单词 | decade long |
释义 | decade long例句释义: 全部 1. Most likely, though, the court ruling will be the last in a nearly decade-long legal battle in one of Japan's highest-profile cases. 最高法院的判决可能将是这起近十年之久的法律纠纷的最终判断。 www.bing.com 2. The wind blew into a millennium, sand the desert sky, alone keep empty city, keep a decade long a meditation. 风吹黄沙,吹成千年漫天的一片荒漠,独守空城,守了十年漫长的一个打坐。 wenwen.soso.com 3. As decade - long Anglo-Saxon consumption peters out, a secular bear market is possible. 如果美国人消费从近十年来的水平开始下降的话,一个长期的熊市也是可能的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. For Mayola Williams, the widow of a man whose trust in corporate America proved to be his undoing, her decade-long trial is now at an end. 玛约拉·威廉姆斯,她的丈夫因为对美国企业的信任而命丧黄泉,对她来说,长达十年的审判现在结束了。 www.bing.com 5. Despite decade-long growth and a prosperous market, China currently has no industry standard for such so-called protective clothing. 这些所谓的防护服已经存在了近十年,市场需求也很大;尽管如此,我国目前还没有出台相关的行业标准。 www.kekenet.com 6. During his remarks, he repeatedly rejected the allegations of sexual harassment and a more than decade-long affair with a woman. 但在他的讲话中他不断否认那些有关性骚扰的言论,以及他和一个女人有十多年的不正当关系。 zhan.renren.com 7. But it needs to be done long-term. It needs to be a decade-long approach, rather than just a couple of years. 不过,要强调的是,维和应该是一项长期工程,持续时间应达上十年,而不是三两年就完事了。 www.ted.com 8. The last few days of diplomacy mark the most visible signs of effort to break a decade-long stalemate in advancing nuclear disarmament. 过去几天的外交动态也是努力推动削减核武器的最明显的迹象,以期打破这一长达十年之久的僵局。 www.bing.com 9. At this point, Premier Wen's three bows symbolized the finishing touch to his decade-long premiership. 至此,温家宝以一个三鞠躬,象征性告别了自己十年总理生涯。 home.ebigear.com 10. A sea elf refugee from warmer water, he'd been swimming Waterdeep for a decade, long enough to master the local underwater dialect. 他是个来自温暖水域的海精灵难民,已经在深水城附近混了十年,连本地水下居民的方言都掌握了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is so far proving more resilient to the global financial crisis than Spain, where a decade-long boom has come to a halt. 到目前为止,西班牙长达一个世纪的经济增长现已暂停,相比之下,拉丁美洲面对全球经济危机却表现出了较好的恢复力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Is collaborating on a single name in a department store enough to counteract the decade-long focus on brand flagship stores? 百货公司与单个品牌的合作,是否足以对抗人们对品牌旗舰店长达十年的关注? cn.nytimes.com 3. The milestone reflects China's decade-long burst of economic growth and its rapidly expanding future needs as an industrial powerhouse. 这一里程碑反映中国十年来经济强劲发展,以及作为工业大国快速扩张的未来需求。 www.voa365.com 4. Her complaint has come a bit late. Spain's decade-long surge of immigrants has already come to a dramatic halt. 她的抱怨晚了点,因为西班牙几十年来的移民浪潮已经差不多戛然而止。 www.ecocn.org 5. PEAS: A decade-long study of GM peas was abandoned when it was discovered that they caused allergic lung damage in mice. 转基因豌豆:持续进行了十年的转基因豌豆试验被放弃,因为发现它们对小鼠造成过敏性肺部损伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But it has been a nearly two decade-long struggle. 但这是近20年努力的成果。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Under a decade-long co-operation deal, Huawei had developed technology which Motorola then sold under its own brand in many markets. 根据一项10年合作协议,华为曾开发一些技术,而摩托罗拉使用自己的品牌在许多市场销售这些技术。 www.ftchinese.com 8. but because it stands at the centre of a two-decade-long transformation of the financial markets and a new approach to risk. 真正的原因是它在长达20年的金融市场变革和新的风险处理方法的转变中一直站居中心位置。 ecocn.org 9. I began my talk by saying that I was proud to be here today to represent the World Bank's decade-long support to the China Mining Congress. 我在开头时说,我今天出席大会代表了世界银行对中国矿业大会长达十年的支持,我为此感到自豪。 web.worldbank.org 10. In fact , it's saying the U. S. will likely be gripped by a decade - long deflationary bout with little to no GDP growth . 事实上,它说明美国很可能陷入为期十年之久的一轮通货紧缩,国内生产总值(GDP)微幅甚至零增长。 www.bing.com 1. At first glance valuations may not look especially demanding, but at the height of a decade-long boom this can be deceptive. 乍一看,估值水平可能不是特别高,但鉴于长达10年的繁荣正处在巅峰,这种看法可能靠不住。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Jeffrey Immelt's decade-long tenure as CEO has been one of "decline, mistakes, and wealth destruction, " Fortune concluded recently. 在JeffreyImmelt的长达十年的CEO的任期内,通用是一个“衰落、失误和资产不断损失”的公司,最近更是雪上加霜。 www.bing.com 3. The decade-long situation was a step backwards for reconciliation, made worse by the media's flawed coverage. 十年之争对人与人之间的和解来说是一个大倒退,而有不实报道的媒体让这一情势变得更糟。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. This was reckoned to be the worst loss in the stuttering, four-decade-long conflict. 据估计,这是40年来持续不断的冲突中政府遭受到的最惨烈的损失。 www.ecocn.org 5. The company's decade-long battle to get planning permission for the development recently reached the High Court. 该公司致力于此发展计划的官方获准已达十年之久,近日来终于到达高等法院层面。 www.ecocn.org 6. Emerging markets may have ended a decade-long secular re-evaluation and the ridiculous Bric trade appears to be dead. 新兴市场长达十年之久的价值重估或许已经结束,而荒谬的金砖四国(Bric)狂热似乎也已偃旗息鼓。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A decade-long bonanza of private borrowing, followed by a spurt in public borrowing when the crisis struck, has left a heavy debt burden. 当危机袭来时,一项财富——十余年之久(累计)的私人借贷和激增公共借贷,形成了沉重的债务负担。 www.ecocn.org 8. It was the deadliest single incident for American forces in the decade-long war. 这是最惨重的单一事件,在长达十年的战争的美国军队。 www.englishtang.com 9. Across the world a wave of mass deaths began, plants and animals perishing in a decade-long asteroid winter. 地球上,死亡的浪潮席卷而来。在这个由陨星引起的,长达数十年的严冬中,植物和动物,逐渐消失灭迹。 www.bing.com 10. The king seized power one year ago, blaming the previous government for failing to stop a nearly decade-long Maoist insurgency. 贾南德拉国王一年前夺取政权,指责前政府没有能够阻止延续十年的毛派反叛活动。 ept-cn.com 1. October saw record depletions of the reserves built up over a decade-long economic surge in South Korea, India, Singapore and Indonesia. 今年10月,韩国、印度、新加坡和印尼在长达10年的经济增长中积累起来的外汇储备出现创记录的下降。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Have we begun what will probably be a decade-long project to shift America to a new energy economy? 我们开始了把美国变成一个新的充满活力的国家,可能要花费十年时间的工程了吗? www.bing.com 3. The nearly decade-long tanker battle is typically viewed as a fiasco. But taxpayers actually benefited from it. 这场围绕着加油机项目的近十年拉锯战被看成是一次典型的失败,但是纳税人居然从中获利了。 www.bing.com 4. By riding Spain's decade-long construction boom and taking advantage of their strong local presence, they now own 56% of Spanish mortgages. 政治家们得益于西班牙长达10年的建筑业兴盛,并利用自身在当地强大的影响力,拥有了西班牙56%的抵押贷款。 www.ecocn.org 5. DURING his decade-long stint as chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown relished one achievement above all others. 在他任财政部长的十年里,与取得的所有其它成就相比,布朗最中意其中一个。 www.ecocn.org 6. No one expected America to engage in a decade-long (and counting) war in Afghanistan. 没有人会曾想到美国将在阿富汗陷入一场长达“十年(现在还在打)”的战争。 kk.dongxi.net 7. The two-decade-long insurgency, backed by Pakistan, which has never renounced its claim to all of Kashmir, is almost defeated. 这个长达20年之久暴动几乎被击败了,此次暴动由巴基斯坦做靠山的,并且其从来没有放弃对克什米尔的要求权。 www.bing.com 8. China should let its currency rise. Such has been the desperate, decade-long complaint from the US and its politicians. 中国应该让人民币升值——美国及其政界人士为此声嘶力竭地抱怨了10年。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Tang expressed his appreciation for Ozawa's decade-long efforts to promote the Great Wall Program and establish the Shisei Fund. 唐家璇还赞赏小泽十多年来坚持不懈地开展“长城计划”交流活动并成立“日中至诚基金”。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. After a decade-long boom peaked in 2007, the Irish government saw its tax revenue plummet and a huge budget gap open up. 过去十年发展形势一直很好,2007年达到顶峰,而现在爱尔兰政府遭遇税收收入急剧下跌,出现巨大的预算缺口。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Land was the hot commodity in the decade-long Spanish property boom. 在长达十年之久的西班牙房地产繁荣时期,土地是炙手可热的商品。 www.ecocn.org 2. Decade-long bull markets spark heavy turnover and much gold has not only changed hands but changed forms from physical to financial. 长达十年的牛市带来了巨额成交量,大量黄金不仅转手,而且在形态上也已从实物转变成金融工具。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Moreover, it will be hard to stamp out the corruption that flourished under Mr Gbagbo's decade-long rule. 此外,要想消除在巴博十年统治下滋长盛行的贪腐之风,十分艰难。 www.ecocn.org 4. Japan suffered a decade-long near-depression because of its failure to clean up the banks. 日本挨了整整10年近乎萧条的苦日子,原因正是没能清理好银行坏账。 www.bing.com 5. Via nominal and real depreciation, the exit path will restore growth right away, avoiding a decade-long depressionary deflation. 而选择“退出路径”,通过名义和实际的贬值,希腊经济将迅速恢复增长,从而避免在未来10年内陷入萧条与通缩并存的局面。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mike: En, Li Ning is really a 'prince of gymnastics'. During his over decade long gymnast career, Li Ning has won more than 100 medals. 恩,李宁真是位“体操王子”。在他十几年的体操运动生涯中李宁获得的奖牌多达100多块。 www.youtheme.cn 7. Japan's decade-long stagnation ended in 2002, thanks to a boom in exports, especially to China. 全靠出口,特别是对华出口的繁荣,日本长达十年的经济停滞得以在2002年结束。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Zuma, along with several other ANC leaders, breathed a sigh of relief when the decade-long probe was formally closed last October. 去年十月份,持续十年之久的调查宣告正式结束,Zuma和其它非洲国民大会的领导人这才深呼一口气。 www.ecocn.org 9. Majority-Hindu Nepal became a secular nation in 2006 in a deal with the former Maoist rebels who ended their decade-long civil war. 2006年,印度教徒占主导的尼泊尔终于与毛派对手达成协议,结束了几十年来的内战,成为世俗国家。 www.internet.org.cn 10. The fall-off has coincided with the decade-long gold rally, driven by investor interest. 黄金数量的下降与十年来受投资者需求带动的金价上涨相吻合。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Among ordinary Afghans, opinions about the decade-long, multi-billion dollar effort are mixed. 在普通的阿富汗人,约十年之久,数十亿美元的努力意见不一。 www.maynet.cn 2. The government Tuesday revived a decade-long drive to get Singaporeans to speak grammatically correct English. 当地政府于本周二重新启动一个十年前的举措,促使新加坡人说语法正确的英语。 www.bing.com 3. In order to preserve and spread Confucian culture, he had launched a decade-long debate between the Christian and Confucian. 为了维护和传播儒家文化,林文庆曾经发起过一场长达十年之久的与基督教之间的大辩论; www.edu-hb.com 4. The Maoists fought a decade-long civil war until 2006 when a peace agreement was negotiated. 当和平条约达成以后,截至2006年,毛党已经进行了为期十年的内战。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. THE incompetence of Nepal's self-regarding politicians helped fuel a nasty decade-long war, mercifully ended in 2006. 尼泊尔那些自封的政治家们的无能助燃了十年之久的可恨的战争,幸好在2006年结束了。 www.ecocn.org 6. A decade-long run of mergers in the banking industry has concentrated power in fewer hands. 十年的银行业购并风潮让权力集中于少数人之手。 www.bing.com 7. Tesco is breaking its decade-long pursuit of overseas organic growth, with a record cash purchase of a chain of hypermarkets in South Korea. 英国最大的连锁店特易购(Tesco)打破了10年来在海外寻求有机增长的模式,将以创纪录的现金额收购韩国的一家超市连锁企业。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Charles Taylor is on trial for his alleged role in Sierra Leone's decade long civil war. 正在受审的查尔斯·泰勒被指控在塞拉利昂十年内战中扮演重要角色。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. If he is, HP's decade-long corporate governance troubles may have a happy ending after all. 如果他做到这一点,惠普长达10年的公司治理困境或许会最终迎来一个皆大欢喜的结局。 www.fortunechina.com 10. Reagan, 93, died Saturday afternoon at his Bel Air home after a decade-long battle with Alzheimer's disease. 在与阿茨海默氏病(早老性痴呆)进行了十余年的斗争后,里根于周六下午,在他位于BelAir家中逝世,时年93岁。 www.24en.com 1. Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry after a decade-long courtship. 威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿将结束长达十年之久的恋爱,共同步入婚姻的殿堂。 club.topsage.com 2. After a 3-decade-long ban on cinemas, Saudi Arabia allowed the screening of selected movies in Jeddah and Taif recently. 沙特阿拉伯政府30年来禁止电影公映,近日首次批准一些电影在吉达和塔伊夫上映。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. A decade-long boom has seen Spain's immigrant population swell from 2% of the total to 12%, or 5. 6m. 几十年来的移民潮使得西班牙的移民从总人口的2%膨胀到12%,或者说560万。 www.ecocn.org 4. International giving trended up all decade long. 国际捐赠在过去十年来有上升势头。 dongxi.net 5. China officially abandoned its decade-long policy of pegging the yuan to the dollar in July 2005. 2005年7月,中国正式放弃实行十年之久的人民币盯住美元政策。 ecocn.org 6. It has gained 17 per cent this year, extending a decade-long rally. 金价今年以来累计上涨17%,续写本轮已历时10年的涨势。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Irish banks made disastrous property loans during a decade-long boom, and they've suffered catastrophic losses in the bust. 爱尔兰的银行在长达十年的繁荣发展中发放了灾难性的房产贷款,它们在泡沫破灭后遭受了巨大损失。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Governor Kim also has to grapple with record household debtlevels and home prices that are sliding after a decade-long boom. 韩国央行行长金仲秀也表示要抓住家庭负债水平和价格,在经过长达10年的繁荣后,纷纷出现下滑。 www.bing.com 9. Sanrio, which ended a decade-long sales slump in 2010, relies on Hello Kitty goods for 80 percent of overseas licensing revenue. 三丽鸥在2010年结束了长达10年的销量下滑,海外授权收入有八成是依靠凯蒂猫的商品。 www.ctcvn.org 10. Tang reviewed the 5-decade-long history of China-Arab cooperation. 唐家璇回顾了中阿合作50年历程。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. Yet there are other constants to the 67-year-old's four-decade-long political career. 但是还有别的因素促使他67岁的人要坚持有80年的执政生涯。 www.ecocn.org 2. This represents a decade-long reduction of 34. 6 percent -- or a combined annual reduction rate of 3 percent. 这表明,未来十年将消减34.6%,或者复合年均消减率为3%。 www.etiri.com.cn 3. In the ensuing decade-long civil war some 200, 000 Algerians were killed. 随之而来的历时十年的内战,造成20万阿尔及利亚人死亡。 www.ecocn.org 4. Condensed into a decade long war in 15 days of the athletic field, God's children, the last of the victims have been ordinary mortals; 十年的漫长战争浓缩成十五天的厮杀,神的子女最后也被凡人所害; zhidao.baidu.com 5. During his decade-long campaign, Mr Webb has butted heads with some big-name Hong Kong executives. 在长达10年的斗争中,韦布与香港一些知名高管交过锋。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A Decade-Long Exploration--The Administrative Mode of Jiangsu Foreign Language School and Its Impact 十年磨砺铸就辉煌--江苏省外国语学校办学理念及其效应探析 www.ilib.cn 7. A Hi-tech Industrial Park with International Competitive Powers--SND's Decade-long Development in Retrospect 具有国际竞争力的高科技工业园区--苏州工业园区十年发展综述 www.ilib.cn 8. In the mid-12th century, a six-decade-long heat and dry spell covered most of the western United States and northern Mexico 12世纪中期,大约60年的长时间的酷热和干旱期涉及到美国西方大部分地区,和墨西哥的北方 www.bing.com 9. Decade-long consistent efforts have endowed the knowledge-based service brand of BEIST with great credibility, which means 十年始终如一的努力,使东方易初的知识服务品牌具有很强的公信力,它意味着 www.k-beist.com 10. Nepal has seen a decade-long civil war; two postponed elections; 尼泊尔内战达十年之久,选举两度搁置; club.topsage.com |
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