单词 | display to | ||
释义 | display to
例句释义: 传给 1. The company is using the buzz-around display to promote its line of tennis apparel, in conjunction with its sponsorship of the U. S. Open. 该公司正在用快速的切换展示宣传自己的网球系列服饰,同时也为赞助美网公开赛作宣传。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Move from up to down in the top of display to show panel with quick settings. 从达中下移顶部的显示以显示具有快速设置面板。 www.nokiabbs.com 3. All were borrowed from Washington museums, though it was stipulated that none of them should be on display to avoid depriving the public. 这些作品都是从华盛顿的各家博物馆里借来的,尽管根据规定,它们不得展出,以免剥夺了公众。 www.bing.com 4. She was joined by ex-girlfriend Courtenay Semel who sat alongside her on the sand as they waited for a fireworks display to start. 当她在沙滩上等待烟火表演开始时,她的前女友寇特尼·塞梅尔也在一旁。 dongxi.net 5. Think of it as a phone number, and the WordPress comment moderation acts like call display to show you where the comment is coming from. 将这IP地址看作是一个电话号码,WordPress评论审核就如一个呼叫显示,向你显示这个评论是源于哪里的。 www.zzbaike.com 6. One approach uses tiny lenses on the front of the display to direct images for the left and right eyes in several different directions. 另一种方式是,将显示器前放上极小的镜片,用以导引左右眼盯住不同的方向。 www.ecocn.org 7. This is useful to display to users additional information about a cell or to provide to users an alternate description of the cell contents. 这在向用户显示有关单元格的附加信息或为用户提供有关单元格内容的替代说明时很有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When you perform a merge session, it is possible to filter the display to hide the changes that you are not interested in. 当您在执行一次合并过程时,筛选显示您并不感兴趣的更改是可能的。 www.ibm.com 9. The contents are the authors and co-creative travel agent, after several months of planning, now with a new style. of display to tourists. 而内容,都是作者和旅行社共同创作,经过几个月的规划,现在以一个全新的面貌展示给游客。 blog.eastmoney.com 10. Video control technology, image processing, optical fiber communication technology applications will enhance the LED display to a new level. 视频控制技术、图像处理技术、光纤通信技术等的应用将LED显示屏提升到了一个新的台阶。 www.docin.com 1. Reinstall the card, replace the cover and reconnect the display to see if that help. 重新安装适配卡,安好机盖,重新连接显示器,看是否有作用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Allows a reflective display to be used at night by lighting the edges of a front- mounted , transparent diffuser. 允许反射的展示在夜里被使用透过点燃一个正面安装,透明的扩散器的边缘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If From query is selected, select a dataset, a value field to map to the parameter value, and a label field to display to the user. 如果选择“来自查询”,请选择一个数据集、要映射到参数值的值字段,以及要向用户显示的标签字段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It is, in a way, but the X server in question is the SSH daemon that ships the display to the appropriate remote computer. 在某种程度上,就是这样,正讨论的X服务器是将显示交付给适当的远程计算机的SSH守护程序。 www.ibm.com 5. Each role group defines the content and controls to display to a particular group of users on your Web site. 每个角色组定义了要为网站上的一组特定用户显示的内容和控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. It also lets users rotate the display to see elevations of buildings. 它也允许用户旋转视角以观察建筑物的高度。 www.bing.com 7. You can control the drawing display to move quickly to different areas of your drawing while you track the overall effect of your changes. 可以在跟踪更改的整体效果时,控制图形的显示以快速移动到图形的其他区域。 www.01vb.com 8. The light sensor of the automatic headlights system then adjusts the brightness of the display to the surrounding light conditions. 自动头灯系统的灯光传感器可根据周围亮度情况调节显示亮度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The eighth of the exhibition organizers or their agents should be on display to import customs declaration procedures for exhibits. 第八条展览会的主办单位或其代理人应在展出地海关办理展览品进口申报手续。 www.videodoorphone.com.cn 10. If you want, you can return the toolbar and menu display to the state it was in when you first started using Office. 如果愿意,您可以将工具栏和菜单显示返回到首次开始使用Office时的状态。 office.microsoft.com 1. Converts the screen coordinates of a given point or rectangle on the display to client coordinates. 将给定点或显示器上矩形的屏幕坐标转换为客户坐标。 www.zjrj.org 2. Carries on gathering as well as the display to the pressure data, auxiliary city water supply dispatch work. 对压力监控点数据进行采集以及显示,辅助城市供水的调度工作。 www.fabiao.net 3. Results: Imaging diagnostic can display to Ileocecal area space-occupying lesions, tumor infiltration of the intestines and near organs. 结果:影像诊断能够显示回盲部占位性病变范围,肿瘤浸润肠壁的程度以及比邻器官侵犯情况。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 4. GDM will then place the session id in the pending queue waiting for the display to respond with a MANAGE request. GDM然后将这个会话标识符放在未决队列中,等待该显示以MANAGE请求来回应。 translations.launchpad.net 5. A dynamic SDO containing three properties (firstName, lastName, and greeting) is returned to the JSP to display to the user. 将向JSP返回包含三个属性(firstName、lastName和greeting)的动态SDO,以向用户显示。 www.ibm.com 6. The integrated sensor parameter store allows the display to handle up to 10 sensors. 结合传感器参数储存允许显示最多10个传感器的数据。 tecsis.de 7. It wants its glasses-free 3-D display to be viewed as more than a gimmick, as something that fundamentally changes how people play games. 他希望他的裸眼3D屏幕不是仅仅被视为一种视觉特效,而是被视为一种根本改变人们玩游戏方式的东西。 dongxi.net 8. The young striker saw little action in front of goal, yet produced a relentless display to help Nigel Pearson's side to victory. 这个年轻的射手在前面没得到什么机会,但还是帮助球队取胜。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. Display to you in an administrative area the people who've added the app, who have shared the app and the number of invites they've sent. 显示在一个行政区域中,您的应用程序中添加了谁的人,谁共享应用程序和它们的数目已发送邀请。 www.bing.com 10. They're the edible equivalent of a diamond necklace, monetary tokens of affection, a flashy display to show you care. 犹如人们购买钻石项链,是一种货币化的爱意符号,一种光鲜而媚俗的表达。 www.bing.com 1. Some one did not satisfy the autarkic consumed mode. They tried to build a big house which is bigger than their need to display to others. 有的人不再满足于自给自足的消费方式,而是建造超过生活所需的大型住宅,以借此对外炫耀。 www.wwfchina.org 2. The US Department of Energy recently entered a nearly $2 million, two-year contract with Universal Display to develop OLED lighting panels. 美国能源部最近与通用显示器公司签署一个历时两年约二百万美元的合同,来开发有机发光二极管照明面板。 shanghai.neworiental.org 3. In response to a request, the Response object sends information to the browser to display to the user. 为响应请求,Response对象向浏览器发送信息以显示给用户。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Advanced: Use the Energy display to watch the direction of the arrows . 进阶版:使用能量萤幕去看能量箭头的方向!! dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The instrumentation in this example offloads the status Web page display to a different server. 这个例子中的监测工具将状态Web页面的显示卸载到另一台不同的服务器上。 www.ibm.com 6. Believe that these historical display to reflect the 18th century during the latter half of Europe's imitation of Chinese porcelain style. 相信这些陈列是要历史地反映十八世纪后半期,欧洲对中国瓷器的仿制之风。 zj.fzlwg.com 7. The rhythmbox command allows you to specify a display to use. rhythmbox命令允许您指定要使用的图形化表示。 www.ibm.com 8. display to have the obvious local area tie ground in the hail weather occurrence process. 显示出冰雹天气发生过程中具有明显的区域性和局地性。 www.juyy.net 9. Control to initially display to any depth. 控件配置为最初显示到任何深度。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If your computer is in the middle of a task that you want to finish, you should set only the display to sleep. 如果电脑正在执行要完成的一项任务,应该仅将显示器设置为进入睡眠状态。 docs.info.apple.com 1. Element and a message to display to users if there are errors during the import process. 元素的类型的信息,还包含一条当导入过程中出现错误时显示给用户的消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The display to the brightly-colored flowers, low shrubs, mainly composed of "vein" of the texture. 花海以色泽鲜艳的草花,低矮灌木为主,组成“叶脉”的纹理。 dict.chla.com.cn 3. Too involved leaves, all is I does not dare to display, to harm between us, had forgotten repeated. 太牵扯的离别、都是我一直不敢表现、害了我们之间、忘记重演一遍。 f.qqgexing.com 4. Control, where the state images to display to the left of the item are stored. 中,其中存储了要在项的左边显示的状态图像。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. What the competition uses the liquid-crystal display to have to affect? 比赛使用液晶显示器有什么影响? zhidao.baidu.com 6. This might be ok in case we really need all columns to display to the end user or if we need all of them to perform some calculations. 对于真正需要把所有列都显示给最终用户,或者需要所有列来完成某些计算的情况,这样做毫无问题。 www.infoq.com 7. These settings allowed GDM to present a normal login screen. However, completing login caused the display to fail. 这个设置允许GDM提供一个普通的登录界面。然而,正在登录时将引起显示错误。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 8. The penguins go through an elaborate display to show their feelings are more than friendship. 企鹅通过这种精心设计的表达方式来表明他们的关系已经超越了友谊。 blog.163.com 9. Recording a description of specific database objects that applications can display to users. 记录应用程序可显示给用户的特定数据库对象的描述。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Dear teacher, borrow this short message to display to you on blessing: Festal joy! 亲爱的老师,借这条短信向您献上祝福:节日快乐! www.google-web.org 1. explanatory text is provided for user-agents to display to users: after decoding, the text is: Blood's a "scary" thing. 说明文字是提供用户代理的展示给用户。解码后的文字是:血液是一种“可怕”事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Flags control default properties that will display to the Web developer at design time. 标志控制在设计时向Web开发人员显示的默认属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Another button in the boxes dynamic display to return to the revocation or specific information. 另可在按钮的提示框上动态显示撤销或返回的具体信息。 word.hcbus.com 4. But people are always turning the laptop display to get the best image. 但是,人们通常调整显示器位置,而不会前后左右地晃动脑袋。 www.bing.com 5. Display to display with counter from the showroom respectively, the both side carries on the treatise. 分别从橱窗陈列和柜台陈列,两方面进行论述。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Style sheets are a great way to link presentation display to a single source. 样式表是一种将表现链接到一个源的好方法。 www.ibm.com 7. providing the third image brightness data stream for a liquid crystal display to display the image. 将该第三画面亮度数据流提供给一液晶显示器以显示画面。 www.hgpf114.com 8. Screen reading software and refreshable braille display to enable users with serious vision impairment to use the computer. 安装了屏幕阅读软件及点字显示器,让视障人士方便使用电脑。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Loading this preset will reset the display to the recommended factory settings. 加载此预置,可将显示器还原为建议的出厂设置。 www.portrait.com 10. these indicators display to the left of the line in the indicator margin. 这些指示器显示在指示区边界中行的左边。 technet.microsoft.com 1. You can use the columns to display to the user several types of information about each list item. 可使用这些列向用户显示每个列表项若干类型的信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Axis zoom, when selected, causes the image display to completely fill the figure window. 轴变焦,被选中时,使图像显示完全填满这个数字窗口。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Press "Options" and select "Display" to get access to Opera's different display modes. 按下“选项”并选择“显示”可访问Opera不同的显示模式。 help.opera.com 4. YES, it's on its way and colorful dresses are on display to catch your eye and carve a hole in your wallet. 一件正在展出的服装十分入时并且色彩鲜艳,你的眼球被它吸引住了,让你不得不掏腰包。 hi.baidu.com 5. Create custom messages to display to your users when they submit their forms. 创建在用户提交表单时向用户显示的自定义消息。 office.microsoft.com 6. ListItemsService: Retrieves a list of items from a permanent store for display to the customer. ListItemsService:从永久存储检索商品列表,以向客户显示。 www.ibm.com 7. Provides steps for programmatically determining what site map information to display to users. 提供有关步骤,说明如何以编程方式确定向用户显示的站点地图信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. With the if statement after the for loop, you also only display to the nurses the patients whose information is not yet approved. 通过for循环之后的if语句,可以仅向护士显示信息没有经过批准的患者。 www.ibm.com 9. The compression bag attached an example, it will display to you LIGHTS not clearly express the problem. 当年写得通用编辑器。在压缩包里附带有一个例子,它会向你展示LIGHTS没有表达清楚的问题。 3333355555.com 10. On the remote machine: set DISPLAY to your console, go to the program directory and run the repure command on your instrumented executable. 在远程机器上:将DISPLAY设置为您的控制台,在程序目录下,对您装备的可执行工件运行repure命令。 www.ibm.com 1. width, height: The width and height, in pixels, in the browser's display to reserve for showing the MPEG-4 movie player applet. height:在浏览器的显示区域中为显示MPEG-4电影播放器applet而保留的宽度和高度,以像素为单位。 www.ibm.com 2. The software will load a set of images of clothes from the database and it will display to user what they want to try on. 该软件会从数据库中加载一组图片的衣服,它会显示给用户他们想要试穿。 www.bing.com 3. Specifies the template to display to logged-in users who are members of roles with defined role-group templates. 指定向已登录且是具有已定义角色组模板的角色的成员显示的模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Rich husbands would even put their wife's shoes on display to show off to the world how minute their loved ones' feet were. 富有的丈夫甚至会把他们妻子的鞋子摆出来对外人进行炫耀,以示他们爱人的脚是多么的娇小。 www.bing.com 5. External display to normal, black and white LCD screen, Huaping. 外接显示器正常,液晶屏白屏、花屏。 good2.com 6. Converts a value formatted for display to an actual cell value. 将为便于显示而进行了格式设置的值转换为实际的单元格值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. There is also an LCD (liquid crystal display) to carry out the control panel. 另外还有一个LCD(液晶显示器)控制面板对操作人员进行指导。 www.bing.com 8. Control uses to determine which control template to display to users based on their role. 控件使用该列表根据用户的角色来确定要显示哪一个控件模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In the Error alert type box, click the type of error alert you want to display to users. 在“出错警告类型”框中,单击要向用户显示的出错警告类型。 office.microsoft.com 10. The AnonymousTemplate property specifies the content template to display to Web site users when they are not logged in to the Web site. AnonymousTemplate属性指定当网站用户未登录到网站时向其显示的内容模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. It easily mounts outside and features a large LCD digit display to show temperature reading. 很容易坐骑外,并配有大型液晶数字显示,显示温度读数。 581la.com 2. Ability for tracking number of invites sent per user and display to them. 能够跟踪每个用户的邀请并显示给他们发送数量。 www.bing.com 3. Lots of vivid pictures are on display to show the different periods of Tibet's history. 许多生动的图片显示了对西藏的历史上不同时期。 wenwen.soso.com 4. If we make good window display to attract pedestrians to stop and look, naturally we will get more customers. 如果我们能把橱窗布置得很好,能够吸引行人停下脚步浏览,顾客自然而然会增加。 answers.yahoo.com 5. The up- per layer provides interface display to satisfy the needed of all users. 上层提供能够满足用户需求的界面显示。 www.magsci.org 6. The false persona they display to the masses will be revealed. 他们对群体大众展示的虚伪角色将被揭示。 www.sinovision.net 7. The device uses LED digital display to show the distance of sighting vane. 使用数码管显示目标物的距离。 www.showxiu.com 8. You can even switch the display to white-on-black, which really boosts the effect. 甚至还可以将显示转换为黑白模式,确实能够加强效果。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The GotFocus event is raised on a form when the user returns that display to the screen. 当用户将该显示返回到屏幕时,会在窗体中引发GotFocus事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. An alarm event may or may not involve a display to the user. 警报事件可能会显示给用户,也可能不会。 www.ibm.com 1. Specifies the template to display to users who are not logged in to the Web site. 指定向未登录到网站的用户显示的模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Gets or sets the template to display to users who are not logged in to the Web site. 获取或设置向未登录到网站的用户显示的模板。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The Lotus Notes 8 contacts view has alpha tabs that display to the left of the view (see figure 8). LotusNotes8联系人视图包含显示在视图左侧的alpha选项卡(如图8所示)。 www.ibm.com 4. Set time display to elapsed playback time. 将时间显示模式设置为已播放时间。 book.jhrx.cn 5. To reset display to STN format, enter SET PATENT STN. 到重新设定对STN格式的展览,进入组专利权STN。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. For instance, press the A key in the display to add a new log file. 例如,在显示中按A键可以添加新的日志文件。 www.ibm.com 7. In addition, a transit map was on display to aid commuters. 此外,还在交通地图上显示急救通勤情况。 www.zzlt.cn 8. A display controller controls a display to display an image based on the image data. 以及显示控制部,使基于上述图像数据的图像显示在显示部上。 ip.com 9. Sorting data for display to the user. 对数据进行排序,以便向用户显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Additionally, this method calculates what the current results range is for display to the user (ex: 21-30). 此外,该方法还要计算显示给用户的当前结果的范围(例如:21-30)。 www.ibm.com 1. Li Na also display to the world a new milestone in the history of China. 李娜也向世界展示了中国网球历史上的里程碑。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A display to show the generated designs. 显示,显示生成的设计。 www.bing.com 3. The array of CollectionInfo objects will be loaded on the queryPrompt. jsp page for display to the end user. CollectionInfo对象的数组将加载在queryPrompt.jsp页面上,以显示给终端用户。 www.ibm.com 4. This might, or might not, be 1K; you can force the display to 1K blocks using the -k command-line option. 可能是也可能不是1K,而使用-k命令行选项,您可以强制以1K块为单位进行显示。 www.ibm.com 5. Meanwhile, Mavinga played the full 90 minutes as France produced a brilliant display to thrash Holland 4-1. 与此同时,马温加代表法国踢了90分钟比赛,在4比1屠杀荷兰比赛中表现抢眼。 news.ccav5.tv 6. Once you have that, you need to reset the ID and the display to the new values. 在此之后,需要把ID和display重新设置为新的值。 www.ibm.com 7. The message to display to the end user. 显示给最终用户的消息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Check this box to display to-dos in the day, week, and month view. This is helpful when you have a lot of (recurring) to-dos. 勾选此选项的话,会以日、周与月检视显示待办事项。通常如果您有一大堆的待办事项的话,这会很好用。 translations.launchpad.net 9. Click on "Send Comment" in the sidebar display to send a letter to the editor. 点击工具条中的“发送评论”给编辑写信。 www.bing.com 10. The Application of the Kind of CAI Display to the Course of Political Theoretic 展示类CAI在思想政治课教学中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Nesting arm design allows display to be folded flat against the wall 一组手臂的设计容许显示屏向墙壁摺叠 www.kingsmark.com 2. Using mRNA differential display to clone genes differentially expressed in intestinal epithelial cells induced by radiation in mice 用mRNA差异显示法进行小鼠肠上皮细胞辐射损伤相关基因的克隆 www.ilib.cn 3. Application of Eukaryotic mRNA Differential Display to the Identification of Genes Related to Embryonic Development mRNA差异显示技术在研究动物胚胎发育相关基因中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 4. Be accountable for the product merchandising display to maintain the brand image; 负责产品的陈列美观突出,以维持公司品牌形象; www.yjbys.com 5. The Classical Philosophic Poetry Gave Reasonable Display to the Contents of Life 古典哲理诗对人生内蕴的理性张扬 service.ilib.cn 6. 22 inches high definition touch-display, to achieve disruptive gaming experience, with a touch of the way to interpret their own movement; 22英寸高清触摸显示器,实现颠覆性游戏体验,用触摸的方式演绎属于自己的乐章; www.dw188.com 7. Large illuminated display to maximise advertising impact; 旋转式展示,上部灯箱可做广告; www.kinglake.com.cn 8. The Application of Large Screen Display to Electric Power Dispatching System 大屏幕显示系统在电力调度系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 9. The Application of Virtual Reality's Multiresolution Display to Mechanical Engineering 虚拟现实的多分辨率显示在机械工程中的应用 service.ilib.cn 10. The Design and the Realization of Pagination Display to the WEB Data Inquiry 对WEB数据查询分页显示的设计与实现 scholar.ilib.cn 1. To start, SWT uses shell and display to initialize and draw the windows 为了开始,SWT使用shell和显示来初始化和描绘窗口 www.ibm.com 2. From Result Display to Process of Dissemination--On Real People Show in View of Dissemination 从结果展示到过程传播--传播视角中的真人秀 service.ilib.cn 3. Color design and display to create an atmosphere 色彩设计与陈列氛围营造 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This is the first flexible display to be mass-produced ; 这是第一个大量生产的可挠曲式显示器; dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Changes the display to single page mode 将显示更改为单页模式 www.fan6.net 6. Cut one picture to several video display to show 可将一个画面切分为多个视频画面播出 www.dicolor.cn 7. Inbuilt perforations enable floor standing retail display to be assembled faster without the need to cut open the box or unpack the bottles; 内置穿孔使落地零售显示器组装速度,而不需要将打开盒子或拆箱瓶; terms.shengwuquan.com 8. Hong Kong will be held on the National Day fireworks display to celebrate the return of the Olympic meet Beijing 香港将举办大型烟花汇演祝贺国庆节,庆祝回归,迎接北京奥运 www.duhugu.biz |
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