单词 | destabilising | ||||||
释义 | destabilising
例句释义: 失去稳定的,使,稳定化 1. He said: "They are deliberately destabilising the company, and there is no end in sight. " 他说:“他们蓄意破坏公司的稳定运作,而且无休无止。” www.ecocn.org 2. In northern minds, destabilising the south and mucking up the referendum would undermine the legitimacy of any putative new country. 在北方人眼里,动摇南方的根基并搅乱民意投票能够削弱任何公认新国家的合法性。 page.renren.com 3. Until an unbalanced world faces up to its chronic imbalances, successive crises are likely to be increasingly destabilising. 在这个不平衡的世界敢于直面长期失衡问题之前,接二连三的危机对于稳定性的影响可能会越来越大。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Neither Mr Obama nor Mr Putin wants to see Iran emerge as a nuclear power, setting off a destabilising arms race in the Middle East. 不管是奥巴马还是普京都不希望看到伊朗变成一个核武力量,在中东发起一场不利于稳定的军备竞赛; www.ecocn.org 5. The departure of two such senior executives would risk further destabilising the bank. 这两名高级行政官的离去将会引起深化银行不稳定的危险。 www.bing.com 6. I struggle to understand how speculation is supposed to be both profitable and destabilising, all at once. 我努力去理解,投机行为如何能做到既有利可图,又破坏稳定性。 www.ftchinese.com 7. At a time of international tension, his "shoot from the hip" diplomatic style could even be destabilising. 在这个国际局势紧张时期,他的“快枪手式”外交风格,甚至可能破坏国际社会的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Another question is whether the size and liquidity of the market are large enough to prevent destabilising overshooting in the market price. 还有市场规模及流动性是否足以防止市场价格过度调整,造成不稳。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Mr Luzhkov quit the United Russia party, which he helped to set up, and could have a destabilising impact on the political system. 卢日科夫退出了他帮忙组建的统一俄罗斯党,并可能对政坛产生不稳定的影响。 www.ecocn.org 10. The tackling of destabilising market speculation, through the introduction of a Tobin tax on international currency speculation. 通过在国际货币投机中引入托宾税来解决投机市场的不稳定问题。 www.bing.com 1. Yet those American policies have seriously destabilising global implications, just as surely as does China's decision to peg its currency. 不过,与中国的盯住汇率制度一样,美国的那些政策也确实具有破坏全球稳定的作用。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This has been a hugely destabilising force, inevitably exacerbated by the "one-size-fits-all" monetary policy. 这一直是严重的不稳定因素,而“一刀切”的货币政策不可避免地加剧了这种因素。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He agreed that was indeed a bad memory but my attempt at mind games failed to have the intended destabilising psychological effect. 他承认这实在是个糟糕的记忆,但是我对他的心理战最终并没有起到扰乱他心理的作用。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. But exchange rate changes can still be very destabilising in a macroeconomic sense. 从宏观角度而言,汇率变动仍有可能很不稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Yet China must now reckon with a potentially destabilising consequence of this new, improved process. 但是,中国现在必须认真对待这种新的,改良程序的一种潜在,非建设性的后果。 www.bing.com 6. Expect more destabilising brinkmanship, just like the sort that attended the debt-ceiling crisis in the summer. 估计不牢靠的边缘政策会再度出现,就像今年夏天应对债务上限危机那次一样。 www.ecocn.org 7. And Darwin, throughout, was in the grip of something very similar: a terrible, destabilising sense of wonder. 而达尔文自始至终都保有类似的一些东西:一份可怕的,杀伤力强大的好奇心。 www.ecocn.org 8. A very gutsy step, given the potentially destabilising consequences. And a very effective one. 鉴于可能对朝鲜造成的不稳定后果,这是一个非常大胆的举措,也是非常有效的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 9. His decision reflected politics, technical incompetence and ignorance of markets, and his comments thereafter were highly destabilising. 他的决定反映出他在政治和技术上的无能以及对市场的无知,而他其后的言论则极大地影响了该国的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 10. if the mainland's growth balloon does burst, the shock would be dangerously destabilising both at home and abroad. 如果大陆经济增长泡沫破灭,国内和国际市场将陷入动荡的危险。 www.bing.com 1. "It would be destabilising for the region. It would pose a direct threat to Burma's neighbours. " “这种合作将破坏本地区的稳定。它对缅甸的邻国将构成直接威胁。” www.ftchinese.com 2. Yet it does want change, not least because rural poverty is potentially just as destabilising. 然而,中国政府确实希望改革,原因之一是农村的贫穷也同样是潜在的不稳定因素。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Either way, Belize faces having to pay sums of money that risk destabilising its economy and government. 不论哪一个金额,贝里斯必须面对若偿付这笔金额总数,经济和政府势必垮台的风险。 www.ecocn.org 4. These migrants were discriminated against, the report said. "If mishandled, this situation will create a major destabilising threat. " 报告称,这些农民工受到了歧视,如果处理不当,这种情况将严重威胁到稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Yet there can be no avoiding the destabilising consequences of these actions. 然而,这些举措不可避免地造成了破坏稳定的后果。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In some circumstances (like now), this system becomes destabilising as traders are forced to put up more capital to fund their positions. 在某些情况之下(如今),当交易者被迫动用很多的资金以保持其寸头时,该系统就会发生动摇。 club.topsage.com 7. Yesterday, Beijing warned that the US policy could swamp emerging economies with destabilising inflows of speculative capital. 昨日,中国警告称“定量宽松”政策会让新兴经济体国家因大量破坏性投机资本的涌入而陷入困境。 www.bing.com 8. It is impossible to persuade ordinary people of the merits of a system that generates vast rewards and destabilising crises. 说服普通人相信一个带来巨额回报和动荡危险的体系的好处,这是不可能的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It might also risk destabilising a country that has many thousands of artillery pieces and rockets aimed at Seoul. 这也会冒险让一个国家将成千上万门大炮和火箭炮对准首尔。 www.ecocn.org 10. These funds have mushroomed of late, spawning all manner of innovations, some of which may be destabilising and worry regulators. 这些基金让各式创新如雨后春笋般迅猛增长,有一部分可能会让市场产生动荡,这让立法者忧心忡忡。 www.ecocn.org 1. The governor of the central bank warned that China needed to "confront the many destabilising and uncertain factors that exist" . 央行行长警告说,中国需要“勇敢地面对现存的不稳定及不确定因素”。 www.bing.com 2. After Lehman Brothers' chaotic bankruptcy it was judged that big bank failures were too destabilising to tolerate. 在雷曼兄弟混乱中破产后,人们发现大银行的倒闭给经济带来的不稳定冲击如此巨大令人难以忍受。 www.bing.com 3. Open deposit of accepted manuscripts risks destabilising subscription revenues and undermining peer review. 典藏手稿有一定的风险,不但收入不稳定,而且破坏同侪评阅制度。 docs.google.com 4. However fickly international capital may behave, the volatility it creates will not be so destabilising as to lead to systemic problems. 无论国际资金怎样波动流窜,亦不容易使这些市场出现不稳,以致动摇整个金融体系。 www.info.gov.hk 5. Both face potentially destabilising external disputes: China with America over Taiwan, India with Pakistan over Kashmir. 二者都面临着有可能的外部纷争与不稳定:在台湾问题上的中国与美国,在克什米尔问题上的印度与巴基斯坦。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Leaders expressed deep concern over the destabilising effect of regional conflicts. 双方领导人对地区冲突带来的不稳定影响深表忧虑。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Without a revamped policy mandate, it is conceivable that we could face another destabilising crisis. 假如美联储的政策职权没有经过改造,可以想象,我们还可能遭遇另一场破坏稳定的危机。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Europe's fear of the destabilising effects of devaluation is completely understandable. 欧洲对货币贬值带来的不稳定效应感到担忧,这完全可以理解。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The fallout from a nuclear-armed Iran would be still more destabilising. 具有核装备的伊朗会使世界更加不稳定。 www.bing.com 10. The palace insists that the king is alert and active. But Thais already fear a destabilising royal succession. 王室坚称国王神智清明、机体康健,但泰民众已开始担忧王位继承不顺。 www.ecocn.org 1. China needs to reduce the incentive for destabilising capital inflows, rather than block the channels. 中国需要减少对不稳定资金流的刺激,而不是堵住通道。 www.bing.com 2. To do otherwise would be destabilising. 换个做法将造成市场的不稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 3. An unregulated credit system, then, is inherently unstable and destabilising. 因此,一个缺乏监管的信贷系统,与生俱来地缺乏稳定,并会产生动荡。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Revaluing the renminbi, as some in the US suggest, or raising interest rates, risks destabilising the economy. 像美国的一些人建议的一样将人民币升值,或者提高利率,都有令经济不稳的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The US has been the main culprit behind the destabilising global imbalances of recent years. 在近些年诱发不稳定的全球失衡背后,美国已经成为祸首。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The very liberalisation that North Korea requires will itself be destabilising. 朝鲜需要的自由化本身就是不稳定因素。 www.ftchinese.com 7. more broadly in the destabilising effect throughout the region and beyond. 更广义地说,危险在于对整个亚太及其它地区造成的不稳定效果。 www.bing.com 8. The likelihood of very destabilising events is higher in interconnected markets. 在互相关联的市场上,发生十分破坏稳定的事件的可能性更大。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Several experimented with capital controls to prevent destabilising upward pressure on exchange rates. 一些国家为此试行了资本管制措施,以防止本国汇率受到过大上升压力,破坏经济稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "If mishandled, this situation will create a major destabilising threat. " 若处理不当,这种情况将构成一个破坏稳定的重大威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Taken together, this has created a destabilising cocktail, at times sparking panics. 这些因素加在一起,构成了一杯破坏稳定的鸡尾酒,有时还会引发恐慌。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The Frenchman urged Fabregas to show commitment last month to avoid destabilising Arsenal's pre-season. 温格上个月要求法布雷加斯示忠以避免阿森纳的季前赛产生动荡。 www.fanyitie.com 3. All of this, we are supposed to believe, is immensely profitable and highly destabilising. 而我们应该相信,这些行为既利润丰厚,又会严重破坏经济稳定性。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The FSA's role, he says, is to prevent excessive pay awards from destabilising financial institutions. 桑特表示,英国金融服务管理局的作用,是防止影响稳定的金融机构支付过多奖金。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, repricing is deeply destabilising. 然而,从新定价实在是扰乱市场。 www.ecocn.org 6. And the opposition still seems bent on destabilising the pro-American Zardari government. 而反对派依旧在搞垮扎尔达里亲美政府的事情上大作文章。 www.ecocn.org 7. China's high-savings, high-investment economy is costly for its people and destabilising for the world. 高储蓄、高投资的中国经济,对中国人民来说代价高昂,对世界也具有破坏稳定的影响。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The US, meanwhile, will pursue a destabilising policy of dollar devaluation. 与此同时,美国将推行有损稳定的美元贬值政策。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But naked CDSs have played an important and direct role in destabilising the financial system. 但无实体CDS在破坏金融体系稳定方面发挥了重要而直接的作用。 www.ftchinese.com 10. further destabilising a borderland already on a war footing. 使得已经接近战争的边境更加的动荡不安。 www.ecocn.org 1. I am glad that there has been no sign of destabilising implications so far. 我很高兴迄今并无任何不稳定的影响。 www.info.gov.hk 2. Kim Jong-il has begun a potentially destabilising handover, and Pyongyang has become more aggressive. 金正日(KimJong-il)已经开始了可能影响稳定的权力交接,而平壤方面变得更富于侵略性。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Again, will it be possible to manage the powerful destabilising processes we see? 我们不禁再次要问对于强大的破坏过程这些经验管用吗? www.bing.com 4. But they are nakedly political, making them hugely unpopular, and may prove destabilising. 但谢里夫兄弟仅仅是政客,这使得他们很不受欢迎而且有可能动摇他们的政权。 www.ecocn.org 5. The worry is that kidnapping may become a new business, further destabilising a borderland already on a war footing. 令人担忧的是绑架可能形成一个新的行业,使战争的脚步声临近这个原本就不稳定的边境地区。 www.ecocn.org 6. South Korea has little interest in destabilising its northern neighbour. There is even less appetite for war. 韩国无意让朝鲜陷入不稳定,对战争就更没有胃口了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Many believe this is bound to lead to another upswing in bad debt and destabilising asset bubbles. 许多人士认为,这肯定会导致坏账再次增加,并引发不利于稳定的资产泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The economic pain will be high and potentially destabilising. 这对经济的影响将是严重的,并可能会影响稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Realists dislike them for their destabilising foreign policy. 现实主义者厌烦他们,因为他们的外交政策动荡不稳。 www.ecocn.org 10. This is the perfect way to encourage destabilising capital flight from southern Europe. 这简直是鼓励资本从南欧国家外逃、制造不稳定的最佳方法。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Iran's Afghan policy has been to make life uncomfortable for the occupiers but without destabilising its own borderlands. 伊朗的阿富汗政策已经使得居民生活极不方便,但还没有造成其边界地区的不稳定。 www.ecocn.org 2. He projected that "outside the euro, there is little we can do to protect industry against destabilising swings in the value of sterling. " 他指出:“如果我们不加入欧元,我们就很难保护工业免受英镑汇率波动的影响。” www.bing.com 3. Challenges of Coping with the Destabilising Impact of Highly Leveraged Institutions 应付高杠杆机构对市场稳定造成的影响的挑战 www.info.gov.hk |
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