单词 | dissident |
释义 |
复数:dissidents n. dissenter,rebel,nonconformist,protester,insurgent adj. rebellious,dissenting,unorthodox,nonconforming 例句释义: 持不同意见的,持不同政见者,异议份子,唱反调者,持异议者 1. UNICEF says the children, including one girl, were being held by a dissident group that broke with the rebel National Liberation Front. 联合国儿童基金会说,这些少年中包括一名女孩,他们被一个从布隆迪反政府组织民族解放阵线分离出去的持不同意见的组织所扣押。 www.hxen.com 2. That outrage, like the car bomb that murdered Mr Kerr, was the work of dissident republicans opposed to Northern Ireland's peace process. 同杀死科尔的汽车炸弹一样,那次暴行是反对北爱尔兰和平进程的持不同政见的共和党所为。 www.ecocn.org 3. One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi. 她被首批分派的任务中的一个是破坏绝地大师梅斯·温杜和一群政见不同的绝地的会面。 www.yyets.com 4. "His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog. “他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。 www.bing.com 5. Indeed, he had the advantage of scripting it as the father of the Soviet H-bomb, dissident and a political prisoner. 确实,他因作为苏联氢弹之父、持异议者与政治犯而标榜史册。 www.bing.com 6. The Soviet Union announced it had freed dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile and pardoned his wife, Yelena Bonner. 年,苏联宣布已经解除对不同政见者安德烈·萨哈罗夫国内流放并赦免了他的妻子叶连娜·邦纳。 www.kekenet.com 7. Mr Obama said the way Beijing had treated the dissident was a reminder of the country's continuing need for political reform. 奥巴马说,北京当局处理异己分子的方式提醒人们中国进行政治改革的需要。 www.tingclass.com 8. Around the same time, I began to understand that Solzhenitsyn represents the nationalistic wing of the Soviet dissident movement. 在此同时,我开始了解到索忍尼辛代表着苏维埃反动的国家主义支派。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. Deng, like Mao Zedong before him, tolerated the dissident movement as long as it served his ends, and then stamped it out. 同毛泽东一样,邓小平容忍着持不同政见的人充分表演,然后一脚踩灭他们。 www.ecocn.org 10. he asked if Californians would allow a great university to be brought to its knees by a noisy, dissident minority. 他询问是否加州大学将允许大量的学校产生,这个事情引发了一段争论,少数持不同意见者坚持这样认为。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. As a Polish dissident Mr Michnik was one of communism's most formidable foes. 作为波兰的持不同政见者,米奇尼克是共产主义最强大的敌人之一。 www.ecolion.cn 2. The Iranian authorities have clamped down on memorial services for a dissident cleric amid growing political unrest in the country. 伊朗当局强行关闭了对持有不同政见的神职人员的悼念活动,引发了日益激烈的国内政治动乱。 www.elanso.com 3. But a senior politician said that the officer was likely to have been killed by dissident republicans. 但是,一位资深政治家说,这名警官可能是被持不同政见的共和党人杀害的。 www.suiniyi.com 4. In a test vote of CDU and CSU deputies yesterday, 11 opposed expanding the EFSF and two abstained (another dissident did not show up). 在昨天CDU和CSU的代表模拟投票中,有11人反对扩展EFSF,两人弃权(还有一位反对者没有出席)。 www.ecocn.org 5. Before, a few people had secretly circulated dissident newspapers and had often been imprisoned for that. 以前,只有少数人私下传播持不同政见的报纸,并常常因此而坐牢。 www.ftchinese.com 6. As to what motivates them, a dissident spokesman provided a clue last month in a rare interview with a Belfast paper, the Irish News. 这些人的动机到底是什么呢?从贝尔法斯特报纸《爱尔兰新闻》对异见派发言人罕见的一次采访中可见一斑。 www.ecocn.org 7. The intent was to drive the Kachin out of an area near where China is constructing hydropower plants, according to dissident groups. 异见组织说,政府军发动袭击的目的是将克钦人赶出那个地方,中国正在该地附近兴建水电站。 c.wsj.com 8. Google said the software was used both to spy on users and to launch strikes against dissident Vietnamese websites. 谷歌表示,该软件既被用于暗中监视用户,也被用于向越南异议人士的网站发动攻击。 www.voa365.com 9. AMERICA'S disastrous war in Iraq was salvaged by an unlikely collection of dissident generals, think-tank scholars and foreign experts. 美国在伊拉克灾难般的战事被一个不太可能的组合挽救了,在这个组合中包括了持不同政见的将军、智库学者和外国专家。 www.ecocn.org 10. Unfortunately, dissident elements turned off the water and the power, and the city ground almost to a halt. 不幸的是,由此引发的社会动乱,造成了水源和电力供应的中断,城市几近瘫痪。 www.ecocn.org 1. Represented by the fictitious language of works, ideology is put in contradiction with its dissident force and shows its illusion. 意识形态进入作品后处于一种异己力量的对抗中,在文学语言虚设的语境中暴露了自身的虚幻性。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. When asked about "dissident opinions, " people in Havana may not know what the word "dissident" means. 当被问及“异议观点”时,哈瓦那的人或许不知道“异议观点”为何意。 www.america.gov 3. Bomb threats from dissident republicans have meant the police and army are taking no risks with her safety. 来自爱尔兰共和军的炸弹威胁意味着警方和军方不可有任何疏漏。 www.ecocn.org 4. And an old menace is stirring again in Northern Ireland, which has seen an increase in dissident activity. 而威严恐吓这样的老把戏再次在北爱尔兰引起骚乱,近来因政见不一导致的恐怖活动见长。 www.ecolion.cn 5. next he leaked to a newspaper the president's plans to invite a leading dissident to a gala dinner, provoking a diplomatic incident. 第二次是他向一家报社泄露了总统打算邀请一位知名持不同政见者参加节日宴会的消息,引发了一场外交风波。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Dissident creditor Carl Icahn agreed to support MGM's restructuring after the studio made several changes to its reorganization plan. 持不同意见的债权人伊坎(CarlIcahn)在米高梅对重组方案做了数次改动后同意支持该公司重组。 chinese.wsj.com 7. This week, in the United States, dissident Republicans succeeded again in defeating more established candidates within their party. 本周,在美国,政见不同的共和党人再次击败党内确定的更多候选人。 www.tingclass.com 8. 10 he also berated Carter for inviting Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, whom he called "a common criminal" , to the White House. 他也严厉指责卡特邀请苏联的不同政见者弗拉基米尔-布克夫斯基,这个被他称为“普通罪犯”的人,到访白宫。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. It was a scene of open support for Burma's most famous dissident not seen in the military-controlled country for years. 这是一个缅甸的最有名的不是在军事控制的国家出现了多年持不同政见者公开支持场景。 www.englishtang.com 10. The atmosphere became even more difficult when a group of dissident directors were put into the board mix. 当一个异议者混进了董事会,这种情况变得更加艰难。 www.bing.com 1. Has Li suffered police prosecution for being an anti-capitalism dissident as he alleged? 反对资本主义的李宪源是否由于其不同政见而遭到警方指控? www.zlzx200.com 2. In the late Soviet era, aspirations for Ukrainian independence were confined to a group of dissident writers and intellectuals. 在苏联时代后期,乌克兰独立的意愿仅仅局限于一小群持不同意见的作家和知识分子。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is already facing a barrage of international criticism over the early April arrest of Ai Weiwei, a dissident artist. 四月初逮捕持不同政见的艺术家艾,党已经在面对一系列国际上的批评。 www.bing.com 4. Human rights activists and dissident journalists began to complain more loudly, and the government cracked down even harder. 人权活动家以及持不同政见的新闻工作者开始大声地抗议,政府也采取了更为严厉的镇压措施。 dongxi.net 5. Tensions between Chinese security forces and Tibetan dissident groups have been mounting for some time. 一段时间以来,中国军警与藏人异议团体之间的紧张不断蓄积。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A dissident group requires of its members that they place the group above the individual, the whole above the part. 一个意见不同的团体它的他们放置在个体上面的团体成员,在部份上面的整个者需要。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. From a Korean dissident to a nuclear scientist, via Vaclav Havel, we look at some of the world's most famous political prisoners. 从韩国的异议者到核子专家,经由瓦科拉夫·哈维尔,看看世界上最著名的政治犯吧。 www.bing.com 8. The prosecution claims the men conspired with the Saudi dissident Usama Bid Laden to kill US troops and civilians. 检控方声称这四人勾结沙特阿拉伯的持不同政见者奥萨马-本·拉登伤害美国士兵和平民。 www.24en.com 9. Now the authorities had an even clearer idea of who was saying what, with dissident voices being outed in public. 如今,当局甚至更清楚地掌握这些持不同政见者是谁,以及他们在公开场合说了什么。 dongxi.net 10. Not all the Jedi agreed with their positions as Generals in the wars, and a group of dissident Jedi splintered from the order. 在战争期间,并非所有的绝地都对将军的职位受之泰然,一部分持异议的绝地退出了武士团。 www.bing.com 1. Klaus, a trained economist with no dissident pedigree, was a late addition to the Havel-led revolutionary class of 1989. 克劳斯是经济学家,家族中无“唱反调”背景。他后来于1989年加入哈维尔(Havel)领导的革命阶级。 www.bing.com 2. he cites several descriptions of such moments, including one by Vaclav Havel, the Czech dissident-turned-president. 他列举了几个此类瞬间的描述,包括VaclavHavel的经历,此人曾是捷克异见人士,后来当上总统。 www.ecocn.org 3. The regime is notorious for repression, most famously of dissident Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the National League for Democracy. 缅甸政权以残酷镇压而臭名昭著,其中最著名受镇压者是全国民主联盟(theNationalLeagueforDemocracy)领导人,持不同政见者昂山素季。 www.bing.com 4. But Georgia remains a paradise for dissident politicians and journalists when compared with neighbouring Azerbaijan. 但是与领国阿塞拜疆比较,格鲁吉亚对持不同政见的政治家和记者来说仍是一个天堂。 www.ecocn.org 5. The CCP has already demonstrated its remarkable ability to contain and suppress chronic social protest and small-scale dissident movements. 中共已经展示了它在控制和镇压长期的社会抗议和短期的异见活的能力超凡能力。 www.bing.com 6. However, in today's perspective, Confucius is a dissident and a loser. 但是,孔子用今天的观点来看,是一位不同政见者,也正因为如此,他官场失意。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Debates will only be transmitted by government television channels, allowing the authorities to gag dissident voices. 辩论只能通过政府电视频道播放,允许当局压制异议人士的声音。 www.ecocn.org 8. A prominent intellectual and dissident who was detained last month is being held in pretrial detention, human-rights activists said Friday. 周五据一人权(激进分子)透露,上个月一著名持不同政见的学者遭强行拘留押庭候审。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He was also criticized for attending the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2009 after Beijing barred a number of dissident writers. 莫言还因为参加2009年法兰克福书展而备受批评,因为中国政府禁止一些异见作家参加那次书展。 cn.nytimes.com 10. Cuban doctors treating a political dissident who's on hunger strike say he is in danger of dying despite their efforts to keep him alive. 对进行绝食抗议的一名政见不同者进行治疗的古巴医生表示,尽管他们努力拯救此人的生命,他仍处于死亡的危险中。 club.topsage.com 1. Sun Yat-sen was a prominent dissident who had been exiled from China. 孙文是从中国流亡的一位著名不同政见者。 www.bing.com 2. Modern conservatism began as a movement of dissident intellectuals. 现代保守主义滥觞于异议知识分子运动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The dissident says that any change in Cuba will be positive, mainly if people understand that democracy comes from diversity. 这位异议人士说,如果人们理解民主是来自多元化的话,古巴的任何变化都将是积极的。 www.kekenet.com 4. Police in Northern Ireland discovered a 600-pound bomb in County Armagh, which was thought to be the work of a dissident republican group. 北爱尔兰警察在阿马郡发现了一个重达600磅的炸弹,这颗炸弹被认为是一个政见不合的共和派组织的杰作。 www.ecocn.org 5. The one dissident who could probably recast this debate is Miss Suu Kyi, the international face of principled resistance to military rule. 正是昂山季素,一位主张有纪律地反抗缅甸军事统治的国际知名人士或许能再次发起对本次选举的辨论。 www.ecocn.org 6. China's foreign minister has made rare comments about missing dissident lawyer Gao Zhisheng, saying the activist is not being tortured. 中国外长杨洁篪少有地谈到失踪的中国维权律师高智晟。杨洁篪说,高智晟没有受到折磨。 www.17visa.com 7. The most famous dissident in that Central American country has fled and is seeking political asylum. 那个中美洲国家最著名的异议人士已逃出该国寻找政治庇护了。 www.dictall.com 8. When dissident anarchists start breaking windows, Jean joins the peaceful protesters and quickly lands in jail. 当争锋相对的无政府主义者开始打碎窗户时,Jean加入了和平的抗议者队伍,很快也锒铛入狱了。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Will we stand for the human rights of the dissident in Burma, the blogger in Iran, or the voter in Zimbabwe? 我们会维护缅甸持不同政见者、伊朗的博主或是津巴布韦地区选民的人权吗? gb.cri.cn 10. PRESS junket for British journalists has annoyed the dissident intelligentsia of Damascus. 一场面向英国记者的媒体招待会惹恼了大马士革的异议知识分子。 www.ecocn.org 1. But the days of small-scale dissident protest - led by the former world chess champion Gary Kasparov - are back. 小规模持不同政见的抗议时代又回来了——这些抗议由前世界棋王卡斯帕罗夫领导着。 www.bing.com 2. According to one dissident shareholder, Bank of America is preparing for the possibility that the vote won't go its way. 而据一位对公司不满的股东透露,美国银行正在为投票万一通过后的有关事情做准备。 www.bing.com 3. The authorities decide to damp down the dissident's activities by imposing a curfew. 当局决定实行宵禁以抑制持不同政见者的活动。 www.jukuu.com 4. No-one was hurt in the incident, which politicians are blaming on dissident republicans. 没有人在事故中受伤,那些政客指责政见不同的共和党人。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Xie Hui could go with the stream and assist the new ruler, but he was still regarded as a dissident. 谢晦虽能顺应潮流,佐命新朝,但终被视为异己。 lib.cqvip.com 6. President Thabo Mbeki's dissident views on AIDS and antiretroviral drugs reflect similar fears. 姆贝基总统对艾滋和抗逆转录脢病毒药的不同看法反映出了类似的担忧。 www.ecocn.org 7. they wanted to teach, " says dissident journalist Dai Qing, who has just finished writing a book about that era. " 一位持不同见解的记者戴清(音译)说。他刚刚完成了关于那个年代的一本书。 chinaguide2008.blog.163.com 8. Liao Yiwu, a dissident writer in Germany, says he is shocked that Mo Yan won, because he is too closely associated with the establishment. 现居德国,持不同政见的作家廖奕武说他对莫言获奖感到震惊,因为莫与国家权利机构的联系是如此紧密。 www.bing.com 9. He rejected pleas from dissident bond holders and product-liability claimants who objected to GM's plans. 他驳回了反对出售通用汽车计划的债券所有人和产品责任索赔人的抗辩。 bbs.51ielts.com 10. But by 1963, Diem's government was so discredited that the US did nothing to stop a coup by dissident generals. 但是到1963年为止,吴庭艳政府名誉扫地,以至于美国对于由一位异议将军发动的政变袖手旁观。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Workers are also required to keep an eye on their colleagues and report any "dissident" activity. 在工作的同时,工人们还需要盯紧同事,如果他们有任何“反动”言论或活动都要上报。 career.51youcai.com 2. Internet dissident Du Daobin also was arrested for violating his probation terms, said Reporters Without Borders. 记者无国界(ReportersWithoutBorders)称,持不同政见的网民杜导斌也因违反了缓刑期间的规定而遭逮捕。 www.bing.com 3. DISSIDENT republicans have stepped up their campaign of violence this month. 本月,爱尔兰共和军异见分子掀起暴力狂潮。 www.ecocn.org 4. China shoots and kills every single anti-national, terrorist, or dissident at gun point. 中国开枪打死反国家人士,恐怖分子或持不同政见者。 www.tieku.org 5. Mr Matar's father, a Libyan dissident and former diplomat, disappeared in Cairo in 1990, and may still be alive inside Gaddafi's prisons. 马塔尔的父亲是利比亚前外交官,一位异见人士,1990年在开罗失踪,可能如今仍囚禁在卡扎菲的监狱里。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Around 100 are in jail in Northern Ireland and the Republic, convicted of dissident offences or awaiting trial suspected of them. 目前约有100多人因为犯袭警罪或涉嫌袭警,被关押在北爱和爱尔兰的监狱里。 www.ecocn.org 7. That was the dissident movement in Poland. 那是波兰的持不同政见者的运动。 www.bing.com 8. That should help to limit criminality but it will also give those governments a clearer view of dissident activity. 这应该会有助于抑制犯罪行为,但也会让政府更清楚地掌握异议人士的行动。 www.ftchinese.com 9. These extremists, these dissident groups, they call on the population to go to be martyrs. 这些极端分子,这些异见组织,他们煽动人们做殉道者。 www.chinavoa.com 10. Cuba freed Ariel Sigler, a paraplegic dissident, after he had spent seven years in jail on charges of treason. 古巴释放了瘫痪的持不同政见者阿拉尔?西格勒,他因被控叛国罪在监狱中待了七年。 www.ecocn.org 1. The question is, will they stay that way? Long-time dissident and political analyst Hisham Kassem says most political forces don't think so. 问题是,他们会保持这种作风吗?资深异议人士和政治分析师希沙姆·卡西姆说,大多数政治派别不这样认为。 www.voanews.com.cn 2. But the website of the Confucius Institute in Edinburgh promotes a talk by a dissident Chinese author whose works are banned in China. 而爱丁堡孔子学院的网站上推广一名持不同政见的中国作家的演讲,他的作品在中国被禁。 www.bing.com 3. The first is a dissident coalition of conservative Peronists. 首先是保守派贝隆主义者中一个持不同政见的联盟。 www.bing.com 4. I once met a Chinese dissident who was strongly opposed to Communist party rule. 我曾见过一名中国异议人士,他强烈反对共产党的统治。 www.bing.com 5. There were many dissident elements in the population. 人民间尚存有许多意见不合的分子。 www.hxen.com 6. In unity lies strength; already many of the dissident factions have joined us. 在团结中才会产生力量;许多反对组织已经加入了我们。 bbs.yaoyuan.com 7. the dictator condemned the dissident to hard labor. 那个独裁者惩罚持不同意见者做苦工 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been named the winner of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. 已经坐牢的中国政见不同者陆小波已经被提名2010的诺贝尔和平奖的名单。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Violence continued Friday, but there no immediate reports of deaths from the government or dissident groups. 星期五,暴力仍在持续,但政府方面和持不同政见者方面都没有死亡报道。 www.timeweekly.cn 10. It is uncomfortable being the constant dissident . 长期唱反调是令人痛苦的。 www.bing.com 1. Confucius with the perspective of today's China is a dissident. Because of this, he is a loser in officialdom. 孔子用当今中国的观点来看是一位不同政见者,也正因为如此,他官场失意。 www.italki.com 2. Bouebdelli, who had educated many of the country's elite and their children, was thus transformed overnight into an impassioned dissident. 博维布德里,这位曾为国家培养了许多的精英人士和他们的孩子的人,在一夜之间,转变为一个慷慨激昂的政治异见者。 www.bing.com 3. He was exiled as a dissident. 他因是异议份子而被流放到国外。 bbs.calm-sea.com 4. The dissident element on campus. 校园内的持不同意见者。 dict.hjenglish.com 5. On March 25, the veteran dissident Liu Xianbin was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for "incitement to subvert state power. " 3月25日,退伍军人兼持不同政见者刘贤斌以“煽动颠覆国家政权”罪被判处10年有期徒刑。 www.hrw.org 6. In 2008 Hu Jia, another dissident who is serving a three-and-a-half-year sentence, was said to be on the short list. 2008年,胡佳,另一位异议者曾经服刑三年半,据说已进入围最后的候选人名单。 www.enbad.com 7. But that is what has happened after an unknown gunman tried to kill a dissident Rwandan general on June 19th. 但这就是在6月19号一名身份不明持枪男子试图杀害一位卢旺达反对派将领之后发生的。 www.ecocn.org 8. It sounds simple, but in many cases it worked because the authorities were not sure how to handle the dissident movement. 听着幼稚吧,可在许多情形中还真有效嘞。因为当局不知该拿这场异见运动这么办! www.bing.com 9. Last year, a bestseller called "Wolf Totem, " written by a dissident, was debated among intellectuals and business leaders. 去年有一本由异议者所写的名叫《狼图腾》的畅销书,在知识分子和商业领袖中间引发了激烈的辩论。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In last year's election many younger voters plumped for Marina Silva, a PT dissident running for the Green Party. 去年总统大选,很多年轻选民将票投给MarinaSilva(代表绿党参选的前工党异见人士)。 www.ecocn.org 1. Earlier his parents had fled from Equatorial Guinea, his father having escaped from prison just before being shot as a political dissident; 早年他的父母逃出赤道几内亚(为西非之一国),他父亲越狱后被视为政治异见者; bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. John Perry Barlow, Cognitive Dissident Co-Founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation 约翰.佩里.巴娄,清醒的异议者电子边疆基金会共同创始人。 baike.soso.com 3. An underground of dissident intellectuals 反对知识分子的地下组织 dict.ebigear.com 4. Dissident NYSE Seat Owners Question Deal 纽约证券交易所持异议的席位拥有者质疑交易 www.binvor.com 5. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russian author and dissident, died on August 3rd, aged 89 亚历山大?索尔仁尼琴,俄罗斯作家、持不同政见者,于8月3日去世,终年89岁 www.ecocn.org 6. set free a prominent dissident 释放知名异见人士 www.crazyenglish.org 7. Kim Dae-jung, Korean dissident-turned-president, died on August 18th, aged 83 金大中,韩国前总统,以持不同政见当选,卒于8月18日,享年83岁 club.topsage.com |
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