单词 | crossbow |
释义 | crossbows是crossbow的复数
复数:crossbows n. bow,longbow,Cupid's bow 例句释义: 石弓,十字弓,弩,十字弩熟练 1. Crossbows are armor piercing and will halve the effect of any armor. Use crossbowmen to take out well armored troops. 十字弩可以穿透盔甲,能够令对手的防御度效果减半计算,因此适合使用弩手们对付重盔甲的单位。 lynn.tlfer.net 2. Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload. 弩骑兵使用较步兵弩更为小巧的骑弩,发射后利用骑兵优势远避敌军从容装填。 www.totalwar.honga.net 3. Characters will no longer slide when moving immediately after performing a basic attack using bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons. 人物将不再移动幻灯片后立即执行的一项基本攻击使用弓箭,弩,并投掷武器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. early guns were no match for the rate of fire, accuracy and in many cases, range of bows and crossbows. 早期的枪在开火速度、准确性及其他很多方面都敌不过弓箭和弩。 www.tianya.cn 5. These artillery pieces resemble giant crossbows , on a simple wheeled carriage. 这种攻城器实际上是一个装在轮式载具上的大弩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Far simpler to train in the use of a crossbow than a bow, many generals arm their peasants with crossbows to provide mass missile fire. 农民类型:农村部队弩兵训练远较弓兵为易,故而许多将领令此成军,以提供密集杀伤火力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The fruit was made of marzipan, and the shops sold either designer wear or crossbows. 杏仁饼充当了水果,商店里出售的既有品牌服装也有石弓。 www.bing.com 8. Male characters will no longer twist their wrists unnaturally when firing crossbows . 男性角色将不再人为地扭曲自己的手腕时,发射弩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Our undead brethren ride grunting boars through the tunnels, armed with crossbows and full of hatred. 我们不怕死的同胞们骑着野猪穿过隧道,拿着石弩,充满了仇恨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Equipped with steel crossbows and light armour, these auxiliaries provide much needed ranged support to their heavily armoured allies. 这些弩兵身穿轻型盔甲,手持全钢军弩,为重装骑士同僚提供必要的远程杀伤支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow the negating effect upon their ammunition but may only do so three times per day. 弓、弩和投石器将该消解效果施加于其弹药上,但每日只能这么做三次。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. At Excalibur, we aren't big business cashing in on crossbow hunting, we're crossbow hunters who build crossbows . 我们亚瑟不打算用弩来赚大钱,我们是那种懂得作弩的猎手。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Ranged weapons that loose projectiles, including bows, crossbows, and slings, take some time to load. 一些用来投掷物体的远程武器,像是弓、弩以及投石索,都需要时间去装填弹药。 www.anetcity.com 4. bows , crossbows , and slings bestow their effects upon their ammunition. 弓、弩和投石器将此效果施加于其弹药上。 www.ichacha.net 5. bows , crossbows , and slings bestow this ability upon their ammunition if the wielder makes the same power point payment. 如果持用者支付同样的灵能点,则弓、弩和投石器将此能力施加于其弹药上。 www.ichacha.net 6. bows , crossbows , and slings bestow the bonus damage upon their ammunition. 弓、弩和投石器将对伤害的加值施加于其弹药上。 www.ichacha.net 7. They also use quieter methods, like veterinary drugs, poison and crossbows. 它们还是用了更安静的方法,例如兽药、毒药和石弓。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. Bows , crossbows, and slings bestow the energy upon their ammunition. 弓、弩和投石器将此能量施加于其弹药上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Powerful unit of religious rebels, armed with crossbows and light armour. 胡斯弩兵是宗教战争造就的精锐之师,装备轻甲和军弩。 www.clanlong.com 10. Local militia armed with crossbows and some armour, good for ranged combat, but will melt away in melee. 持弩民兵由本地徵召,装备军弩,部分士兵可配备盔甲。他们远程杀伤力十分出色,但近战极为脆弱。 www.clanlong.com 1. "Swords, crossbows, spears, " Gnea said proudly. “剑,十字弓,长矛。”妮雅自豪地说。 bbs.rtucn.com 2. This is around when Europe's got the heavy crossbows, plate armor, big charger knights and whatnot. 欧洲这一方已经发展出了重十字弓,金属装甲,大马骑兵等物。 www.tianya.cn 3. 3 black crossbows, on gold, a black border. 金色底上,三只黑色的弩,周围黑色边带。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Crossbows Stormwind - Old Town (Garrison) Ironforge - Military Ward (by Warrior Trainers) 暴风城的老城区内(要塞)铁炉堡-神秘地区(战士导师边) 19277.com 5. The Praxian women had crossbows and swords held low as they moved in; 两个普拉西斯女人在移动的时候放低了十字弓和宝剑; bbs.rtucn.net |
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