。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Alternatively the air could be fed to a fuel cell to generate electricity to spin the blades. 另外,为了产生电力以供叶片旋转,空气能为燃料电池供氧。 www.bing.com 9. A three-dimensional design method for the hydraulic torque converter blades were proposed and its basic design flow was provided. 探讨了液力变矩器叶片三维成型方法,提出了叶片三维成型方法的基本设计流程。 xuebao.jlu.edu.cn 10. Angle number is sounded, Yuxi company in the next five years to become China's precision non-standard blades on the market brand. 角号已经吹响,裕溪公司要在未来五年内努力成为中国精密非标刀片市场上的第一品牌。 bbs.qjy168.com 1. The first was to use carbon composites to make fan blades (the big ones you do see) far lighter than the metal ones of the time. 第一是使用碳复合材料制造的风机叶片(你在飞机上看到的最大叶片),这种叶片远轻于当时金属制的叶片。 www.bing.com 2. Also, this method can be used for optimization of compressor blades. 此外,该方法还可以用于压气机叶片的优化设计。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. the impeller head part comprises a hood, a lining board, a lining cover, blades, blade wheels, a blast tube and a pressing ring. 抛头部分包括护罩、衬板、衬盖、叶片、叶轮、喷丸管、压圈。 ip.com 4. Keep your alliances close, your blades sharp and your wits about you at all times - for you will need them. 与同盟保持良好的关系,总是保持你的利剑和智慧,你会需要他们的。 bbs.52pcgame.com 5. The most valuable lesson man has learned from his dog is to kick a few blades of grass over it and move on. 最宝贵的经验教训的人了解到他的狗是踢草,少数叶片和移动。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Demonstration test and flight test have proven the blades made of DD402 alloy in the small aeroengine working properly. 通过考核试车和试飞证明,用该合金制造的小型航空发动机涡轮工作叶片工作正常。 www.magsci.org 7. The quantities would be minimum of 200 blades of EACH size, per order. Please advise availability, price and lead time. 每个订单的数量最少是200片,请提供报价和交期。 www.tianya.cn 8. In one aspect, the invention features, in general, a subassembly for a shaving razor including a plurality of elongated metal blades. 一般而言,本产品有一个特色:刀片组为多片式狭长金属刀片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Raise your arms parallel to the floor and reach them actively out to the sides, shoulder blades wide, palms down. 举起手和地板平行,积极地向两侧伸展,肩胛骨张开,掌心向下。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. A military helicopter hovered overhead, its emergency siren howling over the roar of its blades. 一架军用直升机在头顶盘旋,伴随着螺旋桨的轰鸣,紧急报警器发出阵阵悲鸣。 shanghai.neworiental.org 1. He dived under a table, rolled, and came up behind a Gold Team member. He struck him lightly between the shoulder blades. 他埋伏在桌下,突然从一名金队队员背后出现,光剑轻轻击在他的肩胛骨间。 starwarsfans.cn 2. Blades need a redesign to ensure they do not tear apart in the East Coast environment, Goldberg said. Goldberg说,这些扇叶需要重新设计,以保证他们在东海岸的环境中不被撕开。 www.bing.com 3. Well said Tao, "exalted a heart, do not take half blades of grass to" love is the class of students gain the most. 陶行知说得好,“捧得一颗心来,不带走半根草去”,学生的爱戴就是班主任最大的收获。 www.jadexo.com 4. It is consisted of rotor with saw-shaped blades on periphery, rotating flow passage lateral plate and a diameter-equivalent stator. 它由一种圆周上具有锯齿形叶片的转子、一同旋转的流道侧板和等直径的定子构成; ip.com 5. The fan comprises a frame, an impeller formed by a wheel hub and motive blades around the hub. 一叶轮,具有一轮毂及多个环设于该轮毂周围的动叶片; ip.com 6. Each morning, Wall Street awakens to the clitter-clatter of helicopter blades thrashing through the air. 每天清晨,华尔街都会在直升飞机旋翼搅动空气的声响中醒来。 bbs.newssgo.com 7. Cool water flowing inside tubes conducts heat exchange with the air flowing across cooling blades out side tubes from diesel engine. 柴油机排出的气体由壳侧流经散热片,管内的冷却水带走热量。 www.showxiu.com 8. On land, massive cranes and blades have to be driven to remote hilltops, and planning permission can take many years. 在陆地上,巨大的起重设备和叶片的运输山高路远,建设许可经年方可。 www.bing.com 9. Never attempt to attach or detach the blades when the switch is in the "On" position. 绝不要试图在开关置于“ON”位置状态安装或拆卸动刀片。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Kratos throws the blades to the ground and is, again reminded of his past. 克瑞托斯把混沌之刃扔在地上,接着回忆起他的过去。 bazaarnet.cn 1. Razor blades were the most stolen item followed by alcohol and toiletries, according to the British-based Center for Retail Research. 据路透社日前报道,在失窃物品中,最受英国小偷青睐的是剃须刀,其次是酒和化妆品。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Draw the skin on the tops of your shoulders back and downward toward your shoulder blades. 拉肩膀顶端的皮肤朝着肩胛骨的方向向后并向下。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Coat garden tool blades with a thin layer of olive oil to prevent dirt sticking to them and to help prevent rusting. This works really well! 在花园工具的刀口上涂一薄层橄榄油以避免脏东西粘到上面,并且防止生锈。非常管用。 www.hudong.com 4. a hard resilient steel often decorated and used for sword blades. 一种坚硬且有弹性的钢,通常经过装饰用作剑刃。 www.hotdic.com 5. shears with strong blades used for light pruning of woody plants. 有硬刃片用来剪木本植物的剪子。 www.hotdic.com 6. The pair of blades 9 and 10 may be placed to extend horizontally and the sheet-shaped material may be supplied vertically. 该对叶片9日和10可放在扩展横向和表形地资料可能供给地垂直。 bl98.org 7. Mirrors that are "positioned like morning dew on artificial blades of grass" return a deformed and reflected image of the environment. PVC球体就像清晨草叶上的露水,反射出扭曲的周围环境。 www.julemei.com 8. Lay the casualty semi-prone, slap the casualty between the shoulder blades 5 times with the heel of your hand; or. 将伤病者侧卧,用掌跟连续拍击伤病者两肩胛骨中间5次。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Draw your inner shoulder blades deep into your back to help you lift your chest upward. 拉内侧的肩胛骨深入背部来帮助向上提胸部。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In cutting hard out of paper, cut resistance, blade angle of the blades should greatly. 在裁切软质纸时,给降服裁切阻力,裁刀的磨刃角度答不小些。 www.bing.com 1. Oil the foil after cleaning the blades once a week. 动刀片每周一次涂油。 dict.hjenglish.com 2. Due to complicated shape and special alloy, turbine blades usually are difficult to be deformed. 叶片轮廓曲面复杂,所用材料多为变形抗力大的特种合金。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. Passing through blades, with the actions of the frictions , high velocity will decrease a little bit. 蒸汽通过叶片时,由于摩擦的作用其速度稍稍降低。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The research supports the case made by the South African Paralympic runner Oscar Pistorius, who uses flexible carbon-fibre blades in races. 这项研究为南非残疾人运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯(OscarPistorius)的个案提供了支持,他在比赛中使用具有弹性的碳素纤维刀片状义肢。 www.bing.com 5. This air is guided and diffused by static blades to allow for easier ignition when it mixed with fuel and ignited in a combustion chamber. 静止叶片引导空气进入并加以整流,使其在燃烧室内更易于与燃气混合并点燃。 www.ecocn.org 6. The thesis constructs an aerodynamic numerical optimization platform for axial turbomachinery fully three-dimensional blades. 本文搭建适用于轴流式叶轮机械叶片全三维气动数值优化设计平台。 www.fabiao.net 7. Lean the upper torso back slightly against the shoulder blades and continue to lengthen the tailbone into the floor. 躯干上端轻轻地向后倾斜,作用于肩胛骨,并继承拉长尾骨向地板的方向。 www.yxmei.com 8. He is able to throw shurikens with extreme accuracy and has the strength to strike down any foe with his two swift blades. 他能够极为准确的投掷手里剑,并且具有以他飞快的双刀来击倒任何敌人的能力。 www.dictall.com 9. Performance also benefits, especially for communications between blades over the fast internal bus. 性能也会带来好处,特别是对于基于快速内部总线的刀片服务器间的通信。 www.ibm.com 10. All sun blades are of good alignment, and any evil creature attempting to wield one gains one negative level. 所有的阳炎剑都是善良阵营的,任何企图使用此剑的邪恶阵营生物会遭受两个负向等级。 ellesime.anetcity.com 1. His skates were made by mounting blades to squares of wood, then lashing the block to his shoes with leather bands. 他拿两块方木﹐安装上冰刀﹐将木块用皮带系在鞋底﹐这就是他的冰鞋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Rotating machining tools (cutting), round rods, circular knives circular saws, countersinking tools, turning tips, guide gibs, knife blades. 可转位加工工具(切削)、圆棒、环刀、圆盘形锯、钻孔工具、车刀、导向槽、刀片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Blades are an ideal form factor for much of an MMO infrastructure, if and only if your data center can manage "hot racks. " 对于很多MMO基础结构而言,刀片结构是很理想的一种形式,但前提是数据中心必须能管理“热的机架”。 www.ibm.com 4. The pressure distribution along the vertical direction is asymmetrical and cyclic stress acting on blades is found. 由于重力作用在竖直于机组轴线方向上的压力分布不均匀,叶片上作用有交变应力。 www.diandi8.cn 5. She trained to become a formidable fighter and joined the Guild of Blades, which organizes the business of Cadwallon's mercenaries. 她把自已训练成为一个强大的战士,并加入了刀锋公会,接受凯德沃伦雇佣军安排的任务。 www.powgame.com 6. Pistorius then went to the United States to be tested by experts in biomechanics and kinetics to prove his blades were passive. 皮斯克斯之后去了美国,接受专家的生物力学及流体力学测试,以证明他的刀锋是“中性”的。 club.learning.sohu.com 7. Also has the power to periodically project itself into a magnetic storm of blades. 也有能力定期地进入一个叶片的磁暴之内投射它本身。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The field replacing and repairing technologies of various stages fan blades for an turbofan engine were studied. 研究了在外场更换和修理某型涡扇发动机各级风扇叶片的技术。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Yuxi's non-standard blades Delivery usually require only 1-2 weeks, enough to make it the envy of colleagues. 裕溪公司的非标刀片供货期一般只需要1-2周时间,这足让同行们羡慕不已。 bbs.qjy168.com 10. By the multi-stage rotor blades, pole components. Materials by the two opposite rotating rotor role for the complex. 转子由多级浆叶、撑杆组成。物料受两个相反旋转的转子作用,进行着复合运动。 www.showxiu.com 1. Re-engineered side-blades that direct the airflow from behind the doors right into the middle engine provide the necessary air supply. 重新设计的侧叶片的气流,直接从后面的门右转入中东引擎提供必要的空气供应。 www.showxiu.com 2. Mainly products : diamond cutting blades, diamond cutting segments, diamond core drills , diamond polishing tools, diamond wire saw etc. 主要产品有:金刚石锯片,金刚石钻头,金刚石刀头,金刚石磨片,金刚石绳锯等。 info.b2b168.com 3. Recently, two teams came up with different ways to speed up the washing of turbine blades. 最近,工厂的两个团队分别提出了两种加快擦洗涡轮机叶速度的提议。 www.bing.com 4. At the meantime, it introduces the on-site dynamic balance experiment conducted after replacing partial broken blades during staring. 机组更换了部分断裂叶片后,在启动过程中进行现场动平衡试验,以确保机组轴系振动达到优良水平。 lib.cqvip.com 5. An Amish girl roller blades with her groceries along a road in Middlefield, Ohio. 一名阿米什女孩穿着滑轮鞋带着货物在马路上滑行,米德尔,俄亥俄州。 thehlc.cn 6. HILLTOP. Over there is the sunset, all wounded and bleeding from its own blades of light. 落日就在山头上,给自己的光刃割得遍体鳞伤,浑身是血。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. This paper presents the design and experiment of a high performance three-stage axial fan with forward swept blades. 本文介绍了一台高性能前掠叶型三级轴流风扇的设计与试验研究。 www.dictall.com 8. At the top are the nodes of a compute cluster, such as a large pool of inexpensive, Linux-powered blades. 顶部是计算集群的节点,比如大量便宜的、基于Linux的刀片服务器群。 www.ibm.com 9. The flip-flops take up to three weeks to grow and each shoe is covered with over 5, 000 blades of grass. 这样的一双草地人字拖鞋需要三周的时间长出草皮,每只鞋上覆盖的小草会超过5千株。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Brisk brave brigadiers brandished broad bright blades, blunderbusses, and bludgeons -- balancing them badly. 活泼勇敢的旅长挥舞宽亮的刀和短枪及大棒,难以使之平衡 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Touretski teaches a "kayak principle" where hands are opposite each other similar to the blades at the end of a kayak paddle. 图列斯基教授的是一种“独木舟”式划臂,两手似乎像独木舟的划水浆两端对称的桨叶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It has been applied to the design of compressor blades of some micro-engines, and fairly ideal airfoils are obtained. 通过在微小型发动机压气机叶片设计中的应用,得到了比较理想的叶片。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Cracks in Francis turbine runner blades threaten the safety, stability and economic profits of the hydropower station. 混流式水轮机转轮叶片裂纹故障严重影响了水电站的安全稳定运行和经济效益的发挥。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. The numerical simulation was used in the prediction and control of large turbine blades deformation. 将数值模拟应用于大型水轮机叶片变形的预测与控制。 lib.cqvip.com 5. These towers, or "blades, " pinwheel about a triangular central shaft that holds elevators and mechanical equipment. 这些塔,或者说是“刀锋”的中心有一个三角形的中心轴,里面安装着电梯和机械设备。 www.bing.com 6. The cutting blades are independently rotatable to permit cutting of the veneer across its entire length or across a portion thereof. 切割刀片独立旋转的允许在其整个长度或通过其中一部分贴面切割。 www.1168818.cn 7. All internal windows (non-opening) consist of a wood-glass construction with F-30 glazing and wooden blades fixed on the corridor side. 所有内部的窗(不开孔)应该具有木窗配备F-30玻璃及木质叶片安装在走廊侧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Stationery, Boxes, Hardware, Scissors, Blades, Stationery and Haberdashery. 采购产品文具,盒子,硬件,剪刀,刀锋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. As the muscles of the chest soften and open, allow the collar bones to widen and the shoulder blades to drop towards the floor. 当胸部的肌肉软化并展开时,让锁骨扩展开,肩胛骨沉向地板。 www.qiyeku.com 10. "With HD, you get to see the blades of grass and the beads of sweat, " says Adgate. "It's a much richer viewing experience. " “使用高清电视,你可以看到草地的切痕和汗珠”,Adgate说道,“这是一种丰富得多的视觉体验。” www.bing.com 1. Is consumed as the colour of my blades, my spirit, and my life. 此为我之剑刃、灵魂、乃至生命之色。 bbs.fireemblem.net 2. It was very quiet in operation, and of simple construction with fixed blades. 其在运行过程中非常安静,而且固定叶片的结构简单。 www.pat365.com 3. 12 (11) At least some leaf blades obovate-elliptic, broadest above middle, tertiary veins usually impressed adaxially in dry material. 通常的至少一些叶片倒卵状椭圆形,宽的在中部以上,支脉正面凹陷在干燥标本上。 www.flora.ac.cn 4. Geladas' dextrous hands are grass-plucking machines, moving as many as 150 blades a minute from soil to mouth. 狮尾狒狒敏捷的双手就像除草机,每分钟可往嘴里运送多达150个叶片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The example shows that inserting value method could meet the requirement of the weight computation for blades of screw surface. 实例计算表明,插值法可以满足螺旋曲面叶片重量计算要求。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Food poisoning denied him the opportunity to compete against fellow Arsenal loaned Jay Simpson when QPR visited the Blades in March. 食物中毒让他在三月份错过了QPR的来访,阿森纳的另一位球员杰伊。辛普森租借与此。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. She wondered if her captain's blades still hung upon the wall beside her bed, waiting for Daario to return and claim them. 她不知道达里奥的刀刃是否还挂在墙上,在她的床边等待着他回来领取。 www.cndkc.net 8. Data Centers: Overall priorities and management of data centers, consolidation of servers, types of servers and server blades. 数据中心:数据中心的管理和发展重点、服务器的整合问题、服务器的类型和服务器刀片的情况; smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 9. Large Stone Blades with Twin Holes Discovered on the hillside behind the municipal government compound in Chengguan Linhai. 大型双孔石刀发现于临海城关市府大院后之山腰间。 big5.xinhuanet.com 10. Continue to press the shoulder blades against the back, widen them, and draw them toward the tailbone. 继续把肩胛骨压入背部,拓宽它们,拉它们朝向尾骨的方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The ingestion of such foreign objects as sandstones into aircraft engines can often do damage to the aeroengine blades. 航空发动机叶片常受到被吸入的砂石等外物的撞击而产生损伤。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The host servers and S-Blades are connected to a series of high-density, high-performance, highly redundant, independent disk arrays. 主机服务器和S-Blade被连接到一组高密度、高性能、高冗余的独立磁盘阵列。 www.ibm.com 3. A fan system comprises a hub, a plurality of fan blades, a drive system, and a stationary tube. 一种风扇系统,包括轮毂、多个风扇叶片、驱动系统和静止管。 ip.com 4. The wear on the blades was concentrated at the leading edge, the suction surface and pressure surface from the central section to the exit. 叶片的磨蚀主要集中在头部、中部至尾部的吸力面和压力面等部位,其中以尾部吸力面的破坏最为严重。 www.ilib.cn 5. In the supermarket, he'll shout, 'Mom, I love you more than all the blades of sand on the beach! ' and plant a kiss on my cheek. 超市买东西时,儿子会对我喊道:‘妈妈,我比所有人都爱你!’然后用他的小嘴在我面颊上扎一下。 www.bing.com 6. Along the blades the separation regions become smaller and the increases in the static pressure become more regular. 此外,沿叶片表面流动分离区域减小,压力增加更有规律。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The utility model relates to a tooth dividing and grinding machine for wood-working circular saw blades. 一种对木工圆锯片进行分齿、磨齿的机器。 ip.com 8. The best production lines of Germany are used to produce OHLER Bi-metal saw blades. 奥勒双金属带锯条使用目前德国最先进的流水线进行生产。 www.z599.com 9. Roller blades can respectively equipped in the external circumferential walls of the left and right rollers further. 还可在左滚轮和右滚轮的外周壁上分别设置有滚轮叶片; ip.com 10. Segmented and continuous rim blades are designed for the same task, but offer differences in speed, performance and longevity. 分段连续环叶片是专为相同的任务,但在速度,性能和使用寿命提供了分歧。 www.cfli.cn 1. Slap the infant between the shoulder blades 5 times with the heel of your hand slightly. 用另一掌跟连续拍击婴儿的肩胛骨中间5次。 www.info.gov.hk 2. Though the recession hurt sales of blades and boosted sales of cheaper disposable razors, the two companies still have a lock on the U. 尽管经济危机导致那些廉价的一次性剃须刀销量猛增,剃须刀片的销售因而受到冲击,这两家公司依然牢牢把控了美国的剃须刀市场。 www.qeto.com 3. Shoulder blades proportionately long and wide sloping moderately back and fairly close at the top. 肩胛骨相当长(按比例)且宽,适度向后倾斜,顶端非常靠近。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The effective cooling of the turbine components, in particular blades, nozzle guide vanes and discs, is paramount. 该汽轮机部件冷却效果,特别是叶片,导向叶片喷嘴和光盘,是至关重要的。 www.fifl.cn 5. Pfuhl was short and very thin, but broad- boned , of a coarsely robust build, with broad hips and projecting shoulder-blades. 普弗尔身材不高,很瘦,但骨架宽大、体格健康,臀部宽阔,肩胛骨棱角分明。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. blades on distal part of stem narrower, both surfaces sparsely hirsute, base cordate, margin irregularly serrate. 叶片在茎上部狭窄的,两面稀疏具长硬毛,基部心形,边缘不规则有锯齿。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. By contrast, FHI has opted for a downwind design, which puts the blades behind both nacelle and pole. 相反,富士重工选择了顺风设计,此种风力发电机的叶片位于机舱和塔杆之后。 www.ecocn.org 8. The invention adopts pottery clay louvre blades and connects the louvre blades to the metal frame through connecting components. 本发明采用陶土百叶片,并通过连接组件连接在金属框架上。 ip.com 9. Buds, branches, leaf blades, inflorescences, and flowers with sparse to dense usually stellate hairs, often mixed with simple hairs. 芽,枝,叶片,花序和花具有稀疏或浓密的星状毛,通常单毛混生。 www.flora.ac.cn 10. Clogging up of the cooling air slits in the turbine blades is primarily caused by ultrafine particles with a high specific surface area. 涡轮叶片之间冷却空气缝隙的堵塞主要是因为存在高比表面积的超细粒子。 www.dictall.com 1. Rather than simply giving away razors to sell razor blades it has, if you will, offered to shave its clients every morning. 你可以这样理解,她不仅仅是简单地发给客户一个剃须刀然后卖给他刀片,更是每天早晨为客户提供剃须服务。 www.bing.com 2. Plant tufted; leaf blades linear-acicular; panicle purplish, slightly lax, branches slightly spreading. 植株丛生;针状叶片线形;略带紫色的圆锥花序,疏松的稍,分枝稍开展。 www.flora.ac.cn 3. This hovercraft has ducted fans which provide lift and propulsion instead of the sometimes-dangerous rotor blades of other flying machines. 这种气垫飞行器具有管式风扇,提供升空和推进的动力,而非像其它飞行器的旋转翼有时会造成危险。 bbs.e-lsw.com 4. In still another embodiment, the bioreactor comprises a bag including a rotational wand mixer having rigid blades attached thereto. 在仍又一个实施方案中,该生物反应器包括袋,该袋包括其上连接有刚性叶片的旋转棒式混合器。 ip.com 5. The coupling distance is the distance between the edges of the stirrer blades and the interior walls (102) of the stirring vessel. 耦合距离是搅拌容器中搅拌叶片的边缘与内壁之间的距离。 ip.com 6. Operating a machine with less power than is required can result in blades that will polish or glaze over, resulting in slow cutting speeds. 机器操作与权责须刀片将可导致波兰釉或以上造成切割速度慢。 www.cc-bi.com 7. This new and improved version of the popular Mechanized Arachnid comes fully equipped with poisoned blades. 这种广受欢迎的“机械蜘蛛”新型改良版本装备了大量淬毒的刀刃。 www.showxiu.com 8. He is Oscar Pistorius, known as the Blade Runner, because he runs on "blades. " 他是奥斯卡二世,被称为转轮叶片,因为他“刀片”。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The utility model comprises blades, guide blocks, a cutter body and a tool bar. 本实用新型由刀片、导向块、刀体和刀杆组成。 ip.com 10. Helicopters are limited in their forward speed by the spinning rotor blades that make hovering possible. 直升飞机那不停转动的旋翼叶片使其能够在空中悬停,但却限制了它向前的飞行速度。 www.ecocn.org 1. Length of tail is equal to distance from shoulder blades to base of tail. 尾的长度等于从肩胛骨到尾根的长度。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Turn the arms outward and stretch them away from the space between the shoulder blades. 使两臂远离肩胛骨中间的空间,向外伸展。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Today when cleaning out the attic, I found my ice skates, slightly moth-eaten but the blades in perfect condition. 今天在整理阁楼的时候,我发现了我的溜冰鞋,虽然说有一点旧了,但是冰刃的状况却仍然很好。 www.elanso.com 4. Above the doorframe there is a ventilation opening in which several louvre blades are fixed in a sloping angle. 该百叶窗体包括若干以一定斜角对应装设于这些通风开口处的百叶片。 ip.com 5. leaflet blades with margins entire. Thyrses axillary or subterminal, consisting of several cymes; peduncle long. 小叶叶片边缘全缘聚伞圆锥花序腋生或近顶生,由数个聚伞花序组成; www.flora.ac.cn 6. Its most distinctive element is the "flying carpet" canopy roof, with aluminium blades designed to diffuse natural light inside. 其最鲜明的部分就是“飞毯式”天篷屋顶,通过铝叶片散光,让室内充满自然光线。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Researched the processing experiment aimed to the high precision and difficult process of the work wheel blades. 针对工作轮叶片精度要求高,加工难度大的特点,进行工艺试验研究。 www.dictall.com 8. Arrangements for disposition of the shaft, disc and blades are made with the erection and test department. 轴,光盘和刀片的处置作出安排,安装及测试部门。 translate.google.cn 9. A typical wind-powered generator used by the Observatory consists of three blades each about a metre long. 天文台所使用的风力发电机,由三块长约一米的车叶组成。 www.weather.gov.hk 10. I was crossing the street, minding my own business, when I saw three women coming toward me, really fast, on roller blades. 我在穿马路呢,想着自己的事,这时我看到三位妇女朝我而来,真的很快,踩着滑轮溜冰鞋。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 1. Some applications of tool steels include drills, deep drawing dies, shear blades, punches, extrusion dies, and cutting tools. 工具钢的一些应用有钻头、深压模、底刃、冲床、挤出模及切割刀具等。 www.mapeng.net 2. The MAV has its blades contained within a cylindrical enclosure, and uses software control to keep it stable in flight. MAV的翼片包容在一个圆圈状附件内,使用软件控制去保持它稳定飞行。 www.globalmil.com 3. Five blades allow you to quickly cut and chop your favorite herbs. 层刀刃能够快速切碎您喜爱的各种香料 wenku.baidu.com 4. Thus one who fights and attains victory in using blades is not a good general. 所以用死拚硬斗来取胜的将领,不算是好的将领; www.chinese-wiki.com 5. To cast in the name of mine, heed my command, and unveil your blades for victory! 吾之仆从,在此呼应吾之命令,为胜利而显露汝之刃! bbs.fireemblem.net 6. After cutting sheets of different lengths, the saw blades can be automatically reset. 锯切长度不同的板材后,锯片可以立刻自动回位。 www.mas.com.cn 7. Rectangular shafts are sometimes used, as in screwdriver blades, socket wrenches and control knob stems. 有时也采用矩形轴,例如,螺丝刀的头、套筒扳手和控制旋转的杆。 wenku.baidu.com 8. We also carry a full range of consumables: steel shot and grit, diamond blades, cup wheels and abrasive disks, and replacement parts. 我们并且运载消费品的全方位:钢射击和沙粒、金刚石刀片、杯子轮子和磨蚀盘,和替换件。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. Saw blades, knives and other tools should be directed away from aisle areas and other employees working in close proximity. 锯片、刀具及其他工具应背离走道区和附近区域中的其他工作员工放置。 www.vpsafety.com 10. Recent releases of x86 blades (later than mid 2008) work correctly right out of the box; earlier ones might need some changes. 最近发布的x86blade(2008年年中)的默认设置即可正常工作;更早的版本可能需要做一些修改。 www.ibm.com |
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