单词 | cringe |
释义 |
第三人称单数:cringes 现在分词:cringing 过去式:cringed v. recoil,wince,flinch,shrink,cower n. jump,start 例句释义: 退缩,畏缩,尴尬,难为情,感觉尴尬或难为情,奉承,谄媚,卑躬屈节 1. Even the word "fragrance" tends to send cringe-inducing shudders down the spine. 甚至连“香氛”一词都往往让人感到浑身不自在。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But before you come down with a case of culture cringe, understand that those standards aren't as high as you might like. 在你谈文化底蕴之前,要先了解它们可能其实并不是你所喜欢的那样。 www.ltaaa.com 3. Some city folk might cringe at the thought of this, but to me it's a part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way! 想到这些事情,一些城市的人们或许畏缩不前,但对我来说它却是我生命的一部分,我会永远把它珍存心间。 www.ecp.com.cn 4. The word " cringe" is often used to describe the feeling of intense embarrassment in witnessing a certain kind of British comedy. “局促不安”一词经常用来形容人们在观看某种英国喜剧时那种强烈的尴尬感。 dict.kekenet.com 5. She almost makes you cringe watching her, you think: stop kissing Helen, stop touching her all the time, because Helen never reciprocates. 她使你一直看着她,你想:别亲吻helen,别老是碰她,因为helen从来没有回应过。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In my bid to banish mommy guilt, I try to take those cringe-worthy decisions in stride and chalk them up to a learning experience. 在试图摆脱“母亲负疚感”(mommyguilt)时,我尽量轻松地面对曾经做出的那些令我难为情的决定,并将其视为学习的经历。 www.qeto.com 7. The tone of my half-joking voice, the word "sheep, " and the memory of the chain make him cringe a little. 我的半开玩笑的语调,以及“绵羊”这个词,还有对锁链的记忆,使他稍稍退缩了。 www.douban.com 8. Most women would cringe if they thought there was an embarrassing picture of them on a social networking site. 想到如果自己的丑照被放在社交网站上,大多数女人都会全身哆嗦的吧。 www.hjenglish.com 9. But when she tells Germans that workers in the U. S. usually get two weeks of vacation a year, they cringe. 但是当她告诉德国人美国的工薪阶层人士一年只有两周假期的时候,他们怕了。 www.bing.com 10. His way of sleeping makes me cringe. 他睡觉的方式令我生厌。 www.exam8.com 1. As a card-carrying economist, I cringe when "green economy" enthusiasts insist that protecting the environment would be all gain, no pain. 当我这样一位“持有证书”的经济学家听到“绿色经济”的热衷者信誓旦旦地说,保护环境是“只有收益,没有付出”的美事时,我便不由得打起了哆嗦。 www.bing.com 2. When any ordinary person spoke to a capitalist he had to cringe and bow to him, and take off his cap and address him as 'Sir'. 老百姓和资本家说话,必须是很害怕的样子,向他鞠躬,还要摘下帽子,称呼他“老爷”。 dict.veduchina.com 3. The ambition protects to see Ti Si an appearance with not ex- cringe, unbearable ground of Fen Fen says. 志保看到鹈饲一副畏缩不前的样子,忍不住忿忿地说。 www.bazx.net.cn 4. Most data designers would cringe at this minute amount of information -- e-mail doesn't even have such a limitation, for goodness sake! 大多数数据设计师对这个数量限制感到无法理解——即使是电子邮件也不会有这样的限制! www.ibm.com 5. Ye fear and cringe when ye find that the spots upon thy sun cause confusion of any nature. 当你发现你太阳上面的黑子导致了任何性质的骚乱,你恐惧和畏缩。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Although it debuted with strong ratings, the show is so cringe-inducingly terrible, we're not sure if it will survive the season. 但是,这部电视虽然以强势收视率开场,表演却无法令人恭维,所以,它是否能捱过这个季度还是一个未知数。 www.elanso.com 7. Your heart pulses in a rapid tempo , as you cringe your hands in fear . 你的心快速地跳,而你在恐惧中缩作一团。 www.bing.com 8. Do you always celebrate your birthday or do you cringe and keep it a secret since you are another year older? 你经常庆祝生日吗?或者因为你长大了一岁,所以厌恶它,让它成为一个秘密。 www.bing.com 9. And if the euro zone were a person, that person would be stuck in a permanent cringe. 如果欧元区是一个人,这个人会一辈子抬不起头来。 chinese.wsj.com 10. I really believe that the Democrats are afraid of the mafia. The republican mafia. That's why they cringe daily. They're buffalo ed. 我真的相信民主党害怕黑帮。共和党黑手党。这就是为什么他们日见畏缩。他们都搞得尿频尿急尿不尽了。 bbs.55168.cn 1. On the one hand, I had been raised to cringe at the very thought of poofy white dresses and bouquets. 一方面,我已经萎缩在很蓬蓬的白色礼服和漂亮花束的幻想中了。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. I cringe when I hear a dignified news reporter soliciting tweets from his or her audience. 当权威的新闻记者向他(她)的观众征求意见时我就会退缩。 www.bing.com 3. At each address, I cringe with embarrassment and irritation at a show better suited to Pyongyang than to Washington. 每逢演讲,我都会因难堪和烦躁而退缩,这种秀更适合平壤而不是华盛顿。 www.bing.com 4. Inexperienced players can dazzle you, but unless they are Chris Paul or Brandon Roy, they often make you cringe in the last two minutes. 没有经验的玩家可以耀眼你,但除非它们是克里斯保罗和罗伊,他们往往让你畏缩在最后两分钟。 tieba.baidu.com 5. At first glance, these words may be enough to make a project manager cringe. 乍一看,这些话足以让项目经理感到畏缩。 www.ibm.com 6. No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work. 在说到自己从事的工作时,没有人愿意畏畏缩缩。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Nature lovers might cringe at the term "ecosystem services" to describe, say, the view of a pristine beach or a stream teeming with trout. 自然爱好者可能会对生态系统服务这一术语的描述有所畏惧,如原始海滩或鳟鱼嬉戏的小溪流。 www.transcn.org 8. As a musician, when I make a mistake, I'll cringe and think I sounded terrible. 作为一个演奏者,当我演奏错一个音,我会觉得无地自容并且觉得难听极了。 www.bing.com 9. My eyes always cringe at the sight of a homeless veteran. 我的眼睛总是畏缩在一个无家可归的老景象。 www.englishtang.com 10. What might speed up delivery for the business might make a regulator cringe. 加速业务的交付的途径可能需要管理者的妥协。 www.infoq.com 1. If hearing the words health care causes you to cringe, it's understandable. 如果听到健康保险这样的字样会让你感到害怕,这也是可以理解的。 www.bing.com 2. The system's built-in speakers won't make you cringe, but you'll enjoy better sound by using headphones. 系统内置的扬声器效果还不错,不过使用耳机将获得更好的效果。 user.ccw.com.cn 3. When you understand that discipline is self-caring, not self-castigating, you won't cringe at its mention, but will cultivate it. 当你明白自律是对自己的关心而不是自我惩罚,提到它你就不会再害怕而会注意培养它。 login.sina.com.cn 4. If the very thought of calling a stranger and selling yourself makes you cringe, you are not alone. 如果你对打电话给陌生人推销你自己感到畏缩的话,这么想的并不只是你一个人。 icecoffeesky.blog.163.com 5. I even cringe at the thought of working with other JavaScript libraries. 甚至在想到要使用其它JavaScript库时,不禁会有所畏缩不前。 88myway.blog.163.com 6. A new super-fast book-scanning technology could make publishers cringe even more than when they heard about Google Book Search. 一项最新的超速书本扫描技术也许会让那些出版商奉若神明,这是连谷歌书本搜索引擎也享受不到的待遇。 www.bing.com 7. It made me cringe every time I used these names, but I didn't say anything because I thought I was respecting Chinese culture. 每次说到这些名字,我都感到不舒服。因为想尊重中国文化,我没有批评他们的怪名。 tim.z.infzm.com 8. I may cringe at some of the things they take on in the spirit of self-expression. 我可能会为她们出于自我表现而做的一些事情感到紧张。 www.america.gov 9. "Some people consider us an Internet company, but that makes us cringe, " Fried and Hansson write. “有些人觉得我们是一家网络公司,但这种说法我们避之唯恐不及。”弗里德和汉森写道。 www.bing.com 10. I dread buying a swimsuit, as consecutive horror and humiliation make me cringe in the dressing room. 我害怕买泳装,因为持续的恐惧和羞辱让我在更衣室里畏缩不前。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Those who hate the Lord would cringe before him, and their punishment would last forever. 恨耶和华的人必来投降,但他的百姓必永久长存。 new.fuyinchina.com 2. Sometimes I cringe when I think about the tragic, terrible parts of America's fledgling history. 有时,当想到美国发展史上那些悲哀黑暗的时代时,我的心会紧缩。 www.america.gov 3. Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness. 对于这种轻率鲁莽,当地人会因尴尬而战战兢兢。 www.bing.com 4. School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation. 学校的老师们对这样的发音恐怕是不敢恭维。 www.ebigear.com 5. Most people will cringe that you're opening the firewall, but what they don't understand is that it is completely encrypted. 大多数人都担心您打开了防火墙,但他们不明白这是完全加密的。 www.ibm.com 6. Reason to hate: The cringe-inducing, emotional close-eyed singing face. 为嘛招人嫌:讨厌那张猥琐的自我陶醉的脸和情到深处闭着眼睛唱歌的样子。 www.hjenglish.com 7. People will cringe to listen to it, but when they think about it, it's remarkable how accurate it can be. 人们总是不愿去听这种理论,但是当他们思考时就会发现它有多正确。 www.bing.com 8. Here the "base" is not "humble" , the customer is not a God, there is no need for him cringe, such as pray more. 这里的“卑”并非“卑贱”,客户并不是上帝,没有必要对他低三下四,如求神拜佛般。 www.xiami360.com 9. Now, looking at those pictures just make me cringe. 现在,看到那些照片让我觉得很恐怖。 www.yanziblog.com 10. English sports fans sometimes cringe when they hear commentary on US sports. 每当收听美国运动赛事的解说时,英国体育迷们有时会想退避三舍。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The third, most accurate and easily most cringe-worthy method comes from monitoring for fertile cervical mucus. 第三种方法是最精确的,但也有些尴尬,那就是观察宫颈粘液。 www.bing.com 2. The idea of heterosexual sex made me cringe and homosexual sex made me ill. 异性恋令我生厌,同性恋令我恶心。 www.bing.com 3. Many of these people drove me crazy, but they also made me laugh and cringe, because I could see myself in some of them. 书中的很多人曾令我发疯,但他们也让我发笑和感到害怕,因为我在他们身上看到我的影子。 iedu.com.cn 4. But I am sure he will not therefore and cringe, I will try to land, rigid, have been dashed to the end! 但我坚信自己不会为此而畏缩,我会努力地、执着地,一直冲向终点! zhidao.baidu.com 5. When we learn that America's children lay educationally behind other industrialized nations, we don't cringe. 当我们听到美国的孩子在教育上落后于其他工业化国家,我们也不畏缩。 dongxi.net 6. I am not a New Yorker. And though my family may secretly cringe at the thought, it's true. 我不是个纽约人。虽然我的家人心里有隐隐的自卑,但这是事实。 www.bing.com 7. It's their unintended consequences that make me cringe. 是它们未被料想到的后果令我往后退缩。 www.zftrans.com 8. But policymakers, too, have reasons to cringe. 但政策制定者也有理由感到畏缩。 www.ftchinese.com 9. If Janel would cringe or pull away, someone might say, "Oh, she's so shy. " 如果吉娜闪躲或走开,一些人就可能说:“哦,她真害羞!” dongxi.net 10. Most people look back at their senior year quotes and cringe , but not these witty young ladies. 多数人会不敢回过头看他们的大学毕业年鉴,除了这群机智诙谐的年轻女生。 www.hjenglish.com 1. "My absolute being, do so? " The old clan is long to cringe of say. “我的神啊,有这么干的吗?”老族长哆嗦的说道。 www.wjtts.net 2. So when I hear scientists say, "The data speak for themselves, " I cringe. 当我听到科学家们说‘数据自然会说出一切’的时候,我泪流满面。 www.bing.com 3. After some cringe-inducing maneuvering of the display data cable, we can separate the two pieces. 艰难地移除显示数据传输电缆之后,可以将其分成两部分。 www.cnbeta.com 4. Cold wind, mother caught cringe, can hand still wouldn't stop percussion. 冷风吹来,母亲打着哆嗦,可手里依然不肯停止敲击。 www.268r.com 5. Many American adults cringe when they remember the unfortunate dresses and awkward dates from their own proms. 很多美国的成年人想起当年自己参加毕业舞会时那些不合适宜的服装以及跟异性尴尬的约会时,他们往往有些后怕。 www.ebigear.com 6. Ad you can do about it is cringe and pretend it all never happened. 而你能做的只有怯缩,假装那些从未发生。 www.ok06.com 7. Then, a nurse came by, only to cringe and shun my helplessness. 随后,一位护士畏首畏尾地从我身边经过,无视我的无助。 www.bing.com 8. This way, you can sit on them all summer; lines you wrote in June might make you cringe by August. 这样你可以在整个夏天慢慢写;6月开始动笔的话,8月份会让你紧张的。 www.bing.com 9. This is a selection of the absolute worst scenes in movies. Prepare to cringe! 这绝对是最糟糕电影片断的精选集,请做好后退的心理准备。 www.elanso.com 10. I know that a lot of foreigners cringe at the idea of munching on innards and entrails, but I'm sure that you'll enjoy it! 我知道很多外国人想到要吃内脏和肠子就害怕,但我确信你会喜欢吃的! epaper.pchome.com.tw 1. Everytime I see something on USA, it makes me cringe now. 现在每次我在美国看到的事情,都让我怕的发抖。 www.ltaaa.com 2. Yet when I look back at those articles now, there are still passages that make me cringe. 但是,当我现在重新阅读那些文章的时候,文中的某些段落依然会让我坐立不安。 www.bing.com 3. Yes, you might cringe at them, but that's ok. 是的,你也许还犹豫,畏畏缩缩,不过不要担心。 www.bing.com 4. I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then. 每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。 5. No. But you don't cringe when I say his name. 是没有但我提到他时你没有生厌 www.kekenet.com 6. I cringe when I think of the risks I took. 当我想到我承担的风险时,我也会害怕。 www.bing.com 7. Today when we go to gas stations to fill up whatever we may drive, we almost literally cringe at the high prices. 今天,无论我们开什么样的车,当我们去加油站的时候,我们大都会对高油价产生畏惧。 www.elanso.com 8. That is why I cringe whenever I hear people ask me how to get rich quicker. Or where do they start? 所以当我听到人们问我“怎样才能快速致富,应当从哪儿开始”时,我常会感到担心。 dict.ebigear.com 9. So come on Mr. President, let's shake off this cultural cringe and make the world more beautiful. 所以,总书记先生,行动起来,让我们抖掉文化的卑微感,让世界更美丽。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I sometimes cringe when I see these kinds of articles. 看到这类文章的时候我经常感到局促。 www.bing.com 1. When Germany's Lena Meyer-Landrut takes to the Eurovision stage on May 29th to sing "Satellite" in English, purists will cringe. 5月29日当德国的莉娜?迈耶-兰德鲁特在欧洲电视网亮相,用英文演唱《卫星》时,纯化论者将会睁只眼闭只眼。 www.ecocn.org 2. The response from the present Hong Kong government mimics the "pre-emptive cringe" of pre-Patten British colonial regimes. 现在香港政府的反应则是模仿英国殖民政体“主动奉承”。 www.ecocn.org 3. Matchmaking for single friends can be done in a disastrously tactless way which makes both parties cringe; 为单身朋友做媒可能搞得拙劣不堪,太不乖巧,致使双方畏缩不前; hlj7.com |
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