单词 | cried foul |
释义 | cried foul例句释义: 全部 1. In subsequent votes, it has cried foul; some of its supporters rioted for months after the ballots were counted. 在后来的投票过程中,它犯下了错误;它的一些支持者在计票结束后爆发了数月的暴动。 www.ecocn.org 2. Huawei cried foul and said the deal didn't merit review because it wasn't an outright acquisition. 华为叫屈说,这笔交易不需要审查,因为不是完全收购。 cn.wsj.com 3. Officials have privately cried foul, claiming that pro-hunting groups encouraged supporters to bombard the website. 官员们曾私下嚷嚷比赛不公,声称支持猎狐的团体鼓励群众挤爆了这个网站。 www.bing.com 4. When Japan detained a Chinese trawler captain near the islands, China cried foul. 当日本拘留岛屿附近的一艘中国拖网渔船船长后,中国表示不能容忍。 www.bing.com 5. Anti-GM groups cried foul over India's lack of an independent biosafety regulator. 反对转基因技术组织感到不公,就印度缺乏独立的生物安全监管机构表示强烈抗议。 www.ecocn.org 6. Guangdong, zhejiang, add to the government, and can not see little harvards of that figure, working with you; I cried foul. 广东、浙江等地政府争抢有加,见不到一点当年共事时的身影,其中甘苦我心知肚明。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The opposition cried foul, and Dr Besigye's supporters turned angry; clashing with police on the streets of Kampala. 反对派大声疾呼这是诬蔑,支持者变得愤怒,并与警察在坎帕拉的街道上发生冲突。 learning.sohu.com 8. Some freshman members of Congress cried foul, saying they owed their elections to voters fed up with unfair free trade. 一些新生的国会议员起诉,称他们欠他们选举选民厌倦了不公平的自由贸易。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Somare Junior cried foul, and brought his incapacitated father back from Singapore to contest the takeover. 小索马雷大呼不公,并将极度虚弱的父亲从新加坡带回国内,以抗辩这一任命。 www.ecocn.org 10. However, animal rights groups have cried foul, calling on the government to stop the slaughter. 但动物保护组织呼吁政府紧急停止这次杀戮。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Alstom, which has supplied all Eurostar trains to date, cried foul. 而为欧洲之星所有列车提供全程服务至今的阿尔斯通公司,大呼这是犯规的。 www.ecocn.org 2. Investors cried foul at the initial $2 a share offering. 投资者对每股2美元的初始报价痛心疾首。 www.bing.com 3. Ms Daranee and her lawyer cried foul. An appeal is pending. Daranee女士和她的律师大呼不平,正在提请上诉。 www.bing.com 4. The PAD cried foul over what it claimed was a loss of Thai territory. 黄衫军随后大声抗议,表示柬所谓的地盘,是泰国的失地。 www.ecocn.org |
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