单词 | criticality |
释义 | 例句释义: 临界性,临界状态,关键性,危险程度,临界状况 1. So in the event of a fuel melt through the vessel they'll be able to say that we cannot have a re-criticality. 所以,在燃料溶化在管道里的时候,他们会说,我们不能有一个再次的临界。 open.163.com 2. In technical terms, systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of "self-organised criticality" . 专业地来说,在混乱边缘的系统被称为是在“自我组织的临界状态”。 www.bing.com 3. He participated in criticality testing of plutonium cores, often referred to as "tickling the dragon's tail" . 他参加过钚核的临界测试,被称为“抓恐龙尾巴的人”。 www.elanso.com 4. The criticality of early mover advantage is so high that winner takes all, and there is nothing left for second winner. 提前行动的优势是如此明显,以至于第一名拥有一切,第二名什么也得不到。 www.ibm.com 5. By cross-referencing these two metrics in a table, you can get a good picture of the criticality of disk errors and how they affect servers. 通过交叉参考表中的这两个度量指标,您就能够更好地了解磁盘错误的危急程度以及它们对服务器的影响。 www.ibm.com 6. With each notification, you also get a criticality rating that helps you determine the risk level of each unpatched or outdated application. 与每个通知,您还可以帮助您确定每个未修补或过时的应用程序的风险水平的重要程度评级。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Failure mode, effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) is an effective technique to improve the reliability of products. 故障模式、影响及致命度分析(简称FMECA)是提高产品可靠性的一种有效的工具。 www.dictall.com 8. Further research is required on "Intermittent criticality" , "triggers, stress shadows and implications for seismic hazard" . 需要对“间歇的危险状态”、“触发因子、应力阴影以及地震活动风险的牵连因素”进行进一步的研究。 cheniwan.sea3000.net 9. This result indicates the intrinsic relation between entanglement, Loschmidt echo, decoherence and quantum criticality. 这个结果揭示了纠缠,洛克斯密特回波,退相干以及临界性之间的内在联系。 www.examda.com 10. This paper researches the reasons of TGP s banquette slumping during river closure by the Catastrophe theory and Self organized criticality. 从突变理论及自组织临界性理论,对三峡大江截流戗堤坍塌机理进行研究。 www.dictall.com 1. The merit of multifractal approach for researching self- organized criticality of granular mixtures theory and application are clarified. 最后阐明了采用多重分形方法进行散粒体自组织临界性研究的意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The reliability modeling work is essential to the failure modes, effect and criticality analysis (FMECA) and reliability allocation. 该可靠性模型为下一步进行故障模式、影响及危害性分析(FMECA)和可靠性分配提供依据。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. More recently, it has become clear that brain activity also shows signs of self-organised criticality on a larger scale. 最近,开始逐渐清晰的一点就是,大脑活动也有大范围自我组织临界的迹象。 www.bing.com 4. A proposal to Asian countries with operating research reactors for making nuclear criticality safety benchmark evaluations. 拥有运行研究堆的亚洲国家提议制订临界安全基准评价…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 5. The tank was not designed to dissolve this type of solution and was not configured to prevent eventual criticality. 这个槽是设计用于溶解这种溶液,而没有设置防止最终临界。 www.elanso.com 6. Does the criticality of the data necessitate the need for special handling (backups, offsite storage, etc. ) of the data? 这关键性的数据必须要特别处理(备份,外存储等)的数据?。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The criticality and deadline are two important characteristics of transaction processing in real-time database system. 在实时数据库系统中,紧迫性和时限是进行实时事务处理的两个重要特征。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Kindly understand the criticality of the environment inside Pakistan and around Pakistan, Pakistan is on the verge of destabilization . 请了解巴基斯坦国内和周边环境的危机,巴基斯坦正在不稳定的边缘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Our analysis of eutrophication model shows that criticality in lake ecosystem could result from a S-shaped recycling process of phosphorus. 对湖泊富营养化模型的详细分析表明,其临界性来自于湖泊系统中的“S”形磷再循环过程。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Non-linear space-dependent kinetics for the criticality assessment of fissile solutions. 裂变溶液临界评价的非直线空间相关动力学…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 1. The effect of random geometry on the criticality of a multiplying system IV: transport theory. 任意几何体对倍增系统临界的影响:输运理论…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 2. You can categorize existing software components by language, purpose, type, and criticality. 您可以按照语言、用途、类型和关键性对现有服务组件进行归类。 www.ibm.com 3. From the criteria discussed above, the criticality and specificity of parts are dichotomous by nature. 从以上讨论,临界标准和具体性,部分是二分法的天性。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. This and other studies suggest that stock market crashes are a sign of self-organized criticality in financial markets. 这一研究与其他研究共同揭示股市崩溃是金融市场自组织临界性的表现。 www.bing.com 5. Radiological evaluation for location of criticality monitors at Big rock point nuclear power plant. 大岩角核电厂临界监测器位置的放射性评价…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 6. The Indian Foreign Office took 58 years to grudgingly acknowledge the criticality of military diplomacy in international affairs. 印度外交部花了58才勉强承认在国际事务中军事外交的危险局面。 club.china.com 7. How to measure or monitor the sub-criticality of a subcritical reactor of ADS is a key issue of ADS research. 如何对次临界反应堆的次临界度进行监测是ADS研究中的一项重要内容。 tech.zidian8.com 8. The quintessential example of self-organised criticality is a growing sand pile. 自我组织临界的典型例子就是一个慢慢堆砌的沙堆。 www.bing.com 9. This paper analyzes fault mode, effect and criticality of machinery with FMECA mode. 用FMECA方法对机械设备的故障模式、影响及致命度进行了分析。 www.dictall.com 10. One frequently forgotten factor is the criticality of the response time to the user. 一个经常容易忘记的因素是响应时间对于用户的关键性。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Beggs's work provides good evidence that self-organised criticality is important on the level of small networks of neurons. Begg的结果为证明自我组织临界对神经元中的小网络非常重要提供非常好的证据。 www.bing.com 2. Re-criticality is a new, and uncontrolled, fit of nuclear fission. 再临界是一波新的、不可控的核裂变。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Self-organized criticality (SOC) is a new theory which wasn't put forward until 1980s. 自组织临界性理论(SOC理论)是一门新兴理论,是国外80年代才提出来的科学范畴。 www.fabiao.net 4. The metadata can provide information like WS-* compliance, business criticality, and so on. 元数据可以提供诸如是否遵循Web服务规范、业务关键性等信息。 www.ibm.com 5. The fundamental shape is the same and it does have some minor variations but each one will create a different criticality solution. 基本的形状是相同的,它有一些微小的变化,因为每一个都会创造出一个不同的临界解法。 open.163.com 6. Use of international criticality safety benchmark evaluation project data to benchmark a JEF2. 2-B library for MONK. 国际临界安全基准评价项目数据在MONKJEF2.2-B程序库基准上的应用…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 7. What type of data is stored and what is its criticality? 存储什么类型的数据,它的危险程度如何? www-128.ibm.com 8. A criticality accident occurred at the Tokai mura Conversion Plant subsidiary to JCO in Japan on 30th September, 1999. 1999年9月30日,日本JCO有限公司一座铀转化设施的辅助工厂发生了一起核临界事故。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Random nature of thermal explosion criticality of exothermic system 化学放热系统热爆炸临界值的随机性 www.ilib.cn 10. Self-organized criticality of the loose media slope disasters and its application in the protection engineering 松散体边坡灾害自组织临界性及工程应用研究 service.ilib.cn 1. Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors-Administrative regulation for nuclear criticality safety 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全核临界安全行政管理规定 bz.qs100.com 2. Decommissioning of a MOX fuel fabrication facility: criticality safety aspects MOX 燃料制造设施的退役:临界安全问题 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 3. Development of a database system for hypothetical criticality accident evaluation of MOX fuel fabrication facility MOX 燃料制造设备假定临界事故评估的数据库系统发展 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 4. Inducement of rock burst-self-organized criticality character of energy accumulation and dissipation 冲击矿压诱因-能量积聚与耗散的自组织临界性 service.ilib.cn 5. Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor -Borosilicate glass Reschig rings and Its application criteria 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全硼硅酸盐玻璃拉希环及其应用准则 www.txic.cn 6. The Criticality of the Transport System in a Slab Geometry with Reflecting Boundary Conditions 具反射边界条件的板模型迁移系统的临界性 service.ilib.cn 7. Research on the Failure Criticality Control Model of Construction Machinery and Its Application 工程机械失效致命度控制模型研究与应用 service.ilib.cn 8. Measures of administrative character for conservation of criticality safety in nuclear facilities excluding reactors 对于除反应堆外的核技术装备保持临界安全的管理措施 www.mapeng.net 9. Fissile materials - Criticality safety in handling and processing - Recommendations 裂变材料。运输和加工的临界安全。推荐标准 www.std168.com 10. Improving safety in a MOX plant by qualification of neutron measurements and criticality evaluation 通过中子测量和临界评价的资质审查提高 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 1. Occurrence of Slope Debris Flow as Self-organization Criticality and Its Prediction and Forecast 坡面泥石流暴发的自组织临界特性及其预测预报 www.ilib.cn 2. An Uniform Formula of Neutron Multiplication Calculation from Sub-Criticality to Prompt-Criticality with Step Change of Reactivity 反应性阶跃变化从深次临界到瞬发超临界中子增殖统一公式 www.ilib.cn 3. Nuclear energy - Fissile materials - Principles of criticality safety in storing, handling and processing 核能.裂变材料.运输和加工的临界安全原则 www.mapeng.net 4. Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors, Nuclear Criticality Safety in 反应堆外部可裂变材料的操作中核临界安全 www.isres.com 5. Self-organized criticality and its criterion in investigation of disaster 灾害研究中的自组织临界性及其判据 www.ilib.cn 6. Model of self-organized criticality used in dielectric relaxation of polymer 自组织临界模型用于聚合物的介电弛豫 service.ilib.cn 7. Self-organized Criticality and Its Application in Granular Mixtures 自组织临界性及其在散粒体研究中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Nuclear energy; Performance and testing requirements for criticality detection and alarm systems 核能.临界状态探测和报警系统的性能和试验要求 www.mapeng.net 9. Self-organized Criticality and Its Application in the Disaster Prediction 自组织临界性研究及其在灾害预测中的应用 service.ilib.cn 10. Self-organizing criticality of ecological degradation in quickly urbanizing area: A case study in Nan Shan district, Shenzhen 快速城市化地区生态质量退降的自组织临界性——以深圳市南山区为例 www.ilib.cn 1. Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors 外部反应堆裂变物质操作中核临界安全 mapeng.net 2. Evaluation of uranium-plutonium criticality benchmark experiment 钚临界基准试验的评价 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 3. The Application of Synthetical Fuzzy Judgment on Failure Criticality Analysis of Steam-producing Implement 模糊综合评判在蒸汽发生器致命度分析中的应用 www.ilib.cn 4. Model Analysis of Monte-Carlo Method for First Criticality Physics Calculation in Pebble Bed High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor 球床式高温气冷堆初次临界物理计算的蒙特卡罗方法模型分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Nuclear Criticality Safety Experimental Facility for Nitride Uranium Solution 铀溶液核临界安全实验装置 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Validation of Neutron Transport Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety Calculations 核临界安全计算用中子运输法的证实 mapeng.net 7. Self-organized criticality in one-dimensional sandpile model with avalanche probability included 含崩塌概率的一维沙堆模型的自组织临界性 wulixb.iphy.ac.cn 8. Nuclear Criticality Safety Controls in Operations with Shielding and Confinement, Criteria for 操作中使用屏蔽和限制的核临界安全控制标准 www.isres.com 9. Criticality of Architectural Design and Architectural Criticism 建筑设计的批评性与建筑批评 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Rods-rising extrapolation criticality optimization of marine nuclear reactor 船用核反应堆提棒外推临界优化研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Grey system analysis and its application in the forecast of mud-rock flow criticality of Beijing 灰色系统理论在北京山区泥石流危险度评价预测中的应用 2. Experimental Research for the Reactor Criticality With Neutron Beam Equipment 中子束流装置对反应堆临界影响实验研究 3. Self-organized Criticality and Extreme Statistics Analysis of Electric Power System Blackouts 电网停电事故的自组织临界性及其极值分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactors Safety requirements for the use of fixed neutron absorbers 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全固定中子吸收体的应用安全要求 www.txic.cn 5. The Fractional Chromatic Number and Criticality of Two Special Graphs 两类特殊图的分数色数及其临界性 www.ilib.cn 6. Effect of Background Counting on Reciprocal Extrapolation in Criticality Experiment 临界实验中本底计数对倒数外推临界质量的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Comments 核燃料处理和搬运情况下的临界安全.说明 www.mapeng.net 8. Plutonium-Uranium Fuel Mixtures Outside Reactors, Nuclear Criticality Control and Safety of 反应堆外部钚铀混合燃料核临界控制和安全 www.isres.com 9. Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis for Condition Maintenance of Power Transformer 电力变压器故障模式的分析及危害评估 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of distinct element method to criticality evaluation of MOX fuel fabrication facility MOX 燃料制造设施临界评价的独特元方法的应用 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 1. Self-organized Criticality and Extremes Statistics of the Slope Disasters 斜坡灾害自组织临界性与极值分析 service.ilib.cn 2. Control Protection System of Nuclear Criticality Safety Experiment Facility for Nitride Uranium Solution 铀溶液核临界安全实验装置控制保护系统 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Taiyuan, Changzhi, and Jincheng rank higher, the results were the criticality safety; 太原、长治、晋城排序靠前,评价结果为临界安全; www.13191.com 4. Criticality safety in processing and handling of fissile materials; principles 加工和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.基本原则 www.mapeng.net 5. Multifractal Analysis of Self-organized Criticality of Granular Mixtures 散粒体自组织临界性的多重分形分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis to the Magnetic System of Permanent Magnetic Bearing in Rotating Machine 旋转机械永磁轴承磁系统失效模式影响及危害度分析 7. Criticality safety control at the plutonium fuel production facility 钚燃料生产设施的临界安全控制 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 8. Outbreak of debris flows as a stress self-organization criticality 泥石流暴发的应力自组织临界特性 www.ilib.cn 9. First Start-Up of Nuclear Criticality Safety Experiment Facility for Uranyl Nitrate Solution 铀溶液核临界安全实验装置首次物理启动 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Study on Improved Model of ABC Classification of Spare Parts Involving Equipment Criticality 考虑设备关键性的备件库存ABC分类两阶段改进模型研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Self-organized Criticality and Evolutionary Behavior of Complex Systems 论自组织临界性与复杂系统的演化行为 www.ilib.cn 2. Sub-criticality Measurement With Extrapolation-period Method on ADS Model Facility 外推-周期法测量ADS模拟装置的次临界度 www.ilib.cn 3. Testing of LWR fuel rods to support criticality safety analysis of transport accident conditions 支持运输事故条件下临界安全分析的轻水堆燃料棒试验 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 4. The self-organized criticality study on forest fires in different vegetation and lightning fires 不同植被类型森林火灾及雷击火自组织临界性 www.ilib.cn 5. Failure Mode and Criticality Analysis of Catalytic Cracking Flue Gas Energy Recovery System 催化裂化烟气能量回收机组失效模式和危害度分析 www.wenloo.com 6. Application of Fractal Cellular Automata to Self-Organized Criticality 分形元胞自动机在自组织临界性中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Report from International Workshop on Tokai Criticality Incident 来自日本东海临界事故国际研讨会的信息 www.ilib.cn 8. Gravelly soil slope surface shape and criticality under rainfall conditions 降雨作用下砾石土斜坡坡面形态及临界特性 www.ilib.cn 9. application of computer codes for the assessment of criticality safety 临界安全评估的计算机代码应用 www.ichacha.net 10. Real-time operating system supporting tasks of multilevel criticality 可支持多级关键度任务的实时操作系统 www.ilib.cn 1. Link Criticality Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering 针对MPLS网络流量工程的链路关键性路由算法 www.ilib.cn 2. Self-Organized Criticality and Macro-Characteristics of Forest Fire System 自组织临界性与森林火灾系统的宏观规律性 www.ilib.cn 3. Influences of the Forest Type on the Self-organized Criticality of Forest Fires 森林类型对森林火灾自组织临界性的影响 www.ilib.cn 4. Criticality Analysis on Environmental System 环境系统的临界性分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Disposal of Shippingport LWBR spent Nuclear Fuel in Yucca Mountain: Waste Package Internal Criticality Analysis 尤卡山希平港轻水增殖堆乏核燃料的处置:废物货包内的临界分析 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 6. Phase Space Reconstruction of Self-Organized Criticality 自组织临界性的相空间重构 www.ilib.cn 7. Nuclear Criticality Control of Special Actinide Elements 专用锕系素的核临界控制 www.mapeng.net 8. Monte-Carlo Calculation of Nuclear Criticality Safety of Uranium-Water System 铀水系统核临界安全的蒙特卡罗计算 www.ilib.cn 9. Discussion on Several Problems of Self-Organized Criticality of Blackout 大停电自组织临界特征的若干问题探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. Warning equipment for criticality accidents 临界事故报警设备 ascetlan.bokee.com 1. Application of Monte Carlo Method for Verification Calculation in Fuel Loading Prediction for First Criticality of HTR-10 蒙特卡罗方法用于HTR-10首次临界燃料装料预估的校算 www.ilib.cn 2. Nuclear criticality safety for fissile materials outside reactor--Nuclear criticalitysafety based on limiting and controlling moderators 反应堆外易裂变材料的核临界安全基于限制和控制慢化剂的核临界安全 mapeng.net 3. Discussion on Self-organized Criticality in Rock Failure Progress 岩石微破裂进程的自组织临界特征探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. Internal and External Causes of Working on Self-Organized Criticality of Sand-piles 影响沙堆自组织临界性的内因与外因 www.ilib.cn 5. Failure mode effect and criticality analysis on certain serial CNC lathes 数控车床故障模式影响与致命性分析 ilib.cn 6. Judge of criticality when watercraft encounters 船舶会遇危险度的评价 www.ilib.cn 7. Circular Chromatic Number and Criticality of Planar Graphs 平面图的循环色数与临界性 www.ilib.cn 8. Self- organized Criticality of Biological System and Tumor 生物自组织临界性与肿瘤 www.redlib.cn 9. Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials, Guide for 裂变材料储存的核临界安全指南 mapeng.net 10. Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Part 5: Criticality data for plutonium 239 dioxide light-water-mixtures 处理和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.第5部分:钚239二氧化物-轻水混合物的临界数据 www.mapeng.net 1. Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Part 6: Criticality data for plutonium 239 nitrate light-water-mixtures 处理和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.第6部分:钚239硝酸盐-轻水混合物的临界数据 www.mapeng.net 2. Self-organized criticality and its effect on forest fire data of China 森林火灾的自组织临界行为及其在中国林火数据中的体现 www.ilib.cn 3. FMECA; fault modes, effects and criticality analysis 故障模式影响与危害度分析 www.enread.com 4. Human Error Failure Mode, Its Effects and Criticality Analysis 人误模式、影响与严重度分析方法 www.ilib.cn 5. The Coupled Calculation of Criticality and Burnup by Monte-Carlo Method 反应堆临界-燃耗耦合蒙特卡罗计算 www.ilib.cn 6. Criticality safety in processing and handling fissile materials - Part 3: Criticality data for plutonium 239 metal light-water-mixtures 处理和搬运核燃料时的临界安全性.第3部分:钚239金属-轻水混合物的临界数据 www.mapeng.net 7. Nuclear criticality assessment of LEU and HEU fuel element storage 低浓铀和高浓铀燃料元件储存的核临界评估 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 8. Request from nuclear fuel cycle and criticality safety design 核燃料循环和临界安全设计的需求 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 9. External criticality calculation for doe snf codisposal waste packages 美国能源部乏核燃料联合处置废物包的外部临界计算 inis-china.atominfo.com.cn 10. GIS-based Criticality Zoning of Debris Flows in the Dongchuan District GIS支持下的东川区泥石流危险度区划 www.ilib.cn 1. Greg suggested the following ways to gauge the criticality of the project Greg建议通过以下方法来评估项目度关键度 www.infoq.com 2. Self-organized Criticality of Major Accidents of China Coal Mines in Recent Years 近年来中国煤矿重大事故的自组织临界性 fwen.ariete.com.cn 3. An Ant Routing Algorithm Based Criticality in MPLS Networks MPLS网络中基于关键度的蚂蚁路由算法 www.ilib.cn 4. How Nature Works: The Science of Self-Organized Criticality 《大自然如何工作》:自组织临界性的科学 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The Demonstration of Self-Organized Criticality of China's Stock Market 中国股市自组织临界性实证研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Some Properties of Group Color Criticality of Graphs 群色临界图的一些性质 www.ilib.cn 7. Nuclear Criticality Safety Based on Limiting and Controlling Moderators 限制和控制慢化剂基础上的核临界安全 www.isres.com 8. High dependable safety critical systems based on multilevel criticality 基于多级关键度的高可信安全关键系统 ilib.cn 9. The criticality accident in Tokaimura and medical aspects of radiation emergency 日本东海村核转化工厂临界事故及应急医学处理 www.ilib.cn 10. A research on statistic orderliness of China Southern Power Grid blackout based on self-organized criticality 基于自组织临界理论的南方电网停电事故宏观规律研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Evolutionary algorithm based on self-organized criticality model 基于临界自组织模型的进化算法 ilib.cn 2. The application of PLC in criticality alarm system 可编程控制器在临界报警系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. Brittle analysis of electric power system based on self-organized criticality theory 基于临界自组织理论的电力系统脆性分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Blackout Model Based on OPF and Its Self-organized Criticality 基于最优潮流的停电模型及自组织临界性分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Blackouts Distribution and Self-Organized Criticality of Power System Based on DC Power Flow 基于直流潮流的电力系统停电分布及自组织临界性分析 www.ilib.cn 6. How to Estimate the Criticality of Area of Empty Coal Mine Endangering to Highway Engineering 如何评价煤矿采空区对公路工程的危害程度 service.ilib.cn 7. Statistics and Self-organized Criticality Characters of Blackouts in China Electric Power Systems 中国电网停电事故统计与自组织临界性特征 www.ilib.cn 8. Star Color Criticality of Graphs 图的星临界性 service.ilib.cn 9. criticality monitor based on neutron radiation 中子辐射临界监测器 www.bing.com 10. criticality monitor based on gamma radiation 射线临界监测器 www.bing.com 1. Study on Self-Organized Criticality of Power System Blackouts in China 我国电力系统停电事故自组织临界性的研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Self-Organized Criticality of Forest Fires in China 整数型森林火灾模型及其自组织临界性 www.ilib.cn |
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