单词 | be turned | ||
释义 | be turned
例句释义: 卷刃 1. Sooth to say, it was a very fine work which, it seems to us, might well be turned to account even now with a few modifications. 说实在的,这倒是一出十分美妙的佳作,即使今天看来,我们只要略做调整,仍可照样演出。 www.1stenglish.com 2. The main road, where horse-riding locals stop to chat, is to be turned into a busy high street, with shops and business facilities. 主干道将变成繁忙的大街,这条道本是供骑马的当地人稍停与商铺和商业机构闲谈之用。 www.ecocn.org 3. The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be turned over every hour so the sand could flow again. 沙漏的用法很简单,每小时倒置一次,沙子才能重新流下。 tr.bab.la 4. Above, an assistant holds the freed tube of penile skin, ready to be turned inside out to line the vagina. 图中一位助理拉住已经被剥离的阴茎表皮,预备外翻,以作为阴道的内衬。 hi.baidu.com 5. Sister Mary Rose is the principal, and she believes this: No child would be turned away from her school's front door. 姐妹玛丽·罗斯是校长,并且她相信此:孩子不会从她的学校的前门被驱逐。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 6. The nanny test offers conclusive proof that I am not a manager, and should be turned away if I applied to be one. 这个保姆测试确切地证明,我并非一位管理者,如果申请此类工作,应该立刻被拒绝。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The head also permits the camera to be turned up or down through a 90-degree angle in a movement known as tilting. 这种活动底座或称云台的装置还能使摄影机上下摇转90度,称为绕轴转动。 www.tdict.com 8. The only way one can be turned into a vampire is to be drained out of blood, with not even one drop left, like a living corpse. 把人变成吸血鬼的方法只有一个,那就是吸干他的血,一滴不剩,把他变成一个有肉无血的僵尸。 hi.baidu.com 9. Wax film for the female gray brown, With only a little bit of light blue, to the breeding season will be turned into dark brown. 母鸟的蜡膜为灰棕色,仅带有一点点浅蓝色,到了繁殖季则会变为深棕色。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Students were hanging from the windows nearest them. A great number of faces, both on the train and off, seemed to be turned toward Harry. 学生们涌向了离他们最近的车厢,无数张脸,车里的车外的,似乎都转向了哈利。 club.52harrypotter.com 1. "I often feel that I'd love to be turned into a bird for a little while. It must be wonderful to fly. " 戴安娜忘记了那天早上她发现自己已经达到155磅的事实,“我经常希望有那么一会儿能变成小鸟。能自由飞翔一定很棒。” www.bing.com 2. So there's a chance one of the characters we already know and love will be turned into a werewolf. 这就表示了,也许有个我们喜欢的角色将会变成狼人。 group.mtime.com 3. We felt like the tilt sensitivity was a little too high at first, but it can be turned down in the menu. 我们一开始感觉倾斜的灵敏度略高了些,但在菜单中可以调节。 www.bing.com 4. Observers have expressed skepticism over whether the company's fortunes can be turned around by a new CEO, but the market reacted favorably. 观察员也表示质疑,不确定这家公司的财务会因为新的CEO而有转机,但是市场反应利多。 www.ctcvn.org 5. Others suggested that the lot where her home stands could be turned into a small memorial park, a pocket of green among the concrete. 有人建议把她房子的位置改建成一个小的纪念公墓,混凝土城市中的一块小绿地。 bbs.voc.com.cn 6. The researchers, who completed a two-year test, said the ability to glow can be turned on or off by adding a drug to the dog's food. 在两年的测试之后,研究人员称这种发光的能力可以用增加或减少狗食中药品的含量来控制。 www.jfdaily.com 7. "small drop asked : " We really have so much power? can be turned into a stream, into a river into the sea? “小滴问:”我们真的有这么大的权力?可以变成流,成河入海? fw.t135.com 8. First, though, they turned to a young executive called Jorma Ollila to see if the mobile phone division could be turned around. 不过,他们还是先向年轻的首席执行官约玛奥利拉寻求建议,看看手机部门是否可以转亏为赢。 www.bing.com 9. Once used, recycling of pallets can be turned into an income stream - significant revenue from recycling is possible. 一旦使用,托盘循环利用,可转化为收入来源-来自回收可观的收入是可能的。 www.bozhiyongdai.com 10. Tony: I really like the movie "Inception, " but I do not want it to be turned into a video game. 我喜欢《全面启动》这部电影,但我真不希望他改编成游戏。 times.hinet.net 1. Our host said the shish-kebabs should be turned repeatedly to let them heated evenly. 师傅说了这羊肉串要不停地翻烤,让它们受热均匀。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As you can see, just about any goal can be turned into habits if you think it through. 可以看出,在沉思熟虑之后任何目标都可以转变成习惯。 www.bing.com 3. It did not strike me as strange that this job should be turned over to a casual visitor in no way connected with the school. 找一位陌生的临时来访者来揍我,毫不牵扯到学校,这确是一件不新鲜的主意。 www.bing.com 4. The Transition phase should not be turned into a "cleanup" phase in which the Backlog continues to be worked. 产品化阶段不应进入那个待完成工作仍然在被处理的“清除”阶段。 www.ibm.com 5. Once the limit was reached, a monitor automatically shut the TV off and would not allow it to be turned on again until the next week. 一旦达到限定时间,检测仪器会自动关闭电视,并且直到下一周电视才允许被打开。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. If man's mind cannot be turned into a logic-machine, neither can it function properly as a great emotional sponge, to be squeezed at will. 如果人类的思维不能成为一台逻辑机器的话,那么它也不能成为一块巨大的感情海绵可以任意的挤压。 www.freekaobo.com 7. Seeking needs to be turned off, if even for a little while, so that the system does not run in an endless loop. 搜寻需要被关掉,即使是一小会,从而使我们的系统不会无休止的循环下去。 www.bing.com 8. And what they ship to America would not be turned away if doing so "would be inconsistent with the public interest, " the law says. 如果不符合公共利益,这些国家输美的船只将被拒收。 www.bing.com 9. In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest? 黎巴嫩变为肥田,肥田看如树林,不是只有一点点时候吗? new.fuyinchina.com 10. He said that if the particle could not be found, the very concept of nature would be turned on its head. 他说道假如不能发现这个粒子,那么自然界最基本的概念也将会浮现出来。 www.bing.com 1. Typically, it takes a few seconds for the thought to be turned into a robotic action. 典型的,从人想这个动作到机器人作动作要用大几秒钟的时间。 www.bing.com 2. Against the odds, it will not be turned into one of the vast palm-oil plantations that are eating up so much of the country. 克服了种种困难,这片森林将不会被开辟成巨型棕榈树种植园,摆脱了许多乡村土地正被种植园吞噬的命运。 www.ecocn.org 3. "Everything must be turned into numbers, " said the head of the team. “所有东西都要转换成数字”团队的头头如是表示。 www.bing.com 4. Assange's lawyers have said he will fight extradition to Sweden, for fear he could be turned over to the United States. 阿桑奇的律师表示,他会力争不被引渡到瑞典,因为他担心自己会被交给美国。 www.360abc.com 5. But what if the prisons could be turned inside out, with convicts released into society under constant electronic surveillance? 但如果监狱反转过来,在处于严密的电子监控下,把囚犯释放入社会,那会是什么样呢? www.bing.com 6. Jack remains at the abandoned field because he knows there must be a reason why the power is going to be turned off. 杰克想留在荒芜的旷野中,因为他觉得,将这个地段的电力切断肯定是有原因的。 www.bing.com 7. Don't be turned off by the word "agile" in the title, because this is all about striving for good software designs. 不要因为在标题中出现“敏捷”一词就把书合上了,因为这本书实际上完全是关于如何竭力进行优良软件设计的。 www.cnblogs.com 8. I have been informed that this feature can be turned off with a plugin; I would recommend doing so if you decide to use Anki. 我得到通知说这个特性可以通过插件来关闭,我建议使用anki的使用者这么做。 www.bing.com 9. Perhaps we have had such an agreement: to be turned together to see cirrus clouds, the flowers bloom. 也许我们有过这样的约定:要一起去看云卷云翻,花开花落。 www.bing.com 10. The marshal's office has it , along with the rest of his gear, to be turned over to his next of kin. 市执法官办公室有这个目录,还有他的其余用具,打算转移给他随时来到的亲属。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The law created a strong presumption that government documents requested by a member of the public would be turned over. 这个法律创造了一个强大的推断这让任意的公众都可以要求政府资料公开。 www.bing.com 2. There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a million bewildering pieces. 那样的话她会完全颠倒并且一个完美的夏天将破碎成无数的碎片。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Several packaging branch exhibition booth layout and design of the exhibitors of new products can be turned into a reality. 几次展会上包装分馆的展台布置和各展商的新品设计可以充分体现。 www.showxiu.com 4. At the beginning of the end of the light all grand celebration, the years of the life will be turned into a memorial. 当初光终了了这一辈子的隆重的庆典,年月会化作一辈子的记念。 www.cntingshu.net 5. If we want a dream to come true, we have to be able to explain it how it can be turned from a dream into a reality. 如果我们想梦想成真,我们就必须能够解释怎样可以从梦想变到现实。 www.elanso.com 6. If you have not connected to the network, broadcasting might be turned off and you might have to manually add the network. 如果未曾连接到该网络,则广播可能处于关闭状态,可能必须手动添加该网络。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. Take all that is given whether wealth, love or language, nothing comes by mistake and with good digestion all can be turned to health. 接受被赐予的一切,无论那是财富、关爱或言语,事出必有因,只要融会贯通,一切皆可转化为健康。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Manage rs must be able to train people to see through the value of things and how they can be turned into economic spin-offs. 经理人应当培训员工,让他们看清事物的价值,明白如何让其成为经济产物。 column.chinabyte.com 9. But it's just one of many "get fat" habits that can be turned into a "slim-down" habit, starting today. 但这只是诸多可以转变成让你苗条而却让你发胖的饮食习惯之一。 www.bing.com 10. A sense of energy and urgency behind that goal is long overdue if the economy is to be turned around. 要扭转经济,我们早就应该以更大的能量和紧迫感来推动这一目标。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I never imagined holographic statue, carved by laser can be turned into such a vivid, brilliant. 我从没有想象过全息雕像,可经激光雕琢变成如此栩栩如生,灿烂辉煌。 blog.sciencenet.cn 2. It may be turned by a pulley with a belt or a chain connecting it to a pulley on a second shaft. 轴可以被用一条皮带或链条与第二个轴上的滑轮连接起来的滑轮带动。 www.jxcad.com.cn 3. Because control state cannot be turned off like view state, control state is a more reliable method for managing the state of controls. 因为控件状态不像视图状态那样可以关闭,控件状态是管理控件的状态的更可靠方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The grid's architecture does not allow it to be turned into a data network easily. 电网的建筑结构很难使其变成一个数字网络。 blog.eastmoney.com 5. Keyboard keys can be changed into a butterfly, keyboard keys can be changed into fish, keyboard right-can be turned back into the prince. 键盘上键可以变为蝴蝶,键盘下键可以变为鱼,键盘右键可以变回王子。 4455.cc 6. Property can be used for this purpose, but view state can be turned off at a page level by developers, effectively breaking your control. 属性可用于此目的,但开发人员可能在页级别关闭了视图状态,从而有效地中断控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. If so, custody of the child would be turned over to the state Department of Social Services. 如果判定成立,孩子的监护权将交给州社会服务处。 www.bing.com 8. A two paragraph summary of each paper should be turned in at the beginning of each class for papers presented that day. 每篇论文要写两段的摘要,在提交论文当天的课前上交。 www.myoops.org 9. There are many ways these long-chain molecules might be turned into fuel, but all of these processes are more complex than for algae. 有很多种方法可以将这些长链分子变为燃料,但是这些方法都比转换海藻要复杂的多。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. Not long ago, the scientists made an exciting discovery that this waste material could be turned into plastics. 不久前,科学家们获得一个令人振奋的发现――可以把这种废物变成塑料。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 1. The simple technologies that are the bad neighbour's weapon of choice (big speakers, "bad" music) might be turned against their users. 这种简单的技术可以被用作武器方面(扩音器很大,音乐很糟糕),也可能会让我们搬起石头砸自己的脚。 www.ecocn.org 2. Has been the pressure at the bottom of the box, I found some old books, only to be turned to, try again. 被一直压在箱底,无意中找些旧的书本,不料被翻到,重新来看。 www.bing.com 3. 'If the trend can't be turned around in the next round of meetings, I estimate the Copenhagen meeting can only fail, ' Mr. Lu said. 吕学都说,如果这一趋势在未来几轮会谈中得不到扭转,我估计哥本哈根会议只能失败。 www.bing.com 4. The heat circulation of a small oven is not as efficient, therefore the scones had to be turned after 6 to 7 min. 因为小烤箱热度不是很均匀,在6、7分钟左右便要拿出来前后换转一下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As a result, they were able to bridge an important gap in the understanding of what causes genes to be turned on and off. 结果是:在有关导致基因打开与关闭的具体原因的理解方面,实现了一次认识水平上的飞跃。 news.dxy.cn 6. One finding identified a developmental protein that appears to be turned on in animals able to regenerate hair cells. 有一项研究发现了一种似乎可以让动物毛细胞再生的发育蛋白。 www.ebigear.com 7. Any computer can be turned into a Web server by installing special software and connecting the machine to the Internet. 每个计算机都能通过安装特殊的软件并与因特网相连来变成一个网络服务器。 lib.bjut.edu.cn 8. This configuration has one known limitation: in the case of the JMS technology connector, security must not be turned on. 这个配置有一个众所周知的局限:就JMS技术连接器而言,不允许打开安全性。 www.ibm.com 9. The next set of assets are "long term assets" that cannot be turned into cash easily. 下面的一块资产是“长期资产”,就是不能容易变现的资产部分了。 www.bing.com 10. backed a further proposal, that a chunk of these pooled reserves be turned into a regional investment fund, managed by the ADB. 那些重要人士的报告支持这样一个长远的提议,那就是拿出一大块的储备资金来建立一个由亚洲开发银行管理的地区投资基金。 dict.ebigear.com 1. The severe doubts lingering over it, even though overdue, should be turned into a meaningful learning process toward rational debate. 萦绕着它的严重怀疑,甚至已经过期了,应该向着理性的方向成为一个有意义的学习过程。 www.bing.com 2. The South Korean capital Seoul would be turned into a "sea of flames" , the Korean Central News Agency warned. 朝鲜中央通讯社警告说,那时韩国的首都首尔将轮为“一片火海”。 www.elanso.com 3. Most magnets, like the ones on many refrigerators, cannot be turned off; they are called permanent magnets. 大多数磁铁,像吸在冰箱上的那些,不能被关闭磁性;他们被称为永磁体。 www.bing.com 4. Third, like do not like the English colleagues on this platform can be turned over to a friend Oh. 三是,喜欢,不喜欢用英语的同事们都可以在这个平台上交个朋友哦。 bbs.sf-express.com 5. There was only a limited number of vacancies , so most of the people interviewed had to be turned down. 由于空缺有限,因此大多数参加面试的人都只能被拒之门外。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Allowing the compound and bolthole to be turned into a museum would risk it becoming a shrine to terror. 把这处院落兼藏身处改建为博物馆有可能使其成为恐怖主义者的圣地。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Confusion and a scattered focus in the region of the forehead, (sixth chakra) can be turned into greater and greater clarity. 混乱和在前额区散的重点,(第六轮)可以变成更大,更清晰。 www.94493.com 8. Having suggested that management be turned into a profession, Professors Khurana and Nohria then set out the obstacles. 在提出将管理转变成一种职业之后,库拉纳和诺里亚教授又列出了该想法面临的阻碍。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I can't really wait three or four years for the club to be turned around and to be made into a title-winning side. 我不能等上3,4年的时间等到俱乐部真正的变为冠军的有力竞争者。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. The Sahel would be turned into a desert by the soaring population of west Africa. 由于西非人口激增,萨赫勒地区将可能变成沙漠。 www.ecocn.org 1. Its screen can be turned off with the touch of a button without turning off the computer itself. 轻点一个按键就可以关掉屏幕,无需关机。 www.ebigear.com 2. Shareholders' power to remove directors must be turned from a fiction into a reality. 股东撤销董事的权力必须从小说变为现实。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In the area of the body the optics can be turned and parked to provide protection against dust and scratching. 在该光学可以转过身,停泊提供防止灰尘和刮擦保护机构领域。 www.umbdf.cn 4. All ships of any kind bound for Cuba from whatever nation or port will, if found to contain cargoes of offensive weapons, be turned back. 无论从哪个国家或港口驶往古巴的任何船只,如果被发现货物中包含进攻性武器都必须掉头。 www.jukuu.com 5. The AQUA server will be turned off to install more RAM in it. We expect the downtime to be very short. AQUA服务器将会停机,以便安装更多的内存。希望停机时间不长。 www.equn.com 6. Mountains and oceans are hard to move, but portions of cyberspace can be turned on and off at the click of a mouse. 山川海洋难以撼动,网络空间的开启和关闭却可通过轻点鼠标来实现。 dongxi.net 7. Every window in Britain could potentially be turned into a solar power generator thanks to new technology developed by scientists. 日前,英国居民借助科学家开发的一项新技术,将有机会把每一扇窗都变成一台太阳能发电机。 www.bing.com 8. When people open or close a door, the door produces mechanical energy that could be turned into electric energy. 人们开关门时,门所产生的机械能可转化成为电能。 www.24en.com 9. Perhaps the worst outcome of all would be for it to be turned into an American-style lapdog. 或许成为美式风潮的走狗会是这一切最糟糕的结果。 dongxi.net 10. Usage rights of the sea area intended to be turned to assets should be clear, indisputable and legal, according to the regulations. 《办法》规定,用作出资的海域使用权应当权属清晰、无争议,依法可以转让。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 1. Usage rights of the sea area intended to be turned to assets should be clear, indisputable and legal, according to the regulations. 《办法》规定,用作出资的海域使用权应当权属清晰、无争议,依法可以转让。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 2. Robert Gates described America's defence spending over the past decade as a gusher, and one that had to be turned off. 罗伯特·盖茨说,过去十年美国的国防支出就像一个自喷井,必须及时将其关闭。 club.51ielts.com 3. Before I read about my summer vacation, I'd like to ask that all pagers, beepers, and cell phones be turned off. 在我读我的暑假旅行之前,我希望所有的呼机、手机都关掉。 www.xue90.cn 4. Man dangles upside down, reminding us that situations can always be turned around and everything isn't always as it appears to be. 吊人牌上下倒吊,提醒我们不管什麽情况都可能逆转,而每件事也不一定像表面那般。 5. It has urged employers to let their staff dress casually at work in the summer so the air conditioning can be turned down. 意大利卫生部日前敦促公司老板们允许员工夏季上班时的着装可以随意一些,这样就可以把空调调低一点。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Once WiFi Internet comes to Tompkins Square Park later this summer, the whole place could be turned into a bazaar. 8月份的时候,无线网络在汤普金斯广场公园全面覆盖之后,这个地方定能一夜之间变成人声鼎沸的露天集市。 dongxi.net 7. If the collation label started with a string that indicated an ANSI code page, conversion would be turned off. 如果归类标签的起始字符串指示ANSI代码页,则会关闭转换,否则,会打开转换。 www.ianywhere.com 8. In certain conditions, a bad thing can be turned into a good thing. 在一定条件下,坏事可以变好事。 www.ebigear.com 9. This feature is turned off by default, but can be turned on for all users or for a specific set of users. 此特性在默认情况下是关闭的,但是可以为所有用户或特定的一组用户打开它。 www.ibm.com 10. As such, the current through the motor winding cannot be turned on or off instantaneously without involving infinite voltages! 同样地,涌流经过马达的卷不能够被把~打开或走开即时不包括无穷的电压而! www.docin.com 1. What steps can you take today in order to hone your senses and polish your skills so the next opportunity can be turned into a lucky moment? 你现在如何磨练自己的胆识、锻炼自己的本领,以便抓住下次机会,迎来幸运的眷顾? www.bing.com 2. In this way, a scary story can be turned into a worthwhile discussion about the role and mission of the news. 这样,一个可怕的故事能够转化成关于新闻的角色及任务的有价值的讨论。 www.bing.com 3. There should be a plan for shares of entities that are held by the government to be turned over to the private sector. 应该制定一个计划,使政府持有的企业股权可以转手到私营部门。 www.bing.com 4. All the fines and penalties collected and all the unlawful gains confiscated pursuant to Law shall be turned over to the State Treasury. 依法收缴的罚款、罚金和没收的违法所得,应当全部上缴国库。 www.bing.com 5. 'We don't want India to be turned into a dumping ground, ' he told reporters. 他对记者说,我们不想让印度变成倾销市场。 c.wsj.com 6. Even if the Earth dodges Mercury, the blue planet eventually will be turned into an oven by the sun, says NASA planetologist Chris McKay. 即使地球躲过了水星,这颗蓝色行星最终会被太阳变成一个烤箱,NASA的行星学家克里斯·麦凯(ChrisMcKay)这样说道。 www.bing.com 7. Students are required to develop a small program in pairs for this class's homework assignment that must be turned in by the fourth class. 我要求学生们两人一组,开发一个小程序,并且必须在第四堂课之间上交这次作业。 www.ibm.com 8. Figure out which way the lock needs to be turned to open by turning the wrench clockwise and then counterclockwise. 为了明确锁要怎么打开需要用扳手顺时针、逆时针地转动。 www.bing.com 9. This option can be turned off to reduce space used to save object definitions in the database. 可以将此选项关闭以减少用于保存数据库中对象定义的空间。 www.ianywhere.com 10. This example could quite easily be turned into something more useful, as you have the core for a basic search engine or data mining tool. 可以很容易地将这个示例推广到一些更有价值的应用场景,因为您掌握了基本搜索引擎或者数据挖掘工具的核心内容。 www.ibm.com 1. That meant parts of the cerrado could be turned into pasture, making possible the enormous expansion of Brazil's beef herd. 这意味着塞拉多部分地区会转变成牧场,从而可促使巴西牛群大规模繁殖增长。 www.ecocn.org 2. This option will be turned off, and your email will be deleted off the server the next time you download email from it. 该选项将关闭,电子邮件将在下次从服务器下载后被删除。 www.jukuu.com 3. The living room would be turned into a tennis court, using the cushions from the sofa and hitting over them. 起居室变成了网球场,用沙发上的坐垫互相来回地打闹。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Dream action CAN be turned toward fulfilling constructive expectations , which will effect a change for the better ! 梦中的行动能够被转向实现建设性的期待,它会实现更好的改变! www.bing.com 5. America maintains a prison at Bagram air base in Afghanistan, but this will be turned over to the Afghans by the end of the year. 美国保留了一座在巴基斯坦巴格拉姆的空军基地,但是今年底需要移交给阿富汗人。 www.ecocn.org 6. This strategy can be turned into a scan where charting software permits. 如果有画图软件,则此策略可制成筛选系统。 www.bing.com 7. The soil should also be turned over with a fork so that the weeds would be destroyed. 还应当用耙子翻地,以除掉杂草。 www.csfls.com 8. And if some of the user's friends comment themselves, those comments can be turned into Sponsored Stories (see bottom right). 如果这个用户的朋友也对广告进行了评论,这些评论会进入“赞助内容”的部分(SponsoredStories,见图中下部分)。 www.bing.com 9. I feel I could be turned to stone, A solid block not carved at all, Because I feel so much alone. 我感觉我会变成顽石,结实的一大块未经雕琢,因为我感觉如此孤寂。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Primitive creatures developed many clever ways to kill each other after billions of years of evolution, and some can be turned to human use. 在几十亿年的进化之后,原始生物自相残杀的手段也越来越多,其中一些可以为人类所借鉴。 c.wsj.com 1. In given conditions a bad thing can be turned into a good one. 在一定条件下,我们能把坏事变成好事。 www.dictall.com 2. The same scientists believe that banana peel is only the first step; in the future, any kind of organic garbage may be turned to fuel. 这些科学家还认为,现在利用香蕉皮还只是第一步,在将来,任何的有机垃圾都可以转化为燃料。 www.elanso.com 3. After a time of being there by myself, I will be turned into a butterfly. 我独自一人在那住上一段时间后,就会变成蝴蝶。 www.bing.com 4. Support for healthcare for the elderly would be turned into federal contributions towards private medical insurance. 给老年人的医疗补助将转变为联邦政府对私人医疗保险的捐助。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. " “世界很广阔,如果摩擦力能转化成动力的话,我绝不愿意将我的生命耗在摩擦上。” www.bing.com 6. It would be ourselves who seemed to be turned around . 倒是我们自己这儿的一切好像都被颠倒了。 www.jukuu.com 7. That's comes after a federal court ordered that the nine-year-old boy be turned over to his American father by Thursday morning. 周四的早上,联邦法院对此做出判决:9岁男童可以跟随自己的美国父亲。 www.hjenglish.com 8. May all who seek to take my life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace. 愿那些寻找我,要灭我命的,一同抱愧蒙羞。愿那些喜悦我受害的,退后受辱。 www.ebigear.com 9. Oxygen could be used for breath, hydrous can be turned into fuel, rocket fuel. 氧气可以用来呼吸,氢气可以用来转换成能源,火箭能源。 bbs.xiaoma.com 10. Even the humble safety pin can be turned into a stylish statement. 连不起眼的别针也能成为时髦的表征。 video.2u4u.com.cn 1. In living memory Turkish armies have reached the gates of Vienna, Austria, only to be turned back by the steadfast defenders. 在过去最辉煌的记忆中,奥斯曼帝国曾经直逼维也纳城门之下,但最后还是为奥地利坚不可摧的防御所阻。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the humanity is not again prompt adopts measure, related Venice will be turned by the sea water submergence view the reality. 如果人类再不及时采取措施的话,有关威尼斯会被海水淹没的说法将变成现实。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. One who disapproves of the opinion thinks that keeping them can be a tiresome business. They will be turned into another life burden. 不赞成的人认为,养他们很麻烦,它们会成为他们的另一个生活负担。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. to be shed taste, add mushrooms and fry a few times, then pour on the good juice, to be turned even when blistering serve. 待散出味后加香菇炒几下,再倒入对好的汁,待起泡时翻匀即成。 www.bing.com 5. And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the ground thereof into brimstone: and the land thereof shall become burning pitch. 她的河水将变为沥青,她的土壤将变为硫磺:大地成了燃灼的沥青。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. There are already calls for the DMZ to be turned into a park in the event of reunification. 在重新统一的项目里,有人已经呼吁要把非军事区域变成一个自然公园。 www.ecocn.org 7. Because after high temperature can be turned into a carcinogenic substance--tolylene--pyricutaria (TDA). 由于经高温水解后会变成一种致癌物质----甲苯二胺(TDA)。 www.bing.com 8. And during some hours of the day, the heat must be turned off altogether. 而且,在一天中的某几个小时,所有加热器必须同时关闭。 www.bing.com 9. In my composition class, I would be turned into a talking dictionary or an interpreter for the students. 每每上作文课时,笔者就成了学生的活字典、翻译员。 www.1stenglish.com 10. The light is about to be turned on and you shall witness the defacing of darkness from your realm. 光明即将开启,你将见证黑暗从你们的界域磨灭而去。 tieba.baidu.com 1. According to the Hibernate Shards documentation, this property is quite expensive and should be turned off in a production environment. 根据HibernateShards文档记录,该属性非常耗时,在生成环境中应该关闭。 www.ibm.com 2. May those who seek my life be put to shame and confusion; may all who desire my ruin be turned back in disgrace. 愿那些寻索我命的,抱愧蒙羞。愿那些喜悦我遭害的,退后受辱。 www.ebigear.com 3. Use this method to cause DE-Light Java client trace to be turned on immediately with the corresponding trace level for this RPC. 使用该方法依据该RPC相应的跟踪级别立即启动DE-LightJava客户端跟踪。 www.ibm.com 4. By rewiring your imagination, metal threads can be turned into a myriad of practical ornaments, such as a lampshade. 要怎麽样用金属线变出一个艺术品?需要的是巧思与创意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Just about anything can be turned into a gripping test of wits or stamina. 任何节目都可能演变为对人们智慧和耐力的吸引人的考验。 www.ftchinese.com 6. rules and regulations , once set up , should not be turned into a dead letter. 规章制度一经订立,不应成为一纸虚文。 www.ichacha.net 7. For example my colleagues in Beijing thought I was a bit strange for wanting the office lights to be turned off during the day. 例如,我希望白天把办公室的灯关掉,而我在北京的同事们因此觉得我有点奇怪。 new.chinadialogue.net 8. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. 敌人的全部凶焰和暴力很快就会转移到我们的头上。 www.bing.com 9. Active Lens can be turned off and on quickly and locally, which means individual parts of the LED panel can deliver 3D images. 动态调焦可以实时且局部的关闭和开启,即LED面板的任意部分可以随时输出3D图像。 dongxi.net 10. May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame; may those who plot my ruin be turned back in dismay. 愿那寻索我命的,蒙羞受辱!愿那谋害我的,退后羞愧! new.fuyinchina.com 1. He doesn't, of course, want the "gay writer" tag to be turned against him, to be an excuse to marginalise his work. 当然,他不希望“同性恋作家”的标签使他受到非议,不想让他人借此将他的作品边缘化。 www.bing.com 2. But now that this liquidity is out there, the tap cannot just be turned off. 但现在这种流动性已经存在,无法简单地关掉笼头了事。 www.bing.com 3. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. 日头要变为黑暗,月亮要变为血,这都是耶和华大而可畏的日子未到以前。 www.for68.com 4. If the next life we still can be turned into birds, wandering in the mountains of Penglai. 是否来生我们依然可以化成青鸟,徘徊在蓬莱仙山。 www.bing.com 5. "The trust companies were the lender of last resort, which is why it's so serious for that tap to be turned off, " says Mr Gallimore. “信托公司是最后的放贷者,正因如此,这条渠道被切断是非常严重的,”加利莫尔表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The confiscated alcoholic drinks and articles shall be turned over to the Competent Authorities for uniform disposal. 没收的酒类和物品统一交主管部门处理。 www.99en.com.cn 7. After a period of scientific study, he hopes the cave can be turned into a major local tourist attraction. 在完成科学研究之后,他希望洞穴能成为当地的一大旅游游览胜地。 dict.bioon.com 8. We cannot accept that planes carrying lifesaving medical supplies and equipment continue to be turned away while our patients die. 我们不能接受运载着救命医疗物资和设备的飞机继续被拒降落,而我们的病人则就此死去。 club.mil.news.sina.com.cn 9. The crank elements will need to be machined to shape and drilled, and the pins that connect them must be turned to complete the crank. 曲柄要素将需要加工塑造和钻探,以及引脚,连接它们必须把完成曲柄。 diycnc.org 10. King Midas greedy as he was, quickly wished without thinking that everything he touched be turned to gold. 贪婪的迈达斯不假思索马上表示他想拥有点物成金的本领。 www.jbenglish.org 1. Marriage can only be turned into a tomb. 只能变成是婚姻的坟墓。 bbs.ycwb.com 2. Many of the following mental blocks can be turned around to reveal ways to find more than one answer to any given problem. 下列许多心理砖块会转离透露对任何特定的问题如何找到一个以上的答案。 www.bing.com 3. Eleksen had been making fabrics which can be turned into flexible keyboards and wearable iPod controllers for half a decade. Eleksen公司在过去五年里一直致力于生产一种织物,它可用于制作柔韧性键盘以及可穿戴式iPod控制器。 www.bing.com 4. But that takes energy - and why spend that energy when this "rubbish" can be turned into something useful in its present form? 但是,这需要能源-而当这些“垃圾”可以以现有形式变成有用的东西时为什么要多花能源呢? www.bing.com 5. When the earth when the wind, which thoughts will be turned into pieces under the snow, lightly dancing, decorated down earth. 当人间风起的时候,这思绪便化作片片白雪,翩跹起舞,缀落人间。 enwaimao.cn 6. She had powerful magic and did evil in the Kingdom, whether people or animal who didn't obey her, would be turned into stone statue. 她拥有强大的法术,在王国里为非作歹,无论是人还是动物,只要不服从她就会被她变成石像。 www.hicoo.net 7. It seems very strange that two gases can be turned into water, but under certain conditions the fact can be plainly proved. 两种气体能变成水,这看来是很奇怪,但在一定条件下可以很清楚地证实这一事实。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 8. V n PA neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up. 因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便散了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The thyristor cannot be turned off by the gate, and the thyristor conducts as a diode. 此时晶闸管就象二极管一样导通,不能通过门极关断。 etran.5d6d.com 10. If the lower-grade pomegranates could be turned into juice for the burgeoning international market, even more value could be added. 如果把低档次的石榴汁榨汁后推向日益壮大的国际市场,农业的产值会更高。 www.bing.com 1. If you turn off the gas for any reason, it must be turned back on by a professional. 如果你关掉了煤气,不管是什么原因,一定要由专业人员来重新打开。 www.tianya.cn 2. Solid can be turned into liquid and liquid can be turned into gas if it is heated enough. 如果加热到足够高的温度,固体会变成液体,而液体又会变成气体。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 3. In occasionally when the moment in the moment, I feel a person, but will be turned in at the moment, feel very strange. 在偶尔的时候,在刹那的瞬间,我觉得自己很懂一个人,却又会在刹那的转身中,觉得很陌生。 www.bing.com 4. Astepper motor, which can be turned a degree at a time, wouldtwistthe wand back and forth as needed. 至于一次可以转一度的步进马达,会在必要的时候来回推动百叶窗的控制杆。 www.bing.com 5. There were many reasons why the thought of a Genoese should be turned in this direction. 为什么一个热那亚人的思路居然会朝着这个方向,其中有许多原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To yield his best, man, like the soil, must first be torn up and then be turned over. 一个人要完美就要象土地一样先将泥土打碎,再细细耕作才能使产量翻番。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Even quite intelligent people may be "turned off" by some of the sophisticated techniques of the expert. 甚至非常聪明的人,也可能被专家的一些熟练技巧“引入岐途”。 www.jukuu.com 8. The relations between the DPRK and the US must be turned from being hostile to peaceful through bilateral talks. 通过朝美双边会谈,朝美之间的敌对关系必须转变为和平关系。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Tracking name AutoCorrect information must be turned on to view dependency information. 必须打开“跟踪名称自动更正信息”才能查看相关性信息。 office.microsoft.com 10. When Filtering is suggested to be turned off only when performing bulk operations or when querying data over many atomic units. 只有在执行大块操作或是在多个原子单元间进行数据查询时才建议关闭过滤。 www.infoq.com 1. The program should be turned over entirely to the states with federal financing supplied by a "no strings attached" block grant. 计划应该在联邦政府提供“无附加条件”整体补助款的经济支持下全部交由各州政府执行。 www.bing.com 2. Daily turnover has surged to around $15bn and, under the bull market scenario, the taps are not about to be turned off any time soon. 香港股市日成交额已飙升至150亿美元左右,在当前的牛市行情下,资金龙头近期内毫无关闭的迹象。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Unfortunately the roaming cattle ranchers follow a different logic and will not be turned into agro-businessmen overnight. 不幸的是,漫游成性的养牛场场主遵循的逻辑不同,而且也不可能一夜之间变成农业商人。 www.bing.com 4. Eventually the tables will be turned and souls of Light will head governments, and lead where the banking fraternity is concerned. 最终桌子会转向,光的灵魂们将领导政府,引导那些银行业关心的问题。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Chinese industry can replace with custom LED units and at least one power station could be turned off. 而中国工业生产已经换上了特制的发光二极管系统,至少有一家核电站被关闭。 iswish.fyfz.cn 6. We are not quite prepared for the blows which must come if we are going to be turned into the shape of the vision. 我们想要有合乎异像的样式,却还没有准备好迎接那必来的突然打击。 myutmost.wikispaces.com 7. Mr McWhorter's utilitarian analysis could be turned against literature departments more readily than against French-language teaching. McWhorter先生从实用主义角度出发的分析更适用于抨击文学系而非法语教学。 www.ecocn.org 8. The minimize and maximize buttons have to be turned off for the Help button to appear. 必须关闭最小化和最大化按钮,帮助按钮才会出现。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. African hopes that the AU mandate in Mogadishu be turned over to the UN look forlorn; no Western or Arab country wants to send troops. 非洲希望非盟对摩加迪沙的委任管理权由联合国接管,这显得非常渺茫。西方政府和阿拉伯国家都不愿发兵。 www.ecocn.org 10. If a piece of ice is put into a basin over a fire, it will soon be turned into water. 如果把一块冰放在炉火上的盆里,冰很快就会化成水。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 1. The process of education should be emphasized. The theory of respect and support the aged should be turned to the public consciousness. 建立中国社会养老体系,应该重视教化的作用,将敬老养老理论转化为大众的自觉意识。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Use this method to cause the DE-Light Java client trace to be turned on immediately with the corresponding trace level. 使用该方法依据相应的跟踪级别立即启动DE-LightJava客户端跟踪。 www.ibm.com 3. During the build phase, consumer-driven stories can be turned into executable expectations. 在构建阶段,消费者驱动的故事可被转换为可执行的期望。 www.infoq.com 4. The race has been on to build nonvolatile high-speed memories that will allow computers to be turned on and off like televisions. 制造一种能使计算机像电视机那样能随时开关的非易失性高速储存器的竞争一直在进行。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The Water Cube will have some of its seating taken out, and be turned into a water park and bubble-themed bar. 水立方将会拆掉一些座位,变为水上公园和泡沫主体酒吧。 www.bing.com 6. During fermentation valves were programmed to open at shorter intervals allowing for the cap to be turned every 2-3 hours. 在发酵期间,旁通阀开启的间隔时间设定的较短,以便每2到3个小时对皮盖进行一次翻动。 hi.baidu.com 7. Do you agree that under the revitalization campaign, Tai O may be turned into a theme park and lead to a gradual lose of its unique culture? 你认同在活化政策下大澳有可能会变成下一个主题公园而它的文化亦可能慢慢流失吗?。 my3q.com 8. Concentrating solar power, or solar thermal, involves using the sun's energy to create heat that can be turned into electricity. 集中式太阳能,也称为太阳能热,其需要利用太阳能来产生热量,然后再把这种热量转化成电力。 www.bing.com 9. May be due to too much panic, the students into the next table will be turned over desks crowded. 可由于太惊慌,同学钻进桌下时,将课桌挤翻了。 www.bing.com 10. The theatre was full and a lot of people had to be turned away. 剧场满座了,许多人被拒之门外。 www.yeworld.net 1. This year an estimated $100m worth of hardwood has been cut down and sold, mostly to China to be turned into furniture. 今年估计有价值一亿美元的硬木被砍伐和出售了,大多数被卖到中国做成家具。 www.bing.com 2. In the female insect insect, the calls can be turned into: "chirp chirp cheep cheep, " , when mating to emit quivering with "zhi. . . . " 雄虫遇雌虫时,其鸣叫声可变为:“唧唧吱、唧唧吱”,交配时则发出带颤的“吱。….。” zhidao.baidu.com 3. The material would then have been sent on to France to be turned into fuel rods. 原料本应送到法国制成燃料棒。 www.putclub.com 4. Army scientists are carrying out research into nuclear isomers for atomic power sources whose output can be turned up or turned off at will. 军事科学家们正在通过试验寻找能随意开启或关闭核同质异能素释放能量的方法。 www.bing.com 5. Support for Medicaid would be turned into block grants to the states, which would presumably cut back on support. 对联邦医疗补助计划(Medicaid)的资助将转变成给各州的批量拨款,估计会使资助金额缩水。 www.bing.com 6. The molecule c-kit is the 'switch' that needs to be turned on by the 'SOS signals' sent by the damaged heart. 这个分子是个需要由受损的心脏发出“SOS”信号才可以打开的枢杻。 news.dxy.cn 7. Disappointments mounted as she answered many help-wanted ads, only to be turned down because of age limitations. 当她回答许多招聘广告商时,其失望之情便油然而增。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The hall was full, and hundreds of fans had to be turned away. 大厅已经满了,只能把成百的歌迷打发走。 www.4en.cn 9. Circular logging for Active Directory is enabled on domain controllers and cannot be turned off. 在域控制器上,ActiveDirectory的循环日志记录处于启用状态,并且不能关闭。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Nevertheless, it's a very unfortunate restriction because it limits the set of classes eligible to be turned into mixins. 然而它仍是一个非常遗憾的约束,因为它限制了适合于转换成mixin的类集合。 www.ibm.com 1. To understand this, remember that everything in your markup has to be turned into an object of some type. 为了理解这一点,记住标记中的任何内容都必须转换为某种类型的对象。 www.ibm.com 2. This product can be operated simply. The handle only need to be turned in 130 degrees. Even unloading material can be operated with foots . 该产品操作简便,手柄只需旋转130度,卸料时甚至可以脚操作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Indeed, some systems might be turned off for more minutes per day than they're turned on. 确实,有些系统在一天中关机的时间也许要比开机的时间还长。 www.ibm.com 4. Citrus waste is rich in pectin, cellulose, and polysaccharides, which can be turned into sugars and fermented into alcohol. 柑桔类植物的果实表皮中富含胶质、纤维素和多聚糖,这些成分能够被转化为糖,经发酵后再变成酒精。 gb.cri.cn 5. There will be many XML datasets overlayed onto the map - and each one should be able to be turned on or off. 将有许多XML数据集到地图重叠-每个人都应该能够被打开或关闭。 www.bing.com 6. Many women, and not only feminists, now hope that the beginnings of a cultural revolution will not be turned back. 现在许多女性——不只是女权主义者——都希望,这场初见端倪的文化革命不会倒退。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Article 404 Any property acquired by the agent in the course of handling the entrusted affair shall be turned over to the principal. 第四百零四条受托人处理委托事务取得的财产,应当转交给委托人。 www.falvtrans.com 8. The space will be turned into Bosideng's down apparel and menswear flagship store and its headquarters in Europe. 该物业将作为波司登集团羽绒及男装旗舰店兼欧洲总部。 www.forbeschina.com 9. instructions observed. Before lifting the nacelle, the hub must be turned (the nacelle must be lifted without hub). 起吊机舱前,轮毂必须翻转(轮毂必须从机舱上拆下后再起吊机舱)。 wenku.baidu.com 10. When achieving the proper temperature , the FIRE POWER switch will be turned off automatically , the gas plate has little fire bursting . 当坩锅内温度达到设置温度时,火力开关自动关掉,炉盘内只有微火喷出。 www.bing.com 1. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the day of the Lord come, That great and notable [day]. 日头要变为黑暗,月亮要变为血;这都在主大而明显的日子未到以前。 www.spring4life.org 2. Other relief organizations and foreign governments said they offered assistance this week only to be turned down. 其他的救济组织以及外国政府称,他们本周所提议的救援协助都被回绝。 www.bing.com 3. The algae would be turned into fuel in a manner similar to using corn to make ethanol. 在一定程度上,藻类转变为燃料与玉米制造乙醇的原理类似。 www.bing.com 4. The idea that Sky News will be turned into a Murdoch mouthpiece is scarcely more plausible. 那种天空广播公司就要归为默多克旗下的看法根本不能太相信。 url.cn 5. both material shut-off valves, must be turned to their "off" position and all fluid pressure relieved before removing side block screws! ! 在拆卸一边锁止螺钉前,两个物料切断阀必须调到“关闭”位置,并且释放所有液体压力!! www.wangluofanyi.com 6. All the penalized and confiscated money shall be turned over to the State Treasury according to stipulations . 收缴的罚款以及依法没收的经营所得,必须全部上缴国库。 www.bing.com 7. Unlike view state, control state cannot be turned off, so it provides a more reliable way to store control-state data. 与视图状态不同,控件状态不能被关闭,因此它提供了存储控件状态数据的更可靠方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. WS-Security needs to be turned off for the EchoService to allow the request to be passed to the service end point for processing. 需要关闭EchoService的WS-Security来允许将请求传递到服务端点进行处理。 www.ibm.com 9. Even AS, in our own days, we scatter gilded volumes on the centre-table, to be turned over by the cASual guest. 正如同时至今,我们还会将一些烫金的书卷散放在室中的桌上,供来客翻阅消遣。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Undergo teaching, O Jerusalem, or my soul will be turned away from you, and I will make you a waste, an unpeopled land. 耶路撒冷阿,你当受教,免得我心与你生疏,免得我使你荒凉,成为无人居住之地。 www.biodic.cn 1. Commands can also be turned into check boxes with a checked= "checked" attribute. 还可以用checked=“checked”属性将命令转换为复选框。 www.ibm.com 2. liquid temperature falls short of the target temperature should not be turned on. 胶液温度未达到目标温度,不应开机。 www.bing.com 3. Fast User Switching cannot be turned off at this time. Log off, log back on, and then turn off Fast User Switching. 快速用户切换此时无法关闭。注销,重新登录,然后关闭快速用户切换。 www.dictall.com 4. The IceMaker, which can be turned off at a switch, maintains the supply fully automatically. 制冰机可以通过开关关闭,全自动保持供货。 www.liebherr.com 5. But in fact are the same, the final is to be turned into human dust, gone, gone, gone. 但其实都一样,最后都是要化为人间的尘土,消失了,不见了,没有了。 q.163.com 6. It also remains unclear whether the software can be turned off, or circumvented. Mr. 目前也不清楚用户能否关闭或是绕过“绿坝”软件。 www.bing.com 7. An electronic component, once designed, can be turned out reliably in a factory. 一个电器部件,一旦设计完成,就可以在工厂中可靠地制造出来; www.ecolion.cn 8. All of these now need to be turned from paper agreements into practical ones. 这些协议现在是从纸上谈兵的阶段转化成实际应用的时候了。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. Assignments must be turned in by the due date. Solutions will be provided along with the graded assignments. 作业必须在规定时间前交上,答案将会在发还作业时公布。 www.myoops.org 10. Scour your phone bill and see if one or two of those extras can be turned off. 清洗你的账单,同时看一下是否一至两个额外事额能够被关闭。 www.kekenet.com 1. All penalties shall be turned over to the State Treasury, no unit or individual may retain them. 第七十条罚款一律上交国库,任何单位和个人不得截留。 www.bing.com 2. Ethylene can also be turned into alkanes, a class of hydrocarbons that are a component of gasoline. 乙烯还可以转变成烷烃——是石油中含有的一种碳氢化合物。 www.bing.com 3. For security-minded individuals, this feature can be turned off, but for the rest of us, it saves time and prevents errors . 出于个人的保密考虑,这种特性可以关闭。但对于其他人来说,它既节省时间,又防止错误发生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. At the game, players control a robot fat, it can be turned into a completely invincible iron ball. 在游戏中,玩家控制的是一个胖胖的机器人,它可以变形成一个完全无敌的铁球。 www.fishjava.com 5. Some think it should be turned into a museum to attract foreign tourists. 有的人认为应该把它变成一座博物馆来吸引外国游客。 www.bing.com 6. However, under certain conditions can be transformed each other, small can be turned into big, big can also be converted to small. 但在一定的条件下是可以相互转化的,小可以转化为大,大也可以转化为小。 www.bing.com 7. They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our gods. 倚靠雕刻的偶像,对铸造的偶像说,你是我们的神,这等人要退后,全然蒙羞。 www.bing.com 8. Sooner or later the whole basin of water may be turned into a block of ice. 整盆水迟早会变成一大块冰的。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. A basin of water may be turned into a block of ice in freezing weather. 在冰冻的天气,一盆水可能会结成一大块冰。 chinaedu5.com 10. Extra logging can be turned on by setting the logging levels within the file to "debug" . 额外的日志可通过将文件内的日志等级设置为debug来启用。 www.ibm.com |
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