单词 | disposal system |
释义 | 例句释义: 处理系统,处置系统,垃圾处理系统,综合处置系统,排放系统 1. Lysosomes and peroxisomes are often referred to as the garbage disposal system of a cell. 对细胞来说,溶酶体和过氧物酶体是被当成垃圾处置系统而提到的。 terms.shengwuquan.com 2. With a water purification plant and waste disposal system, the crew of the Yamal say the ship's own ecological impact is minimal. 这艘破冰船拥有一个净水装置和垃圾处理系统,它的船员称这艘船自己对生态系统的影响是很小的。 www.bing.com 3. howard: you know, the wolowitz liquid waste disposal system is turning a few heads as well. 知道么,沃洛维茨废液处理系统也震动了一些人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But in those with lupus, the disposal system seems to be defective . 但对狼疮患者来说,残骸处理系统似乎也有缺陷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Conclusions The result of synthetic evaluation shows that occupational hygiene of the industrial waste liquid disposal system is qualified. 结论该工业废液处置工程,职业卫生综合评价合格。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. To strengthen financial supervision coordination, establish and perfect the system of financial risk pre-warning system and disposal system. 加强金融监管协调,建立健全系统性金融风险防范预警体系和处置机制。 www.bing.com 7. The perfection of labor disputes disposal system is a symbol of the completeness of labor legislation in a country. 一国劳动争议的处理制度,往往标志着一国劳动立法的完善与否。 www.lw23.com 8. For a number of reasons, expert advice is required to develop the most appropriate waste disposal system. 由于多种原因,要建立最适当的废物处理系统离不开专家的建议。 www.showxiu.com 9. Manage the maintenance for feed water and drain system, liquid waste disposal system, comply with government regulation. 管理维护公司内给排水、废水处理系统有效地执行政府相关法规。 www.yukinchina.com 10. The water in the pool comes from the sea after three-time cycle disposal system including filtration, heating and sterilization. 池中海水从深海中提取,并按国家有关标准设置三次过滤、加温、消毒循环处理系统。 www.huaxia.com 1. Through analysis and comparison of these methods, the paper has provided a synthetic detection algorithm based on CCD image disposal system. 通过对这些方法的分析比较,提出了一种基于CCD图像处理技术的综合检测算法。 www.lw23.com 2. b. Population Density. Population density will affect the space available for the excreta disposal system and thus the type of system. 人口的密度会影响到排泄物处理系统的可用空间和种类。 pro.yeeyan.com 3. Machine Translation System( MTS ) is a typical nature language disposal system, and language technique is a main technique in MTS . 机器翻译系统是一种典型的自然语言处理系统,语言技术是机器翻译系统中居于核心地位的技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In IN, SCP is distribute disposal system which is made of many module, user data intersperse respective module. 在智能网中,业务控制点是由多个模块构成的分布式事务处理系统,用户数据分布在各个模块中。 www.fabiao.net 5. Bile further serves as a waste disposal system for toxins removed from the blood by the liver. 胆汁还用于肝从血液排除毒素废物。 www.englishtang.com 6. Strict regulation of package waste and efficient package waste disposal system in late West Germany were also presented. 还重点介绍了美国的PET瓶的资源再利用,以及德国建立严格的包装废物法规和完善的处理系统的概况。 www.chemyq.com 7. No one really knows who created and designed this innovative and bizarre waste disposal system. 这个设计曾在网上引起强烈反响,就是不知道这种创新的废物处理系统会不会成真。 www.bing.com 8. this design aims at the wastewater disposal system's design which the Tai Lake basin countryside sewage carries on. 本设计是针对太湖流域农村污水所进行的废水处理系统的设计。 www.zzzdao.com 9. Use a regular garbage pail instead of a fancy diaper disposal system. 使用普通垃圾桶,而不是价格昂贵的尿布防臭处理用具。 www.bing.com 10. The propylene epoxide saponated sewage disposal system running process is summarized. 总结了环氧丙烷皂化污水处理系统运行情况。 www.tdict.com 1. Once a temporary system has been established, more time and care should be expended to establish the most appropriate waste disposal system. 临时系统建成后,应更多地考虑建设最合适的废弃物处理系统。 www.showxiu.com 2. The first group of displaced people arriving ata site should construct anadequate disposal system. 第一批到达安置地点的灾民就应建设足够的粪污处理系统。 www.bing.com 3. Because they had no proper rubbish disposal system, the streets of ancient Mesopotamia became literally knee-deep in rubbish. 由于没有适当的垃圾处理系统,古代美索不达米亚的垃圾几乎没膝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Is the sewage disposal system adequate? 排污水系统是否足够? down.handlers.cn 5. The city needs a new sewage disposal system. 这城市需要一项新的污水处理系统。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 6. Study on Anti - scale Technique of High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Used for Ash Disposal System 除灰系统应用高频电磁场防垢技术的研究 ilib.cn 7. The Latest Membrane Components Applied for Drinking Water, Electronic Ultrapure Water and Industrial Wastewater-disposal System 东丽公司最新的膜元件应用于饮用水、电子超纯水和工业废水处理系统 www.mc1950.com 8. On actuality of labor disputed disposal system as well perfecting 论我国劳动争议处理体制的现状与完善 www.ilib.cn 9. Statutes and Its Institution Innovation of Our Disposal System of Labor Dispute 我国劳动争议处理的制度创新问题 www.ilib.cn 10. Exploitation and application on the information disposal system for enterprise internal accounting 企业内部核算信息处理系统的开发与应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Application and Improvement of Double - socket Positive Pressure Dense Phase Ash Disposal System in Coal- fired Power Plants 火电厂双套管正压浓相除灰系统的应用与完善 ilib.cn 2. Investigation on Household Garbage Integration Disposal System 生活垃圾综合处理系统研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Chemicals experiment and process improvement for the sludge water disposal system 排泥水处理系统药剂试验及工艺改进 www.ilib.cn 4. Equipment of Ash- Slag Disposal System in Zhuhai Power Plant and Its Application 珠海电厂除灰渣系统的设备与应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Construction of the non-penalty disposal system for juvenile delinquency 末成年人犯罪非刑罚处置制度构建 www.ilib.cn 6. Existed Problems of Waste Water Disposal System at a Refinery in High Plateau and Reformation 高原炼油厂废水处理系统存在的问题及改造 service.ilib.cn 7. Comparative Research on Social Security Dispute Disposal System between Germany and China 中德社会保障争议处理制度比较研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Design and engineering application of duct in pneumatic ash disposal system with positive pressure 正压气力除灰系统管道的设计及工程应用 ilib.cn 9. Application of Digital Signature Technology in State Archives Disposal System 数字签名技术在政府公文处理系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of slurry disposal system of tunnel shield machine for building subaqueous tunnel across Huangpu River 越江隧道盾构泥水处理系统的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. The Law of Emergency Disposal System of Transgenic Product 论转基因产品安全应急处理法律制度 www.ilib.cn 2. Treatment of Restaurant Wastewater by High-efficient Bio-enhanced Oil and Fat Disposal System 生物强化高效油脂处理系统处理餐饮污水 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of Heavy-duty Anticorrosive Coatings in Sewage Disposal System 重防腐蚀涂料在污水处理系统中的应用 ilib.cn 4. The analysis of the economy of urban green space domestic sewage disposal system 城市生态绿地生活污水处理系统经济分析 www.ilib.cn 5. The Application Prospects of Microorganisms in the Urban Sewage Disposal System 微生物在城市污水处理系统中的应用前景 cnki.com.cn 6. Optimizing the Design of Pneumatic Disposal System With Positive Pressure 正压气力除灰系统的优化设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on Constructing Real-Time Information Disposal System 实时信息处理系统体系结构的研究 ilib.cn 8. Computer-data-disposal system of the all-purpose hydraulic experiment machine 液压万能实验机计算机数据处理系统 www.ilib.cn 9. The Design of Reassuring Communication Network in Waste Water Disposal System 污水处理控制系统中安全通讯网络的设计开发 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussion on Reconstruction Design of 1# Continuous Casting Circulation Water Disposal System 1#连铸循环水处理系统改造设计论述 service.ilib.cn 1. Application of Dense Phase Pneumatic Ash Disposal System in Zhanjiang Power Plant 浓相气力除灰系统在湛江发电厂的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Route to Upgrade Water Quality of the Outlet Water of Sewage Disposal System 提高污水处理系统出水水质的途径 www.ilib.cn 3. Primary exploration on regulation volume in design of leachate disposal system of refuse landfill yard 垃圾填埋场渗滤液调节池设计容积初探 ilib.cn 4. Optimization of disposal system for ash water from Texaco coal-water slurry gasifier 德士古水煤浆气化灰水处理系统的优化 www.ilib.cn 5. Modeling the nuclide transport in geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste 高放废物地质处置系统核素迁移模型研究 www.ilib.cn 6. A New Design of Analog Signals Disposal System for Electronic Current Transformer 一种新型电子式电流互感器模拟信号处理系统设计 ilib.cn 7. Commissioning of Sludge Disposal System of Shanghai Shidongkou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant 上海石洞口污水厂污泥处置系统的调试 www.ilib.cn 8. Optimization on Sludge Disposal System at Meilin Waterworks 梅林水厂污泥处理系统工艺优化探讨 ilib.cn 9. Maintain the liquid sewage disposal system in good working condition; 应保持该系统运行良好。 tr.bab.la 10. Waste disposal system purification system 废物处置系统的净化系统 news.dic123.com 1. Problems in Ash- Disposal System of Power Plants Firing High- Calcium Content Coal and Remedy Method 燃用高钙煤电厂除渣系统的问题及解决方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Improvement of Underground Disposal System for Mine Water 矿井水井下处理系统改进 service.ilib.cn 3. The Distributed Control System Design of the Sewage Disposal System Based On Industry Ethernet Net 基于工业以太网的分布式污水处理监控系统设计 service.ilib.cn 4. Design of sewage collection and disposal system of plain area contrast to mountainous area 山区污水收集处理系统规划设计对比平原地区分析 www.ilib.cn 5. An Approach on Collection and Disposal System of Municipal Kitchen Wastes in Shanghai 城市泔脚垃圾回收处置的调控机制探讨 www.ilib.cn 6. Using computer control system in waste water disposal system 电站废水处理的计算机控制系统 www.ilib.cn 7. The discussion about the reporting and disposal system of transfusion reaction in hospital 输液反应院内上报及处理体系的建立与探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Experimental Study on Oily-Sewage Disposal System 含油污水高效处理系统试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Study on Corrosion of Bronze Relics--An Example for Anthropogenic Analogue Study on Disposal System 青铜文物的腐蚀研究--高放废物处置系统的人为类似物研究实例 www.wenloo.com 10. The Application of Inverter in the Sewerage Disposal System 变频器在污水处理系统中的应用 www.inverterworld.hk 1. Water Information Disposal System of Shaanxi Province 陕西省水情信息处理系统 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Selecting and Application of Softstarters in Sewage Disposal System 软起动器在水处理中的应用及选型 www.ilib.cn 3. Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment of Ammunition Disposal System Security Based on AHP and Triangular Module 基于AHP和三角模的弹药处废系统安全模糊评判 ilib.com.cn 4. Renovation on ash-slag disposal system in Huangpu Power Plant 黄埔发电厂灰渣系统改造 www.ilib.cn 5. Rubbish Disposal System in Submarines 现代潜艇艇员生活废物处理系统 www.ilib.cn 6. Analysis of the Disposal System of Current Labor Dispute 我国劳动争议处理体制的评析 www.ilib.cn 7. Deliquescent Oxygen Control of Sewage Disposal System of City 城市污水处理系统溶解氧的控制 ilib.cn 8. CAMDS; Chemical Agents and Munitions Disposal System [USA]; 化学物剂和弹药处理系统[美国陆军] bbs.translators.com.cn 9. Wave impedances mixed inversion disposal system based on genetic algorithm 基于遗传算法的波阻抗混合反演处理系统 ilib.cn 10. Study on the Water Disposal System of Intensive Aquiculture 集约化养殖水处理系统研究 www.ilib.cn 1. The Application of PLC in Waste Water Disposal System of Motorway PLC在高速公路污水处理系统中的应用 service.ilib.cn 2. Study on Rubbish Disposal System Based on Technology of Controlling Air Burning 基于控制空气燃烧技术的垃圾焚烧系统研究 www.ilib.cn 3. HSL Water supply and disposal system 供水及排放系统 www.eeso.net 4. Disposal System of Mud Burning 污泥焚烧处理系统 www.ilib.cn 5. The design of vote disposal system based on USB mouth piece 基于USB接口选票处理系统的设计 service.ilib.cn 6. Comment and Meditation on the Disposal System of Human Resources in China 中国人力资源配置机制的思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Medical Waste Disposal System in Japan 日本的医疗垃圾处理系统 www.ilib.cn |
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