单词 | dispose of |
释义 |
第三人称单数:disposes of 现在分词:disposing of 过去式:disposed of 例句释义: 安排,解决,办妥,杀掉,处理,除掉,处置 1. Spray irrigation Sprinkling water over land to be used for crops. Often used to dispose of wastewater from sewage treatment plants. 喷洒灌溉,喷灌把水喷洒于准备种植作物的土地上。常常使用经过污水厂处理过的废水。 9love.bokee.com 2. I went to work the next day and, as usual, stood on the garbage bin, ready to dispose of the litter. Suddenly my feet slipped and I fell! 第二天早上我去上班,如同往常一样我站在垃圾桶上处理垃圾,可是我却一脚踩滑了! sm2000.org 3. Park safety and medicine with the pox should be able to help you dispose of your troubles. . . 用安痘园中药应当可以帮你处置你的烦恼… 99mrw.5d6d.com 4. Yes, once the Perfect 16 is installed, you can dispose of any other filters that were previously used in your HVAC system. 是的。一旦安装完美16,您可以移除先前安装在供热通风与空调系统中的任何其他过滤器。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. Now considered how she was to dispose of herself in a strange country so far from home. 这时候她离家很远了,想着自己到了异乡该怎样安排自己的生活才好。 6. He said the next step would be to find a way to rent, sell or dispose of foreclosed homes that are weighing on already depressed prices. 他透露,下一步将是寻找恰当方式出租、销售或处置止赎的房屋,因止赎房屋正拖累本已疲软的楼价。 cn.reuters.com 7. Do not spit anywhere in public. If you need to spit, cough into a tissue paper and then dispose of the paper in a covered bin. 不要随地或向废纸箱吐口水或痰涎,口水或痰涎要用纸巾包住,然后弃置在有盖垃圾桶内。 www.info.gov.hk 8. I don't contest your right to dispose of your property as you see fit, but I doubt the propriety of this bequest. 我不反对你放弃你的财产的权力,但是我怀疑这遗产的合法性。 aaenglish.blogchina.com 9. It is with regard to him that I desire to speak to you. Dispose of me as you see fit; but first help me to carry him home. 我正想和您说说他的事,您可以随意处理我,但先帮我把他送回家,我只向您要求这一件事。 www.ebigear.com 10. The ownership of a ship means the shipowner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of the ship in his ownership. 第七条船舶所有权,是指船舶所有人依法对其船舶享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Moreover, unless manufacturers are forced to bear the costs, they will have no incentive to make their wares easy to dispose of. 因此,除非生产商被迫承担支出,否则他们没有动力去改造他们货物以便于处置。 www.ecocn.org 2. Mr. Allison said the Treasury intends to dispose of its current investment in the bank 'as rapidly' as possible over the next year. 艾利森说,财政部打算在未来一年内尽可能快地处理掉它目前在花旗的投资。 c.wsj.com 3. " He says it is not ready to dispose of my thought, and then call me. " Cheng Ze gnash the teeth in anger. “他说现在还没想好怎么处置我,等想到了再打电话给我。”成泽咬牙切齿的说。 www.bing.com 4. Billy neatly closed the bag and went down the aisle to the toilet to dispose of the bag and rinse out his mouth. 比利把纸袋麻利地卷上,通过走廊到侧所去处理掉,又漱漱口。 www.jukuu.com 5. She did that for three days, with the ministers calling on her, and the doctors, trying to persuade her to let them dispose of the body. 一连三天她都是这样,不论是教会牧师访问她也好,还是医生想劝她让他们把尸体处理掉也好。 www.putclub.com 6. An injection well used to dispose of the oilfield brine that is often produced with oil. 处置常与油一同采出的油田盐水所用的注入井。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. HKTB reserves the right to award or dispose of any forfeited prize in such manner and to such person as it deems fit . 旅发局保留以其认为适当的方式向其认为适当的人士颁发或处置已放弃奖品的权利。 www.bing.com 8. and, by his overruling providence, direct and dispose of all things to his own glory. 并且求祂藉著祂统管万有的护理,引导并安排万事,使祂自己得荣耀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Previously the company had to remove heat before being able to dispose of the 20% quality steam. 以前他们公司已经以除去热量才能处分的蒸汽品质20%。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. When challenged, Nilsen showed detectives body parts and a pair of severed heads he had yet to dispose of. 而当警方表示怀疑时,尼尔森拿出了他还未处理的几块肢体,以及两颗被他割下的头颅。 www.lkong.net 1. Lawyers said the retirees should use legal measures to dispose of the guarantee rather than sell it by themselves. 据律师讲讲,退休人员应使用合法程序处置抵押品,而不应将其自行卖掉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material and its container at hazardous or special waste collection point. 不要排入下水道,在危险废物或特殊废物收集点处置该物料及其容器; wenku.baidu.com 3. where the trustee-trader is unable to contact the trustor in time, it may dispose of the trust item in a reasonable manner. 和委托人不能及时取得联系的,行纪人可以合理处分。 www.falvtrans.com 4. Close files opened by this thread, or dispose of objects that the garbage collector did not reclaim. 关闭该线程打开的文件,或释放垃圾回收器未回收的对象。 www.kuenglish.info 5. On the moving day, I didn't have the heart to tell him that he could dispose of the accordion. 搬家那天,我不忍心告诉他,可以把那架手风琴扔掉。 www.zftrans.com 6. Foreign trade dealers is entitled to use and dispose of its rights, and any other entity or individual may intervene. 对外贸易经营者依法享有使用和自主处置其注册商标的权利,其他任何单位和个人不得干预。 www.bing.com 7. After a celebration of a winning in a match, how have to you dispose of the employ national flag? 庆祝比赛胜利过后,对于使用过的国旗我们应该如何处理? www.duyan1.cn 8. Transfer, license or dispose of any intellectual property, patents, trademarks, service marks and domain names. 转让、许可或处置任何知识产权、专利、商标、服务标志及域名,但在正常经营过程中发生的除外 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Please remember sometimes that this clay, this sand, and this manure which you so arbitrarily dispose of, are men! 请你们记住,有时候你们任意处置的这些粘土、这些沙子、这些肥料,是人! blog.sina.com.cn 10. The major role of the company is to purchase, manage and dispose of NPLs acquired from financial institutions. 公司的主要任务是买,管理和处分的权利,从金融机构获得的呆坏账问题。 wenwen.sugoula.com 1. The hotel reserves the right to dispose of any item which is not claimed within this period of time. 在上述期限内无人认领的物品,酒店有权自行处理。 bbs.veryeast.cn 2. After party B moved out of the apartment, the items left behind as a waiver, the party A entitled to dispose of. 乙方搬离房屋后,遗留物品视为放弃,甲方有权处置。 wenku.baidu.com 3. There was only a small part of his estate that Sir Walter could dispose of. 沃尔特爵士的田产,他只能处理掉很少一部分。 www.jukuu.com 4. And with biomimicry, if you've got an underutilized resource, you don't think, "How am I going to dispose of this? " 在座某些人可能想知道我们会如何处理那些盐分在生物模拟的概念下,如果你有一项还未被使用的资源你不会想“我该怎么把这东西丢掉?” www.ted.com 5. gently peel off the condom and dispose of it properly. With every fresh banana, always use a fresh condom. 轻轻的拨去保险套,然后正确地丢弃它,新鲜的香蕉,总是用新鲜的保险套。 bbs.newssgo.com 6. They can try in vitro fertilization and dispose of any afflicted embryo--though that might be objectionable, too. 他们也可以尝试体外受精并且处理令人痛苦的胚胎——虽然这种选择也会令人不快。 www.rrting.com 7. They are there to ensure that you don't rise-up and dispose of her Majesty, and her precious executive government. 他们主要是想确保你不会起义,不会破坏他的威严,和他们尊贵的政府执行者。 www.ltaaa.com 8. And yet, many of these escarpments hide sites where humans dispose of all sorts of waste. 然而,很多这样的悬崖峭壁实际上是人类倾倒各种各样的垃圾的地方。 www.24en.com 9. Fully recyclable packaging - means you can be kinder to the environment if you dispose of it correctly. 我们使用可完全回收利用的包装材料——这意味着你可以通过正确处理来更加有效地善待环境和大自然。 www.xici.net 10. I know you have received orders from our commandant, which he has received from his superiors, to dispose of the population of this camp. 我知道你们从司令官那里接到了来自他上司的指令,要求你们处决这个集中营里所有的囚犯。 word.hcbus.com 1. No unit or individual may illegally dispose of the property, account books, documents, materials, seals, etc. of a bankrupt enterprise. 第二十五条任何单位和个人不得非法处理破产企业的财产、帐册、文书、资料和印章等。 www.chinalawedu.com 2. For now, at least, Metronet still lives: its planned works will continue while the administrators dispose of the business. 现在,至少Metronet公司还“活着”:它会按原计划继续翻修工作,但是管理人员不再参与其中。 www.ecocn.org 3. As a "human" have the right to dispose of their own personal, not the employer's free to servitude. 作为“凡人”就有权支配自己的人身,而不受雇主的随意役使。 jztu.5d6d.com 4. Professor Luo said converting waste oil into biofuels or animal feed would be an appropriate way to dispose of it. 罗教授认为将地沟油加工为生物燃料或是动物饲料不失为一个好的方法。 www.suluku.com 5. Regularly scheduled shredding sessions can legally dispose of documents that in the future might be subject to a subpoena . 只要定期切碎纸张,就可以合法地销毁未来也许会带来法律麻烦的文件。 dict.wenguo.com 6. This method gives the class the opportunity to dispose of any resources allocated to support batching. 此方法使类有机会释放为支持批处理而分配的任何资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The general's insubordination conceals a more serious disagreement: over how to dispose of the Maoists' former fighters. 这位将军的不服从掩盖了一个更严重的分歧:关于如何处置那些毛主义者前战士。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The plan for this used blade chassis is to wipe the drives and pay somebody to haul it away and dispose of it. 本用的刀片机箱计划是擦驱动器和支付某人离开重载它和处置它。 technet.microsoft.com 9. A more feasible approach may be not to dispose of the poorest performers but simply to starve them of funds. 不将表现最差的保护区处理掉而仅仅是缩减他们的开支也许是一个更为可行的方法。 www.ecolion.cn 10. It should be noted that disinfectants should not be poured into pits or tanks of latrines that dispose of excreta by biological degradation. 值得注意的是,通过生物降解处理排泄物的厕所,不应向厕坑或者水箱中投放消毒剂。 pro.yeeyan.com 1. Evaluate the processes and procedures used to store, retrieve, transport and dispose of confidential information assets. 评估保密信息资产的采集、存储、使用、传输(或运输)和(退役)处置程序和流程。 hi.baidu.com 2. All of these purchases have caused Buffett to dispose of many stocks to replenish the coffers at Berkshire Hathaway. 所有这些买入项目导致了巴菲特卖掉许多股票来补充伯克希尔公司的资金。 www.bing.com 3. Mum ordered me to dispose of these unfashionable clothes. 老妈命令我把这些过时的衣服处理掉。 wenku.baidu.com 4. At its best, then, the American labour market does not dispose of its workers; it recycles them. 因此在最佳状态下,美国劳动力市场并没有将劳工弃之不用,而是对其循环使用。 www.ecocn.org 5. He does not know how to dispose of his time. 他不知道如何安排自己的时间。 www.ycxy.com 6. The murderer was unable to dispose of the body. 凶手无法处理那具尸体。 dict.hjenglish.com 7. The IMS freshwater generator is an environmentally friendly system with no process chemicals and no raw cartridges to dispose of. IMS淡水制造机是一个不用工艺化学品并且无须处置原水滤筒的环境无害系统。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. If your husband was still alive, this is only half of your right to dispose of property. 如果你的丈夫还活着,这仅仅是你的权利,处置财产的一半。 www.qiyeku.com 9. They were in China for a project to dispose of chemical weapons abandoned there by the Japanese military at the end of World War Two. 他们来中国处理二战末被日本军队遗弃在那的化学武器。 www.bing.com 10. The first 83 minutes, James dispose of the ball in-fighting , Fernandez into the replacement of Buddhism. 第83分钟,詹姆斯扑救传中球脱手,替补的费尔南德斯打入空门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. One thousand years in the future, citizens of the earth may be able to dispose of their rubbish using an ecological system. 千年之后地球上的居民可能可以用生态系统来处理垃圾。 wenku.baidu.com 2. of life, we started using these rivers, lakes and harbors as our sewers - as the place to dispose of our garbage. 虽然我们知道水是生命之源,但却早就开始把这些河、湖、港口当做了下水道--一个处理废物的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Destroy or dispose of tin cans, old tires, buckets, unused plastic swimming pools or other containers that collect and hold water. 销毁或处置马口铁罐,废弃轮胎,水桶,剩塑料游泳池或其他容器,收集和站得住。 wf1504.blog.163.com 4. The facilities dispose of the vast amounts of manure by either spraying it as a liquid or spreading it as litter on nearby fields. 工业设备处理大量动物排泄物的方式,不是以液态喷洒出去,就是当做废弃物散置在附近的田野。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These companies will split up and dispose of the various components in accordance with statutory regulations in the country of purchase. 该公司将根据购买国法律规定对各种部件进行拆分和处理。 www.mrtranslator.cn 6. Article 71 An owner is entitled to possess utilize, seek profits from and dispose of the exclusive parts of the building. 第七十一条业主对其建筑物专有部分享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 bbs.translators.com.cn 7. He would not have been the first father to dispose of an unwanted girl child, the Shavepate claimed. 他不是第一个解决掉自己不想要的女儿的父亲,剃头之人声称。 www.cndkc.net 8. Unable to abandon price supports for political reasons, they resort to export restitutions to dispose of their surpluses abroad. 由于政治上的原因,他们不能取消对价格的支持,于是便求助于出口补偿向国外出售这些过剩的产品。 www.jukuu.com 9. Unfortunately, this process released toxic vapors into the air, requiring the EPA to find another way to dispose of it. 不料,检验过程向大气排放了有毒有害气体,致使EPA不得不另寻方法进行处理。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn 10. It's a real danger for spacecraft. But we could dispose of the deric by simply sending them back to the atmosphere. 那对于太空飞船是非常危险的,所以我们处理他们的最简单的方法就是把他们重新送回大气层里去。 bbs.xiaoma.com 1. Remove the print head and immediately place it in the storage container or dispose of it. 移除打印头,马上将其放入储藏箱,或者扔掉。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. If no one is willing to be responsible for its upkeep, dispose of the machine. 如果没有人愿意负责机器的维修,那就把机器扔掉。 www.ibm.com 3. His first task will be to dispose of his remaining businesses to avoid conflicts of interest. 他的首要任务将是卖掉他手头上的生意以避免利益冲突。 www.ecocn.org 4. Shred or securely dispose of all customer information once it is no longer needed. Make sure copies of receipts and return slips are safe. 已经作废或不需要的客户信息必须妥善处理或者粉碎,确保收据复印件和回票的安全。 www.elanso.com 5. And is responsible for the delivery of raw materials, warehousing qualified for failure to dispose of products as required. 并负责对交付合格的原材料入库,对不合格的产品按要求处置。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Oh, dear, it looks like you bought out the supermarket, can't you see we've got a lot of junk to dispose of already! 噢,天哪!你好像把超市都买空了,我们已经有很多东西要扔了! www.bing.com 7. If you are unable to do this following the 48hr grace period, G4S will dispose of this on your behalf. 如果在此48小时的宽限期内您无法妥善处理,我们将替您处理。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 8. The city's challenge, chiefly, is to dispose of cesium-137, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 30 years. 这座城市面临的最大问题就是处理铯—137,这是一种半衰期为30年的放射性同位素。 www.bing.com 9. Units such as these were quite capable of laying waste to an entire building in an effort to dispose of a single target. HK-47型机器人可以为了某一个目标而把一整栋建筑里的东西打得支离破碎。 www.zhihuiguan.com 10. Dispose of the useless battery properly. Do not dispose of in fire or water. 废弃电池请安全妥当处理,不要投入火中或水中。 cn.esunny.com 1. Article 13 The parties shall be entitled, within the scope stipulated by law, to dispose of their civil rights and their litigation rights. 第十三条当事人有权在法律规定的范围内处分自己的民事权利和诉讼权利。 www.lawyee.org 2. But the holder of a title can not, as a general rule dispose of the title to another as he (or she) sees fit. 但持有人的标题,不能作为一般规则处置的标题到另一个,因为他(或她)认为合适的。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Police also arrested his 19-year-old sister, suspected her brother had helped dispose of part of the body. 警方也同时拘捕了他19岁的姐姐,怀疑她曾经帮弟弟弃置部分尸体。 www.englishtang.com 4. How do you think I should dispose of these things? 你认为这些东西我该如何处理呢? dict.veduchina.com 5. Workers wear protective suits to gather and dispose of culled chickens after a case of bird flu was confirmed in Kinokawa, Japan. 在纪之川市禽流感被确认后,工作人员穿上防护服收集并处理掉宰杀的鸡,日本。 feedproxy.google.com 6. Catherine and Alexander, wealthy and sophisticated, drive to Naples to dispose of a deceased uncle's villa. 凯瑟琳和亚历山大,富有和复杂,他们驾车去那不勒斯处理一座死去叔叔的别墅。 vcddvd88.com 7. Sort mixed construction waste and not just dispose of it in a single place . 在弃置前,把混杂的建筑废物分类。 www.bing.com 8. If put the Athens fibreboard in Hatch No. 5 fore part, then how do you dispose of the sewing machines which were to be stowed there? 如果把雅典的纤维板装在五舱的前部,那么怎样安排原定装在那里的缝纫机呢? woshao.com 9. Where governments dispose of assets or allocate licences, there is a compelling case for more use of auctions to which all have access. 在政府处置资产或发放许可证时,有必要更多地使用所有人都能获得准入的拍卖手段。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It is far easier to dispose of a dictator and build a plausible democratic structure than to build a genuinely pluralist culture. 处理一个独裁者和建立一个假象的民主结构要比建力一个真正的多元文化要容易得多。 www.ecocn.org 1. It's a real danger for spacecraft. The way we could dispose of the debris by simply sending them back into the Earth's atmosphere. 这对太空飞船来说确实非常危险。我们只能通过把碎片送回大气的方式来处理它们。 bbs.xiaoma.com 2. Let me, however, dispose of some bad arguments against seeking material equality. 不过,还是让我来驳斥一些反对追求实质平等的糟糕观点吧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I practically gift-wrapped those cubes for you, and you couldn't even dispose of them. 我实际上把这些嫩肉当作礼物给你们,你们连他们都无法处理。 28289008.qzone.qq.com 4. Article 71 "Property ownership" means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of his property. 第七十一条财产所有权是指所有人依法对自己的财产享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 www.24en.com 5. Do not dispose of objects that are still being referenced elsewhere in your program. 不要释放在你程序任何地方正在被引用的对象。 app.cnzer.cn 6. And leapfrogging straight to a green technology means there is no need to dispose of the old, dirty one. 而且,直接跳跃至绿色技术意味着无须对废旧品进行处理。 www.ecocn.org 7. The override of the base Finalize method, which allows the common language runtime (CLR) garbage collector to dispose of class instances. 基本Finalize方法的重写,该方法允许公共语言运行库(CLR)垃圾回收器来释放类实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It is not even that doctors think the medicine is the best treatment. It is that this is a quicker way for doctors to dispose of patients. 这绝不是医生认为药是最佳治疗办法,而是医生处理病人更快的一种办法。 ggkb.ustsd.edu.cn 9. When you dispose of an object, all of its resources must be disposed of. 当您释放对象时,必须要释放它的所有资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. By today's standards they were pretty primitive, as most people still had to dispose of their waste by hand. 以今日的标准而言,那种下水道相当原始,因为大多数人仍然必须用手处理他们的排泄物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Let you manage and then dispose of a related set of allocations. 创建的附加堆使您可以管理并因而释放一组相关分配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. But in many areas, pollutants are put into the air faster than weather conditions can dispose of them. 不过,在很多地区,污染物排放到空气中的速度比天气处理污染物的速度快。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. and seize , take away and dispose of any such colours. 及检取、带走及处置该船旗。 www.jukuu.com 4. The military returned to the city last May to dispose of refuse, and residents once again lit garbage on fire in June. 军队在去年五月重返该城市进行垃圾的处理,六月,当地居民便再次点火焚烧垃圾。 dongxi.net 5. For instance, we no longer have to dedicate man power and money to legally dispose of the chemicals we once needed. 例如,我们不再有专门的人权力和金钱,以法律处置化学品的,我们一旦需要。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 6. In January, Navy officials decided to dispose of, sell off or give away the vessel, which is docked at Pearl Harbor. 海军官员在一月份决定将停在珍珠港的这艘船弃置、出售或送出。 www.taipeitimes.com 7. The city of Beebe has hired U. S. Environmental Services to begin the cleanup and dispose of the dead birds, the commission said. 毕比城市的环境服务公司聘请了美国,开始清理和处置死鸟,该委员会称。 tieba.baidu.com 8. We recommend that you always close or dispose of a connection when you are finished using it, in order to return the connection to the pool. 我们建议在使用完连接时一定要关闭或断开连接,以便连接可以返回池。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In the next illustration a disabled man struggles to properly dispose of the trash she has left behind. 而在接下来的那幅图中,一位残疾人艰难地把她扔下的垃圾清理掉了。 en.eol.cn 10. no spitting . always wrap nasal and mouth discharges with tissue paper , and dispose of the tissue paper properly in rubbish bin. 不要随地吐痰,应将口鼻排出的分泌物用纸巾包好弃于垃圾箱内。 www.ichacha.net 1. The applications of wet oxidation in wastewater treatment, dispose of sludge and activated carbon regeneration are elaborated. 阐述瞭湿式氧化技术在废水处理、污泥处理、活性炭再生中的一些应用研究情况,并进行了比较。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Once there is an outbreak, to ensure that in the first at the scene, quickly dispose of the epidemic effectively. 一旦发生疫情,确保在第一时间赶赴现场,快速有效开展疫情处置。 www.xmdsw.com 3. Best of all, no clean-up is required. One more call to the restaurant and the same delivery man returns to dispose of everything. 最好的是无需清洁。再打个电话给餐馆,同一个送货员就会回来处理一切。 www.hxen.com 4. Germany has to dispose of enormous amounts of these materials, accumulated in Eastern Germany. 德国必须处理巨大数量的这些材料,在东德国累积。 www.tzhealth.com 5. Throw away used needles in a puncture-proof container (ask your pharmacist where you can get one and how to dispose of it). 将用过的针头扔到穿刺防水容器中(可以向你的药剂师咨询如何购买和处置)。 www.bing.com 6. The wrong pieces may be returned per next available steamer for our account, but it is preferable if you dispose of them in your market. 错发的货物可以由下一班可订到的轮船退回,但最好在你市场处理(卖掉)。 blog.163.com 7. If you are barbecuing with coal, be sure you know how to properly dispose of them. 如果你用煤炭做烧烤材料,请务必懂得如何处理掉它们。 www.bing.com 8. Shareholder pressure is prompting the mobile -phone giant to dispose of its minority stakes . 股东的压力迫使这位移动巨头不得不处理少数股权。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. It's a real danger for spacecrafts. But we could dispose of the debris by simply sending it back into the earth's atmosphere. 这对宇宙飞船来说是一大危险。但我们可以通过仅仅将这些垃圾送回地球大气就能处理掉它们。 bbs.xiaoma.com 10. To minimize risk of infection from dead birds any employee who discovers any dead birds should not handle and dispose of them. 为了降低被感染的风险,任何员工在发现任何死禽时都不应自行处理。 www.canadameet.com 1. Provisions must be made to dispose of redundant items such as: tooling, Company Pharma Product specific equipment, labeled Components. 不得不预先作好预备以处理多余的物品,如工具、公司产品特定设备、标记的组分。 xueshu.anxue.net 2. The invention discloses a novel method which adopts phenol-water coal-slime to dispose of phenol contained wastewater contamination. 采用酚水煤泥法治理含酚废水污染的新方法。 ip.com 3. Please dispose of these packaging carefully. 请妥善处理这些礼品的外包装。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Contact a licensed professional waste disposal service to dispose of this material. 联系一个有专业资质的垃圾处理单位对这些材料进行处理。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. If you want to dispose of your unwanted vehicle , you must not leave it on any road or Government land at liberty . 假如你拟弃置你所拥有的车辆,请不要随意将它们遗留在道路或土地上。 www.bing.com 6. A dairy animal raiser shall timely clear, transport and dispose of the egesta and waste produced in raising dairy animals. 奶畜养殖者对奶畜养殖过程中的排泄物、废弃物应当及时清运、处理。 www.showxiu.com 7. That has left governments of coastal villages in the tsunami-ravaged region scrambling to dispose of corpses before hygiene problems emerge. 于是海啸袭击地区沿海村落的政府赶紧处理尸体,以防出现卫生问题。 c.wsj.com 8. The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim. 所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This means that the machine has more smoke, and smoke with a stronger odor to dispose of than the GC. 也就是说这种机器和GC相比会有更多的烟,要去掉味道更强的烟。 www.baristacn.com 10. Article 14 The Implementing Agencies shall removal general wastes and dispose of the wastes in a sanitary manner. 第14条一般废弃物,应由执行机关负责清除,并作适当之卫生处理。 www.cntranslators.com 1. failing to store and dispose of solid radioactive waste in accordance with the provisions of the licence. 不按照许可的有关规定从事贮存和处置放射性固体废物活动的。 www.bing.com 2. That would dispose of ownership and management transparency worries at a stroke. 这将一举消除有关所有权和管理透明度的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 3. We have too much furniture; let's dispose of these old chairs. 我们的家具太多了,咱们把这些旧椅子处理了吧。 www.hstc.edu.cn 4. It is a complete improvement of a person; dispose of blocks, which prevent energies from streaming into human bodies. 它是一个人身体完全的进步;除去阻塞,阻塞阻止能量流动进入到人的身体内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Are the personnel who handle, store and dispose of such materials trained? 搬运、储存和处置此类物品的人员是否经过培训? www.ehro.cn 6. A doctor speaking on the special radio channel devoted to the disaster explained the need to dispose of the bodies as quickly as possible. 在一个为灾难专设的收音机频道中,一个医生解释了为什么要尽快处理尸体。 www.showxiu.com 7. knowing nothing of this , slote went to the embassy with a light heart , hoping to dispose of some overdue work on this quite sunday. 斯鲁特对这些一无所知,他心情轻松地到大使馆去,想在这个平静的星期日把一些拖延下来的工作干完。 www.ichacha.net 8. Bring the intruder to my den. I will punish her insolence and dispose of her! 带侵入者去我的兽穴,我将处罚她的傲慢并且解决她! forum.gamer.com.tw 9. He laid his cards on the table during the meeting to dispose of the excess inventory. 他在会议中摊牌(表明)要解决掉多余的存货。 www.tzsy.cn 10. The easiest manner to dispose of excess mucous is a daily bath or swim, sauna or jacuzzi of a minimum of 45 minutes. 排除多余黏液的最简单办法,就是每日沐浴、游泳、桑拿或水流按摩浴缸泡澡最少45分钟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Then the Contribution is the grid density and dispose of density threshold of grid by the method of density threshold. 然后将“贡献度”作为网格单元密度,使用密度阈值函数来定义网格的密度阈值进行聚类。 www.fabiao.net 2. Flocculants, preparing from corn stalks could be used to dispose of sewage. 废弃秸秆制备絮凝剂,可用于污水处理。 www.dictall.com 3. A key measure of judicial efficiency is the time taken to dispose of a case. 一个衡量司法效率的指标是一个案件的审理时间。 www.bing.com 4. The European Union requires manufacturers to dispose of packaging, electronics and vehicles. 欧盟要求制造商对包装、电子产品、和汽车必须做废弃处置。 www.tianya.cn 5. Authorities fearing unhygienic conditions have rushed to dispose of corpses, burning them or laying them side by side in pits. 当局担心不清洁的环境,需要急速布置特殊军团,将其焚烧或一个一个用深坑掩埋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Always take care to dispose of a fridge properly, because it has very harmful greenhouse in it. 冰箱换代时旧机器要适当处理,因为里头带非常有害的温室气体物质。 www.britishcouncil.org.cn 7. News reports say a member of the temple staff confessed to being hired by several clinics to dispose of remains. 媒体报道称,寺庙内人员已经承认,有数个诊所雇佣他们来处理死婴。 www.china.org.cn 8. Third, the astronauts have requested more rapid and accurate emergency response capacity and ability to dispose of. 三是要求航天员具备更加快速准确的反应能力和应急处置能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Second, normal fungal sexual reproduction usually produces spores, which the immune system can easily identify and dispose of. 其次,普通的真菌有性生殖通常生产孢子,而这些孢子是可以被免疫系统轻易地识别并清除掉的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. ULDs power output of the power to dispose of their surrounding space, thus the formation of the country. 权力集装器中产出的权力支配其周围的空间,遂形成国家。 www.zidir.com 1. These nations must then be helped to safely dispose of the potentially dangerous chemicals. 我们必须帮助这些国家远离潜在的化学污染。 www.bing.com 2. To dispose of a tremendous wealth of raw experiences without being bound by any prescriptions as to how to deal with these treasures. 拥有一批原始经验的巨大财富,而不被任何关于如何处理这些财富的事先规定所约束。 bbs.philosophydoor.com 3. infrequently used items away from the work area and dispose of items that are not needed. 不常用的物品需远离工作区域;去除不需要的物品。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. While you are cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles of old newspapers. 你打扫车库的时候,请把那几堆旧报纸处理掉。 www.hstc.edu.cn 5. Sell only in accordance with the instructions of the consignor to dispose of the goods. 代销人只根据寄售人的指示处置货物。 auto.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Take and dispose of different pollutants and soils of different risk values differently and separately. 将具有不同类型污染物和不同风险值的土壤区别对待,分别处置。 www.366translation.com 7. He says the plane also brought in 2, 300 bags to help dispose of dead bodies in a dignified manner. 他说,这架飞机还运来2300个袋子,以帮助妥善处理遇难者的尸体。 www.ebigear.com 8. Descend an aim to not mind common your family from here under of responsibility for, to Yan surname also from lightly dispose of. 由此,下旨免了将军府上下的罪责,对颜氏也是从轻发落。 www.stzh.com 9. Using microbial fermentation community to dispose of livestock and poultry manure is the most popular problem now. 利用微生物发酵菌群处理畜禽粪便,是目前普遍关注的课题。 www.dictall.com 10. Incinerate only in officially approved incinerator. Dispose of waste material according to state, local or provincial regulations. 只能在经确认的焚化炉焚烧,废弃处置必须按照国家,地方或省的法规理。 www.cn-deli.com 1. He used to dispose of something perfunctorily. 以前他对一些事情常常苟且了事。 dict.hjenglish.com 2. Think I this ShiJiZai play together and wants secretly to dispose of pooh honey, think and tiger together hillocks. . . 想我这史基仔一起玩耍,想偷偷吃光维尼熊的蜂蜜,想和跳跳虎一起蹦蹦跳跳… zhidao.baidu.com 3. Property ownership means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of property. 财产所有权是指所有人依法对自己的财产享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。 dict.kekenet.com 4. Method 3: Adopt the high-temperature thermal desorption technology to dispose of this part of soil. 方式三:采用高温热脱附技术处理这部分土壤。 www.366translation.com 5. 'It seems like a responsible way to dispose of this, ' Mr. Barnes says. 巴恩斯说,这个计划看上去像是一个可信赖的处理方式。 www.ebigear.com 6. Strengthen the quality of food and drug safety supervision, and properly dispose of "problem milk powder" and other public safety incidents. 强化食品药品质量安全监管,妥善处置“问题奶粉”等公共安全事件。 www.elycn.com 7. If you see someone Xiexing evil thoughts, how to dispose of it in the? 如看到别人邪行邪念,该怎么来处置呢? quote.psytopic.com 8. Help keep lunchrooms and washrooms tidy and sanitary. Dispose of trash properly, and keep counters clean and dry. 保持餐厅和洗手间干净卫生。正确处理垃圾,保持办公台干燥、干净。 www.coatu.com 9. Dispose of solvent in an appropriate manner and refill the beaker. 以适当的方式去除溶剂并再次加满烧杯。 www.zgny17.com 10. Special cute baby frame, scene and others are the mother's choice; non-mainstream cool, personalized according to dispose of. 宝宝专用可爱边框、场景等是妈妈的首选;非主流炫酷、个性照随意处理。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. How can I get title to land and how can I dispose of it legally? 如何能获得土地的所有权以及如何合法地处分它? www.24en.com 2. To dispose of e. G. Please dispose of the industrial wastes in a proper way. 请将工业废料用适当方式处理掉。 bbs.bnulife.com 3. Use disposable gloves when caring for skin lesions, dispose of bandages in the trash and wash your hands well afterward. 在处理皮肤伤口时使用一次性手套,绷带处理到垃圾箱中,之后洗手。 www.elanso.com 4. Keeping a list of items helps people realize that garbage can come back to us if we don't dispose of it properly. 这张物品列表能帮助人们了解,假如这些垃圾未经妥当处理,它们最终还是会回来我们身边。 www.24en.com 5. How to dispose of a drive so that any data left on cannot be salvaged by ill-intentioned third parties? 如何处理这些硬盘,以防止那些居心不良的其他人恢复这上面的数据? www.ecocn.org 6. But the urge to dispose of Yahoo Japan and Chinese online marketplace Alibaba should be resisted. 但雅虎应拒绝出售雅虎日本(YahooJapan)和中国网上交易市场阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的要求。 www.ftchinese.com 7. An even better option is to dispose of equipment after each use, and this is highly recommended if at all possible. 一个更好的、强烈推荐的方法是,如果可能的话,在每次使用后将设备处理掉。 www.bing.com 8. Method, close or dispose of these objects. 方法中,关闭或释放这些对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The dehydration of sludge is an important process of the dispose of sludge. 污泥脱水是污泥处理中重要的一环。 www.chemyq.com 10. No units or individuals shall misappropriate them or dispose of them without authorization. 任何单位和个人不得挪用或者自行处理。 www.bing.com 1. We have to dispose of this pile of old papers and magazines. 我们得把这堆旧报纸杂志处理掉; www.allppt.com 2. The United States and Russia signed an agreement to dispose of 68 tons of weapons-grade plutonium. 美国和饿死了签署协议消除六十八吨武器级别的钚。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Modern industry produces many things, from coal ash to computers, that are difficult to dispose of properly. 现代工业产生了从煤灰到计算机等许多难于适当处理的废弃物。 www.ecocn.org 4. cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing and, if using tissues, make sure you dispose of them carefully. 当你咳嗽和打喷嚏时握住自己的鼻子和嘴,当你使用了手纸时要确保将他们小心处理。 www.bing.com 5. How should a biohacker dispose of unwanted genetically engineered bacteria? 一个生物黑客应该如何处置有害基因工程菌? www.bing.com 6. We carefully dispose of records and delete information when retention periods expire. 当保留期届满时,我们将谨慎弃置有关记录并删除客户资料。 www.tdict.com 7. The appellate court has a number of options to dispose of the case before it. 上诉法庭对提交上来的案件的处理有许多选择。 bbs.exue.com 8. What procedures exist to properly control and dispose of old, outstanding payroll checks? 采取何种现有程序使过期的工资支票得到适当控制和处置? ecfo.com.cn 9. Hope my answer makes you dispose of your results, thank you! 希冀我的回答能让你处置你的效果,谢谢! diannaowenti.5d6d.com 10. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill. 他在越南的任务是暗杀敌军人员,杀戮,终结生命。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Usually, the longer a government has to dispose of assets acquired during a crisis, the better the recovery rate. 通常,政府对危机中接手的资产处理变卖的时间越长,政府投入的回收率越高。 www.ecocn.org 2. When complete, dispose of the defragmentation block. 完成后,释放碎片整理块。 www.ianywhere.com 3. Wash gloves before removal and dispose of appropriately. Wash hands thoroughly. 手套洗后再脱,并作相应处理。彻底洗手。 www.med126.com 4. He was forced to dispose of his art treasures. 他被迫处理掉了自己的艺术珍藏。 www.jukuu.com 5. I will dispose of your wine when landed, at the best price I can obtain . 该葡萄酒到岸后,我们将尽力以最好的价格脱手。 www.jukuu.com 6. We will not make, handle, use, sell, transport or dispose of a product unless we can do so safely and in an environmentally sound manner. 我们不制造、处理、使用、销售、运输或弃置任何产品,除非我们可以在安全及无害于环境的情况下完成以上工作。 anquanbbs.com 7. One answer is to ban certain substances outright, thereby eliminating the need to dispose of them later. 一种解决方案是完全禁止使用某些物质,从而避免了以后处理这种物质的麻烦。 www.ecocn.org 8. A bust of the Roman Emperor Nero, who used cyanide to dispose of unwanted family members. 罗马帝王尼禄的半身像,他用氰化物对付无用的家族成员。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 9. Police said she wanted to cook her husband's body parts so she could dispose of them without being caught. 警方说,她要煮食她丈夫身体的各个部位,这样她就可以处理掉她丈夫的尸体而不会被逮住。 www.bing.com 10. This is not just unsanitary but it is unsafe so please dispose of your personal items properly. 这不仅不卫生,而且也很不安全。所以请正确处理你的“个人物品”。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Respiration: Process of taking in air for oxygen and releasing it to dispose of carbon dioxide. 呼吸:从空气中摄取氧和从体内排出二氧化碳的生理过程。 www.tdict.com 2. Kelly said New York police have the ability to dispose of potential terrorist threats. 凯利表示,纽约警方有能力处置潜在的恐怖威胁。 www.englishtang.com 3. When people die, different cultures dispose of their bodies in different ways. 当人死亡,不同文化背景的不同处置方式的机构。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. How can I dispose of myself with it? You are leaving tomorrow. 有了爱又怎么样?你明天就要走了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Sale" includes not only the actual sale of securities, but any contract to sell or otherwise dispose of securities. “出售”不仅包括对证券的实际出售,还包括任何出售或以其他方式处置证券的合同。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. The pooling radioactive water raises pressing new questions for the government and Tepco about how to dispose of it. 放射性积水向政府和东京电力提出了迫切的新问题,那就是如何处理这些水。 c.wsj.com 7. Fundamentally, humans are not a species that evolved to dispose of many extra calories beyond what we need to live. 从根本上来说,人类并不是一个进化到能够处置我们生存所需之外许多额外卡路里的物种。 www.bing.com 8. After installation, dispose of packaging material in the proper manner. 安装后,以适当方式处置包装材料。 www.h6688.com 9. In return, the insurer would receive a bridge loan of $85bn to keep it afloat until it could dispose of billions of dollars in assets. 而AIG将得到850亿美元的过桥贷款,以维持运营,直到该公司能够处置数十亿美元的资产。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Because it is cheaper to store them on site than to dispose of them, while Japan awaits the opening of a reprocessing plant. 因为日本在等待后处理厂开工时,就地储存比处理它们成本低。 www.bing.com 1. Kindly oblige us by dispose of same at the best possible price . 如能将该商品以最高价出售,我们不胜感激。 www.jukuu.com 2. We have to dispose of the garbage before Mom comes home. 我们必须在妈回来前,把这些垃圾收一收。 www.360abc.com 3. Method, which allows users of the class to dispose of class instances. 方法的实现,该方法允许类的使用者释放类实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This method calls Dispose(False) to dispose of the object's resources. 此方法调用Dispose(False)来释放对象的资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. I can dispose of your argument quite easily. 我能轻易驳倒你的论点。 www.unsv.com 6. So the key is to analyze whether they are not entitled to dispose of the contract. 因此本案的关键是要分析其是否是无权处分合同。 www.fabiao.net 7. discard single-use masks after each use and dispose of them immediately upon removing. 一次性口罩在每次使用后应丢弃并在除下后立即处置。 ienglish.eol.cn 8. Explains where to write the code to initialize your component, dispose of system resources, and destroy your component. 阐释在何处编写用于初始化组件、释放系统资源和销毁组件的代码。 technet.microsoft.com 9. DESPITE their name, disposable nappies are notoriously difficult to dispose of. 除了名字,一次性尿布是出了名的难以处理。 www.ecocn.org 10. Even with his thousands and his houses, how can you, of all people, dispose of yourself without affection? 就算他有万贯家财,你怎么能和其他人一样和不爱的人结婚? home.ebigear.com 1. A drainage system in urban and industrial areas is a facility to dispose of liquid waste. 城市和工业区域的排水系统指排除污水的装置。 tr.hjenglish.com 2. They dispose of the city 's waste in the sea . 他们把城市的废物倒入大海处理掉。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. Get a paper shredder to dispose of important paper work. 弄台碎纸机处理重要文件。 www.elanso.com 4. Washing the plums in the sink, Grandpa would sort out and discreetly dispose of the unsuitable fruit. 接着爷爷会把李子放在水槽里清洗,仔细地挑拣一番,把不适合的扔掉。 www.joyen.net 5. Two years ago, we lived in a world in which China could save much more than it invested and dispose of the excess savings in America. 两年前,我们所处的还是这样一个世界:中国的储蓄远多于投资,并且中国可以在美国处理掉多余的储蓄金。 www.bing.com 6. There is gossip wherever people gather. The participants of the gathering go home with bags of gossip . Each has a way to dispose of them. 凡有聚会,便有闲话。参加聚会的人带着一袋袋闲话回家后,各自以不同的方式处理。 www.qeto.com 7. It seems that our citizens find the best way to dispose of garbage are in water sources. Okay. 人们似乎觉得处理垃圾最好的方法就是往水里丢。 www.ted.com 8. They overwhelmed the capacity of local incinerators to dispose of them. 为了销毁这些药品,当地垃圾焚化炉甚至都超负荷运转。 waiyu.alicollege.net 9. As they sell oil, copper and wheat, they also dispose of gold. 在他们抛售石油、铜和小麦的同时,他们也卖出了黄金。 www.ftchinese.com 10. You may dispose of this order at your convenience. 您可以出于您自己的便利而舍弃这笔订单。 www.sosg.net 1. The purchase also assisted the Government in its programme to dispose of assets to improve its fiscal position. 有关交易亦有助政府顺利执行变卖资产计划,从而改善财政状况。 www.info.gov.hk 2. We have to dispose of pieces of old furniture and magazines. 我们得把这些旧家具处理掉。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I can dispose of your argument easily. 我轻而易举地驳倒了你的论点。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Five years ago, Shaquille O'Neal teamed with Wade, who was in just his third season, to dispose of Dallas. 5年前,奥尼尔与刚进联盟三年的韦德组队战胜了达拉斯。 www.bing.com 5. Dictionary or dispose of the control entirely. 字典中,或者完全释放该控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The inferior quality of. . . causes us considerable difficulty and it is hard for us to dispose of it. 该货物品质不良给我们带来相当大的困难,使得我们很难处理。 wenku.baidu.com 7. After the window has closed, we get the current Display and dispose of it. 在窗口已关闭之后,我们获取当前的Display并除去它。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Be careful how you dispose of documents. Ideally, destroy them. ? 要小心弃置有关文件,最好是销毁掉。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. Bring old clothes and undergarments and dispose of them each day leaving more room for momentos to bring home if you choose. 带旧的衣服和内衣,然后如果愿意的话每天都扔掉一些来腾出地方装要带回家的纪念品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. afterwards I may probably be glad to dispose of myself. 在那之后,我大概就可以自行安排了。 novel.tingroom.com 1. dispose of; make a financial settlement. 解决;做出一个财政上的结算。 www.jukuu.com 2. And courts were not arbiters of how owners could dispose of their property. 并且法院不是裁决者所有者怎样可能处理他们的物产。 baike.china.alibaba.com 3. We are an organization without independent military capability, and we dispose of relatively modest resources in the economic realm. 我们是一个没有独立军事能力的组织,我们只能掌控经济领域中相对较少的资源。 shj860420.blog.163.com 4. Dispose of all technology before proceeding to these locations. 请在进入上述区域之前处理掉这些科技产品 www.jukuu.com 5. We must dispose of too many essential features of the investigated phenomenon. 我们不得不排除所研究现象的许多基本特征。 dict.veduchina.com 6. They should make sure they put the sued plastic bags into the dustbin when they want to dispose of them. 他们应该确保他们把告状的胶袋把垃圾桶当他们想要措置他们。 www.lc123.net 7. On the upside, agriculture can also dispose of heat-trapping gases, by increasing the carbon content of soils. 从好的方面讲,农业可增加土地有机炭的含量,从而将温室气体固定下来。 www.ecocn.org 8. His job is to dispose of the rubbish every night. 他的工作是每晚清除垃圾。 www.kekenet.com 9. A new project that aims to safely dispose of harmful gas emissions has been launched in Australia. 一项以安全为主,处理温室气体排放的新计画在澳洲成立。 www.newdaai.tv 10. people now have substantial assets to dispose of after their death. 现在人们在死后有大量的资产要处理。 www.chuanmeiren.cn |
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