单词 | destroy | ||||||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:destroys 现在分词:destroying 过去式:destroyed v. n. destroy enemy,destroy balance,destroy reputation,destroy temple,destroy friendship adv. v. completely destroy,utterly destroy,deliberately destroy,totally destroy destroy 显示所有例句
例句释义: 破坏,摧毁,毁灭,消灭,毁坏,销毁,毁掉 1. She said, he who gets the crystal ball, and holds it before the enchanter, will destroy his power with it, and I shall resume my true shape. 公主说:“谁能得到水晶球,把它拿到巫师面前,就可以破他的魔法,我也就能恢复原形了。” www.voiceofgb.com 2. Each campaign maintains its opponent is out to destroy fairness and the American dream of a strong and prosperous middle class. 两方都称对方的政策将带来不公平,毁灭建设强大而繁荣的中产阶级的美国梦。 www.america.gov 3. He said they were trying to "destroy the balance of obligations" between developed and developing worlds. 他表示,它们正试图“破坏”发达国家与发展中国家之间的“义务平衡”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Just as in a mathematical demonstration the least empirical condition would degrade and destroy its force and value. 就象数学证明那样,即使设定最低限度的经验的条件反而会降低证明的力量和价值。 bbs.tecn.cn 5. Being death knights my comrade an I should be able to get close enough to art has to destroy him with the ASHBRINGER's power. 成为死亡骑士,这样我和我的战友可以足够接近阿尔萨斯,并利用灰烬使者的力量干掉他。 bbs.duowan.com 6. As the biology becomes crystalline, agents known as viruses and bacteria along with parasites cease to be able to destroy the form. 当生物体变成水晶体,所知为病毒、细菌连同寄生虫的介质也不再能破坏身体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I feared the anger and wrath of the LORD, for he was angry enough with you to destroy you. But again the LORD listened to me. 我因耶和华向你们大发烈怒,要灭绝你们,就甚害怕。但那次耶和华又应允了我。 www.ebigear.com 8. No one can see under the mask of me, no one can take advantage of these secrets to threaten me, destroy my life. 没有人能看到面具下的我,也没有人能够利用这些秘密来威胁我,破坏我的生活。 www.dota123.com 9. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 只要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。 www.ebigear.com 10. We said: the word leads to illusion which we worship, and for this illusion we destroy each other willingly. 我们说:词语导致我们崇拜幻象,为了这个幻象我们愿意摧毁彼此。 www.j-krishnamurti.org.cn 1. He is not, it seems, about to allow a few mass-murderers to destroy all that. 而且看起来他将不会允许几起公众谋杀事件来破坏他的这些努力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign! 他们寻求破坏一个环是黑暗的统治结束上议院的唯一希望! wenwen.soso.com 3. Which one will you choose, to realize your dream or to look for your mate if the earth is going to destroy? 如果地球即将要毁灭,你会先去实现梦想,还是去找你的情人? blog.sina.com.cn 4. Forgetting to include him in an important public event will cause him to lose face and destroy trust. 在某个重要公共活动中忘记把他包含在内会使他没面子,会破坏信任。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At the beginning of the novel, it shows that progress in technology can push society and destroy society as well. 小说的开头反映了科技的进步可以帮助桅顶社会,但也回摧毁人性。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I have been trying to destroy your club with a conviction I can only call religious. 我确实一心想毁掉你的合唱团这决心来自于一种信仰。 www.b2b99.com 7. One witness said the airstrike there was powerful enough "to destroy a whole city. " 其中一个目击者说,空袭之猛烈,足以毁灭整个城市。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thus saith Jehovah: Arise ye, go up to Kedar, and destroy the children of the east. 耶和华如此说:迦勒底人哪,起来上基达去,毁灭东方人。 www.spring4life.org 9. The Joker wants to disclose the truth beneath the mask, convinced that this will destroy the social order. 小丑想要揭露面具下的真相,他深信这将毁灭社会次序。 www.bing.com 10. But conceives "the outer space defending missile" to be possible to destroy the enemy side missile in the outer space. 而设想中的“太空拦截导弹”可以在外空间摧毁敌方导弹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The men of Volantis and Valyria hung Garin in a golden cage and made mock as he called upon his Mother to destroy them. 瓦兰提斯和瓦雷利亚的人在金笼子里吊死了加林,嘲笑着他当他向圣母求助毁灭他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He appears to see opponents as rivals to be charmed. What he should see are enemies determined to destroy his presidency. 他似乎把对手们看作可以笼络的对象,但那些敌人却决心毁灭他的政治前途。 www.bing.com 3. Please do not send them to anyone. If you are still in possession of these images, I urge you to please destroy them immediately. 如果你仍拥有这些相片,我强烈请求你立刻毁灭它,这有助他们从伤痛中走出来。 bbs.sh.liba.com 4. The stock market crash did not at once utterly destroy but it did severely shake the confidence of the business community. 证券市场的崩溃,虽未立即彻底摧毁,但却严重动摇企业界的信心。 www.bing.com 5. Since when has it become "OK" for your leaders to run rampant around the world destroying whatever they wish to destroy for whatever reason? 从什么时候开始你们觉得你们的领导人在全世界猖獗地、以任意手段毁灭他们想毁灭的任何一切是“可以”的? apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Superstitious folk believed him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him? 迷信的人相信他刀枪不入,不是有成千上万发子弹和炮弹都没有打倒他吗? jpkc.xafy.edu.cn 7. Impacts by high-velocity projectiles do not always destroy the tank and its crew. 高速弹体的冲击并不总能击毁坦克和消灭乘员。 bbs.cjdby.net 8. But if the god became unruly and began to ask for human sacrifice, the Igbos would destroy the god. 神开始专制,而且开始要人来当祭品,伊博人会毁掉神。 www.ttxyy.com 9. Also, destroy your credit cards or at least decrease credit significantly, so that you could only buy on credit bare essentials. 剪掉信用卡,要明显地减少信用使用次数,这样你就只能买一些必需品了。 www.bing.com 10. Increase taxation to destroy money, or pay people higher interest to put their money out of use for a while. 一是增加税收,或者付给人们更高的利率以减少货币使用; ltaaa.com 1. This proverbs points out that even a little bit of something bad of harmful will destroy the whole of the thing it touches. 这条谚语告诉我们:只要有一点点坏的或有害的东西,就会使一个整体遭到破坏。 www.foreignercn.com 2. In fact, the bird has no choice but to perch on the handle of an axe, which has been used to destroy its original home. 实际上,这只鸟别无选择,只能停在被用来破坏它原来家园的斧柄上。 www.ebigear.com 3. Once the enemy radar is verified, the UAV make a near vertical dive to the target and destroy it with its high explosive warhead. 一但敌人的雷达被核实,UAV对目标做出一个近乎垂直向下俯冲并用它的高爆弹头破坏它。 www.globalmil.com 4. Rely on throwing the snowball to freeze enemies , and promote the snowball to make it break and destroy the enemy . 靠扔雪球来冻结敌人,再推动雪球使之破裂而消灭敌人。 www.bing.com 5. This was not easy to win, because you have to fight this is not something billiards, but bombs, can be smooth all the bombs destroy it. 这次可不是轻易能够取胜的,因为这次你们打的东西不是台球,而且炸弹,能不能顺利的将所有的炸弹都消灭呢。 4455.cc 6. However, he expects the flow of tourist will increase, and hopes that this does not destroy theses islands. 无论如何,他期望观光客的数量能够随之增加,也希望这样的改变不会破坏岛屿原本的自然环境。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. He appealed for unity in the fight against drug cartels which he said were threatening to destroy Mexico's democratic institutions. 他呼吁大家在打击毒品卡特尔的战争中团结起来。他说,毒品卡特尔威胁称要毁坏墨西哥的民主机构。 www.tooben.com 8. For hundreds of thousands of years, forces of the dark have used the human heart to destroy the human species, and then to destroy earth. 无数年以来,黑暗势力一直利用人类的心灵来毁灭人类物种,从而达到毁灭地球的目的。 www.tisheng.org 9. But if you allow things to open up throughout the whole body, you realize that if you think about anything at all you destroy that openness. 不过,如果你允许那些东西在全身到处展开,就会意识到,你若是想任何事,就会破坏那股开通性。 www.dhammatalks.org 10. That this was the time when we confronted climate change and secured the weapons that could destroy the human race. 这是我们迎战气候变化、安全处置可能毁灭人类的武器的时刻。 www.america.gov 1. If I had a baby, it would destroy him. He said it would kill him and that he would have to leave work. 如果我要孩子,将会毁了他,他说那会杀了他而且他不得不失去工作。 www.bing.com 2. Please do not touch the corals with your flippers , as they are very fragile and easy to destroy. 请不要用你的鳍状肢触碰珊瑚,因为它们是很易碎的、很容易损坏的! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Their fruit wilt thou destroy from the earth, And their seed from among the children of men. 你必从世上灭绝他们的子孙(原文作果子),从人间灭绝他们的后裔。 www.spring4life.org 4. Yet the LORD would not destroy Judah for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to give him alway a light, and to his children. 耶和华却因他仆人大卫的缘故,仍不肯灭绝犹大,照他所应许大卫的话,永远赐灯光与他的子孙。 www.tingroom.com 5. There being no security on this version, it was easy for users to destroy the system while trying to customize the appearance. 这个版本并不安全,用户在试图自定义外观时很容易破坏系统。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The New York Times endorsed that candidate while they sat on this story, and now with utter predictability they are trying to destroy him. 《纽约时报》曾搁置这个故事以支持该候选人,但现在完全可预测他们正在试图毁掉他。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The attackers used their rockets to destroy at least two Lockheed P-3C Orion aircraft, used for maritime patrolling, and a helicopter. 攻击者用他们的火箭摧毁至少两个洛克希德的P-3C猎户座飞机,海上巡逻使用,一架直升飞机。 www.englishtang.com 8. This remark has been used by the Nabokov estate as a prescient approval of its failure to destroy The Original of Laura. 这段评论已经被纳博科夫的遗产继承者当作未能销毁TheOriginalofLaura的预见性的准许。 www.bing.com 9. Doctors will be able to use IT to cut away cancerous growth, destroy blood dots or to repair breaks in the tissue. 医生能用它切除癌生长,清除血栓或修复组织破裂处。 dict.ebigear.com 10. NATO indicated Tuesday it had struck four military sites to destroy missile launchers, radar and a vehicle storage facility. 北约表示,周二,他们袭击了四个军事地点,摧毁了导弹发射器,雷达和车辆存放设施。 bbs.koolearn.com 1. Bazalt representatives said the Hashim can destroy any armored vehicle at up to 700 meters (yards). 巴扎特公司的代表称,哈西姆榴弹发射器可以摧毁700米范围内的任何装甲车。 cn.reuters.com 2. A teenager was caught trying to rob a store with a banana - then ate the makeshift weapon to destroy the evidence. 一名青少年在试图以一根香蕉抢劫商店时被逮—然后他为了湮灭证据,吃了这个权宜武器。 suyage.com:8080 3. Or if I bring the sword upon that land, and say to the sword: Pass through the land: and I destroy man and beast out of it. 或者我使刀兵来到那地,且吩咐说:刀兵应横行那地,铲除那里的人和兽类! www.ccreadbible.org 4. This is set up in its own thread during the init method of the servlet and taken down in the destroy method of the servlet. 这个类的实例是在servlet的init方法中在其自身的线程中创建,并在servlet的destroy方法中销毁的。 www.ibm.com 5. But, unexpectedly, it did not find that that Russia had abused its legal system to destroy the company. 但是,出乎意料的是,法庭并不认为俄罗斯乱用其法律系统来摧毁这家公司。 www.ecocn.org 6. In trying to keep its monetary virginity intact, the bank threatens to destroy the eurozone. 如果欧洲央行非要保持其货币政策的纯洁性,它就可能把欧元区置于死地。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He becomes the Dark Wanderer, leaving Tristram behind shortly before legions of foul demons attack and destroy the town and its inhabitants. 他变成了黑暗流浪者,而在他离开崔斯特瑞姆不久,恶魔军团就开始攻击这里并毁掉了这里的一切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Certainly, such a death toll would be enough to destroy both countries as superpowers, but not the end of life as we know it. 当然,作为超级大国这样的死亡人数也足以摧毁这两个国家,但这不是我们所认为的生命的终结。 www.bing.com 9. Just as it pleased the LORD to make you prosper and increase in number, so it will please him to ruin and destroy you. 先前耶和华怎样喜悦善待你们,使你们众多,也要照样喜悦毁灭你们,使你们灭亡。 www.ebigear.com 10. Soon, a woman came out with a oily earthbags and said to us angrily: " Imps ! You destroy my foods! " . 不久,一个女人拿着一个油油的沙包出来,生气地对我们说:“可恶的小鬼,你们把我做的饭菜给毁了”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Remember never to stay still though, as you will soon destroy the building, leaving your Mechapede vulnerable once more. 记住永远不要停下来,因为你将很快干掉那个建筑,而让你的蜈蚣再次陷入危险。 bbs.52pk.com 2. It had a built-in tendency to produce ever larger booms and busts, and over the longer term it was bound to destroy itself. 其内在趋势能产生更大的繁荣和萧条,但是从长远来说它注定毁于其自身。 www.bing.com 3. Something of this size, he reckons, would destroy two rooms in a suburban dwelling. Or a synagogue. 他估计这样的威力足够摧毁两间郊区住宅中的房间或者一个犹太会堂。 www.ecocn.org 4. It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands. 现在要消灭这次运兵船队为时已晚。因为它已折回,并且分头向星罗棋布的岛屿散开了。 5. It has set out to destroy Hizbullah's military power, force it away from its border and secure the unconditional return of its prisoners. 以方已经计划摧毁真主党的军事力量,迫使他们远离边境,并且无条件归还战俘。 www.ecocn.org 6. Since the other shapechangers would not bow before Gaia's greatest children, the werewolves began to destroy them. 既然其他变形者拒绝对盖亚最伟大的孩子弯腰,那么狼人就摧毁他们。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But after Israel was grown strong he made them tributaries, and would not destroy them. 等到以色列强盛了,只能使客纳罕人服役,终未能把他们全部逐出。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 8. You are living in that house on the Crumlin Road. You do not know it yet but in two years time, a bomb in that street will destroy it. 你住在克拉姆林路的一栋房子里,但是,在差不多两年的时间里,你都没能熟悉它,最后,一枚炸弹将那房子夷为平地。 www.laimaishu.com 9. 'You can put significant effort into creating a piece, ' said Dr Gregory, 'only to destroy it a few days later. ' “画出这样一幅画,你会很有成就感。”格里高利博士说,“但是几天后就得把它销毁掉。” www.bing.com 10. Love will not always wait for you, if we are not careful to destroy the love, it also did not see a "cactus" beautiful flower. 爱情不会一直等你,如果不小心毁掉了爱情,那也就见不到“仙人掌”开花的美丽了。 www.tradeask.com 1. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. 当走在公共的地方,不要打扰别人。如果有人打扰到你,要求他停止。如果他不停止,毁灭他。 blog.163.com 2. So he said he would destroy them- had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them. 所以,他说要灭绝他们。若非有他所拣选的摩西站在当中(原文作破口),使他的忿怒转消,恐怕他就灭绝他们。 www.ebigear.com 3. They have rethought the logic of insecticides, putting evolutionary theory at the centre, instead of a simple desire to destroy the enemy. 他们已经重新考虑杀虫剂的逻辑性,将进化理论置于中心地位,替代了简单的消灭敌人的思想。 www.ecocn.org 4. Get the upgrade tested, and if it is all OK, destroy the cloned rootvg and mirror back in. 测试升级结果,如果一切正常,就销毁原来的rootvg,重新建立镜像。 www.ibm.com 5. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. 你必从世上灭绝他们的子孙,从人间灭绝他们的后裔。 www.ebigear.com 6. Five years of strenuous attempts by the Thai establishment to destroy Thaksin Shinawatra as a political force have come to naught. 春秋五度交换,其国内权势集团历经艰辛摧毁他信·西那瓦政治势力的尝试到头来终归不过是黄粱一梦。 www.bing.com 7. The ultimate choice for a man inasmuch as he is driven to transcend himself is to create or to destroy to love or to hate. 因不得不超越自我之故,人类终极的选择,是创造或者毁灭,爱或者恨。 www.du55.com 8. It had a high degree of conscious discipline and was heroically inspired to destroy all enemies and conquer all difficulties. 它有高度自觉的纪律,有压倒一切敌人、不怕任何困难的英雄气概。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. 在这场斗争中我的最高目标是挽救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制度。 gxj.ntzx.cn 10. This allows you to explicitly destroy it using the ipcrm command or to make some quick observations with the ipcs command. 这样就让您可以显式地使用ipcs命令来销毁它,或者使用ipcs命令进行一些速查。 www.ibm.com 1. When you bring your Mothership out, you can expect the enemy to throw everything they've got in an attempt to destroy it. 当你将母舰带出基地时,可以期待敌军会将所有可以集结的兵力去试图毁灭母舰。 www.tianya.cn 2. I always used to read so much that Mr Heathcliff decided to take away my only pleasure and destroy my books. 我过去总是很喜欢读书,所以希斯克利夫先生决定剥夺我唯一的乐趣,把我的书毁掉。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Rush in to wipe out the oppressors; after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you. 在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。 www.bing.com 4. That is, at least a third of the king kong turn not destroy body in the defense, comparable to that of the fairy product! ! ! ! ! 也就是说,至少第三转的金刚不灭体在防御上,不下于中品仙器! bookapp.book.qq.com 5. Solar Defense Station discovered the secret of the ball off stars - they can be together at least three balls and destroy. 索拉防卫站发现了这种球的秘密客星-它们可把至少三个球融合在一起并摧毁。 www.fishjava.com 6. Your meager Jedi training is not enough to assure your success against the Dark Woman. Only the power of the dark side will destroy her. 你的那些绝地训练不足以保证能够击败暗女。只有黑暗面才能干掉她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Inspiration reveals that this will be a final resort of the enemy in seeking to destroy modern Israel. 灵感的启示告诉我们,这将是仇敌试图大举摧毁现代以色列人的最后手段。 www.muyisheng.com 8. And I said to myself, "God, if it would destroy him to be called a girl, what are we then teaching him about girls? " 我又对自己说:“上帝啊,如果这句话会毁了一个男孩当他被嘲笑为像个女孩时,那么关于女孩的事,我们会教给他点什么呢?” www.ted.com 9. Before they leave their power seats, they intend to destroy all that they have gathered with your money rather than handing it over to you. 在他们走下权力的宝座之前,他们想破坏他们用你们的钱所做的一切,而不是把这些成果归还给你们。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. And the fire it had started was sure to destroy all evidence of his stealing valuable stock from the accountants' office. 爆炸引起的火灾肯定会毁灭他从会计室窃取有价证券的所有证据。 bbs.liuxuejie.com 1. Grant captured Jackson easily. He left some troops to destroy enemy supplies. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg. 格兰特轻松地占领了杰克逊,他留下一部分军队摧毁敌人的补给,他带领其余部队转而进攻维克斯堡。 www.bing.com 2. Yes, the President was just speaking to its "destroy all humans" base. -It happens every elections cycle, Robbie, you know that. 是的,总统只是对它的“消灭所有人类”基地说的。-每次选举时都会发生,罗比,你是知道的。 www.yappr.cn 3. In the destroy closure, you perform the same tests to make sure that you aren't trying to delete records that don't exist. 在destroy闭包中,执行相同的测试,确保不删除不存在的记录。 www.ibm.com 4. Words of a fool, you mean. The Horde will destroy the undead without your aid, human, or that of the pompous king. 是白痴说的话才对。人类,部落不需要你的帮助,也不需要那个自大浮夸的国王就可以摧毁那些不死族。 wow.tgbus.com 5. If you take her to the woodshed every time she flunks a test, it's very possible that you'll destroy this promising child. 如果她每次测验不及格,你们都要惩罚她,你们很可能毁了这个很有前途的孩子了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. When were XingYou sapphire understand the truth was up the enemy's scheme works simultaneously destroy. 危殆之时幸有青玉察知真相挺身示警毁坏了敌人的方案。 tv.360mp3.com 7. My enemies thou hast made to turn their back to me: them that hated me, and I shall destroy them. 使我的敌人在我前转背而逃,使我歼灭了一切仇恨我的人。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 8. Traditional Labour supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse trying to destroy the party from within. 老的工党支持者指责新领导乃是试图从内部摧毁党的特洛伊木马。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. What if you realized that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal? 如果你明白了,世上好似不断犯罪、死亡、攻击、谋害,以及自我毁灭的芸芸众生,全都虚幻不实,又将如何? blog.sina.com.cn 10. They believe that the other group is trying to destroy them as a religion, as a civilization. 他们相信别的群体企图摧毁自己的宗教和文明。 www.bing.com 1. They believe that the other group is trying to destroy them as a religion, as a civilization. 他们相信别的群体企图摧毁自己的宗教和文明。 www.bing.com 2. These flows divert, but do not destroy, a portion of the core flow of production, income, and consumption to the business sector. 这些流动改变,但不破坏。商业部分的产品,收入和消费。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. And saying, You who destroy the temple and build it up in three days, save Yourself! If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross! 你这拆毁圣殿,三日内建造起来的,救你自己吧!你若是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧! edu.china.com 4. At least since the invention of television, critics have warned that electronic media would destroy reading. 至少,在电视发明之后,评论家们曾警告过,电子媒体将会破坏阅读。 www.bing.com 5. He says his firm would have "serious misgivings" about accepting a commission that would destroy something of historical value. 他说他的公司对于接受可能摧毁传统价值观念的建筑委托“很有疑虑”。 www.bing.com 6. In a desperate attempt to save the world, Mack sacrifices himself to destroy Flurious once and for all. 在绝望企图拯救世界,麦克牺牲自己,以摧毁flurious一劳永逸。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Mouse operation , it all turrets drag on both sides of the road layout , it will destroy the enemy on the road ! 鼠标操作,点击各类炮塔拖动到路两边布置好,将敌人消灭在路上! www.bing.com 8. The recent joint army and marines counter-insurgency manual says the central aim is not to destroy the enemy but to protect civilians. 陆军-海军陆战队联军最新的反叛乱手册说,中心目标不是消灭敌人而是保护平民。 www.ecocn.org 9. Prolonged vigorous boiling is often recommended but not necessary to destroy the fecal-orally transmitted pathogens. 通常推荐延长沸腾时间,但这样做未必能够杀死通过上述排泄物传播的病原体。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. If you catch eight of those in port and can destroy them all with a few weapons, that could be a pretty attractive option. 如果其中8艘停泊在港,用几枚武器就可以把它们都摧毁,那将是一个非常有诱惑力的选择。 www.america.gov 1. We are going to try to run the same by forging a cynical alliance with the very members of Congress who tried to destroy him a year ago. 我们打算以其道还治其人,与国会中一年前力求打倒他的议员结成联盟,不再讲什么道义。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Slick Willie and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family. 帕特.罗伯逊牧师称我为“狡猾的威利(一个抢劫银行的惯犯)”,说我有一个毁掉美国家庭的激进计划。 www.bing.com 3. Arab Iraqis reject this dream, fearing that Kurdish secession would destroy their country and, by the by, cost it a lot of oil. 伊拉克阿拉伯人反对这个梦想,担心库尔德人的脱离将毁灭他们的国家,且由此损失很多石油资源。 www.ecocn.org 4. Consuming excessive capsicum tends to make the esophagus heat and destroy taste bud, resulting in lost sense of taste. 吃得太多,容易令食道发热,破坏味蕾细胞,导致味觉丧失。 www.elanso.com 5. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 不要为自己积攒财宝在地上,地上有虫子咬,能锈坏,也有贼挖窟窿来偷。 oral.ebigear.com 6. No treason to mankind since the organization of society would be equal in atrocity to that of him who would lift his hand to destroy it. 自从社会有组织以来,没有谁对人类的背叛在凶残上可等同某人举起其手试图破坏我们联盟的行为。 www.hxen.com 7. For we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs Moses handed down to us. 我们曾听见他说,这拿撒勒人耶稣,要毁坏此地,也要改变摩西所交给我们的规条。 www.ebigear.com 8. In fact, they doubt his Islam and they suspect that he might be a Zandaqah and one of those who destroy [Islam]. 事实上,他们不信自己的伊斯兰,他们怀疑他们或许是伪信者和破环伊斯兰者。 www.2muslim.com 9. Brown himself did not want to escape. He said he could do more to destroy slavery by hanging than by staying alive. 布朗自己并不想逃跑,他说,他被绞死比活着更能够为摧毁奴隶制做贡献。 www.bing.com 10. Swapping out the guts of a Rolex for a quartz movement might improve its accuracy a bit, but destroy the brand's luxury image. 把劳力士的表芯换成石英驱动的可能让它的准确度提高一点点,但毁掉了这个而品牌的奢侈品形象。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We anticipated the enemy would try to cross the river, so we decided to destroy the bridge. 我们预料到敌人会通过这条河,所以我们决定把桥摧毁。 www.veryen.org 2. The General decided that two bombs would destroy the enemy and end the war once and for all. 将军判断两个炸弹可将敌军摧毁而永远结束战争。 www.jukuu.com 3. I had never seen a thing that had once been so large, so completely destroy in just a few seconds. 我从来没有看到一个如此巨大的东西,在几秒钟内就被彻底摧毁。 angushe1987.spaces.live.com 4. Each state cultivates a strong sense of national pride and is sustained by the view that its enemies are out to destroy it. 两个国家都培养了强烈的民族自豪感,并由一种敌人将至的观点来维持这种民族感。 www.6eng.com 5. It is a sign of the times that this did not destroy his political ambitions. 这是那个时代的特色,无损于他的政治野心。 www.ecocn.org 6. But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff- necked people and I might destroy you on the way. 我自己不同你们上去,因为你们是硬着颈项的百姓,恐怕我在路上把你们灭绝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Destroy the enemy formation. First, try to do it with high-explosive bombs, then select torpedoes and armour - piercing bombs and try again. 破坏敌人编队。第一,尝试做它用高爆炸弹,然后选择鱼雷和穿甲炸弹再尝试。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Spectra showed that there was a strong fluorescence destroy in these short range systems. 光谱实验研究发现,该短程给体受体体系内存在非常强的荧光淬灭现象。 www.chemyq.com 9. One upgraded Vindicator will severely damage any of these units and a second will destroy them. 一架升级的维护者可以对上面提到的任何单位造成严重伤害,第二架就可以干掉他们。 youxi.wo.tc 10. And are often outstanding jealousy, ridicule and even against the so-called "wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy them. " 而出众则常遭嫉妒、讥讽乃至打击,所谓“木秀于林,风必摧之”。 www.bing.com 1. Once I thought that to be human was the highest aim a man could have, but I see now that it was meant to destroy me. 我曾一度认为做到有人情味是一个人可望达到的最高目标,可我现在明白这意味着要毁掉自己。 www.bing.com 2. Gullion now began to feel that the solution was to unleash the UN troops and let them destroy Tshombe's army. 古利昂这时开始认为,解决的办法就是派出联合国军队,让他们去消灭冲伯的军队。 down02.putclub.com 3. Put simply, it is wrong to destroy the habitability of our planet and ruin the prospects of every generation that follows ours. 简单地说,破坏我们行星的宜居性和毁灭我们之后每一代前景的行为是为大非。 www.bdza.cn 4. How happy this idiot seems to be, to destroy himself with overwork. You baboon! he wanted to shout. 这些傻子看起来非常开心地去过度工作,慢性毁灭自己。 www.ecocn.org 5. In providing food to dispersed populations, one must be very careful not to destroy local markets and marketing systems. 为分散人群提供粮食必须非常小心,不要破坏当地市场和营销体系。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. I have no one, I'm bound to destroy all this greed, A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me. 我有没有人,我势必摧毁这一切贪婪,引人注目的,以满足我内心的声音我。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. A Spanish default would destroy the credibility of the euro, and quite possibly the currency itself, at least in its current form. 西班牙的债务拖欠将会毁掉整个欧元的可信度,也有可能毁掉货币本身,至少从目前形势来看是这样的。 www.bing.com 8. and, all of a sudden, a treacherous storm arose and threatened to destroy the boat and drown those who were experienced fishermen. 突然,起了一场大风暴,几乎把船打沉,这些经验丰富的渔夫也差点丧命。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even the outbreak of flooding in the summer did not destroy the momentum, thanks to the determined efforts of the whole nation. 由于整个国家的坚定不移的努力,即使那年爆发的大面积洪水灾害也没有影响到这种地位。 www.xuancaijiaxuan.com.cn 10. But something seems to destroy our beautiful image. This often happens to save us from unseen dangers that lie ahead of us. 而某件事似乎破坏了我们美好的蓝图,但这恰恰经常会挽救我们,从而使我们避免前面看不见的危险。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Consecutive governments have gone to great lengths to destroy any sort of notion of working class solidarity and identity. 一连几任政府都不遗余力地破坏任何形式的工人阶级的联合与身份。 www.bing.com 2. Many drugs destroy bacteria that have invaded the body and made a person ill. These drugs include antibiotics and sulpha drugs. 许多药物杀死入侵人体并让人生病的细菌。这些药物包括抗生素和磺胺药物。 dict.ebigear.com 3. In 5, does not destroy the original waterproof layer, is not affected by the weather, do not affect the hotel business. 不破坏原有的防水层,不受天气影响,不影响酒店营业。 yantai.qite8.com 4. Attack the enemy until you destroy all of his ships and aircraft because only then can the soldiers land. 攻击敌人,直到你破坏所有他的船和飞机因为只有如此军人才能登陆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. And I will destroy your land, and your enemies shall be astonished at it, when they shall be the inhabitants thereof. 我必使你们的地化为废墟,甚至你的仇人来居住时,还惊奇不已。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. If one of bin Laden's goals was to disrupt or destroy U. S. businesses, he had the opposite effect in this segment of the economy. 如果说本拉登的目标之一是扰乱或者摧毁美国企业的话,那么在这一领域却适得其反。 www.bing.com 7. Destroy the enemy every one will be some money in the accumulation of a certain number, I can buy things. 每消灭一个敌人会得到一些钱,在积攒到一定数量之后,可以买东西。 4455.cc 8. Its just hard to accept that, when Im happy in a situation and then there something in me that so demands me to destroy that. 我就是觉得很难接受,当我处于一个快乐的状态,我的心里会有一个东西想要破坏这个状态。 woshao.com 9. To the wind the prevention: early spring old bark, winter destroy sunflower, corn testament, spray pesticide plant high-efficiency. 防治法:早春刮去老树皮,冬季毁灭向日葵、玉米遗株,喷洒高效低毒农药。 www.ahzklk.com 10. exactly where it is hiding its banned weapons, lay those weapons out for the world to see , and destroy them as directed. 伊拉克必须指明隐藏违禁武器的确切地点,把这些武器公诸于世并按要求销毁之。 www.jukuu.com 1. The puppets which they placed in power to be the visible face of The Plan, are now going to have to face the people they set out to destroy. 他们所设置的处于权力位置的傀儡们为了被曝光于天下,现在正必须面对他们原本毁灭的人民。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. But due to its higher RoF and decent damage against infantry, it also is able to destroy most infantry it faces. 不过由于它更高的射速和对步兵不错的伤害,它也可以被用来摧毁遇到的大部分步兵。 a.kk55.net 3. 'This bill will destroy freedom, and do incredible damage to the very fabric of our society, ' he said. 他说,这份法案将破坏自由,并对我们的社会结构带来难以置信的损害。 c.wsj.com 4. Kyp launched the Sun Crusher's resonance torpedoes into Carida's sun, triggering a chain reaction that would destroy the system. 他向卡里达的恒星发射了“灭日者”的共振鱼雷,引发了摧毁这个星系的连锁反应。 www.starwarschina.com 5. According to the directive, the duty of the demolition party was to destroy the enemy blockhouses. 按照命令,这个暴破小组的任务就是要炸掉敌人的碉堡。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. It was satirical that even though the war has made a great destroy , but the modern medical has got a great inprovment during the war . 具有讽刺意味的是,虽然这场战争造成了很大的破坏,但现代医学却在“一战”期间有了飞跃发展。 www.kekenet.com 7. defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles or to nullify their effectiveness. 意在摧毁敌机或导弹的攻击或者使它们的效力无效的防御措施。 www.bing.com 8. Bird, Splendor and flowers, who have the heart to destroy such a beautiful scenery it! 鸟鸣、蝶舞、繁花,谁又忍心去破坏这么美好的景致呢! www.bing.com 9. Not until the dramatic end does the obsessive Nicholson recognize the folly of assisting the enemy in war and destroy the bridge. 直到戏剧的最后执着的尼科尔森才意识到在战争中帮助敌人是多么愚蠢,然后毁掉了这座桥。 www.bing.com 10. The armament of any of the great powers could destroy the civilization. 任何军事大国的军备力量都能摧毁世界文明。 larrytancn.spaces.live.com 1. The armament of any of the great powers could destroy civilization. 任何大国的军事力量都能摧毁文明世界。 dict.ebigear.com 2. To his ruin, indeed, the fool gains knowledge and fame, they destroy his bright lot and cleave his head. 愚笨的人得到知识和名誉对自己毫无益处,不但损失了他的幸福,而且还会使他刚愎自用。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Ground collapse will seriously threaten the mine production security and destroy the surface ecological environment. 地表塌陷严重威胁着矿山安全生产,破坏地表生三态环境。 www.dictall.com 4. Destroy the prison-house of name and form and rush out of it with the strength of a lion. 放弃它,毁掉名相的牢房,用铁一般的力量从牢房中冲出来。 siteground187.com 5. A few years later, feeling trapped in a persona that she feared would destroy her, she left her family, remaining in Salisbury. 几年之后,因为感觉陷入了一种会毁掉自己的伪装,莱辛脱离了家庭,仍旧在索尔兹伯里生活。 www.bing.com 6. This is because earthquakes do not just shut production down for a while. They also destroy factories, roads, electricity lines and offices. 这是因为地震造成的结果并不只是短期停产,还会破坏工厂,道路,电线和办公场所。 www.ecocn.org 7. The money sought by EU authorities would be used to destroy tomatoes, lettuce and cucumbers, and possibly peppers and zucchini. 欧盟当局争取的这些资金将用于西红柿、莴苣和黄瓜的销毁。此外,辣椒和绿皮西葫芦也可能会被销毁。 c.wsj.com 8. The US could certainly destroy the Asian exchange rate pegs if it wished to do so, as it did with the protectionist "Nixon shock" in 1971. 如果美国愿意的话,将肯定有能力摧毁亚洲的盯住汇率制度,就像1971年保护主义的“尼克松冲击”一样。 finance.sina.com.cn 9. Your cell phone becomes your kingdom, mission is to use the hands only go trebuchet to destroy the enemy's medieval castle. 你的手机成为了你的王国,任务就是利用手上仅有的投石机去摧毁敌人的中世纪城堡。 www.fishjava.com 10. "I was elected to defend, build and perfect socialism, not destroy it, " he said to a standing ovation from lawmakers in Parliament. “我当选是为了保卫,建设,完善社会主义,不是来摧毁它的。”他在议会对起立鼓掌的议员们说。 www.bing.com 1. Depth in defensive actions is obtained by attacking the enemy throughout his entire formation to delay, disrupt, and finally destroy him. 在防御作战中,通过攻击敌军全队以阻滞、瓦解和最后消灭敌军来达到纵深作战的目的。 www.pladaily.com.cn 2. In the love, boundaries hold, darkness dissipates , and consciousness that seeks to destroy you simply has no place to stand. 在爱中,界域被掌握,黑暗消散,寻求扭曲你的意识们完全没有立足之地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As a analysis method which do not destroy samples, NMR is an indispensable means to analyze the molecular structure. 核磁共振(NMR)是一种不破坏样品的无损伤分析技术,是分子结构分析不可或缺的手段。 www.chemyq.com 4. Most undercapitalized traders destroy themselves by over trading, trying to squeeze unrealistic returns from their tiny accounts. 大部分资金不多的交易者因为过度交易毁了自己,因为他们想用小账户赚不实际的回报。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If the lubrication system did not supply these moving components with oil, friction would quickly destroy these surfaces. 如果润滑系不给这些部分供油,摩擦将会很快使这些摩擦面毁坏。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness. 耶和华必伸手攻击北方,毁灭亚述,使尼尼微荒凉,又乾旱如旷野。 www.ebigear.com 7. Boiling and pasteurizing kills bacteria in a few minutes but it does not kill heat-resistant spores or destroy heat-resistant toxins. 沸腾和巴氏杀菌能在几分钟内杀死细菌,但是却不能破坏有耐热性的孢子或毒素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The enemy of the president canard to destroy his prestige gradually. 总统的敌人在散步谣言以逐渐破坏他的威信。 dipan.kekenet.com 9. To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. 建设可能是一项不得不经历多年的慢速而艰辛的任务,破坏可能是一种只需要单独的一天的轻率的行动。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 那杀身体,不能杀灵魂的,不要怕他们;惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的,正要怕他。 www.occca.net 1. The next day, divorce is result, so easy. A home's destroy which is like a Porcelaneous Bowl dropped unexpectedly and broken to pieces. 第二天,真离了.就这么简单.一个家庭的毁灭,就如一只瓷碗,只是不经意地一摔,便碎了。 wenku.baidu.com 2. He never set foot in your love, not to destroy your marriage, but you need him, he will not hesitate to appear, and no impure purposes. 他从不会涉足你的恋爱,更不会破坏你的婚姻,只是在你需要他的时候,便会义无反顾地出现,而没有任何不纯的目的。 blog.19lou.com 3. Will these policies destroy capitalism while trying to save it? 这些政策会不会在挽救资本主义制度的同时毁灭资本主义制度? www.bing.com 4. You want the role of mercenaries and head out to the corner of space to destroy alien attack, and find the alien behind them. 你要的作用雇佣军和头部到外的角落空间摧毁外来攻击,并找到外来他们的幕后策划者。 www.sjjia.com 5. Antiseptic: Any of a variety of agents applied to living tissue to destroy or inhibit growth of infectious microorganisms. 人体消毒剂:用于消灭传染微生物或抑制其在生命组织中发育的药剂。 www.jukuu.com 6. BORIS JORDAN: It was more a survival tactic -- how can we destroy the communist, centrally controlled economy? 鲍里斯。乔丹(BorisJordan):这更大意义上是一种生存策略——我们怎么能摧毁共产党,怎么能摧毁中央集权经济? www.dzxsw.com 7. Don't tear her performance apart so unkindly as you did last time, even if it is bad; it could destroy her. 即使她演得不好,也别像上次那样毫不留情地挑她的毛病,这会毁了她的。 www.1stenglish.com 8. But democracy activists have to be careful not to be labeled "pro-American, " because that would destroy their credibility. 但那些民主活动人士要小心了。小心别被贴上“亲美”的标签。 www.bing.com 9. As a result of the war, radioactive showers will destroy almost all life in the Northern Hemisphere. 2011年:由于战争的结果,放射性降雨将摧毁几乎在北半球所有生命。 www.tianya200.com 10. PX had to be somewhere there also and so had to destroy or at least influence "Messenger" in a bad manner. 而行星X一定也在此处某个地方,那它会毁坏“先驱号”,或至少对其造成不良影响吗? hi.baidu.com 1. She admitted that she signed the book and said there were several other witches looking to destroy the Puritans. 她承认签名了,还说有其他巫师要毁灭清教徒。 www.bing.com 2. Maybe it is the suspect who was trying to destroy any evidence, as an afterthought. 也许这是嫌疑犯在事后考虑之后,企图毁灭证据。 www.itpub.net 3. I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would utterly destroy us. 向现代世界灌输一种思想以便摧毁我们人类是可能的事,对此我并不怀疑。 www.kekenet.com 4. Bombardments of such density will destroy any defensive works built by the enemy. 这样大密度的轰炸会摧毁敌人的所有防御工事。 www.kekenet.com 5. He will stretch out his hand against the north and destroy Assyria, leaving Nineveh utterly desolate and dry as the desert. 耶和华必伸手攻击北方,毁灭亚述,使尼尼微荒凉,又干旱如旷野。 www.bbintl.org 6. The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing. 而小说短书,易为湮落,脱或残灭,求勘无所。 jztu.5d6d.com 7. Honey extracted for human consumption is usually heated to destroy fermentation-causing yeasts and then strained. 为了提炼人们可食用的蜂蜜,通常把蜂蜜加热以破坏发酵所引起的泡沫,然后再过滤。 chinafanyi.com 8. If you act on the Word, trouble will not destroy you and your household. 如果你行出神的话,麻烦将不会毁坏你和你的家庭。 www.bing.com 9. However, in many states, the juvenile court is usually required to destroy the juvenile's court records when the juvenile reaches legal age. 在许多州,当未成年人达到法定年龄时,(根据法律)少年法庭通常会销毁未成年人的判决纪录。 www.24en.com 10. "Come, " they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more. " 他们说、来罢、我们将他们剪灭、使他们不再成国.使以色列的名、不再被人记念。 www.bbintl.org 1. If I understand correctly what he is saying, the local forestry department was helping to destroy the forest, not to protect it. 如果我理解得正确的话,当地的林业部门正在助长毁坏森林,而不是保护它们。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. It had required a coalition of the whole world to destroy the power his political inspiration had contrived. 只有全世界的人联合起来才能消灭他的政治野心。 www.bing.com 3. If you're worried this is going increase inflation and destroy the dollar, please reread everything we've said to this point. 如果你担心这会增加通货膨胀,那么请回顾一下迄今为止我们所说过的话。 www.bing.com 4. The intent of this planet was destroy the other planet by bouncing scalar waves off the sun. 这颗行星的意图是通过从太阳反弹标量波,毁灭另一颗行星。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Experts say the most effective form of control is to destroy cattle herds that have been exposed to bovine tuberculosis. 专家说,最有效的控制方法是销毁已经感染结核菌的牛群。 www.unsv.com 6. But if they are allowed to destroy the conference in a blaze of recrimination, the only victors will be Iran and North Korea. 如果允许他们在互相指责中破坏大会,受益者将仅会是伊朗和朝鲜。 www.ecocn.org 7. When I waste one I destroy the other. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. 我若让今天的时光白白流逝,就等于毁掉入生最后一页。 www.putclub.com 8. "They destroy the forest forever, " Rosenberg complains, pointing to a hole in one of his plantation'sbarbed-wire fences. “他们永久毁坏了森林。”罗森伯格指着他的种植园的一段带刺铁丝网围墙上的洞报怨。 www.suiniyi.com 9. If you are still in possession of these images, I urge you to please destroy them immediately. Let's help the wounded heal their wounds. 若你拥有这些照片,我请你立刻销毁它们,这有助受害人痊愈; blog.sina.com.cn 10. Susan thought briefly about going out there to destroy the seedlings, but decided Jacob's wife had probably already thought of that. 苏珊曾经想过出去把那些籽苗毁掉,但是她断定雅各布的妻子也许早已经想到这点了。 www.bing.com 1. You know. It's easier to pull the trigger than play guitar. Easier to destroy than to create. 知道吗。开枪比弹吉他容易。破坏比建设容易。 aviliv.com 2. And moral will is undermined by an incessant appeal to incentives that destroy our desire to do the right thing . 道德意愿也被埋没了因为不断的寻求激励制度破坏了我们本身对于做正确的事情的欲望。 www.bing.com 3. That would be useful for this design, to destroy the organic waste so that I would have no disposal problems. 这对我的设计很有用,去掉了有机废物,我不用考虑什么处理溶剂的问题了。 www.jukuu.com 4. The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs. 外头有刀剑,内室有惊恐,使人丧亡,使少男,童女,吃奶的,白发的,尽都灭绝。 www.bing.com 5. It will not destroy you all at once. But it's always there, nibbling at the corners of your life, consuming a little cash every year. 它不会一下子把你打垮,但它会一直在那儿,在你的生活小角落里一点点啃食你的财富,每年都会消耗一些。 www.bing.com 6. i ' m a little bit envious because i would like to be in the middle of that , though i would destroy our play a little bit . 我有点嫉妒(场上的队员),我真想上场比赛,虽然那样我们的表现会差点。 www.ichacha.net 7. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce years of inflation with rising prices and general discontent. 通过鼓励政府铺张浪费毁坏其信用,造成物价上涨、通货膨胀和普遍的不满。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. To the long guerrilla war and destroy the enemy. 一定要在游击战中消灭敌人。 4455.cc 9. Destroy or trying to destroy the "kindheartedness" . 破坏或试图毁灭了“仁爱”。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Thus I fell down before the LORD forty days and forty nights, as I fell down at the first; because the LORD had said he would destroy you. 我因耶和华说要灭绝你们,就在耶和华面前烧旧俯伏四十昼夜。 www.for68.com 1. Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 所以主耶和华如此说,我必伸手攻击非利士人,剪除基利提人,灭绝沿海剩下的居民。 www.bing.com 2. Did he pray for the men who were trying to destroy him? 他有否为到那些存心谄害他的人祷告呢? blog.163.com 3. By his intransigence Mr Netanyahu has played into the hands of those who would destroy Israel. 内塔尼亚胡的不妥协态度已经令那些想要摧毁以色列的人受益良多了。 www.ecocn.org 4. Superior forces must be concentrated to destroy the enemy. 必须集中优势兵力歼灭敌人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The health authorities may also disinfect the personal effects of any person or , if necessary, destroy those effects . 生当局可对任何人的财物消毒,必要时并有权销毁有关财物。 www.bing.com 6. The body's attempt to destroy the transplanted organ ; usually occurs in the first year after transplant . 身体企图破坏移植来的器官,通常会在移植的第一年内发生。 www.e-harvest.com.tw 7. Two birds with One Stone Destroy two or more enemy robots at once with the LFE gun. 用LFE枪械一次性同时摧毁两个以上的敌方机器人。 bbs.a9vg.com 8. Because of this the king was angry and very furious, and he gave orders to destroy all the wise men of Babylon. 王为此生气,大发烈怒,吩咐灭绝巴比伦所有的哲士。 www.71630.com 9. This is like attacking the enemy, precision air strikes to start, if not destroy the enemy, but to put ground forces. 这就好比进攻敌人,开始进行精确空中打击,如果不能消灭敌人,只好投入地面部队。 www.chinavalue.net 10. If the nuclear freeze lasts for a year, it will cut GDP by an estimated 3. 6% and destroy almost 200, 000 jobs. 倘若到明年3月,核能仍未能重启的话,据预计,GDP将会因此下滑3.6%,20万工作岗位也会随之灰飞烟灭。 www.ecocn.org 1. It tends to confound and destroy all distinctions, and prostrate all ranks to one common level. 这将混淆和抹杀所有区别,削平所有等级。 www.america.gov 2. TACKLING climate change will cost consumers the earth. Those who campaign for a green revolution are out to destroy our western lifestyles. 应对气候变化的策略将会让地球上的消费者“埋单”,那些发起绿色革命运动的人,试图破坏我们西方的生活方式。 www.bing.com 3. The weapon could produce a blast scaled to destroy capital ships at a rate of one per minute. 该武器发出的能量束能每分钟摧毁一艘大型飞船。 www.starwarsfans.cn 4. Tests that attempt to remove, destroy or corrupt these critical objects for the security product also belong to this category. 一些试图移除、破坏或者损坏这些安全软件必要组件的行为也属于这个测试的范畴。 bbs.kafan.cn 5. Do not store up riches for yourselves here on earth, where moths and rust destroy, and robbers break in and steal. 不要在地上为自己积攒财宝,这里有虫、锈的侵蚀,还有盗贼的偷窃。 www1.beiwaionline.com 6. Japan has announced it is deploying missile interceptors to destroy any parts of a North Korean rocket that might fall on its territory. 日本已宣布其正在部署导弹拦截系统,以摧毁任何落在日本领土范围内的朝鲜火箭残骸。 www.elanso.com 7. Rarely has a company managed to destroy so much shareholder value in such a short space of time. 很少有哪家公司能像雅虎般在如此短的时间内让股东损失如此大。 www.ecocn.org 8. What's more, a decay process that would leave a large-scale bit of data readable could destroy some smaller-scale bits. 更重要的一点是,大面积数据的退化过程可能会毁掉小部分扇区的内容。 www.bing.com 9. But a Chinese person close to the scholars' committee says even a low - key visit would " destroy joint historical research " . 但是,一个了解该委员会的中国人表示,即便是一次低调的参拜,也将“破坏联合历史研究”。 www.bing.com 10. Asset bubbles could be the next fragility as the world recovers, threatening again to destroy livelihoods and trap millions more in poverty. 随着全球经济复苏,资产泡沫可能将成为下一个脆弱链条,有可能再次破坏人们的生计,再让数百万人陷入贫困。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 你们听见我从前在犹太教中所行的事,怎样极力逼迫残害神的教会。 www.bbintl.org 2. But it turned out the secretary did not destroy Crick's correspondence. 结果却是那个秘书没把克里克的通信给毁了。 www.bing.com 3. You can invest for a long time in a brand, but a single contrary observation of that positioning will destroy consumers' belief. 你可以在一个品牌上投资很长一段时间,但是对这个定位的一个相反的观察结果就会摧毁消费者的信念。 www.ted.com 4. For a sovereign to destroy its own credit, to save creditors of its banks, is plainly wrong. 对一个主权国家来说,为了解救本国银行的债权人而损害自身信用评级,显然是错误的做法。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Mission: Storm Squadron is ordered to destroy the enemy ballistic missile launch facility designated Objective lcarus. 风暴中队下令摧毁敌人弹道导弹发射装置,目标代号: blog.sina.com.cn 6. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 把你的财富存在天国,蛾子和锈菌不能毁坏它们,小偷也不能闯入和偷窃。 www.bing.com 7. But he shall not take it so, and his heart shall not think so: but his heart shall be set to destroy, and to cut off nations not a few. 但她并没有这样想,心里也没有这样推测,只图肆意破坏,剿灭不少的民族。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. I don't suppose they bothered to destroy the great buildings that were scattered all over the Roman world. 我想他们大概懒得摧毁罗马帝国那些宏伟的建筑。 spaces.msn.com 9. And I stood in the mount, as before, forty days and nights: and the Lord heard me this time also, and would not destroy thee. 我如先前一样,在山上逗留了四十天四十夜;上主这一次又俯听了我,放弃了消灭你的意思。 wiki.ccreadbible.org 10. If need be I can smash and destroy my way to cut off a fire's fuel, but I prefer to think of how the victims will feel the morning after. 我可以摧毁一切,我的方式通过,并争取把火势,但我宁愿认为,受害者会觉得第二天。 www.simcity.cn |
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