单词 | creative design | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | creative design
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 创意设计,创造性设计,创新设计 1. Factory is a set of creative design, production-made uniforms as one of the company. 我厂是一家集创意设计、生产订做为一体的制服公司。 www.tonke.cn 2. I think I can answer this really quickly. To me, a really creative design is wanna go, you know, when I'm surprised. 我想我可以很快回答这个问题,对我来说,一件不错的设计,就是能够让我感到惊讶。 www.chinatranslation.net 3. Not all effective logos need to attempt to be this type of clever or creative design, but they can be very powerful in the right situation. 虽说并非行之有效的logo都需要尝试此类精巧创新的设计,但是它们确实恰到好处地发挥出了强大威力。 www.bing.com 4. Result indicated that this method could conduct creative design on surfaces of products rapidly effectively. 实例结果表明,该算法可以快速有效地实现产品外型的创新设计。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Has a group of experienced and professional planning and creative design, advocating a new concept of cultural business etiquette. 拥有一批经验丰富和专业企划和创意设计人员,崇尚商务礼仪文化新理念。 www.tonke.cn 6. Nini from the sky, is a flying swallow, and its creative design from Beijing Sha Yan Kite tradition. 妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. RongChangSheng has always been attaching great importance to the design of products and owning a scrupulous and creative design team. 荣昌盛一直以来非常注重产品的设计,拥有一个严谨、细致和具有强大创新能力的设计团队。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 8. In the early post-production technology, creative design and the integration of a breakthrough. 在前期的创意设计和后期制作技术的整合上有所突破。 www.boshuo.net 9. This course provides students the basic concept of creative design, the concept of development and creative design Examples. 3. 本课程提供学生创意设计的基本概念、构思发展,以及创意设计的实例。 10. Industries: art direction, commercial arts, creative, design, photography, production, retouching, video. 行业:艺术方向,商业艺术,创意,设计,摄影,制片,后期处理,视频。 www.thebeijinger.com 1. Finally, a case study of the creative design of table's style was given to demonstrate the proposed approach. 最后,通过对桌子的创新设计对该方法进行了应用试验。 www.71155.com 2. The look of the site is to be in line with a parent company site so there is very little creative design required. 该网站的外观是要与母公司网站在网上很少有这样的创意设计要求。 www.bing.com 3. Sunward visual marketing center has a strong creative design team, design director with 10 years experience in design cosmetic! 玄武视觉行销中心拥有强大的创意设计队伍,设计总监具有十年的化妆品设计经验! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Teaches creative design based on the scientific method through the design, engineering, and manufacture of a detailed inlaid tile. 本课程讲授根据科学方法进行创新设计,在对复杂的镶饰花砖的设计,工程分析和制造的过程中进行。 www.myoops.org 5. Automotive design is a scientific reason and the feelings of the arts as one of the creative design. 汽车造型设计是科学的理智和艺术的感情为一体的创造性设计。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Creative Design Support Engine, whose research materials are the patent results, can help to yield better ideas in human creation. 创新设计启发引擎以人类知识成果-专利为素材,能够产生一些辅助人类创新的好想法。 www.fabiao.net 7. Strong technical force, have the Production Department, the Department of Operations, Development Department, the creative design room. 公司技术力量雄厚,另设有生产部、业务部、开发部、创意设计室等。 www.showxiu.com 8. In their fashion show, the clothes were made of waste paper with creative design. 长者也不遑多让,为观众表演时尚霓裳,服装是用废纸物料做成,设计别具心思。 www.docin.com 9. A case study of the creative design of table style is given to demonstrate the proposed method. 通过一个桌子创新设计实例验证该方法的可行性和实用性。 www.ecice06.com 10. Objective To guide plastic surgery creative design, research on inventive principles classification of plastic surgery. 目的为了指导整形外科创新设计,对整形外科中的发明原理分类研究。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 1. In conclusion, gave the evaluation system and its method of the creative design of Sewing machine. 最后给出了缝纫机创新设计的评价指标体系及评价方法。 www.chemyq.com 2. Design life of a logical language and creative design powerful tool in the future the wider field of furniture design applications. 情趣化设计作为一种符合逻辑的强大的设计语言和创意工具,会在未来家具设计领域中得到更广泛的应用。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Combing pneumatic muscle with mechanic force amplifier is an applied and creative design method. 将气动肌腱与各种型式的机械增力机构相结合,是一种实用而又新颖的创新设计方法。 www.dictall.com 4. Achieve yearly sales budget by developing and maintaining sales plans, motivating sales staff and promoting a creative design service. 通过维护和发展销售计划,激发员工工作积极性和创造性的设计服务完成年度销售预算。 www.jobui.com 5. 8226; Industries: art direction, commercial arts, creative, design, photography, production, retouching, video. 行业:艺术方向,商业艺术、创意、设计、摄影、生产、处理、视频。 forum.xitek.com 6. Zhongxin of Planning Design Co. , Ltd. in Shenzhen Lo Wu is a creative design, planning as the main multimedia enterprises. 众鑫达策划设计有限公司位于深圳罗湖,是一家创意设计、策划为主体的多媒体企业。 www.tonke.cn 7. Facing with the opportunities and challenges , creative design apply on the garment have become a hot spot sales. 面对机遇与挑战,创意设计在成衣上面的应用已成为销售热点。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Creative design and human selfishness is " " intelligent packaging technology. 创造性设计和人本位思想则是“智能化包装”技术的精髓。 www.bing.com 9. The present research aims to look into the evaluation mechanism of Creative Design Support Engine. 本人研究创新启发设计引擎的评价机制。 www.fabiao.net 10. Look for creative design for ROBIN, including shapes, colors, materials, and accessories design, different ideas will be accepted. 寻找罗宾创意设计,包括形状,颜色,材料和配件的设计,不同的想法会被接受。 www.bing.com 1. To get creative design is every plane designer's intention, so era characteristics and trend should be studied. 从多个方面研究色彩的时代特征与倾向,保持包装装潢色彩设计的创造性是每一个平面设计师为之努力的方向。 epub.cnki.net 2. The abundant art background of European culture, open and creative design thought and noble features are popular with customers. 欧洲文化丰富的艺术底蕴,开放、创新的设计思想及其尊贵的姿容,一直以来颇受众人的喜爱与追求。 mumenchina.blog.tianya.cn 3. Our creative design and engineering team are continually developing new products that inspire and excite our customers. 我们富有创新精神的设计和工程团队不断地开发可以鼓舞我们客户的新产品。 big5.cjol.com 4. This thesis deals with the creative design of the folding mechanism for foldable baby carriages. 本论文为研究婴儿车折叠机构之创意设计。 5. Creative design is a typical knowledge-intensive work, of which conceptual design is an important part. 创意设计是典型的知识密集型工作,概念设计是创意设计的重要环节。 www.fabiao.net 6. Superb creative design capabilities, designers under the guidance of this body to work. 高超的创意设计能力,能指导本机构下属设计师开展工作。 www.u3w.com 7. By introducing the basis of creativity and the strategies of creative thinking, students can learn more about creative design. 介绍创造力的本质及创造思考的策略,增进学生对创意设计的认识; 8. Therefore, creative design play an increasingly vital impact in modern garment production. 因此创意设计在现代成衣生产中起到越来越重要的影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is pointed out that the decomposed granularity space of generalized field is the key element of product creative design. 指出广义域分解的粒度空间是决定组合夹具创新设计潜力的关键因素。 www.chemyq.com 10. Creative Design Support Engine in our research is such a system that can aid creative thinking. 我们正在研究的创新设计启发引擎就是这样一个辅助人类创新的系统。 www.fabiao.net 1. Book covers can be incredibly creative design projects. 书皮是一种难以置信的创意设计项目。 www.bing.com 2. central plains culture; creative design; brand image; industrial chain. 中原文化;创意设计;品牌;产业链。 www.packjour.com 3. Developing and training students' creative design-awareness should be put in the priority in the process of teaching. 在教学过程中重点培养和开发学生们的创造性设计意识。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. This paper is a research about the creative design of public energy conservation building in the city of Northern Shan xi. 本文是对陕西北部城镇地区公共建筑的节能创作进行的研究,重点侧重于方案创作前期的节能设计对策。 www.zidir.com 5. VCSALE includes the first-class creative design team, strict management team, enthusiastic professional customer service team. VCSALE旗下拥有一流的创意设计团队,严谨的管理团队,热情专业的客服团队。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Provide creative design solutions in schematic and conceptual design stage. 在概念设计以及深化阶段提供有创意的设计方案。 www.jzrjob.com 7. Such signs, motorcycle, luggage in the journey to constitute the element object or creative design. 路牌、摩托车、旅行箱等在旅途中的物件来构成设计中的元素或者创意的源泉。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. We are expanding continuously and are looking for proactive talents to join our creative design team for our Shanghai office. 罗昂的规模不断地在扩大,我们在寻找各专业人才加入到我们上海公司的设计团队。 www.yjbys.com 9. Creative design is a creative form of brand. 创意设计就是指品牌的创意之形。 www.hotelcis.com 10. Lessons from film making and other creative design disciplines can be learned. 可以借鉴电影制作,或其他创造性的设计规律。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Shenzhen VI design creative design company is to source creative. 深圳的设计公司VI设计的创意都是于源创意的。 www.hotelvi.com 2. The spatial layout for solid mechanisms is a key problem of creative design of mechanisms by computer aid method. 三维实体机构空间布局设计是机构设计中的关键问题之一。 www.dictall.com 3. Being a valiant defender of Mondays is not an easy task. Enter a creative design studio where Mondays have a good reputation. 作为一个星期一勇敢的卫士不是一件容易的事。输入一个创意设计工作室,星期一有一个良好的声誉。 movingshop.org 4. So I read in reducing, the creative design of the link to read. 所以笔者在还原性阅读之后,设计了创造性阅读这一环节。 wenda.tianya.cn 5. DryIcons is managed by a small creative design studio that produces free graphics and icon sets. DryIcons是由一个小型但具有创造力的设计工作室负责制作免费图表和图标。 www.elanso.com 6. there's an opening in the creative design department. It involves working with computers. 创意设计部有个职位空缺。只要整天与电脑为伴就行。 www.tingroom.com 7. Advertising is reflected in the effective coverage on the creative design media. 广告的有效覆盖率还体现在媒体的创意性设计上。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. By applying GA as evolution process, a realization algorithm for creative design on surface of products was obtained. 应用遗传算法作为进化过程,得出一种产品外型创新设计的实现算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. LOGO creative design and the implication of the text description. LOGO创意设计及寓意的文字说明。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then, a prototype system for computer-aided mechanism path creative design is constructed based on aforementioned theory. 随后基于上述理论构建了机构轨迹创新设计原型系统; www.ceps.com.tw 1. After many years development, the enterprise has owned advanced technological equipments and creative design team. 经过多年的发展,公司已拥有先进的高科技设备和富有创意的产品开发、设计队伍。 www.renhe.cn 2. Use channel mixed with creative design is also to allow the image offset a hue, get unexpected results. 诳骗通道混和器还可举行创意安排,让图像不正某一色调,得回意想不到的成果。 www.bing.com 3. Among them, the most unique creative design jeans consumers. 其中又以牛仔裤独特的创意设计最受消费者喜爱。 www.bing.com 4. At the same time, also involved in publishing, media, creative design, art collection, graphic design or related industry branches. 同时,也涉及到出版、传媒、创意策划、艺术收藏、装帧设计等相关产业门类。 www.bing.com 5. Creative design and freehand drawing skill. 设计有创意并具有徒手绘图的技能。 www.showxiu.com 6. Creative design and special effects lighting MP3 is a bar to promote the unique personality. 别具创意的造型和特别的灯光效果是MP3酒吧独特个性的宣扬。 www.elycn.com 7. Love creative design, electronics and more good publicity poster design. 爱好创意设计,电子多,擅长海报设计等宣传工作。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The rise of intelligent optimization technology provides us a new approach for exploring conceptually creative design that is evolving. 智能优化技术的兴起,为我们探索一种支持进化的概念创新设计提供了新的途径。 www.fabiao.net 9. the other founder is an artist and a chef who is a global leader in creative design for the fashion and food industries. 另一位创始人是位艺术家兼美食制作家,为时尚界和美食界的创意设计全球领先。 www.job592.com 10. This paper presents an automatic method of 3D virtual creative design of mechanism. 本文提出一种三维虚拟机械创新设计的自动化方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. It is obviously that the creative design can promote the value of brand. 不难看出,创意设计可以提升品牌价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Creative design features a vacuum cleaner that is sucking up the t-shirt. 创意设计以一台正在吸T恤的真空吸尘器为特色。 www.bing.com 3. Determination the Object of Mechanical Products for Creative Design Based on V. E. 基于价值工程的机械产品创新设计对象的确定。 www.ilib.cn 4. Shanghai licoo creative design co. , Ltd. 上海莱可企业策划设计有限公司。 china.alibaba.com 5. You will marvel at its bold and creative design! 你会惊叹于它大胆又疯狂的创意设计! wwww.chris-tina.com 6. last year , i got the second prize for my creative design in wuhan college student fashion design competition. 去年,在武汉地区大学生服装设计大赛上,我设计的作品因其新颖别致而获得二等奖。 www.ichacha.net 7. Answer the question of examinee: creative design 答考生问:创意设计 www.csycgzx.com 8. The Creative Design of the Surface Tension Steelyard 表面张力秤的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Creative Industry; Creative design; industry cooperation; productivity; excitation; 创意产业;创意设计;实业型企业;生产力;激发效应; www.zidir.com 10. Traveling Products of Activities; Creative Design; Selection of creativity; amalgamation; timeliness; 活动型旅游产品;创意设计;创意优化;融合性;时效性; www.zidir.com 1. put aside their personal affairs and creative design, customers would like to think; 废寝忘餐地创意设计,想客户所想; www.b2easy.com 2. novelty product; originality; creative design; thinking divergence; design process; “新奇特”产品;创意;创意设计;思维发散;设计流程; www.zidir.com 3. in design, we canonize individuation, customize the professional and creative design, we refuse the carrion commercial producing; 在设计上,我们推崇个性化的,量身定做的专业化创造性的设计,我们拒绝腐朽的商业化制作; www.vipcareer.com 4. Creative Design Approach to Engineering Problems Through Replacement of Intrinsic Information 基于内部信息置换的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 5. I mainly engaged in Division VI brand promotion, media, magazines, advertising, book, creative design and packaging plane-making; 我司主要从事VI品牌推广、媒体、杂志广告、画册、包装等平面创意设计制作; www.tonke.cn 6. Research on Creative Thinking to be Used in Mechanical Creative Design 机械创新设计中创造性思维的研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Cultivating the Engineering practice and Creative Design Abilities of students taking major of Communications 电信学科大学生工程实践能力和创新设计能力的培养 service.ilib.cn 8. A Sort of Creative Design for Mechanical System 机械系统的一种创新设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Creative Design of the Upstream Underground Rectangular Gallery Surge-chamber of Large Section 崖羊山水电站大断面地下矩形调压室设计创新 www.ilib.cn 10. Principles of Mechanism Path Creative Design and Its Implementation 机构轨迹创新设计原理及系统实现 www.ilib.cn 1. Chaotic Genetic Algorithm and Its Application in Creative Design of Mechanism 混沌遗传算法及其在机构创新设计中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Creative Design of Thread-taking-up and Needle Bar Mechanism in Computerized Embroidery Machine 电脑刺绣机挑线刺布机构的创新设计 ilib.cn 3. Application of Mechanical Creative Design in Structural Design of Military Electronic Equipment 机械创新设计在军用电子设备结构设计中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. Rapid market response creative design method for mechanical devices from conceptual design to virtual entity design 从概念设计到虚拟实体设计的机械系统的快速市场响应创新设计方法 www.ilib.cn 5. "Dalian Cup" China Youth Fashion Design Contest and China International Fashion Creative Design Contest “大连杯”中国青年时装设计大赛暨中国国际服装创意设计邀请赛 www1.runsky.com 6. The Technology of Building Experiential Knowledge Database in Mechanism Creative Design 机构创新设计经验知识库建库技术 www.ilib.cn 7. Mechanical Creative Design Education in Military Engineering Academy 试论军队工科院校的机械创新设计教育 www.ilib.cn 8. A Creative Design-oriented Approach to Process the Knowledge for Electrical Apparatus Designing 面向创新设计的电器设计知识处理方法 www.ilib.cn 9. Hainan International Creative Harbor- Creative Design Center 海南国际创意港设计中心 wenku.baidu.com 10. Traditional Chinese toys; platform toys; creative design; creative toy design; 中国传统玩具;平台玩具;创意设计;创意玩具设计; www.zidir.com 1. Notice of International Creative Design Academy To Recruitment of Overseas Students 山东艺术学院国际创意设计学院招收海外留学生简章 dns.sdca.edu.cn 2. Creative Design of Hybrid-driven Mechanisms and Their Applications in Engineering 混合驱动机构的创新设计及其应用 www.ilib.cn 3. A method to search information individuating from Internet Facing the creative design of products 面向产品设计创新的个性化信息搜索技术 www.ilib.cn 4. Cultivation of Creative Design Ability in Teaching Engineering Graphics 工程图学教学中加强学生创新设计能力的培养 ilib.cn 5. Want to develop contemporany western impressive creative design concepts combined with Chinese culture and traditions 想要本着把西方的给人以深刻印象创造性的设计概念与中国的文化和传统相结合的理念 www.china-designer.com 6. Name of project: Creative Design of Customized Interface of Airborne Entertainment System for Air 项目名称:航空公司机载娱乐系统客户化界面创意设计 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Mechatronics System Creative Design of an Auto-machine Setting Insulative Paper Into Rotor 自动嵌绝缘纸机的机电一体化创新设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Creative design of parallel mechanism laser manufacturing system 并联机构激光加工系统创新设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on Integrated Design Method for Creative Design of Modern Mechanical Product 现代机械产品创新设计集成化方法研究 ilib.cn 10. Creative design of thread-taking-up mechanism in computerized embroidery machine 电脑刺绣机挑线机构的创新设计 ilib.cn 1. Creative Design Hall, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center 深圳会展中心创意设计馆 www.cnicif.com 2. Creative design for pressure fixture of special purposed NC milling and drilling machine 数控专用铣钻床压力夹具的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 3. Enhancing the Study on Creative Design of Sewing Machine and Go Along the Way of Being Powerful Country in Sewing Machine Manufacture 加强缝纫机创新设计研究,走缝纫机生产强国之路 www.ilib.cn 4. Creative design of microscale chemistry experiment 创意微型化学实验设计——微型水火箭 www.ilib.cn 5. the enterprise must have ads, creative, design, experience and other related activity; 有一定的企业广告、创意、设计、活动等相关从业经验; www.hunt007.com 6. Theory of Product Creative Design Automation and CAD Modeling 产品结构创新设计自动化理论及CAD系统构造 ilib.cn 7. Research to Mechanism Type Changing in Mechanical Scheme Creative Design 机械方案创新设计中的机构变型处理研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Research on the Decomposition-Synthesis Based Creative Design 基于分解综合的创造设计的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Research on product creative design with cognitive psychology 融合认知心理学的产品创新设计方法研究 ilib.cn 10. Tasting of Life, Enjoyment of Design Discussion of Born of Posters'Creative Design 感受生活愉悦设计——论海报设计中独特创意的产生 service.ilib.cn 1. Creative design of tower escape apparatus with the principle of hydraulic damp 液体流动阻尼式高楼逃生器的创新设计 service.ilib.cn 2. Creative cultural industry and creative design industry 创意文化产业和创意设计产业 www.clusterstudy.com 3. Mechanical Creative Design Match for College Students ; 大学生机械创新设计竞赛; www.wenkuwu.com 4. The Experiment for Creative Design and Imitative Practice of Machine Project 机械方案创意设计模拟实施实验 service.ilib.cn 5. Spiral lines; Creative design; Evening dress; Design method; 螺旋造型;创意设计;晚礼服;设计策略; www.zidir.com 6. 40 Creative Design Layouts: Getting Out Of The Box 40个有创意的设计布局:抛开盒子 www.bing.com 7. Research on the IMA-based creative design support system for engineering goods 基于多智能代理的机械产品创新设计支持系统研究 ilib.cn 8. An Elementary Unit-Combined Method for Creative Design of Epicyclic Gear Train 周转轮系创新设计的基本单元组合法 www.ilib.cn 9. A creative design for motion schemes of automatic handy needle packing machine 方便针自动包装机运动方案的设计 www.ilib.cn 10. A creative design of mechanic system in heat treatment furnace with mesh-belt conveyer 网带输送式热处理炉机械系统的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 1. Training The Creative Design Ability by Imitating Exercise 运用仿制设计手段培养创新设计能力 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on the Digitized Creative Design of Parallel Machine Tools 并联机床数字化创新设计研究 ilib.cn 3. Creative Design of Packing Machinery System Movement 包装机械系统运动方案的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 4. Closed Composition of Mechanisms and Creative Design 机构封闭组合与创新设计 www.ilib.cn 5. Web-based scientific effect base system oriented to creative design 面向创新设计的Web科学效应库系统研究 ilib.cn 6. Research on Product Creative Design System on Knowledge Driven 知识驱动的产品创新设计系统的研究 ilib.cn 7. Framework for product creative design platform 产品创新设计平台框架 service.ilib.cn 8. Creative Design of Microscale Laboratory 微型化学实验的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 9. Preliminary Discussion of Creative Design of Miner's Safety Helmet 矿用安全帽创新设计初探 www.ilib.cn 10. Creative Design for Cleaning and Separating Device of Solid Food Waste 食物垃圾清洗分拣装置创新设计 service.ilib.cn 1. Market Demand and Creative Design of Mechanical Products 市场需求与机械产品创新设计 www.ilib.cn 2. Hybrid Intelligent Creative Design Based on the Human Machine Incorporation 基于人机一体的混合智能创新设计 www.ilib.cn 3. Creative Design for Executive Mechanism of Packing Machine Based on the Principle of Mechanism Combination in Series 基于串联式机构组合原理的包装机执行机构创新设计 ilib.cn 4. Research on the Methods of Exploration-Based Creative Design 基于空间探索的创造性设计方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. The Creative Design of Packaging Machine Must Face to the Mechanotronics Technology 包装机械的创新设计必须面向机电一体化技术 www.ilib.cn 6. Creative Design Upon Medicine Wrappings 药品包装材料与创意设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Interaction Research in Creative Design 创新设计中的交互性研究 www.ilib.cn 8. On Development of Art Design Education under the Background of Industrialization of Culturally Creative Design 试论文化创意产业化背景下的艺术设计教育发展方向 ilib.cn 9. The Creative Design of Manual Controlled Keyboard 手控键盘的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 10. Manifold Object Petri Data Model of Product for Creative Design 支持产品创新设计的流形Petri网数据模型 www.ilib.cn 1. Five Methods for Modern Mechanism Creative Design 现代机构的创新设计理论与方法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Scientific effects base for creative design 面向创新设计的科学效应库研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Philosophy Thinking on Fuze Creative Design 对引信创新设计的哲学思考 www.ilib.cn 4. The Research of the Creative Design Methods 创造性设计方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. On Logical Thinking and Thinking in Images in Creative Design 论创意设计中的逻辑思维与形象思维 www.ilib.cn 6. Methods for the Creative Design of Mechanism 机构创新设计法 www.ilib.cn 7. Creative Design of Chinese Characters 论汉字的创意设计 www.ilib.cn 8. Creative design of mechanical devices 机械装置的创造性设计 www.carreviews.cn 9. The Creative Design of Singlechip's Interface Circuit and Protecting Circuit 单片机接口电路及保护电路的设计方法 www.ilib.cn 10. Intelligent Methods of Creative Design System of Products 产品创意设计系统的智能方法 ilib.cn 1. Creative design for training device of tank gun shooting 火炮射击训练装置创新设计 service.ilib.cn 2. Creative Design of Folding Fin Mechanisms of Missile Based on Yan's Mechanical Creative Design Procedure 基于颜氏机构创造法的导弹翼面折叠机构方案创新设计 service.ilib.cn 3. Theory and Method for Creative Design of Sewing Machine 缝纫机创新设计的基本理论与方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Forum on Creative Design and Design Management 设计管理创新论坛 service.ilib.cn 5. Fabric Trend research and Creative Design 研究方向:纺织面料流行趋势预测与产品创新设计 service.ilib.cn 6. Research on Adaptive Co-evolution Algorithm and It's Application in Creative Design 自适应协同进化算法及其在创新设计中的应用研究 ilib.cn 7. A Study on Method of Creative Design of Epicyclical Gear Trains 周转轮系创新设计方法研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Studying of Creative Design Method of a Kind of Product 一种产品创新设计方法的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. A Method of Conceptual Creative Design of Mechanisms Based on Combinations of Kinematic Pairs 机构运动链构型创新设计方法的研究 ilib.cn 10. Creative Design of Let-off Motion for Crimp Fabrics 泡泡纱送经机构的创新设计 www.ilib.cn 1. Analyzing the System of Product Creative Design Based on CAD 基于CAD技术的产品创新设计系统分析 www.ilib.cn 2. The Creative Design Method and Some Applied Cases in the Graduation Design 毕业设计中的创新设计方法及应用实例 www.ilib.cn 3. Research of the Product Creative Design Based on Knowledge 基于知识的产品创新设计系统研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Structure and Creative Design of Laser Principles MCAI 激光原理MCAI的架构与创意设计 www.ilib.cn 5. The creative design of product base on green idea 基于绿色理念的产品创新设计 service.ilib.cn 6. Paper Art Creative Design Agency 纸唯·纸品库创意纸品设计机构 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A Study on Creative Design for Machine Product According to TRIZ Theory 运用TRIZ理论解决复杂机电产品的创新设计问题 service.ilib.cn 8. Research on Creative Design of Logo 对标志创意设计的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. A Product Creative Design Model Based on Substance Field Analysis 基于物场分析法的创新模型 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 10. The Creative Design of the Family Use Boiler 家用采暖壁挂锅炉的创意设计 service.ilib.cn 1. The Research on Mechanical Product Creative Design Based on TRIZ 基于TRIZ理论的机械产品创新设计研究 www.ilib.cn 2. On Creative Design of Products 创新设计若干问题研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Creative Design and Analysis of Linkage Based on Topology 基于拓扑分析的机构创新设计方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Dialectic Model of Reasoning for Creative Design Based on TRIZ 基于TRIZ的创新设计推理辩证模型 www.ilib.cn 5. Approach to creative design based on intuitive model 基于直觉认知模型的创新设计方法 ilib.cn 6. Creative Design of Boring Hole Machine Based on CAI Software 基于CAI软件的打孔机创新设计研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Creative Design Based on IGP Supporting by Computer 计算机支持的基于IGP的创新设计 www.wanfangdata.com.cn |
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