单词 | diatom |
释义 | 例句释义: 硅藻,矽藻,硅藻属,硅藻类 1. One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom . 瓣硅藻的两片硅化的细胞壁之一。 www.bing.com 2. The colorful effect is due to the diatom's silica cell wall, which encases the organism like a glassy shell. 它的五颜六色效果是由于硅藻的像玻璃外壳包围着机体的二氧化硅细胞壁。 www.bing.com 3. Four diatom assemblage zones, each characterized by different diatom components, are distinguished by cluster analysis. 利用聚类分析划分了四个硅藻带。 www.say666.com 4. In Tengchong, the diatom was occurred in several Cenozoic lake basin formed by the intensive structural movement after Eogene. 古近纪之后,强烈的构造运动在腾冲形成数个新生代湖盆,成为硅藻生存场所。 www.chemyq.com 5. These geological structure, palaeohydrological and palaeoclimatical conditions are the prerequisite for diatom dept. . . 这些地质构造、古水文、古气候是硅藻土矿床形成的必要条件。 www.chemyq.com 6. a light soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains and often used as a filtering material. 由硅藻土残留物的通常用来作为过滤材料的轻质土。 www.hotdic.com 7. Depending on the species of diatom and the growth conditions, the frustules can display different morphologies. 硅壳具有精致的形态和结构,且随硅藻种类和生长条件不同而千变万化。 www.ebiotrade.com 8. It may lie in the shell of a single-celled, 100-million-year-old life form called a diatom. 就在一种拥有一亿年历史,称之为硅藻的单细胞植物的外壳里。 www.bing.com 9. The temperature of phase transition varies with diatom genera and impurities. 形变温度随其硅藻的种类和杂质不同而各异。 www.magsci.org 10. Think again. This unicellular diatom (Diatom Arachnoidiscus), a type of algae, reveals an intricate rainbow pattern under 40x magnification. 再想想,这种单细胞的硅藻(网状硅藻属的硅藻),是一种类型的海藻,放大了40倍后,显示了像“彩虹”那样的错综复杂五彩缤纷排列。 www.bing.com 1. The main components of diatom mud are diatomite and silicon sand. 硅藻泥的主要成分是硅藻土、硅晶沙 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Diatom ooze coating is a kind of interior decoration material with main compositions of diatomaceous earth and zeolite. 硅藻泥涂料是以硅藻土和沸石为主成分开发的内部装饰表材。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The median groove of a diatom valve . 阀缝硅藻阀上的中槽。 www.bing.com 4. most of them were planktonic diatom. 大多数属浮游硅藻。 www.juyy.net 5. These results showed that the formation of diatom resting spores was related not only with N concentration, but also with Si concentration. 这说明硅藻休眠孢子的形成不仅受氮浓度的影响,还与硅浓度有关。 www.chinbullbotany.com 6. " A new calcium binding glycoprotein family constitutes a major diatom cell wall component. " EMBO J. 13, (1994): 4676-83. 新兴钙结合糖蛋白系形成主要的海藻细胞壁元素〉《欧洲分子生物学组织期刊》13,(1994):4676-83。 www.myoops.org 7. This is a diatom, which is made of silicates. 下面这个是IT行业会有兴趣的:生物硅。 www.ted.com 8. Water quality - Guidance standard for the identification and enumeration of benthic diatom simples from rivers and their interpretation 水质河底硅藻样品的鉴别和计数的标准指南及其说明 www.mapeng.net 9. Geological Characteristics of Nehe Diatom Earth Deposit and its Development Prospect 讷河市硅藻土矿地质特征及其开发利用前景 www.ilib.cn 10. Late Quaternary sedimentary diatom from East China Sea continental shelf and its paleoceanographical significance 东海陆架晚第四纪沉积硅藻及其古海洋学意义 www.ilib.cn 1. Study of Road Usage Performance of Diatom Earth-Modified Asphalt Concrete 硅藻土改性沥青混凝土路用性能研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Late Quaternary diatom biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation in Okinawa Trough 冲绳海槽晚第四纪硅藻生物地层划分与对比 service.ilib.cn 3. Exchange Rates of Dissolved Nutrients at the Sediment-Water Interface Before and After Diatom Bloom in the East China Sea in Spring 东海春季赤潮前后沉积物-海水界面营养盐交换速率的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Distributes the broadest marine life: Diatom longest city wall: Great Wall use population most languages: Chinese 分布最广的海洋生物:硅藻最长的城墙:长城使用人数最多的语言:汉语 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Diatom indicative species of eutrophication of the lakes in the middle and lower reach regions of Yangtze River 长江中下游地区湖泊富营养化的硅藻指示性属种 www.ilib.cn 6. Environmental effects on diatom and its monitor of environment 环境对硅藻的影响及硅藻对环境的监测 www.ilib.cn 7. Change in Microstructure of Diatom Earth during Consolidation 硅藻土在固结过程中微结构的变化 www.geoseu.com 8. Tentative Application of the CLSM Technique to the Study of Fossil Diatom Microstructure CLSM技术应用于化石硅藻微构造的尝试研究 ilib.cn 9. Collision Quantum Interference Angle of an Atom-Diatom System in-State 态双原子分子的碰撞量子干涉角 www.ilib.cn 10. Studies on DCCA of the attached diatom community in headwater rivers of Fenhe Reservoir 汾河水库水源河着生硅藻群落的DCCA研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Review of morphological and molecular identification of Pseudo-nitzschia, a bloom forming diatom 赤潮拟菱形藻形态学分类和分子生物技术鉴定研究概述 service.ilib.cn 2. Ingredients in Diatom Inducing the Attachment and Metamorphosis of Young Abalones 底栖硅藻中诱导鲍鱼幼体附着和变态的物质研究进展 www.ilib.cn 3. The influence of rhamnolioid on the growth of diatom and its selective algal growth inhibitory action 鼠李糖脂对硅藻生长的影响及其选择性抑藻作用 www.ilib.cn 4. The optimal demanding volume of nitrogen and phosphorous for freshwater pelagic diatom 淡水浮游硅藻对氮磷的最适需求量 www.ilib.cn 5. Interspecies Association Analysis of Attached Diatom in Qingshui River 五台山清水河着生硅藻种间关联和相关分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Stability of diatom remains and their implications for forming environment 硅藻遗骸的稳定性对硅藻土形成环境的指示 www.ilib.cn 7. Non-traditional Application of Diatom Earth and its studies 硅藻土助滤剂的非传统用途及其研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Influence of Morphology of Fluorocarbon Coatings with PTFE on the Settlement of Benthic Diatom 含PTFE氟碳涂层表面形貌对底栖硅藻附着的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. Deleterious effects of diatom in high concentration on copepod reproduction 高浓度硅藻对桡足类繁殖的抑制作用 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on the relationship between diatom assemblage in surface sediments and the environment in the East China Sea 东海表层沉积硅藻组合与环境关系研究 ilib.cn 1. Dynamical approach to the statistical average of atom-diatom collision 用动力学方法研究原子分子碰撞过程中的统计平均问题 www.ilib.cn 2. Studies on Relationship of Diatom Red Tides and Environmental Conditions in Tongan Bay 厦门同安湾硅藻赤潮与理化环境条件的关系研究 service.ilib.cn 3. A diatom-total phosphorus transfer function for lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River 长江中下游地区湖泊硅藻-总磷转换函数 www.ilib.cn 4. Diatom Records and Environmental Changes of the Dongdaohaizi Area in Urumqi, Xinjiang 乌鲁木齐东道海子剖面的硅藻记录与环境演变 www.ilib.cn 5. The Paleoclimatology of Lake Baikal: A Diatom Synthesis And Prospectus 贝加尔湖的古气候:硅藻合成和说明 library.cma.gov.cn 6. Diatom Paleolimnology Data Cooperative Home Page 硅藻古湖沼学数据 www.resip.ac.cn 7. Changes in Benthic Diatom Species on Attachment Plates for Larval Abalone 鲍采苗板上底栖硅藻种类变化的观察 www.ilib.cn 8. A comprehensive factor model of growth velocity of green algae and diatom in local lake area 局部水域绿藻硅藻综合因子生长速率模型 www.ilib.cn 9. Research progress on diatom-copepod interaction 桡足类与硅藻相互作用的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 10. Study on Diatom Assemblage in Surface Sediment Profile of Tidal Beach Near Xiamen 厦门附近潮滩表层沉积剖面硅藻组合研究 ilib.cn 1. Growth Model of Green Algae and Diatom in a Local Lake Water Body 局部水域绿藻硅藻的生长速率模型形式 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Application of Diatom Detection Using Knead Pulp Method 碎浆法检验硅藻的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Diatom species causing red tide in Guangdong coastal waters 广东沿岸海域发生赤潮的硅藻种类 service.ilib.cn 4. The Study on Diatom of Late Quaternary Sediment in the Continental Margin of the East China Sea (Northern Fujian Member) 东海陆缘(闽北段)晚第四纪沉积的硅藻学研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Effects of Diatom-clay on Fertilizer Efficiency 利用硅藻土提高化肥肥效的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Research Progress on Diatom Related to Successful Abalone Seeding 鲍育苗用底栖硅藻的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 7. Forensic Analysis on 40 Cases of Suspected Drowning by Organic Diatom 40例可疑溺死案件脏器中硅藻检测的法医学分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Recycling of Diatom Earth Residue 硅藻土废滤渣的再生利用 www.ilib.cn 9. Use of Diatom Earth Filter Aid in the Manufacture of Titanium White by Sulfuric Acid Method 硅藻土助滤剂在硫酸法钛白生产中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Use of Essential Diatom Earth in the Treatment of Waste Water in Coal Mine Shafts 硅藻精土在煤矿矿井废水处理中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Review on the life history of diatom resting spores 硅藻休眠孢子生活史的研究进展 service.ilib.cn |
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