单词 | debt crisis | ||||||||
释义 | debt crisis
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 债务危机,负债危机,国际债务危机 1. But he said Israel must be cautious about public spending in the wake of the U. S. debt crisis. 但是他说,在美国出现债务危机之后,以色列必须对公共支出小心谨慎。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. Since the beginning of Europe's sovereign debt crisis, China has repeatedly expressed its wish to offer "a helping hand" to Europe. 自从欧洲爆发主权债务危机以来,中国多次表示愿意向欧洲施以“援手”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. She said that the US and Japan had debt concerns as well and that the sovereign debt crisis threatened an already fragile recovery. 她说美国和日本也有债务风险,主权债务危机正在威胁着目前脆弱的经济复苏。 www.bing.com 4. With a quiet session ahead data wise in London be cognizant of headlines pertaining to the EU debt crisis as instigators of moves. 接下来的伦敦时段数据稀少,请关注与欧债危机相关的头条新闻。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. EVER since Greece plunged into a sovereign-debt crisis in 2009, investors have focused on which European country might be next. 自从希腊于2009年陷入政治债务危机以来,投资者们等着看会是哪个欧洲国家随后遭殃。 www.ecocn.org 6. Doubt about Europe's ability to contain the debt crisis has once more sent markets into a spin and put Italy firmly in the firing line. 投资者对欧洲遏制债务危机的能力存疑,使市场再次下跌,也将意大利置于风口浪尖之上。 cn.reuters.com 7. Jitters about whether the emergency loan package would be enough to stem the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis also hammered Spanish stocks. 紧急贷款计划是否足以遏制欧元区的主权债务危机,这点亦令人担心,也让西班牙股市.IBEX受挫。 cn.reuters.com 8. The euro continued to be buffeted by uncertainty about a resolution to the Greek debt crisis. 对希腊债务危机决议的不确定性继续影响着欧元的走势。 www.ecocn.org 9. More than a year into their debt crisis, major European leaders are still unable to make the necessary tough decisions. 经历了一年多的债务危机,主要欧洲领导人仍旧不能做出必要的艰难抉择。 www.bing.com 10. Prices in Italy have been more stable than those of any of the other countries mired in the debt crisis. 意大利的房价一直比深陷债务危机泥潭的其他国家要稳定。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Investors are also watching to see if the Fed discusses the sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone and its impact on the U. S. economy. 投资者亦将关注美联储是否会讨论欧债危机及其对美国经济的影响。 cn.reuters.com 2. The sexual assault charges throw the IMF into turmoil just as it is trying to ease an escalating euro zone debt crisis. 国际货币基金组织正试图缓解日益加剧的欧元区债务危机,而这起性侵犯案件则使其陷入混乱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Some argue that this combination of deflation-sapped growth and high debt makes Japan next in line for a Greek-style debt crisis. 一些人认为通货紧缩的微弱增长和高负债的组合会使日本陷入希腊式债务危机。 www.ecocn.org 4. If Prebisch's reputation was one of the victims of that debt crisis, it was partly his fault. 如果这场债务危机让普雷维什声誉扫地,也多半错在他自己。 www.bing.com 5. He said he was very concerned about a renewed intensification of the euro zone's debt crisis. 他说他非常关心的一个新的强化欧元区债务危机。 www.bing.com 6. The idea was quashed then, as it was as the beginning of the year when the Greek debt crisis broke out. 年初希腊债务危机爆发时,这个办法曾被撤销。 www.bing.com 7. He said the fight against tax evasion behavior of the Greek response to a serious debt crisis is an important measure taken and actions. 他表示,打击偷税漏税行为是希腊为应对严重债务危机而采取的一项重要措施和行动。 www.englishtang.com 8. Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt. 也许希腊可以将一些岛屿租借出去,这样有助于偿还外债。 www.ltaaa.com 9. But just a month ago, when the debt crisis seemed somehow less dire and more easily resolved, official Chinese anxiety was more palpable. 但仅仅在一个月以前,当债务危机看起来还不那么严峻且更容易解决的时候,中国官方的焦虑却更明显。 www.bing.com 10. So Ireland has long been flirting with a debt crisis of its own. But it has not been helped by the other euro-zone members. 即便爱尔兰有很长时间没有认真的对待自己的债务危机,但爱尔兰也没有得到其他欧元区国家的帮助。 www.ecocn.org 1. The only way out of a debt crisis is to deal with your debts. That's why households are paying down their credit card and store card bills. 解决债务危机的唯一办法,就是解决自己的债务,这就是为什么各家各户在支付他们的信用卡和商店账单。 bbs.koolearn.com 2. The German chancellor's sentiment demonstrates the political will not to let Europe's sovereign debt crisis undermine the single currency. 默克尔的观点证明了政界的决心:绝不让欧洲主权债务危机破坏单一货币制度的存在基础。 www.ftchinese.com 3. "The euro debt crisis and the global financial crisis have increased risk aversion among the investors, " he said. “欧元债务危机和全球金融危机已经加大了投资者的风险厌恶情绪,”他说。 www.bing.com 4. If political leaders don't step up to the plate to fight the growth slowdown, Europe's debt crisis could worsen over the next year. 如果政治领导人不开始着手抵挡增长的放缓,未来一年欧洲的债务危机可能会加剧。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He said he was pleased to note that Greece was coming out of the shadow of a sovereign debt crisis. 温总理称,他非常高兴地看到希腊正从外债危机的阴影中慢慢走出来。 www.bing.com 6. The Europeans have been trying to manage the sovereign debt crisis for over a year now with only marginal success. 过去的一年中,欧洲各国一直都在努力控制主权债务危机,但是收效甚微。 www.fortunechina.com 7. After nearly two years of an escalating debt crisis, ECB officials still appear to be trying to find their footing. 债务危机不断加剧近两年后,欧洲央行官员似乎仍在努力寻找自己的立足点。 www.cn.wsj.com 8. The EU was missing a common treasury, he noted, which could have served as a last resort to fall back on in the time of a debt crisis. 索罗斯指出,欧盟缺少一个统一的财政部。发生债务危机时,一个统一的财政部本可以成为最后一根救命稻草。 www.letou.cn 9. At the start of this year a surging recovery, led by Germany, was one reason to think that the euro zone could withstand the debt crisis. 今年初,由德国领军的欧洲地区经济复苏让外界以为欧元区会抵挡得住来势汹汹的债务危机。 www.bing.com 10. as investors continued to dump banking and insurance stocks amid fears over the spreading sovereign debt crisis. 因担忧主权债务危机蔓延,投资者狂抛银行和保险股,欧洲股市周二延续上一交易日跌势,盘初继续大幅下挫。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In the United States, the euro debt crisis has worked like this: The euro's pain has been the U. S. dollar's gain. 在美国,欧元债务危机演变成这样:欧元的辛劳付出却由美元收获利益。 www.bing.com 2. However, a burst property bubble dragged Dubai into a serious debt crisis and put an end to its extravagant approach to growth. 可是房产市场的泡沫破灭让迪拜陷入债务危机,也给这一铺张浪费的发展模式划上句号。 www.playenglish.net 3. Bernanke said the debt crisis in Europe, which has rattled Wall Street, played a role in the Fed's "somewhat weaker outlook. " 伯南克表示,使华尔街为之震动的欧洲债务危机,在美联储调低增长前景中起到重要作用。 www.bing.com 4. uncertainty about whether authorities in Europe are willing to put money up front to rescue Greece from its crippling debt crisis. 不确定在于欧洲官方是否愿意先提前出来拯救希腊的借贷危机。 voa.hjenglish.com 5. Whoever is chosen to succeed Mr. Strauss-Kahn must be prepared to address both the European debt crisis and the institution's own problems. 无论谁接任斯特劳斯·卡恩都要去着重处理欧洲债务危机和机构自身的问题。 dongxi.net 6. The sovereign debt crisis has exposed how complacency has long been a problem for Europe, especially when it comes to economic policymaking. 主权债务危机暴露了自满长期以来一直是欧洲的问题,特别是当它涉及到经济政策制定。 www.bing.com 7. Various causes have been cited, including optimism that Europe's debt crisis would be resolved soon and a tightening supply picture. 油价上涨的原因多种多样,比如外界对欧洲危机将很快得到解决的乐观情绪,以及原油供应即将吃紧的预期。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Wang, the vice premier, said the European debt crisis had 'brought many uncertainties to the slowly recovering world economy. ' 王岐山说,欧洲债务危机给正在缓慢复苏的世界经济带来很大的不确定性。 www.voa365.com 9. It would need only a small fraction of this wealth to have an enormous impact on the sovereign debt crisis in Europe. 仅仅需要这些财富的一小部分就会对欧洲国家的主权债务产生重大影响。 www.bing.com 10. Demand for China's exports is under threat as the U. S. recovery weakens and European officials grapple with a sovereign-debt crisis. 中国出口的需求受到威胁,削弱了美国经济复苏和欧洲官员因主权债务危机的搏斗。 www.bing.com 1. But if commodity prices were to ease, the current account deficit could deteriorate rapidly, leaving Brazil on the verge of a debt crisis. 但如果大宗商品价格走低,它的经常账户赤字可能会迅速恶化,将巴西推到债务危机边缘。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Many corporate-bond indexes showed spreads widening significantly during the 1998 Russian debt crisis, and yet the economy soldiered on. 1998年俄罗斯债务危机期间,很多公司债券指数都显示息差在大幅扩大,不过经济却仍在大步向前。 www.bing.com 3. Even if the administration were to implement some of the options, the debt crisis could still trigger turmoil in financial markets. 即使行政部想实行某些选择权,债务危及仍能引发金融市场混乱。 dongxi.net 4. But analysts warned the move did not address the fundamental issues behind the eurozone's sovereign debt crisis. 但分析人士警告称,央行的联合行动并没有解决欧元区主权债务危机的根本问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A pattern of denial in the face of mounting evidence has been a recurring feature of the debt crisis. 在堆积如山的证据面前,这种否认模式已经成为了债务危机的一大特点不断重复上演。 bbs.ecocn.org 6. European stocks were little changed as the region's leaders prepared to begin a two-day summit on the spreading debt crisis. 欧洲股市保持稳定,欧盟领导人将召开为期两天的峰会,讨论逐渐蔓延的欧元区债务危机。 www.bing.com 7. Some see the combination of a weak U. S. outlook and the prospects of another debt crisis in Europe as a recipe for a double dip recession. 有些人认为,美国经济前景疲软和欧洲再次发生债务危机的可能性加在一起为世界经济再次陷入衰退开好了配方。 www.tingroom.com 8. But the debt crisis was a wake-up call to policymakers to put the house in order, and they have done a lot to deal with it. 但债务危机为政策制定者们敲响了警钟,和他们作出了很多努力。 www.bing.com 9. The figures highlighted that the upheaval generated by the debt crisis in Europe and by the feebleness of the U. 这些数据表明,欧洲的债务危机及虚弱的美国经济所引起的剧变伤害到了全球的贸易活动。 www.bing.com 10. But they warn that China would not be able to resolve Europe's protracted debt crisis . 他们同时也提出警告,中国没有办法解决欧洲的长期债务危机。 www.bing.com 1. The German news offered a ray of optimism for the rest of Europe as it struggles to overcome its debt crisis. 在欧洲其他国家艰难地应付债务危机之时,德国的好消息为它们带来了一线希望。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Fallout from the Dubai debt crisis continued to roll through financial markets for the second day, although the rush for the exits slowed. 在迪拜公告后的第二天,债务危机的影响继续在金融市场兴风作浪,虽然这种势头已经放缓。 www.bing.com 3. The markets had temporarily turned away from the crippling debt crisis in Europe two weeks ago as the debt ceiling debate in the U. 两周之前,美国债务上限谈判占据了焦点位置,暂时分散了投资者对欧洲严重的债务危机的关注。 www.fortunechina.com 4. You witness the shifting focus of all to the current state of the global economy caused by the debt crisis rocking Europe at the moment. 你们当前都见证到了转变焦点是聚集到由欧洲债务危机所造成的全球经济的当前状态。 pengqiang7612.blog.sohu.com 5. EUROPE'S debt crisis is a year old and no closer to being solved than it was last summer. 欧洲债务危机已经持续了一年之久,与去年夏天相比而言,目前的状况可以说毫无进展。 www.ecocn.org 6. To stem the unfolding sovereign debt crisis and save the euro, European summits seem to provide too little, too late. 要阻止正在上演的主权债务危机、挽救欧元,一次次的欧洲峰会也许太无能为力,也太迟了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. So, investors want little to do with companies tied to the eurozone, as the debt crisis increases the chances of a renewed recession there. 所以,在债务危机增大了欧元区再次出现衰退可能性之际,投资者希望尽量撇清与欧元区相关企业的关系。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The debt crisis has bruised stock markets, but analysts so far see a limited impact on the U. S. economy. 欧洲债务危机已使股市受创,但分析师迄今仍认为对美国经济的影响有限。 cn.reuters.com 9. As Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has pointed out, the European sovereign debt crisis poses a threat to the very future of the EU. 正如德国总理安格拉?默克尔(AngelaMerkel)所指出的,欧洲主权债务危机对欧盟的未来构成了威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Greece, which is at the heart of the European debt crisis, also has Schengen's most porous borders. 希腊身处欧洲债务危机的中心,它边境上的缺口也是申根国家中最多。 www.bing.com 1. The integrity of the eurozone has been considered sacrosanct by its core members throughout the long running European sovereign debt crisis. 欧债危机旷日持久,但欧元区的完整性一直被核心成员国视为神圣不可侵犯。 www.fortunechina.com 2. If it were to fall, the debt crisis would become far graver. 如果西班牙也倒下,债务危机将远为沉重。 www.ecocn.org 3. Europe's debt crisis does not alter the long-term strategic position of the euro in the global monetary system, Xia added. 在全球货币体系里,欧元债务危机不会改变欧元的长期战略地位,夏斌补充说。 www.bing.com 4. The analyst said he misread the political uncertainty spawned by the Greek debt crisis. 这位分析师说,他误判了希腊债务危机引发的政治不确定性。 c.wsj.com 5. But there has been a change in the political dynamics of the continent's sovereign debt crisis. 不过,在欧洲大陆的这场主权债务危机中,政治动态出现了一种变化。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The euro zone debt crisis has spurred Western investment demand in gold in the second quarter above the levels seen a year ago, Grubb said. Grubb称,欧元区债务危机将西方国家第二季黄金投资需求推高至一年前水平。 cn.reuters.com 7. For it to be a positive contribution to the eurozone debt crisis, it should meet three tests. 这个协议若要对解决欧元区债务危机做出积极贡献,必须经得出三个考验。 www.ftchinese.com 8. A similar debt crisis faces those Icelandic businesses fortunate enough to have survived the crisis. 那些在金融危机中有够幸运活下来的冰岛企业也要面对类似的债务危机。 www.bing.com 9. Earlier, the Greek government formally requested an international funding package to pull the country out of a debt crisis. 早些时候,希腊政府为摆脱一场债务危机正式提出一项要求国际资助的计划。 www.america.gov 10. The British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that the world economy could be pushed to the brink by the euro zone's debt crisis. 英国首相卡梅伦警告称,世界经济将被欧元区债务危机推到危险的边缘。 www.hxen.com 1. Outside the U. S. , many companies are waiting to see how Europe's sovereign debt crisis will play out. 在美国境外的许多企业正等着瞧欧洲国家如何偿还国债。 www.bing.com 2. It is the first downgrade warning for one of the stronger European economies since the Greek debt crisis flared up this spring. 自从今春希腊债务危机爆发以来,这是首次对一家财政状况相对较好的欧洲经济体发出下调评级警告。 www.bing.com 3. FOR a few weeks over the Christmas holidays, Europeans put their sovereign-debt crisis on hold. 在圣诞节假期这几周内,欧洲人暂时搁置了他们的主权债务危机。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. Spooked investors have moved back into the greenback amid fears that Europe's debt crisis could turn into a full-blown meltdown. 由于担心欧债危机可能演变成一场全面的灾难,惊慌的投资者重返美元。 www.fortunechina.com 5. The EU-IMF loans package has been put together to help pull Greece out of its debt crisis. 欧盟和国际货币基金组织的“一揽子”贷款被联合在一起来帮助希腊摆脱债务危机。 www.bing.com 6. Nonetheless, Mr Lennon added that prices were likely to be driven by concerns over the eurozone debt crisis in the short term. 不过列农同时表示,短期内,铜价可能受到投资者担忧欧元区债务危机因素的左右。 www.ftchinese.com 7. THERE is only so much fun to be had from a sovereign-debt crisis that has the potential to bring down banks and derail the global economy. 在具有把银行击垮、让全球经济出轨的潜力的主权债务危机中人们实在找不到多少乐趣。 www.ecocn.org 8. U. S. companies may not feel the full effect of the debt crisis for four to six months, he said. 他称,美国公司可能要到四至六个月之后才会感到这场债务危机的全部威力。 cn.reuters.com 9. Others point out that China could be facing a debt crisis of its own making given high levels of local government debt that could turn sour. 还有评论指出中国可能也面临这债务危机,地方债务水平已经很高了,有可能恶化。 www.bing.com 10. It follows the onset of a sovereign debt crisis in Europe which has seen Greece bailed out by the IMF and Spain face an investor exodus. 而这个计划发表于欧洲外债危机爆发,国际货币基金组织帮助希腊摆脱困境,而西班牙面临着投资者们的相继离去时。 www.bing.com 1. European stocks retreated for a second day as concern that the region's debt crisis may spread overshadowed a resurgence in merger activity. 欧洲股市收盘走低,斯托克指数连续两天下跌,外界对欧洲债务危机蔓延的担忧情绪抵消了企业并购活动的影响。 www.bing.com 2. Greek debt crisis has the potential for "high drama" . We may be seeing a test case play out here with a country not using its own currency. 希腊债务危机将是一部“高潮迭起的剧情片”,它可能是通过使用非本国货币来对一个国家实施救助的一个测试案例。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Equally, says Philip Klapwijk of GFMS, the rally could be extended if the eurozone sovereign debt crisis were to spread. GFMS的菲利普?克拉普维伊克(PhilipKlapwijk)表示,同样,如果欧元区主权债务危机范围扩大,金价上涨趋势可能会持续下去。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Anxiety about another global recession is on the rise amid downbeat economic data from the U. S. and a resurgent European debt crisis. 美国经济指标的恶化和欧洲债务危机的抬头使得人们越来越担心全球经济即将陷入新一轮的衰退。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Undoubtedly the unions will lose some of their privileges over the coming years; the scale of the debt crisis makes this inevitable. 在接下来的几年中,由于债务危机的影响,工会毋庸置疑将会丧失部分特权。 www.ecocn.org 6. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have hammered out a common position on the euro debt crisis. 德国总理AngelaMerkel和法国总统NicolasSarkozy经过讨论后确立了两国在欧元区债务危机中的共同立场。 www.bing.com 7. For now, rescues by the European Central Bank and other lenders are the only answer in a debt crisis. 因为现在,欧洲中央银行和其他贷款人的救助是解决债务危机唯一希望。 www.tingclass.com 8. These periods of high volatility have been increasing in frequency since the (start of the debt) crisis. “自债务危机发生以来,这种高波动性的阶段出现得越来越频繁。”他表示。 cn.reuters.com 9. Well, contrary to what Mr. Ryan seemed to imply, Britain has not, in fact, suffered a debt crisis. 唉,与瑞安先生似乎在暗示的相反,英国事实上并没有遭受债务危机。 www.bing.com 10. The problem, traditional donors contend, is that if they do not change, new loans will eventually turn into a new African debt crisis. 传统捐赠国则认为,如果他们不做出改变,新的贷款将最终转化为一次新的非洲债务危机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This means that we may only be at the beginning of the contagion effects of the Greek debt crisis. 也就是说,希腊债务危机的传染效应可能只是刚刚启动。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The Bank of England's governor, Mervyn King, did little to downplay concerns about the sovereign debt crisis. 英格兰银行行长梅尔文·金没有试图降低人们对主权债务危机的忧虑情绪。 www.bing.com 3. European stocks declined as a bailout of Ireland failed to reassure investors that the region's sovereign debt crisis will be contained. 欧股收盘走低,爱尔兰援助计划没有平息投资者对欧元区债务危机持续的担忧情绪。 www.bing.com 4. But uncertainty over how the Irish debt crisis would play out remained the chief thorn in the side of market participants. 但最令市场参与者感到担心的,依然是关于爱尔兰债务危机将如何发展的不确定性。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Once among the richest people in Europe, the Irish have been laid low by a banking collapse and the euro zone's debt crisis. What now? 曾位列欧洲最富有的人群之中的爱尔兰人,如今却被银行系统的崩溃与欧元区债务危机拖垮了。现在又当何去何从? www.ecocn.org 6. EUROPE'S year-long attempt to grapple with the sovereign-debt crisis is becoming more nailbiting by the day. 一年以来,欧洲一直为试图解决主权债务危机而绞尽脑汁,现在,这一问题变得更加令人挠头了。 www.ecocn.org 7. However, economists worry that the debt crisis in Europe could slow sales in one of America's biggest overseas markets. 不过经济学家担心欧洲债务危机可能会影响欧洲市场的出口,欧洲是美国最大的海外市场之一。 www.bing.com 8. Analysts said the eurozone debt crisis coupled with a slowdown in China may hurt Japan's exports going forward. 分析人士认为欧元区的债务危机以及中国经济增速的放缓都将长期影响日本的出口情况。 www.bing.com 9. Gold miners' stocks advanced as bullion rose to its highest in about three weeks on concerns about a spreading debt crisis in the euro zone. 金矿股上扬,因金价受投资人担心欧元区债务危机蔓延提振,升至约三周最高水准。 cn.reuters.com 10. It comes as the U. S. market for legal services is stagnant and Europe remains mired in a debt crisis. 金杜万盛宣布合并之时,正值美国法务市场的发展停滞不前,且欧洲仍深陷债务危机之际。 chinese.wsj.com 1. In Europe, leaders must move quickly to solve a deepening debt crisis and deal with insolvent banks. In the U. 在欧洲,各国领导人必须迅速行动解决日益恶化的债务危机,处理银行无力偿还的问题。 www.bing.com 2. The report also warns of a grim future in the aftermath of a potential European recession if the Eurozone debt crisis is not resolved. 该报告还警告说,如果欧元区债务危机没有解决的话,潜在的欧洲经济衰退可能使未来情况堪忧。 fymil.com 3. Fears about the U. S. economy faltering and the euro zone's debt crisis spinning out of control spooked investors. 对美国经济衰退和欧洲债务危机失控的担忧吓坏了投资者。 cn.wsj.com 4. As a political heavyweight, Mr Strauss-Kahn was perfectly suited to negotiating with European policymakers over the Greek debt crisis. 作为一个政治上的重要人物,卡恩是与欧洲的决策者们进行关于希腊危机的谈判的最佳人选。 www.ecocn.org 5. But there is commercial logic, too: Spanish bonds, say, promise a nice return if you think the debt crisis will go no further. 但这里面也有商业的逻辑:如果你认为债务危机不会继续恶化,西班牙债券将会有一个很好的回报。 www.kekenet.com 6. Among the issues on the table are the euro-zone debt crisis, currency policy, financial regulation and improved economic coordination. 讨论议题将包括欧元区债务危机、汇率政策、金融监管和增强经济合作。 c.wsj.com 7. Europe's fumbling of its sovereign-debt crisis rattled investors and business executives around the world. 欧洲国家还在忙于应对主权债务危机,这令全球投资者和企业高管紧张。 cn.wsj.com 8. SHANGHAI - Who's afraid of the United States' credit downgrade and the worsening sovereign debt crisis in Europe? 谁会惧怕美国信用等级降级和欧洲正在恶化的主权债务危机呢? www.ecocn.org 9. Looking ahead, whether Japan's exports steadily recover or not will depend on developments in Europe's debt crisis. 按照以往的经验,日本出口是否稳步复苏将取决于欧洲债务危机的进展。 www.bing.com 10. The clear implication is that investors do not believe the currency bloc's debt crisis is over, multi-billion euro zone bailouts or not. 显而易见,投资者不相信欧元区债务危机已经结束,无论有没有数以十亿欧元计的救援。 cn.reuters.com 1. For now, rescues by the European Central Bank and otherlanderslenders are the only answer in thea debt crisis. 到目前为止,由欧洲中央银行和其他贷方提供的救援是对负债危机的唯一答案。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Premier Wen Jiabao is currently on a European tour and the debt crisis is widely believed to be a key topic of discussion. 中国总理温家宝目前正在出访欧洲,外界广泛认为债务危机将是他此行的重要议题。 c.wsj.com 3. We believe this proposal provides a strong, credible and timely response to the ongoing sovereign debt crisis. 我们相信,该提议针对目前这场主权债务危机给出了一项有力、可信和及时的应对之策。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Spain remains in the front line of the euro zone's debt crisis. 西班牙仍然处在欧元区债务危机的前沿。 www.ecocn.org 5. There is likely to be more volatility around the sovereign debt crisis until we get more capital committed to the solution. 在我们见到有关方面为解决问题而承诺提供更多资金之前,主权公债危机可能越演越烈。 cn.reuters.com 6. In May, the escalation of the debt crisis in Greece threatened to end in a systemic crisis. This fear is not as pronounced any longer. 5月时,希腊债务危机升级似乎会导致系统性危机.如今这种担忧不再那麽明显。 cn.reuters.com 7. To be fair, the shares of almost all banks in Europe have been hurt by concerns over the government debt crisis (see chart). 公平而言,由于对政府债务危机的考虑,几乎所有欧洲银行股都受到损害(见图)。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. A dive by the U. S. economy or a deepening of the European debt crisis would crush financial markets, reducing the ranks of the wealthy. 美国经济掉头向下或欧债危机愈演愈烈将有可能导致金融市场崩盘,从而削弱富豪群体的购买力。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The ultimate solution to the EU debt crisis is not more debt, but growth, so countries can earn their way out of debt. 欧洲债务危机的最终解决方案不在于更多的债务,而在于增长,因此这些国家能够通过经济的增长抵消掉原来的债务。 bbs.m4.cn 10. "The debt crisis in some European countries may impede Europe's economic recovery, " he said in Tokyo. “一些欧洲国家的债务危机阻碍了欧洲经济的复苏。” www.bing.com 1. A debt crisis, with Western governments defaulting or devaluing, is only one possible outcome. 随着西方政府推迟还贷或者货币贬值,将有可能发生债务危机。 www.ecocn.org 2. On a global basis, IPO issuance was similarly slow around the world in October as markets grappled with the European debt crisis. 相关报道全球IPO发行量低,是因为市场面临着欧洲债务危机的压力。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Jeremiahs have been warning about a looming debt crisis for at least 20 years. 这说明至少二十年前,已有先知已对繁荣的债务泡沫发出危机警报。 www.bing.com 4. The very nature of the debt crisis has sadly disqualified many of the old standbys. 这场债务危机的本质决定了许多传统避险资产都已不再可靠。 chinese.wsj.com 5. A lingering Europe debt crisis and a cooling domestic property market are dimming growth prospects for the world's second-largest economy. 由于受长久的欧洲债务危机与国内萧条的房地产市场影响,世界排名第二的经济大国的前景黯淡。 www.bing.com 6. Ministers are attempting to shore up a fragile world recovery against the threat posed by the eurozone debt crisis. 各国财长都在尽力支持仍显脆弱的世界经济复苏,应对欧元区债务危机带来的威胁。 www.bing.com 7. In Europe, leaders are grappling with a widening debt crisis, which started in Greece and spread to Italy and Spain. 欧洲领导人正在努力应对一场不断扩大的债务危机。这场危机始于希腊,之后蔓延至意大利和西班牙。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In short, any combination of what is moving through Congress is economically dangerous and invites the rapid acceleration of a debt crisis. 简而言之,任何通过国会的整合都会产生经济危险并使赤字危机的来临加速。 www.bing.com 9. This isn't surprising since the global economy is double-dipping on the European debt crisis, and U. S. property prices are falling again. 鉴于全球经济目前正因欧洲债务危机而陷入二次衰退,而美国房价再次下跌,中国出口下滑并不出人意料。 www.bing.com 10. But growth for Ireland could prove challenging in the year ahead as Europe's debt crisis stands to deteriorate growth across the globe. 然而,未来一年爱尔兰的增长形势可能依然严峻,因为欧债危机很可能拖累全球增长。 www.fortunechina.com 1. OUR nation isn't facing just a debt crisis; it's facing a democracy crisis. 横亘在美国面前的并非一次债务危机;而是一场民主危机。 dongxi.net 2. This was most visible during the Russian debt crisis in 1998, yet, again, the book contains no deeper discussion of this. 这是在1998年俄罗斯债务危机最显而易见的事件,然而,本书再一次地未能对此进行更深层的讨论。 www.ecocn.org 3. Over the weekend, Italy's president tapped Mario Monti to lead the country out of Europe's sovereign debt crisis. 上周末,意大利总统任命马里奥?蒙蒂为新一届总理,希望他能带领这个国家走出欧债危机。 www.fortunechina.com 4. The U. S. housing meltdown and Europe's debt crisis are pushing exporters to diversify beyond slow-growing advanced economies. 美国的房产暴跌以及欧洲的债务危机都在迫使出口商超越缓慢增长的先进经济而多元化发展。 www.bing.com 5. Some observers also warn about the so-far unknown impact of the European debt crisis on China's export-dependent economy. 一些观察人士还提醒要注意欧债危机对中国出口依赖型经济的影响,目前这种影响尚不清楚。 www.cn.wsj.com 6. New measures have been announced in Europe to tackle the threat posed by the debt crisis and stalling economic growth. 欧洲已宣布采取新措施,应对债务危机和经济增长停滞的问题。 www.hxen.com 7. Confidence in Italy's public finances is critical to preventing the spread of the Greek debt crisis across the eurozone. 对意大利公共财政状况的信心,是避免希腊债务危机在欧元区蔓延的关键。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So there is no reason for eurozone politicians to take the sovereign debt crisis as a justification for dictating how agencies operate. 所以说,欧元区政治家们没有理由把主权债务危机作为借口,来对评级机构发号施令。 www.ftchinese.com 9. For the past two years, the EU has treated the debt crisis in its periphery as a liquidity problem. 过去两年间,欧盟一直将其外围国家的债务危机看作流动性问题。 www.bing.com 10. Officials have been deeply frustrated by the failure of the European Union's politicians to resolve the zone's debt crisis. 由于欧盟政客解决地区债务危机的失败,其官员收到了巨大的打击。 www.ecocn.org 1. He also discussed increasing a bet against the euro, as a hedge against the impact of further pressure from Europe's sovereign debt crisis. 他还透露自己加强了看空欧元的力度,作为对来自欧洲主权债务危机的进一步压力可能造成的影响进行风险对冲的手段。 www.forbeschina.com 2. As long as the Greek debt crisis was contained, global markets felt able to ignore it. 只要希腊债务危机能得以控制,全球市场就能够忽视这个问题。 c.wsj.com 3. Consequently, the pressure on central banks to print the governments' way out of their debt crisis is building up. 因此央行的压力是要给政府规划出脱离债务危机的道路。 www.bing.com 4. That sums up the eurozone's response to its sovereign debt crisis. 这就是欧元区对其主权债务危机作出的反应。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Banking and insurance stocks also rose, recovering some of the recent losses driven by the sovereign debt crisis. 银行和保险板块上扬,近来该板块因欧洲主权债务危机持续下跌,当日收回此前跌幅。 www.bing.com 6. That will need to change if it hopes to finally put a lid on this long-running sovereign debt crisis and move forward. 可是如果德国政府想要给这久拖不决的主权债务危机作个了结,推动欧盟继续向前发展的话,就必须改变立场。 www.fortunechina.com 7. Stock markets across the world have risen sharply as hopes increase about a new plan to deal with the eurozone debt crisis. 全球证券市场急剧攀升,同时,人们对于出台新计划解决欧元区债务危机的希望也与日俱增。 www.bing.com 8. Debt crisis, what debt crisis? Financial woes are not going to stop this party, but the menu offers more burgers than truly Irish fare. 债务危机,什么债务危机?金融困境并不会阻止这个聚会,但菜单上提供的汉堡明显比地道的爱尔兰食物分量要多。 edu.163.com 9. The Irish government has unveiled a range of tough austerity measures designed to help solve the country's debt crisis. 爱尔兰政府公布了一系列旨在解决国家债务危机的紧缩措施。 www.enread.com 10. The eurozone has headed down many blind alleys in its search for a solution to the sovereign debt crisis. 欧元区在寻求解决主权债务危机方面,多次走进了死胡同。 www.ftchinese.com 1. European leaders agreed last week on a deal to try to stop the euro debt crisis spreading. 欧洲国家领导人上周商定了一项协议,要争取阻止欧元债务危机蔓延。 www.24en.com 2. But if Lehman Brothers' collapse was unthinkable, they now face the unimaginable: fears of a sovereign-debt crisis in the euro zone. 不过,如果说雷曼兄弟的崩溃瓦解是不可想象,那么这些银行现在面对的更令人无法置信:市场对欧元区主权债危机产生了恐慌。 www.ecocn.org 3. Europe's sovereign debt crisis has calmed, thanks to a number of policy moves. But things are still considered vulnerable. 在大量政策举措的影响下,欧洲的主权债务危机虽然已恢复平静,但形势被认为仍较脆弱。 cn.reuters.com 4. Stockmarkets also seemed to recover from the shock of the sovereign-debt crisis, rallying strongly in the last quarter of 2010. 股市似也从主权债务危机中恢复过来,在2010年第四季度强势反弹。 www.ecocn.org 5. Such is the gravity of its debt crisis that Europe's very foundations are up for debate. 此次债务危机如此严重,以至于要讨论欧洲的根基问题。 www.24en.com 6. Far from coming to an end, the Greek debt crisis seems scarcely to have begun. 希腊的债券危机远没有结束,看起来只是刚刚开始。 www.ecocn.org 7. Asia will continue to behave more like a low beta, or haven for assets, in the wake of the Greek debt crisis, analysts said. 分析师称,受希腊债务危机影响,亚洲将持续成为低风险地区,或资产的避风港。 cn.reuters.com 8. She prevailed, but the rebellion underscored dismay in Germany over her leadership and handling of the Greek debt crisis. 虽然她最终获胜,但此次反叛彰显了德国人对她的领导能力及处理希腊债务危机的方式感到失望。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Minister Yoon indicated recent financial problems in Europe tied to a debt crisis in Greece are on everyone's mind. 尹增铉指出,近来由于希腊的债务危机所引发的欧洲金融问题让所有人感到忧心忡忡。 www.meiguoliyu.com 10. "This is a real debt crisis building up for the government and it is going to break at some point, " Mr Zhao says. 赵坚表示:“一场真切的债务危机正在积聚,到某个时候就会爆发。” www.ftchinese.com 1. So Ireland has long been flirting with a debt crisis of its own. 因此长久以来,爱尔兰一直与自己的债务危机暧昧不清。 www.bing.com 2. But as economic growth slows in the United States and debt crisis deepens in the euro zone oil demand may be slowing. 不过随着美国经济增长放缓,欧洲主权债务危机恶化,原油需求也在放缓。 cn.reuters.com 3. Greece's debt crisis has some governments, particularly Spain, Portugal and the U. K. , applying the brakes to spending. 希腊债务危机已使部分国家政府特别是西班牙、葡萄牙及英国对开支进行削减。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Investors are pushing the panic button as the European debt crisis spins out of control. 欧洲债务危机逐渐失控,触动了投资者的“恐慌”按钮。 www.fortunechina.com 5. The Greek debt crisis and the fragility of other European economies is sure to be the main talking point. 希腊的债务危机和其他欧洲国家脆弱的经济形势势必会成为主要的讨论点。 www.ecocn.org 6. But for these markets, the euro debt crisis promises an accelerated end to the decline and a quicker rebound. 不过对于这些市场,欧元债务危机给出了尽快结束下跌并快速反弹的承诺。 www.bing.com 7. The remark triggered a sharp sell-off in risk and expectations for a new term solution to the European debt crisis came crashing down. 这种说法引发风险急剧下滑,出台欧洲债务危机短期解决方案的预期轰然倒塌,外汇学习。 www.zy313.com 8. The biggest banks there have gotten crushed during the debt crisis, but Mr. Tenerelli owns the National Bank of Greece in his fund. 希腊的大型银行在债务危机期间遭受了重挫,不过特纳雷利的基金投资了希腊国民银行(NationalBankofGreece)。 www.voa365.com 9. In Europe, officials said they would fight speculative investors they blame for aggravating the public debt crisis. 欧洲官员表示,他们将严厉打击投机商,因其投资行为加剧了公共债务危机。 cn.ibtimes.com 10. The market is now forcing European leaders to quickly decide how they want the rest of the sovereign debt crisis to play out. 现在市场正迫使欧洲领导人当机立断,就如何收拾主权债务危机残局做出决定。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Even as the region's sovereign-debt crisis has deepened over the past year, its currency has gained ground against the greenback. 甚至在去年欧元区主权债务危机加深时,在储备货币方面,欧元相对美元而言仍然取得了一些进展。 www.bing.com 2. A few months ago, the dollar was on the rise as investors focused on Europe's government-debt crisis. 数月以前,由于投资者关注的是欧洲的国债危机,美元还处在升值过程中。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Without a definitive and lasting answer from national governments to boost growth and fix public finances, the debt crisis won't be solved. MarioDraghi「各国政府不提供一个确定而长久的答案,协助提振经济成长并修补公共财政,这场债务危机无从解决。」 edun.hzcnc.com 4. Commercial banks in Europe are also unlikely to cut their credit flows to the Asia Pacific region if the Greek debt crisis escalates. 如果希腊债务危机升级,欧洲商业银行亦不太可能减少向亚太地区的信贷资金。 cn.reuters.com 5. Weakness in the euro zone stemming Greece's debt crisis was seen as another threat to the U. S. economic recovery. 希腊债务危机造成的欧元区低迷被视为美国经济复苏的另一个威胁。 cn.reuters.com 6. But since the debt crisis in Greece unnerved investors, these currencies have mostly lost value again. 但由于希腊债务危机让投资者精神紧张,这些货币再度大幅度贬值。 www.ecocn.org 7. Its intervention came after the Dubai debt crisis caused its own borrowing costs to rise alongside those of other Gulf states. 阿布扎比出手干涉前,迪拜的债务危机已导致该国自身的借贷成本同其它海湾国家一道不断上升。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Merkel and Sarkozy at the German Chancellery in Berlin on Oct. 9, after talks on stabilizing the Euro and battling the Greek debt crisis. 10月9日,柏林,在结束关于稳定欧元和解决希腊债务危机的会谈后,默克尔和萨科齐在德国总理府。 dongxi.net 9. And no approaching government debt crisis in the core economies can be seen when tracking government interest rates. 从政府利率看,核心经济体爆发政府债务危机的风险也不存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The sovereign debt crisis has degenerated into a banking crisis. 主权债务危机已经演变成一场银行业危机。 www.ftchinese.com 1. There was a similar slowdown in US growth last summer amid the first round of Greece's sovereign debt crisis. 去年夏天,第一轮希腊主权债务危机进行之中,美国增长经历了类似的放缓。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The unwinding of these trades started amid the eurozone debt crisis and has accelerated this week. 随着欧元区陷入债务危机,投资者开始撤出此类交易,而本周开始加快撤离步伐。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Japans latent banking and debt crisis makes the yen less suitable as a vehicle for wider Asian monetary integration, some experts believe. 日本的潜伏性的银行业和债务危机为比较宽的亚洲货币的整合使日圆比较不适当如一辆车辆,一些专家相信。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. Instead, investors cheered the prospect that the debt crisis in Europe might make Beijing less inclined to tighten policy. 相反,中国投资者认为欧洲的债务危机或许让北京不太愿意收紧政策,人气因此得到提振。 chinese.wsj.com 5. It was entitled "Why an Italian Debt Crisis Should Scare the Crap out of Everyone" . 其标题是“为什么意大利债务危机足于吓倒任何人”。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Fed led the move, explaining that it would help to "ease strains in financial markets" that are being caused by the euro-debt crisis. 美联储首当其冲,称此举有助于“缓解因欧元债务危机而引起的金融市场紧张”。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. Here, stress tests have looked at the possibility of a second recession but not a government-debt crisis. 在美国,压力测试已经在考虑发生第二次经济衰退而非政府债务危机的可能性。 cn.wsj.com 8. Some European leaders have said in recent days that the next leader should be from Europe because of the euro-zone debt crisis. 有些欧洲领导人最近说,由于欧元区债务危机,下一任总裁应该来自欧洲。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Financial markets rallied around the globe Monday as investors saw the first glimpse of real hope for containing the European debt crisis . 由于投资者看到了控制欧洲债务危机的第一线真正希望,全球金融市场周一大幅上扬。 www.qeto.com 10. With the European debt crisis remaining in the forefront of investors' minds, the Euro remained hobbled in a holiday thinned market. 欧洲债务危机仍是投资者最关注的对象,所以,欧元在因假期导致的清淡市况中依然承压。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If the lenders were to pull out, prompting a debt crisis or a bank run, problems could then spread to Estonia or Lithuania. 如果借贷方撤出资金,所引起的债务危机和银行挤兑亦会波及到爱沙尼亚或立陶宛。 www.ecocn.org 2. The debt crisis in Greece is approaching the point of no return. 希腊债务危机几近无可挽救的境地。 www.bing.com 3. French bond yields also spiked sharply in a sign that the debt crisis was continuing to spread to larger, top-rated countries. 法国国债收益率也大幅飙升,显示出债务危机继续蔓延至拥有最高信用评级的更大国家。 cn.wsj.com 4. Cities in the eurozone slid in the rankings as the euro has slid against the US dollar during the debt crisis. 由于欧债危机中欧元对美元贬值,欧元区城市的排名有所下滑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner thinks that Europe's debt crisis poses a "significant risk" to a shaky world economy. 财政部长盖那认为,欧洲债务危机让不稳定的世界经济更加的危险。 www.bing.com 6. Any downgrade of Japanese sovereign debt would certainly increase the likelihood of a debt crisis. 任何调低日本主权债务评级的行为,都会加大债务危机爆发的可能性。 www.fortunechina.com 7. The education woes in Portugal show the extent of Europe's challenge as it tries to right itself amid the sovereign-debt crisis. 葡萄牙的教育问题表明了欧洲在主权债务危机中试图回到正轨时面临着多大的挑战。 c.wsj.com 8. Investors have been equally underwhelmed by the official response to the European debt crisis. 而官方对欧洲债务危机的回应同样未能给投资者留下深刻印象。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The spread of the euro-zone debt crisis should be a concern for Asian economies that export to Europe. 欧元区债务危机的蔓延应是向欧洲出口的亚洲经济体的一个忧虑。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Goldman blamed concerns over the European sovereign-debt crisis and regulatory uncertainties. 高盛将其归咎于客户对欧洲主权债务危机和监管不确定性的担忧。 c.wsj.com 1. With the mainstream media once again being distracted by the debt crisis in Europe, a much larger crisis has been breaking out in China. 当主流媒体的注意力再一次转移到欧洲债券危机的时候,一场更大的危机在中国爆发。 www.bing.com 2. Europe must also deal with its own debt crisis. 欧洲也必须解决债务危机。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In fact, some wonder whether the sovereign debt crisis in Europe could unleash a renewed wave of downward pressure on prices. 实际上,还有人在想,欧洲的主权债务危机是否会给物价带来新一波下行压力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In Europe, Atos won't be particularly hit despite slower government spending linked to the sovereign debt crisis, Mr. Breton says. 布雷东表示,在欧洲,尽管主权债务危机导致政府支出放缓,但源讯公司不会受到特别大的影响。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The paper is the latest manifestation of the ECB's worries about the risks it is carrying as it battles the eurozone's mounting debt crisis. 上述立场文件是欧洲央行在应对欧元区愈演愈烈的债务危机之际,担心自身所背负风险的最新证明。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A look back to the late 18th century could provide insights into what can be done to resolve a sovereign debt crisis. 不过,回顾一下18世纪末的历史,也许会为解决主权债务危机提供一些思路。 www.ftchinese.com 7. These differences are at the heart of Europe's debt crisis. 这些分歧是欧洲债务危机的核心。 www.bing.com 8. Stocks plummeted in the spring after Greece required an emergency bailout to deal with its debt crisis. 2010年春季,希腊爆发债务危机,需要紧急救援,导致股市直线下滑。 www.bing.com 9. Investors continue to pile into short term Treasury bills as they seek safety from the European debt crisis, pushing yields to near zero. 为躲避欧洲债务危机,投资者仍在争相投资美国短期国库券,将其收益率压至接近于零的水平。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The sovereign debt crisis has put European monetary union in jeopardy and called into question the sustainability of the European project. 严峻的债务危机将欧洲货币联盟打入危险境地,欧元项目的稳定问题迫在眉睫。 bbs.m4.cn 1. Added to that Europe's policy makers seem unwilling to pull out all of the stops to halt contagion from the sovereign debt crisis. 而且,欧洲政策决策人士看来不愿全力以赴阻止主权债务危机传染开来。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It is now being discussed as a possible model for resolving Greece's sovereign-debt crisis. 如今这个方案可能会成为解决希腊主权债务危机的一个模式。 www.ecocn.org 3. For some time, Europeans, caught in the debt crisis, had found bland expressions of support for the euro by Chinese leaders reassuring. 一段时间以来,中国人爱发表些不痛不痒的话以对深陷债务危机的欧洲表示支持。 www.bing.com 4. THREE months ago, when Europe's debt crisis had markets panicking about sovereign risk, it seemed that all roads led to the dollar. 三个月前,当欧洲债务危机使市场恐慌于主权风险时,所有人转向了美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. The sovereign debt crisis is not just limited to the eurozone but is spread throughout the developed world. 主权债务危机并不仅仅局限于欧元区,而是在整个发达世界蔓延。 www.ftchinese.com 6. How to make sure the latest bail-out marks the beginning of the end of the euro zone's debt crisis. 怎么才能认定最新一次的经济援助是欧元区开始摆脱债务危机的标志。 www.ecocn.org 7. Europe is ensnared in a debt crisis that threatens the future of its single currency, and the social stability of the European Union. 欧洲深陷的债务危机,已经到了威胁欧洲单一货币的未来、乃至欧盟社会稳定的地步。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But this region has not experienced roller-coaster uncertainty on a scale equivalent to Europe's debt crisis. 但美洲区域并没有遇到像欧洲债务危机那样的问题,没有大起大落,前途不明。 www.who.int 9. High oil prices. Europe's debt crisis. Unexpected inflation. Washington's bickering over the federal debt ceiling. 昂贵的石油价格,欧洲债务危机,出乎意料的通货膨胀和两党在联邦政务债务最高限额上的争斗。 www.bing.com 10. Most European leaders agreed on a new 'comprehensive' set of measures meant to calm the debt crisis. 欧洲多数领导人都同意实施一系列新的“全面”措施来平息债务危机。 chinese.wsj.com 1. If that happens, the present coalition would become the first eurozone government to fall as a consequence of the currency's debt crisis. 如果发生这种情况,目前的联合政府将成为欧元区首个因欧元债务危机下台的政府。 www.ftchinese.com 2. 'The debt crisis still has more iterations to go, which will rattle currency markets, ' said Diane Swonk of Mesirow Financial. MesirowFinancial的斯万克(DianeSwonk)说,债务危机还要反复,这会惊扰外汇市场。 chinese.wsj.com 3. With the chances of a debt crisis small, the real question is who will pick up the tab. 在不太可能发生债务危机的情况下,真正要问的问题是谁来买单。 c.wsj.com 4. Global Stocks ended the week lower as fresh worries over a possible U. S. recession and Europe's debt crisis roiled markets anew. 全球股市下跌结束一周新鲜超过美国经济衰退可能和欧洲的债务危机重新搅乱市场的忧虑。 www.maynet.cn 5. From a western perspective, it's tempting to believe that either the eurozone debt crisis or the US slowdown is the greatest show on earth. 从西方的角度来看,会禁不住认为:欧元区债务危机或美国经济放缓,是眼下地球上最重头的“节目”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The debt crisis that began in Greece two years ago has upended that idea, bringing the Continent's divisions to the fore. 两年前始于希腊的债务危机颠覆了这个想法,让欧洲大陆内部的分化变得明显起来。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The farcical debate on the debt ceiling temporarily distracted traders from the slow-motion sovereign debt crisis in Europe. 欧洲的主权债务危机发展缓慢,投资者的注意力被美国债务上限谈判的闹剧所打断。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Of course, the reason why a widening sovereign debt crisis is so serious is that there is no one to bail out large governments. 当然,主权债务危机蔓延的后果会极其严重,其原因在于,没有人有能力救助大国的政府。 chinese.wsj.com 9. It was another tumultuous week for euro-zone banks, which are being battered by the region's sovereign-debt crisis. 对于受地区主权债务危机困扰的欧元区的银行,上一周又是动荡的一周。 www.ecocn.org 10. Will China take measures to help Greece tackle the current European debt crisis? 是否会采取措施帮助希腊应对当前欧元债务危机? www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. The European sovereign debt crisis is to drag down the global economic stability recovery. 欧洲主权债务危机更是拖累了全球经济的稳定复苏。 www.ok06.com 2. IF THE stakes were not so high, Europeans' incompetence in the euro-zone debt crisis would be comic. 如果风险不是那么高的话,欧洲人在欧元区债务危机中表现出的无能为力将是一桩喜剧。 www.ecocn.org 3. But with the European debt crisis denting the stock rally, there are concerns about whether PE activity can keep up the recent momentum. 但由于欧洲债务危机打压股市涨势,外界忧虑私募活动是否能够保持这种动能。 cn.reuters.com 4. Risk signals for financial stability in the euro area are flashing "red" as the debt crisis threatens to infect banks, ECB's Trichet said. 欧洲央行的特里谢表示:在欧元区财政稳定的风险信号正在飘红,因为债务危机的威胁已经影响到央行了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Attempts by euro zone leaders to draw a line under the bloc's debt crisis and avoid contagion, meanwhile, already appear to be stumbling. 同时,欧元区领导人阻止债务危机蔓延的努力,已经呈现出步履维艰的表现。 cn.reuters.com 6. The debt crisis is not just an EU problem, but a trans-Atlantic financial crisis. 债务危机不仅是欧盟的问题,也是一场跨大西洋的金融危机。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In opening remarks, Hu said it was crucial that the two countries work together to tackle the debt crisis. 在公开发言中,胡主席说两个国家坐在一起讨论债务危机处理是非常有意义的。 www.ptfcn.com 8. MF Global's swoon is one of the most dramatic examples of the global ricochet effect caused by Europe's debt crisis. 全球曼氏金融的困境是欧洲债务危机全球影响的最富戏剧性的例子之一。 cn.wsj.com 9. During his first stint with the International Monetary Fund, John Lipsky helped the organization navigate the Latin American debt crisis. 第一次在国际货币基金组织(IMF)任职期间,利普斯基(JohnLipsky)帮助IMF处理了拉丁美洲债务危机。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Greece was hit by the sovereign debt crisis not long ago and stands at a critical moment of overcoming difficulties. 不久前,希腊遭受主权债务危机冲击,正处在克服困难的关键时期。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 1. The exercise temporarily eased fears about European banks' vulnerabilities to the burgeoning sovereign-debt crisis. 这一行动暂时缓解了人们对于欧洲银行容易受迅速发展的主权债务危机影响的担忧。 c.wsj.com 2. Alas, Washington is in no better shape than it was during the debt crisis. 唉,目前华盛顿的境况比债务危机期间强不到哪儿去。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Strategists see the recent last-hour market swings continuing as the European debt crisis injects more uncertainty into the market. 分析师预计,由于欧洲债务危机向市场注入更大不确定性,近期频频造访的尾盘反转走势还将继续出现。 cn.reuters.com 4. The eurozone has been attracting plenty of opprobrium for its dysfunctional handling of the sovereign debt crisis. 欧元区由于应对主权债务危机不力而招致诸多非议。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some analysts believe the results are a sign of voters venting their frustration at how the government has handled the European debt crisis. 部分分析人士认为,选举结果说明选民正在发泄他们对于政府处置欧债危机方式的不满。 cn.wsj.com 6. An unfolding debt crisis in the eurozone and the risk of a "double-dip" recession in the west have moved centre stage. 欧元区正在上演的债务危机以及西方的“双底”衰退风险走上了中央舞台。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The Greek parliament has given its initial approval to a new austerity bill designed to tackle the country's deepening debt crisis. 希腊议会初步通过一个新的紧缩法案,旨在解决该国日益严重的债务危机。 www.hxen.com 8. Such is the story most commonly told since the start of the euro zone's sovereign-debt crisis. 自从欧元区主权债务危机之初,以上这一说法最广为流传。 www.ecocn.org 9. That sovereign debt crisis is now leaking back into the financial system. 现在主权债务危机反过来作用于金融系统。 www.bing.com 10. All are trimming government deficits to head off a debt crisis like the one in Greece this year. 所有成员国都在削减赤字,以防范一年前在希腊发生的债务危机。 www.voa365.com |
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