单词 | crepe |
释义 | 例句释义: 绉绸[纱],黑纱丧章,油煎薄饼,可丽饼,绉布,法式薄饼 1. Just the other day, she said, she had been sitting by herself eating a lonely crepe. 就在几天前,她说她曾孤零零地坐着吃可丽饼。 www.ecocn.org 2. the train took her mind back to that morning in 1862 when she had come to Atlanta as a young widow, swathed in crepe and wild with boredom. 车站周围空荡荡的景象使她想起1862年的一个早晨,那时她作为年轻寡妇身穿丧服、满怀厌倦地来到了亚特兰大。 www.jukuu.com 3. Thermal heat drying system easy to toll of verpackungsgesellschaft and oily sludge up the crepe, shrinkage. 热干燥系统产生的热量易使许多塑料包装材料过热而引起基材起绉、收缩。 www.bing.com 4. Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. 把黑纱系在信鸽的颈项,让交通警察戴上黑色的手套。 bbs.flyine.net 5. The front cover and back crepe folded and warping materials primarily on text and cover papers and the brush adhesive. 与造成封面书背绉折和翘曲有关的材料主要有内文和封面用纸及所刷胶粘剂。 www.bing.com 6. The kitchen with a stove, freezer cabinet, crepe griddle and two work tables was in the back of the redesigned bay. 后半部则是厨房,内有炉子、冷冻库、煎可丽饼的铁板,以及两个工作台。 biz.163.com 7. Bernarda Lorca would usually be sitting in her wheelchair, selling cosmetics and handmade crepe-paper flowers on the street in Santiago. 一般情况下,需要借助轮椅才能行动的贝尔纳达.洛尔卡会去圣地亚哥街头,兜售化妆品和手工制作的纸花。 www.bing.com 8. In the office, stick to sturdier, thicker fabrics (tropical wool; crepe). They look more professional than flimsier ones, like linen. 办公室中,坚持穿那种厚实的面料(如羊毛;绉绸),它们看起来比亚麻等薄弱面料更专业和美观。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Many of the buildings were still dressed in black crepe as the Infantry Unit came marching up the avenue. 当步兵团沿着大道游行时,大道上许多建筑物都还披挂着黑纱。 www.24en.com 10. They hung orange and black crepe paper along the tops of the chalkboards, pasted paper pumpkins and black cats on the walls. 她们在黑板上沿挂上橙色和黑色的绉纸,在墙上贴纸裁的南瓜和黑猫。 www.ebigear.com 1. Put crepe bows around the white necks of the public doves. 把黑纱系在脖子上的白色的鸽子。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Put crepe bows 'round the necks of public doves, Let traffic policemen wear black, cotton gloves. 把黑纱系在信鸽的颈上,让交通警察戴上黑色的手套。 blog.163.com 3. Crepe paper of bright colours was hung across the ceilings for the festival. 为了庆祝节日,人们在开花板上交叉挂起了色彩艳丽的绉纸。 hotdic.com 4. Tapes - Self Adhesive, Adhesives and Sealants, Foam, Rexine and P. U. Products, Adhesives, Crepe Paper , Core Paper , Masking Tape. 采购产品录音带-自录,黏性物和密封剂,泡沫,仿造皮和P.U产品,黏性物,生胶纸,核心纸,不透光胶纸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We went down the corridor, with my crepe soles squeaking on waxed tile. 我们顺着走廓走,我的胶鞋底在涂了蜡的瓦上吱吱地响。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 6. He adopts a photo realist style, rendering delicate textures of the skin of the figure, the rock and the crepe. 艺术家以摄影写实的方式来描绘物象,人物的肌肤、山石绉布的层次纹理都有很细腻真切的呈现。 www.christies.com 7. Use high - quality craft paper , crepe paper , which can move with the carpet and won't stick to the pad. 烫带背面采用优质牛皮纸,皱纹纸,可随地毯移动,不会粘连在底垫或地板上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Silk yarn twisting is a direct way to bring forth crepe effect on the surface of heavy-weight crepes. 丝线加捻是使真丝重绉织物起绉效应的直接手段。 www.chemyq.com 9. Princess Diana wore this black crepe evening gown during a state visit in 1992. 黛安娜王妃一九九二年国事访问期间,就是穿这件黑色绉绸晚礼服。 www.taipeitimes.com 10. Buy clothing that will span two to three seasons -- like wool crepe or matte jersey. 遴选可以跨季穿的衣服---如羊毛绉纹呢,无光针织物等。 xuewen99.com 1. clothing that will span two to three seasons -- like wool crepe or matte jersey. 挑选可以跨季穿的衣服---如羊毛绉布,无光针织物等。 q.sohu.com 2. Office cubicles are festooned with orange and black crepe paper and bowls of candy. 办公隔间在节日期间会被橘色和黑色的绉纸装饰起来,还会摆上大碗的糖果。 www.bing.com 3. colored crepe paper ; the film was in color; amber-colored heads of grain. 彩色绉纸;这部电影是彩色的;琥珀色的谷穗。 dict.veduchina.com 4. However, Fuji, printing only satin photo paper and Kodak have crepe paper chemiluminscent. 但富士冲印只有平背相纸,而柯达还有绉绒纸。 www.bing.com 5. A. White---ordinary white, copy paper, crepe paper, etc. 白纸类---普通白纸,拷贝纸,皱纹纸等。 www.bing.com 6. Crepe de chine fabric has the appearance and feel of silk, but is machine washable! 双绉面料的外观和丝绸的感觉,但机洗! www.freemerce.com 7. We are suppliers of crepe paper, crepe paper sheets, medical crepe paper and sterilization papers. 1. 我们的绉纸,绉纸,皱纹纸和消毒的医疗文件的供应商。1。 cn.tradekey.com 8. Rayon and rayon crepe two main categories, is that people are happy to enjoy the popular summer fabric, their sales will increase. 人造棉与人棉绉两大品类,是人们乐于享用的大众夏装面料,其销量必增。 www.texclo.net 9. Crepe paper covered the ugly cardboard. 皱纹纸纸板所涵盖的丑陋。 sinaurl.cn 10. I get so sick of women in dowdy old clothes and perpetual crepe . 我对那些穿得又丑又旧和永远带着黑纱的女人腻烦透了。 dict.veduchina.com 1. They not only make model cars, but install mechanical devices and crepe mixtureies, and use an online control to control the car. 他们不只是做模型汽车,还要装上机械装置和电池,用摇控器操控汽车呢。acome。 anc.chaoliu020.com 2. We have some tough pressure crepe sure, customers and colleagues has been the unanimous recognition. 我们对一些高难度压绉的把握,得到了客户和同行的一致认可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. stop , wait , it ' s crepe . i ' m gonna break out. 住手,等等,这是毛线的我快被弄破了。 ichacha.net 4. Rayon and rayon crepe two main categories, is that people are happy to enjoy the popular summer fabrics. 人造棉与人棉绉两大品类,是人们乐于享用的大众夏装面料。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A sheer silk or rayon crepe of dull texture. 带有暗淡起绉表面的薄而结实的丝或似丝质的布料。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. Washed Crepe de Chine: Silk. 洗德中国绉纱:丝绸。 www.gootree.com 7. Colour crepe paper is a kind of paper of widely used. 彩色绉纹纸是广泛应用的一个纸张品种。 www.chemyq.com 8. With the help of 16 chefs, he prepared a 9. 9 meter crepe in under 40 minutes. 在16名厨师的帮助下,他用40分钟完成了这个长9.9米的巨型卷。 www.bing.com 9. Study of Indicative Methods for Heat-Resistant Property of High-Temperature Crepe Tapes 耐温皱纹带耐热性能表征方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes - Specification for individual materials - Crepe paper 电工用纤维素纸.个别材料规范.皱纹纸 www.mapeng.net 1. Relation between the Wear abilities of Heavy- weight Crepe Silk Fabric and the Material Selection and Process for Clothing 真丝重绉织物性能与服装选料、加工的关系 www.ilib.cn 2. Ladieswear: matt nylon jersey layered and fluffy fabrics crinkle crepe relief effect eyelet and cutout effect cutting motif fabrics 女装:无光、致密的尼龙平针织物层叠和蓬松的织物泡绉效果凹凸浮雕效果网眼与镂空效果剪花织物 club.china.alibaba.com 3. Analysis and Prediction on Affecting Factors of Surface Texture of Single Direction Crepe 顺纡绉表面纹理的影响因素分析与预测 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Fractal Characteristics of Crepe Fabric Surface Images 绉织物表面图像的分形特征分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Development of high temperature-resistant pressure sensitive adhesive crepe paper tape 耐高温皱纹纸压敏胶带的研制 www.ilib.cn 6. surgical dressings ; cotton crepe bandages 外科包扎敷料.棉绉布绷带 www.ichacha.net 7. crepe insulating papers for electrical purposes part 3 : technical specification 电工用皱纹绝缘纸.第3部分:技术要求 www.ichacha.net 8. The Wearing Comfort of the Crepe- Finished Silk Fabric (part one) 皱纹整理对真丝织物穿着舒适性的影响(一) service.ilib.cn 9. Exploration on Applying New Technology to Produce Meng Li Crepe 梦丽绉生产新工艺技术 service.ilib.cn 10. Trial Manufacture of Color Flame - Proof Crepe Paper for Exporting 出口彩色阻燃皱纹纸的研制 www.ilib.cn 1. Development on Gingham Crepe Fabrics Interweaved with Yarns from Different Fibres 不同纤维纱线交织条格绉的开发 www.ilib.cn 2. Crepe Effect Evaluation Based on Fractal Characterization Analysis for Surface Image of Crepe Fabrics 基于绉织物表面图像分形特征分析的绉效应评价 www.ilib.cn 3. Development of Fabrics with Three-dimensional Sparkling Check Crepe 闪光立体方格绉面料的开发 www.ilib.cn 4. The Effects of Crepe Finishing on the Structure and Style of Silk Fabrics 绉纹整理对真丝织物结构与风格的影响 service.ilib.cn 5. Production of Elephant Crepe Fabrics with Pure Cotton 纯棉双绉织物的生产实践 www.ilib.cn 6. The knitting technology of the plisse crepe fabric using Tencel yarn 天丝泡泡绉面料的编织工艺 www.ilib.cn 7. Dyeing and finishing of polyamide crepe fabric 锦纶绉绸织物染整工艺探讨 service.ilib.cn 8. Deep Colour Processing of Polyester Crepe de Chine 涤双绉的深色加工 www.ilib.cn 9. Printing on Spun-Rayon Crepe de Chine with Reactive Dyes 人棉双绉活性染料印花 service.ilib.cn 10. crepe insulating paper for electrical purposes part 2 : methods of test 电工用皱纹绝缘纸.第2部分:试验方法 www.ichacha.net 1. Appraisement of Crepe Effect of Silk Fabric 丝绸织物绉效应风格的评价 service.ilib.cn 2. printed crepe de chine fashion 印花双绉时装 www.hxen.com 3. crepe satin plain three-piece suit 素绉缎三件套 www.bing.com 4. crepe satin plain one-piece dress 素绉缎连衣裙 www.bing.com 5. Design of Fabric Crepe Weaves 织物泥地组织的设计 www.ilib.cn 6. Tle Design of Knitting Crepe 针织绉的设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Crepe Kraft Paper Roger Mak 新加坡求购皱纹牛皮纸 www.linyinfo.net 8. crepe de chine spun silk suit 双绉绢宫绸套装 www.hxen.com 9. An Inquiry into the Development of Cotton Plisse Crepe Fabric 纯棉泡泡皱织物的开发和探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. The development of Thin Lotus Crepe Fabric 丝麻薄型莲花绉织物的开发 service.ilib.cn |
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