单词 | dessert |
释义 |
复数:desserts n. afters,pudding,sweet,pud,sweet course 例句释义: 甜食,甜品,餐后甜点,点心,甜点心,饭后甜食 1. No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. 谢谢,别给我甜食了。我只能吃完主食。 bbs.e5zj.com 2. Withholding dessert is a form of punishment , and is not an effective means of encouraging a child to eat. It also may upset the child . 限制甜点是一种惩罚方式,而且不是鼓励儿童吃饭的一种有效方法,它还可能让儿童感到沮丧。 www.bing.com 3. Inside was a sfogliatelle, the dessert he would have ordered if he had been there. 里面是一份他通常会点的甜点sfogliatelle。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Later on his way to the kitchen to help his wife serve dessert, he noticed that a second card had fallen from her pocket. 后来,在去厨房帮助妻子准备餐后甜点的时候,他发现又一张卡片从妻子的口袋里滑落出来。 www.jukuu.com 5. He took a six-sou plate of meat, a half-portion of vegetables for three sous, and a three-sou dessert. 他吃一盘六个苏的肉,半盘三个苏的蔬菜和一份三个苏的甜品。 www.ebigear.com 6. All combined, our taste buds got a bit of an overdose, killing any desire for dessert. 我们店的食品一定能让你尝尽美味,满足你对甜品的任何需求。 www.elanso.com 7. The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish. 软豆腐的质地跟果冻相似,随后软豆腐在甜品中做得最好的。 www.bing.com 8. The first performance ended just as we finished dessert, and I excused myself and went to talk to the theater manager. 第一个节目结束时,我们刚好吃完甜食,我找了个借口过去与戏院经理搭话。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. It was such a delicious dessert that I decided to order another portion. 这种甜食美味可口,我决定再叫一份。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. Or if your going out with a group of friends , suggest that you hit a night-spot with a dance floor and dance off the dessert ! 或者如果你和一群朋友出去,建议你可以去可跳舞的地方,尽情跳舞! www.bing.com 1. One of our food editors explains how she overcame her banana aversion and went on to create this rich, luxurious dessert. 《美食家》杂志的一位美食编辑,讲述了她是如何克服了对香蕉的反感,又是如何制作此款味浓的华丽甜点。 www.bing.com 2. You're committed to losing those excess pounds, but every time you go out with a certain friend, she tries to get you to order dessert. 你下定决心要减肥,可每次你和某位朋友出去吃饭,她总是试图让你点甜点。 www.233.com 3. Even more striking was the dessert, concocted out of the lurid and astringent juice of the sea-buckthorn berry. 更引人注目的是餐后甜点,由沙棘果调制出来的火红和涩味的果汁。 www.ecocn.org 4. A partner for a mall-walk, or to try a new yoga class, or a restaurant buddy, to enjoy a social meal, splitting entrees and a dessert. 一个去走路去商场的伙伴,或者去尝试新的瑜伽课,或者是去饭馆,去享受交际餐,主材和点心。 www.elanso.com 5. Introduction: When your mom is going to make a nice dessert, she usually gathers quite a few ingredients. 当你母亲准备做一份甜美的点心的时候,她通常会使用相当多的原料成分。 cclw.net 6. Joe: Hey! Check it out! Some nice juicy horses, with a few humans for dessert! 嗨!看看!几匹味美多汁的马,还有一些人类可以当甜点! www.anetcity.com 7. So for some, eating a dessert is no big deal. For me, though, it had become a 'bad habit' that was negatively affecting my life. 对一些人来说,吃甜食没什么大不了的,但对我确是一个有害身体健康的坏习惯。 www.elanso.com 8. I started to see all the time I wasted trying to 'just have a little dessert'. 我也开始思考我所有浪费在尽量“只吃一点点甜食”上的时间。 www.elanso.com 9. He said: 'Buying the dessert was a real boost for my morale. I was dumped earlier this year and felt this could be a decent pick-me-up. 买这块甜点真的可以鼓舞我的士气,今年年初我被甩了,我觉得这个真的是很好的提神的东西。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. The design also highlights the thick and creamy character of the product, which makes it a perfect dessert. 该设计还突出了产品,使它成为完美的甜点厚和奶油的性质。 bzxw.512121.com 1. Imagine how much easier a dessert party could be than a dinner party. 想象一下,准备一个宴席比准备一个点心派对容易多了。 www.elanso.com 2. A burger, fries, and a double fudge sundae for dessert is probably not the best recipe for a good night's sleep. 就晚上好的睡眠而言,夹心饼干、油炸食物和圣代并不是好的餐后甜点。 news.dxy.cn 3. We comped her dinner, and I sat with her through dessert while she told me about her kids. 我们包了她的晚饭,当她给我讲她孩子的时候,我坐在旁边和她分享甜点。 www.bing.com 4. Another Royal , Queen Elizabeth the II was also served custard tart as the dessert for her recent 80th birthday celebration . 在另外一位皇室成员——女王伊丽莎白二世80岁的寿宴上,蛋挞也被作为甜点款待宾客。 www.bing.com 5. One of Rizzolatti's graduate students decided to have an ice cream cone for dessert, which he ate in full view of the wired-up monkey. 一名Rizzolatti的研究生打算要一个冰淇淋蛋筒当甜点,且完全在猴子的注视下吃了下去。 www.bing.com 6. Dessert was forgotten until mom came out with the final surprise ? 甜食也忘掉了,直到妈妈从厨房里端来了今晚最后的大惊喜? www.jukuu.com 7. The resulting ice wine, bottled in a 375 ml bottle, makes for a delicious treat on its own or as an accompaniment to almost any dessert. 作为结果的冰酒装入375ml的瓶子中,自己用它作款待宾客的美味或者用作任何甜品的陪伴物。 www.bing.com 8. It is, though, as the New Yorker has it, a "frozen-dessert origin myth" . 不过《纽约客》称这个关于“冰冻甜点的起源”的说法完全是虚构的。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Gingerbread and whipped cream was Jem's favourite dessert. But tonight it had no charm to soothe his stormy soul. 姜饼和鲜奶油是杰姆最喜欢的甜点,但今晚它们却不足以平复他那澎湃的灵魂。 www.bing.com 10. But I finally did not say, and then put the dessert eat one. Heh ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 但我最终没有说出口,然后把甜品一一吃了。嘻~~~~`。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When most Americans think of yogurt, they think of those dessert-like concoctions with sugary fruit at the bottom. 大部份的美国人想到优格时,他们想到的是像甜点一般底下有糖份很高的水果混合饮料。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 2. She decided to FORgo dessert FOR a few days. 她决定几天不吃甜点心。 dict.ebigear.com 3. It is a slip-skin grape and the pronounced fruity flavor makes it a desirable dessert grape. 这是一个滑皮肤葡萄和水果的味道的突出使它成为理想的甜点葡萄。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A spoon intermediate in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon, used for eating dessert. 点心匙一种吃甜点用的调羹,其大小在大汤匙和茶匙之间 dict.ebigear.com 5. In Europe pumpkin is served mainly as a vegetable; in the U. S. and Canada pumpkin pie is a traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas dessert. 番瓜在欧洲主要用作蔬菜,番瓜馅饼在美国与加拿大则是感恩节和圣诞节的餐后甜点。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Skipping dessert and having an after-dinner coffee instead could also be good for your brain, as well as your waistline. 放弃餐后甜点,来一杯餐后咖啡,有益于你的脑子,也有助于控制你的腰围。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. It was a favorite dessert of George Washington, and records reveal that the president himself purchased a machine for making it. 冰淇淋是乔治·华盛顿总统最喜欢的甜点,根据记载,总统为了要制作冰淇淋,还亲自买了一部机器。 edu.21cn.com 8. Enjoy! As the season for berries is usually in the summer and fall, this snack or dessert really hits the spot. 由于浆果通常盛产于夏秋两季,而这样的点心或甜点在这两个季节里真是再恰当不过了! dipan.kekenet.com 9. Chloe was facing a different dilemma , for it was time for dessert, and though she had only one choice, she had more than one desire. 克洛艾面对的却是一个不同的难题。到吃甜点的时候了,尽管只能挑选一种。她却期望有更多的选择。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Scorpio: Why go out for a fancy dinner when you already have dessert waiting at home? Who knew that a Cupid costume could be so sexy? 天蝎座:与其在家坐等餐后甜点不如出去享受一次奇特的美味。谁能想到丘比特的衣服会如此性感呢? www.eol.cn 1. On Tesco's tiramisu dessert (printed on the bottom of box): Do not turn upside-down. 特意购提拉米苏甜点餐盒的背面印着:请勿倒置! www.bing.com 2. "I always wanted to do something you could take home at the end of the day, " she says, rejecting coffee and dessert. “我一直想做一些在一天工作结束时可以带回家东西的事。”她边说边谢绝了咖啡和甜点。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Dave: I thought of sticking the ring in her dessert. She always orders tiramisu, so I thought I'd ask the chef to hide the ring inside. 我想把戒指藏在她的甜点中,她总是点提拉米苏,所以我想我会请厨师把戒指藏在里面。 epaper.pchome.com.tw 4. Learn the authentic way of preparing Penang Assam Laksa &Nonya Dessert. Recipes can be used for setting up business. 学习道地正宗槟城阿参辣沙和娘惹甜品,食谱可创业用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It was greedy of you to take a second dessert when some people didn't get any. 有的人都没有甜点,你却吃了两份,你也太贪了吧。 wordnet.sparke.cn 6. Ice cream makers nationwide are using food chemistry to transform this favorite dessert into a funkier, high-tech, customizable indulgence. 全美的冰淇淋制造商正在运用食品化学把这种人见人爱的甜品变成一种时髦的,高科技的,可定制的美味。 www.fortunechina.com 7. This dish is not usually eaten as a dessert like other puddings but instead as part of the main course or at a starter. 这道菜通常不食用的甜点像其他糕点,而是作为主菜或首发。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Dessert has always been a fat girl taboo. 甜品一向是胖妹的大忌。 www.xiami360.com 9. Makes a beautiful dessert to serve company, or scoop it up and put it in an ice cream cone (as pictured). 做个美味甜点来招待客人吧,抑或把它放进冰淇淋蛋卷筒里,一个人慢慢的勺着吃,都是绝佳的选择。 www.bing.com 10. To get a sense of what is involved in pinning down the origin of even one dessert, consider Baba au rhum. 为了更明白如何弄清楚一种甜点的起源是什么,我们可以拿兰姆糕(Babaaurhum)作为例子。 dongxi.net 1. An Australian root - parasitic tree or shrub(Santalum acuminatum)bearing shiny red drupes with edible flesh used for jam or as a dessert. 红框档树一种澳大利亚的根寄生树或灌木(框档树),结有光亮的红色核果,其果肉可食用,用来作果酱或甜点 dict.ebigear.com 2. Here general expression small dessert does very is all good. 这里的广式小点心做的都很不错呢。 english.rednet.cn 3. She had as little concern about giving herself to a man as she has about the dessert which follows the meal. 对于把自己献给某个男人,贝西丝毫不感兴趣,正如她对于餐后甜点心不感兴趣一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When low-fat options are not available, leave a few fries on your plate or a few bites of your sandwich, and skip dessert. 如果没有低热量的食物可以选择,吃的时候就要剩点薯片或者三明治,不要点甜点。 bbs.tnbz.com 5. The more adventurous eaters should not miss the rich dessert soups, like the red bean puree with sweet glutinous-rice dumplings. 喜欢冒险的食客千万别错过丰富的甜品汤类、甜糯米饭、红豆泥饺子。 www.bing.com 6. No one orders a hot chocolate and expects it to be anything but a dessert-like beverage. 每个点热巧克力的人都会发现其实它就是一杯像甜品一样的饮料。 www.bing.com 7. The utility model can be used for roasting cakes, bread and dessert in families, baking meat strips, drying wetting food, etc. $本烤箱可用于家庭烤制蛋糕、面包、点心及烤鸡、肉串以及受潮食品的烘干复脆等。 ip.com 8. But think of these drinks, whether they're soft drinks, sweetened iced tea, or sugary fruit drinks, as a treat, like dessert. 考虑到这些饮料,不管是软饮料,是含糖冰茶还是甜水果汁,享受起来,就像甜点。 www.bing.com 9. Christmas dinner is usually a Roast Turkey with Christmas pudding and mince pies for dessert. 圣诞大餐通常是一只带有布丁的烤火鸡与肉末甜点。 www.ewstudy.com 10. Nevertheless, on his headstone were written a few nice words: "Here lies a sweet person who died in his favorite dessert. " 然而,他的墓碑上却写着一句有趣的话——这里躺着的是一个吃着最爱吃的甜食食物的爱吃甜食的人。 www.24en.com 1. A dessert is added on festival days and national holidays like Independence Day, and also once a week. 每周供应一次甜点,节庆与独立纪念日等国定假日还有额外的甜点可吃。 www.taipeitimes.com 2. Cheesecake is a dessert formed of a topping made with soft, fresh cheese upon a base make from biscuit, pastry or sponge. 乳酪蛋糕是一种甜点,上层由新鲜松软的乳酪制作而成,下层可以饼干,酥皮或海绵蛋糕为底。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. They are like a dessert to me, eaten cold and slowly and with my eyes closed. 它们就像一道甜点,冰冰凉含在嘴里,闭上眼睛慢慢享用。 www.bing.com 4. 'One strategy might be to split your main meal into two, and save dessert for a mid-meal snack. ' 一个办法可能是把你的正餐分成两份,把甜点放在餐中进食。 www.bing.com 5. An apple is also delicious. Apples can be cooked in many ways, used as a dessert , and made into sweet juice. 苹果也很好吃。它有很多种煮法,作为甜点,或者榨成甜果汁 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Alan: I'm sorry there's no dessert. I tried to make a cake, but I messed it up. 艾伦:抱歉,没有甜点。我想做一个蛋糕的,但是搞砸了。 blog.onlycollege.com.cn 7. the members of the exploration team felt dizzy and exhausted when they were even less than two kilometers into the dessert. 探险队员们在沙漠中还没走出二公里,就感到头昏眼花筋疲力尽了。 www.rainlane.com 8. At a potluck, everyone brings a dish to share. It might be a main dish, salad or dessert. 在这种聚餐中,大家会各自带着菜肴来共享,无论是主菜、色拉或甜点都行。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 9. I was looking forward to having cheese cake for dessert, but they were fresh out of it. 我希望能有奶酪蛋糕做点心,但他们全卖完了。 www.englishtide.com 10. Are there any other sweet wines that I could try beside dessert wines? 除了餐后甜酒之外,是否还有其它的甜葡萄酒? c.wsj.com 1. Overripe, very dark bananas make for flavorful banana bread. Instead of throwing them out, bake them into a great dessert. 熟透发黑的香蕉可以做成香气浓郁的香蕉面包,把它们做成美味的甜品,不要扔掉。 www.bing.com 2. And yet I can't help feeling like I have eaten the most delicious two-course meal ever, but am still a little bit hungry for dessert. 不过我还是忍不住有种感觉,就像已经吃了两道美味大菜,但还是有点儿饿,想来份甜点。 chinese.wsj.com 3. After dessert, people lounged on the couches for a while, then pulled on their clothes in the entryway. 甜点过后,大家在长椅上“摊”了一会儿,开始到门前穿上衣服。 www.bing.com 4. Eat Dessert: A small amount can signal that the meal is over. A piece of high-quality chocolate is a good choice. 吃点儿甜食:只是一点点的量,不要吃饭。一小块儿高热量的巧克力就是个不错的选择。 www.bing.com 5. Sample an unfamiliar but tantalizing tropical fruit for a snack or dessert, or relax with a specialty tea? 来一些不常见的却很诱人的热带水果作为小吃或甜点,要么来杯特色茶? treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. The little girl stared at the pineapple dessert on the table , she really wanted to eat it. 小女孩盯着桌上的菠萝甜点,她很想吃。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Dessert is very easy to generate well-being of the food, the highest score in major cities often taste dessert. 甜点是很容易让人产生幸福感的食物,各大城市口味分数最高的往往是甜品店。 www.kle100.cn 8. ' But as he leaves he urges me to stay and finish dessert. 但他离开时,还是建议我留下来吃完甜点。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "It's the only world organisation we've got, " he says as a formidable dessert of summer pudding arrives. “这是我们拥有的惟一世界组织,”在一道令人赞叹的夏日布丁甜点上桌的时候,他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I eat dessert but just a few bites, slowly. 我吃甜点,但之细嚼那么一点。 www.bing.com 1. It is good to be back in civilization after two weeks in a dessert island. 在荒岛生活了两周后又回到人类文明的生活可真好啊! blog.sina.com.cn 2. If you still feel like eating dessert when you return, then you can do so knowing that at least you've had some good exercise! 如果你还喜欢吃甜点,当你回国然后你可以这样做,至少您知道有一些好的运动! actuafreearticles.com 3. Alexandra. I invited her to come by for dessert. 我邀请她来吃甜点。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You'll be urged to have snacks in the midmorning and midafternoon, whether you need to or not. You'll have dessert after dinner. 在这个食谱中,不管你想还是不想,都要求你在上午和下午各吃少量的零食。 www.tianya.cn 5. Tiramisu, a dessert in Italy, such a popular dessert since the mid-1980s. 提拉米苏,为意大利的一种甜点,这一种甜点自1980年代中期走红。 blog.163.com 6. "I may order merger arbitrage for dessert but I don't want it for my meal, " insists one pension-fund manager. “我会点合并套利作为餐后甜点,但不会把它当做正餐,”一位养老基金经理坚持认为。 www.ecocn.org 7. Last night, a man struggled to get here on a cumbersome pair of crutches just to eat our dessert. 昨天晚上,一个男人拄着笨重的双拐艰难的来到我们饭店,就为吃一顿这里的甜食。 www.ebigear.com 8. Now listen closely, and I'll give you all the ingredients you'll need for this mouth-watering dessert. 现在请听好,我就要把这个令人垂涎三尺的甜点材料告诉大家。 mysearch.100e.com 9. I was looking forward toshavingscheese cake for dessert, but they were fresh out of it. 我正期待能有干酪蛋糕做点心,但他们全卖完了。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. And for dessert, if you're still able to eat, there's a praline, a sweet Mexican candy made from pecans and sugar. 如果你还吃得下的话,还有甜点心胡桃糖(用美洲山胡桃和糖作成的一种墨西哥糖)。 tr.bab.la 1. And for dessert, if you're still able to eat, there's a praline, a sweet Mexican candy made from pecans and sugar. 如果你还吃得下的话,还有甜点心胡桃糖(用美洲山胡桃和糖作成的一种墨西哥糖)。 tr.bab.la 2. Put the dinner and salad forks on the left and the dessert fork above the plate, like this. 把餐碟和莎拉叉放在左边,甜点叉放在盘子上,像这样。 www.remword.cn 3. I almost never eat dessert, or drink alcohol, or eat red meat, or eat cheese. . . but for September, I'm giving up Tasti D-Lite, as well. 我几乎从不会吃甜点、和酒或吃”深色肉“,也不吃奶酪…但是九月份,我把TastiD-Lite也戒除了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Mary passed up the dessert because she was on a diet. 玛丽没吃甜食,因为她在节食。 other.mblogger.cn 5. Think about any time that you've ordered dessert (or not ordered it! ) just because everyone else at the table was doing so. 回想一下任何一次你点甜点时的情形(或者没有点)仅仅是因为餐桌前其他每一个人都点了。 www.bing.com 6. The meal would consist of several courses including a soup or salad, an appetizer, the main dish, and a dessert. 一顿饭可能包括几道菜品,比如汤或沙拉、开胃品、主菜和甜点。 www.kekenet.com 7. Several weeks later I received a note of apology --- and a coupon for a free dessert. 几个星期以后,我收到一封道歉信和一张免费甜食优待券。 www.6sigma.cc 8. She said I hafta bring dessert to party. I think I'll make cupcakes! 她说我一定要带甜点去参加派对,我想做杯子蛋糕。 www.bing.com 9. This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries, sour cream, cream cheese and whipped cream on a sweet bread baked like a pizza. 这个可当作餐后甜点的草莓比萨是在一个像比萨的甜面包上,铺上草莓、酸奶油、奶油起士及生奶油后烘烤而成; www.24en.com 10. Earlier it was rumor that famous singer Sun Nan 's wife Pan Yu was pregnant, and then photographed Pan Yu knocked out to eat dessert photo. 早前一直有传闻著名歌手孙楠的妻子潘蔚已怀孕,接着又有记者拍到潘蔚大肚出门吃甜品的照片。 www.bing.com 1. I thought at least, your father's lawyer might join us for dessert. 我想至少你爸的律师可能会和我们一起共进甜点 www.ebigear.com 2. And how could I ever be so heartless as to not allow my child dessert until she had eaten something healthy first? 我怎么可能如此铁石心肠,不允许我的孩子吃甜食,除非她先吃一些健康的食品? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The beginning of the game quickly remember the location of the same dessert. 游戏开始的时候赶快记住相同点心的位置。 4455.cc 4. ostracize ( "Go to your room! " ), deprive ( "No dessert for you! " ), and induce vicarious distress ( "Look at the pain you've caused! " ). 剥夺他们的权利(“饭后不准吃甜点了!”),还有诱导痛苦转移至孩子身上(“看看这些伤,都是你害的!”) select.yeeyan.org 5. Today, high-end meal colors all over the world can supply the official dessert, but not for Italian-style meal officer tertiary America. 今日,世界各地的各色高档餐官都可以供应此甜点,而不为意式餐官所专美。 blog.163.com 6. It is still important to make good menu choices, but sharing might make dessert (or something else indulgent) more of an option. 良好的菜单选择仍然是很重要的,但分享的同时可能会使甜点有更多的选择。 www.bing.com 7. Over dessert (if top New York lawyers eat such a thing, which I doubt), you should obliquely refer to the cheating incident. 吃甜点的时候(如果说纽约的高级律师们吃这类东西的话——我对此表示怀疑),你可以委婉地点出他当年考试作弊那档子事。 www.ftchinese.com 8. This is lightly beaten cream, which is usually specified for such desserts as Bavarian cream, and for dessert sauces. 奶油霜是轻度打发的奶油,常用于一些特定的甜点中,例如巴伐利亚布丁(BavarianCream)和一些甜品酱汁中。 www.bing.com 9. As the traditional Chinese food, As the traditional Chinese food, Chinese dessert still adhere to traditional packaging of packaging design. 而作为中国的传统食物,中式点心的包装却依旧坚持传统的包装设计。 www.fabiao.net 10. "Breast milk is supposed to be an entire meal, dessert and drinks included, " Ms. Remy-Marquez said. “母乳当作了一日三餐,也包括了甜食和饮料,”Remy-Marquez女士说。 www.bing.com 1. Mincemeat, a popular British dessert, originated as a way of preserving both fruit and meat. 甜馅;英国非常流行的甜点,当时是因为储存水果和肉类食品才得以发明。 www.english88.com 2. Waiter: Oh, my god. I wish I could think of something for you. Well, you'd better have the soup and some dessert. 侍者:噢,我的天哪。我希望能为您想出点可吃的东西。呃,您最好来一个汤和一些点心。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Gaby: If this is about juanita and the dessert cart, I told you not to leave it unattended. 加比:如果是因为胡安妮塔又吃光了甜点,那不怪我,让你看好了的。 show.kekenet.com 4. Lastly, there are two or four kinds of dim sum for dessert, then fresh fruit and a cup of hot tea to conclude the dinner. 最后,上两至四道甜食,最后有新鲜的水果和一杯热茶来结束晚宴。 dec3.jlu.edu.cn 5. The dessert is thought to have five times the levels of B vitamins than ice cream containing cow's milk, which are vital for healthy growth. 据称,驼奶制作的甜品中维他命B的含量是牛奶冰激凌的5倍,而维他命B对人的健康至关重要。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 6. She drinks peach blossom brandy and eats a dessert, the green silk without restraint floats in the sky. 她喝一口桃花酒,吃一口点心,青丝肆意飞扬。 www.csqsng.com 7. Good hosts won't ask for much, but they might ask for you to bring some dessert or some wine. 好的主人是不会有很多的请求,但是他们也可能请你带些点心及美酒。 www.24en.com 8. Shentang RD, an old street in Hangzhou, which will be a dessert-oriented business street in the blueprint of municipal layout. 沈塘桥路是杭州的一条老街道,在市政规划的蓝图中,它将被改造成一条以甜品店为主打的商业街。 event.mosh.cn 9. Thank you for the dinner! How about I treat you to dessert? 谢谢你的晚餐!我请你吃餐后甜点如何? www.ef.com.cn 10. The meal typically ends with a light dessert. Strawberry and green tea mousse may be on the menu. 整道怀石料理以一道餐后甜点结束,菜单上常常可见有草莓绿茶奶油。 www.360abc.net 1. Leisure hours between meals taste a little dessert appropriate, eliminate fatigue, adjust the mood, reducing stress. 在两餐之间的休闲时段适当品尝一点甜品,可以消除疲劳,调整心情,减轻压力。 www.xiami360.com 2. Until the last bowl dessert, the guests realize that they are only to be invited. 直到最后一道甜点端上来时,客人们才意识到自己为何被邀请。 enwaimao.cn 3. She called me ca-coo and for dessert served Viennese crescent cookies from the best bakery in New York. 这个时候她依然叫我“卡酷”,还准备了纽约最好的面包店做的维也纳式新月形饼干。 www.bing.com 4. The meals are mainly made by restaurants. They contain cold and hot dishes, soup mix and dessert, and can be served after being heated. 这些套餐大多由饭店制作,配有凉菜、热菜、汤料、甜点等,只需加热即可食用。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. The name of this cream originates from Zabaja, a sweet dessert popular in the Illyria region. 这个乳脂的名字源于扎巴亚,是一种广受伊利里亚地区人们喜爱的甜点。 www.ryedu.net 6. Desserts: learning how to express your decision, to order dessert and to ask for the bill. 学习如何说出自己的决定、如何订甜点以及如何索取票据。 www.86073.com 7. A set meal includes meat, potatoes, vegetables, and sometimes bread, dessert, and a drink. 一份套餐包括肉、土豆、蔬菜,有时会有面包、甜点和饮料。 zhongpingrong3.blog.163.com 8. Dessert? Well, there were no ovens for baking, so they would have had grapes or plums. 甜点呢?好的,那时没有用于烘烤的炉子,所以他们会吃葡萄或李子。 www.yappr.cn 9. Culinary borders are delightfully trampled by the sushi11 bar, and a dessert of green tea ice cream will set you right. 寿司吧令人欢喜地跨越料理的界限,然后一客绿茶冰淇淋甜点让你心满意足。 www.fzfanyi.com 10. Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket, especially when you let them select their favorite cereal or special dessert. 小一些的孩子通常喜欢去超市,尤其是当你让他们选择他们喜欢的麦片或特别的点心时。 www.bing.com 1. Fall is here, and I can't wait to sit around a campfire, roasting dinner and dessert with family and friends. 秋天就在这里,我迫不及待地想和我的家人朋友们一起坐在篝火旁享用烧烤大餐还有甜点。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Winter is the season to curl up with a loved one and share a delicious dessert over an immersing conversation. 冬天是和另一半窝在一起,一边共享美味甜点、一边聊聊心里话的最佳季节。 udn.com 3. I firmly believe that there is no more perfect dessert than banana pudding. 本人坚信香蕉布丁是最完美的甜品。 www.bing.com 4. My own MOTHER, who despises anything coconut, had two helpings for dessert and took some home! ! 我妈妈对任何跟椰子挂钩的食品都嗤之以鼻,却吃了两份,还打包了一些带回了家! www.bing.com 5. Ok. The last piece is for your dessert. We're having dinner soon. 好,这是最后一块点心啰。我们等下就吃晚餐了。 www.ebigear.com 6. E: I don't want to see meatballs with smiling faces on my dinner plate. I'll skip the main dish. Just give me some dessert. 我可不想看到带着笑脸的肉丸子出现在我的餐盘上。我不吃主食了,给我来个甜品吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Numerous dessert and cake recipes direct that butter and sugar be creamed together; this may be accomplished either by machine or by hand. 许多做甜点和蛋糕的食谱里都写明了要将黄油和糖一同打发,电动或手工打发都可以。 www.bing.com 8. I might want to watch how much dessert I have at the lunch break for example. 例如我也许想看到午饭的时候吃多少甜点。 www.ted.com 9. The next time you finish your main course, ask for the wine list instead of the dessert menu. 一次,吃完主菜之后,你不妨撇开甜点餐牌,叫服务生把酒单拿来看看。 c.wsj.com 10. If you want to start off with sushi, then have wonton noodles, and finish with a French dessert, we cannot say 'no. ' 如果你想先吃点儿寿司,然后吃馄饨面,最后再来道法式甜点,我们不能说“没有”。 chinese.wsj.com 1. I removed carbs from my diet, but I still have one cheat night on the weekend where I will allow myself to have pasta or a dessert. 我去掉了我饮食中的碳水化合物,但我每周末还是会有一天允许自己吃意面或者电信。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Anna: I can't wait to check out the dessert menu, the cheese cakes here are supposed to be great. 安娜:我迫急不及待要看看甜品菜单,这里的起司蛋糕好棒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It'll taste like a dessert, but you'll be getting a good portion of fruit and 100% satisfaction all rolled into one wonderful package. 它吃起来味道就像甜点,但那水果的味道会因如此奇妙的融合而让你满意100。 www.bing.com 4. Daniel: Hi, sis, I saw you bought some chocolate cakes. I have done with the main course. It's about time for some dessert. 丹尼尔:嗨,姐姐。我看你刚买了一些巧克力蛋糕。我已经吃完主食了,现在是甜点时间。 rrting.com 5. Dessert is always served after the main course in the West. 在西方,甜食总是在主菜后上桌。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 6. In this delicious dessert, the tea smelling mild bitterness brings out the sweetness of the strawberries. 这道甜点闻起来有些许的苦味,入口后却是香甜可口的草莓。 www.360abc.net 7. Usually, any cutlery (knives, forks, spoons ) above your plate is for your dessert. 一般情况下,在你碟上方的所有餐具(刀、叉、匙)都是为甜品而设的。 edu.163.com 8. They're full of fiber, so you'll feel satisfied and less tempted to overeat or reach for a calorie-laden dessert. 吃这些富含纤维素的蔬菜,你会有饱胀感,抵御过量饮食或高热量甜食的诱惑。 www.vo2max.com.cn 9. Katharine was lying helplessly in the cave of the dessert, without enough water and food to live on. 凯瑟琳无助的躺在沙漠的山洞里,没有足够的水和食物供她存活。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Films combined with the music always can move the audience. It looks like combing the dessert and black tea which is so delicious to you. 电影与音乐结合,总是让人浮想联翩,果然就像是一道“美味的甜点 香浓的咖啡”,回味无穷。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. There's even that popular restaurant dessert known as "Death by Chocolate. " 甚至还有人气餐厅的甜点称为“死亡的巧克力。” www.bing.com 2. Because this dessert has no butter or milk, it is low in fat. 因为这甜点不含黄油或牛奶,所以它脂肪含量很低。 3. Watermelon is a favorite dessert, followed very often by baseball for the young and active, and naps for the old and weary. 西瓜是任命特别喜欢的餐后甜点,接着通常是年轻人玩棒球,你年老的人小睡一下。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. One thing Buffett wasn't about to say no to was dessert. 有一件事巴菲特不会说“不”,那就是甜品。 www.bing.com 5. fruit dessert made of oranges and bananas with shredded coconut. 水果甜点,由橘子、香蕉和切碎的椰子组成。 www.jukuu.com 6. Les 5 Sens offers a lunch menu, allowing you to choose one entree and a dessert for RMB38. 乐尚的中午菜单中任选一款主菜和甜点只需要38元。 www.xici.net 7. Don't feel guilty about treating yourself to a nice drink, dessert, chocolate or sweets, but watch your portions. 别为自己喝了佳酿,吃了点心、巧克力或是糖果而感到内疚,只要注意食量就可以。 www.yuloo.com 8. For men who wanted to keep up with their oestrogen-boosted wives, refusing dessert would be a good place to start. 对那些想要跟上自己雌性激素飙升的妻子的男人来说,戒吃甜品会是一个不错的开头。 www.bing.com 9. this can be poured as a sauce over cakes, fruits etc. Alternatively it can be eaten as a dessert on its own, often. 这种东西可以作为淋在蛋糕或者水果等等东西上的酱汁。通常,也可以直接作为一种甜品享用。 www.bettyskitchen.com.cn 10. The head store produces the manufacture birthday cake, the bread, the wedding cake, each kind of dessert. 本店生产制作生日蛋糕、面包、婚庆蛋糕、各种点心。 www.19zhan.com 1. Waiter: My pleasure, sir. I'm sure the chef will be very pleased to hear that. Would you like to order dessert? 不客气,先生。主厨听到一定会很高兴的。你想点一些甜品吗? edu.sina.com.cn 2. With a little help from a square springform pan, you too can have an Apple apple pie for dessert! 在一个正方形烤盘的帮助下,你也可以做一个苹果牌苹果派当甜点!! bbs.weiphone.com 3. Dark brown potter has generally smell dry fruit, is fit to be a dessert wine. 茶色波特一般有着好闻的干果香,适合于做餐后甜点酒。 www.9999jiu.com 4. eating two servings of a fabulous dessert at a literary club luncheon. 吃两次即可一个美味甜点在文学俱乐部举行的午餐。 www.00105.net 5. Marriage is a meal where the soup should be better than the dessert. 汤比甜点心更佳的一顿饭。 www.hotdic.com 6. Add in the frozen dessert products available , improving fusion layer , increase fragrance absence of melting performance . 在冷冻甜食制品中添加可提供热聚变保护层,改进香味逸散,提高熔点的性能。 www.bing.com 7. Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. 改变平常去杂货店的路线,用你的另一只手去开门,用餐时先吃甜点。 www.bing.com 8. This delicious dessert is served warm - an ideal end to a meal during the cold winter months. 这是一道美味的热点,寒冬季节,为整餐带来温暖而甜蜜的结尾。 www.simplythai-sh.com 9. As for yogurt as a dessert, you can find lowfat, sugar-free versions in the dairy section of the supermarket. 至于把优格当作甜点,你可以在超市的奶制品区找到低脂无糖的产品。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. A flavor so familiar, so uncomplicated its utter simplicity renders itself as a frozen dessert to luxuriate. 这是一种熟悉的、纯粹的味道……这种单纯的味道使其成为一种享受。 blog.163.com 1. Thank you for the tea and dessert, Nancy. We really must be going. 南希,谢谢你邀请我来喝茶、吃点心。我们得走了。 www.tingclass.net 2. Those who order the dessert get to keep the jewel, but as of now, no one has forked out the money. 点这道甜品的顾客在享用完甜品之后还可以把这颗宝石带回家,不过目前为止还没有人来品尝。 home.xdf.cn 3. The final dessert course, the occasion of the pumpkin pie, pecan pie can be prepared, or apple pie. 最后的甜点当然有应景的南瓜派,也可以准备核桃派或苹果派。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Waiter : Maybe you'd like to try today's special--roast beef, which includes appetizer, soup, salad, choice of dessert, and tea or coffee. 侍应生:也许您会想尝尝今天的特餐--烤牛肉,附有餐前开胃饮料、汤、沙拉,并可任选甜点、茶或咖啡。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 5. We had a great meal. To top it off, the dessert is excellent. 我们吃了一顿好吃的饭,而且饭后甜点也很好。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Do something you enjoy like going to your favorite restaurant or eating a delectable dessert. 做一些比如去你最喜欢的餐馆或是去吃美味的西点等自己喜欢的事请。 www.bing.com 7. I still can't figure out why office workers' gathering to enjoy afternoon dessert is so synonymous with awkward chats. 我仍然想不明白,为何公司同事聚在一起享受午后甜点会和尴尬的闲谈对等起来。 blog.139life.com 8. In addition to fresh persimmons , made more dry persimmon, also known as persimmon peach, can be used as dessert filling. 柿子除鲜食外,多干制成柿饼,亦称柿桃,可用作点心馅。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A slim long spoon Noodles fairy big ears is quite narrow, shallow curvature, the most suitable and ice cream dessert . 瘦瘦长长的大耳精灵匙面比较窄、弯度浅,最适合吃甜点和冰淇淋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The heat of summer, I believe that good sister told Ann also likes to eat sweet, cool dessert! 酷热的夏天,相信良多妹妹都跟安安同样喜欢吃甜甜,凉凉的甜品喽! www.xuejiewang.com 1. Orders arrive briskly and three courses (including dessert) can be served within an hour. 港岛厅上菜的速度相当快,三道主菜(包括饭后甜点)可以在一个小时之内上齐。 c.wsj.com 2. If you've ever wanted to try an edible brick of gold, this dessert is definitely for you. 如果你想尝尝金块是什么味道,这款黄金蛋糕就能满足你的要求。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Well, here's a bowl. You and Paul can pick some strawberries from the garden. Then we can have some fruit for dessert. 好,这里有一个碗,你可以和保罗一起到院子里摘草莓,然后我们就可以吃点水果当做餐后甜点。 www.bing.com 4. The dessert was crying out for me to eat it. 甜点好像巴不得我把它吃掉一样。 studioclassroom.net 5. But it also means that most cat lovers don't have to worry about Simon snatching their unattended dessert. 不过,爱猫人士也不用担心家里的小猫觊觎人们的餐后甜点了。 www.elanso.com 6. use it for your dessert no one will say anything. 但如果你用它来吃甜品的话也没有人会说什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I warn you, this dessert is only for the strongest of stomachs . 我可要警告你,这种甜点只是为有钢铁肠胃的人而设计的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. When you see two spoons, the big one is for the soup and the small one for the dessert. 如果你看到两个汤匙,大的那个是喝汤用的,小的那个是吃甜点用的。 www.soenglish.com.cn 9. When you see two spoons, the big one id for the soup and the small one for the dessert. 你能看到两个勺子,大的是为了盛汤,小的为了甜点。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Soup Tremella Sydney medlar dessert, and those in the early heart exchange several homely dishes. 煲了银耳雪梨枸杞糖水,还有那些早在心里掂对好的几个家常小菜。 www.bing.com 1. Invite your honey and treat him to a dessert dish. 邀请你的恋人,为他做一份餐后甜点。 www.kekenet.com 2. l'd like to see a dessert menu, please. 请给我看看甜点菜单 www.tingroom.com 3. Thailand travel, Ayutthaya, Traditional market, Thailand Dessert. 泰国旅游,大城府,传统市场。 kakanow.com 4. For dessert, enjoy a unique twist on a traditional dish. Caramelized lychee sauce accompanies the sticky rice in lotus root. 我也建议尝试他们的甜点,特别是他们创新性的莲藕糯米,它搭配着一种焦糖状的荔枝酱。 www.suluku.com 5. When you see two spoons, the big one for the soup and the small one for the dessert. 当你看到两个勺子,一个大的汤和小的甜点之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. No dessert for you unless you eat all of your vegetables. 如果你不吃蔬菜,就没有甜点。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Have the skills to create an attractive dessert menu for a branded coffee shop operation. 有为品牌咖啡店的营运提供诱人的甜点菜单的技能。 www.ttjd365.com 8. First they fucked up the soup, then they fucked up the main course and the dessert. 他们先后把汤,主菜和甜点都弄坏了。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Served with some fruit and a small piece of chocolate, and it's a complete dessert for under 200 calories. 再加点水果和巧克力,就是一顿低于200卡路里的美满的餐后甜点。 www.elanso.com 10. How about impressing your family and friends with a dessert that they have never tasted before? 为何不和你的家人朋友一起品尝一下从来没有过的美味呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Waiter: Oh my god. I wish I could think of something for you. Well you had guesser h audio-videoe the soup pluslsome dessert. 侍者:噢,我的天哪。我盼愿能为您想出点可吃的东西。呃,您最好来一个汤和一些点心。 gou8.520aomen.com 2. e. g. New cities grow up in the dessert. 新的城市在沙漠中崛起。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. So Ms. Curt volunteered for extra projects that went beyond her job description, including choosing wine and dessert pairings at events. 于是,柯特主动要求从事一些工作职责以外的其他工作,包括挑选宴会用的葡萄酒和搭配甜点。 chinese.wsj.com 4. After we all had finished dessert, I got down on one knee, pulled out my great grandmother's ring and proposed. 我们吃完了甜点,我单膝跪下来,拿出曾祖母留下的戒指向她求婚。 www.bucter.com 5. Can be drunk as an aperitif, during a meal or with fruit style dessert. 此酒适宜做开胃酒、餐中酒或者配水果味甜点。 www.docin.com 6. Nissin Retort Pouch Cha Cha Dessert, which contains a Yili milk product, was recalled by Nissin Foods after testing positive for melamine. 日清食品在日清美味宝喳咋甜食,含伊利牛奶,被查出含三聚氰胺后,召回其产品。 bbs.chaoshanren.com 7. It might be a main dish, salad or dessert. 它可以带主食,色拉或甜品等。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It can be easier to change your habits if you know you can still have your favorite dessert or snack once in awhile. 如果你知道你仍有机会吃一下你最喜欢的点心或零食这更容易改变你的习惯。 www.bing.com 9. This dessert is not bad, but a little heavy. 这种甜点心还不错,就是有点腻。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But some readers may be uncomfortable with the way he equates saying yes to dessert or skipping the gym with substance abuse. 至于甜品和器材健身被他视为滥用物质的行为,这一点,或许会令一些读者不那么舒服。 dongxi.net 1. 'People would always ask me if I could bring the dessert if I was going somewhere for dinner, ' she says. “如果我要是去哪里吃晚餐,人们总是会问我是不是要带甜品来,”她说。 c.wsj.com 2. Ginger Milk ? The coagulant milk with ginger juice is a famous traditional dessert with fresh milk and ginger as main raw material . 姜撞奶是以新鲜牛奶和现榨姜汁为主要原料而制成的一种传统名优小吃。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Dessert, such as the standard baklava or galactobourico (custard pudding with cinnamon pastry) or butter cookies, rounds out a meal. 甜点,比如标准巴克拉娃脆香或galactobourico(奶油布丁和肉桂糕点)或奶油饼干,都是不错的一顿。 www.ebigear.com 4. Lily: When you two are done hiding up here, I'm taking you both out for dessert. 等你们俩在这儿藏够了,我就去带你们吃甜点。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I see. Then, I'll have mashed potatoes and green beans. . . and I'll have blueberry pie for dessert. 我知道,那么我要马铃薯和青豆,甜点我要越橘派。 www.tingroom.com 6. That's right. And most importantly, I always make sure to save plenty of room for dessert! 没错,而且最重要的是,我永远会预留一点肚子给甜点。 www.cc.ntut.edu.tw 7. Is the ice cream dessert out of the question? 是不是绝对不能拿冰淇淋当甜品了? www.e-say.com.cn 8. The precipitation and its variance in the Mid-west river basin dessert region was lowest and in status of stead drought. 中西部盆地沙漠区降水量和降水量方差均最小,处于稳定的干旱状态; zgnyqx.ieda.org.cn 9. Sometimes a cooked egg yolk can be found in the middle of the rich tasting dessert. 有时在美味的甜料里还有熟蛋黄。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mila and Oa sometimes boil fresh mango and bananas in whole coconut milk as a a lovely breakfast or dessert. Mila和oa有时用完全的椰奶来煮沸新鲜芒果和香蕉当一顿可爱的早餐或甜食。 tisheng.org 1. When we arrived at the dessert shop, it was windy and the three of us sat at a table out in the open. 那时风很大,我们三个人就坐在一张露天桌子旁,刚吃到一半,忽然听到哔! sm2000.org 2. Freshly gilled and roasted meats sliced at your table accompanied by a fantastic salad and dessert bar. 在您的餐桌边切片后现场烤制的烤肉,还有美妙无比的色拉和甜品巴。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A rich, fruity, exotic dessert made from natural fruit and nut combined with nutritious and high quality dairy ingredients. 这是一种充满水果味以及异国情调的甜点:天然的水果和果仁,加上营养的优质乳制品调和而成。 detail.china.alibaba.com 4. So, you know what? I am gonna go get dessert. 这样吧,我去拿点甜点。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Also, you could see Gold Oscar statues everywhere, even in the dessert plates. 你也可以在任何地方,甚至是餐点盘子里看到奥斯卡小金人。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. American researchers concluded that human cravings for the dessert were similar to those experienced by drug addicts. 美国研究人员总结说人类对甜点的欲望和瘾君子对毒品的欲望很像。 www.bing.com 7. The child finished the dessert and then licked the plate. 孩子吃完了甜点后把盘子舔得干干净净。 www.tingroom.com 8. As temperatures increase , Dallas will become a desert and Baked Alaska more than a dessert . 随着温度的升高,达拉斯将变成沙漠而被烤焦的阿拉斯加比沙漠还厉害。 www.bing.com 9. Ask if your guest wants his coffee with dessert or after. Same with an after-dinner drink. 询问顾客咖啡和甜点同时上还是甜点后上。同理,餐后饮品也是如此。 www.91fane.com 10. Thailand travel, Ayutthaya, Traditional market, Thailand Dessert. Photo by KaKa. 传统市场,大城府,泰国旅游,泰国甜品。 kakanow.com 1. You could fill up just on the spread alone, but save room for dessert. 到此,这些佳肴很可能已经让你肠饱胃满了,但记着要给甜点留点肚子哦。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Then, over dessert, casually slip into the conversation the poison that their secret client wanted them to spread. 然后在吃甜点时,不经意地把话题转到他们的客户想要传播的谣言上。 www.ecocn.org 3. The softly lit, Art Deco-inspired interiors make the 1934 building a great place for a nightcap or decadent dessert. 光线柔和、装饰派艺术风格的内部设计让这座建成于1934年的大厦成为享用睡前酒和极致美味甜点的好去处。 c.wsj.com 4. Would I blow everyone's mind if I ate dessert first? 我先吃甜点,大家有没有意见? blog.hjenglish.com 5. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 这士兵决定放弃他的甜点在沙漠里。 bbs.tingroom.com 6. ''Come, have dessert, '' Pachauri entreats paternally. 帕乔里父亲般地说:“来,吃点甜点。” www.ftchinese.com 7. When it was time for dessert, she turned off the lights. 在吃甜点的时候,她关了灯。 www.tingroom.com 8. The Christmas dinner, which is similar to the Thanksgiving feast, is traditionally distinguished by a plum-pudding dessert. 圣诞节家宴和感恩节的宴席差不多,但最传统的特色就是要有葡萄干布丁甜食。 bbs.edu-edu.com.cn 9. Mr. Jones: What a funny name! I guess those little bits of pork are the ants. So what do Chinese people eat for dessert? 名字真有趣!我猜这些小肉丁就是蚂蚁。那么中国人的甜点是什么呢? www.hxen.com 10. In planning a big meal they try to include a meat, a few vegetables, some bread or pasta and often a dessert. 在计划一顿大餐时,他们会试着加入肉,几样蔬菜,一些面包或面食,而且通常有甜点。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. If you really want something else in terms of dessert , why not have a spoon of ice-cream with your fruit? 如果你真想要在甜品方面弄点别的花样,为什么不在你的水果上放上一勺冰淇淋呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. semisweet golden-colored table or dessert wine from around Bordeaux in France; similar wine from California. 产自法国波尔多地区的微甜的金黄色的进餐酒或甜酒;加利福尼亚的类似的酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Palace records show the dessert was a favorite at palace dinner parties. 王宫记录载明:冰淇淋是当时宫廷晚宴中最受欢迎的甜点。 www.24en.com 4. Since the 1920's, consumers are trending toward higher quality dessert apples. 二十世纪二十年代以来消费者都爱好高质量的生食苹果。 5. this sweet sparkling wines competes with all dessert wines , both sparkling and still. 这甜汽酒可同所有的餐酒和甜酒相媲美。 www.ichacha.net 6. spoon the yogurt mixture into four dessert dishes. top with berries. sprinkle with the crumbled cookies. 将酸奶混合物倒入四个甜点的盘子里。在顶部的浆果上洒上的碎饼干。 wgcate.wwwwang.com 7. Antecedents: Being Italian; nearly drowning in a vat of frozen dairy dessert. 前情:意大利人;差点儿溺死在盛满凝固甜点的缸里。 www.bing.com 8. The dessert menu at Mr. & Mrs. Bund in Shanghai says 'Lemon & Lemon Tart, ' but it isn't a typical lemon tart. 上海Mr.&;Mrs.Bund餐厅的甜品单上有一道“柠檬挞”,但却跟一般的柠檬挞大相径庭。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert. 对你来说和女友约会够给时间叫甜品就已经算关系持久了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Of course, adding a dessert and a cup of tea or coffee is also another good choice. 味色具佳,最好加上一道甜点,以及茶式咖啡。 www.elanso.com |
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